
Moonscapes, our new formatted email newsletter- made its debut on August 15, 2010
Moonscsapes #6 was published February 19, 2011
About the Name and Banner
Moonscapes, our new formatted email newsletter- made its debut on August 15, 2010
Moonscsapes #6 was published February 19, 2011
Dan Hawk of Green Bay, WI proposed the name and won a one year membership renewal. Logan Knox of Tulsa, OK designed the banner and won a three-year membership renewal. Thanks and congratulations!Non current email address on file?
Moonscapes is meant to complement, not replace Moon Miners’ Manifesto. It will not appear on a pre-set schedule, but rather when we have “enough” material, but not “too much.” A “month-like” rhythm is our goal.
If you did not get a copy in your email inbox, there could be a reason why. First, we mailed it to every current and former member of the Artemis Society and of the Moon Society, for which we have a current email address. We have current email addresses for only one third of those in our database. Once an address on file bounces, we delete it. It is up to members who change their email addresses to notify the Society of the change!
Staff error: We extracted these email addresses from the database manually, and may have made mistakes, and possibly some inadvertent omissions as well.
Addressee spam filters: We had perhaps two-dozen bounces from users of Verizon’s spam filter, plus a few from Earthlink users. It is up to you to “whitelist” Moon Society email addresses, if you want us to keep in touch with you. We are not going to bother writing snail letters to members who use these filters and do not whitelist to allow email from the organization. At least whitelist both and Then we can send out mail to advise you to be on the lookout for Moonscapes and/or check your spam filter.Getting on our email list:
You don’t have to be a member, or even a former member to get Moonbeams. So if you know someone who might appreciate it, send us his/her address(es) and we’ll put them on the list. Remember, anyone can easily unsubscribe at any time. This is a fully automated feature, common to this type of Internet newsletter.About the 1st issue:
If you are not getting these monthly issues in your email box, email us and we’ll forward you a copy, plus add you to our email list – you can always use the automated unsubscribe link at any time you wish to cease getting Moonscapes.
We are very proud of this first issue, and will be improving it as we go along. The first issue had three short articles (with the introductory paragraphs in Moonbeams plus a link to the rest of the article posted elsewhere. These articles are designed to acquaint you with relevant news items that affect the Society and our progress towards realizing our goals, and to keep you informed in general.
There is a set of page links and email links at the bottom to help you get the most out of your member-ship experience. And there are notices of upcoming events that may be of interest to some members.Moonscapes Archives:
You will find each issue preserved as a web page in the directories 2010 and 2011
Your constructive comments and suggestions are always more than welcome. With your input, we can keep making improvements. ###