August 2, 2012 - Moon Society President Ken Murphy has prepared an Annual Report on the State of the Society for our 5th annual membership meeting to be held on Wednesday, August 8th. Per our 2008 bylaws revision, this meeting is to be held on the second Wednesday evening of the month after Society elections are finalized, usually early August.
The above report requires a member username and password to access, the same set you use to download MMM pdf files If you do not know or remember your username and password, available to current member only, contact and put "password" in the subject line.
The meeting will be online, in the ASI-MOO special chat room environment,
We realize that this time window will not be convenient for many members.
But neither would any other window.
Why this particular window?
This is the time and day slot in which the Society’s Leadership Council, Management Commitee, and Board of Directors regularly meets.
Practice now! If your schedule makes attendance at this event possible, and you have never been on the ASI-MOO, you will save yourself a lot of frustration that evening, if you first practice loging on. It is quite simple.
Most likely problem you will have is not knowing your username and password. If this turns out to be the case, just contact me at and tell me what your problem is. If you prefer an answer by phone, give me your phone # and best times to call in your email. We’ll get you in, but do not wait until the last minute as I will be busy with other things!
Format and Topics of the Meeting
In preparation for the meeting, we have posted an Annual Report in the Members Area of our web site:
NOTE: This page is in the directory.
only those with member usernames and passwords will be able to access this directory
Publicizing this Meeting
Meeting Structure
The meeting will be chaired by President Ken Murphy.
After a review of the contents of the Annual Report, the floor will be open to questions from members. Members who plan to ask questions are invited to submit them in advance to as this will help in bundling together related questions and responses. However, this is not necessary and spontaneous questions are welcome.
Questions can be about problems with membership processing, response to problems, current projects and new project ideas, the overall direction of the society and suggestions in this regard, membership benefits, how to grow the society in numbers, name recognition, and project output, etc.
The Annual Report, as prepared by the president, may cover;
To the Curious: - If you are reading this and are not a current member, by all means do join or rejoin. We will be most happy to benefit from your ideas and energies and initiatives.
A Learning Experience: While we have held four previous annual Membership Meetings before, from 2008 to 2011, this process is still a “learning experience.” If you have ideas for features that should be included, don’t wait to share them with us. We want this upcoming annual meeting to be as comprehensive as possible.
Quarterly Town Meetings: We introduced Town Meetings, first on the ASI-MOO, then on Skype, four years ago. The intention was to do this quarterly. But the first meeting was so dynamic and productive that we started meeting monthly. As attendance soon dwindled, we went back to a Quarterly schedule, on the second Wednesdays of February, May, and November. Last year we moved them to our Facebook Discussion Group due to problems with Skype. The August second Wednesday slot is reserved for the Annual Membership Meeting.
Hope to see you there!
Ken Murphy