2005.12.08 - BBC TV Crew videotapes and interviews three Artemis Moonbase Sim 1 Crew Members at Mars Desert Outpost.

Peter Kokh (Milwaukee), Dr. Leslie Wickman (Long Beach), and William Fung-Schwarz (Salt Lake City) took part on a sunny but chilly December afternoon, all expenses (travel, lodging, meals) paid for by BBC.

The BBC documentary "The Moon: a Biography" is expected to air in Britain in February, and on BBC USA in March. Several other people in the USA were also interviewed.

UK Moon Society member Richard Perry had learned about the documentary project, and taking it upon himself to make the needed contacts, suggested that the film crew contact us.

We gave the BBC crew the semi-royal tour of the Hab and its surroundings. There was no power, lights, or heat at the time. We all suited up for them, and took turns fielding their many questions.

We explained why we would be coming to a Marslike place in Utah to conduct moonbase simulation exercises as well as why we thought the Moon had a vital role to play in the future of humanity.

The event was an unexpected opportunity to take more pictures, measurements, and other checks to make sure we planned our experiments and projects well.


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