The Moon Society Congratulates Masten Space Systems
on winning $1M 1st prize in the Level 2 Lunar Lander Challenge

October 5, 2009 - Three days ago, on October 2nd, Masten Space System’s “Xoie” (XA-0.1E) vehicle attained an average landing accuracy of 19 cm, besting Armadillo Aerospace flights accuracy of 87 cm., winning 1st place.

Two Moon Society Members Involved

Masten Space Systems, based in Mojave, CA is one of a number of promising New Space startup companies. Their team has been greatly strengthened by the services of two members of the Moon Society.
Michael Mealing, is the CFO and VP of Business Development of Masten Space Systems. Previously, Michael served as vice-president of Artemis Society International prior to the formation of The Moon Society, which then took over membership operations from ASI. Michael next served as a Board Member of The Moon Society from 2002-2004. He created the Society’s first store on CafePress,  Michael is also involved with
Jonathan Goff is propulsion engineer for Masten Space Systems. In September 2003, Jonathan who had already started the Society’s Utah Outpost, founded a campus chapter at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Called the BYU Space Development Club. They undertook an ambitious “Igniter” project.

After graduation in 2004 (Goff was unsuccessful in finding someone to take over the BYU chapter, which then dissolved) Jonathan continued his education and ended up being hired by Masten Space Systems. Jonathan has been a busy blogger, on Selenian  Boondocks, with fellow bloggers Ken Murphy (also a Moon Society member) and John Hare.
The Moon Society is proud of its high percentage of active members
The percentage of Moon Society members who are actively involved in the leadership of the Society, or in space efforts of their own, or in the space industry in one capacity or another has varied between 15-20%. This is several times the rate within other pro-space societies. This high ratio of involvement is the main reason the Moon Society has become, "the little engine that could."

If you are not doing something special that is space related, but always wanted to get involved, there are unlimited ways to do so, whether you are a team player or like to do things on your own. Tell us about your dreams and we'll try to encourage you to make a start towards realizing them. Write


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