MMM Classics - 21st Volume Published

December 9, 2010 - In keeping with our plan to preserve the non-time sensitive articles of past issues of Moon Miners' Manifesto, in the Classics series, one volume per publication year, in freely accessible PDF format, maintaining a 3 year plus lag from the current issue, we have published MMM Classic #21.

This issue bundles the non-time sensitive articles from MMM #s 201-210, our 21st year.

All 21 of the Classics collections may be freely downloads from this directory:

More recent issues, also in individual PDF format, are also online, but accessible only with a current Moon Society member username and password.
If you are a current member, and do not know or have forgotten your username and/or password, contact

All these pdf files are in color.

We have recently published the first issue of our 25th year, MMM #241.
If  you would like to get MMM, as it is published, either in hardcopy and/or PDF format, please join the Moon Society.

Our first issue was published in December, 1986, its feature article preserved in MMM Classic #1

MMM, in hardcopy form, also serves members of several partnering NSS Chapters.

MMM is published for The Moon Society by the Milwaukee NSS chapter, the Lunar Reclamation Society.


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