Artemis Magazine Issue #2 is

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The Moon Society Organizing
Conference |
July 22nd & 23rd,
2000 |
Caesars Palace -- Las Vegas,
Nevada |
Tentative Schedule -- Updated
7/18/2000 -- v. 2.03A |
Moon Society Organization |
Transitioning ASI to a New Role |
Moon Society Presentations |
Other Players in the Moon Game |
Other Moon-Theme Presentations |
Moon Society Chapters |
Moon Society Workshop |
Exhibits & Poster
Sessions |
Email Greg Bennett at grb@asi.org
- Additions, Corrections, Deletions, Time-slot
- Requests for new Program Space
(we're packed)
- Audio-visual needs other than
- Time-limit change requests
- Time-slot change requests
- Further definition and
descriptions of program items
- Inclusion as a panelist
Saturday Morning - July 22nd, 2000
8:30-8:45 am Introductory Remarks: Gregory R. Bennett
8:45-12:00 noon SESSION I: Moon Society Organization
- 8:45-9:05 am Vision (1) & Mission (2) Statements
- Vision Statement: the Future we
- Mission Statement: our Game Plan to realize our
- 9:05-9:15 am Incorporation
Status Report
- 9:15-9:20 am Treasurer's
- 9:20-9:45 am By-Laws
- Break until 10:00 am
- 10:00-10:30 am Officers'
- Nominees Introductions
- Additional Nominations from the floor
- Elections
- 10:30-11:00 am Standing
Committees - To some extent we
are just moving committees from ASI to The Moon Society. But some new
Committes will be formed because The Moon Society's Mission and niche are
broader than those of ASI
- 11:00-12:00 noon
Project LETO Strategy meetings
- Business Plan
- Facilities
- Site
- Architecture
- noon-1:30 pm lunch break on your own
Saturday Afternoon - July 22,
- Cost-Saving Approaches to a Lunar Passenger
Transportation System - Simon Rowland - A comprehensive
analysis of cost, funding, and engineering of a tourist moonships that would
take visitors on a high-speed course to the Moon using innovative strategies
such as electrical propulsion, power beaming, air-launching, tethers, low-cost
design, creative propellants, airline-like operations and fast turnaround,
ground-based maintenance of the system, and with redundancy and reliability
built into the system. - 45 min + Q&A - Transparencies.
2:30-3:30 pm
SESSION II: Transitioning
ASI to its new role and
form -
- Presentation of Proposed re-definition of ASI and
its relationship to the Moon Society, a WIP
- The Artemis Project
- The Foundation
- Membership
- Chapters
- Artemis Project Website
- Discussion, taking
under advisement suggested modifications, with Action Point Identification and
Adoption. We can expect "growing pains" and other problems.
3:30-5:00 pm SESSION III: Other Players in the Moon Game
(1) Brief Introduction of the known
players. (Some representatives may be present.)_ These include:
- (A) Groups interested in the human return to the
Moon, industrial development and settlement, and / or more lunar science
- (B) Groups
more occupied with lunar science done from Earth, but
interested in science done by orbiters and landers
- American
Lunar Society - small
national amateur astronomer Moon Observing group
- Assoc. of Lunar & Planetary Observers, Moon
Section (also observers)
- Geologic Lunar
Researche[r]s Group
- World Lunar Organization - an umbrella group whose
members are other organizations, intended to catch all of us, with American
Lunar Society people spearheading. The thrust seems to be to inform other
organization's of each organizations projects and achievements - and
maintain an updated list of who is doing what. So we will want to network
and or associate somehow with this new paper entity.
2) Establish a Liaison Committee:
- (A) To keep the contact list and to serve as
liaison - keeping up with what each group or organization is doing:
their active and proposed projects, their completed projects etc., and where
there might be mutual benefit through synergy.
- (B) To look at PROJECTS
ongoing or proposed elsewhere and see if The Moon Society wants to
lend support (if so, what kind) and/or become involved in those projects.
In other words, SYNERGY IN ACTION is much more important in producing real
effects than establishment of some sort of pecking order with us at the top.
We needn't worry about that. Cream rises to the top. IF WE take the lead in
ESTABLISHING synergies on projects throughout the lunar-interest community,
and OFFER our future conferences as a common WATERING-HOLE place to showcase
and organize such synergetic joint venture projects in the future - then we
will be seen by all as the de facto leader. That is much more important than
any posturing game.
Sunday Morning, July 23,
9:00-9:45 am MOON THEME PRESENTATION - Lunar Surface Sling to Bootstrap Space Development -
Bruce Mackenzie - The
key to Lunar development is inexpensive transportation and low-cost initial
systems. This proposal establishes 3 rotating tethers to provide two-way
transportation to Luna without large expenditure of propellant. They begin to
export of Lunar materials. More importantly, we buildup equipment on the Lunar
surface, growing to a capable robotic Lunar base. The initial system is
established with only a few medium-class launches, for much less expense then
sending people to the Lunar surface.
- Lunar Surface Sling - a horizontal turntable and
tether on the Lunar surface. The tether can be extended outward, about 5 km,
until its tip reaches orbital velocity. Small (20 kg) payloads of Lunar
material are released from the tip of the tether into Lunar orbit. Other
spacecraft are caught and slowed down, to bring additional equipment to the
Lunar surface. The entire sling assembly is assembled and tested on Earth. A
single launch vehicle delivers it to a hill near the north or south Lunar
pole (other locations are also reasonable).
- Rotating Orbital Tethers - a pair of long (5 to 10
km) rotating tethers in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) throw mining equipment from
Earth orbit to the Lunar Surface Sling. They catch the raw materials coming
back from Luna. The Tethers and surface sling are fully reusable. They do
not use propellant as long as there is two-way traffic. Instead, they
recover kinetic energy of downward traveling payloads, and return that
energy to upward traveling payloads. Even during periods of one-way traffic,
the tethers can be reboosted with electric thrusters tuned for maximum
efficiency, about 10 times more efficient than chemical thrusters. The LEO
tethers also boost communications satellites to pay for themselves.
- Robotic Lunar Mining Base - additional equipment is
delivered via tethers, to build up an infrastructure on the Lunar surface.
Including: miniature tele-operated rovers (10 Kg) to load lunar regolith,
solar cells or RTGs for power generation, power storage equipment,
communication relays, navigation beacons, and scientific instruments.
- Refining & Manufacturing - In later phases,
regolith is refined in high orbit where solar power is continuously
available. The products include: oxygen for propellant; aluminum, steel,
glass and fiberglass for spacecraft and habitats; slag for shielding; and
possibly water.
- Manufacture - Later, finished goods are made in LEO
where launch costs are lower and it is relatively cheap to support people.
These includes: solar panels, tethers, spacecraft frames, trusses, rovers,
habitats, and food. Some products are sold for use in LEO, providing a cash
flow for further development.
- Crewed Base - although this proposal does not
require people on the Lunar surface, the tethers could deliver equipment to
establish and support a crewed base. Second generation tethers would be
built in LEO primarily from Lunar fiberglass. They could deliver payloads up
to a few tones, such as small habitat modules. Third-generation tethers
about 50 km long would transport people to the Lunar surface and back in
Gemini class vehicles with reasonable accelerations and little propellant
- The conclusion is we can begin Lunar development
and export of Lunar resources with only a few launches, using robotic
equipment on the Lunar surface and reusable rotating tethers for inexpensive
two-way transportation.
- 9:45-10:30 am The
Moon Society Website - Jim
Burk & Panel -- Jim will present his proposed workup of the new Moon
Society website and its many features and seek audience input. 30-60 minutes.
- 10:30-11:15 am
"Building Virtual Organizations on the Internet"
- Randall Severy,
CyberTeams, Inc., 104 South Main St., Mt. Airy, MD 21771
- The growth of the Internet has revolutionized the
way people work together on a scale not seen since the invention of the
telephone. In addition to providing enormous productivity gains, the
Internet provides the infrastructure necessary to create "virtual
organizations", a collection of geographically dispersed individuals and
groups. Most volunteer organizations, as well as most commercial companies,
have struggled with the challenges of communicating effectively between
individuals and teams that are geographically distributed. The Internet now
provides the tools to solve those challenges.
- Using the Internet, people can now collaborate on
projects, hold meetings, and share documents with colleagues from all around
the world without ever leaving the comfort of their office or home.
Volunteer organizations that used to rely on expensive long-distance
telephone calls or slow mail service for communication can now function as
effectively as the most efficient companies.
- This presentation reviews some of the most
effective tools now available on the Internet for building virtual
organizations, supporting a wide range of activities from real-time
conversations and meetings to shared information libraries. Artemis Society
International and the Mars Society, organizations that operate almost
exclusively over the Internet, are using these tools today, and real-life
examples of the use of these tools are included in the presentation.
- 11:15-12:00 noon "
Building the Artemis Project Business Team" - Panel
- Randall Severy,
Chairman, Artemis Project Business Team
- Abstract: The Artemis Project Business Team was
recently formed to include representatives from each Artemis Project Program
Participant. The new Business Team provides a forum for sharing ideas among
the program participants and a means to help program participants benefit
from their participation in the Artemis Project. Some of the early tasks of
the Business Team will be to define what it means to be an Artemis Project
program participant and to develop a list of benefits of participating in
the Artemis Project.
- The panel will include several members of the
Artemis Project Business Team (suggested panel members: Randall Severy, Greg
Bennett, Dale Amon, someone from TransOrbital, and any other Business Team
members in attendence). The panel discussion will provide a brainstorming
session for building the Business Team.
- noon-1:30 pm Lunch
break on your own
Sunday afternoon, July 23,
- 2:30-2:00 pm
Organizing, developing, growing a local chapter - panel
discussion by chapter representatives on hand
- As Chapter Coordinator Margo Duesterhaus will not
be able to attend, this will not be a workshop
- Peter Kokh - ASI-Milwaukee
- Simon Rowland - "How to get people to show up"
- 2:00-2:15 pm New
Resources Available to Chapters -
Introducing the "Space Chapter Hub" - if time and space are
available - Peter Kokh
The Space Chapter Hub is a website, now under
construction, where Space Chapters of whatever parent organization, can share
tools and resources and expertise. All Space Outreach Chapters, however they
might differ in focus and emphasis, face the same challenges and obstacles,
and have the same potential tools in their toolbox.The Space Chapter Hub is
intended to be an "inter-denominational" watering hole for space chapters to
help one another be more productive, while reducing demand for support on
headquarters staff.
- 2:15-3:00 pm Chapter
Website Workshop - Randal Severy -
How to put up a chapter website on free Society webspace
with the easy to use WebSite Director Light software
3:00-5:00 pm
- Lunar Building Materials made on
location - Peter Kokh - 2 hours - Transparencies, Lunar Simulant display
- Introduction
- (1) "What is the Moon made of": What is regolith? What elements does it
contain? What minerals does it consist of?
- (2) "What can we make out of what the Moon
is made of": metal alloys; glass,
fiberglass, glass compostes; ceramics; concrete; other
- Summary
of the present situation -
- What research has been done on mining and processing? Work left undone
and Orphaned.
- Difficulties and Challenges: expertise, technical, psychological,
financial, communications
- Group brainstorming - what can we do
to get things off of the stall in which this research has been for over a
- Setting up an Information clearing house: a
site that suggests thesis topics for masters and PhD
students in various disciplines
- Active and aggressive recruitment of professional
expertise - people willing and able to take up the challenge: mining
experts, mineralogists, chemists, chemical engineers, metallurgists,
ceramics people, glass people, concrete people, architects willing to work
with Made-on-Luna building materials, others.
- Moon Society Task Force with Committee Status to
carry on after Las Vegas
- Leave Las Vegas
with a game plan for the Society and some individual action items
POSTER SESSION, time or times to be
determined, in the display room or in conjunction with the Lunar Materials
" Lunar Arts & Crafts" - Peter Kokh
FACILITIES - essentially the same
facilities available to us that we have for the Lunar Development
- Pompeian Ballroom
- floor plan for
the Pompeian
- The Pompeian is in the Palace Tower, Promenade
Level - 3rd floor
- Pompeian I - general sessions, set up classroom style
- Pompeian II - displays
- Pompeian III and IV - food functions (Lunar
Development Conference Thurs-Fri only)
- Forum Board Room - across the
- Conference office
- Small business meetings
Copyright © 2000 The Moon Society. All Rights Reserved.
Questions and comments to: webmaster@moonsociety.org