-- Start log: Thursday, July 27, 2000 9:46:41 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- jburk says, "one more time greg" Greg-1 says, "Oh. OK." Greg-1 says, " The meeting of the Moon Society Board of Directors is called to order on 27 July 2000 at 6:45 PM PDT." Scottyg says, "I think the first order of business is to elect a Chairman" Greg-1 says, "First order of business is to waive notice." dcarson nominates greg Scottyg says, "I waive notice." dcarson waives notice Greg-1 says, "I waive the requirement for notice of Moon Society board meetings." jburk says, "why are we waiving notice?" Greg-1 says, "Because we didn't get out an advanced notice of the board meeting in accordance with the bylaws." Scottyg says, "Since this is not (yet) a regularly scheduled meeting, the Bylaws require 20 days notice unless waived." jburk says, "ok" Greg-1 says, "But if the board members waive that requirement, we can have a legal meeting." Greg-1 says, "Do you waive notice, Jim?" jburk says, "yes, but for this meeting only right?" Greg-1 says, "Yes, definitely." Scottyg says, "Actually, attendance at the meeting is an automatic waiver according to the Bylaws." dcarson says, "Jim is an officier also, not a member bod" jburk says, "right" Greg-1 says, "OK. We are meeting in the Moon Society Leadership Room in ASI MOO." Scottyg says, "But Officers are Ex-officio members and have the same notice rights." Greg-1 says, "Board members present are Jim Burk, Dana Carson, Randall Severy, and Greg Bennett. Ian Randal Strock was notified of the meeting, but is not present." Scottyg says, "Rhoda Bryant was also notified but had an accident this afternoon and is unable to attend." Greg-1 says, "As chairman of the Moon Society Interim Board (I think), I'm serving as meeting chairman until the Board elects a permanent chairman." Greg-1 says, "Rats. Is Rhoda OK?" Severy-1 says, "Yes, she's fine" Greg-1 says, "Ohthankgoodness." Severy-1 says, "Just a little shaken, and extremely annoyed ;-)" Greg-1 says, "So, the first item of business is to elect a permanent chairmen for this body." Greg-1 says, "I nominate Randall Severy." dcarson seconds Greg-1 says, "Great! We have a name on the ballot! I move nominations be closed." jburk says, "i nominate Greg Bennett :)" Scottyg says, "second" Greg-1 says, "Aw, rats. Motion to close nominations fails for want of a second." Greg-1 says, "But at least I tried." Scottyg says, "I move the nominations be closed." dcarson second Greg-1 says, "Oh wait! Were you seconding the nomination or the motion, Scotty?" Scottyg says, "I was seconding the nomination of Greg Bennett." jburk laughs Greg-1 says, "Darn." Greg-1 says, "OK. Moved and seconded that nominations be closed. Any discussion on that motion?" Greg-1 says, "If not, those in favor of closing nominations signify by saying 'aye'." Scottyg says, "aye" Severy-1 says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" Greg-1 says, "Aye. The motion passes. Now for an election." Greg-1 says, "We have two names on the ballot: Randall Severy and Greg Bennett." Greg-1 says, "Wanna make a campaign speech, Randall?" Scottyg says, "I think you two should make campaign speeches in favor of one another." Severy-1 laughs. Severy-1 is on the phone, is that equivalent of being out of the room? ;-) Greg-1 says, "Just consider: Randall has more experience than I in running a board of directors, and a much greater track record of success! " Greg-1 says, "He's better looking, too!" Greg-1 says, "And on the east coast." Greg-1 says, "Which must be good for something." jburk says, "randall would be good as CEO, but you should be chairman" jburk grins Greg-1 says, "Who better to lead the Moon Society Board of Directors to the Realm Beyond the Sky!" Greg-1 says, "Hey, I'm on a roll here" Greg-1 says, "... trying to think of stuff to say that Randall won't use against me. :)" Greg-1 says, "Oh, here's a good one: Since Randall isn't an elected officer ... um ..." Greg-1 says, "... there won't be any conflicting priorities between making policy and executing the daily business of the Moon Society ..." Severy-1 says, "Somehow I escaped that responsibility, so I suppose I do have some free time on my hands ;-)" Scottyg says, "Actually, the last one is a good point." Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Scotty. Now that I think of it, it *is* a good point." Greg-1 says, "And it'll look better if we don't have the same name in all the honcho slots throughout the lunar empire." jburk says, "but as chair of the leadership council, randall will be executing the daily business :)" Greg-1 says, "Jim, . (You weren't supposed to notice that.)" jburk says, "do you want a majordomo list for directors@moonsociety.org" Greg-1 says, "Anybody buying the argument that we'd look better if we didn't have my name as chairman of the board *and* president of both the Moon Society *and* ASI?" dcarson says, "yep" dcarson says, "we need more naems all over the place" Greg-1 says, "How about board-list@moonsociety.org?" jburk says, "not me, i think its better to have president & chairman be the same person" Scottyg says, "But you *aren't* Chairman of ASI." Greg-1 says, "Oh, that's right!" Scottyg says, "Ok, Greg seems to have run out of arguments. Randall?" Greg-1 says, "Oops. Darn. ... gotta think of some other way to stall for time ..." Scottyg says, "Guess he's still on the phone." Greg-1 says, "Yeah. See what a great communicator Randall is?" jburk says, "why board-list and not directors?" jburk says, "its more descriptive" Greg-1 says, "Jim, just because it's what I'm used to." jburk says, "anybody else care either way?" Greg-1 says, "And I like mailing lists that end in -list." Severy-1 is still on the phone Scottyg says, "I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, Greg spearheaded the creation of Moon Society and deserves the honor of being its first Chairman. On the other hand, splitting the responsibilities is a good idea." Greg-1 rolls 2d6 = 6. Greg-1 says, "Oops. I should've stood on 10 and challenged Randall to beat it." Greg-1 says, "I know! Randall types faster than I do!" Severy-1 says, "Except when I'm on the phone ;-)" Greg-1 says, "Personally, I'm more interested in making the Moon Society a success than having the honor of being the first chairman of the board." Greg-1 says, "I have egoboo leaking out my ears, so that's not really a consideration." dcarson says, "ick" Severy-1 is talking with his wife and daughter on the phone, who just got home after being stranded overnight in Houston on the way back from Vegas... Greg-1 says, "Eeesh! Poor babies!" dcarson says, "sounds like a fun flight" Scottyg says, "Yuk." Greg-1 says, "I was stranded in Houston for 20 years. I know what it's like." Severy-1 says, "While their luggage made it home on time :-(" Scottyg [to save]: time, anyone who hasn't, please take a look at : http://www.moonsociety.org/organizing-documents/articles-of-incorporation.html Scottyg says, "(It will come up later on the agenda.)" Greg-1 says, "I think that we'll look better in public if we have a different name as chairman of the board." Severy-1 says, "Ok, I'm back. Sorry for the delay...." Greg-1 says, "And Randall deserves lots of recognition for everything he has contributed to this effort, too." jburk says, "how about Chief Lunatic" Severy-1 says, "Hmm, campaign speech? I don't think I've ever made one of those ;-)" Severy-1 says, "I suppose I'm somewhat torn, I think Greg is the better candidate, but I know how busy he is, and I'm not too humble to admit I'd be honored to serve in such a role" Greg-1 says, "Not to mention the fact that Randall doesn't waste his time programming dice objects while we're trying to get a meeting called to order. " Severy-1 laughs. Greg-1 says, "So ... if the only reason for electing me is to heap some more egoboo on me, I would urge folks to reconsider." Greg-1 says, "We already have the advantage of my lofty day-job title from my role as president." jburk says, "when we put it to a vote, if it ends up 2-2 we all get to bash Ian for not being here" Severy-1 says, "Also, since in my opinion the role of the Chairman of the Board is to delegate tasks to the President, and since I've learned how to delegate things to Greg rather effectively.... ;-)" Scottyg says, "No, we get to table it till the next meeting." Scottyg says, "Ok, any further discussion?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah. I should have thought to convene an official board meeting at the conference." Greg-1 says, "If there's no further discussion, I guess we have to proceed to a vote." Scottyg says, "I call the question." Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. Greg says, "My clone's connection seems to be hung up." jburk says, "are you trying to vote twice :)" Greg-1 says, "We can cast a ballot just by typing the name of the candidate we each prefer. So do it." Greg says, "Anyhow, we can vote by just typing the name of the candidate we prefer, so let's do this." Greg says, "Randall Severy" dcarson says, "Randall" Scottyg says, "Randall" Greg says, "(Oops. That message was stacked up in my clone's buffer somehow.)" Greg says, "Hooray!" Greg-1 says, "Randall Severy" Greg-1 says, "This is a test." Greg says, "It give sme the greatest honor to hand the gavel to chairman-elect Randall Severy!" Severy-1 says, "Greg Bennett" Severy-1 says, "Ok, so I didn't feel comfortable voting for myself ;-)" Greg says, "Heh" jburk says, "are we going to use chairman as the title for this position>?" jburk is updating the webpage Greg says, "Rather than Chief Loonie?" Severy-1 says, "Ack! I guess that means I have to take over this rowdy gathering?" Scottyg says, "Final count 3:1 in favor of Randall. (For the record. These clones confuse things.)" Severy-1 laughs. Greg says, "Yeah, sorry about that." Greg-1 says, "OK." Greg-1 disappears, leaving but a wistful memory that lingers in your mind. Severy-1 says, "Ok, I must admit to being unprepared for the remainder of this meeting, the agenda is sitting at home while I'm still stuck in the office.... What else do we need to cover tonight?" Greg says, "You can always hand the gavel to Scotty, Randall. He requested the meeting." dcarson says, "2. Final Approval of Articles of Incorporation." dcarson says, "3. Determine which B.O.D. members serve one-year terms and which ones" dcarson says, "serve two-year terms." dcarson says, "4. Discuss and decide financial, membership, and newsletter" dcarson says, "arrangements between Moon Society and ASI." Severy-1 says, "Nah, if I'm going to learn how to run these things, I might as well start now ;-)" Severy-1 says, "Ouch! Sounds like a packed agenda!" jburk says, "articles of incorp looks good to me" Scottyg says, "I Move that we assign ourselves each a number in the order we are listed in the initial Board of Directors in the Articles of Incorporation. Then we use the dice object to generate two numbers (less than 5) which will select the two Directors whose terms expire in one year." Severy-1 says, "Sounds like a good plan to me, Scotty" Greg says, "Low men are stuck for 2 years?" jburk says, "roll 1d5!" dcarson says, "list from minutes Greg" dcarson says, "Bennett, Randall Severy, Scott Gammenthaler, Ian Strock, and Dana Carson" Greg says, "If you type "roll dice" it will roll 2d6" jburk rolls 2d6 = 3. dcarson rolls 2d6 = 7. Greg rolls 2d6 = 7. jburk says, "how about we roll until we get numbers under 5" Scottyg rolls 2d6 = 8. Greg says, "I figured we could just take the 3 lowest and stick them for 2 years, then the 2 highest for 1 year." Scottyg rolls 2d6 = 9. Scottyg rolls 2d6 = 8. jburk rolls 2d6 = 6. jburk rolls 2d6 = 11. Scottyg rolls 2d6 = 7. jburk rolls 2d6 = 2. jburk rolls 2d6 = 6. jburk rolls 2d6 = 9. jburk rolls 2d6 = 8. jburk rolls 2d6 = 2. jburk rolls 2d6 = 11. jburk rolls 2d6 = 7. jburk rolls 2d6 = 12. jburk rolls 2d6 = 4. Scottyg says, "whoa! 3 & 2" Greg says, "I'm lost. What are we trying to do with the dice?" Greg says, "2d6 will never roll a 1." jburk says, "the first 3 didn't count, wink wink" jburk says, "that's true" Scottyg says, "OOPS." jburk says, "how do you change the dice you a rolling from 2d6?" Greg says, "But if we take the 3 lowest = 2 years, and the others are 1 year, it'll work." Greg says, "Oh, I didn't include a parser. What do you want it to be?" jburk says, "1d5" Greg says, "It's only one line so I can edit it in a second." Greg says, "Test ..." Greg rolls 1d5 = 4. Greg rolls 1d5 = 2. Greg says, "Yeah." jburk says, "ok, who wants to do the official roll?" Greg says, "FYI, the "roll" verb just says: player.location:announce_all (player.name, " rolls 1d5 = ", random(5), ".");" Severy-1 says, "Since Greg wrote the dice object, I'll confer the honor on him of doing the official roll ;-)" Scottyg says, "BTW, the "official" numbers are:" jburk says, "roll it twice" Scottyg says, "Greg - 1" Scottyg says, "Dana - 2" Scottyg says, "Scotty - 3" dcarson says, "roll 2d6 and 2 lowest have 2 year terms" Scottyg says, "Randall - 4" Scottyg says, "Ian - 5" Greg says, "And the significance of rolling this 5-sided die is ... ?" jburk says, "the two numbers are the 1 year term people" jburk says, "so roll 1d5 twice" Greg says, "Oh. OK." Greg rolls 1d5 = 2. Greg says, "That means Dana has a 1-year term?" jburk says, "yes" Scottyg says, "Yep." Greg rolls 1d5 = 5. Greg says, "And Ian." jburk says, "Ian" Scottyg says, "Ian." jburk says, "whew, that was complicated" Severy-1 says, "Ok, do we need to do something to formalize this little game?" jburk says, "just mention in the minutes that they "drew lots" :)" dcarson says, "bylaws said pick at random, we just did" Greg says, "I move we adopt the following terms for the board of directors, as determined by drawing lots:" Greg says, "Dana Carson and Ian Randal Strock, 1 year. Jim Burk, Randall Severy, and Greg Bennett, 2 years." Greg says, "End of motion." jburk says, "I'm not on the board, you're missing scotty" Greg says, "Ack!" Scottyg says, "By Article V, Section3a, the Board has used a random selection process to select Dana Carson and Ian Randal Strock as the Board members whose terms expire in 2001." dcarson second Greg says, "Read: Dana Carson and Ian Randal Strock, 1 year. Scotty Gammenthaler, Randall Severy, and Greg Bennett, 2 years." Severy-1 says, "All in favor?" Greg says, "aye" Severy-1 says, "Aye" Scottyg says, "Aye" jburk says, "how long does the chairman position last?" Scottyg says, "One year." Severy-1 says, "Dana, your vote?" Scottyg says, "Or until a new Chairman is voted in." dcarson says, "aye" Severy-1 says, "Motion passes" Greg says, "So Randall has a year to groom a replacement. :)" Severy-1 grins. Severy-1 says, "Ok, let's wrap up the Articles of Incorporation... Has everyone seen the final version?" Severy-1 says, "Is any further discussion on the articles necessary?" Scottyg says, "Actually, the Chairmanship doesn't expire until a new Chairman is voted in, or the Chairman is no longer a member of the Board." Severy-1 says, "They look fine to me...." Greg says, "I move we formally adopt the Articles of Incorporation as presented by Scotty at this meeting." dcarson says, "second" Severy-1 says, "Any discussion?" dcarson says, "none" Greg says, "Great work, Scotty!" Scottyg says, "Greg, FYI, I added a new Article VI on management, which seems to be required by Texas law." Severy-1 says, "Ok, let's vote. All in favor?" Severy-1 says, "Aye" Greg says, "aye" Scottyg says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" Severy-1 says, "The motion passes unanimously" Greg says, "Yay!" Severy-1 says, "The chairman of this august body would like to extend his personal thanks to Scotty for leading the incorporation effort. Thanks, Scotty!" Greg says, "Scotty, do we need to sign a new copy?" Severy-1 says, "I assume so, if they haven't been filed yet" Severy-1 says, "And if they have been filed, you'll need to sign an amended copy" Scottyg says, "Three copies were put in the mail to you yesterday. Please sign all three and return to me. (I assumed they would be adopted.)" Severy-1 says, "Wise assumption ;-)" Greg says, "Roger, wilco." Scottyg says, "I'll file them as soon as they get back to me." Scottyg says, "(You = Greg.)" Severy-1 says, "Ok, now we move on to the fun stuff, working out the details between ASI and the Moon Society..." Greg says, "I'm going to trade places with my clone so I can use Rapscallion. I think that link has stabilized now." Greg disappears, leaving but a wistful memory that lingers in your mind. Greg-1 arrives amidst thundering applause. Greg-1 says, "Back." Severy-1 finishes clapping jburk says, "I motion that we form a chapters council made up of elected chapter reps -- requirements to be determined" Greg-1 says, "Heh. I need to do something about that oarrive message. :)" Severy-1 says, "But we *like* cheering for you, Greg! ;-)" Scottyg says, "I believe that our intent is to turn over all membership processing, Newsletter publication, and incentives to Moon Society?" Greg-1 says, "Yes." Scottyg says, "Does Moon Society keep all of the membership dues, or does ASI want a slice?" jburk says, "fyi, we got our first member registration via the new website, a new member from New Zealand" Scottyg says, "Kewl!" Greg-1 says, "I think the Moon Society should operate independently of ASI, so it would keep its membership dues." Greg-1 says, "That leaves ASI to figure out some new ways and means, of course." rhodab has arrived. rhodab says, "Whew!" Scottyg says, "Hi Rhoda!" rhodab says, "Hi there" Greg-1 says, "Yay! Rhoda is here!" dcarson says, "how are you ?" Scottyg says, "Sorry to hear about your problem." rhodab says, "I'm eating chocolate cake." Scottyg says, "Glad you're ok!" rhodab says, "Better than Scotch!" Severy-1 laughs. rhodab says, "Sorry I'm late." Severy-1 says, "I think you had a good excuse, Rhoda, far better than Ian's will likely be ;-)" rhodab says, "Uh oh" rhodab says, "I would have been here sooner, but Fred got lost in Hagerstown" Severy-1 chuckles. Severy-1 says, "We just started discussing the transition of services from ASI to the Moon Society" rhodab says, "What did I miss?" rhodab says, "okay" Greg-1 says, "We elected Randall as chairman of the board" Severy-1 says, "I was drafted ;-)" rhodab says, "YEAHHH!!!!! For real???" Greg-1 says, "Yup!" rhodab says, "Boy Greg. You're working this very well. :0)" Severy-1 says, "And continuing the tradition of this motley crew, I was "virtually out of the room" for most of the process ;-)" rhodab laughs. Greg-1 says, "I managed to catch him on the phone, so he couldn't defend himself. :)" Wendy arrives. Wendy says, "I've been working on the railroad..." Wendy departs, triumphantly. rhodab says, "I like Wendy" Greg-1 says, "Heh." Severy-1 says, "Hmm, I thought I made this room off limits to the bots..." rhodab says, "Wendy's not just ANY bot" Greg-1 says, "Wendy has a mind of her own. :)" Severy-1 laughs. Severy-1 says, "Anyway, just *how* do we go about migrating five years of work from one organization to another?" Scottyg says, "There is a certain sequence which must happen before Moon Society can open a bank account and start running its own business. The sequence may take two or three weeks to accomplish." Greg-1 says, "We convene a meeting of the ASI board and implement the policies needed to transition the membership to the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "We convene a meeting of the ASI board and implement the policies needed to transition the membership to the Moon Society." Severy-1 says, "Oh, we also formally approved the final draft of the Articles of Incorporation of the Moon Society" Severy-1 detects an echo in here Greg-1 says, "We write a letter of agreement between ASI and the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "That letter details the responsibilities, liabilities, and assets being turned over." Greg-1 says, "(Sorry, I bounced on the 'return' key.)" Severy-1 grins. Scottyg says, "I propose that ASI continue collecting membership dues through August, and that the transition to Moon Society be effective Sept 1." Severy-1 says, "Sounds like a good plan, Scotty, it will take us at least that long to get things organized" Greg-1 says, "We could make the transition effective immediately, and include in the agreement that ASI will forward new membership applications to the Moon Society." Scottyg says, "And in return for Moon Society accepting the newsletter liability for ASI, I propose" Greg-1 says, "Absolutely, Scotty." Greg-1 says, "I think the most urgent action is to update the Join page on asi.org." Greg-1 [to tell]: people they are joining the Moon Society. Greg-1 says, "To tell people they are joining the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "Irksome social verb." Severy-1 chuckles. Scottyg says, "that we get a list of the ASI liability for as far in the future as Team Director can report, and that Moon Society write ASI a check for that amount, which will approach $3,000.00" Greg-1 says, "I think the check goes the other way, Scotty." Severy-1 says, "I sure hope so, at the moment we're flat broke!" jburk says, "you could just point that page to www.moonsociety.org/register/ or have some brief text presenting the link" Scottyg says, "Oops. ASI write Moon Society a check." Greg-1 says, "Jim, yes." Greg-1 says, "I think we need to include some explanation." rhodab says, "Also, a link to Team Director where members can change their information, etc." Greg-1 says, "Oh. I think the Moon Society should continue ASI's membership incentives programs, too." Severy-1 says, "Definitely" Greg-1 says, "Can we copy over the existing Team Director database?" Severy-1 says, "Yup" Scottyg says, "Now for the sticky part: Does Moon Society want Lunar Traders to continue processing memberships? (Not the same question as accepting credit card payments.)" Severy-1 says, "We'll have to manage the transition carefully, so as to keep the membership info in sync" Greg-1 says, "Um ... since that is a contract service, we should consider it carefully." Scottyg says, "And if we do, we need to draw up a contract. Tim & Rhonda have a tendency to change things without asking." Severy-1 says, "That *is* a tricky question, at the very least I think we need to assume it will be a contracted effort, we need a reliable mechanism for handling membership processing" Scottyg says, "And while its not a Moon Society issue, the $4,000.00+ that Lunar Traders owes ASI needs to be considered." Greg-1 says, "Besides credit card processing, what services does Lunar Traders perform?" Greg-1 says, "They mail posters. We could handle that by ordering posters as each new member is processed at an agreed-to rate." Scottyg says, "They update the Team Director database and mail out the incentives." Severy-1 says, "They respond (sometimes) to membership questions and issues" Scottyg says, "Yes, and deal with problems of various kinds." Greg-1 says, "That is Tim in his role as chairman of the Membership Services Committee." jburk says, "is they more than just Tim Cadell?" Greg-1 says, "But Tim really doesn't have enough time to fill that role for the Moon Society." Scottyg says, "They is mostly Rhonda Sheffield, Tim's employee." jburk says, "we can process credit card info directly from our site, but we need to be set up to do that if we don't use lunar trader's account/application" Scottyg says, "That's in work Jim." Greg-1 says, "Candace takes care of mailing new member packets, yes?" Scottyg says, "I have submitted an application, and its on hold until a couple of questions get answered." Scottyg says, "Yes Greg, but I have some doubts about whether she will continue much longer." Greg-1 says, "I'm getting the impression that we need to recruit a whole new Membership Services Committee." Scottyg says, "We could also look for our own employee local to my area who could handle all of the membership stuff." Greg-1 says, "That might be the best way to handle it." Greg-1 says, "Got any candidates in mind, Scotty?" Scottyg says, "That would also get it all back in one P.O. Box address." Scottyg says, "I have a friend at work who may be interested." rhodab says, "That would be the best plan." Greg-1 says, "Someone reliable and cheap?" Scottyg says, "We still need a membership chairman though." Greg-1 says, "Yup." Scottyg says, "She's very reliable and efficient. I think we can get the work done at a price we can afford if the registration form is done right." Scottyg says, "Her name is Jennifer Day. I'll mention it to her tomorrow." Severy-1 says, "That would be great, Scotty!" Greg-1 cancels plans for a bot named Jennifer. rhodab grins. jburk says, "however you need the form, let me know" Scottyg says, "What would be really great would be for the form to generate an approval list, and all that is needed to update the membership database is to correct any problems and click an approve button." jburk says, "right we are moving toward that, but we need to integrate team director" Greg-1 says, "And then the data go directly into Team Director?" jburk says, "and the discussion forums (majordomo/DNEWS)" jburk says, "right" Scottyg says, "Yes Greg." Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking we want a human being between the web form and the input to Team Director, to flip a switch." Greg-1 [to prevent]: mischief, abuse, and blunders from showing up in the membership database. Scottyg says, "That's what the "Approve" button is for." jburk says, "well to manage their subscriptions to groups it will be direct" Greg-1 says, "Ah, so the form sets up a web page and then the membership services committee clicks on the approve button." jburk says, "it's your own data, why would you want to abuse yourself?" Scottyg says, "The "Approve" button is something accessible only to the membership processing staff." Greg-1 says, "... or deals with whatever the problem is." Scottyg says, "Right Greg." Greg-1 says, "If we go straight from the web form to Team Director, then someone can enter a bogus name and immediately get into Team Director." Scottyg says, "Such as: Hold it until the check is received or the credit card charge approved." Severy-1 says, "We've got a subset of that in the Team Director Account Request processing, we're extending that to create the actual membership records in a different Team Director installation that is managing a medical association membership database" jburk says, "once they are a member, though, some info should be immediately editable" Scottyg [to be]: more explicit: jburk says, "like group subscriptions, email address, etc" jburk says, "maybe postal address" Scottyg says, "A member fills out a form on the public web site." Greg-1 says, "It would be neat if a member could specify a TD username and password in the membership application, and get it all done at once. Then TD could send a welcome letter." rhodab says, "grins" Severy-1 says, "Yup, there's no reason it couldn't do that" Scottyg says, "The data from that goes into an interim database. Membership processing staff accesses the interim database and approves each transaction, correcting ant problems. The approved transactions update team director automatically. Once entered in the database, a member can access and update his own information." Greg-1 says, "So what would be left would be sending welcome packages." Scottyg says, "This process could also send a welcome email and create a mail-merge file for sending out the welcome packet." Greg-1 says, "Golly. If Team Director had some instrumentalities ..." Wendy arrives. Wendy says, "Never mind Team Director! How about giving *me* some instrumentalities?" Wendy says, "[to Randall] Off limits to bots! Hah!" Wendy departs, triumphantly. Greg-1 says, "(I think he's asleep.)" Severy-1 groans. Scottyg says, "Ok, sounds like we have the outlines of a plan. Do we need to vote on any of this tonight?" Greg-1 says, "Now we know that our chairman groans in his sleep." Severy-1 says, "I groan in the office (ask Rhoda about that ;-), so why not in my sleep?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah ... we need to accept ASI's proposal to assume responsibility for their membership." rhodab says, "I wonder if those nose bands work as well for groans as they do for snores?" dcarson says, "you need to find out if Jennifer Day can/wil take the job" Scottyg says, "Or perhaps assign an action item to prepare an agreement with ASI?" Greg-1 says, "Or not. I think we need an agreement with ASI first." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, who can draft an agreement?" Scottyg says, "I'll do that Dana. I'm pretty snowed under with all the behind-the-scenes arrangements to take on any more though." Greg-1 says, "(I have to write an article that's due in a couple of days, so I'm kinda swamped at the moment.)" rhodab says, "I have to keep Randall awake, so I have a full-time job. :0)" Greg-1 says, "((The article is for a space encyclopedia of which the president of NSS is the editor.))" Severy-1 laughs. Severy-1 says, "WSD 2.0 is supposed to go commercial next week, so that covers Rhoda and I ;-)" Greg-1 rolls 1d5 = 5. Scottyg says, "Ian gets the task?" Greg-1 says, "Ah! Let's appoint Ian to do it!" rhodab laughs. Severy-1 says, "Yes! That'll teach him to skip a meeting ;-)" rhodab says, "Did I "volunteer" for anything before I got here tonight?" Severy-1 grins. Greg-1 says, "Not yet, Rhoda." dcarson says, "no, you had a good reason" Severy-1 says, "That's for us to know, and you to find out ;-)" rhodab grins. Greg-1 says, "Well ... since there are no other volunteers forthcoming, I can try to get that agreement written tomorrow. I have the day off." Greg-1 says, "Who would sign such an agreement? " Scottyg says, "Another question? To what extent are the minutes of these meetings available for public view? Same for financial information." Severy-1 says, "The boards of both organizations?" dcarson says, "the president of the org I'd assume" Greg-1 says, "Logically, it would be the members of the board of each of the organization, I think." Greg-1 says, "Since it's a policy and governance issue." Greg-1 says, "This would require finding Boise." Scottyg says, "The BOD adopts the agreement. The BOD can delegate signing to the President. Alternately, the Secretary can certify the BOD resolution." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, let's do it that way." Scottyg says, "Which one?" rhodab says, "Which BOD?" Scottyg says, "Both BOD's, on behalf of their respective organizations." rhodab says, "Which brings to mind - most banks require a corporate resolution when you open an account, and is usually signed by all officers. Is that true with your bank, Scotty?" Scottyg says, "I was asking which of the two methods Greg liked." Greg-1 says, "If the society presidents sign it, they're both me. But if the secretaries sign it, that's Scotty and Rhoda." Greg-1 says, "So I like option 2 better." Scottyg says, "The only require that i sign a form which states that the BOD has selected the bank as a repository for the organizations funds." rhodab says, "Good ole Texas banks!" Wendy says, "I'll sign it!" Greg-1 says, "So ... I'll draft it. The boards will adopt it. The secretaries will sign it. And we're official. Good plan?" dcarson says, "yep" Severy-1 says, "Sounds good to me!" Scottyg says, "Good plan. I move that the President be directed to prepare an agreement providing for transfer of all membership-related processing and responsibilities from ASI to Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "As president of the Moon Society, I think we should ask ASI for at least enough money to cover membership processing for the existing members, to send dues reminders and such." dcarson says, "sounds right" Greg-1 says, "Oops. I'm out of order." dcarson says, "second scottyg" Severy-1 says, "Is there a second on Scotty's motion?" Severy-1 says, "Ok, any discussion?" Scottyg says, "May I amend my motion?" Greg-1 says, "I was wondering if I could second a motion to direct myself to do something." Severy-1 says, "Certainly, Scotty!" Severy-1 says, "I'm easy ;-)" Scottyg says, "Add: Said agreement to provide for fair and reasonable compensation to Moon Society in return for accepting this responsibility and liability." Greg-1 says, "(Now Dana should say "second" again.)" dcarson says, "resecond" Greg-1 says, "Heh." Severy-1 says, "All in favor of Scotty's motion, as amended?" Greg-1 says, "aye" Scottyg says, "Aye." rhodab says, "aye" Severy-1 says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" Severy-1 says, "The motion passes unanimously" rhodab says, "Jim leave?" Greg-1 says, "It says he's here." Greg-1 says, "'It' being 'where'." rhodab says, "Then it's not unanimous" Severy-1 says, "Jim's not a member of the Board" Greg-1 says, "Jim isn't a member of the board. He's an ossifer." rhodab says, "Then neither am I." Severy-1 says, "I wasn't going to spoil your fun ;-)" rhodab says, "However, what do the bylaws say" rhodab says, "And, you need a secretary of the board, in that case" Greg-1 says, "Scotty said something earlier about officers being ex-officio members of the board, I think." rhodab says, "yep, I was looking for it." Greg-1 says, "Ack! Furshlugginer Netscape!" rhodab says, "Really!" dcarson says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/organizing-documents/" Greg-1 says, "ARTICLE V - BOARD OF DIRECTORS " rhodab says, "I have it" Greg-1 says, "Section 5. Ex-Officio Members: All Officers of the Society who are not elected members of the Board of Directors shall be ex-officio members" Greg-1 says, "thereof." rhodab says, "Always thereof. :0)" Greg-1 says, "Not to mention whereas and wherefor." Scottyg says, "And Article X Section 1g defines the rights and limitations of Ex-officio members." rhodab says, "Okay guy! I get it!" Severy-1 grins. Greg-1 says, "Yup! That covers it." Severy-1 says, "Ok, is there any other business to come before this board tonight?" Scottyg says, "(Helps to have been the one who put it together.)" Greg-1 says, "Sure does." rhodab says, "Memorized it, have you? :)" Scottyg says, "Close Rhoda!" Scottyg says, "I move we adjourn the meeting." Greg-1 says, "second dat" dcarson says, "second" Severy-1 says, "All in favor?" Scottyg says, "Aye" Severy-1 says, "Aye" Greg-1 says, "yo" dcarson says, "aye" Severy-1 says, "Thwap! This meeting is hereby adjourned at 11:58 pm EDT on July 28, 2000!" Scottyg says, "recorder off" -- End log: Friday, July 28, 2000 12:00:43 am ASI Meeting Server time --