-- Start log: Monday, August 21, 2000 9:19:02 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- Scottyg says, "Did we both start it?" Greg-1 says, "Probably." Greg-1 says, "I wonder what it does if it gets turned on twice." Scottyg says, "I saw Randall's oops, sorry too late to abort." Severy says, "It can only be recording one text object, so I think we're fine" Severy says, "But I'm not sure which title will be assigned ;-)" Scottyg says, "What did you use for a log file name?" Severy says, "Moon Society Board Meeting 8-21-00" Greg-1 says, "As long as that text object doesn't get charged against my quota, I'm happy. :)" Severy grins. Scottyg says, "I just used 082100log" Severy says, "What are you worried about, Greg? You've got more quota than anyone here ;-)" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, but '@audit me' is terrifying." rhodab wonders if Randall called the meeting to order..... Severy laughs. Scottyg says, "Apparently not - Its disorderly." Severy says, "Looks like I won, Scotty, it's using my title" Greg-1 says, "Greg's total usage was 1,672,589 as of Wed Apr 19 21:28:58 2000 EDT." rhodab says, "Yikes!" Severy says, "With a total MOO database size of a little under 7Mb, I think Greg owns about 1/4 of the place now ;-)" Greg-1 says, "Perhaps I get carried away." Severy says, "Anyway, let's get this show on the road...." Scottyg says, "He'll soon be the majority shareholder at that rate." Severy calls this meeting of the Moon Society Board of Directors to order at 9:25 pm EDT on 8/21/00 Greg-1 becomes orderly. Severy says, "clunk" rhodab says, "clunk?" Severy says, "Hmm, I need to get a new gavel one of these days..." rhodab says, "oh" Greg-1 says, "I move we select Compass Bank in Plano as our official bank for the Moon Society." Severy says, "second" Scottyg says, "Wait. We gotta waive notice first." Severy says, "Ahh, yes, thank you, Scotty" Greg-1 says, "OK. I waive notice." Scottyg says, "I waive notice." Severy waves Severy grins. rhodab grins. Severy says, "I waive notice" Severy notes that all board members present have waived notice of this meeting Greg-1 notes that Dana Carson and Ian Randal Strock were notified of the meeting, but apparently are not able to attend. Scottyg says, "Dana is expected, perhaps late." Greg-1 says, "Are we legal now?" Severy says, "Ok, want to repeat your motion, Greg?" Greg-1 says, "I remove the remotion." Greg-1 says, "Re-move, that is." Severy says, "I second the re-moved remotion ;-)" Scottyg votes in favor of the remotion. Severy says, "All in favor?" Severy says, "Aye" Greg-1 says, "Aye." Severy says, "Motion passes" Scottyg says, "Aye" Severy says, "Ok, next up: adopting the Membership Transfer Agreement" Severy says, "Do I hear a motion?" Scottyg says, "I move we amend the agreement proposed by Greg to change the effective date to Sept 1, 2000." Severy says, "Second" Severy says, "All in favor?" Scottyg says, "Aye" Greg-1 says, "aye" Severy says, "Aye" Severy says, "Motion passes" Scottyg says, "I move we adopt the amended agreement." Greg-1 says, "second" Severy says, "All in favor?" Severy says, "Aye" Scottyg says, "Aye" Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. Greg says, "qye" rhodab laughs. Severy says, "Hmm, does that make four board members present now? ;-)" Greg says, "Hmm ... Rapscallion seems to have a lag, so I jumped over via Moose." Scottyg says, "Rhonda, you can take care of putting the actual agreement text in the minutes?" rhodab says, "Is Rhonda here?" Severy laughs. Scottyg says, "Oops. Rhoda." Greg says, "(Rhoda, too.)" rhodab says, "Sure" Greg-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Greg-1. Severy says, "I've come close to making the opposite goof several times ;-)" Severy says, "Ahh, Ian made it!" irs arrives. Severy says, "Welcome aboard, Ian!" Scottyg says, "Dealing with Rhonda at Lunar Traders and Rhoda here is tough sometimes!" Greg-1 arrives amidst thundering applause. rhodab says, "ahhhh" irs says, "Hi Guys. Sorry I'm late. Dinner." rhodab says, "You get to eat????" irs says, "Rarely. Mom got home last night, and so did I, and there's no food in the house, so Mom and Dad took me to dinner." Greg-1 says, "Golly, I moosed in just in time for Rapscallion to lose it." Greg-1 says, "Ian, we've adopted Compass Bank as our bank and accepted an amended membership-transfer agreement between ASI and the Moon Society." irs says, "Sounds acceptable to me." Greg-1 says, "(Perhaps as soon as we're done being the Moon Society board, we should convene the ASI board to adopt it, too.)" Scottyg says, "The amendment was to make the effective date Sept 1." irs says, "That works. Is Dana around?" Greg-1 says, "Dana might not be able to get network access tonight." Severy says, "Not at the moment" Scottyg says, "Ian needs to waive notice too." irs says, "OK. Needed to talk with him. Guess I'll try that telephone thing tomorrow." irs says, "I waive notice of tonight's meeting." Greg-1 says, "Do we have the proposed agreement with Jennifer Day?" Scottyg says, "He may make it." Greg-1 says, "Here's hoping." Scottyg says, "We don't have a conformed copy with the proposed changes, but the board mail list has the original and proposed changes." Severy says, "Scotty, do you have the agreement we need to adopt next?" Scottyg says, "Can we all work from the mail list?" Severy says, "Do you have the dates of those posts?" Scottyg says, "The original was on 8/14, to the board list." Scottyg says, "Rhoda proposed changes on 8/15" Greg-1 says, "Do you agree that we should add a check number or credit card transaction number to the log that Jennifer keeps?" Scottyg says, "Greg proposed additional changes on 8/20" Scottyg says, "(Two emails)" Greg-1 says, "I'm integrating the changes right now." Greg-1 says, "Should it say Moon Society Incorporated, or just Moon Society?" Scottyg says, "Moon Society Incorporated is the official name." Greg-1 says, "I'll just put "the Moon Society" in parentheses in the preamble. That'll fix it." Scottyg says, "As for the check numbers and credit card numbers, I make copies of all the checks, so it doesn't make too much difference." Scottyg says, "I'm vaguely uncomfortable about having credit card numbers." Greg-1 says, "I think it will make it easier to resolve issues if check numbers are in the log." Greg-1 says, "Not credit card numbers, but rather the transaction number that goes with the credit card." Scottyg says, "I'm ok with that." Greg-1 says, "Isn't there some sort of ID number?" Scottyg says, "But word it that way." Scottyg says, "Its variously called confirmation, approval, or verification number." Greg-1 says, "Ah, I'll call it confirmation number." Greg-1 says, "Which sounds vaguely Roman Catholic." rhodab says, "Why the credit card number hesitance? You may need it to reconcile, etc." Scottyg says, "Security risk and resultant liability." Greg drops Membership Processing Agreement. Greg says, "Read dat." rhodab says, "So you will use the confirmation number if you need to go back to the transaction with the bank/credit card company?" Greg says, "read agreement" Scottyg says, "Yes rhoda." Greg says, "Rats. Maybe you have to pick it up to read it?" Greg says, "Oh. 'read membership'" Greg says, "Now *that's* something we can't do in IRC!" Scottyg says, "Try: read Membership Processing Agreement." rhodab says, "I need to discuss tht with you later, Scotty. Our CPA requires that we keep that info, and now I'mconcerned about security risk and resultant liability" Greg says, "You obviously want to exercise reasonable diligence in safeguarding your customers' confidential information." Scottyg says, "3e needs a verb" Greg says, "For example, your CPA doesn't have a need to know; he just needs to know that you have the records." rhodab says, "Greg, are you changing the title of the document to "Membership Processing Agreement"?" Greg-1 says, "Naw. I just named the text object that." rhodab says, "OIC" Greg says, "Hmm ... I renamed it, but when I do a look, it still says "Agreement"." Greg picks up Membership Processing Agreement. Greg says, "Uh oh ... I think I renamed an exit." Greg drops Membership Processing Contract. rhodab says, "Add "Send" to 3e?" Severy laughs. Severy says, "Gotta watch those exits, Greg ;-)" Greg-1 says, "Ack. That's scewed up. It should be what the Moon Society provides." Scottyg says, "It doesn't read well with just Send." Scottyg says, "I think you meant for that to be 4e Greg." Scottyg says, "(That's whatyou said in email.)" Greg-1 says, "Yup." Greg-1 says, "Lemme fix dat." Scottyg says, "And put back the original 3e" Greg-1 says, "OK, read it again." Greg-1 says, "I'll delete the email footer, too." Greg-1 says, "I don't see any more bugs." Scottyg says, "read Membership Processing Agreement" Greg says, "try 'read contract'" Greg says, "I changed the name to Membership Processing Contract" Greg says, "Wmove #2001 to #891" Greg says, "Oops." Greg says, "Kubrick got caught in Jim's bot trap again." Scottyg says, "Ack. No one remembered to add "Send renewal notice"" Greg says, "Insert renewal notices as item 3f and move 3f to 3g?" Scottyg says, "Yep." Greg says, "Do we want to specify a frequency of renewal notices in the contract?" Scottyg says, "Yep. I'm not exactly what Candace is doing." Scottyg says, "I think it should say email and postal mail at two intervals." Greg-1 says, "We had an agreement on that with Candace, but what she is doing might not align with that agreement." Scottyg says, "60 days and....?" Greg-1 says, "I was trying to get her to send a notice at like t-60 days, then t-30 days, t=0, t+30, and t+60." Greg-1 says, "It might read "send monthly renewal notice to expiring members starting two months prior to the expiration of the membership until two months after."" Greg-1 says, "Kinda clumsy." Scottyg says, "If you add too much, Jennifer's gonna change her price." rhodab says, "That's a lot of work." Scottyg says, "It needs to be explicit since she is contractually obligated." Greg-1 says, "Hmm ... figure 600 members, 50 expiring each month." irs says, "Yeah, it's a lot of work, but renewals are the most important part of the job." Greg-1 says, "We'd need to automate renewals as much as possible." rhodab says, "We only pay based on new or renewal memberships? not on notices?" Scottyg says, "Greg's wording would be ok with "at thirty day intervals" added." Scottyg says, "Yes Rhoda, as written." rhodab says, "hmmm" Scottyg says, "And yes, these are quite a bit of work, even with fair automation." Greg-1 says, "If renewal notices were generated automatically so that all Jennifer needs to do is print them out and stuff them into pre-stamped window envelopes, it wouldn't be too bad." rhodab says, "We don't send these out by e-mail?" Greg-1 says, "Email hasn't worked very well." Scottyg says, "I can't remember ever getting an email notice. And we don't have email for everyone." rhodab says, "What is our rate using mail?" Greg-1 says, "I don't think we have enough statistics to know." Scottyg says, "Standard 1st class." rhodab says, "renewal rate" Scottyg says, "Oh, renewal rate? It's running near 50%" Greg-1 says, "50% seems terribly low." irs says, "If we want people to send in renewal money, we MUST contact them by paper mail and include a self-addressed envelope. The envelope doesn't have to have postage on it, but anything less, and we'll be wasting time and money." Greg-1 says, "I know that I respond to persistent nagging." Greg-1 says, "Ian, yes." Scottyg says, "Its improved somewhat. Tin 1998, it was about 38%" Greg-1 says, "The response envelope could be pre-stuffed, so that all that needs to be added is a letter." Greg-1 says, "Ian, do you have a feel for how many renewal notices is no longer cost-effective?" irs says, "Not yet. I know Warren sends up to four before expiration on the magazines he publishes. And perhaps one after expiration. Plus, he keeps the names for possible future mailings." rhodab says, "I remember now that I received my renewal notice by mail. I used lunar traders to renew, though." irs says, "For us, I think we have to send at least three prior to expiration. It's part of the cost of doing business." Scottyg says, "But I only got one notice." irs says, "That's right, Rhoda. You may renew on-line, but you have to get the notice in paper (too many people with e-mail simply delete things that are asking for money, without stopping to realize they actually want to send this money)." rhodab says, "True" irs says, "And remember, too, that that number of mailings is for people who simply won't renew until (or beyond) the last minute. The bulk of members will receive only one or two." Greg-1 says, "Perhaps Candace hasn't been able to keep up with the plan." rhodab says, "How well do renewal incentives work?" Greg-1 says, "Actually, many members will never get a renewal notice at all." Greg-1 says, "I don't think we've been doing incentives long enough to judge, Rhoda." Greg-1 says, "We also have the motive of encouraging people to recruit. Posters and bumper stickers work well for that." Greg-1 says, "Perhaps our third membership incentive will be a Moon Society poster. :)" Greg-1 says, "A smaller, less expensive, lighter Moon Society poster." irs says, "I've never been a member of an organization that used membership renewal incentives (other than multi-year discount plans). For actual products (like magazine subscriptions), I think the reviews on renewal incentives are mixed." rhodab says, "This is getting far afield of the contract" Greg-1 says, "Quite abit." Greg-1 says, "a bit, too." Greg-1 says, "Maybe even a whole byte." Scottyg says, "I suggest we adopt the contract without the renewal clause since that will probably require renegotiating the rate, and then ament it when we figure out what we want." Greg says, "I put some words in for item 3f." Scottyg says, "amend it too." rhodab grins. Greg says, "Oh, just say "send renewal notices per the standard schedule"?" irs says, "I disagree with Scotty's suggestion. I think there MUST be some requirement for sending renewal notices." Scottyg says, "Greg, how cah Jennifer determine the effort required to meet the "Standard schedule?"" Scottyg says, "It has to be explicit." rhodab says, "Indent 3f" Greg says, "Hmm ... I see it indented the same as the other paragraphs." irs says, "Never mind. I can live with 3F for now, but I think it'll need modification sooner, rather than later." Scottyg says, "Ian, the problem is: We are planning to have Jennifer start on Sept 1, and we are out of time to renegotiate the rate and have another Board meeting to approve it." Scottyg says, "Candace is handling the renewals for now, so that buys us a little time to get it done." irs says, "Fine. Go for it. The agreement as written covers us for now. We should remember, however, that we may need to revisit the requirements for renewal mailings." Scottyg says, "I would intend to do that within the next 30 days." Greg says, "I dunno, Scotty; I think we should specify what we need. If Jennifer needs to spend more time on it, then it's worth another 50 cents per member." rhodab says, "Maybe the renewal part could be omitted and renegotiate the renewal after looking to to automating the renewal mailings." Greg says, "I'm really worried about renewal notices. I think the lack of them is the number one reason we have such a low retention rate." Scottyg says, "Yeah Rhoda, something like that. Jennifer is already aware that we will need something on the renewal, but she will need time to make a trial run to estimate time, and then we need time to get another meeting together." rhodab says, "I think that is a good way to handle it." Greg says, "I'm lost. What is a good way to handle it?" rhodab says, "Leave the contact without renewals, and negotiate as a separate item?" Scottyg says, "Or else we should consider pushing the membership processing changeover out to Oct 1. We are out of time to go through another round." Scottyg says, "Jennifer will be happy to do whatever we ask, as long as she is paid fairly, so an amendment is not a problem." Greg says, "I'm not at all comfortable with leaving it out entirely. " Greg says, "Hmm ... that is, unless we might not ever add it in." Scottyg says, "I'm not comfortable with something that is not explicit." rhodab is getting very uncomfortable in this chair! Greg says, "Well, the way it's worded right now, it's explicit." Scottyg says, "Ok, its explicit." Greg says, "I would prefer the alternative approach: Tell Jennifer what we really need. Let her do some trial runs to see if we're paying the right amount. Renogiate as required." rhodab says, "Add 4i with the rate we will pay her for each reminder she sends out" Greg says, "After all, we have a 30-day cancellation clause, so she can hold us over the barrel any time." Greg says, "I think we can do this with a cost-per-member basis. Remember, we are also paying expenses." irs says, "I like Greg's alternative. Go with the agreement as written, and tell her what we want/need for renewals, to see if she can come up with a plan and good wording for it." rhodab says, "If she sends out 5 reminders vs. 1 reminder...." Greg says, "Only a few members will need 5 reminders." Greg says, "Most will have renewed long before then." rhodab says, "Correct. so the cost per member would be hard to calculate" Scottyg says, "I think Rhoda has a point. We don't know what the average will be on reminders per member." Scottyg says, "And neither does Jennifer." Greg says, "Yup. When we have some averages, it will be easier to forecast." irs says, "If she sends out 5 reminders, we'll have more members renewing; no question in my mind. We can simply ask if she can add a field listing how many renewal notices have been sent. A simple incremental count--one digit in a database record." Scottyg says, "How about 10 cents per reminder?" Greg says, "Does Jennifer cover the postage costs?" Scottyg says, "No, we pay all postage." rhodab says, "I think 10 center per reminder is good" Greg says, "Let's see ... that would fit in right after 4g, I think." rhodab says, "Yep" Greg says, "OK, I added 4h and moved the old 4h to 4i." Greg says, "At $12 an hour, that would be 30 seconds to print a notice and stuff and seal an envelope. Is that reasonable?" Greg says, "Hmm ... I guess if it's all organized, 30 seconds is a long time." Scottyg says, "The time-consuming part may be getting the names into a mail-merge list." Greg says, "Yeah. That's where Team Director reports come in." Scottyg says, "Yep, don't count the printer time. You go have a smoke while that's running." rhodab says, "If Team Director could spit out the names in a readable mail merge format...??" rhodab says, "including the mailing address?/" Greg says, "Of course, this now obligates us to provide Jennifer with the stationery and letters." rhodab says, "uh huh" Greg says, "Yup, the Elder Ghods can set up a Team Director report to do almost *anything*." rhodab says, "and envelopes and return envelopes" Scottyg says, "Yep. Or we could just do a form letter and go with labels." rhodab says, "I don't know that labels get as good a response" rhodab says, "form letter might work" Greg says, "Window envelopes mean that the member won't have to print his name and address on a form." rhodab says, "It's just as easy to print envelopes as it is to print labels and then stick them on" rhodab says, "True" rhodab says, "True to what Greg said. :0)" Greg says, "That's why I'm a fan of window envelopes." rhodab says, "Cost more?" Scottyg says, "Not significantly more, compared to the other costs." Greg says, "Probably not as much more as we'd have to pay Jennifer to keep track of personalized forms plus the mailing labels." rhodab says, "Good point!" rhodab says, "Place the label on the renewal form? showing through the window?" Greg says, "Then there's the risk of making an error in matching up forms and labels. That can be a serious mess. " rhodab says, "Not with registration marks on the form" Greg says, "I was think of just using mail/merge to print out the form on a blank sheet." Greg says, "thinking, too" rhodab [to be]: folded? rhodab says, "I'm folded? Yikes!" Greg says, "Does Jennifer have a laser printer?" Scottyg says, "Actually, we could use pre-printed forms like you would a letterhead. Jus run them thru the printer to print the member's name and address where it will show thru the window." rhodab says, "Great!" Scottyg says, "No, Jennifer has an ink jet." Greg says, "Ah. In which case, preprinted forms." Greg says, "Oh joy. Now we need to create those forms." Scottyg says, "Ok, thats something for another time. We still have other business on the agenda." rhodab says, "Where's Randall?" Severy is here, in the background ;-) Greg-1 says, "I move we adopt the membership processing contract as amended." Severy says, "Second" Severy says, "All in favor?" Greg-1 says, "aye" Severy says, "Aye" Scottyg says, "I move we adopt the Membership Processing Contract, as amended." Scottyg says, "LOL" Scottyg says, "aye" Greg says, "There's an echo in here!" Severy grins. Severy says, "Ian?" Scottyg says, "You left out the comma!" irs says, "OK." Greg says, "Do I need the comma?" Greg says, "I think we've heard from all the board members present." Severy says, "Motion passes" Scottyg says, "(In your motion)" Severy says, "Ok, next up: Credit card processing arrangements" Greg says, "Hmm ... I'll have to study up on commas." Greg says, "I move to use credit card processing services offered by Compass Bank." Scottyg says, "I second the motion." Severy says, "Any discussion?" Greg says, "I think I did all my yakking on the mailing list." Severy says, "Just making sure..." Scottyg says, "Yep. Compass will be easier to do." Severy says, "All in favor?" Greg says, "Easy is good! " Scottyg says, "But more expensive. I'm in favor - makes my life easier." Greg says, "Aye" Scottyg says, "Aye" irs says, "Age" Severy says, "Aye" irs says, "Aye" Severy says, "Motion passes" Severy says, "Next up: Establishment of councils and committees" Greg says, "What councils and committees do we need to establish?" Scottyg says, "Most urgently - Membership." Greg says, "Um ... or was I supposed to answer that?" Scottyg says, "Do we want Tim to fill that role, considering the arrangement with Jennifer?" Greg says, "What would the membership committee do?" Greg says, "Correspond with members? Answer inquiries?" Greg says, "Answer email at membership@moonsociety.org?" Scottyg says, "There might only be a chairman, not a committee. A member who supervises Jennifer's work and interfaces with the Leadership Council." Greg says, "Is Tim aware that the Moon Society is contracting elsewhere for membership services?" Severy says, "Not that I know of" Scottyg says, "No one has discussed it with him to my knowledge, but he's overheard some comments so I think he has some idea." Greg says, "Hmmm ... I suppose it's my job to tell him about that." Greg says, "I'm thinking that corresponding with members isn't one of Tim's stronger talents." Scottyg says, "That's what you get paid the big bucks for...." Scottyg says, "A related question is...Who's on the Leadership Council?" Greg says, "Heh. I get paid the big bucks for calculating the drag on a spacecraft orbiting at 216 nautical miles and cancel job interviews. The Moon Society is just an extra source of aggravation to help hone those skills." Scottyg says, "At the moment, its just the Directors and Officers." irs says, "Speaking of job interviews: Did you get my resume?" Greg says, "I believe the charter for the Moon Society Leadership Council listed all the directors, officers, and committee chairmen." Greg says, "Ian, yes. Haven't figured out what to do with it yet." irs says, "OK. Just making sure it's there. Thanks." Scottyg says, "Oh gosh. There is a charter. I've lost it." Scottyg says, "I remember it tho." Greg says, "Did I draft up a bunch of committee charters?" rhodab has reconnected. Greg says, "I seem to remember doing that, but I don't remember what I did with them." Greg says, "Probably sent them to msoc-list." Greg says, "Nope. Not there." Scottyg says, "No, seems I recall it went out on some list I didn't subscribe to at the time." Scottyg says, "But I thought you sent me a copy after I didn't have a clue." Greg says, "Not in Leto list, either." Scottyg says, "I have one for the Communications Committee Charter." Greg says, "Ah, there they are. I did send them to msoc-list circa 6/4/2000." Scottyg says, "Except something went wrong and the wording is for the Membership Services and Publications." Greg says, "Oh. I screwed up." Greg says, "That's probably one that I was still writing and accidentally sent." Scottyg says, "I subscribed to msoc-list on 6/5/00" Greg says, "Howzaout I redirect all those things to the board-list and we pick them up in email?" Greg says, "Howzabout, too." Scottyg says, "good idea. I'm not sure we've all seen them." Greg says, "I've been away from Texas too long. Can't even drawl properly any more." Scottyg says, "You can come visit us to refresh your accent." Scottyg says, "Meanwhile, do we want to make any appointments? Like, Dave Wetnight for newsmonger? " Greg says, "So moved." Scottyg says, "Or whatever we call his position." Scottyg says, "second." Greg says, "He likes the title of newsmonger." Severy says, "All in favor?" Greg says, "aye" Severy says, "Aye" Scottyg says, "Aye" Scottyg says, "Margo?" Greg says, "What is Margo's role now?" Scottyg says, "Meta-Team leader I think." Severy says, "Margo doesn't want a position at the present time, too much travel in her new job" Greg says, "Oh." Scottyg says, "That could stay with ASI." Greg says, "Yeah." Greg says, "Move we appoint Jim Burk as Chapters Coordinator." Scottyg says, "Second" Severy says, "All in favor?" irs says, "Aye on both Dave and Jim." Scottyg says, "Aye" Greg says, "aye" Severy says, "Aye" Severy says, "Both motions pass" Scottyg says, "Choochoochoochoochoochoo." Greg says, "Anybody else we need to appoint tonight?" Scottyg says, "I can't think of anyone else to draft right now." Greg says, "OK, I'll see if I can ressurect my charters project, and we can get together a complete table of organization from which to recruit." Scottyg says, "In that case, I move we adjourn." Severy says, "Second" Severy says, "All in favor?" Greg says, "yup" Scottyg says, "Aye" irs says, "Me." Severy says, "Clunk!" Greg says, "Clink." rhodab says, "You really need a new gavel!" Severy says, "Meeting adjourned at 11:20 pm EDT Monday, August 21, 2000" irs says, "Great! Gotta run. See y'all Wednesday." rhodab says, "Bye" irs has disconnected. Greg says, "S'long Ian. Thanks!" Scottyg says, "G'night ya'll!" Greg says, "G'night!" Greg has disconnected. Severy says, "Good night! I won't be around on Wednesday, so have fun without me!" Greg-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Greg-1. rhodab has disconnected. Scottyg says, "We'll see how many new jobs we can find for you!" Severy laughs. Scottyg says, "I'm staying logged in, but I'll be away for a bit." Severy says, "Ok, I'm heading back to the Commons" In a blinding flash of light, Severy vanishes into thin air The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart Greg off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart rhodab off to bed. Scottyg says, "stop recorder" -- End log: Monday, August 21, 2000 11:43:07 pm ASI Meeting Server time --