-- Start log: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:04:19 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- TimCadell cheers loudly. Greg-1 says, "Brought to you LIVE on ASI MOO!" jburk-1 says, "if you haven't already, check out http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/chptrules.html" TimCadell says, "Escalation?" jburk-1 says, "yeah, if a chapter leader needs to let HQ know about something, or have a decision made, that's the person." jburk-1 says, "a person like that is notably missing from the Mars Society hierarchy" jburk-1 is speaking about the Chapters Coordinator role Greg-1 says, "NSS doesn't have a chatpers coordinator?" Scottyg says, "I have a comment about the relationship between the Moon Society and Chapters....." jburk-1 says, "yeah it does, Bennett Rutledge i think" Scottyg says, "If thats the first thing we want to discuss. Or do we follow the agenda?" jburk-1 says, "no if you guys want to bring this up later, that's fine. just wanted to show you as its hot off the presses" Greg-1 says, "Oops. It seems like we should at least give a polite nod to the agenda." Severy says, "Shall we review the document in detail in the chapters portion of the agenda?" Severy says, "Let's start at the top of the agenda: Headquarters Operations" Severy says, "Scotty, what kind of updates do you have for us tonight?" dcarson says, "read agenda" Scottyg says, "As reported earlier by email, financial statements thru Sept, 2000 have been published." Severy says, "Sorry, Dana, I don't have an agenda object set up in here yet" Scottyg says, "I think everyone here has access to the agenda, which has a link to them." dcarson says, "no problem" Scottyg says, "(Browser access)" Scottyg says, "Any questions before I move on?" Severy says, "None here" Severy says, "Treasurer's Reports look good to me!" Scottyg says, "Ok, next is Credit card processing." Scottyg says, "I have been thru a second round of contacts with our bank. We sweetened the pot by offering to post a CD a security on the Merchant Account, plus Tim provided a letter relating his experience processing ASI memberships." Scottyg says, "They still don't want to do the deal, so we are going to have to go with a third-party arrangement." jburk-1 says, "damn" jburk-1 says, "what bank is this anyway" TimCadell says, "Congrats on getting the financial stuff this far, Scotty! It's not fun to do, I know." dcarson says, "pairs latest newsletter had a note about credit card accounts" Scottyg says, "The bank has referred me to someone they work with, plus I have a fairly long list of spam offering merchant accounts and services." Scottyg says, "The bank is Compass Bank Jim. The are mostly Southeast US." jburk-1 says, "ok" TimCadell says, "Should we have 'PayPal' ability, too? I'm looking into that for other sites." dcarson says, "take a glance at http://www.pair.com/pair/commerce.html" Greg-1 says, "What is PayPal?" Scottyg says, "So with the board's blessing, I'll have some recommendations together for the mext meeting in two weeks." dcarson says, "sounds good to me Scotty" jburk-1 says, "paypal.com is a way to send somebody a payment electronically" jburk-1 says, "you both have to register with paypal.com but its easy" TimCadell says, "And you keep an account online to pay from. And I believe it costs nothing to the consumer end." Scottyg says, "Tim, my concern is how to integrate that with the web form for gathering the member info." Scottyg says, "Does anyone have any experience with the paypal system?" dcarson says, "no" Scottyg says, "(From the back end.)" TimCadell says, "Not much, but one of my customers is paying some of their employees through paypal." TimCadell says, "Not yet. I'm going to look into it and I'll let you know." Severy says, "I've used it a couple of times, and as far as I know I have some money sitting in it that I need to get out some time" TimCadell says, "That's how they make some of their money, on the interest." Scottyg says, "Ok. Lets list it as a possible future enhancement for now. I don't want to do anything to slow down getting a system on-line." Greg-1 says, "What do we need besides the credit card account/" Greg-1 says, "?" TimCadell says, "We should look at http://www.merchant-accounts.com/pair/rates.html, which is the endpoint that Dana pointed to. This might be a lot easier." Scottyg says, "Some software work to tie it into our on-line registration, and manage the back end." jburk-1 says, "I have a work item to hook up our registration form with team director -- should have that done this weekend" Greg-1 says, "Yippee!" Scottyg says, "Yes, that needs to be done too, but is a different task than getting on-line card processing running." Greg-1 says, "One of these days we'll need to cope with the fact that the ASI and Moon Society memberships might diverge in the future." Scottyg says, "That would be great Jim." Scottyg says, "Yes Greg. And also with the fact that they are the same for now." Scottyg says, "Ok, if thats all on credit cards...Non-profit tax exemption is next." Scottyg says, "I will start on that this weekend. I have the forms and instructions. They are rather long and a bit complex, so it will take a bit of time, but I can probably get them done before the next Council meeting. I'll then send them along to Ted Lindsay for legal review." Scottyg says, "I think we can probably expect to file them within 30 days." Scottyg says, "There is a question related to Chapters....." TimCadell says, "Great!" Scottyg says, "Which leads right in to the next topic." Scottyg says, "Jim presents Chapters as independent organizations, meaning they do not fall under our Non-profit "umbrella"." Scottyg says, "Is that how we want it? (A Parent organization can obtain a group exemption for its children.)" Scottyg says, "But then they are not independent organizations." TimCadell says, "How much responsibility and monitoring is expected from the parent organization?" Scottyg says, "The parent must file reports which include the financial activities of the children in that scheme, and can be held responsible in various ways for actions of the children." jburk-1 says, "there are many reasons why chapters should be legally independent, and I think we've discussed that in the past" jburk-1 says, "but 80% of chapters are not going to have to worry about taxes anyway due to their size" Greg-1 says, "Would we want to give local chapters the option? If they want to be part of the parent corporation, they have to commit to the bookkeeping and reporting procedures." Scottyg says, "So the group arrangement has its hazards, but saves the children the effort and expense of doing their own filings." jburk-1 says, "I don't think so, there are problems with that once you cross state & country lines" dcarson says, "seems reasonable, if they want us to do some work they have to agree to as well" jburk-1 says, "(don't think they should be in the group arrangement)" Scottyg says, "Jim, the most important advantage is legal recognition of Non-Profit status. That makes donations tax-deductible, and opens the doors to certain programs for fund raising." Greg-1 says, "It also ties them solidly to the parent organization." jburk-1 says, "you mean donations to chapters?" Scottyg says, "Yes Jim." jburk-1 says, "the problem with that is the possibily of abuse by the chapter and the parent org having to deal with it" TimCadell says, "So, if a Chapter were to engage in fund raising, it would not be non-profit if the money funnelled through the Chapter?" jburk-1 says, "sounds like real parents/children :)" Greg-1 says, "NSS has had some problems with local chapters that really aren't local chapters. I don't know if those problems are sufficient reason to be fearful of independent local chapters." Scottyg says, "For example, several grocery chains have a program in which people register their membership in a non-profit organization, and the store donates a percentage of their purchases (Typ 1%) to the organization." Scottyg says, "But organizations must have 501c3 regonition to participate." Greg-1 says, "Donations to independent chapters would only be tax-deductible if the local chapter goes through the hassle of getting 501(c)(3) recognition from the IRS." jburk-1 says, "its no problem for a chapter to apply for that themselves" TimCadell says, "Right, I got that." Greg-1 says, "Jim, you mean to apply for 501c3?" jburk-1 says, "it's not hard, at least in our state, to fill out a form and become a non-profit corp" Scottyg says, "Its not a state thing. Its Federal." jburk-1 says, "the irs forms are a bit more complicated, but we can assist chapter leaders with that" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, forming a non-profit corporation is easy. Getting recognition from the IRS presents additional challenges." Scottyg says, "Its not too hard to do." Greg-1 says, "There are a lot of non-profits in Washington State that never achieved IRS exemption status." Greg-1 says, "(Hey, maybe Boeing should apply!)" jburk-1 says, "right but the question is, is the IRS going to go after a chapter that has like $3000 in their account" Scottyg says, "But does require some effort. The forms plus instructions is a 1/2 inch thick stack of 8 1/2 x 11 printout" Greg-1 says, "They'll go after the guy who lists a donation to the chapter on this tax return." TimCadell says, "Does our lawyer have a recommendation?" Scottyg says, "Actually Jim, below a certain income level, you don't even have to file as far as the IRS is concerned. Its the doner side where the problem occurs." jburk-1 says, "can the donors put HQ instead of the chapter?" Greg-1 says, "What does the Mars Society do?" jburk-1 says, "chapters are independent from HQ, some have gotten 501c3 themselves but only a handful" Greg-1 says, "People could donate money to the Moon Society, but the Moon Society is restricted on what it can do with the money. " jburk-1 says, "a few of us have donated cash to our seattle chapter but I don't think any of us claimed it on our return" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, that's the key plot point." Greg-1 says, "There are few other benefits to 501c3 recognition, but the big one is that people can deduct donations on their income tax forms." Scottyg says, "I think the limit is $10,000 annual. Its in the instructions, but I have reviewed them recently so my memory may be fallible." jburk-1 says, "even if we say here that chapters are independent, in many ways they're really not. obviously they're going to have the same goals & members, so maybe the feds would consider a donation to a chapter and a donation to HQ as the same thing -- in which case they could put HQ on their return" Scottyg says, "Below $10,000, a non-profit does not have to file for 501c3" TimCadell says, "That's pretty good." TimCadell says, "Doesn't that let out most chapters?" Greg-1 says, "That's $10,000 in annual income?" Scottyg says, "Only if you don't get caught Jim. If the child is part of a group, they must report income & expense and the parent must include it on its annual report." jburk-1 says, "i think that's going to cover the vast majority. those with more than $10k can afford to file" Scottyg says, "Annual gross revenue if I remember right Greg." TimCadell says, "I agree, Jim. What about stipulating that in the rules for Chapters, just so that it's understood?" jburk-1 says, "having to compile financial info from chapters in addition to HQ is going to make your job a lot harder Scotty :)" Scottyg says, "But that only refers to the chapter having to file to obtain exemption from tax. It still doesn't make donations deductible." TimCadell says, "Ah, so." Scottyg says, "Yes it is. And this might be a situation in which we go the independent route for now, but when the Society becomes large enough to have paid staff, the it changes to the group arrangement." dcarson says, "it fairly easy to get an exemption from paying tax on the income as a non-profit, harder to get the status where people can take a deduction for a donation to you" Scottyg says, "Actually, my biggest concern is getting the chapters to file." Greg-1 says, "Maybe if we had all the forms set up in a mail/merge file ..." Scottyg says, "We would have to be quite strict about it so that the national organization isn't late filing its returns." Severy has reconnected. Severy says, "@#*(@*$(*@#$" Greg-1 says, "Listening to the debate, Randall?" Severy says, "Yup" Scottyg says, "But the rules permit chapters to be added and deleted, so the easy way to handle it is to drop a chapter that is late with their filing." TimCadell says, "That's if the chapters were "owned" by The Moon Society, yes? I'd say let them be apart unless someone later comes up with a really good reason for us to change the rules." Scottyg says, "Ok, have we debated this enough? Seems the prevailing feeling is for chapters to be independent." Scottyg says, "If I hear no objection, we'll adopt that." dcarson says, "I think so" TimCadell says, "I think so." jburk-1 says, "i know so :)" Scottyg bangs the gavel on the podium. Scottyg says, "Done. Jim, your turn." jburk-1 says, "ok the chapter rules document?" dcarson says, "looked OK to me" jburk-1 says, "again the url is http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/chptrules.html" jburk-1 says, "I put a couple things in italics that I wanted to discuss" TimCadell says, "I'm not sure I like the word "escalation" to mean moving data up the stream." jburk-1 says, "what should we officially call chapters-in-formation -- is that a good phrase?" TimCadell says, "That's okay with me." jburk-1 says, "also chapters can *appoint or* elect a rep on the council. appoint will speed things up, plus that's usually how it works: somebody volunteers to be the rep and the "election" is a formality" jburk-1 says, "but if more than one person wants to do it, have an election" Greg-1 says, "Yup, but we do need words to resolve disputes should they arise." Greg-1 says, "We also need some words about chapters being recognized by the Moon Society." jburk-1 says, "that's in #1 greg" jburk-1 says, "what did you have in mind?" Greg-1 says, "Oops ... I meant officers being recognized." Greg-1 says, "If there is a leadership dispute within a chapter, then somebody has to be the arbiter." jburk-1 says, "if officers are elected by the members of a chapter, why do we need to recognize?" jburk-1 says, "if they are not elected (such as one guy who started the chapter remains the leader), then we urge them to have an election to formalize the office" Scottyg says, "Why not say that in the chapter rules?" Greg-1 says, "As long as we don't have a situation where someone is playing politician, we'll be OK. But being loose about how officers are selected leaves me wondering about the status of chapters." jburk-1 says, "how about #5: chapters are *expected* to elect their own leadership (instead of free to)" Greg-1 says, "Perhaps just "chapters elect"?" Scottyg says, "how about -required_" Scottyg says, "And a list of minimum required officers?" jburk-1 says, "5. Chapters are required to fairly elect their own leadership structure. In situaions where a dispute arises over the leadership of a chapter, Moon Society HQ may step in." Scottyg says, "(Should be President and Secretary/Treasurer)" Greg-1 says, "Oh. Yeah. President and Treasurer are kind of legal requirements." Greg-1 says, "At least in Washington." jburk-1 says, "I don't think we should pidgeonhole the titles they have -- if one guy is the leader and also takes notes & maintains the website, and everybody is ok with that, why make them elect another person -- esp. if there are only 5 people" Greg-1 says, "That's good, Jim. Though "step in" is an ambiguous term. " Greg-1 says, "I'd say "Moon Society board of directors will arbitrate the decision"." jburk-1 says, "ok" Greg-1 says, "Once in a while, the board has to earn their egoboo. :)" Scottyg says, "The actual division of work is often not what the title indicate. But having a minimum of two officers has many benefits." jburk-1 says, "how about the leadership council instead of the board?" Scottyg says, "And will be required if the Chapter incorporates." jburk-1 says, "or even the chapters counci" jburk-1 says, "how about -- minimum of 2 officers, one of which must be responsible for finances" jburk-1 says, "although if they are financially independent i don't see how we can mandate that" Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking the board because they are elected officers of the corporation." jburk-1 says, "ok, board does make sense" Scottyg says, "A Chapter scandal reflects on the National organization. I think we have a duty to establish rules to help avoid that." jburk-1 says, "5. 5. Chapters are required to fairly elect their own leadership structure from within their membership. Chapter leaders must consist of at least two officers, one of which is responsible for financial matters. In addition, chapters are expected to appoint or elect a representative to serve on The Moon Society's Chapters Council. In situations where a dispute arises over the leadership or council representation, the Moon Society Board of directors will arbitrate the decision." Greg-1 says, "On the other hand, if chapters aren't part of the corporation then there's not a legal requirement." Greg-1 says, "Oops ... but Scotty is right ... it would be a policy issue. The board can't dodge that one." jburk-1 says, "agreed on that point" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I like that. What I don't want to do is to set up an organization where there's a HQ organization and an estranged Chapters Council acting as a separate organization." Scottyg says, "I'm happy with Jim's wording. (Capitalize Directors.)" Greg-1 says, "[Ouch! I should have left the audio off on the debate.]" TimCadell says, "I'm fine with it." dcarson says, "OK here" Greg-1 says, "Jim, you had "chapter-in-formation" italicized. Looking for better wording?" TimCadell says, "I need to get going. See you all later!" Greg-1 says, "(Not that I have any brilliant ideas. There must be an elegant term for it, but I don't know what it is.)" TimCadell says, "Oops, dang. I forgot about the bit I wanted to bring up. Can you bring it up, Scotty?" cdb says, "embryo chapter?" Greg-1 says, "Used to be that a new company that was being incorporated without a name was called "the advent corporation"." jburk-1 says, "unless you think chapter-in-formation is good" Scottyg says, "I can mention it Tim, but you need to make the proposal." TimCadell says, "Well, I'll have to bring it up in email, then. I have to go, unfortunately. See you all later!" TimCadell has disconnected. Scottyg says, "Is there any reason to address the issue of Chapters being part of more than one national organization in this?" jburk-1 says, "we could, but how would we word it?" The housekeeper arrives to cart TimCadell off to bed. Scottyg says, "I'm not convinced anything is needed. I think the best policy is to ignore it and just have the "goals and creeds, and purposes" requirements." jburk-1 says, "ok" Scottyg says, "But since it has been discussed from time-to-time, I thought I should bring it up." rhodab follows Severy into the room Severy says, "Hi, Rhoda!" rhodab says, "Hi there. Sorry I'm late. I had another board meeting that lasted a lllooonnnngggg time!" Scottyg says, "Hi Rhoda!" rhodab says, "Hi Scotty" Scottyg says, "Those long bored meetings are a pain." rhodab grins. Greg-1 says, "I'm dithering about chapters that are a part of other organizations." Scottyg says, "Anyone else have a suggestion on chapters-in-formation?" Greg-1 says, "In that chase, "chapter" doesn't sound like the right term to refer to it." Greg-1 says, "In that case, too." Scottyg says, "Greg, seems to me that the same group of people could form chapters in several organizations and have joint meetings, and there is little we could do about it except insist that activities conducted in the name of Moon Society reflect our goals, etc." Scottyg says, "LRS is probably a good example." Scottyg says, "NSS/ASI/Moon Society combo" Greg-1 says, "Joint meetings sounds like an outstandingly good idea to me." Scottyg says, "With Mars Society ties too." jburk-1 says, "i need to take off, but I will be back on in about 1/2 hour when I get home" Greg-1 says, "I would expect, though, that if we recognize a thing as a chapter, then that thing will be a separate organization, and 100% of its members will be members of the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "OK, Jim." Scottyg says, "Agreed!" jburk-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove jburk-1. Scottyg says, "Of course, in joint meetings, not all members will be members of all organizations. I gues the key thing is who votes in elections." Scottyg says, "Of course, in joint meetings, not all attendees will be members of all organizations. I guess the key thing is who votes in elections....too." Greg-1 says, "Right." Scottyg says, "So should we address voting rights then?" Greg-1 says, "I guess the thing that makes an organization a chapter of the Moon Society is that it has applied for recognition, and its officers have been recognized as representing the membership to the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "What would we say about voting rights? " Scottyg says, "And its officers have been elected by members of the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "Would that be covered in a sample bylaws for chapters?" Greg-1 says, "Oh, yeah." rhodab says, "All of the officer elected by the Moon Society?" Scottyg says, "Greg, Candace has something she needs to ask you. Are you receiving her whispers?" Greg-1 says, "No. I don't see any whispers." Greg-1 says, "Oh, waitasec ... I'll check the other window." rhodab says, "Shouldn't the chapter be able to pick it's own leaders. Also, would it have its own bank account?" Scottyg says, "Yes to both Rhoda." Scottyg says, "Candace, just go ahead in the clear. We'll stand by." rhodab says, "Would it be under the same non-profit org. as the Moon Society? If so, the Moon Society would have to report on the monies of the chapter." Greg-1 says, "Hmm ... don't see anything, but really unless there's something personal here, it works a lot better to just say something." cdb says, "Greg I sent an email to you with questions about ASI/MoonSoc renewals. It was last Sunday to grb@asi.org Did you get it?" Scottyg says, "We addressed that earlier Rhoda. It was decided that Chapter will be independent, not part of of a Moon Society group exemption." rhodab says, "Sorry I was late. Then it would file for it's own 501C3?" Greg-1 says, "Justasec, Candance ... I don't remember seeing it." dcarson says, "if needed, if they have under 10K they don't really need to file" cdb says, "I can resend it right now, Greg. Tell your email filters to let me through :>)" Greg-1 says, "Heh. If you send it to grb@asi.org, it won't hit a filter." rhodab says, "I thought that applied if they raised funds in one fund raising event that was under $10,000, and that the funds would be directed toward a 501C3 organization." Greg-1 says, "Nope, no messages in here from you, Candace." Greg-1 says, "What was the subject?" cdb says, "ASI/MoonSoc renewal document questions." rhodab says, "If they keep the funds for themselves, and don't 'share' with the Moon Society, then it's no issue. Sorry for repeating something that was already covered." cdb says, "Greg. I sent the email to grb@asi.org Should I send it somewhere else?" Scottyg says, "Rhoda, I think there is a 10,000 annual ceiling. If you stay below that, then you don't have to file to be tax-exempt." rhodab says, "Could be. I was just reading the rules for filing the 1023. I could have misunderstood the meaning." Scottyg says, "However, the IRS may not recognize donation as deductible for the donor in that case." Greg-1 says, "Candace, that's the right place!" cdb says, "OK Greg. I'm sending it again. Please let me know if you get it!" Greg-1 says, "I remember that rule now, Scotty. It was one of the excuses that Boise used to procrastinate filing for 501c3 exemption for ASI in the early days." Greg-1 says, "Will do, Candance." Scottyg says, "Excuse me. Its $5,000 annual. (I have the rules in front of me.)" cdb says, "AS soon as I find out if Greg has my email, I'll need to leave the meeting. So...G'night folks. See ya." Scottyg says, "(Rhoda - see page 15 of PUB 557.)" rhodab says, "Bye Candace" rhodab says, "I don't have it in front of me right now, Scotty. I was going over it last week. " rhodab says, "The organization I was working with does raise over $10,00 at one event. And has multiple fund-raising event. So..." Scottyg says, "Organizations Not Required to File Form 1023.....Any organization (other than a private foundation) normally having annual gross receipts of not more that $5000..." Scottyg says, "than even" Greg-1 says, "Form 1023 is the tax return for an organization?" rhodab says, "The application" Scottyg says, "Form 1023 is the application for exempt status." rhodab says, "The return is a 990" rhodab says, "Then the chapter would not be expected to contribute financially toward the Moon Society?" Greg-1 says, "OIC" Scottyg says, "That's correct Rhoda." rhodab says, "hmmm" Greg-1 says, "Off hand, I would expect it to be the other way around, with the Moon Society returning a portion of the members' dues to chapters." Scottyg says, "Jim has prepared a set of proposed rules. See http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/chptrules.html" Scottyg says, "We have revised par. 5, but otherwise it stands." Greg-1 says, "Candace, yes, I received your email." Scottyg says, "Greg, that might be a problem if the chapter isn't 501c3." cdb says, "Thanks Greg. G'night All!" dcarson says, "we can donate money to projects though that meet the societires purposes" Scottyg says, "It vaguely conflicts with the "None of the income of the non-profit may inure to the benefit of its members" rule." cdb has disconnected. Greg-1 says, "Scotty, yeah, that's been haunting me. " Greg-1 says, "It's one of the arguments for making the chapters a real part of the Moon Society, instead of independent affiliates that are recognized as "chapters"." dcarson says, "so we have to give it to specific projets like research, outreach, educatin etc." Scottyg says, "If the Chapter is non-profit, then anythig given to it by the parent is subject to the same rule. But if not, the chapter could hand the money over to its members." Greg-1 says, "I think that would be a different issue, Dana." Greg-1 says, "NSS has a policy, for example, where if a chapter recruits a new member, that chapter gets $15." dcarson says, "instead of giving money to a chapter in general we give it to projects the chapter is doing I mean" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, if we do a revenue-sharing gig, then it can only be for 501c3's or for real chapters." Scottyg says, "Ah, that falls under a different rule I think. Thats a payment for a service rendered." Greg-1 says, "Of course, we're an international organization, so that raises a whole new can of worm.s" Greg-1 says, "worms." Greg-1 says, "Oh, this is getting too complicated for my tired, old brain." dcarson says, "I don't think we need to decide now, we can always say that money can go only to 501C3ed chapters as needed" rhodab says, "A lot easier to have the chapters a part of the overall organization. Then all you have to worry about is the 990 reporting of monies" The housekeeper arrives to cart cdb off to bed. rhodab says, "Plus, you have more control over activities than if they are a separate, independent organization." Scottyg says, "Look at http://www.moonsociety.org/organizing-documents/articles-of-incorporation.html Article IV" Scottyg says, "That language is verbatim from the PUB 557 recommendations." Greg-1 says, "Damn, I hate these style sheets." Greg-1 says, "It would be more work, but do we need to have the parent organization approve articles of inc for chapters?" Greg-1 says, "Or is it sufficient to have 5 members in one spot who say 'we want to be a chapter'?" Scottyg says, "Rhoda, the main thing that worries me about group exemptions is getting Chapters to file their annual reports in a timely manner." rhodab says, "That's always a problem. Plus the accounting and providing reporting of accounts so the 'parent' org. can file the 990 timely. However, transferring funds to the chapter would not violate the rules in Article IV that I can see, since they would be merely transferring funds from one account to another because the chapter would be part of the parent org." rhodab doesn't have a clue what she just said!!! :0) Scottyg says, "If the child is part of a group, transferring funds either direction is no problem. An independent child is the case I was think of." Greg-1 says, "Rhoda, what you just said would be applicable if the chapter were part of the parent." rhodab says, "Right!" Greg-1 says, "But if it's an independent organization then the Moon Society sending money to the chapter would not be just transferring funds within the organization." rhodab says, "Right again!" rhodab says, "Whew!!" Greg-1 says, "Aw fooey. Y'know, I'm not sure we're ready to say that chapters should be independent organizations." Scottyg says, "There are significant advantages to group exemption." Scottyg says, "The disadvantage is, we have to exercise tighter control over Chapter activities." Greg-1 says, "Yeah. A lot more work." rhodab thinks children always are! Greg-1 says, "But if we start out with chapters as independent organizations, we'll never be able to fix it later." Greg-1 says, "Good analogy, Rhoda." Scottyg says, "That includes...The manner in which funds are used...Reporting requirements...Legal liability for Chapter actions. Probably others I can't think of." rhodab says, "Insurance" Greg-1 says, "Oh, golly." Greg-1 says, "We just don't have the resources to deal with a huge organization." Scottyg says, "This is not a decision to be made lightly." rhodab says, "Scotty has nothing to do between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.! :0)" rhodab says, "He could handle it!!!" rhodab grins. dcarson says, "since Rhoda has demonstratd that she has experience in this area she should be creful hat she says :-)" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I'm thinking it's not something we want to just railroad through even if we're railroading ourselves." rhodab says, "Did I say anything?" Greg-1 says, "I keep thinking, though, that we first started puzzling over this one when Scotty brought it up at the first Las Vegas convention." rhodab says, "Well, I'm about to crash! " Greg-1 says, "Yeah, me too." Scottyg says, "Rhoda, can I bring up one thing before you go?" dcarson says, "kick this around in email over the next 2 weeks?" rhodab says, "Oops!" rhodab says, "Sure" Greg-1 says, "I can't think of a way to get past that issue, so let's hear what Scotty has in mind. :)" Scottyg says, "Tim and I have exchanged emails about the membership incentives program." Scottyg says, "He is asking that Lunar Traders be allowed to continue supplying the incentives. I think its just the bulk of his business." Scottyg says, "I responded that we might consider an arrangement in which we issue him P.O.'s to ship specific quantities of posters and bumper stickers to listed individuals, he performs the service and invoices us for work completed, and we pay the bill." Greg-1 says, "Is this the least-cost way to provide the service to our members?" rhodab says, "Will Tim provide the posters and bumper stickers?" Scottyg says, "But I asked him to bring a proposal to tonight's meeting for us to discuss. He was here, but had to leave before we got that far, so its only a concept at this point." Greg-1 says, "Or ... are there considerations other than cost that are based on the purposes of the organization?" Greg-1 says, "(And can we get Tim to use return-address labels that have the correct address on them?)" rhodab says, "My first thought is that the membership services all be together." Scottyg says, "Tim is an asset in many ways, and I don't want to burn him. But he's a poor businessman and too much of this has been handled poorly in the past. However, the arrangement I mentioned is a businesslike arrangement in my view. As to cost effectiveness, that depends on his proposal." rhodab says, "I guess we need to hear his proposal. Could he e-mail it?" rhodab says, "Or place it in the private directory?" Scottyg says, "That's where it was left. I'll ask him to do that." Scottyg says, "You also missed some discussion with Jim Burk." Scottyg says, "He was here earlier. Turns out he has taken a new job which explains his "disappearance"" rhodab says, "Ahh" Scottyg says, "But he promised to get some of the work needed on the registration system done this weekend." Greg-1 says, "I'd say that if Tim can come up with a cost-effective proposal and we're confident he can provide the service we need, then it really makes lots of sense to have Lunar Traders ship the goodies." Scottyg says, "Also, the bank has turned down our second request on a merchant account, so we're going the third-party route." rhodab says, "Yuk!" Scottyg says, "I'll be gathering info, aimed at a decision at our next meeting." rhodab says, "Which is?" rhodab says, "when?" Scottyg says, "Two weeks from now.....Oct 25" rhodab says, "Whadda you know! I have it on my calendar already!!!" Scottyg says, "The Leadership Council meets on the 2nd and last Wed of the month." Scottyg says, "Which means every other week except months with 5 Wednesdays." Scottyg says, "Then we skip one." Scottyg says, "(One week.)" Scottyg says, "I think that happens in November." Scottyg says, "Yep. Checked my calendar." rhodab says, "Okay. I'm outta here!" Scottyg says, "Ok, g'night!" rhodab has disconnected. Scottyg says, "Well, shall we wind this up?" Greg-1 says, "Duh ... have we done what we came to do?" Greg-1 says, "Ha. Apparently so!" Scottyg says, "Most of it." Greg-1 says, "Oh, FYI, according the CNN poll, Bush pretty much shellacked Gore in the debate tonight." Scottyg says, "Good!" Scottyg says, "I think Bush has done a good job as Gov of Texas." Greg-1 says, "Although folks said Gore was the more articulate of the two. That didn't seem to be a big factor." Greg-1 says, "Yup, I was happy with GW as governor of Texas." Greg-1 says, "And on that note, I think I'll try to get some sleep." dcarson says, "gnight all" dcarson goes home. The housekeeper arrives to cart rhodab off to bed. Greg-1 says, "Aha! I found it!" Greg-1 says, "YIPPPPEEEEEEE!" Scottyg says, "I thought that would get a smile or two." Greg-1 says, "I think I'll print this out and FRAME it!" Greg-1 says, "Or not. :)" Scottyg says, "LOL." Greg-1 says, "Someone might ask why it's hanging on the wall." Scottyg says, "Tape it to the inside of your desk drawer." Greg-1 says, "Yeah." Greg-1 says, "Now we can get into doing something with this shiny toy. I guess the next step is to decide just what that is." Scottyg says, "Anyway, I thought that would be a good way to end the day!" Greg-1 says, "Yup! Sure is! Hooray!" Greg-1 says, "(I've also discovered where my TLRC EXEC in box went to.)" Scottyg says, "A good thing to know." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, for some reason it's under "companies" instead of under "TLRC"." Greg-1 says, "Silly me." Scottyg says, "Well, it IS a company, albeit a special one...." Greg-1 says, "So the filter is working correctly. It's just that the mailbox is in the wrong place." Greg-1 says, "Welp, I'd better be skipping merrily off to bed." Greg-1 says, "G'night guys!" Scottyg says, "Does moving the mailbox require the filter to change?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I think I'll need to fix the filter if I move the box. We'll see." Greg-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Greg-1. Scottyg says, "Ok, G'night. I'm outta here too." Greg has disconnected. Scottyg has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart Greg off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart Scottyg off to bed. Scottyg has arrived. -- End log: Thursday, October 12, 2000 12:04:31 am ASI Meeting Server time--