-- Start log: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 9:17:58 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- Greg says, "So, Tim, any report from the Chapters?" Severy says, "ASI has asi-org-local@asi.org for a mailing list, but I don't think we have a Moon Society chapter mailing list yet, or do we?" TimCadell says, "Nope, nothing to report right now." Severy says, "Hmm, did the record just get turned on twice?" Severy says, "record = recorder" TimCadell says, "It looks like it, Randall." Greg says, "Are we running two recorders?" rhodab says, "One in each ear?" Greg says, "Somebody say something brilliant, to be recorded in digital stereo for all posterity." TimCadell says, "By the way, anyone gone to http://www.lunartraders.com/index.html recently?" dcarson says, "I was going to turn it on when you did maybe it confused it" rhodab says, "Nope" dcarson says, "looks good Tim" TimCadell says, "Thanks. Do you like the parking?" dcarson says, "Tim, just forwarded email from someone in Toronto looking for a local group" TimCadell says, "By the way, we're having storms. If the power goes out, you all have a good evening." dcarson says, "yes" TimCadell says, "Thanks, Dana." Greg says, "Just keep those storms on your side of the mountains, Tim. We've had enough gloom already this week." TimCadell says, "Randall, do I need to do anything to enable the cgi-ssl directory? It's not working." TimCadell sucks in, attempting to keep the storms here. Severy says, "The secure web server config file may need to be updated to point to that directory, let me check..." TimCadell says, "Thanks." TimCadell says, "What else is going on with Moon Society?" dcarson says, "conference, if, when, where?" TimCadell says, "Ah, yes." TimCadell says, "I'm okay with Caesars, but I know a lot of people don't appear to be." dcarson says, "we should at least grab a room for Sunday to just sit and talk after the lunar conf." rhodab says, "What days is the lunar conf?" TimCadell says, "Anyone know?" Severy says, "Tim, the SSL web server config file has the entry "ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/virtual/lunartraders/cgi-ssl/", so the cgi-ssl directory should work. But make sure the URLs have "cgi-bin", not "cgi-ssl" in them." TimCadell says, " https://www.lunartraders.org/cgi-bin/viewCart.pl/O7M946THQ5" TimCadell says, "How about permissions for the directory. Anything special need to be set?" dcarson says, "maybe we could organize one here in Baltimore, I was thinking maybe the weekend before worldcon in Philly so people could just come early if they're going to that?" Severy says, "lunartraders.org?" TimCadell says, "That would please a lot of people." TimCadell says, "Oh, oops. Thanks." Severy grins. TimCadell says, "That should fix it. I'll try again in a minute." Severy says, "Yup, I get a page, but all of the image links are broken. The SSL server uses ssldocs instead of htdocs for the document root." TimCadell says, "Yup. I'll have to point to all of those over again." TimCadell says, "Ah, much better." TimCadell says, "Just a symbolic link away." Severy says, "chuckles" Severy chuckles. TimCadell says, "Does he?" Severy says, "Much better ;-)" TimCadell says, "Yup, thanks!" TimCadell says, "Was everything already correct on the setup?" Severy says, "Yup" TimCadell says, "Well, pair took long enough, but it looks like they got it right." Severy says, "Which is a good thing, since we don't have direct access to the SSL server config file, we have to ask Pair for config changes" TimCadell will be right back. rhodab says, "Greg, in which ball-park range is one of the small meeting rooms at Ceasars?" TimCadell says, "Alex broke the VCR." Greg says, "Um ... Brooklyn Dodgers?" TimCadell says, "Brooklyn?" Greg says, "Well, it's an old building.l" dcarson says, "thats what children are for Tim" dcarson [to make]: sure there is enough enthropy in the world TimCadell says, "Ah, so the Sun adds energy, allowing us to push back entropy, and the son adds energy, creating more entropy." dcarson says, "yep" Greg says, "Rhoda, what exactly was it that you wanted to know about the meeting room at Caesars?" Greg says, "Was that a religious observation, Tim?" TimCadell says, "Not that I can tell." rhodab says, "The cost of a small one" Greg says, "You mean the cost of renting a small meeting room?" Greg says, "I don't know." rhodab says, "uh huh" Greg says, "They charged us $500 for all facilities for last year's conference." dcarson says, "so one small room for one day should be about $100 or so" Greg says, "On the other hand, the catering bill was thousands." Greg says, "Yeah, probably something like that." Greg says, "FYI, it might be a couple of months before I will know whether I will able to make it to the Lunar Development Conference this year." rhodab says, "Catering - as in coffee and sodas - were thousands?" dcarson says, "I'd think the lunches" TimCadell says, "Yup." Greg says, "Yup. Three meals." rhodab says, "Weren't they part of the registration pricing?" Greg says, "Also rental of the A/V equipment." TimCadell says, "So what else do we need to discuss tonight?" dcarson says, "Balticon?" TimCadell says, "I have a system I've written (and am continuing to work on) that is called DevTracker, kind of like the old action items system, but more complete, and becoming much better. If you want me to set up a project or projects for the Moon Society and different groups, I'd be happy to." dcarson says, "worth trying" TimCadell says, "Lunar Traders is a little short right now, but I think we'll be interested in Balticon." dcarson says, "OK I'll send in a request for a table" dcarson says, "for a marvelous example of pure hype http://www.msnbc.com/news/513749.asp?0cm=c10" TimCadell says, "The URL for DevTracker is http://www.lunartraders.com/devtracker" TimCadell says, "Thanks, Dana, that'd be great." TimCadell says, "I'm creating DCarson as a user." TimCadell says, "Okay, it's up." dcarson says, "OK" Greg says, "I have to admit that learning to use a new piece of software isn't high on my priority list for tonight." Greg says, "Do we have any Moon Society stuff to do tonight?" dcarson says, "not that I can think of" TimCadell says, "Greg, I figured. I wouldn't spend a LOT of time learning it anyway, since my new system is only weeks away, probably." TimCadell says, "Anyway, dinner is ready. If we're done, I need to get going." Greg says, "Yup, me too." Greg says, "G'night folks!" Greg has disconnected. TimCadell says, "Night!" TimCadell has disconnected. dcarson says, "night" The housekeeper arrives to cart Greg off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart TimCadell off to bed. rhodab has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart rhodab off to bed. In a blinding flash of light, Severy vanishes into thin air dcarson has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart dcarson off to bed. dcarson has arrived. -- End log: Saturday, January 20, 2001 12:27:34 am ASI Meeting Server time--