-- Start log: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 9:36:10 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- TimCadell says, "I hope I picked a good name." Greg says, "Ah, the tape is now running." TimCadell says, "Can you repeat all of that, Greg?" Greg says, "OK." Greg says, "I know what I wish the Moon Society were: a large organization with lots of local chapters and conferences and publications. Activities would include star parties, lunar science, brainstorming ideas for stories, lots of social events, selling lunar kickshaw, and especially recruiting new members. The new members would get sucked into the Artemis Society and start participating in ASI activities; and some of them would become Artemis Project program participants. I'd also like to have the Moon Society able to fund and conduct some major research projects, including participating in (but not controlling) Project Leto." Greg says, "Ta da." irs says, "Nicely put. Now we have to get to that." Scottyg says, "Ok, now...Can we reduce that to some short-term goals?" Greg says, "I can't, no." Scottyg says, "Just two or three at most." Greg says, "Every time I think of short-term goals, I think of the action items required to accomplish them; and the goals vaporize." TimCadell says, "Do we have a mailing list for chapter leaders?" Scottyg says, "Where I'm going with this is...If we can identify a small number of short-term goals, then I think we can get Margo to help find staffing for them." Greg says, "Now that we have a basic business infrastructure created, I'd say the next most important thing is to write a local chapter manual. That manual needs to include sections on the rules, how to form a local chapter, lots of ideas and helps for chapter activities, recruting brochures, templates for meeting announcements, templates for agendas, templates for chapter newsletters (including web pages)." TimCadell says, "Sounds like I should take that action item." TimCadell says, "But I'll be asking for input. Maybe from Simon, he seems to have more experience than I do at that." Greg says, "Another key short-term goal is to clean up the Moon Society web site. Change it so that it can be maintained with WSD. Move everythig into WSD, and kill anybody who telnets in to change the site. (Or at least revoke that person's access to the server.)" Greg says, "Simon Rowland?" TimCadell says, "Have we had problems with files changing under WSD?" TimCadell says, "Yeah, remember he gave that talk at last July's LDC meeting about setting up meetings." Greg says, "No problems that I know of; it's just that the current web site is a confusing mess." Greg says, "PHP3 is cute, but very difficult to maintain without a guide map." TimCadell says, "I was going to say that I have used telnet to edit the Bay Area chapter's files." Scottyg says, "Yeah, theres a doc sitting in WSD (what-you-can-do.html) that I can't figure out where to put with the current site layout." Greg says, "I haven't been too enthusiastic about doing anything there myself, but I find it even more debilitating that Jim Burk hasn't done a damned thing since he first set up the site." Greg says, "Yup. I fear we need to start over with a complete redesign. I just haven't been up to it lately." Greg says, "More than anything else these days, people will judge us by our web site." Scottyg says, "Speaking of web site, one of my pet projects reached fruition today. My company's new web site went live this morning." TimCadell says, "What's the URL, Scotty?" Greg says, "Tim, to the best of my knowledge, Simon does not have any experience with setting up meetings or running organizations. So there's great risk that anything you get from him would be theoretical rather than based on actual experience. On the other hand, if he will draft stuff, at least we'd have a starting point. " Scottyg says, "http://www.stalkerradar.com" irs says, "Two points:" Greg says, "The important thing is that you should never publish Simon's work without first reviewing it very carefully." Scottyg says, "Yeah, Simon has a lot of energy and gets things done." irs says, "One: the Moon Society web site is pretty, but we have to kill the "last update date" (or whatever it says) and the "upcoming events" headers. Sure, it may not be updated very often, but we shouldn't rub the viewer's nose in it." Greg says, "The phrase "Stalker Radar" has some interesting connotations." Greg says, "Point well-taken, Ian." irs says, "Two: As much as we want to build from the ground up right, might it be a little easier to NOT set up the whole chapter infrastructure right now, but instead let them grow organically, and then, at some not-too-distant point in the future, put together a few of the local group folk to design that infrastructure for their successors?" Greg says, "Nice web site, Scotty!" TimCadell says, ""Nice fron tpage, Scotty." Greg says, "I'd recommend leaving out the dba reference, though. That information might appear in an about-the-company page if it needs to be on the web at all." Scottyg says, "Yeah, there was a LOT of debate about that trade name." Greg says, "I love this illo that says "Speed Limit 20. Your speed 65." Heh." TimCadell says, "Greg, Simon gave a talk on "Promoting a chapter". Looking at his synopsis that he gave me, it looks okay, but I'll keep that in mind." Scottyg says, "LOL. I had one other goal tonight...Work related...Wanted to tralk to Randall about WSD Lite to use to maintain it." Greg says, "OK, I've ordered 14 radars guns. Now I wonder what I'll do with them?" TimCadell says, "Greg, jburk@moonsociety.org owns the chapters-council mailing list. Is that the one I would use to start coordinating the different chapters?" Greg says, "Tim, yes." Greg says, "Let's do what's required to change it so that you're the owner of that mailing list." TimCadell says, "Okay, I can do that." Greg says, "Jim doesn't even read his email these days." Greg says, "(Not that I can talk.)" TimCadell grins. TimCadell says, "Okay, that's changed and I'll check it now." Greg says, "Wow! This is really clean HTML here, Scotty. You must not be using one of those Microsoft authoring things." TimCadell says, "By the way, we're using HTMLKit to edit web pages. Very nice interface, though at times a bit buggy. Includes ability to edit files directly over FTP. Loads them, you edit them, then it saves them back." Greg says, "We seem to have a serious CyberTeams shortage tonight." Greg says, "Tim, it's 6:55" TimCadell says, "Also has built-in HTMLTidy and lots of other features. And it's free." TimCadell says, "Yup, time for me to go. See you guys!" Greg says, "See ya!" Greg says, "(I was afraid we'd make Tim miss his bus.)" TimCadell has disconnected. Scottyg says, "We used a contractor to create the actual pages. I'm not sure what he uses, but its not Microsoft junk." irs says, "bye Tim." Greg says, "Darn, look at this employment solicitation. Makes me wish I had used the past 2 years to learn 3D CAD instead of doing what my boss told me to do." Greg says, "Well, does anybody have any other moon business that I need to do tonight?" Greg says, "I still need to spend some time cuddled up with spacejobs.com before I retire." The housekeeper arrives to cart TimCadell off to bed. irs says, "Nothing pressing at this end. Day job and magazine are pretty much swmaping me." Scottyg says, "BTW Greg..." Scottyg says, "Jennifer Day and I took the email welcome letter you did and edited it slightly to make a renewal letter." Scottyg says, "We also put both of them on a Moon Society letterhead to make a printed version." Scottyg says, "If you want to do something to replace any of those, please do. Meanwhile, we have something useable." Greg says, "Great! Duh ... I had completely forgotten about that." Greg says, "Yeah, now that the pressure is off, I'll probably think up something really creative. :)" Greg says, "Reminds me of the time I scored 100-4X in the NRA winter pistol match; in the last round, when no matter what I scored, it wouldn't matter." Scottyg says, "The email version of the renewal letter is installed in the templates on both Moon Society and ASI." Greg says, "Are we using different templates for the Moon Soiety and ASI?" Greg says, "Moon Society, too." Greg says, "Not to mention the Moon Moiety." Scottyg says, "ASI still has its own templates, but since Moon Society renewals are being recorded on ASI as the master copy, we needed the Moon Society templates on ASI." Scottyg says, "ASI is not presently sending out its own welcome or renewal letters." Scottyg says, "The Moon Society letter mentions ASI membership." Greg says, "That's reasonable." Scottyg says, "Which reminds me...I need to get Randall to refresh the Moon Society database." Greg says, "Since ASI is not very active these days; it doesn't have anything to sell members, and maintains its membership only via the Moon Society." Scottyg says, "ASI has all the updates. Moon Society gets updated from ASI." Greg says, "It seems like it should be the other way around, with the Moon Society transmitting data to ASI." Scottyg says, "It probably should, but there was the problem of LT doing the updates. They are set up on ASI but not Moon Society, and since that was temporary, I didn't want to rock the boat." Scottyg says, "If Randall can run the update, we can switch over." Greg says, "Got it. No superfluous boat-rocking required." Greg says, "This, of course, requires an increase in the local Randall density." Greg says, "They must be having a good time in Maryland." Scottyg says, "I don't think its a major effort. He's done it once before." Greg says, "On the other hand, the last time I talked to Randall he was kind of concerned about meeting payroll again. Golly." Scottyg says, "If he were here, I could make a small contribution to that." Greg says, "There's one thing that Bill Gates did that I like. His philosophy was never to expand the company until you had enough capital to meet payroll for a full year with no revenues." Greg says, "Well, there" irs says, "Well, LRC Publications seems to be doing OK. Got a story on the final Nebula ballot (mine arrived today), and we're going into another mailing with DNA Publications (though the mailing I'm putting together is on hold: the associate editor of one of the magazines I'm gonna work with died last week)." Greg says, "Well, there's always the telephone. You can reach Randall *anywhere*." Greg says, "I don't think he takes a bath with his cell phone, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he does." Scottyg says, "It wasn't that urgent from my side." Greg says, "Ian, when are SFWA dues due again?" Greg says, "Now, there's something to contemplate. Is there any advantage to having everybody's dues come due at the same time" Greg says, "?" Scottyg says, "Ummm. Not from MY point of view." Greg says, "That settles that, then, Scotty." irs says, "The advantage is simplified record-keeping and one bulk mailing. The disadvantage is one huge mailing (vs. regular mailing)." Scottyg says, "And a whole year's worth of income entries at once. Ugh." irs says, "Due date: I don't recall. I think it's summer." Greg says, "Yeah; doing it as a monthly accounting thing seems to work better if our goal is to get to the point where we have full-time paid staff." irs says, "Yeah, right, 'cause I got all the renewal money soon after taking office. Membership year is 1 July to 30 June." Scottyg says, "Oh, I have a policy question...." Greg says, "OK. I was just wondering whether I would be able to afford to renew my dues. Maybe I will by then." Greg says, "Oh goody, a policy question." Greg says, "Policy answer: No, I don't think President Bush should nuke Iraq." Greg says, "Yet." Scottyg says, "If a member's credit card is declined, what should we do? I propose to try it again in two weeks, then send him a notice if it is declined the 2nd time." Greg says, "Sounds reasonable to me. I think that's what I would want us to do if it hapened to me." Greg says, "or happened, even" Scottyg says, "If the CyberCash link-up were working, it wouldn't be an issue since it would be declined real-time and he would be aware of that." irs says, "Yeah, Scotty, that's pretty standard procedure. That's what I do with declined cards." Scottyg says, "But since I process these after-the-fact, there's no feedback to the member." Greg says, "Yeah." Greg says, "So, anything else for tonight?" Scottyg says, "Ok, I'll handle it that way. I have one to deal with at the moment." Greg says, "Darn, I wish I had some vacation time. I could go to one of these job fairs in Denver." Scottyg says, "Shall we stop the recorder?" Greg says, "Yeah." Scottyg says, "stop moon recorder" Greg says, "Did it work?" Scottyg says, "nope." Greg says, "I think Tim started it. Does that mean he has to stop it?" -- End log: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 10:23:35 pm ASI Meeting Server time--