-- Start log: Wednesday, September 5, 2001 9:09:27 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- Greg says, "I can imagine!" Greg says, "Assuming that's 6 hours a night." dcarson says, "total" Greg says, "close door" Greg says, "hmph" dcarson says, "she did nap in chairs a few times apparently" Greg says, "I seem to recall we had a shopping list of stuff we wanted to do with whatsnew to make it more useful." irs says, "I had a couple questions at WorldCon along the lines of "why isn't the site ever updated?" I'm assuming the What's New page isn't doing anything? Anyway, that's what I told them." Greg says, "What's what you told them?" Greg says, "A much better response to that question is, "Oh, did you submit something?"" Greg says, "Hey Ian, do you remember if I ever sent you something for Artemis Magazine that included notes about the infamous quarter-million-dollar muffin fan on the International Space Station?" dcarson says, "the news page only has news as of 2000, we've been doing the moonsociety.org page sice then, should update the link probably" Greg says, "Lemme check" Greg says, "Oh, right!" Greg says, "I think I'll put in a redirect permanent and kick it to moonsocity.org without explanation" Greg says, "Ah, no, that won't work." Greg says, "That wold mess up the archives." dcarson says, "how many subs total did you sell at worldcon Ian?" irs has disconnected. Greg says, "There. Now they can't miss it! http://www.asi.org/adb/06/09/04/" irs has connected. irs leaves. irs arrives. irs <- grr> Greg says, "Unix guru question: How come I get a permissions error at http://www.asi.org/cgi-bin/moonsims/teamwsdexpress" dcarson says, "maybe the exe isn't marked as such" Greg says, "What does that mean?" dcarson says, "try http://www.asi.org/cgi-bin/moonsims/teamwsdexpress/simgirls/wsd" dcarson says, "thats a directory, you aren't allowed to look a dirs in the cgi-bin area" Scottyg says, "How about: http://www.asi.org/cgi-bin/moonsims/teamwsdexpress/teamwsdexpress ?" Greg says, "Yup! That brought up the Simgirls WSD." Scottyg says, "Dana, do you have any ides why an access to https://www.transorbital.net sends you to the Lunar Traders catalog?" dcarson says, "no" dcarson says, "I'll look at t" Scottyg says, "Note the "https"" dcarson says, "probably the default virtual host for https or some such" Scottyg says, "How do you trade places with a clone?" Greg says, "Aw, darn it. There's something hosed up here. the wsd-support directory ain't working." dcarson says, "use @swap" Greg says, "Yeah, something got hosed up in TeamWSDExpress." Greg opens the door to Moon Society leadership room. . . Scottyg-1 has arrived. Greg says, "I wonder why you couldn't get in?" Scottyg-1 says, "Interesting feature." Greg says, "Oh, I see! You're a clone." Greg says, "Only the real Scotty can open the door." Scottyg-1 says, "When I did a swap, my original self left but my clone couldn't enter." Greg says, "Yeah, we're an exclusive club here. :)" Scottyg-1 says, "The clone & me were open on two different computers. The original me kept getting his window covered with other work, so I wanted to swap computers." Greg says, "OK, I've fixed the configuration on Velaria's WSDExpress." Greg says, "Somehow, the teamwsd-support directory setting got hosed up." Greg says, "I think that might have been because I republished her files using ASI WSD. Or something." dcarson says, "that could confuse it" Scottyg-1 says, "Does anyone know whether the WSD Lite license permits it to be used on both the http and https servers for a domain?" dcarson says, "wonder where Randall is, probably stil catching up from italy" Greg says, "Aw dangit. I hosed up something else along the way." Greg says, "Did he fly home today?" dcarson says, "license is tied to a machine and domain not protocol I think" dcarson says, "don't remember when exactly" Greg says, "The last I heard, he was still swilling spahetti in the old country." Greg says, "spaghetti, too" Scottyg-1 says, "Dana, thats my impression too." dcarson says, "OK shows up in ICQ, maybe just a machine in the office still logged in" Greg says, "It's not the license. I've somehow managed to mess up the settings so now TeamWSDExpress doesn't know where the repository is." Scottyg-1 says, "Greg, it was in relation to something else. (The Transorbital project)" dcarson says, "which teramwsdexperess?" Greg says, "Moon Sims." Greg says, "It's at http://www.asi.org/cgi-bin/moonsims/teamwsdexpress/admin/teamwsd" Greg says, "I just added you as user with dcarson and bodkin" Greg says, "Kind a grisly password, eh?" irs says, "ods, even." Greg says, "So, anybody, how's the Moon Society tonight?" Greg says, "I *still* haven't heard word on that proposal we submitted to NASA." Greg says, "How's your dad, Ian?" irs says, "Recovering, thanks. He's changed his eating habits, walks a bit, and is back to work partial days." Greg says, "That sounds about as good as it can get!" irs says, "Yeah, it looks good to me." irs says, "I'm pooped, of course, but that's due to WorldCon and a lack of Kit." Scottyg-1 says, "I'm still trying to get a quote on printing our ballot mail-out. Kinko's quote $5.00 for the two-sided page, but they can't do the envelopes. Another source has been slow to respond." Greg says, "My dad started walking 2 miles a day when he was 60something." Greg says, "Now that he's 90something and spends a lot of time in a wheel chair, he rolls 2 miles a day." Scottyg-1 says, "Oops Kinkos quoted $45.00....." irs says, "For how many?" Greg says, "Ah. $45 sounds closer to what I would have expected. :)" Greg says, "I was startled for a minute there." Scottyg-1 says, "500 pcs Ian." Greg says, "It sounds entirely reasonable to me." irs says, "Pretty close to what I'd get here. OK." Greg says, "I think proximity to Jennifer Day is our chief criterion." Scottyg-1 says, "My keyboard sometimes leaves out characters. I guess I have too light a touch." Greg says, "B'b'but ... Kinko's doesn't do envelopes?" Scottyg-1 says, "Nope." Greg says, "Oh. Nebbermind. I was think of Office Despot." Greg says, "I'm sure they do envelopes." Greg says, "I'm surprised Kinko's does, though. I thought they did stationery." Scottyg-1 says, "Ok, I haven't checked with them I try to get over there tomorrow." Greg says, "Ian, did you see my question about the muffin fan way up yonder?" irs says, "Nope. Things crashed here, and I was off-line for like 10-15 minutes. What about a muffin fan?" Greg says, "The reason I ask is that I started writing something for you today and was wondering if I was having a senior moment." irs says, "You're writing something for me?! You must be senile, but don't let that stop you. " Greg says, "Oh. Did I ever send you an article that included the Sordid Tale of the Quarter-Million-Dollar muffin fan?" irs says, "Nope." Scottyg-1 says, "Kinko's can send things out for printing, but can't run copies onto envelopes. At 500 pcs, copying is usually less than printing." Greg says, "I think I've only had one thing published in Artemis Magazine so far, but I can't remember what its' about!" Greg says, "it's" irs says, "Why domes won't work on the Moon, and we'll be forced under the surface. Also, you had a response to a letter about that article." Greg says, "Yeah, and if they need to be printed we might was well eliminate the middle man." Greg says, "Ian, yeah, now I remember." Greg says, "Too many distractions these days." Scottyg-1 says, "I was gonna write a letter on that one too, but didn't get around to it." Greg says, "You don't like my moon domes story?" irs says, "Well, remind yourselves and tell your friends: Artemis Magazine is always looking for letters to the editor." Scottyg-1 says, "I was gonna say - your real enemy with domes is that area goes up as the square of diameter." Greg says, "Hey, have you guys seen the mischief I've been up to with Moon Sims?" Greg says, "Scotty, yup." irs says, "No, Greg. No time." Greg says, "And the force due to pressure is a function of the area." Greg says, "As I recall, I skipped all the mass and went straight to the hoop-stress equation." Scottyg-1 says, "But the load-bearing capacity of the attachment only goes up as the diameter." Greg says, "Assuming that we were writing for a rather non-technical audience." Greg says, "Speaking of which, Ian, Boris has been puzzling over that story you sent him to illustrate." Greg says, "Has he contacted yout about that?" Greg says, "It seems to be technically ... erm ... silly." irs says, "I had an illo from him waiting in my in-box when I got home from WorldCon. Haven't had time to do more than see that it was an illo." Greg says, "At least the part he showed me." Greg says, "I told him to just look for some good visual imagery in the story and illustrate that." Greg says, "Visual imagery, as opposed to ... uh ... auditory imagery. Yeah, that's it." irs says, "That's what illustration means, Greg. Find an image and make a drawing." Greg says, "Yup." Greg says, "Anyhow, you might want to read the story a bit more carefully. The part I saw didn't make a lot of sense. It was about the relative location of the moon and Mars, I think." Greg says, "Or maybe the moon and asteroids." Greg says, "I knew you were hoping for somethign else to worry about tonight. :)" Greg says, "something" Greg says, "Scotty, yes, in domes the tensile strength is a function of the thickness of the material, which varies with the linear dimension." irs says, "I'll deal with it, Greg." Greg says, "Thanks, Ian. Great moments in literature. " Greg says, "Let's see ... I still have an action item to find us a place to meet in November." irs says, "And if you want to write a one-pager describing the Artemis Project and ancillary organizations that I can run in the magazine (on an on-going basis), I need it in two weeks. Otherwise, I have to write it." Scottyg-1 says, "Oh - I got Adobe Acrobat, so now I'm ready to start redoing our Non-profit filing." Greg says, "Eeek! Don't give me any new action items. I won't do them." Greg says, "Scotty, you need to use Acrobat for that?" irs says, "Then you'll have to live with what I write. I'll drop you a copy when I get it done for your eyeballing." Greg says, "It's a pretty cool program, but I'm surprised the IRS would require it." Scottyg-1 says, "Greg - Its a lot easier since the forms are in Acrobat. I can just edit in the information. Last time around, I made Word overlays. That was a pain." Greg says, "Ian, OK. I think I can handle reviewing. For almost anything else, if it requires creative thought that takes longer than a few seconds without feedback, my mind starts to wander. I'm in sort of a panicky state these days, waiting to hear from NASA about that one proposal." irs says, "Well, you did mention you're writing something, but I guess I won't joggle your elbow there." Greg says, "Scotty, I can imagine. Yeah, life has been easier since I got Acrobat on this toy." Greg says, "Which reminds me that I still need to finish the PDF files for the Moon Flag contest." irs says, "Oh, Dana. Since apparently Randall is away, do you know who at CyberTeams is responsible for their ad, and if they want to/can update it. That page is probably going to be in color, so having the ad in color would be good." irs says, "Oh, goodie. I was thinking of running a notice about the contest in the magazine. Can I do so, Greg?" Greg says, "Oh, and we (ASI and the Moon Society and CyberTeams) are signed up to support a Lunar In-Situ Resources Study that a fellow in Sweden is proposing to the European Union." Greg says, "Ian, for sure!" Greg says, "I'd like to get as many participants as we can." irs says, "I downloaded the page linked from moonsociety.org. Is that all I need, or is there more info floating around somewhere?" Greg says, "If you peek at http://www.moonsociety.org/flag/ you'll see that I made a couple of updates." irs says, "Gotcha." dcarson says, "Rhoda would be the best person I think" Greg says, "There's an email exchange between Bill Byrd and me that I haven't managed to moosh into anything useful yet. Some more refinement of the rules, plans, dates." irs says, "Can you ask her, Dana?" Greg says, "And then there's the plea for judges." dcarson says, " rhoda@cyberteams.com" dcarson says, "will do" Greg says, "We haven't yet defined the judging process, or identified who the judges will be." irs says, "If it's not ready, Greg, maybe I shouldn't run the announcement. I'm assuming that once I print it, you'll probably start getting entries." Greg says, "Ian, we're ready for entries, so now is the time to print it." Greg says, "By the next issue, the deadline date will be fast upon us." irs says, "OK." Greg says, "Hmm ... the conversation in The Commons is getting to be distracting. I wish there was a way to turn down the volume on the xcommunicator." Greg says, "The MOO needs colored tet." Greg says, "text" Greg says, "words" irs says, "Naw, you need to be able to ignore stuff like I do. Be less knowledgeable about this MOO thing, and you, too, can exist in only one room ." Greg says, "Heh." irs says, "Ignorance may not be bliss, but it does make some things easier." Greg says, "I'm tied into The Commons with the x channels, and the Xcommunicator object that's sitting there." irs will be right back. dcarson says, "rapscallio supports colored text in its filters" [Commons]: Michael says, "that was a billboard for a show in Toronto last weekend...." [Commons]: Michael says, "http://bailey.dscga.com/origami.jpg" Greg says, "Just 2 lines from The Commons channel." irs says, "I'm back." Greg says, "You will enjoy this one more, though: http://moonsims.asi.org/walls/walls2.html" Greg says, "Is anybody awake?" dcarson says, "yes" irs says, "I'm here. Anything else I need to be here for?" Greg says, "I was wondering that very same thing." Greg says, "If nobody has anything thing else to bring up I'll jump over to WSD and fix some glitches." Greg says, "But I'll leave the MOO window open while I'm on line." irs says, "I'll get back to all those new subscriptions I got from DNA and WorldCon." dcarson says, "ok I'l stay around in case somerthng comes up also" irs says, "OK, so I'm outta here. Good night, guys." irs has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. dcarson goes home. Greg disappears, leaving but a wistful memory that lingers in your mind. Greg teleports Scottyg-1 out. Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. Scottyg has arrived. dcarson arrives. Scottyg says, "Be right back." Greg says, "Better to be right back than to be left out." Greg says, "(That was the silliest pun I could come up with on the spur of the moment.)" Scottyg says, "Um, well being left out just now might be a good thing." Greg says, "Heh." Greg says, "But here's one you don't want to be left out of: I'm trying to think of a way to put together a business plan for a project to build a prototype pressurized moon rover" dcarson says, "that sounds like fun" Greg says, "Here's a picture: http://www.asi.org/images/2001/asi200100009.jpg" Greg says, "Boris has refined the design quite a bit since then." Greg says, "He thinks we could build it for $50,000. But then, the program costs would probably far more than double that." Greg says, "I'm thinking maybe either an SBIR or a collection of research grants." Greg says, "So if anyone comes up with any brilliant ideas about how to pull this one off, I'm all ears!" Greg says, "Meanwhile, what else is going on in the Moon Society?" Greg says, "I haven't heard beans about the Steckler grant." Greg says, "And it's now a full month after I thought we would have heard." Scottyg says, "I seriously question the $50,000 number. You can hardly buy a decent car for that these days." A crack of thunder announces the arrival of Severy Greg says, "Well, it's not a car, exactly. The product would not do well on city streets." Greg says, "And I really haven't looked at the numbers." Greg says, "I don't think Boris was accounting for labor. That's just parts." Greg says, "It would be based on the chassis from an electric crane." Scottyg says, "No, but a car doesn't exactly see a Lunar environment either....." Greg says, "FYI, Boris's background is in automotive desing." Greg says, "design." -- End log: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 9:14:13 pm ASI Meeting Server time --