-- Start log: Wednesday, April 3, 2002 9:01:06 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Severy says, "Wow, I'm being followed! ;-)" dcarson arrives. saavik laughs. Severy grins. Severy says, "A shorter version of that is @join, Amy, you don't have to undo anything afterwards..." Scottyg says, "Ah, but you miss getting dragged thru all those rooms on the way....." Severy laughs. Severy says, "Actually, I suspect she didn't, since she started following me when I was already here" Severy says, "Follow isn't smart enough to trace the path of someone after the fact" Scottyg says, "Oh, she missed all the fun. Greg followed me 'round and 'round in the frest maze one night till I found the path." Severy laughs. Scottyg says, "frest=forest" saavik laughs. Severy says, "I bet he was laughing the whole time, too ;-)" saavik says, "I can try join next time :-) I just knew follow would work" Scottyg says, "Prolly." dcarson says, "trying to follow someone into a room you aren't allowed in is interesting, you keep bouncing off the door" Scottyg says, "But in the process, I drew a map of the maze." Severy says, "Dana, when you have the chance can you send a clone to the CyberTeams MOO? I have a WebDAV question or two..." dcarson says, "sure" Scottyg says, "Following someone up into the sky without wings is interesting too." saavik says, "ah, if only cloning was that easy and without the ethics involved!" Severy says, "Actually, I think I fixed the follow verb to cancel the follow if you can't follow someone into a room" saavik says, "I could use a clone to double my output somedays" Severy says, "Yes, I often wish I could clone in real life :-(" Scottyg says, "I could use a clone to double my output almost EVERY day." saavik says, "yeah exactly :-)" Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. saavik says, "ah ha - the fearless leader" Greg says, "Oops! I was early, but now I'm late." Greg says, "So, do we still have a Moon Society?" Scottyg says, "We should have all just followed Greg!" Greg says, "But I followed Amy." saavik says, "well I followed Randall" Severy says, "Rod says you invited him in here, Greg, should I add him to the authorized list?" Greg says, "And he's the chairsevery of the leadership council." saavik says, "Greg did invite him last week..." saavik says, "err last meeting :-)" Greg says, "Oh yes." Severy says, "Aha, that's what I get for sleeping at the keyboard during a meeting ;-)" Greg says, "Rod Ramsey, Right?" Severy says, "Yes" Greg says, "Yes, he volunteered to head up this fund-raising gig." saavik admonishes Randall to read the meeting notes that she sends out Severy looks appropriately chastened saavik smiles. Greg says, "Did Rod get here yet?" saavik says, "I mean, it is my official job to send that stuff out :-)" saavik says, "no..." Scottyg says, "Read them? I thought those were just to have something to put in all those empty folders." Severy says, "I'm still adding him..." Greg says, "Oh." Greg says, "Ah. "Rams" must be Rod Ramsey." saavik says, "I take it this meeting will all be fundraising?" saavik says, "Just curious :-)" Scottyg says, "A little initial business on the Non-Profit filing that shouldn't take much time." saavik says, "I am not sure of my ability to make the meeting in 2 weeks. should be but can't guarantee" Rams arrives. Rams says, "Hi all" Greg says, "Go for it, Scotty" Greg says, "Welcome, Rod!" Severy says, "Ahh, that's better" Rams says, "Thanks Randall" Severy says, "Sorry, Rod, I was working with the wrong authorized users list at first" Rams says, "No problem." Scottyg says, "Ok, I sent a copy of my proposed response letter to the IRS to the board list. Did everyone get it? Does anyone have any suggestions?" Severy says, "Looks pretty good, Scotty! (except you may want to double-check the case of CyberTeams in some places ;-))" Scottyg says, "Hi Rod!" DaveW says, "looked good to me" Rams says, "Hi Scotty" Scottyg says, "Welcome to the Leadership Council meeting." dcarson says, "looks OK to me" saavik waves to Rod as well Rams waves at everyone Scottyg says, "We're discussing a response letter we need to send to the IRS about our Non-Profit application." Greg says, "Scotty, I don't see anything to change. " Greg says, "I think this means I still owe you that one letter." Scottyg says, "Ok, I'll check out CyberTeams vs Cyberteams?" Severy says, "Thanks!" Greg says, "And Randall is sending the CyberTeams agreement." Severy says, "And the agreement will be in the mail to you tomorrow" Greg says, "Rod, you can see how this plays into the fund-raising activities. :)" Scottyg says, "Yep, Greg...According to Randall's mail, the CyberTeams letter is taken care of, so that leaves just you. And I'll remind everyone....The due date is April 8." Rams says, "Yep." Greg says, "And it looks like if we get it right this time, we'll get our 501c3" Rams says, "Which allows for donations to be tax-deductible?" Scottyg says, "Yes Rod." Greg says, "April 8? Holy merde. I'll need to hook up a printer." Rams says, "At least for US donations." Severy says, "Hmm, methinks I should mail that agreement overnight then" Scottyg says, "At least 2nd day would be good Randall." Scottyg says, "Their short-fuse due dates are extremely irritating." Rams says, "If it goes through, when would it be effective?" Greg says, "Scotty, is there nothing more to this letter than to tell the IRS we promise to tell them if we start up some new activities that they need to judge are tax-deductible?" Scottyg says, "Its ok for them to take four months to get around to looking at it, but we gotta respond in two weeks." Greg says, "Rod, I think it's effective when Scotty receives a signed piece of paper from the IRS." Scottyg says, "Greg, thats about it. We should promise to notify them before beginning any of the research activities described in Part II, or any other activities not fully described in Part II." Scottyg says, "Effective as soon as we receive notice, and retroactive to the date of formation." Scottyg says, "(i.e. - Date of incorporation." Scottyg says, "August 9, 2000 IIRC." Rams says, "So if it comes through this year, even donations made prior to the effective date will be tax deduct?" Greg says, "Do we promise to ask them for a prejudgement on the activities before we commit to doing them?" Scottyg says, "Yep. BUT...We shouldn't make that statement to potential donors." Scottyg says, "Greg, yes." Rams says, "Sure. Just trying to imagine how the bookkeeping will work." Greg says, "Right. We got into a heap o' trouble because an overly exhuberant webmaster use the words tax-deductible on the web site, and we didn't notice." Scottyg says, "Well, not a heap of trouble, just got our hand slapped." Rams says, "Still, Trouble that can be avoided. I gotya." Scottyg says, "Ok, so i can expect to receive two letters by this weekend then?" Severy says, "Yes, you'll have mine Friday afternoon" Scottyg says, "I can fax in the response, so if i get all the docs by the weekend, i can still get it to the IRS by Monday (the 8th)." Scottyg says, "Ok, that was all I had on the Non-Profit filing." Scottyg says, "Amy, do you want to lead the fund-raising discussion?" Scottyg says, "Oh, Greg I missed your prejudgement question." Scottyg says, "We don't HAVE to ask for a prejudgement, but it would be good practice." saavik blinks saavik says, "sure... where to start." saavik says, "I'll start with a question: Rod, what do you need to know to get started and how can we help?" Greg says, "Oops. I was writing." Greg says, "How's this: Before the Moon Society begins any activities that are not fully described in part II of our application, we will contact you with a full description of the new activities so that the IRS can rule on how these activities will affect the Societys tax exemption. " saavik says, "we have different ideas here but my initial thought was that if we could raise a smallish amount of money (e.g. $10K or so), we could use that to bootstrap activities and further fundraising" Scottyg says, "What we HAVE to do is notify them, so they can determine if it would change our status." Scottyg says, "Yeah, that sounds good Greg. Sorry to butt in Amy." Rams says, "I like that idea as a basic start. The main obstacle the whole fundraising idea faces is that we don't know how much to expect." saavik says, "what exactly the minimum amount of money that is necessary to bootstrap a project is up for discussion but the main point is starting it!" Greg says, "Yeah, if I can get this sucker printed out, maybe I can fax it to you." saavik says, "and it's ok Scotty, it's the Moo after all" Rams says, "So I think we should keep the options to a minimum. Only three or four chocies for donations." saavik says, "oh, you mean monetary amounts?" Greg says, "Rod, do you mean only 3 or 4 categories where the funds would go to?" saavik says, "or do you mean methods" Rams says, "Otherwise we might end up with 10 categories with very little money in each." saavik says, "oh, categories, ok" Greg says, "Good oint." saavik says, "whew :-)" Greg says, "point, too." Rams says, "Yes, three or four categories" saavik says, "don't limit the monetary amounts, please! :-)" Rams says, "no no, no limits on ammounts ;-)" Greg says, "I think that would be less intimidating to the donor, too." saavik says, "I agree... I never even thought of categories other than "moon society"" saavik says, "Scotty, I have a question that ties into fundraising *and* 501c3 status" Rams says, "we can alwys expand the choices if there's more money than we expected" saavik says, "Peter Kokh asked me if we could set up a bequest fund. i.e.someone can designate moon society in their will in a special way. No clue how you do this but he says it is easy..." Greg says, "In those discussions on artemis-list, I listed a whole bunch of stuff." Rams says, "I'd vote for those categories with definable objectives like the 10k research project" Rams says, "over sutff like "education fund"" Greg says, "How about a field o nthe donation form where someone could add "In Memory of Joe Doakes"?" saavik says, "I agree in priniciple but we haven't fulled figured out the 10K ideas yet" Rams says, "I guess I'm seeing this as motivational PR as much as anything else" Scottyg says, "Amy, I saw your question about bequests, but I don't know what is involved." saavik says, "no, bequest isn't that Greg but that is a good idea" saavik says, "hold on, let me grab peter's mail on this" Rams says, "Bequests are a good idea, but I imagine there are tax implications there as well" saavik says, "P.S. The Moon Society should create a Bequest fund so that those of us " saavik says, "unfortunate enough to die before our dreams are realized can have the " saavik says, "consolation of knowing that we have set some portion of our estates aside. " saavik says, "It doesn't take much money to set up such a fund and advertise it all over " saavik says, "the place. As no other space organization has one, so far as I know, we could " saavik says, "potentially attract new members by offering this. A board would examine " saavik says, "proposals for grants to tap these funds once they reach a certain point, for " saavik says, "space education projects and critical research projects. Having this would " saavik says, "be a sign that we mean business, and we can still have our $10,000 X-Project " saavik says, "as well." saavik says, "Peter" saavik says, "FWIW, I agree with peter 100%" Rams says, "Yes, I think it's a good idea." saavik says, "and would like to see it added. heck, it would spur me to finally finish my will" Scottyg says, "That's what i was referring to Rod. I seem to be the most knowledgeable person in this group about such things, but that doesn't mean I'm an expert. (I'm an engineer in my day job.)" Greg says, "Oh. It's a remember-us-in-your-will thing." saavik says, "yes, but bequests are special and can work really well. my high school for $20Million through that in one chunk recently" saavik says, "they were all happy (and the rest of us poor alumni just watched in amazement)" saavik says, "it has some special tax benefits for the person - hold on, I have a URL" saavik says, " http://www.mercersburg.edu/alumni/giving.cfm" saavik says, "(that is my high school but it talks about how to give money in many forms)" saavik says, "the securities bequests and life insurance are the important parts for us" saavik says, "I think this could go hand-in-hand with rod's campaign" Greg says, "Interesting. I've never heard of high school going begging before." saavik says, "I went to private school... " Scottyg says, "Amy, there are a lot of complicated rules, and an organization such as Moon Society can be in any of several categories. For example, non-profit does not necessarily mean foundation." saavik says, "they always beg :-)" saavik says, "my college and grad school beg too" saavik says, "and I give soI get more begging :-)" Scottyg says, "We might actually need another organization to do this." Rams says, "There was a public school where I grw up with a fund. There was an external foundation that passed the money to them every year" saavik says, "hmm, ok. I think it is a really good idea but I am rather tax-ignorant so I don't know where to start other than to ask you all" saavik says, "perhaps it is a side-track of Rod's idea but I think it is very related..." Rams says, "I do think it's a good idea, if all the tax issues can be worked out." Scottyg says, "Me too. (BTW, The formal definition of a foundation is an organization that derives most of its income from investments.)" Rams says, "Though I hope I dont contribute to it for a long time!" saavik says, "laugh, me either!" Rams says, "Yeah, that's how the high school in my district worked. Some rich guy left his money in a foundation, they invested it and passed it on to a public school" saavik says, "that's where the other part of your fundraising comes in! " saavik says, "so Scotty, once we are non-profit, would it be easy to setup such a foundation? " saavik says, "and Rod, on my original question, where should we start and how do we help?" Rams says, "Well, I think the best place to start, from the organization's viewpoint is to define some fundraising goals" Rams says, "Like i said, pick maybe 4 areas to focus on" Rams says, "and decide how much money is a reasonable goal for each" saavik says, "hmm, so should the areas be broad or narrow (e.g. education versus robot regolith mover)" Rams says, "I suppose things like "general fund" and "lunar base development fund" should be on the list and be open ended" Greg says, "Yes" Rams says, "which leaves room for maybe 2-3 acutal projects" saavik says, "agreed" Rams says, "I think the narrower and better defined the better" Rams says, "for the projects" Rams says, "What I want to do is have little percentage meters, so progress is obvious" saavik says, "hmm, let me grab my current 10k list. note that we haven't discussed it at a meeting recently so this is a brainstorming list from the artemis-list" saavik says, "* Low-cost moonbase mockup that can travel (be used for" saavik says, "publicity and to drum up more money)" saavik says, "* a mini-X prize for rockets (first person to hit 100,000 feet)" saavik says, "* Business plan prize (i.e. seed funding for a new business)" saavik says, "* hydroponic garden experiments" saavik says, " * robot regolith mover" saavik says, "* beer" saavik says, "* publicity - e.g. Moon badges for boy scouts, etc" saavik says, "* lunar rover design contest" Rams says, "i think maybe one prize fund and one project fund area good idea" Greg says, "Yeah, one project at a time." Greg says, "If we raise $10K for a $10K project, then we will fund that one and go on to the next." Rams says, "the projects should have some definable goals and some useful results" saavik says, "agreed" saavik says, "so if I sorted them, then the suggested prizes are the rockets, the business plan, and the lunar rover" saavik says, "the projects are the moonbase mockup, the garden, the robot" Rams says, "Yes. And of those, maybe the rover is best? " saavik says, "I'm assuming the beer is not the higher priority" Greg says, "I think the garden is our best best" Greg says, "bet" Rams says, "for a project? " Rams says, "Sure." Greg says, "Yup." Rams says, "It's scaleable" saavik says, "if I may interject, how about both?" Rams says, "depending on how much money comes in" Greg says, "I could define a $10K project for that. Lights, materials, planter beds" saavik says, "or at least talking to Vik and Dave to see what their goals are" Rams says, "What would be the results? How would we excite people about it?" Scottyg says, "We should take into consideration that we have received a memorial donation of $500 for Lunar Solar Power development." Rams says, "Not doubting, just asking" Greg says, "Scotty, yeah. I'm not sure what to do with that one." saavik says, "yes, exactly" Rams says, "Hey, maybe if the garden is funded there could be some sort of porject diary column in the magazine" saavik says, "and cool, scotty" Greg says, "Good idea, Rod." saavik says, "nice thing about those two projects is: we have people who know what to do and stuff already exists" Rams says, "which two?" saavik says, "that means it won't just be scractching our heads to starts" saavik says, "garden and robot" Rams says, "ok" dcarson says, "setting weblog style things for the projects might be worthwhile" saavik says, "i.e. Vik and Dave" Rams says, "The benefit of the robot would be that it's something to take around and show" Greg says, "Yeah, that's a big one." Rams says, "the benefit of the garden is that it could be ongoing" Scottyg says, "And we badly need to show some activity to our members, so the diary column is a VERY good idea." Greg says, "Do we try to raise $20K for both projects? Or $5K each?" Greg says, "Yes, an outstandingly good idea." Rams says, "I'd start small" Rams says, "we can scale up if it becomes obvious that the money is there" Greg says, "Ask Vik and Dave for a proposed budget?" Rams says, "Yes." Greg says, "Rather than letting the project to expand to consume all available funds? :)" Rams says, "Whhaha" Greg says, "Hey, I used to work for NASA. :)" saavik says, "and gardens can be webbable" Greg says, "Yes. That would be great." Greg says, "Brought to you LIVE from Waikatere, New Zealand! Growing Plants!" Rams says, "I know I'm proposing work for those guys, but if they could write up a little funds proposal, with whatever graphics and such, it would make getting money easier" DaveW says, "my bot project is comming along with a rather tiny budget" Rams says, "haha" Greg says, "Just the thing for a slow-refresh cam." Greg says, "And Vik can set up his own web server. That's a plus." Rams says, "You could digitize humdity and show watering schedules, etc." Greg says, "Yup." Greg says, "This could be great!" Greg says, "Besides, I've always wanted a cam on Vik's gardens." saavik says, "remember the garden that you could plant and water yourself over the web" Rams says, "It would be cool if the projects were reference sites for non-moon people" Rams says, "Ok, so we can do the robot and the garden, and I think there's a lot of good potential with each" Scottyg says, "Step one would be to define specific objectives for the research." Rams says, "Yes, I agree." Greg says, "Yup. We'll ask for research proposals." saavik says, "ok, want me to email?" Greg says, "Then we'll check 'em." saavik says, "not like Dave didn't listen ;-)" Scottyg says, "(There's lots of books on gardening. What constraints will be placed on this to make the research unique?)" Greg says, "Amy, yes, please." saavik says, "good question scotty - we need to make sure that gets included in the proposal" Rams says, "I dont really know what the gardening goals would be. Maybe some mini-biosphere. I.e. self-contained as possible?" Rams says, "I'm sure vik has some ideas there" Scottyg says, "Does it aim at the Lunar day cycle? Or a closed biosphere?" saavik says, "does day matter with glow-bulbs?" Greg says, "Closed biosphere. artificial lights." Greg says, "I think." Greg says, "But let's see what Vik proposes." saavik says, "ok, I'll email Vik and Dave (even though he is right here - just to make it official)" saavik says, "when do we want proposals back by?" Scottyg says, "That takes energy, so measuring the energy input would be important." Greg says, "Scotty, Yes." Greg says, "Amy, I'd ask for a draft in maybe 3 weeks." Rams says, "Yeah, I was thinking a month time frame" Greg says, "that will give them 20 days to procrastinate. :)" DaveW laughs. saavik says, "laugh, yeah how about by the meeting 4 weeks from today?" Greg says, "One must plan one's procrastination in detail to do it successfully." Greg says, "OK." Rams says, "So did we want a contest in addition to those two projects?" saavik says, "ok, and the goal is $5K each?" Greg says, "And if Vik or Dave needs more or less time, they can tell us." saavik says, "just as a sketch - it will help Vik and Dave, I assume" Rams says, "Yes, let's assume 5k ish for now" Greg says, "Ramy, yes, on that order of maginute" saavik says, "ok :-)" Rams says, "Maybe the rocket mini x-prise" Scottyg says, "I would phrase it $5 to $10K. We might choose only one to start." saavik says, "will do - probably tomorrow since I am getting sleepy :-)" Rams says, "might interest the amateur rocket communiity" saavik says, "and rockets do attact people..." Rams says, "But I have no idea what reasonable goals are to reweard in that arena" saavik says, "is michael online now?" saavik says, "he may know more " saavik says, "s/may/will" Rams says, "the other options is a design contest, to pull in people who may not have been interested in space at all" saavik just got a phone call IRL, but she will be right back. Rams says, "something aimed at engineering students, maybe?" Greg says, "I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't know enough about amateur rocketry to even guess what a good project would be." Rams says, "I dont either." Rams says, "Though I'd imagine someone on the list would" Scottyg says, "A design problem that needs a good solution is a method of fabricating large pressure-tight structures." Greg says, "Yup. Michael Mealling would know." Scottyg says, "Every solution I know of doesn't scale." Rams says, "I am liking the design contest a bit more, to expand the reach of the group" Greg says, "Scotty, how right you are. We've already spend about $20 million of my boss's money on that one." Rams says, "the amatuer rocket people seem like they'd be likely to know of asi allready" Rams says, "Someday, I'll learn to type." Scottyg says, "I know how to type. Its my stupid fingers that have a problem." Rams says, "is the pressure structure a reasonable design contest then? " Rams says, "If so much commercial money is spent on it, would a few k aimed at motivating college students make a difference?" Greg says, "Hmmm... whaddyamean, "contest"?" dcarson says, " http://www.narcon2002.org/ looks like the rocket convention site" Scottyg says, "A solution to that problem would be worth a lot of money. But it may be in the same category as a perpetual motion machine." Rams says, "Well, thinking back to engineering school, there were things like the robot soccer contest, or the build a bridge model contest" Rams says, "and the architecture students had contests for certain design issues" Rams says, "one thing, though, they were annual events." Greg says, "I'm wondering if we have the resources to administer a contest." Rams says, "Yeah, I see what you mean." Greg says, "At least, right now." Rams says, "But..." Rams says, "Judges could be recruited from the outside" Rams says, "So that the moon society could essentialy just fund the contest" Rams says, "though i dont know if a one-shot deal is worht it" Rams says, "that leans back to the mini-xprize. it's a one time goal" Greg says, "Yeah." Rams says, "and one other fundraising issue, the paypal account" Greg says, "PayPal should be relatively easy to set up." Scottyg says, "Getting a PayPal account isn't a big deal." Greg says, "Aren't you workin on a PayPla thing for SimHost right now, Scotty?" Greg says, "gmta" Rams says, "Yes, thoguh I dont think I'm the one to do it" Rams says, "Not being an officer" Scottyg says, "Yep. You gotta go sign up for a business account, then do a couple of fairly simple interface scripts." Scottyg says, "While I'm doing the Simshost scripts, I plan to clone them for Moon Society too." Rams says, "excellent plan ;-)" Greg says, "Just what I was thinking." Scottyg says, "And that is planned to get done over the next 4 or 5 weeks." Greg says, "Hooray!" Greg says, "Oh, we got another site today." Greg says, "Elegant Sims, currently doing 45 to 50 GB/mo" Scottyg says, "That's a nice bit of income if it holds up." Greg says, "Yup" Rams says, "Ok, so the planned categories are Garden, Robot, general, base devel., and perhaps a mini-xprize" saavik says, "long phone call..." Greg says, "~$1400 a month" Scottyg says, "I have some simshost things to discuss, but lets finish Moon Society first." Greg says, "OK" Greg says, "What other Moon Society business do we need to do tonight?" Scottyg says, "Amy asked a question earlier regarding creation of a new foundation." Greg says, "Rod, we do have the Moon Trophy on the table. That's to make a trophy to give to somebody who does something cool on the moon. I don't recall what." Greg says, "The idea is to make the trophy and then show pictures of it as bait." Rams says, "Heh heh. the only problem I see with that is that it might be too long range to start with." Rams says, "ah" Scottyg says, "Amy, we have about 250 man-hours and $600 invested in Moon Society Non-Profit. I don't think it will be much less for another organization." Greg says, "Rod, for sure. But making the trophy is short-terms." Greg says, "Then we strut it around." Rams says, "Not a bad idea. Should be a reasonaly low number too." Greg says, "Yeah, a few hundred bucks maybe." Rams says, "Ok. Well, if we can define what that might be for, then ;-)" Rams says, "And maybe a little paragraph on what the general funs pays for (web hosting, whatever) and the lunar base dev fund" Rams says, "and then i'm set with what i will need from you guys" saavik says, "back..." Greg says, "Rod, if you can send me a note at grb@asi.org to remind me, I can write a paragraph about the general fund" saavik says, "ugh, scotty, that sounds like a lot of work" saavik says, "but it could be worth it - peter says no other space society has that" Rams says, "Okedoke. Any idea on who could write up the base dev fund?" Rams says, "Or I can give it a shot and run it by everyone." Scottyg says, "Yep, it was a lot of work Amy, so I'm reluctant to invest the effort short term. There are a lot of other things to get done." saavik says, "oh, I just realized I need to check the tabled items from last meeting - I'll answer that in a sec Greg" saavik says, "things that didn't get discussed last week:" saavik says, "* asi site redesign" saavik says, "(and some others that we have already done today)" Greg says, "Ohhhh... I think I'm too sleepy to think about redesigning the site tonight." Scottyg says, "Is that all that's on the list Amy?" saavik says, "yeah me too" saavik says, "and yes" saavik says, "we are pruning it down!" Scottyg says, "Then I move that we table the asi site redesign till next meeting." saavik says, "if I can't come next meeting, can someone take over for me?" saavik says, "and seconded" saavik says, "(already done in the notes)" saavik says, "s/next week/next meeting" Greg says, "Yup." Greg says, "Oh, I should formally say "so ordered". :)" Greg says, "OK, any other Moon Society stuff?" Rams says, "Should I come to these on a regular basis, or just as needed for the fundraising issues?" Greg says, "I think that's you're call, Rod. You're certainly welcome and encouraged to attend." Greg says, "It might be useful to know what other mischief we're getting into." Rams says, "Thanks, I'll try to make them as much as possible." Greg says, "1st and 3rd Wednesdays." Greg says, "Same time, same channel. :)" saavik says, "ok, so if moon society is done, can I stop the recorder?" saavik says, "I'm also sleept" saavik says, "err sleepy" Greg says, "Amy, yes. " saavik says, "btw, thesis defense was yesterday :-)" Scottyg says, "I move that we close the meeting." Greg says, "Any objections?" -- End log: Wednesday, April 3, 2002 10:40:14 pm ASI Meeting Server time --