-- Start log: Wednesday, May 8, 2002 9:01:20 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- dcarson arrives. dcarson says, "helo" Severy says, "Howdy!" saavik says, "Hi" saavik says, "Finished the newest Liaden universe book last night. Very good series you got me hooked on, Dana" dcarson says, "yep" saavik says, "Do you have the "chapbooks" that they mention on the web site?" saavik says, "I'm considering ordering them" dcarson says, "I have all of them" Scottyg has arrived. saavik says, "are they good?" saavik says, "I expect so :-)" Severy says, "Scotty, I just forward to you and Greg the message from Pair about the new server being ready" dcarson says, "yes, expensive relativly, about 2 short stories per but good" Severy says, "I forwarded it to you, Dana, as well" Severy says, "We need to finalize the web server configuration stuff as soon as possible" Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. Scottyg says, "My goodness! I haven't even heard back from making the request yet!" saavik says, "Glad to hear it... they are expensive but I really like the authors and the universe they created" Severy says, "Pair doesn't waste any time setting up new servers, qs33 was ready in just a few days as well" Greg says, "What did I miss? Is the new server ready?" Severy says, "Erik at Pair says it can be ready on Friday" Severy says, "or, rather, he can start on any customizations we need on Friday" Greg says, "Hot dawg!" Greg says, "Oh." saavik says, "Which server is this? The secretary needs to take notes ;-)" Severy says, "simshost.com" Scottyg says, "Not Moon Society, Amy. But of considerable interest to most present." saavik says, "Laugh, ok" saavik says, "just trying to keep up the notes :-)" Greg says, "Carrot Sims just joined. Very popular site." Severy says, "Cool!" Scottyg says, "Sorry about not letting you know about the meeting reschedule...Everyone but you was here." saavik says, "laugh, yeah well, I was the one who asked for it! I was just amused that I never heard" Severy says, "Dana, I should be able to stay in the office as late as needed Friday night, so we can finalize any server configuration issues then if needed" Severy says, "Have you tried the WSDDAV module as a linked-in module yet?" Severy says, "We're multiplying Gregs!" Scottyg says, "Randall, will it be on-line on Friday? Even if customization is not complete?" Severy says, "I can ask Erik to have our login working on Friday, most likely" Greg wears many hats! :) Severy says, "It was amusing, Greg, because Greg Allison logged on to the NSS Moo at virtually the same instant that your clone logged in" Scottyg says, "That would let us work on porting things over during the weekend." Greg says, "Yup." Greg says, "Is this the same pair networks fellow who suffered through all out other mischief?" dcarson says, "It looks OK. I can;'t get the make file to build automatically but I can when I edit it by hand and build" Severy says, "Yes, Erik has been our primary contact on qs33/pb7 for almost a year now" Severy says, "He handled the pb7 migration (very smoothly, I might add)" Greg says, "Oh good. Then he's used to us. :)" Severy says, "He's also the one who has been answering all of my questions while planning the SimsHost server, so he knows everything we're planning to do" Greg says, "Perfect!" Severy says, "Agreed, Scotty, I'll ask Erik to get our login account working by Friday and I'll let him know that we should have the web server customizations finalized by Monday" Scottyg says, "Hey Dana, Randall says that TLRC may be set up as a reseller with Pair and you would know about it." dcarson says, "yes we are" Severy says, "That will give us the weekend to beat the web server into shape on pb7 in preparation for sending the customization info to Erik" Greg says, "Yeah, I guess we are sort of a pair networks reseller." Greg says, "Though we're selling pair's bandwidth in teeeeny tiny parcels. :)" Scottyg says, "Well, I set up our new server as an independent deal, but we may want to bring in the sims sites under our reseller arrangement." Severy says, "Yup, you may be able to get a discount on the Quickserve fee under the reseller program, but I don't remember the details" dcarson says, "billing ID #01798:" dcarson says, "I think we currently get 5% off monthly charges" Greg says, "Does that included bandwidth?" Severy says, "I think so" Greg says, "Keeping in mind that every one of the existing sites we will be hosting was forced off line by bandwidth." dcarson says, "Maybe 8%" Scottyg says, "oh...One of the options was virtual ftp at no extra cost, so I signed us up for it." Greg says, "Jerry said the last bandwidth bill he got for Killersims, before he gave up, was $12000 in one month." Greg says, "Not a hobby for working people." Severy says, "Yikes!" dcarson says, "I think it might be that we get a discount on the prepaid bandwidth since thats monthly but not on overuse charges" saavik says, "yikes!!" Greg says, "I think that pretty much explains SimsHost in a nutshell. :)" Scottyg says, "At something like $.003 per megabyte, that a bunch of bytes" Greg says, "Uh huh." Scottyg says, "About 4 terabytes per month" Greg says, "Even with our speed brake on SimGoddesses, they get 2 to 3 million hits a day, and Killersims is 3 times larger." Greg says, "Is it any wonder the web analysis tools roll over and die?" Greg says, "From the Moon Society's point of view, it means that "Moon Sims" will at least be in the face of practically every Sims fan in the world. 6.5 million people." saavik says, "That is a good thing..." Greg says, "It can't hurt to tell 'em we're here! :)" Scottyg says, "Since we rescheduled tonight's meeting mostly because Amy couldn't make it last week or next week, but wanted to get started on Vik's proposal, I think we need to set aside the fun stuff and get down to business." saavik says, "laugh, I agree" saavik says, "Has everyone read Vik's proposal?" dcarson says, "yep" saavik waits for other replies... Greg says, "Erm... I can't find Vik's proposal. Where was it addressed to?" Scottyg says, "Yep." saavik says, "leaders@moonsociety.org" Scottyg says, "Email to Moon-Board on April 29, from Amy." Scottyg says, " board@moonsociety.org, not leaders." saavik says, "oh, sorry..." saavik says, "I am not sure I noticed the difference :-)" Scottyg =) I have it open on my screen. Scottyg says, "Also holding a printed copy in my hand." saavik says, "laugh, ok" Greg says, "Oh, I'll look again." saavik says, "Randall?" Severy says, "Yes, I read it when it first went by, but I've slept since then ;-)" Greg says, "OK, NOW I've read Vik's proposal. :)" saavik laughs. saavik says, "So what does everyone else think of it?" Scottyg says, "It looks pretty good, except in one way...." Scottyg says, "I'd sort of like to see it tied into the existing body of published research." saavik says, "good point..." Scottyg says, "Thats the only way to be sure you aren't just replowing stale ground." Severy rereads Vik's proposal dcarson says, "good science, good for publicity, and we're only paying part of it" Severy says, "I'm afraid that the science outlined in there is so over my head that I can't comment very much on it" dcarson says, "Scotty is right about trying to get whats already been done tied in though" Scottyg says, "Me too. That's part of the reason for the point I made." Greg says, "We need to add a reporting requirement of some sort." saavik says, "I thought he did a good job of outlining everything and including controls, etc. I also wondered about the literature" Greg says, "And, of course, we need to figure out where we're going to get the funding." saavik says, "well yeah, part of the reason was to use this as a carrot for getting funding" Greg says, "Yup." Scottyg says, "Yes Greg, a final report is his deliverable. We will need to set up a payment schedule that incorporates that. PArtial payments for progress, final payment for a final report." saavik says, "So the question is: do we agree that it is good enough to use as a carrot? " Scottyg says, "BTW - the $ amounts total to $3,980" saavik says, "Not bad" Scottyg says, "(US $)" Scottyg says, "Plus an unknown or two." dcarson says, "I'd say yes to funding it" Scottyg says, "I would think we could publish a summary as a carrot. And ask Vik to add bibliography and references." saavik says, "Yes, I agree that we wouldn't want the whole thing up... " Scottyg says, "The summary should describe a bit better the scientific reason for the research, in laymans terms." saavik says, "So: if we agree (do we?) that it is good - then I have two more questions: 1) Anyone read from our fundraiser Rod recently? and 2) Does anyone agree that we should have two "carrots" out there?" Scottyg says, "1) No." saavik says, "I have an idea re 2) but I'll wait until I hear a yes or two :-)" Scottyg says, "2) I'm not sure." Scottyg says, "It looks good to have competition for funding." dcarson says, "1) no, 2) it would be nice" saavik says, "and to have diverse interests" Scottyg says, "But we have such a small budget, I'm reluctant to advertise it very widely." Greg says, "Nope, I haven't heard from Rod since the time he visited us here." saavik says, "Well, wasn't the budget issue part of why we were fundraising?" Greg says, "Yeah, the idea was to get some specific project proposals and then show them to folks when we beg for money." saavik says, "so my idea for (2) was to talk to Michael... but I'm open to other ideas" saavik says, "smiles" saavik says, "err" saavik smiles. Scottyg says, "What is Michael interested in doing?" saavik says, "Rockets" saavik says, "but I haven't even brought this up to him so I don't know - he just has well thought out ideas, usually" Scottyg says, "Ah, I remember now." saavik says, "what should we do about Rod?" Scottyg says, "Greg is the rocket scientist of this bunch. Whaddaya think Greg?" Scottyg says, "FWIW - I have PayPal working on the simshost site, so adding it to Moon Society payment options should be fairly easy now." Greg says, "Oops. I'm lost. What do I think about what? Vik's proposal, technically?" Scottyg says, "It was in regard to Michael, several lines up." Greg says, "I haven't been paying a lot of attention to what Michael is doing." Greg says, "It might be hard to come up with a rocket proposal that fits with the Moon Society's current activities." Scottyg says, "I guess i was just asking you to speculate on the likelihood of a person accomplishing something useful in rocket research without access to advanced facilities." dcarson says, "one I can think of is trying insitu propellents" Scottyg says, "Even the amateur efforts that are making progress are usually piggy-backed on some NASA facility." Greg says, "Yeah. The SBIR mills are out in full force." Greg says, "I really can't think of anything except maybe the stuff some folks are doing on nitroous oxide rockets." saavik says, "other ideas for fundraising projects?" Greg says, "But it wouldn't hurt to ask Michael if he has any ideas." saavik says, "can do pres" Greg says, "My best idea for fund-raising projects is to find out if Rod Ramsey is still interested i doing this." Greg says, "If not, we're back to square one; nobody to run the project." saavik says, "that is a very good one... can you do that? you talked to him before (and you are the pres)" Greg says, "Yeah, I can send him a note." Greg says, "Oops. At least I can if I can find his address." saavik says, "From: "Rod Ramsey" < rramsey@mindspring.com>" Scottyg says, "There's another thing we badly need to find someone to handle..." Greg says, "Thanks, Amy!" Scottyg says, "We need someone to be our contact person." saavik says, "contact?" Scottyg says, "For example, i have two letters from students asking for information..." Greg says, "OK, note on it's way to Rod." Scottyg says, "And I think we have a pop box that some contacts are going into, but no one is checking the mail." Greg says, "Yup." Scottyg says, "The sort of thing that Nanci used to do." Scottyg says, "And then Candace. (Sort of)" saavik says, "Nanci?" Scottyg says, "Brasket" Scottyg says, "Was that before you joined?" Severy says, "Yup, Dana and I have a lot of stuff that has gone to webmaster@asi.org and similar addresses that I don't think either of us have the time to weed through" Scottyg says, "I used to handle some of it, but my workload has reached the point i can't do an adequate job of it." saavik says, "should we ask on the list?" Scottyg says, "Wouldn't hurt. Someone who likes to correspond with people would be ideal." saavik says, "I'm way to overloaded to go there :-)" Scottyg says, "Same here, plus I have a bad attitude about snail mail." saavik says, "So it's getting late-ish... Greg has contacted Rod, I'll email Vik to ask for 1) a summary and 2) literature refs in his proposal and Michael for ideas.... are there other items on the list?" Scottyg says, "I don't have any other progress to report." Scottyg says, "After a flurry with the IRS, things are quiet again." Greg says, "One other thing for Vik: Ask him to add some notes about reporting progress and stuff. If he needs to add a digital camera to make pictures, then he could just add that to the budget proposal." Greg says, "The reports should be published on the Moon Society site of course." saavik says, "will do..." Scottyg says, "He should also point out that none of the research money is being used to pay him for his time. Only for facilities and out-of-pocket expenses." saavik says, "good point" Scottyg says, "Which makes the equivalent value of the project something like 10x the cost." saavik says, "true enough" saavik says, "ok, anything else for me to send/do?" dcarson says, "not that I can think of" Scottyg says, "Not from here." Greg says, "Yeah, I think that's about it! Thanks, Amy!" saavik says, "ok, thanks for rescheduling for me! next one also?" Greg says, "That's the plan!" Scottyg says, "Yep. Next moon Society meeting on May 22." saavik says, "ok, thanks all :-)" Scottyg says, "Then back to normal schedule" saavik says, "sounds good... travel should be more normal in June" saavik says, "this is an odd month for me" -- End log: Wednesday, May 8, 2002 10:38:15 pm ASI Meeting Server time --