-- Start log: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 9:00:47 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- saavik says, "Hi greg" dcarson says, "helo" saavik says, "Long time no see" saavik says, "anyone else coming?" dcarson says, "Ian might, who else do we need?" Greg says, "Someone with money? :)" saavik says, "dave?" Greg says, "Yeah, Dave." Greg says, "He doesn't seem to be on the shopping list at the moment." saavik says, "lol" Greg says, "So, what Moon Society stuff do we have to do tonight?" Severy says, "Dana, those 403 errors seem to be tied to the following error_log entries:" saavik says, "Well, I wanted to talk about elections" Severy [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /opt/local/web/dev.ihets.org Greg says, "Oh, I think Scotty is still on vacation, so he won't be there." Severy says, "Scotty will be back tomorrow night, I believe" Greg says, "Yes, he was predicting Scotty Sightings to happen on Thursday." DaveW arrives. saavik says, "Ok, so I had two main questions: nominations/elections and fundraising" saavik says, "Hi Dave!" DaveW says, "hi" Greg says, "Evening, Dave1" dcarson says, "helo" Greg says, "!, too" Greg says, "Elections... yeah... are we in the middle elections?" Greg says, "Who should I campaign for?" saavik says, "well, middle of nominations" saavik says, "and no one has been nominated yet" DaveW says, "I nominate greg for reelection" saavik says, "oh - a nomination!" Greg says, "Where are folks supposed to send nominations to?" saavik says, "dave and I" saavik says, "did you not see the mail?" Greg says, "Oh, just nominate all the incumbents." saavik worries Greg says, "Yes, I did see the email." Greg says, "I just didn't remember the details." saavik says, "ok, whew" dcarson says, "remind people on the artemis list, they tend to forget" Greg says, "And there was a nominating ballot in the MMM, too, right?" saavik says, "so imcumbents is good but I'd like to see new people on one of the board/officers (because of the crossover). " saavik says, "and yes, in MMM" saavik says, "my question is: do we have anyone we want to push to get nominated?" DaveW says, "I think Michael is good for a board position" saavik nods. Greg says, "Has anyone asked Michael about that?" saavik says, "no. is he on now?" Greg says, "Yup, in the commons" saavik says, "oh - he just paged me...." saavik says, "how did he *know* that" Greg says, "Ears burning, no doubt." DaveW says, "who else do we have that is active and qualified to serve?" saavik says, "I just asked michael to join us if possible" saavik says, "oops, he was in before (last meeting) but can't get in ..." saavik says, "(sent query to michael about board)" saavik says, "How about Vik?" saavik says, "And David Schrunk?" saavik says, "we had some good names up last time" dcarson says, "would be nice to make the boars international also" saavik says, "Michael says yes" dcarson says, "board" saavik says, "Randall?" Greg says, "Erm... I have this old-fashioned notion that board members should be at least a little active in the Moon Society." Greg says, "whatever that means" saavik says, "true....but does active only mean online?" Greg says, "Who's up for re-election as board members this time?" saavik says, "(just playing devil's advocate)" saavik says, "all but ian and dana, as they were just p" DaveW says, "greg.randall and scotty" saavik says, "Hey Greg - can you let Michael in. He just sent me a good idea and I don't want to cut-n-paste the whole time" Greg says, "Oh, sure." Greg says, "Michael should be here now." saavik says, "Tell me when Greg" saavik says, "Uh, it says he is in the sky parent" Greg says, "Oops." Greg says, "I need to get my teleporter tuned up!" Michael says, "ok, that was *weird*!" Michael says, "I was in the "Sky Parent" room....." saavik says, "Laugh, hi Michael" saavik says, "we noticed... blame Greg!" Michael says, "Does that mean I went to heaven?" saavik says, "and came back to the moo?" Michael says, "it was kind of empty and white... " Greg says, "Just a minor teleporter malfunction, Michael. Nothing to worry about. See, most of your body parts made it undamaged." Michael says, "heheh" Michael says, "yea, but I think I'm Ethyl Merman now...." saavik says, "So Michael - care to repeat your last statement to me for everyone? I liked it (the external BOD people idea)" Michael says, "Has there been any thought to external BOD members? I.e. people who don't *actively* participate but who act in the honorary capacity: Buzz Aldrin, Wendell Mendell, etc?" DaveW says, "board of advisors?" Michael says, "I know that many startups pick cool names to stick on their BoD as simply a coolness factor....." saavik says, "I like Buzz Aldrin is on mars society board (and maybe John Glenn?)" Michael says, "well, not publicly at least. You could stick 'em on the BoA as a technicality but externally you tell people that Buzz Aldrin is on our Board!" saavik says, "which doesn't make it good/bad. but I like the idea :-)" Michael says, "I think Buzz would think it would be a feather in his cap to be on the BoD of both the Mars and Moon Societies......" dcarson says, "ther is a board of advisors for that, we've never used it like we should" Michael says, "especially if you tell them they don't have to do anything really hard like come to meetings 'n stuf....." saavik says, "well, it would be cool if we got something out of them (e.g. advice?)" Michael says, "anyway, the original question was "did I have other ideas for nominations and that was the best I could come up with"" saavik says, "but maybe not frequently :-)" Michael says, "yep.... expecially since someone like Buzz has his own business endeavors...." saavik says, "yeah, heck, you accept the nomination and we spirit you into the meeting :-)" Michael says, "heheh....." saavik says, "so are advisors elected?" Michael says, "I wonder if Mark Shuttleworth would be interested....." Michael says, "The business contacts alone would be worth it...." saavik says, "ooh" Michael says, "(that's a common technique: put rich people on the BoD. They always have the best contacts)" Greg says, "I already talked to Buzz about the Moon Society. He wasn't interested." saavik says, "BoD or BoA?" Michael says, "did he give a reason? (time?)" Greg says, "No, if we have a board of advisors, they're not elected." Greg says, "Nope, just not interested." Michael says, "ahh...." dcarson says, "didn't Greg N say he'd talked to mark Shuttleworth?" Michael (to himself) "I wonder what it would take to make him interested Greg says, "At the time, though, he was more interested getting a crowbar into my boss's wallet." Michael says, "yea, that was why I suggested it. Apparently Greg says he has an in due to the jerky thing." Greg says, "Yes, Greg Nemitz did say he had corresponded somehow with Mark Shuttleworth." Michael says, "Sounds like its worth a query....." dcarson says, "we need to get the BoA working before we do that" saavik says, "(who wanted a crowbar? Greg N, Buzz, or Mark S?)" Greg says, "Buzz" saavik says, "so, BoA: elected or nominated by BoD/officers?" Greg says, "Shuttleworth probably wouldn't care. Greg Nemitz has already tried that, too." saavik says, "Buzz? hmm" Greg says, "Yeah, the Board of Directors would create a Board of Advisors." saavik says, "well, we could always try them again, anyway. as an official request. but if it isn't elected, we could hold off until after elections this round" Michael says, "I think Shuttleworth might be worth a re-query now that he's back...." Michael says, "what about Wendell Mendell?" Greg says, "Oh, I meant that Shuttlewort wouldn't care about Bob's wallet." saavik says, "oh!" Greg says, "But Nemitz took a shot at it." saavik says, "at the wallet or at shuttleworth for moon society?" Greg says, "At the wallet. Of course, several people a day take a shot at Bob's wallet, only to learn that he is not a philanthropist." saavik laughs. Michael says, "hehe...." Michael says, "I bet he felt like his ass had a bulls-eye on it...." saavik says, "so - any other election ideas? any consensus on waiting for the BoA after elections?" saavik says, "whoa - what was wierd" saavik says, "Randall... what happened" A crack of thunder announces the arrival of Severy Michael says, "I think it might be worth making the BoA queries now. Things like that can take a while....." saavik looks to Greg as Pres for that one! saavik says, "I still have another question for Greg: heard anything from Rod regarding fundraising?" saavik says, "I'm worried about our low membership numbers" Michael butts in: how bad are they? Greg says, "I got a brief note from Rod apologizing for not doing anything and planning to do something but other than that, no I haven't heard anything. :)" saavik says, "Um... something like 300 active members got my email message (speaking of which, I need to renew or else I won't be active! Better see if I can do that online) " saavik says, "so do we think he will do anything?" Severy says, "Arthur Smith may be a good candidate for nomination, he's been pretty active lately" Greg says, "This must be a creative, new use of the term "active" with which I was previously unfamiliar. :)" Greg says, "Oops. I was responding to Amy's comment, not Randall's. : *" Greg says, ":), too" Greg says, "Yup, I'm worried about our low membership numbers, too. But then, what do we compare "low" with?" saavik says, "Randall hasn't said anything..." saavik says, "oh!" saavik says, "oops, I thought Greg said the Arthur thing. my we are all confused" saavik says, "oh! That reminds me of another issue: Randall, some guy named Avi Dey is looking to meet up with Washington DC people" Greg says, "It's that kind of night. Hot as blue blazes in Las Vegas tonight and the air conditioner isn't keeping up." saavik says, "so Randall, Arthur for what? (I'm keeping notes)" Severy says, "Yeah, Avi and I have talked a few times, and never accomplished anything except annoying me" Severy says, "I don't have a specific role in mind, Amy, but if we're looking for active members..." saavik says, "(ok, re Arthur. Just checking)" saavik says, "and yes, re Avi. me too" saavik says, "but I don't know what to do with him" DaveW says, "so we are looking for one other person to nominate to the board along with Michael and Randall to avoid anyone having to fill two seats?" Severy says, "Avi is very averse to group discussion environments like mailing lists and the MOO, he wants to do everything through private phone calls between key people" saavik says, "and do Greg and Scotty want to keep their current offices?" Severy says, "I told him that we just can't work that way, and he became very offended" saavik says, "Re Avi: hmm, yeah, and even his email is a bit odd...." saavik says, "it boiled down to why hadn't I done anything for him" DaveW says, "are we going to give greg and scotty that choise?" Greg says, "What do with Avi: Ignore him, and he'll go away." saavik says, "Well.. that was my question..." saavik says, "well, I'll go for the "tell Avi to get on the list"" Michael says, "so what are John*R and MikeD slotted for?" Severy says, "Yeah, a few months after my first call with Avi, when I pointed him at our online resources, he called back and was upset that I hadn't called him to inform him of what was going on in ASI" DaveW says, "I dont think John_R has not been a member long enough" Greg says, "OK, alternate response to Avi: "Got any money?"" Severy [to anyone]: who isn't listening on the Commons communicator, Michael is giving an exposition on what it's like to be drunk on the MOO ;-) Michael says, "damn... there goes *any* credibility I even hoped I might have.....ghees...." saavik says, "laugh!!!" Michael says, "ok, I only had three beers....." saavik says, "I ought to be listening in on the commons" saavik says, "(hey randall, very cool how the moon society renewal form grabs your info from wsd)" Greg says, "That's neat!" Severy says, "I can't take credit for that, Amy, that's Scotty's work" Greg says, "though it's probably from Team Director" Severy says, "Yes, it's from Team Director" saavik says, "yeah well, still cool" saavik says, "whee - I'm now renewed and can stay an officer :-)" Greg says, "Oh, goody!" saavik says, "any other business for the night?" Greg says, "I think somewhere in here we need to decide whether Randall, Scotty, and I want to stay on the board of directors." saavik says, "oh yeah... as well as staying officers?" saavik says, "you never answered that one either" Greg says, "Yeah, that, too." Greg says, "I can't imagine electing someone as president who has never held even a committee lead position in the club, so our options are limited for president." Greg says, "Not that anyone could do a worse job than me. :)" Michael slowly starts a chant... "President Severy... President Severy...." Michael says, "assuming Greg doesn't want it that is....." Michael says, "do you not want it anymore?" DaveW says, "dont let greg off the hook" Severy says, "I don't think I could do justice to the job, Michael :-(" Michael says, "ok...." Michael says, "hey greg, you still it....." dcarson says, "getting all new BOD members to expand the pool sounds good though" saavik nods. saavik says, "so suggestions so far are: Michael, Arthur, and ? Vik? " Severy says, "But since I don't have an officer position at the moment, I do kinda like the chairman title, although I don't do that enough justice at the moment either, and I understand the need for new blood as much as anyone" saavik says, "oh, are you up for election to? I vote for keeping Randall!" Michael says, "me too!" DaveW says, "good idea" DaveW says, "whats our deadline for nominations?" saavik says, "July 1" saavik says, "when should i remind?" saavik says, "and someone needs to ask Arthur" dcarson says, "now and about 3 days before" saavik says, "(I can do it as he nominated me for secretary)" Michael warns the room that he will be out of the country from July 13 until July 26th.... Greg says, "Well, we could expand the bored with hope of getting some new blood in here. Maybe somebody will accidentally Do Something! :)" saavik says, "oh, Arthur is online!" The room takes note of Michael's impending absence. saavik says, "eh, I'll email anyway :-)" Michael says, "I'll still be online, just in a bizaro timezone...." DaveW says, "i will be in a better position to do more once i get moved to Virginia" saavik says, "(emailed Arthur)" Severy says, "I would encourage expanding the board as well" saavik says, "ok, I'll also email the list as a elections reminder" Michael says, "just make quorum low...." saavik says, "quorum? do we even check that?" Michael says, "in case you get lots of no shows...." Greg says, "Well... let's see... if we wanna expand da bored..." Greg says, "Where's that pesky byalws." Greg says, "bylaws" saavik says, "ok, also reminded the list" Greg says, "Oh! We DO have a Board of Advisors. It says so right here." Greg says, "here = http://www.moonsociety.org/organizing-documents/bylaws.html" Greg says, "We can't amend the bylaws in time for nominations to be closed." Greg says, "It takes 40 to 60 days. And the board of directors does the amending." saavik says, "well, nominations are already late... we could just let them be later" Greg says, "Or the final ballot could be later." Greg says, "We met the requirement to get the ballots to the members on time. The Bylaws are silent on the rest of the schedule for the election." saavik says, "laugh, nice loophole" dcarson says, "thats true, as long as its expanded by election it would be OK " Michael says, "so I should nominate myself?" dcarson says, "if you want" saavik says, "sure. I have you on the list but please" Greg says, "So... anybody wanna take a shot at the set of bylaws amendments it would take to expand the board of directors? And how many board members would we espand it to?" Severy says, "I'll be happy to nominate Michael" Greg says, "I'll nominate Michael. :)" Michael blushes.... Greg says, "That's two!" saavik says, "three" Greg says, "Two nominations for Michael, that is." Greg says, "Make it three." Greg says, "Somebody make it four, and it's death-does-not-release-you." dcarson says, "I'd say 7 members, keep it odd and not add too many" Greg says, "Yeah, good thinking, Dana." Greg says, "So if we do it that way, then we can add Michael and one wild card without unseating anyone." Greg says, "I really like Vik, but my preference would be Arthur because he'd probably show up for meetings." Greg says, "But I'm not campaigning, of course." saavik says, "yeah but Greg - do you want to be on the BoD and the pres?" Greg says, "I wanna be on the board of directors; don't think I can get out of being president just yet." saavik says, "why on both? just curious" Severy says, "We won't let him abdicate just yet ;-)" Greg says, "Erm... the board is the policy-making body for the Moon Society." Greg says, "We haven't yet found and trained a replacement for me as president. It's gotta be someone who has the time, energy, and dedication to do a good job, and who understands the Moon Society and the tools we use for communication." Greg says, "I'd like to get out of the president job, but I don't know who we'd stick with it." Greg says, "So if someone is going to louse it up, it might as well be me. " Greg says, "How's that for a great campaign speech?" saavik says, "lol" saavik says, "ok, so we close nominations on july 1 or do we hold them open?" saavik says, "(I'm getting sleepy)" Michael says, "it is late...." dcarson says, "I'd say close July 1" saavik says, "and new job = getting up earlier" Michael says, "new job?" saavik says, "I'm a postdoc now" Michael says, "ahh..." Michael says, "know any EE embedded systems people who would like to work in a startup for no pay and bad hours?" saavik says, "lol" saavik says, "no but I'm sure recruiting from recent grads would find some" Michael says, "yea, I'm probably going down to Tech one day to see about stealing some of 'em...." saavik wonders if there is other business she needs to be awake for? Michael says, "doesn't look like it...." saavik says, "ok, yawn" -- End log: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 10:37:54 pm ASI Meeting Server time --