-- Start log: Wednesday, September 4, 2002 8:50:16 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- dcarson says, "helo Amy" saavik says, "Hello" saavik says, "Be back in a jiffy (too much to do tonight and laptop is broken so I can't be online downstairs and working)" DaveW arrives. DaveW says, "hi all" dcarson says, "helo" saavik says, "hello again" saavik says, "Anything on tonight's agenda?" Greg-1 says, "I know! How about an Election Committee report!" DaveW says, "how are the results of the election coming?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, Dave's question, too. :D" saavik says, "Oh Hi Greg - how did you sneak in?" Greg-1 says, "I teleported myself." saavik says, "how come it doesn't annouce that?" Greg-1 says, "Oh, I think I was the first one here." saavik says, "anyway, elections are coming along well. probably received 10-15 ballots so far" saavik says, "but Greg, you don't show up on the @who" Greg-1 says, "Oh, that's because I came in via the wrong domain, and can't reset the domain on a clone." Greg-1 says, "Silly me." saavik says, "ahhh" saavik says, "well anyway, elections are coming along" saavik says, "I need to remind people at some point" saavik says, "probably via a post to artmeis list next and then to the whole list again near the deadline" Greg-1 says, "Any early election returns? Do we need to get out, beat the bushes, turn out the votes?" saavik says, "I haven't been tallying so no early returns. when they come in, I read them quickly (just make sure they are filled out) and file them into a special mail folder" Greg-1 says, "Any paper ballots yet? " Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking that we might be more folks voting by allowing email ballots." saavik says, "Only email ballots" saavik says, "Scotty checks the paper ballot address so no clue there" Greg-1 says, "So, that defines the preference." Greg-1 says, "Oh, right, and we seem to be short by one in the Scotty inventory." saavik says, "yup so I guess we can't ask him" Greg-1 says, "Well, we can ask. Just don't expect an answer! :D" dcarson says, "we can ask, it just won't do any good" Greg-1 says, "Heh." saavik says, "13 ballots received (I just checked)" saavik says, "and of the people present, I am missing Dana and Randall. " saavik says, "Ian too but he isn't here :-)" Greg-1 says, "How about Scotty?" saavik says, "Oh yeah, scotty too" saavik says, "so only Greg, me, and Dave have voted from the officer pool" Greg-1 says, "When's the due date?" saavik says, "Oct 1" saavik says, "I needed to give time for the paper ballots" Greg-1 says, "OK, so we have 4 weeks to go." Greg-1 says, "Right." saavik says, "yup" saavik says, "sorry" dcarson says, "talked to Ian from worldcon, hes got a job" saavik says, "but getting more than 13 votes would be a good thing" Greg-1 says, "Yippee!" dcarson says, "teaching business communications" Greg-1 says, "Yes, getting more than 13 votes would be a very good thing." Greg-1 says, "Do we have to call him Professor Ian now?" dcarson says, "mine will be sent soon" Greg-1 says, "The only contested slots are 4 seats on the board, right?" saavik says, "Great Dana!" saavik says, "Yes, the board but it is 5 seats" saavik says, "(one of which is randomly chosen to be one year)" saavik says, "So - anything else on the slate for tonight?" Greg-1 says, "I think that's about it, unless Dana has a nifty report from the Worldcon." saavik says, "I would be relieved for a short meeting but a quick question: what are we doing about fundraising?" Greg-1 says, "At the moment, nothing." Greg-1 says, "Our great fundraiser appears to be a no-show." dcarson says, "Lunar Tradred has a new book called 'Spacecraft Handbook' writeups, art and drawings of projects that either never finished or were fictional, sold a lot of those" Greg-1 says, "Neat!" dcarson says, "sold 27 @ $50 each, helped sales nicely" saavik says, "we should nominate a new fundraiser..." Greg-1 says, "Wow! So maybe Tim broke even." Greg-1 says, "Do you have a candidate in mind, Amy?" saavik says, "No... I wish I did" dcarson says, "about 15-20 new subs for Artemis Magazine" saavik says, "Let me think on that" Greg-1 says, "OK." saavik says, "maybe one of the new board members?" saavik says, "but really... I have no good ideas off the top of my head on that one" saavik says, "just wish it would happen :-)" Greg-1 says, "If it's Arthur and Michael, we probably have a shot at getting a fundraiser on the board." Greg-1 says, "I suspect Peter would be a do-nothing. Who else is there? Richard?" saavik says, "I think so" saavik says, "would need to review the ballot" saavik says, "Board slate: Greg, Randall, Peter, Richard, Scotty, Michael, Arthur" Greg-1 says, "Yeah." Greg-1 says, "So we have the incumbents, 2 guys who would do something, and 2 guys who would just be more dead wood." Greg-1 says, "I wish I could think of a way to do a campaign without getting myself into a pickle." saavik laughs. saavik says, "probably best to stay out this round since you are up for election..." Greg-1 says, "Not that I'd have time, mind you." Greg-1 says, "I could campaign for myself! :)" dcarson says, "several people at worldcon asked if you were aroung Greg" Greg-1 says, "Now... where can I get a cheap yard sign?" Greg-1 says, "Thanks for telling me that, Dana! At least someone in the SF community remembers me! :)" Greg-1 says, "It seems kinda silly to miss a Worldcon that I could drive to, but that's life." saavik says, "yeah, life around here has been nuts recently..." saavik says, "which is why I am up for a short meeting. otoh, this is the first time I've sat down since I got home from work :-)" Greg-1 says, "Yup. This SimsHost thing is like trying to work two full-time jobs." Greg-1 says, "Wiggle your toes. It helps." saavik says, "how close is it to breaking even?" Greg-1 says, "We broke even on our bandwidth bill this month. " saavik says, "(I need to go do my back stretches. I pulled it a few weeks ago and it is healing but it needs more help.)" saavik says, "great!!" Greg-1 says, "It's hard to tell for the rest of it because we're not paying salaries yet." Greg-1 says, "Awww... rub, rub" saavik says, "(thanks)" Greg-1 says, "(That was an electronic backrub. There's probably an emotie for it.)" saavik says, "LOL" saavik says, "no clue" Greg-1 says, "So, if we're just nattering, maybe we should officially gavel ourselves outta here." saavik says, "ok, if there is no business for me to attend to tonight, I'll plead tiredness and just disappear for now" saavik laughs. saavik says, "good timing" Greg-1 says, "Great minds, the sequel." -- End log: Wednesday, September 4, 2002 9:28:35 pm ASI Meeting Server time--