-- Start log: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 8:58:14 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- dcarson arrives. saavik will be right back. saavik has disconnected. saavik has connected. saavik says, "Cool :-)" saavik says, "I installed tcl/tk under fink and am now running tkMoo (which is the client I prefer)" saavik says, "Where is everyone else?" saavik has disconnected. saavik has connected. dcarson says, "no idea" saavik says, "Even better (playing with settings)" saavik hmms. saavik will be right back. saavik has disconnected. saavik has connected. saavik says, "Ok, I think I like the font and colors now" saavik says, "Well, I actually had some things to ask at the meeting!" saavik says, "But I guess it can wait..." dcarson says, "Scotty is online but hasn't moved in 2 days" Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. Greg makes an unintelligble noise. dcarson says, "helo" saavik says, "hi greg" saavik says, "So - anything happening tonight in the meeting>" saavik says, "John R asked me to check up on the status of his tasklist (someone was supposed to assign him something he said? But I didn't quite understand it)" Greg says, "Got any idea what the general subject area was?" saavik says, "Hello?" dcarson says, "yes" saavik says, "anyone awake or did I lose my connection?" dcarson says, "half awake" dcarson says, "so maybe you're half duplex" saavik says, "Hmm, it just came back" saavik says, "odd" saavik says, "he said he wanted something to do and randall was supposed to assign him something?" saavik says, "(I find it hard to follow conversations with Joh_r sometimes)" dcarson says, "we should assign him something then, never let a volunteer escape" saavik says, "true" saavik says, "I don't know if he had something specific in mind or not" saavik says, "he says he talked to randall?" dcarson says, "one randall is in the leadership room, lets page him" saavik says, "he is idle 4hrs on IM" saavik says, "but maybe the page will wake him up" dcarson says, "same here" DaveW arrives. DaveW says, "hello folks" dcarson says, "hi Dave" Greg says, "Hi Dave!" Greg says, "I'm asleep, too." Greg says, "Amy, are we still electing?" Greg says, "Do we have to call in the graveyard vote? :)" saavik says, "graveyard?" saavik says, "Yes, we are still running elections" saavik says, "Probably up to 30 ballots" saavik says, "how many did we get last year>" saavik says, "err s/>/?" Greg says, "Erm... justasec, I can check." dcarson says, "about that IIRC" saavik says, "oh..." saavik says, "I was hoping for more than that in turnout!" saavik says, "Does anyone want to volunteer to help count at the next meeting? or shall I recruit then? Just be good to have an independent party do it" Greg says, "14 ballots, I think." saavik says, "Next meeting is the day after the ballots are due" saavik says, "14!!!! YIKES" Greg says, "Oh, good point. Do you know how to count a preferential ballot, Amy?" saavik says, "Ok, so 30 is a good thing... and probably because we allowed email. I suspect we will get zero paper ballots" saavik says, "probably" Greg says, "Heh. "Probably," she says." saavik says, "add up the 1s and look for a majority. take those. add the 2s ditto" saavik says, "(I was typing)" saavik says, "but we can do it next time" Greg says, "Um, no." saavik says, "I can say with 100% confidence that you have been elected as president " dcarson says, "years ago the ACM quorum to changer bylaws was 1%, they had to do a big vote drive to get enough voters to lower it so that they could ever change the bylaws" Greg says, "It takes many, many rounds to count up a preferential ballot." Greg says, "That's delightful, Dana." saavik says, "so want to deal with it next time Greg? I can have the ballots all put into one file next week" Greg says, "I'm pretty confident that Scotty has been reelected as treaurer, too. :)" saavik says, "yeah, him too" saavik says, "Since we are all tired (and I have to be awake in too few hours, I would prefer to deal with the counting later. is there a web page on preferential ballot counting?)" dcarson says, "worldcon web site explains it I think" saavik says, "checking that out - so far I don't see the part on voting" Greg says, "Oh, there's one out there somewhere, but we can just go through when the time comes to count the ballots." saavik says, "Ok" saavik says, "Can deal with that" saavik says, "tired..." saavik says, "ok, so I say we punt john until we find randall? since I have no idea what he wanted" Greg says, "Heh. Yeah, tell John to find Randall." Greg says, "I have no idea what it's about." saavik says, "I found a page but the mac is refusing to cut and paste" saavik says, "Hmmm" Greg says, "Save as text?" saavik says, "it does look complicated" saavik says, "(the cut and paste is probably because I am using Xdarwin to run tkMoo and the web page is a carbon app)" Greg says, "Yeah, we'd better to through it step-by-step when the time comes." saavik says, "good idea" saavik says, "ok, I'll send out one last "please vote" reminder a few days before Oct 1" Greg says, "come to think of it, I don't think Alex or Melva voted." Greg says, "That's two more." saavik says, "I just finished read it. yes, it is going to be awhile because I suspect a non-clear majority right from the beginning. fun fun" saavik says, "(I have only been glancing at the ballots though)" saavik says, "but sicne we have 5 positions open and 7 candidates, it won't take too long" dcarson says, "with multiple wnners and lots of canidates it can take many rounds" saavik says, "ok, I have to head to bed shortly" saavik says, "do we have other business?" Greg says, "Not that I can think of." dcarson says, "not thst I know of" saavik says, "move to adjourn" Greg says, "yeah, what amy said" saavik laughs. -- End log: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 10:04:04 pm ASI Meeting Server time --