-- Start log: Wednesday, October 2, 2002 9:14:23 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- saavik says, "Done... thanks" saavik says, "(I accidentally named it something I meant to type as a message)" saavik says, "Anyway, ballots almost ready" saavik says, "I think we can safely say that greg/scotty won their respective posts" saavik says, "now we need to do the board" Scottyg says, "I do silly things like that all the time, especially since I have two computers on the same desk." Severy says, "I added a new delete verb to the recorder earlier this week" saavik says, "I just made it all into one email message" Severy says, "Use 'help $recorder' to get the details" saavik says, "ok, so how do I share the ballots?" saavik says, "I certainly don't won't to type it all in here (even cut and paste)" dcarson-1 says, "email them as a file?" Scottyg says, "Store it in the Moon Leaders private space?" saavik says, "which one do you all prefer?" saavik says, "I'm working on cutting out the 'pres/treasurer'ones now to make it a smaller file" Greg says, "Yeah, the leaders private space would be good." saavik says, "Ok, give me a sec" Greg says, "Last time, Scotty and I made a spreadsheet, with each ballot for each office on separate line, and each office in a separate worksheet." saavik says, "I'll upload two files, membership numbers and then the ballot" saavik says, "spreadsheets... oh joy" saavik says, "does someone want to do that?" Greg says, "I can do that." Greg says, "It was really just a convenient way to store and track the data." Greg says, "When we have paper ballots, we shuffle through the a gazillion times." Greg says, "Amy, did you get the ballots for Melva and Alex?" saavik says, "one person voted twice" saavik says, "and get scotty, to be official, did anyone vote paper ballots?" Greg says, "Are the two ballots identical?" saavik says, "no, greg" Greg says, "Merde." Greg says, "Mail headers the same?" saavik says, "oh, on the identical ones?" saavik says, "no idea...." Greg says, "Yes." DaveW arrives. saavik says, "I am checking that now" saavik says, "it was several days apart " DaveW says, "hi all" saavik says, "the no was for your other question" Scottyg says, "Oh, um..just a minute." saavik says, "ok" saavik says, "ok, I want to split out the names so we can check validty of votes" saavik says, "or do we not care since the email only went to current members?" irs arrives. Greg says, "Um... there's not way to have a group check on the validity of the ballots if the votes are separated. We wouldn't know which ballots to discard." saavik says, "I've got them, have no fear" saavik says, "I'm keeping the originals as well" Greg says, "But then, we never promised a secret ballot." saavik says, "it's just a large file" Greg says, "In fact, I think it's kinda silly in an organization this size to get too worried about stuff like that." Scottyg says, "Ok, I have two ballots." saavik says, "Whee!" saavik says, "who are they? I'll make sure they didn't vote over email" saavik says, "I have 45 votes - wow" saavik says, "I will upload momentarily if someone tells me a URL?" Scottyg says, "# 732 and * er, Florence Bennett" Greg says, "That's my mom. :)" Greg says, "She goes by her middle name, Marie." irs says, "Gee, on my subscriber list, she's Florence Marie C. Bennett (nice long name, eh?)" Scottyg says, "* 732 is James McEnanly" saavik says, "Ok, I don't have either of those" saavik says, "Let me upload mine... URL anyone?" Scottyg says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders I think." Scottyg says, "Florence Bennett is #1079" saavik says, "ok, how about I upload my votes and you upload yours scotty and then who is making the spreadsheet and who is checking vote validity?" saavik says, "Ok, my files are up" saavik says, "vote-names2002.txt and vote2002.txt" saavik says, "Should I start working on the spreadsheet? I do have excel" Scottyg says, "How about I just edit yours to add the two I have. Then it can probably be imported in one swell foop into a spreadsheet." saavik says, "hold on" saavik says, "I forgot the duplicate vote" saavik says, "let me re-upload" Scottyg says, "Ok, ... Holding on." Scottyg says, "(For dear life?)" saavik says, "ok" saavik says, "new file with no duplicate is up now" saavik says, "ok, let me know when it is ready" saavik says, "who is going to check names?" dcarson-1 says, "i'll start at the bottom and work up" saavik says, "Ok, what should I do? start on the spreadsheet?" Scottyg says, "Ok, votes2002.txt is updated." dcarson-1 says, "is the moon society teamdir up to date or should I use the ASI one?" Scottyg says, "Use ASI, and any that seem to be expired, check with me. They may have renewed but not been entered yet." saavik laughs. dcarson-1 says, "OK" saavik says, "ok, I'll start the spreadsheet scotty" saavik says, "scotty I assume your two were at the end? I'm keeping them in order so I know who is who" Scottyg says, "Yes, I just added them to the end of the votes-names2002.txt" saavik says, "ok" saavik says, "know of a good way to import this into excel other than by hand?" Scottyg says, "Nope. I had hoped it was arranged by columns, but no such luck." saavik says, "laugh, sorry - this is how the email came" saavik says, "I will try something (=have an idea)" saavik says, "ok, it semi-imported...." saavik says, "will work on it" saavik says, "my idea worked but will be a few minutes" saavik says, "and I think I want an indepdent brain to make sure I got them all in" dcarson-1 says, "ok only one question Scotty, Mark Rosiek______ ____1001" irs says, "Before anyone leaves (after we're done with this), I need everyone's attention for a moment, OK?" Scottyg says, "Amy, I don't find anything for Mark Rosiek." dcarson-1 says, "you might ask now while Amy is beating on the spreadsheet" saavik says, "I'm working on it" saavik says, "Still going even with my trick" saavik says, "mostly by hand" irs says, "Well, not so much a question, but OK. Here goes." irs says, "Y'all know I've been kind of scarce of late: things've been real busy. I've got a day job, Kit's looking for work, and things have been hectic." irs says, "Anyway, it'd been nearly a year, and, well...." irs says, "OH, anyway. Saturday Kit and I got married." Greg says, "Wow! Ian! Congratulations!!!!" Scottyg says, "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" irs says, "It would have been our first anniversary, but she was in Ohio for so long. So we didn't tell anyone, called the reverend who would have done it last year, and the three of us went up to the Observation Deck of the Empire State Building." Greg throws rice all over the Ian and Kit. saavik says, "Ok" irs says, "So, alone, surrounded by hundreds of unknown tourists, we got married (then we came home and told our parents)." Greg says, "That's the way to do it!" saavik says, "cool!!" saavik says, "Congrats!!!" saavik says, "And the ok was for the import...." saavik says, "46 I think" Greg says, "I gotta tell Melva. She'll be so excited." saavik says, "we had 45 and then we have a duplicate and then we added two more" Greg says, "Did you resolve the duplicate, Amy?" saavik says, "Yes, it was identical" saavik says, "I think he thought the original one didn't work" Greg says, "Oh good. Then we can count it with hassle." Greg says, "Yeah." dcarson-1 says, "all right Ian, we'll take you out to dinner at capclave" saavik says, "ok, I think I missed a few - shall I uplaod and you all check?" Greg says, "Chalk it up to chads on the floor. :D" saavik laughs. irs says, "Thanks, all. We're planning to have a big party at some point soon, but we decided it was actually time to get married, so we ran off and did it." dcarson-1 says, "at least our system has ballots so we can do a recount" saavik says, "ok, so shall I upload?" dcarson-1 says, "sure" Greg says, "Where did you get married, Ian? (If you mentioned it, I missed it.)" irs says, "North side of the 86th floor Observation Deck at the Empire State Building. Outside; it was a gorgeous, clear (though windy) day." irs says, "ESB was the site of our first date." Greg says, "Cool beans!" Greg says, "Gonna send pictures?" irs says, "I was hoping to have one or two to post on the web site, but they're not back yet." Greg says, "We shall wait with breathless anticipation." saavik says, "ok, let me upload then>" saavik says, "who will check?" saavik says, "I know some are missing" Severy finally catches up on the conversation Severy says, "Congratulations, Ian!!!!!" saavik says, "ok, it is uploaded" irs says, "Thanks. We're still grinning (although getting used to a ring on my finger is kind of difficult; I keep feeling like it's a bandage of some sort)." saavik says, "let me know when someone checks the file" saavik says, "or finishes" saavik says, "then I guess we can start the counting" saavik says, "and/or re-label them" dcarson-1 says, "James McEnanly #732 shows a expired" saavik says, "So do we delete him?" saavik says, "oh we wait on randall?" saavik says, "I think I need to add the membership numbers into the columns...." Scottyg says, "No, he sent a ballot and renewal together so he's ok." saavik says, "ok" saavik says, "wantme to add the mem numbers to the columns?" Scottyg says, "IMHO, yes." saavik says, "Ok" Severy says, "Wait on me for what, Amy?" saavik says, "hold on" saavik says, "will be awhile...." saavik says, "What about the text vote?" saavik says, "the one who didn't use numbers" dcarson-1 says, "rank them in the ordr written? thats the best info we have" saavik says, "working - going to be a bit - it's slow checking by hand" saavik says, "and I'm getting tired" saavik says, "can someone look up greg n's number" saavik says, "nemitz that is" dcarson-1 says, "799" saavik says, "Thanks" saavik says, "How about roger pettibone?" dcarson-1 says, "186" saavik says, "thanks" saavik says, "How about richard richardson?" saavik says, "donald roy?" Greg says, "Golly. A lot of people left their membership numbers off." dcarson-1 says, "ray, 365" saavik says, "thanks" dcarson-1 says, "304 richardson" saavik says, "thx" saavik says, "still going as you can tell" saavik says, "chris nobbe" dcarson-1 says, "987" saavik says, "G. L. Kulcinski" dcarson-1 says, "972" saavik says, "ok, thanks" saavik says, "Scotty still awake?" saavik says, "I am done but I missed the last two from scotty somehow..." saavik says, "can you add them in? in columns now" saavik says, "never mind" saavik says, "jsut tell me their order and mem nums" saavik says, "They are all in" Scottyg says, "Yeah, sorry." saavik says, "just need those last nums and I will upload the file" Scottyg says, "The 1st was James McEnanly # 732" Scottyg says, "the 2nd was Florence Bennett # 1079" saavik says, "Ok" saavik says, "I'll upload them" saavik says, "I did a sum over the columns just for curiousity sake (sort of the preference)" saavik says, "I can't stay awake long enough to count the vote - I have to be up early" saavik says, "can I pass for another night or can I just leave the votes?" saavik says, "ok, uploaded new file" saavik says, "with all votes" Scottyg says, "Do you know how to do the counting Amy?" saavik says, "no..." Scottyg says, "Then what is the plan for getting them counted?" saavik says, "Well... greg promised he would tell me how" saavik says, "but I have to get up all too soon" saavik says, "I'm sorry" saavik says, "I needed to be in bed an hour ago" irs says, "And I've got this new bride...." Scottyg says, "Greg?" saavik says, "I'm going to bed - someone send me email. Sorry but I can't stay up any longer - I have to be up way too early" saavik says, "I'll be happy to help another night" saavik says, "just let me know........." saavik says, "going" saavik says, "going....." saavik says, "gone" Saavik heads back to the Enterprise for the night dcarson-1 says, "did you upload the spread sheet?" saavik says, "yes" saavik [to the]: same dir saavik says, "it's called votes2002.xml" saavik says, "err xls" saavik has disconnected. Scottyg says, "You scared me for a moment there." irs says, "I'm gonna get going. I've got to prep for school tomorrow, and get ready for Albacon this weekend. Unless I'm needed?" Scottyg says, "Looks like everyone has already gone to sleep Ian." irs says, "Then to bed. Good night." irs has disconnected. Scottyg says, "G'nite!" dcarson-1 says, "gnight" Greg says, "Heh. I'm approximately awake. Or at least I'm not horizontal." The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. Scottyg says, "The vote counting seems to have died." Scottyg says, "And I can't stay much longer either. Gotta go pack for a trip bright & early tomorrow." dcarson-1 says, "where are you off to?" Scottyg says, "Minneapolis for 3 days." dcarson-1 says, "and did you see email from Stephen A. Turner about membership?" Scottyg says, "Yeah, was he order #530?" Scottyg says, "Yep. I have his order but haven't run the card yet, and he hasn't yet reached the top of my email backlog." The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. dcarson-1 says, "ok he emailed me asking since he hadn't heard from you" Scottyg says, "(In case it isn't obvious, I'm totally swamped.)" Greg says, "It's obvious, Scotty." dcarson-1 says, "I'll email him that you've been traveling" Greg says, "I've been trying to catch up all night. :)" Greg says, "Thanks, Dana." Scottyg says, "Yep, any help at all in fending off the bears is appreciated." dcarson-1 says, "will do" Scottyg says, "I *think* that this will be my last trip for a while." Scottyg says, "Maybe I'll get a chance to catch up now." Scottyg says, "I think I'm gonna call it a night." Scottyg says, "I need to pack and then get some sleep." Scottyg says, "G'nite!" Scottyg has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart Scottyg off to bed. Greg crashes. G'night! Greg has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart Greg off to bed. In a blinding flash of light, Severy vanishes into thin air DaveW has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart DaveW off to bed. dcarson-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove dcarson-1. Severy has arrived. In a blinding flash of light, Severy vanishes into thin air Severy-3 has arrived. -- End log: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:30:16 pm ASI Meeting Server time--