-- Start log: Wednesday, November 6, 2002 8:57:20 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- dcarson says, "helo" saavik says, "hello all" john-r says, "Hi Dana" Greg-1 says, "Dana! Did you get my note about the Bigelow Aerospace domains?" Michael says, "yep! lots of trusses for sale by defunct bands!" Severy-4 says, "I like the transporter, Amy!" john-r bows in the prsence(sp) of the space travler saavik says, "Thanks Randall 4 :-)" john-r says, "Evening Greg" dcarson says, "yes Greg, will switch them over" Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Dana. It's kind of urgent because Roger has been on my case about it all day. You know the litany: Never give an IT Nazi an excuse." Michael reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "Where is the meeting agenda?" Severy-4 says, "Ok, let's get this show on the road" Michael says, "read agenda" Greg-1 reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "The meeting agenda is available at http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/agenda.html" Severy-4 says, "Or a text view is available here" Severy-4 reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "whee" Severy-4 says, "Hmm, that translated pretty well ;-)" dcarson says, "OK will do the DNS swap tonight and see how long it takes netsol to swap info" dcarson reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Dana. :)" Michael says, "so who wants to be chairman o' da board?" Greg-1 says, "So, are we open for nominations now?" Greg-1 says, "I nominate Randall Severy for chairman of the board." saavik says, "I nominate Randall" saavik says, "oh, second" saavik reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 bangs a very large gavel Michael says, "yea,me too" Greg-1 says, "Move nominations be closed!" Severy-4 says, "Second?" saavik says, "second" saavik says, "can I second?" saavik says, "I am not on the board :-)" Greg-1 says, "Oops." Greg-1 says, "That's right. We need a bored member to say "second."" Michael says, "second" Severy-4 says, "All in favor?" Greg-1 says, "aye" Michael says, "yes, we're all in favor....." Scottyg has arrived. irs arrives. Severy-4 says, "Hi, Scotty and Ian!" dcarson says, "aye" saavik says, "Does the board even have quorom?" Severy-4 says, "I'm being drafted again ;-)" Scottyg says, "Hi all!" Severy-4 says, "It does now!" Greg-1 says, "Scotty, Ian, say "aye" and we stick Randall with the job of board chairman.," saavik says, "Scotty and Ian - vote yes or nay for Randall for board" irs says, "Hi Gang. I may be a bit, uh, distracted for a little while." irs says, "Sorry. Didn't even think that was a question, Greg. Of COURSE we stick Randall with the job: he's so good at it. Aye." Scottyg says, "Aye rom here too." Greg-1 says, "Yeah!" Severy-4 blushes Greg-1 says, "That's it, Randall! You're STUCK!" Severy-4 says, "Ok, motion passes, I guess I'm stuck with it ;-)" Severy-4 says, "Next board agenda item: term lengths" Severy-4 says, "I don't remember exactly how this is supposed to work" saavik says, "One person was supposed to be chosen at random to only be a year term" saavik says, "that is what my notes say, anyway." Greg-1 says, "Sounds good to me!" saavik says, "So we shuld assign numbers to each of the new members and then have someone pick a random number" saavik says, "I can get java to do it?" Severy-4 says, "We've got a pair of dice here somewhere..." Greg-1 says, "First list the candidates, Amy" Greg-1 says, "roll 1d7" Michael rolls 1d5 = 4. Greg-1 says, "dice 1d7" Greg-1 says, "How did you do that, Michael?" Michael rolls 1d5 = 3. Severy-4 rolls 1d5 = 4. saavik says, "I have to look it all up" Severy-4 says, "Try "roll dice"" Michael says, "just said "roll dice"" Greg-1 says, "roll dice 1d7" Michael rolls 1d5 = 4. Greg-1 rolls 1d5 = 3. saavik says, "Michael, Greg, Arthur, Scotty, Peter?" saavik says, "Is that all?" saavik says, "(for the new ones, that is)" Michael says, "I'll be number 3" saavik rolls 1d5 = 4. saavik says, "Let's do them in alphabetical order:" Greg-1 says, "Good." Michael rolls 1d5 = 5. Scottyg says, "I'm not a board member." Greg-1 says, "Then you can roll the Official Die, Amy." saavik says, "YOu sure Scotty?" Greg-1 says, "Oh, right." Greg-1 says, "Amy, that's right. Scotty is an ex-officio member because he's Treasurer." Scottyg says, "That how I recall the vote coming out Amy." Greg-1 says, "But *mumble* edged him out somewhere around the 39th ballot." saavik says, "oh, sorry...." Scottyg says, "And that actually pleases me since it expands the size of this group." saavik says, "hold on then" Greg-1 says, "So the board consists of the continuing members... Dana and Ian" saavik says, "Randall Severy, Chairman (term expires 2004)" saavik says, "Gregory Bennett (term expires 2004)" saavik says, "Arthur Smith (term expires 2004)" saavik says, "Peter Kokh (term expires 2004)" saavik says, "Michael Mealling (term expires 2004)" saavik says, "Turns our Randall was re-elected this time :-)" saavik says, "Ok, so in order:" saavik says, "Gregory Bennett" saavik says, "Peter Kokh" saavik says, "Michael Mealling " saavik says, "Randall Severy" saavik says, "Arthur Smith " saavik rolls 1d5 = 4. Greg-1 says, "That's Randall?" saavik says, "Ok, Randall wins... Guess he gets re-elected again next year!" Severy-4 says, "Ok" Greg-1 says, "That'll work." saavik says, "Ok, so noted" Greg-1 says, "roll dice 99" saavik says, "Randall, onto next?" Greg-1 says, "How the HECK do you roll a 1d4?" Severy-4 says, "Ok, any other business before the board tonight?" Greg-1 says, "I think that's it, Randall." Greg-1 says, "Move we adjourn the board and get on with the Leadership Council." Michael reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Second" Severy-4 says, "All in favor?" Greg-1 says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Severy-4 says, "Aye" Michael says, "aye" Severy-4 says, "Thwap!" Severy-4 says, "This board meeting is adjourned" Severy-4 says, "Ok, on to the Leadership Council stuff" Greg-1 hands the large trout back to Randall. Severy-4 says, "Has everyone read my diatribe on Sunday about responding to help desk questions?" Greg-1 says, "I saw a diatribe about that. Was it on Sunday?" saavik says, "I read it" saavik says, "I guess I should answer my messages for the week :-)" Michael says, "Sunday was a bad day.... " dcarson says, "didn't actually reply to any but closed and merged several" irs says, "Haven't gotten to Sunday's mail yet (or Saturday's, for that matter). Workin' on it." Severy-4 says, "Ok, is that something we can keep up with?" Greg-1 says, "That's very helpful, Dana. It saves lots of time." Severy-4 says, "Ian, you're kind of on the hot seat about that stuff, any chance of you catching up on mail anytime soon?" irs says, "Working on it. Seriously hoping to be up-to-date by the end of tomorrow." Severy-4 says, "Unfortunately, requests for interviews seem to have the shortest deadlines, we need a reliable way of getting your attention in a short amount of time..." irs says, "And yeah, I know I owe you some templates. That's at the top of the list." irs says, "Interview request?! Son of a.... I usually get a chance to at least look through my mail daily. This week has been exceptional." irs says, "I've downloaded everything through this afternoon, and it's waiting for me on my own hard drive." Severy-4 says, "Ok, there was a follow-up e-mail about assigning action items from incoming e-mails in today's mail" Severy-4 says, "There are almost a dozen requests for interviews in the backlogged mail in Help Director, Ian" Severy-4 says, "Or at least quite a few, I don't remember exactly how many" irs says, "Great. We set up the pr addresses specifically to get them straight to me." Severy-4 says, "Yeah, but people rarely remember the right address to send them to :-(" irs says, "I'll go through what I've got. Are those backlogged requests being forwarded to me, or do I have to go looking for them?" saavik says, "Randall, How come I can't see messages? Do I have to turn popups on again?" Severy-4 says, "That's the big lesson we learned with the general mail backlog, we haven't been publicizing those addresses for years but people still send email to them" Arthur arrives. Arthur says, "Hi all!" Severy-4 says, "We can assign them to you, Ian, that was the subject of today's e-mail on that topic" dcarson says, "any I see I'l assign to you Ian, I assume everyone else will also" Severy-4 says, "Welcome, Arthur!" Arthur says, "I was at the mercy of dinner companions - just got back in" Greg-1 says, "Evening, Arthur! What you missed: Randall is chairman of the board, and will be serving the 1-year term." Arthur says, "Sounds good!" Arthur says, "Any sign of Peter Kokh?" Severy-4 says, "Not yet, can someone give him a phone call?" irs says, "Does "assign them to me" mean they wind up in my in-box, or does that mean I have to go find them on the web site? (And yes, I'll read today's e-mail.)" saavik says, "I just found an interview request and assigned it to you Ian" Severy-4 says, "I just got an e-mail from Peter, he's having trouble logging on" Arthur says, "I just checked my email - Peter was trying to get on..." Arthur says, "Ah, yes" Severy-4 says, "When someone assigns an e-mail thread to you, they can send you an automatic e-mail about it" Greg-1 says, "Here's Peter's number: 414-342-0705" Arthur says, "Randall, can you get him his password? Did it change with the merge of the ASI/Moonsoc databases?" saavik says, "I told it to send you email" john-r says, "If i rem, Peter has 2 paww words" Michael says, "112.00" Michael says, "doh" Severy-4 says, "He's using the same password as before, it *should* work" Michael says, "(cost for one 10 foot section of aluminum trusswork)" Severy-4 says, "Good guess, Arthur, it looks like his ASI password was different than his Moonsoc password" Severy-4 says, "Let me reset it" Greg-1 says, "He's in." Severy-4 says, "Ok, Peter just arrived" Arthur says, "So, we're talking about the help desk" kokhmmm arrives. Severy-4 says, "Yup, is everyone ok with the plan I laid out on Sunday?" saavik says, "There he is" Severy-4 says, "Can we keep that going?" john-r says, "Hi Peter" kokhmmm says, "Hi John" saavik says, "I think it is a great idea" dcarson says, "seems like a reasonable plan" Severy-4 says, "Ok, remember, I *will* be checking the log files before each meeting" Michael can't seem to find that one in his archive.... (must be the percoset) Severy-4 says, "For instance, since I sent that e-mail, only Arthur and John have sent replies" Arthur says, "The main helpdir box I've been looking at is "info" - I know John is doing "web" stuff - can we get somebody on "membership"?" Severy-4 says, "Sunday 11/3/02 12:31:46 EST subject: Moon Society Help Desk" kokhmmm says, "I'll put it on my to do list. I have been busy 16 hours a day" Severy-4 says, "Membership is the fourth agenda item, that's a top priority" kokhmmm says, "We not only have to build membership, we have to work harder to retain members." dcarson says, "keeping is better then getting, less cost and effort" Severy-4 says, "Ok, it's forwarded, Michael" Michael says, "in order to get and/or keep you have to provide something of value...." saavik says, "Next item?" Severy-4 says, "Yup, our reputation for responsiveness is lower than low at the moment, we need to correct that as soon as possible" kokhmmm says, "With new members we have to get them up to speed. With existing members, we have to show them we are getting somewhere" Arthur says, "Hey, I responded to a few people within a week of their message :-)" saavik says, "I just picked one from a few months ago..." saavik says, "What do we do with the ones we have no idea about?" Severy-4 says, "Ok, on to the next agenda item: Team and Mailing List infrastructure" Severy-4 says, "Oops, back to Help Desk for a moment ;-)" Michael reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "If you have no idea, Amy, ask around and try to find someone who can take ownership of it" dcarson says, "Scotty do we assign ones who ask about if they're check has been processed to you?" Arthur says, "Under info, I created a template with some "how to get involved" information - that pointed out artemis-list and the MOO - should we be advertising those more directly to new members?" Severy-4 says, "That's the Membership agenda item, Dana ;-)" dcarson says, "OK" saavik says, "Yes, I just used your template Arthur - thanks!" Severy-4 says, "Part of the next agenda iteam, Arthur, is getting the infrastructure in place to have a lot more to point them at" Scottyg says, "Dana, lets save that for the moment." Severy-4 says, "Ok, anything else on Help Desk for the moment?" Arthur says, "The other thing I thought would be helpful with the info requests is a real FAQ" Arthur says, "I'll send around by email a list of questions that seem to be frequently asked under info - we can either make template responses or point people to a FAQ I think." Severy-4 says, "Good idea, Arthur!" saavik nods. kokhmmm says, "I like the FAQ idea. We have one about the Artemis Project, we need to have one about membership nd involvement" dcarson says, "yep" kokhmmm says, "I'd like to contribute to writing that because there have to be more options than electronic involvement and that leads to chapter and outpost activities" john-r note:As it relates to where to put the FAQ, i will have ? on the last agenda item Greg-1 says, "Peter, yes. Chapters! Outposts!" Arthur says, "emailed my list of questions to the board" Severy-4 says, "Yup, we can collectively work on the FAQ on the leaders list" saavik says, "great" john-r says, "Arthur can you also e-mail to yje leaders list?" Arthur says, "Oops, let me try leaders" Severy-4 says, "Ok, let's move on in the agenda so that we're not here all night ;-)" Michael reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Next item is the Team and Mailing List infrastructure" Michael says, "which one are we on now?" Severy-4 says, "I was hoping Mike Delaney could be here to help talk about it, but I didn't give him enough notice of his participation in the meeting, so I'm on my own ;-)" Severy-4 says, "Anyway, as most of you know, I've been working heavily over the past two weeks on a new member section of moonsociety.org:www.moonsociety.org/mymoon " john-r says, "i ahve seen it, and like it" john-r says, "have" Arthur says, "Yup, nice last time I looked!" Severy-4 says, "As the implementation of the help desk last meeting highlighted the backlog of questions, this implementation highlighted the severe disorganization of our current teams and mailing lists" kokhmmm says, "I know about it but haven't seen it. Where is it?" Severy-4 says, "So Mike and I are embarking on a complete overhaul of the current teams and mailing lists" Severy-4 says, "Go to http://www.moonsociety.org/mymoon, Peter" Severy-4 says, "In preparation for that overhaul, I need some feedback on several works of creative writing...." saavik says, "Wow, nice page" saavik says, "Randall, why does it say that I have no open support tickets? isn't that the helpdesk stuff? because I just answered/owned one of the threads" Severy-4 says, "The first step in the overhaul will be individual contact with each current team leader to find out if a) they still exist, and b) if they still want to be a team leader" Severy-4 says, "The open support tickets, Amy, are questions *you* sent in, not ones that you own or answered" Severy-4 says, "That contact will be done with the following e-mail template:" Severy-4 says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/helpdir/helpdir?ViewTemplate=Go&Template=/lists/leader-verify.msg&Popup=Yes" Michael can't wait until we can use the calendar and gant charts to do real project and resource planning.... Severy-4 says, "Yup, me too, Michael!" Greg-1 says, "Calendar? Gant charts?" Severy-4 says, "I'd like any feedback on that e-mail template before Mike starts sending out the messages, probably in the next few days" saavik says, "oh!" dcarson says, "programmer types may want to look at http://www.phprojekt.com/ for stuff Randall will add" Severy-4 says, "I can set up folks with login accounts there, but at a different time, shall we stick to the agenda, please? ;-)" Severy-4 says, "The main thing I need contributions for is the "Team Leader Responsibilities" web page referenced in that e-mail template, which can be found at http://www.moonsociety.org/teams/leader-responsibilities.html" Severy-4 says, "I started throwing things on it this afternoon, but I need more suggestions for what to put on it" saavik just got a phone call IRL, but she will be right back. Severy-4 says, "For those team leaders who confirm that they want to remain team leaders, they'll get this e-mail template next:" Severy-4 says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/helpdir/helpdir?ViewTemplate=Go&Template=/lists/leader-confirm.msg&Popup=Yes" dcarson says, "add squash flamewars and major off topic discussions" dcarson says, "add post summeries to leadership list" kokhmmm says, "second Dana's idea" Severy-4 [to leadership]: list, Dana? Or to artemis-list? Severy-4 says, "To leadership list, Dana? Or to artemis-list?" Arthur says, "The list seems somewhat reactive - I would start the list of responsibilities with something like "have a vision for what the team can accomplish, and commit to achievable goals" or something like that..." kokhmmm says, "leadership list I will read. gave up on the noise level on artemis list" dcarson says, "either, us if we might not want it on the open list, don't think we have any in that state though" Severy-4 says, "Well, hopefully we can do something about that noise level on artemis list, Peter" dcarson says, "both wouldn't hurt, ccing is easy" Arthur says, "Maybe not commit, but something that indicates some positive action and effort..." Severy-4 says, "Except when they're not members of the list, they'll all bounce" dcarson says, "need a in only address for things like that" Arthur says, "Also, while having an automated confirmation message is nice, I would suggest each team leader who confirms should also have one of us send a personal message of support and thanks..." Arthur says, "Probably every active team should have at least one of this group on it (I suspect a lot of us are already on many of the teams)" john-r says, "good point Arthur" Severy-4 says, "I can post a list of who confirms, Arthur, and we can work through it" Arthur says, "That would do it, thanks Randall" Severy-4 says, "Ok, any other suggestions for the leader responsibilities list or the two e-mail templates?" Arthur says, "The email templates look good to me" Severy-4 says, "Once we have the teams back in a semblance of working order, we can unveil the /mymoon stuff and the companion teams list and begin pointing people at the remaining active teams" Severy-4 says, "Ok, anything else to discuss about the Team and Mailing List Infrastructure stuff tonight?" Arthur says, "Sounds great!" saavik says, "back" john-r says, "does the team reorganize - differ for ASI and MoonSociety?" Severy-4 says, "We're tackling both at the same time, John" john-r says, "in that there are 2 knids of teams" john-r says, "2 kinds, as in the ASI Project and Moon Soc Projects" Severy-4 says, "True, but procedurally they work the same way" john-r says, "understood" dcarson says, "and its less workload to deal with them as one thing" Severy-4 says, "As part of the overhaul, some of the ASI teams will be moving to the Moon Society" Severy-4 says, "And many will be marked as inactive if no one steps forward as a team leader" john-r says, "and some as in chapters will be merging, right?" Severy-4 says, "All of the chapter teams are moving from ASI to Moon Society" Greg-1 says, "Right." john-r says, "ok, thata all the ? on that item for me." Severy-4 says, "And we'll be getting to chapters very soon in the agenda ;-)" Severy-4 says, "Ok, next up is PR" Severy-4 says, "I think we mostly covered this earlier" kokhmmm says, "What about the chapters.asi.org/ websites. Will they shift to chapters.moonsociety.org/ ?" Severy-4 says, "Yes, Peter, they'll all move" Scottyg reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "That's a good idea, Peter." Arthur says, "I thought membership was next?" kokhmmm says, "I like that. " Severy-4 says, "Ian, all PR-related questions should be forwarded to you, correct?" Severy-4 says, "Revised agenda, Greg" Severy-4 says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/agenda.html" Severy-4 says, "or 'read agenda' in here" Greg-1 reloads the agenda john-r reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "We added some stuff since it was first posted..." irs says, "Correct. I take care of them as they arrive in my in-box (except for the last few days). That's how we got those radio interviews, the Village Voice article, and so on." irs reads the meeting agenda Arthur reads the meeting agenda dcarson reads the meeting agenda Arthur says, "Ah, I was wondering what that meant..." Severy-4 says, "Ok, so everyone who monitors the mailboxes in Help Director should assign Ian as the owner of any PR-related messages and make sure to use the send e-mail option to inform him of it" DaveW arrives. DaveW says, "hi all sorry I am lated" Arthur says, "I think that's been working well, except for those lost info requests that were for interviews..." john-r says, "Hi Dave" Severy-4 says, "Hi, Dave!" kokhmmm says, "i, Dave" Arthur says, "i.e. yes Randall, sounds like a plan!" DaveW says, "had to run to the store for fomula for the little one" irs says, "Yes, Randall. That would be great." Severy-4 says, "We'll go through the old interview e-mails and send them to Ian, and he can decide which ones are too old to bother with" irs says, "I'll let them down easy, or deal with them if they're still up for it." Arthur says, "Ian do you check email several times a day? Should somebody be on standby PR duty if you're away for a bit?" Severy-4 says, "We got that one request a few days ago that needed a response within 24 hours, we need a procedure to deal with those" Michael reads the meeting agenda kokhmmm says, "we should have an automatic reply that gives a phone number for such interview requests" Severy-4 says, "The problem, Peter, is that they don't come into a consistent place" irs says, "Generally, I check my e-mail daily. This week has been exceptional. And yes, I'm comfortable giving out my phone number for urgent requests." Severy-4 says, "If they come to the PR address, we can have such a reply, but otherwise we'd need to include that phone number on all autoreplies to all mailboxes" Arthur says, "Probably don't want it posted on the website though?" irs says, "When I'm heading out of town, I'd be happy to let someone else know, or to put an away message on the system (if you teach me how)." Severy-4 says, "We've had requests for interviews to info@moonsociety.org, help@asi.org, membership@asi.org, etc." Arthur says, "Is there a PR address?" irs says, "I'd rather not post my phone number on the website, but if someone comes looking for it, sure; it's pretty much everywhere anyway." Severy-4 says, "We probably should set up a separate PR mailbox in Help Director" Severy-4 says, "It can autoforward to Ian, as the current alias does" irs says, "pr@tlrc.com, and pr-asi@tlrc.com, I think. Do we have a pr@asi.org?" irs says, "Of course, defer to Randall who knows what's going on." kokhmmm says, "and a PR address under contact info" Scottyg says, "Randall, perhaps one way to minimize that is to put up some very prominent contact info." john-r says, "in the new contacts page" Severy-4 says, "Yes, I agree that we need to publicize the correct contact addresses better, Scotty, but the big backlog showed us that not everyone uses that info :-(" dcarson says, "maybe an autoreply to info and help that list the more detailed addresses to use? like pr and memberships etc?" Severy-4 says, "Yup, that would be a good thing, Dana" Severy-4 says, "Ian's working on those autoreply templates, right, Ian? ;-)" dcarson says, "also make it clear who we are, I saw one peorson that sent several messages to what had to be the wrong domain" Scottyg says, "Or put more explicit contact addresses on the contact page." irs says, "Yes, Randall." Severy-4 says, "Yes, the autoreplies should help with that, Dana" Scottyg says, "How about this...." Scottyg says, "We establish a number of "standard" mailboxes." Scottyg says, "Any inquiries to thos go to the appropriate Help Director mailbox." Severy-4 says, "I think we've done that already" Scottyg says, "Mail to any undefined mailbox sends an autoreply directing them to the contacts page?" Severy-4 says, "asi.org has an undefined autoresponder already, but moonsociety.org does not, we can set one up" Severy-4 says, "But we don't actually get much moonsociety.org mail to undefined addresses, unlike asi.org which is constantly bombarded" dcarson says, "I think the undefined autoreply should have the main contact email addresses in it" Arthur says, "So should there be an autoreply from the pr mailbox with Ian's phone number in it? And also those messages cc'ed to Ian and alternates?" dcarson says, "asl.org is the Americian School in London, get lots of contact from colleges replying to students that can't write clearly" Severy-4 says, "Yes, Arthur, to both questions" john-r says, "is it fair for interviews, to have a cgi form, that requires a phone number? and have the form on the contact page?" Severy-4 says, "Anyone can subscribe to the PR mailbox to act as a backup to Ian" Arthur says, "Is the pr mailbox there already, or you're setting it up soon?" Severy-4 says, "Forms are fine as an alternative, John, but I don't think they can be required, a lot people still prefer regular e-mail" john-r says, "ty Randall" Severy-4 says, "It's not there yet, Arthur, I'll get it set up tonight or tomorrow" Arthur says, "Ok, thanks" Severy-4 says, "Ok, anything else on PR tonight?" irs says, "If someone wants to be back-up, we can deal with it privately. Let me know." Michael reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Membership Committee" kokhmmm says, "ON PR - Don't we have a PR op coming up? announcement about the Flag competition?" Severy-4 says, "Do we have someone who can coordinate the flag competition?" john-r says, "a new competion, or the current one we are to announce this month?" kokhmmm says, "It's announced on the /flag page that the winner will be announced this month" john-r says, "thats what i was refering to TY Peter" john-r says, "or do we have a new one planed?" Severy-4 says, "Umm, how old is that page?" john-r says, "oldddddd" Arthur says, "So far I don't think we've actually gone out trying to push our own PR - it's been more requess coming in the other direction..." kokhmmm says, "At least a year old, ask Greg" john-r says, "in e-world time anyway" Severy-4 says, "I don't remember any discussion about the flag competition in a long, long time, so my guess is that effort has stalled" irs says, "No, we send out some press releases as well, but not a lot (the budget isn't that high )." Severy-4 says, "Greg, what do you know of the status of the flag competition?" Arthur says, "Did we get any entries?" Greg-1 says, "Yes, I canceled the flag competition." Greg-1 says, "Two, I think." Greg-1 says, "It's ancient history now." Severy-4 says, "Well, that answers that ;-)" Scottyg says, "The last update I had on it was that we only had one or two entries, and i think it was canceled for lack of interest." Scottyg says, "Ah, Greg was answering while I was typing." john-r says, "Are we then talking of a new competion?, now or at the next meeting?" Arthur says, "I think we should focus on getting the web site up to snuff before starting new competitions like that..." Severy-4 says, "I'm not sure if we have the resources to launch a new competition at the moment, we've got our hands rather full" Michael nods.... kokhmmm says, "The Flag page is still up, though not linked to." Scottyg says, "Yes - i would caution this group that its better to do a few things well that a lot of things poorly." irs says, "We need, I think, a much bigger publicity budget before we try running a big-time competition." john-r says, "i agree with Scotty" john-r says, "and Ian also, so on to next item?" Michael says, "once we get some real forward motion a flag will handle itself...." Severy-4 says, "Ok, shall we move on to Membership?" dcarson says, "when we have the resources we want to run a contest, it is good PR but not now" Arthur says, "Move on seconded" Severy-4 says, "As I outlined in my original agenda e-mail: "We need an active leader for our membership activities. Scotty is too busy and Jennifer doesn't know enough about the organization to do the job."" Scottyg says, "I've kind of been filling in (poorly) on membership, but don't really have the time to do much with it." Arthur says, "Who is Jennifer?" Scottyg says, "Jennifer Day is a contract person who processes memberships for us." john-r says, "Note to scotty-you did fine with mine back in feb :)" Severy-4 says, "The most visible responsibility is monitoring the Membership mailbox and answering membership questions" Severy-4 says, "At the moment there really isn't a true "Membership Committee", so the role we're looking for is more of a Membership Coordinator than a Chairman" Scottyg says, "And I think the most important part of that is to be sure that a new member that is interested in doing something gets routed to the right place." john-r says, "And so far Tim has not shown up tonight" Severy-4 says, "Yes, which will be a lot easier when we get the teams reorganized" Arthur says, "I haven't looked a the membership box - what are the questions most often asked?" Severy-4 says, "Tim Cadell is very inactive at the moment, I don't think we can rely on him to be involved in that area in any way" Michael reads the meeting agenda dcarson says, "have we cahsed the check, processed the credit card yet, and where is my poster" Severy-4 says, "The most common question I saw was "I signed up for a membership, but haven't heard anything, what's the status?"" Severy-4 says, "There were dozens of those" dcarson says, "plus some change of address" Greg-1 says, "Do we need to speed up getting MMM to them?" Arthur says, "So to answer those, somebody needs to have access to the membership data directly, right? Who would that be now?" Severy-4 says, "I don't remember seeing many references to MMM" Scottyg says, "Greg, there isn't much delay." Michael thinks everyone here should be able to atleast look at the membership data.... Scottyg says, "Its mostly me getting the charges processed followed by Jennifer getting the database updated." Scottyg says, "Once that happens, it goes to Peter in the next mail list." Severy-4 says, "Most of the membership data is available in Team Director, but there is also a need to be able to check on "in progress" stuff as well" kokhmmm says, "How difficult would it be to create an electronic membership card, something sent automatically as a pdf file that a new member could print out and put in his/her wallet?" dcarson says, "I like that Peter" dcarson says, "need to decide on a logo first" kokhmmm says, "Yes, a logo is long overdue." Scottyg says, "Occasionally we don't have an email address." Severy-4 says, "We need someone to coordinate all of this stuff, which gets back to the original topic ;-)" Severy-4 says, "So who can we draft?" Greg-1 says, "I like the logo on the bumper sticker" Severy-4 says, "Who doesn't already have five titles next to their name?" Arthur says, "Still not clear on the responsibilities - would this person be cashing checks, processing credit card orders?" Scottyg says, "Oh - we need to reorder bumper stickers." kokhmmm says, "What is the logo on the bumper sticker, haven't seen it" Severy-4 says, "Arthur, Michael?" Greg-1 says, "Really!" Arthur says, "It's the moon in motion ..." Severy-4 says, "Scotty, how difficult would it be for someone to contact Jennifer to find out if a membership application is pending?" Scottyg says, "Arthur - Its probably best for me to cash the checks since they arrive in the P.O. Box here." Severy-4 says, "Without having to wait for thw two-week batch cycle?" Arthur says, "So how do we answer the question ' have you cashed my check?'" Scottyg says, "You ask me." Scottyg says, "Or...You check the online registration database." Arthur says, "Ok, I suppose that could be the first thing to do..." john-r says, "is there a special url for online reg db?" Scottyg says, "I'm not sure who has access to that." Scottyg says, "The URL is https://www.moonsociety.org/admin/" Severy-4 says, "I don't either, I know virtually nothing about it" john-r says, "and can several have read only permissions?" Scottyg says, "As implemented, access is all or none." Scottyg says, "I think the access list is the same as the HTTPS WSD" Arthur says, "Well, my name was raised; I'm willing to try taking it on (if Michael will answer more of the info questions...)" Severy-4 says, "Among us here, the access list currently contains Dana, me, Scotty, and Greg" Severy-4 says, "You're a good man, Arthur! (no matter what anyone else says about you ;-))" Scottyg says, "Jim Burk originally set it up, and I've revised and maintained it. Its mostly php scripts." john-r says, "how hard is it to add a read only permission group? to the admin area" saavik says, "The secretary would like to note that she is going to bed at 11pm... " Severy-4 says, "I warned you we'd be running late, Amy ;-)" kokhmmm says, "Amy, switch time zones!" john-r says, "Note to Amy-before you go , any objections to blue web background? if we do not get to the web agenda item" Scottyg says, "I think that would have to be created by the scripts themselves. And we would have to redo some of the pages to prohibit display of private or sensitive data like credit card numbers." irs says, "Move east! I agree with Amy (and I've got days of e-mail to do after the meeting)." Severy-4 says, "Until we can fiddle with the software, Arthur, I guess you can ask Dana, Scotty, or me to look up pending details that aren't already in Team Director" Severy-4 says, "Or Greg, if you can find him ;-)" Arthur says, "Sounds ok. Already, Membership Coordinator is added to the title list :-)" saavik says, "no, I like the blue best" john-r says, "so a template to the admin people may be nice in help dir" Severy-4 says, "Ok, have we beaten Membership to death for the night?" john-r [to Amy]: - TY Scottyg says, "I don't have any problem adding any Board Member to the access list. Overall, I'd prefer to keep access to a minimum." Michael reads the meeting agenda dcarson pokes membership, it doesn't twitch john-r says, "did Arthur take the membership lead?" dcarson says, "sounds like it" Severy-4 says, "Ok, Scotty, shall we add Arthur to the access list, that would simplify things?" Arthur says, "Yup" Scottyg says, "Yep." Arthur says, "Either way" Severy-4 says, "Ok, good" Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Chapters Coordinator" Severy-4 says, "This one is easier, since we already have a v/i/c/t/i/m/volunteer ;-)" Arthur says, "I think Peter already volunteered (and has been taking it on anyway)" john-r says, "I think Peter may be working on that area, Am i correct Peter?" Severy-4 says, "Yup, thanks Peter!" kokhmmm says, "I do what I love doing" Severy-4 says, "Peter sent an e-mail to the list just before the meeting with an outline of some of the things he's already been doing" kokhmmm says, "I ccd to the leaders list just before the meeting" Severy-4 says, "Peter, I'll ask Mike Delaney to coordinate things with you when he works on moving the chapter web sites and mailing lists over to moonsociety.org" kokhmmm says, "Thanks. Actually, there are only two "live" updated sites anyway, Milw and oregon" Severy-4 says, "Should we try to re-activate the chapters committee? or stick with individual contact for now?" Michael says, "individual for now... keep it minimalist unless it grows rapidly" john-r says, "The moonSOc has the chapters team, that i am current leader-does that want to change?" Arthur says, "Oh yeah, I remember John starting on that..." Severy-4 says, "That's the team I was referring to, there are actually several, but they are all basically the same" Severy-4 says, "Several teams overlap pretty heavily..." kokhmmm says, "John, I'll start reporting to the chapter team everything I do, and welcome input and feedback" kokhmmm says, "John, let me know who is all on that team" john-r says, "will do Peter, tormorrow." john-r says, "Team Dir has the list tho" Severy-4 says, "John, are you ok with Peter taking over that team? Peter, are you ok with being team leader for that team?" john-r says, "I am ok" Severy-4 says, "Sheesh, moonsociety.org has the Chapters Council Team, the Chapter Contacts Team, and the Chapters Team!" Severy-4 says, "No wonder we're confused :-)" kokhmmm says, "I have volunteered to be coordinator. That's a lot. If being team leader adds more action items, i'd have to think about it." Greg-1 says, "Can you say "overkill"?" john-r says, "And i will stay on the team, or i can remain leader , there not been any actictivty, except what i started anyway, in the last 6 mths" Severy-4 says, "Well, I guess the first thing to decide is the purpose of the team, that will dictate who should be on it, and who should coordinate the activities of the team" Arthur says, "Let's merge the three teams into one, leave John as leader, and Peter as Chapters coordinator (how do we tell Tim?)" kokhmmm says, "Let's consolidate those teams! See what the overlap is." john-r says, "Peter i can star on as team leader, and you can be on the list, and if the load gets to big i can bring ap at future leadership meetings" john-r says, "stay=star" Severy-4 says, "Ok, sounds good to me" Severy-4 says, "Ok, anything else on Chapters tonight?" john-r says, "for the short term, on the 3 teams, i can be leader for admin stuff, and keep in touch with peter" Severy-4 says, "We'll consolidate them right away, as part of the team reorganization" john-r says, "sounds good, those pages will need an revision in the next week then, or sooner" kokhmmm says, "I need to know what people think should be grounds for delisting a chapter or contact person. About twenty of 31 are totally unresponsive. Should I attempt to call them by phone first?" Scottyg says, "I think some of the duplication happened because of "cloning" ASi to start up Moon Society." Severy-4 says, "Yup, you're probably right, Scotty" Michael says, "if they don't answer their email within two weeks that's enough" Severy-4 says, "A phone call may be worth doing, Peter" Arthur says, "Peter, if they're not current members, forward their contact info to me and I'll try to get hold of them (as membership coordinator)?" Severy-4 says, "We've got a lot of old e-mail addresses in the database, Michael, so you never know if someone saw the message and ignored it or simply never got it at all" kokhmmm says, "A lot of listed ocontacts do not seem to be current members. Can someone double check the list for that?" john-r says, "reimbursement for phone calls may be a item for future discussion, but i and take 1 third or half of the calls for now" Severy-4 says, "Yes, that's the kind of thing Mike Delaney will be doing in contacting team leaders" Arthur says, "Peter, I'm volunteering to do that." Michael reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "Peter i can help with the list cks" Arthur says, "And John :-)" Severy-4 says, "If you look closely at the first e-mail template I posted, it includes a paragraph about renewing membership for those members who have expired" Arthur says, "Divide the remaining 20 into 3 for each of us to try to call?" kokhmmm says, "Thanks, I'llsend you my list of those who are unresponsive" Severy-4 says, "Ok, next up on the agenda is the Space Settlement Initiative" Severy-4 says, "Arthur, you added this one, want to talk about it?" saavik says, "ok, it's 11pm... " Arthur says, "Another of my items..." kokhmmm says, "It appears to be dead for now" Arthur says, "10:55" Arthur says, "The URL is http://www.spacesettlement.org/" Arthur says, "I guess - should we ignore it, link to it, or "endorse" it somehow? What do people here think?" john-r says, "The page was still up on ssi, a few weeks ago, and Arthure has been in contact with wasser, and me as of today, in a reply to heklp dir item under web page mail" kokhmmm says, "I think we shoul go on record as supporting it, can't hurt" Arthur says, "I know Wasser and Greg Nemitz have had some big arguments about it. Does that bother us?" Severy-4 says, "I was curious about your contact, John, the name on that e-mail was Dave Wasser, whereas Arthur has been talking to Alan Wasser" Arthur says, "I think Dave is Alan's son?" john-r says, "I have feelings that need discussed on some of the items, at a later date -not tonight, but a link is a good way to start" Severy-4 says, "That's what I suspected, Arthur, but I wasn't sure" Arthur says, "Wasser wrote a nice long piece for Ad Astra a couple of months ago." john-r says, "Dave and Alan, i will have to check, but that can be latter" Arthur says, "Does anybody object to a link somewhere on a FAQ or other side page for now?" irs says, "Alan Wasser who was talking about "we have to set up a system for ownership of land on the Moon before we go there" at the Las Vegas conference?" dcarson says, "seems to be" Arthur says, "That's the one" kokhmmm says, "Alan has been pushing that for years!" john-r says, "For now, when we get to the web page, maybe a link like Cyperteams on the left or right sidebar" irs says, "I think we're better off explicitly NOT talking about ownership of the Moon before we get there." dcarson says, "I wouldn't put it on the main page, in a links page yes" Arthur says, "I wasn't thinking of a link from our home page. Some non-home page place." Severy-4 says, "Yes, he tried to twist my arm heavily at the Tucson ISDC when I sat next to him on a bus ride ;-)" irs says, "I think anything toward any one of those ideas (and Alan's is far more logical than the Lunar Embassy crowd, but still) is opening a big can of social causes and other such political debate that only serves to distract us from the goal." Michael says, "have we ever 'endorsed' another organization before?" saavik says, "I vote for endorsing it assuming it is what alan talked about at the last lunar conference I saw him at" john-r says, "my sys has gone into lag mode" Severy-4 says, "It sounds like Alan wants something more formal: "Almost a year ago, Greg promised to have the Artemis and Moon Societys formally endorse the Space Settlement Initiative."" irs says, "We and the SETI League have some sort of relationship (I've forgotten the precise term)." Michael says, "if we haven't done it before then'd I'd prefer we didn't start...." Severy-4 says, "Greg, any thoughts?" Greg-1 says, "I am all in favor of pushing Alan Wasser's proposal." irs says, "Ask ourselves: what do we gain from endorsing Alan's group? And what do we lose from not endorsing it? If you can come up with a good list...." Greg-1 says, "In fact, I sort of promised that I would help do that." Arthur says, "I think what we gain is (in the unlikely event it comes to pass) another interesting way to raise funds for what we want to do" Severy-4 says, "Ok, so if Greg promised that we would do that, I guess we need to do it ;-)" Severy-4 says, "So what do we need to do to make it happen?" irs says, "I like Alan. I asked him to write me an article. But in general, what I got from his proposal was "Whoa. We've got to slow down the actual going to the Moon stuff until we figure out who's going to own it." I disagree with that concept 100%." Severy-4 says, "How do we "formally endorse the Space Settlement Initiative"?" Greg-1 says, "Board resolution?" Arthur says, "Ian, have you read his latest version of it? He does answer a lot of objections..." kokhmmm says, "I disagree too. My approach is that we do it, and it becomes fait accompli. Forgiveness is always easier than permission. Asking permission can stir up opposition" Scottyg says, "Umm, what I read from it is not that we need to slow things down, but they will be slow of teir own accord." Scottyg says, "teir = their" Arthur says, "Maybe let's table it to next board meeting, let everybody read the latest version of the proposal and think it over?" saavik says, "good plan" Severy-4 says, "Yup, I think that's safest, Arthur" saavik says, "especially since I really want to lseep" kokhmmm says, "Sotty, we all seem to have dislexic fingers tonight!" kokhmmm says, "eval )" Severy-4 says, "It's been waiting this long, another two weeks won't hurt much" irs says, "I think holding off another meeting isn't going to kill anything, and will give us a chance to look again." Scottyg says, "I resemble that! (hic)" Arthur says, "I'll email the URL to the board list as a reminder" Severy-4 says, "Thanks, Arthur!" Arthur says, "Ok, web site?" irs says, "Thank you, Arthur." dcarson says, "and decide what we do if we do endorse" Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to the *last* agenda item! Yay!" Severy-4 says, "Web Site Design!" Greg-1 says, "Hooray!" Saavik notes that even full Vulcans need to sleep sometimes Michael reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Since all of you are also on the web team list, I presume you've seen the various proposals floating around and the ongoing discussion?" Michael says, "yep" saavik says, "I really want to stay but I am tired and in need of sleep....I like the blue and voted for it, as I recall" kokhmmm says, "yes" saavik says, "and John is doing a great job" dcarson says, "yes" kokhmmm says, "yes" Severy-4 says, "So I'll turn the floor over to John, who has been waiting patiently to get to his stuff :-)" kokhmmm says, "with great input from Michael" john-r [to Arthure-will]: you keep Alan updated on our discussion? Arthur says, "Yes, excellent work" john-r says, "Fist item is the basic format, has everyone seen the black and the blue?" Michael says, "yep" Michael likes the one-sidebar in blue version Arthur says, "Either black or blue was nice - the one thing that looked out of place was the text at the top with the white background - any ideas for that?" kokhmmm says, "There is no consensus over logo, but there seems to be a consensus shaping up over the overall page design and I think we should implement it. I like the blue with double sidebars" Arthur says, "Double sidebars here too." john-r says, "2nd itm is any strong feelings on left side bar only or left and right sidebar" Michael says, "I can live with double sidebars....." dcarson says, "blue with double seemed good" saavik says, "double here too" Michael says, "yea...." saavik says, "blue also" Michael thinks that qualifies as concensus..... kokhmmm says, "blue Moon" - was a great song!" dcarson says, "I'll have the new sw so it makes a short 5 itme list in a boxed table with a more link to the full nes page" john-r says, "Do we want to do the change in the next 30 days, or wait till dec 31st?" Severy-4 says, "I'm partial to blue as well ;-)" dcarson says, "doing it as the new year sounds good" Severy-4 says, "I think we change it whenever we're ready, John, we don't have to aim for a specific deadline" kokhmmm says, "Jan 1 - seems like a good New Years resolution" irs says, "No reason to tie ourselves to an arbitrary calendar. We keep working both before and after that date." Arthur says, "Anything that really needs changing soon should be changed (like chapter/team information) but I think that's a good target date for replacing the home page." Severy-4 says, "This will be a never-ending project ;-)" john-r says, "Ok, time is anytime in the next year with dec 31 as first goal" irs says, "Like a George Lucas film ." dcarson says, "January 31st is the start of the chinese lunar new year" Severy-4 says, "Yes, Chapter/team information needs to change as soon as it's done" kokhmmm says, "Yah, improvements should be an ongoing thing. Whenever we find soemthing worth changing we should do it." irs says, "And the Jewish New Year is in September. Big deal." Severy-4 says, "I'm hoping for the end of this month for that stuff" irs reads the meeting agenda Michael thinks it should be December 21st at 4:17 pm..... john-r says, "next item is the daily-weekly-monthly image in the middle of the 2 columns, any comments?" Greg-1 says, "Do we have enough schedule items to have the schedule be a regular feature?" kokhmmm says, "I like that feature a lot, John" Severy-4 says, "I think it looks neat, but do we have enough images to work with?" dcarson says, "url to refreash memories?" Severy-4 says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/private/web-team" john-r says, "see http://www.moonsociety.org/private/web-team/wp/bd-meet20021106.htm for notes of tonight" Arthur says, "We have MOO meetings pretty regularly :-)" Greg-1 says, "Maybe we should document those informal meetings?" kokhmmm says, "could we set up some sort of default, no ready image, gets pointed to APOD (astronomy picture of the day) or something like that? There's a lot of space art around. If we give attribution do we need permission?" dcarson says, "someone would have to check, NASA images should be usable I'd think" saavik says, "ok, secretary is heading out...." Severy-4 says, "Ok, good night, Amy!" saavik says, "can someone summarize this last bit for me? I'll email minutes tomorrow once I know that" Saavik heads back to the Enterprise for the night saavik has disconnected. john-r says, "my feeling is somthin like the current phase in upper right, with 12 images for monthly, then go from there-the main thing for tonight is do we want it-and i feel that most do" dcarson says, "but yes a image of the day or soe such helps, changing content brings people back" kokhmmm says, "How about also a changing text feature, highlighting something in the ADB. A lot of people do not realize how much is in there." john-r says, "Next item is do we want some way for the general membership to look at before going live-and where would that url be?" dcarson says, "that might be good also Peter" dcarson says, "the java orbit program people were playing might be a fun thing to put somewhere, not the home page, also stumbled across a java lunar lander game" dcarson says, "we can create a directory thats open and copy to there" john-r says, "I agree Peter, thats one idea for the image of the day, MikeD has thumbnail images for 2002-2001-2000 in asi, and there is alot there to start with" irs says, "I would recommend no java on the home page. I simply hate wandering into a page and my computer freezing up, waiting to load java. Yuck!" Michael has to run as well..... Michael says, "wow... already 11:15" Michael says, "cya!" Michael has disconnected. Scottyg says, "John, My experience with things like this is that you don't want TOO many people expressing opinions or else it will never get done." Arthur says, "Yup!" Greg-1 says, "I like that." Scottyg says, "So I don't think you want to put it up for the membership at large to look at." Greg-1 says, "That is, I like Peter's suggestion. We'd need to get rid of all those door dragons." john-r says, "good point Scotty-then we will leave it a leadership item- right?" dcarson says, "not the home page, a game/toy page to get people to wander by" Arthur says, "On Peter's idea - can we take the first paragraph of a random ADB entry and make it the text of the day? Would somebody need to look at it?" kokhmmm says, "First paragraph and then a link to "read more"" Arthur says, "Yeah, that was the idea" The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. kokhmmm says, "Someone would have to browse through the ADB nd put things in a queue or else set up a random program" dcarson says, "we don't need it before we change things, but its worth thinking about" kokhmmm says, "Yes. that's a feature that can be added later" john-r says, "What is meant be less or no door dragons?" Greg-1 says, "The .htaccess files that admit only members." Scottyg says, "It could even be done on-the-fly on a per-visit basis." The housekeeper arrives to cart Michael off to bed. Scottyg says, "In other words, each access to the home page produces a new randomly-selected adb link and intro." kokhmmm says, "That's the idea. Keep 'em comng back out of curiosity" Arthur says, "Do we have any upcoming announcements we know about now? Other than stuff on the MOO?" john-r says, "Scotty and Dana-how is your time in helping me with the code?" kokhmmm says, "Arthur, do you mean public announcements?" dcarson says, "I can do some" Scottyg says, "For the random links feature John?" Severy-4 says, "Keep in mind that at the moment, the moonsociety.org home page is republished every 30 minutes, the random excerpts could be rotated at that same rate" john-r says, "in general for the image update" Arthur says, "Like a link to the next ISDC meeting, or space-frontier return to the moon, or TransOrbital, or even our own conference at some point?" john-r says, "They at some point can be any place on the home page, as the ISDC is, and the ISDC year needs changed asap" kokhmmm says, "Arthur, I like faits accomplis - why don't you and I annoucne a conference;;;-)" Arthur says, "what was that about forgiveness and permission earlier?" dcarson makes signs to ward off evil at Peter john-r says, "Next web page specific item is - Do we want a Transorbital In the side bars - like cyber teams?" kokhmmm says, "I'm for the TO link" john-r says, "Greg any comments?" Scottyg says, "Umm, careful here." Scottyg says, "What is the criteria for us to supply a link?" john-r says, "I think we need one" dcarson says, "that we want to?" Scottyg says, "I think it needs to be more objective." Arthur says, "What about Lunar Traders?" Arthur says, "Lunasoft?" john-r says, "at some point it needs to involve income, at some future meeting" Scottyg says, "We can't arbitrarily provide services to a for-profit corporation." john-r says, "Lunar Traders has a link on ASI and MoSoc home page" Arthur says, "Yes Mr. Treasurer :-)" Scottyg says, "Lunar Traders provided subsidized services to Moon Society." Scottyg says, "And ASI." john-r says, "Then with Non Profit, can Lunar traders be present?" kokhmmm says, "Space frontier Foundation has its "Frontier Enabling Test" - we could develop something like that - are they helping to open the frontier? if we had a test, we could have some more objective way of deciding." Greg-1 is thinking. Arthur says, "Cyberteams is obvious of course..." Arthur says, "And yet is the least related to the moon directly..." Greg-1 says, "No, we don't want Transorbital in the sidebar." john-r says, "I agree with Cyberteams, they help in a most generous way" Scottyg says, "We can provide links as a service to our members as part of fulfilling our mission. But that still requires an objective test." irs says, "While it was ASI, an Artemis Project Participant seemed an easy enough test. For Moon Society, I'm not sure...." Greg-1 says, "They don't have any kind of sponsorship relationship with the Moon Society." Scottyg says, "Exactly Greg. Thats my point." Arthur says, "They do advertise in MMM - do you get paid for that Peter?" Greg-1 says, "If we added them, we'd have to add every moon-flight wannabe in the world, and the IRS would notice." john-r says, "And then-do we want to ask TO for a sponsership? Now or at some future meeting?" john-r says, "I am beging to understand Non Profit" Greg-1 says, "When we applied, the IRS quizzed us about Lunar Traders." kokhmmm says, "No, they were willing to pay, but I run it free. Someone has to take the innitiative." john-r says, "BTW is there plans to post in at least the leadership area-the non profit requirements, or things that the web-team needs to be aware of?" Scottyg says, "We got run through the wringer in our application for non-profit status. That makes me prety leery about putting up links without an objective test." Arthur says, "Ok, it's late, how about we discuss what exactly the "objective test" for the sidebar should be by email?" kokhmmm says, "Scotty, they may be for profit, but they are doing a Moon mission which should uyeild knowledge that willbe useful" Scottyg says, "Ok, a couple of guidelines...." john-r says, "And i get the feeling that The sidebar items will take more time than we have tonight" Scottyg says, "One satisfactory reason is that it furthers our mission and purpose." dcarson says, "and more working braincells" Scottyg says, "Another is fiar compensation." Scottyg says, "fair even" kokhmmm says, "We could ask for click-through payments" Scottyg says, "Another is a sponsorship relationship." john-r says, "Can we as a non-profit charge to but an add on our pages?" dcarson says, "sure, thats one way they get funding" Arthur says, "definitely" Scottyg says, "Yes. There are some caveats, but as a general thing, yes." dcarson says, "the IRS has questions about where it goes more than wher it comes from" Greg-1 says, "Right" john-r says, "But to me- i would feel strongly against pop=ups" Scottyg says, "You can end up getting reclassed if too much of your income is unrelated to your non-profit purposes." kokhmmm says, "yes, no pop-ups, hate them" john-r says, "So TO and Lunar Traders relate to our mission, and wal-mart would noot- am i close?" john-r says, "not=noot" Scottyg says, "Anyway - I suggest that you make what seems like reasonable suggestions and I'll try to figure out how to keep us out of trouble." Greg-1 says, "Good idea." Scottyg says, "John - I fail to see how Lunar Traders relates to our mission." john-r says, "I think the last point i have for tonight- Do the board members whish to stay on the web team- since the leadership list is going again?" dcarson says, "I do" john-r says, "whis too" irs says, "I'd be willing to slip off the web team: I'm not a web designer, and there are limits to how many ways I want to pull my attention." Scottyg says, "I do also, especially since I have to be sure it ties into the registration system." kokhmmm says, "yes" john-r says, "wish to - sorry" Arthur says, "keep me on thanks" john-r says, "TY all- i can stay awhile, anyone else want to stay?" Scottyg says, "BTW - My vote is one sidebar, blue background." john-r says, "hold on for last meeting note update" irs says, "I'd be very happy to end tonight's meeting and wade through my e-mail." kokhmmm says, "Scooty, Mars Society has a Shp@Mars section and makes money out of every click-thru to all sorts of vendors unrelated to space. Any idea how much they make on this?" Arthur says, "Vote to end seconded :-)" Severy-4 says, "We should be able to spend a lot more time on the web site in the next meeting" Scottyg says, "Peter - its not a lot, but every little bit helps." dcarson says, "aye" Severy-4 says, "Arthur, if you can find me in the MOO tomorrow, I can get things set up for getting membership info" kokhmmm says, "a penny earned is a penny earned" Arthur says, "Ok - I should be back home again" Arthur says, "Good night all!" Scottyg says, "And a hunnerd of `em make a dollar..." Severy-4 says, "Ok, let's bring the official meeting to a close, anyone is welcome to stick around informally afterwards..." Arthur leaves. Severy-4 says, "Thanks for a good meeting, folks, and we'll meet back here in two weeks!" irs says, "Good night, gang." kokhmmm says, "Randall, I cannot get on mypage. Have to whisper to me what username password combo will et me into everything I'm supposed to have access to." john-r says, "see http://www.moonsociety.org/private/web-team/wp/bd-meet20021106.htm" Scottyg says, "G'nite all!" john-r says, "Night All" john-r says, "I staying for a bit" kokhmmm says, "Good night!" irs has disconnected. Severy-4 says, "It's your Team Director username and password, Peter, the same you used to log in here" Severy-4 switches places with Severy kokhmmm says, "Didn't work n hour ago when I chekced out mypage" -- End log: Wednesday, November 6, 2002 11:47:40 pm ASI Meeting Server time--