-- Start log: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:47:05 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- john-r says, "i guess i have the permissions to start the recorder" Chippro says, "Saddamn sucks. Just want to get that on the record." john-r says, "LOL" john-r says, "my recors shows - I am at peace within- and hope for peace comes down many roads." dcarson arrives. dcarson says, "helo" john-r says, "Hi Dana" john-r says, "Is shiftinfo coming to the meet tonight?" dcarson says, "yes" kokhmmm has arrived. john-r says, "Hi Peter" kokhmmm says, "Hi, all!" john-r says, "Hi Dan" john-r says, "Dan must not have seen Dana'sz comment" john-r says, "ohhh" Severy-4 has arrived. john-r says, "Hi Randall" Severy-4 says, "Howdy!" john-r says, "Randall your meeting across town must have got out early or you drive really really fast" dcarson reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Both, John :-)" john-r reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "I left a little bit early and drove really fast :-)" john-r says, "Chip Started tonight with a comment on Sadamm- i added my thoughts - anyone else up to a current wold afair comment - for the record?" kokhmmm says, "No, commenting,like the war, is a lose, lose situation. No further comment." Arthur arrives. Arthur says, "Hi all" john-r says, "Hi Arthur" kokhmmm says, "Hi, Arhyr" john-r says, "Anyone know if MikeD will be here?" dcarson says, "helo" Arthur says, "asi.org has a lot more technical info, in the artemis data book etc." Severy-4 says, "Hi, Arthur!" Chippro says, "Folks, I've got a brother in Qatar so I'd like to check the opening round. I tried to hustle the Hawaii moon conference for a free trip as a prize for creating visuals but they turned us down. However, they would be interested in co promoting with us. Or we could pick up airfair and hotel as prize for video. My question still is, what is the budget if any." Arthur says, "oops - maybe I need a clone :-)" Severy-4 says, "Scotty is the budget expert, but he's not here yet" Arthur reads the meeting agenda Chippro says, "Is there any interest in being a part of this conference?" Arthur says, "I was supposed to report on outreach by today - I have picked up a few items on advertising, so we can discuss that at some point (or wait till next meeting)" Arthur says, "Hawaii's a stretch - on the other hand, I've never been and it's tempting..." dcarson says, "some interest, but Hawaii is expensive to go to" kokhmmm says, "Chip, It would b e good for us to have a presence there, if possible, but costs will keep most of us away." Severy-4 says, "I'm tempted for the same reason, Arthur" Severy-4 says, "When is the conference, Chip?" Chippro says, "In November" Chippro says, "They will have harrison schmitt" Chippro says, "and probably the Chinese" kokhmmm says, "It's on the Big Island, along with Mauna Kea, including Keck, and the largest concentration of lavatubes on the planet." Chippro says, "Dave Schrunk is coordinating it." Chippro says, "We should think of how we can be a part of it." irs arrives. Chippro says, "The IRS is here! I'm leaving!" john-r says, "Hi Ian" Severy-4 says, "I hope to be able to make it, but I probably won't know until early summer at the earliest" irs says, "Hi Gang. Sorry I'm late. Passed my first licensing exam today (one easy one down, one hard one to go)." Severy-4 says, "Congrats, Ian!" dcarson says, "congrats" Arthur says, "congratulations!" john-r says, "congrats Ian" Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. kokhmmm says, "Kudos" john-r says, "Hi Greg" Arthur says, "Dan, check out http://www.cyberteams.com/ (also hosted on the same servers)" Greg says, "Hi John, et al." Arthur says, "oops again- I think I will go for the clone" kokhmmm says, "Greg, we've been talking about the November donf. on Hawaii - you going?" john-r says, "Arthur you did it again :)" irs says, "Thanks, guys." Arthur-1 arrives. Severy-4 says, "Hi, Greg!" Arthur leaves. john-r says, "Ian are you going after securities dealer lic?" With a sparkle of transporter light, saavik appears Severy-4 says, "Hi, Amy!" john-r says, "Hi Amy" saavik says, "Hi! Sorry I'm late" kokhmmm says, "Hi, Amy" saavik says, "But Ada passed! Hooray!" Severy-4 says, "No problem, several folks were late, including myself, so you're not alone" saavik says, "what did I miss?" Greg says, "A conference in Hawaii in November?" Severy-4 says, "Congrats to Ada!" saavik says, "ada says thanks :-)" saavik says, "(well she says woof)" kokhmmm says, "Yes, by Durtz - Space Age Pub, Dave Schrunk" irs says, "Yes, John. Today was the series 63; next Wednesday is the series 7. With those in hand, I'll start work as a -- ta da! -- day trader." Arthur-1 says, "Isn't this a bad time to get into the market Ian? Oh well..." john-r says, "Ian you must be ahaead of a former emploer of mine- he studied for a year for 63 and 7" kokhmmm says, "How about item one!" john-r says, "we are missing Scotty" Arthur-1 reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Ok, let's get this show on the road" Arthur-1 says, "first item is web site design..." irs reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "In deference to the many times we leave John's stuff to the end, I've put the web site at the beginning" Severy-4 says, "So take it away, John!" john-r says, "can everone go to ..." john-r says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/debug/ please :)" Chippro has disconnected. john-r says, "TDan is workin on the automation of the changing images - that is also going to be Society news and events" john-r says, "Dana will speak in a min- when i am done" john-r says, "tDan = Dana" Greg says, "I'm there, John." kokhmmm says, "Me too" irs says, "I'm much happier with the page width. However, three problems: the "Moreover" news headlines are teeny-tiny, and while the box on the right says "choose a destination", I don't really know that the "About the Moon Society" and so on links on the left are links. Also, those "choose a destination" link entitled "countdown" is not intuitive. What is it?" john-r says, "What i need to know - to go live - is on the right bar- as there are currently linked - with the one exception of events- that needs work or deleted, as the work Dana is doing will / or could replace events page" Arthur-1 says, "Did we clear things up with Moreover?" john-r says, "Arthur - on More over- we need to here from scotty and Dan - and i will chat about that after the main web page review- if thats ok :)" kokhmmm says, "Moreover looksfine in my browser - aol IE" Arthur-1 says, "ok" Greg says, "The style sheet in the Morevoer links has a large font for hover. Was that intentional?" dcarson says, "waiting to hear from them" dcarson says, "them = moreover" john-r says, "The reason i feel Countdown and International need to stay is that it is hoped they may jump start some volenteers" dcarson says, "accidental Greg, inherited from the main stylesheet" Greg says, "FWIW, I'm not fond of that blue background." irs says, "It's black on mine, Greg." The housekeeper arrives to cart Chippro off to bed. kokhmmm says, "I like the table borders for choose a destination on the right. Should be same table borders on left for society links" Arthur-1 says, "blue here" john-r says, "i have to go see TV" saavik says, "uh oh" kokhmmm says, "It's a nice blue onmine" john-r says, "CBS has a special on" john-r says, "may be nothing" john-r says, "Can we hold the meeting for a few min???" irs says, "anti-aircraft fire in Baghdad; no sounds of aircraft or missiles." Severy-4 says, "Something's happening in Baghdad" kokhmmm says, "CNN & CBS have nothing" Greg says, "Neither does MSNBC" irs says, "on NBC." Arthur-1 says, "Can we go through the stylesheet items at some point - maybe on the web-team mailing list, and decide if we like what the stylesheet is doing or not? The business with the links not being underlined I do find a bit disconcerting - is it the same way for everybody?" dcarson says, "seems reasonable" kokhmmm says, "Arthur, do you mean the news story links?" Greg says, "I don't like underlining the links. It makes them look cluttered." kokhmmm says, "Context should make it clear that they are links" Arthur-1 says, "some of them at least - like the main moreover link, underline with a hover, but others don't why is that?" dcarson says, "different styles" kokhmmm says, "Other links show hover in my browser" Arthur-1 says, "Anybody seen a good example of a web site that sets off linked items well without underlining?" Arthur-1 says, "NY times uses blue on white to indicate a link, plus the underline with hover..." kokhmmm says, "Space.com uses color alone I think" john-r is back and trying to catch up here Severy-4 says, "10:15 address from the president" Greg says, "Arthur, for a good time: http://www.simshost.com/" kokhmmm says, "Meanwhile, let'sget some work done! John has been working on this for months!" john-r says, "Greg - on the underline do you mean on the moveover-Space science news ??? or where else do you see them - i am using a copy of the style sheet" Greg says, "Yup. I really like the balance of the page." kokhmmm says, "I like the page too" Arthur-1 says, "Simshost does a color reversal on hover - that could work. But I agree with Peter, we need either underlines or a distinctive color I think for all links..." Greg says, "John, I don't see underlines anywhere. My tastes are to leave it that way, but your mileage may vary. :)" Greg says, "Athur, right." Greg says, "Arthur, too." Arthur-1 says, "is there a distinctive color that could work with a blue background, to indicate a link?" dcarson says, "use the current highlight color and do the reversal like on simshost when highlighted?" Arthur-1 says, "what's the highlight color?" kokhmmm says, "orange is opposite blue and has greatest contrast to blue. How that shows in a browser I'm not sure" Arthur-1 says, "Hey, moon, cheese, orange... hmmm." kokhmmm says, "In my browser the links are white, hover blue, and I find that pleasing" dcarson says, "I'll throw together a test page with s set of colors to see, I'll email the url" john-r says, "Dana - you mean you will revise the debug/index???" irs says, "I'm having a little trouble here. I'm going to have to log off and reboot. Back soon." irs has disconnected. dcarson says, "no a small page with a series of links in differnt colors to see what we like" DaveW arrives. john-r is trying to read betwenn the commons channel in tk-moo light john-r says, "Hi DaveW" kokhmmm says, "Hi Dave" Arthur-1 says, "Yes, that sounds good" DaveW says, "good evening" Arthur-1 says, "hi dave!" DaveW says, "just got home from a business meeting" kokhmmm says, "we're looking at moonsociety.org/debug/" saavik says, " http://us.imdb.com/Title?0106673" Arthur-1 says, "Oh, that's interesting - they do hover blue in Mozilla, but don't in Konqueror. Mozilla should be more compliant" Arthur-1 says, "But simshost did hover in reverse colors in konqueror - something funny in the stylesheet?" Arthur-1 says, "Anyway, a test page would be a good idea." Arthur-1 says, "I like the way it looks in Mozilla anyway" john-r says, "Ok - where are we on web Page ??? Dana will do a revision- What about The international Page ???" Arthur-1 says, "Can we get Richard Perry or Vik Olliver to do something there?" Scottyg-1 has arrived. Scottyg-1 says, "Hi all. Sorry I'm late." john-r says, "Hi Scotty - How are ya? :)" dcarson says, "helo Scotty" Arthur-1 says, "or that was intended for other languages than English? Hmmm." The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. john-r says, "Internationa is meant to show heloo and spce in many laungages - other tha english - or thats the thought anyway" john-r says, "typos out the galore tonight- sorry" Arthur-1 says, "didn't we have somebody doing pages in russian, german, french a little while ago? what happened there?" john-r says, "TArthur - they are at a standstill- and no sense of dorection-IMHO- Mostly in the team leader list a few months ago- there is a major concern of tranlation- someone saaid the Russian page was of form of Pig latin" john-r says, "in other words a betterway to tranlate in a russia voice is needed - and the same for all laungages - computers are not yet up to the duty" john-r says, "IMHO" Arthur-1 says, "Hmmm. Well, it's nice to do, but I think we need active native speakers to come up with the wording, and if we don't have that, put it off..." dcarson says, "translation is hard work if its god" dcarson says, "good" john-r says, "good slip Dana :)" john-r says, "I do not want to hold the start off - i want somthing akin to google's page that ASKS for HELP :)" kokhmmm says, "I think a high percentage of those interested in space may be proficient in English" Arthur-1 says, "Right - well, how about instead of making it an "International" page, make it a "todo page", or "nice things we'd like to have done", and put translation at the top of the list?" Arthur-1 says, "One thing I hate about web sites is following a link that looks promising and finding only an "under construction" " john-r says, "that may be true Peter, but we some how have to voice as many native toungs as possable - to gather the greates support" john-r says, "Good Point Arthur" Arthur-1 says, "so it should be clear from the link that it's "under construction', or "looking for help" or something. " kokhmmm says, "Or like Amazon.com - ''Be the first to review this book'' in other words invite capable translaters to get involved" john-r says, "So Arthur if i had a gren table like choose a destination with say -Pages under construction- is that getting close?" Greg says, "Our past experience with translating our stuff into other languages makes me shy about trying it again." Greg says, "People often started out with good intentions, but after the initial foray, abandoned the commitment." john-r says, "understood Greg - BUT we need to keep pushing and pulling and working :)" Arthur-1 says, "Hey, there's 7500+ pages to translate in ADB :)" john-r says, "whoaaaaaaaaaa" Greg says, "Arthur, yup." irs arrives. irs says, "I'm back." Greg says, "And there are a few aborted starts." john-r says, "not all at once - MY GOLA IS A SIMPLE HELLO or something- much less translation" john-r says, "wb Ian" Greg says, "http://www.asi.org/es/" Greg says, "http://www.asi.org/de/" Arthur-1 says, "yeah - it was asi.org, that's what I was thinking of" Greg says, "My favorite: http://www.asi.org/de/" Greg says, "Oops..." Greg says, "http://www.asi.org/nl/" Greg says, "[MEMO: The president is going to address the nation in 5 minutes.]" kokhmmm says, "CNN says postponed to 9:30 ET" john-r says, "so we are on hold again - geeeee whiz - first time at the top of the list and the wold holds things up :) " john-r says, "web page on top of list that is" Arthur-1 says, "the count down page too - did you have something in mind there specifically?" kokhmmm says, "Let's get the links form and colors settled off line before next meeting" Arthur-1 says, "definitely" john-r says, "Thast ok with me - so long as we talk about it :)" john-r says, "that's" Arthur-1 says, "How about making Count Down a lunar missions page, and as part of that have a spot for our missions - kind of like what you did on the conferences page?" john-r says, "so really for now- i am done with web page - enough changes in process -" Arthur-1 says, "By the way, did you guys fix up the form I set up there? I have no doubt it would never have worked the way I had it..." ------------------------------ | | | Dana you want to sa a few words on | john-r holds up a BIG sign: | Cronkite application?? | |____________________________________| kokhmmm says, "Countdown could also list prior missions and R&D developments not yet made" Arthur-1 says, "Yeah" john-r says, "for Dana" irs says, "I don't like the idea of a countdown for our missions. We don't have anything scheduled, and missing any deadline we might post makes us look bad." Arthur-1 says, "missions, instead of countdown?" dcarson says, "I've ported the old cronkite system from asi to moonsociety, need to check with Randall on a couple of things" kokhmmm says, "Didn't mean to post deadlines, only milestones" dcarson says, "that will publish on the news page out news items and update the picture of the day" Arthur-1 says, "Hey, that sounds good. There's a caption that goes with the picture of the day - where's that coming from?" john-r says, "I hope it to be a part of Dana's work" dcarson says, "part of a data file that cronkite uses to feed stories" Arthur-1 says, "Can you point us to that file? I assume somebody will have to keep it updated?" dcarson says, "I'll send email, I think the best thing would be for me to write a cgi frontend to let people queue stories and pictures" john-r says, "Arthur - its in the first pahse of start up and is a few days away from someting viewable" john-r says, "Dana - cgi or a template frome moon society main page" Arthur-1 says, "John, how close do you think we are? Programming-wise - we need cronkite and company. Stylesheet we'll discuss. Is there much more content-wise we need to work on?" john-r says, "for the first relaes - reall what you have said - Dana and I hope to have a demo for the cronkite by the next meet- i feelwe need the cronkite to go live" dcarson says, "cgi to enter stories and pictures I think" john-r says, "ok dana" john-r says, "Dana any other comments??" Arthur-1 says, "Hey, that sounds great then!" Arthur-1 says, "Can we move on to volunteers (no, I don't have my tv on...)" Arthur-1 says, "We have one sitting out in the commons right now :-)" john-r says, "If Dana is done i am - Except We NEED to here firm Dan/Scotty on Moreover status" john-r says, "hear" Arthur-1 says, "Oh yeah" ------------------------------ | | john-r holds up a BIG sign: | Scotty you still here?? :) | |____________________________| Scottyg-1 says, "Moreover's form asked for a "registration number". I don't have a clue what they are asking for." Scottyg-1 says, "The only number we have is our EIN." dcarson says, "is there anything like that on the letter the IRS sent approving out 501c3 application?" Scottyg-1 says, "And it doesn't specifically designate non-profit status." Arthur-1 says, "It couldn't be a state number of some sort?" john-r says, "Does anyone have any daytime time to call moreover??" Scottyg-1 says, "There's one other number on the notification letter. They call it DLN" dcarson says, "moreover looks UK realted from some of the phrasing, the UK version of 501c3 might have a number" john-r says, "i use to but no more" dcarson says, "did you fax the letter to them yet?" Scottyg-1 says, "No, you're supposed to fill out the form first." dcarson says, "I did, it has a box to indicate that it was faxed already" Scottyg-1 says, "Ah, ok. I guess I missed that." dcarson says, "fax it and I'll follow up to make sure they see it" Scottyg-1 says, "Do you have the page open that has the fax number?" kokhmmm has disconnected. Scottyg-1 says, "Oh - never mind. Its in your email about it." dcarson says, "Additionally, as proof of your status " dcarson says, "as a charity, you are required to send a Fax with proof " dcarson says, "of certification in your jurisdiction to +1 (415) 989 " dcarson says, "0922" Scottyg-1 says, "I'll fax it tomorrow. (Don't have fax capability from here.)" dcarson says, "thanks" john-r says, "Anything else on more over - for now??" dcarson says, "nope" john-r says, "10,9,8,7...." john-r says, "OK we are done for tonight on web page" john-r says, "TY Dana and Scotty" dcarson reads the meeting agenda kokhmmm has connected. kokhmmm says, "moon-leaders" ------------------------------ | | john-r holds up a BIG sign: | Randall - your ball :) | |________________________| john-r wonders how the bb does on the recorder irs reads the meeting agenda Arthur-1 says, "volunteers?" Arthur-1 says, "What were we going to say about it? Anything we can get Dan (in the commons) to work on right away?" saavik just got a phone call IRL, but she will be right back. john-r says, "Arthur - for the short term - For Dan - maybe a write up for the adb-with some of his ideas???" Severy-4 is back Severy-4 says, "The main thing I wanted to do with the Call for Volunteers was to try to identify the key roles that still need volunteers" Severy-4 says, "Arthur, you had mentioned two of your three hats that you wouldn't mind delegating, which were those two again?" Arthur-1 says, "well, now that scotty's automated membership, that doesn't take much of my time - the other two were outreach and conferences" Arthur-1 says, "still have to answer membership questions in helpdir though" Arthur-1 says, "I think we need somebody strong on outreach and fundraising (not exactly related, but some overlap)" Michael arrives. Arthur-1 says, "Hi Michael!" john-r says, "WB mICHAEL" Severy-4 says, "I'd like to have a completely list of initial volunteer roles needed as soon as possible, for two purposes: 1) the general call for volunteers to current members, and 2) a list for Dan to choose something from" Michael says, "hi guys...." john-r says, "WB Michael" kokhmmm says, "Hi, Michael" Michael says, "sorry I'm late....still in this conference..." Michael reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Did you want to hang on to Conferences, Arthur?" Arthur-1 says, "not particularly - I haven't made any progress on thinking about where we could all meet" john-r says, "If he does have experence with volinteer groups mabe some grant research?" Severy-4 says, "Michael is working on grant efforts at the moment" john-r says, "ok" Severy-4 says, "What teams do we have that need new team leaders?" Michael says, "and I'll be focusing on that next week...." Michael reads the meeting agenda Michael wonders what agenda item we're on. john-r says, "number 2 " Severy-4 says, "Call for Volunteers" john-r says, "Michael we were interupted by the news in Iraq" Michael wonders if he can add something to the agenda that came up today.... john-r says, "the call to arms?" saavik says, "back" Michael says, "yea...." kokhmmm says, "I Will undertake to list Outreach Tasks in a Divide & Conquer format so we can have people speak for parts of the job. Ditto on Conferences." john-r says, "Randall will Peter's comments heklp with what you need for letter?" Arthur-1 says, "thanks Peter - as I said earlier, I've done a bit of research on advertising, which I'll post to the outreach list sometime soon. I think there are a number of things that could be effective and relatively inexpensive." kokhmmm says, "I can already see that ''outreach''means different things to different people. If any of you wish to share your thoughts on that, it will help round out my analysis." saavik says, "heading out for the night shortly..." Arthur-1 says, "Peter, you also mentioned an R&D projects list - do we have something like that, or a team focused on that generally?" Michael would like to get the BoD to make a quick decision if possible... Severy-4 says, "What's the decision, Michael?" kokhmmm says, "Don't know. The different ASI tech teams may have items they want included in an R&D projects list." saavik says, "yeah what is the decision" Michael says, "I'd like to make a motion that the Moon Society recognizse and support the statements made by the group of space activists in LA last night" saavik says, "I got lost in the commons versus non discussions" irs says, "What statements, Michael?" Michael says, " http://rocketforge.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=61&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0" Michael says, "its also available on spacedaily.com as the lead article....on hobby space too...." dcarson says, "basic statement is" dcarson says, "WHY SPACE SETTLEMENT" dcarson says, "The human settlement of space is a noble cause that deserves the attention and support of people throughout the world for the following reasons:" dcarson says, "Expanding boundaries to this new frontier is a pursuit of freedom, a fundamental element of progress essential to the fulfillment of human potential." Michael says, "I know our egos might be a little bruised since we weren't invited, I think it would increase our likelyhood of being invited in the future if we come out and support it as nice, unified space folk." dcarson says, "WHY SPACE SETTLEMENT" dcarson says, "The human settlement of space is a noble cause that deserves the attention and support of people throughout the world for the following reasons:" dcarson says, "- To enhance prosperity for all people and make use of the abundant resources of outer space;" dcarson says, "- To fulfill the drive for discovery and exploration, which is an innate human quality at the core of progress and thriving civilizations;" dcarson says, "- To ensure the survival of human civilization and the biosphere, and protect them from natural and man-made disasters." dcarson says, "Expanding boundaries to this new frontier is a pursuit of freedom, a fundamental element of progress essential to the fulfillment of human potential." kokhmmm says, "I agree with Michael's assessment. If we want to play, we should join in the chorus." Arthur-1 says, "This is a response to McKnight's call for working together - nice. I'd vote to endorse!" Michael says, "actually, from the timing I think McKnight's call was in response to that meeting...." kokhmmm says, "Now is the time for a united front" saavik says, "I agree" Michael says, "apparently they've been having these discussions since about two weeks after Columbia" saavik says, "so how do we endorse it officially?" Arthur-1 says, "board vote" saavik says, "I vote yes but I don't think I get a vote anyway. :-) it is bedtime for me though" Michael says, "I think the BoD should vote to support it and that someone should wordsmith something soon and get it approved via email within the next few days" kokhmmm says, "Motion that the Moon Society endorse the joint position." Michael says, "I can do the wordsmithing latter tonight and post it to the BoD list tomorrow" Michael says, "2nded" Arthur-1 says, "Yes, that sounds fine Michael, thanks for spotting that!" Severy-4 says, "All in favor?" dcarson says, "aye" Michael says, "aye" Severy-4 says, "Aye" kokhmmm says, "aye" saavik says, "ok, I'm outta here - someone note it down :-)" saavik has disconnected. john-r says, "bye Amy" Severy-4 says, "Four is a quorum, I think" irs says, "I'd be happy to discuss it... IF I could see the actual wording of thing you'd like us to vote to support. Can't find it yet." Michael says, "btw, expect a 'meme war' on this from various sources after the war hype dies down a little." dcarson says, "the thing I posted was the top level part, they say they'll have more later" Michael says, "its also the lead article on spacer.com right now" Michael says, "did you find it?" irs says, "Until we see the entire wording of this document, there's no way we can vote on either supporting or opposing it. (For example, if it says "...and to accomplish all these goals, we demand that the government spend lots of money to do it right..." it would be the complete antithesis of what we're doing here. I want to see it all first.)" Severy-4 says, "I found it at http://rocketforge.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=61&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0" Severy-4 says, "The first URL Michael posted" irs says, "And, to be blunt, there's no rush. Not with a war now a-starting. There's no way this will make news anywhere for the next week." Michael says, "its not really a document...its more of a process made up of all of the major space activist organizations...." irs says, "I read that article, Randall. It talked about the meeting, but didn't have the text of their statement." kokhmmm says, "Ian, a test of that would be if Space Frontier Foundation signed it. If they did, then it's okay, as they share our private enterprise sentiments on this." irs says, "That's nice. Get us invited into the meeting, then." irs says, "No can do, Peter. Same reasoning I had with the Moon Society/LRS contract." The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. Severy-4 says, "The text of the statement was at the bottom of that page, Ian" Michael says, "I doubt we'll get invited unless we come out and s support it and have something to offer....." irs says, "Looking again." kokhmmm says, "Have to go. Good night" Michael says, "cya!" kokhmmm has disconnected. irs says, "Ah, if that is the entire text of the thing we're discussing, then yes, we can sign it, too." Severy-4 says, "That's all of it" irs says, "It doesn't say much, and probably won't be picked up by any news outlet for at least a week or two, but sure, what the hell." Michael says, "what comes next is a process of working out enough detail to make some general policy recommendations...." Michael says, "but by supporting it we greatly increase the likelihood that the likes of Randall and Greg might be invited to the followup meetings in DC." john-r has to sleep- keep the recorder on an i will see it in th post tormorrow - night all Michael says, "ok... I think the vote passed?" Arthur-1 says, "Count me in as a yeah too (if you hadn't already)" john-r has disconnected. irs says, "We didn't call for a vote that I saw." Michael says, "Randall said "All in favor?" earlier" Severy-4 says, "Peter made a motion, it was seconded, and we voted" irs says, "Ah, so we did... before we had a chance to discuss. Ah well." Severy-4 says, "There was some discussion before the vote" The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. Arthur-1 reads the meeting agenda Michael says, "so I think it passed... I'll take an action item to write up the statement and get approval from the BoD on the text....." Arthur-1 says, "thanks" Michael says, "unless anyone else has anything on this topic I'm done...." The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. irs will be right back. Arthur-1 says, "Chip's in the commons, do we want to tug him back in here again for images/video discussion?" irs says, "I'm back." irs says, "I thought we moved that discussion to a mailing list I'm on." Arthur-1 says, "Ok, sounds fine" Arthur-1 says, "Membership services?" irs says, "Is it just me, or has the Space Frontier Foundation not posted information on that statement on their own web page?" Arthur-1 says, "Any idea when this meeting took place? Hobbyspace just mentions 'this month' that I found" Arthur-1 says, "Oh wait, it's dated March 18 - "was released tonight"" irs says, "Well, one would think that those attending would be at least as timely as the press release, but it isn't on the Mars Society's web page, either." Michael says, "I think the first one was held about two weeks after the Columbia accident....(I think I got that from Randall)" irs says, "Whatever. Guess it doesn't really matter to us right now. Are we continuing with our meeting, or are we done for the night?" Michael says, "dunno.... Randall?" Michael says, "I think Randall got distracted by hte TV...." irs says, "tv stopped being interesting here about 10:20, just after the president spoke." irs says, "It's not on the X-Prize page, either. I'm done looking for it." Arthur-1 says, "Well, I have to go shortly - I'd say that's enough for one night." Arthur-1 says, "Ok with everybody else if I get Dan to help out on the conference side of things? He seems interested" dcarson says, "almost 11:30 and we've lost some people, lets wrap up soon?" Severy-4 says, "Yeah, I think the meeting is basically over" dcarson says, "seems like a good idea Arthur" Michael says, "motion to adjourne...." Arthur-1 says, "seconded" Severy-4 says, "Meeting is adjourned" Arthur-1 says, "goodnight all!" irs says, "Anyone gonna be at Lunacon or ICon with me (other than Arthur)?" -- End log: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:30:57 pm ASI Meeting Server time--