-- Start log: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 9:04:52 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- dcarson says, "4203" saavik says, "I think it is full but maybe it has another bug? Can you check it?" saavik says, "Oh! How come it worked for you????" dcarson says, "I'm a wizard" saavik says, "It *used* to work for me" john-r says, "the recorder must be on a male kick :)" john-r says, "it worked for me last week" Michael-2 says, "I couldn't start it either" john-r says, "uh - 2 wks ago" dcarson says, "I can understad a clone not working, but Amy should be able to" saavik says, "do you want me to send the error?" dcarson says, "sure" saavik says, "I'll IM it as I'm sure the moo will complain about the lines" saavik says, "sent" saavik says, "ok, so John, randall said to start with you and the web page" saavik says, "He said he would be a few min late" Michael-2 says, "can I add something to the agenda before we start?" john-r says, "Any idea where Randall is?" saavik says, "tell randall but sure. he said he would update it once he showed up" saavik says, "he is at a meeting" saavik says, "the secretary will note it michael - go" Michael-2 says, "I need to update the group on the Space Frontier Foundation's Return To The Moon conference... we've been asked to help out...." john-r says, "i have a bad connection, will be right back" saavik says, "ok, will add it" Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. saavik says, "let's wait on randall showing up for that" Michael-2 says, "heyhey! its the big boss man!" saavik says, "Hi Greg!" Michael-2 says, "yep.... just wanted to get a slot" Greg says, " Where?" john-r says, "now the lag has cleared" Greg says, "Hi Amy!" saavik says, "Ok, well since I have the agenda for now, you are up as soon as randall arrives. in the meantime, john is up" john-r says, "Hi Greg" Michael-2 says, "so how's simshost going?" saavik says, "unless the pres has business ;-)" irs reads the meeting agenda Greg says, "Nope, no thrilling business." john-r says, "drat" Greg says, "SimsHost is doing rather nicely, actually." john-r says, ":)" john-r says, "no new news from the pres = drat" Michael-2 says, "great!" john-r says, "Greg - can i ask your thoughts on the new web page blue??" dcarson says, "http://moonsociety.org/debug/indexe.html has my version with the links all matching in color" Arthur arrives. john-r says, "And Michael what would you like to add to the agenda?" Arthur reads the meeting agenda Arthur says, "old agenda..." Michael-2 says, "already added it: discussion of the space frontier foundation's Return To The Moon conference." Greg says, "John, the blue does really appeal to me, but other folks I've asked like it. So I'd say to go with your own feelings on that." Greg says, "Oops. "doesn't", too." saavik says, "It's cool but the links and the non-links still look the same to me" Michael-2 would like to put in a recommendation for something to add to the homepage.... saavik says, "but I do like the change to blue roll-over" saavik says, "can we change the yellow to be more obvious?" john-r says, "Michael - what would you like to add?" Michael-2 says, "either a page or a section for press releases.... the other day when I did that space summit release there was really no place to put it" dcarson says, "links are offwhite, links are white when I look at it" Greg says, "That looks great, Dana." dcarson says, "nonlinks are white" john-r says, "Michael - you mean a link to a specal News releas page?" saavik says, "off white and blue for me dana" Michael-2 says, "either that or a section of the main page with release headlines with links to seperate pages for each release." saavik says, "the offwhite and white just look very similar to me" john-r says, "same here Amy-not much difference" Michael-2 wonders if Greg uses IM at all... Greg says, "I wouldn't make the colors too saturated. They look a lot brighter on the Mac." Greg says, "I use IM once in a while." john-r says, "i am only using 16 bit color , so that may be a part of it" Greg says, "But my IM is set to refuse connections from anyone who is not on my "Friends" list." saavik says, "on a mac too" saavik says, "but a latop" saavik says, "I like the news idea" saavik says, "how can it be worked in?" Greg says, "Yup, it's hard to pick colors when you're running 16-bit. :)" Arthur says, "we already have a news/ directory" dcarson says, "sidebar box?" Arthur says, "just need links to it - and a header page?" dcarson says, "with lats couple of headlines and links to a press page?" Michael-2 says, "yea, that's where the release got put.... we just need a standard place to link to 'em from....." Michael-2 says, "hooyaaa..... U.S. forces blow up Iraqi pipeline to Syria " john-r says, "Dana- how goes the cronkite project" john-r says, "Arthur - where is this news/directory - in wsd???" Arthur says, "yes wsd " Arthur says, "www.moonsociety.org/news/ is a very old index page" Greg says, "So we cut off oil to Syria? That oughtta larn 'em somethin'. It won't, but it oughtta." dcarson says, "I need to catch Tim and sak some questions, I don't understand some of the code" dcarson says, "A press link should go with the About etc list on the left" dcarson says, "and a box below with the headlines of the last couple?" Michael-2 says, "that sounds good to me...." john-r says, "i assume the press release are a public area vs, members only" john-r says, "just cking" Michael-2 says, "most definitely public. ;-)" john-r says, "i need water - brb" Michael-2 says, "we're 19 miles from baghdad, Syria's pipeline has been blown up, al-jazeera got kicked out of baghdad, and Geraldo has been kicked out.... a very good day all around." saavik says, "LOL" john-r says, "back" Arthur says, "do we have a checklist of the things we're still waiting on for the web pages?" john-r says, "Greg - on the blue - not all the new pages will be blue - click events fron the debug page" saavik says, "I was just wondering something like that" dcarson says, "relaod indexe to see a mockup" saavik says, "When can we release it?" saavik says, "mockup of what?" john-r says, "we are coming to that shortly :)" dcarson says, "added the press release area" saavik says, "it's missing a carriage return" saavik says, "it runs into contact us for me" dcarson says, "oops" john-r says, ":)ana nothing new" dcarson says, "basic layout OK though?" Michael-2 says, "yea" dcarson says, "ok" Greg says, "John, the Events place looks like it has the same blue, on my XP box." saavik says, "other than the missing return. but wouldn't it be nice to highlight press releases in the middle if they are recent?" irs says, "Computer's acting up. I'm gonna have to log off and reboot. Back soon as I can." irs has disconnected. dcarson says, "the idea there is to use the pic of the day area for things like that" Michael-2 says, "good deal" john-r says, "Greg - thats correct, so the color it self is in question - so if you had a choice what color do you like - i think most agree on the blue- so i am asking in curisority and in resoect to the pres :)" john-r says, "dana http://moonsociety.org/about/press.html is an unfound page error on my machne" saavik says, "pic of the day for press releases?" Michael-2 says, "just that area will be for recent releases.... when there aren't any recent releases it will revert back to pic-o-the-day" saavik says, "(sigh, cable modems stink for upload)" saavik says, "(I'm going to be lagged for another while while it uploads 29MB)" saavik says, "ahh, ok" saavik says, "I like that idea then" saavik says, "btw, I thought moreover was screwing us over?>" saavik says, "why are the listed or is that just temporary?" john-r says, "The Plan for pic of the day / press releas - is my goal- as Michel said a min a go" john-r says, "More over is just in the debug area for now, till Dana and i catch up :)" dcarson says, "I grabbed a copy of the old indewx and edied it, thats not a live page" The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. saavik says, "ok" saavik says, "I'm eager for it to go live" Michael-2 is too john-r is too Michael-2 says, "so what still needs to be done?" john-r says, "now lets review sone thoughts for the pic of the day-- its what is to be the area for US/MoonSoc/ASI for Our news" john-r says, "ANd also keep in mind - we can go live at any time- and nothing stops us from tweaking/adding say onece a mont to the page" john-r says, "soooo" Michael-2 makes a motion to go live tonight john-r says, "Maybe this sat nit/sun would be better for me" john-r says, "because..." dcarson says, "let us do a little twaeking, this weekend though" john-r says, "i need to add the right bar table for the iteams underconstruction-as Arthur requested last meeting" john-r says, "I would have last weekend , but it was the 1st Pow Wow of the season, and Becky and I o to as many as are close" john-r says, "o=go" saavik says, "this weekend sounds like a great goal" Michael-2 nods Arthur says, "I'd say it's time..." dcarson says, "Friday night John, I'll be out of town Sta/Sun" john-r says, "So to go live needs 2 minimum things... 1-the underconstruction table, 2- a table item in the pic of the day for news releases- with cronkite to follow say in a couple of weeks--- if thats OK with everone" dcarson says, "sounds good" Michael-2 says, "bbiab.... making a pot of coffee" john-r says, "OK Dana - I have a 7pm est Scout meet , till say 9 or 9:30 ish, AND Everone here is invited to moo that nite tooo :)" dcarson says, "ok I'll be around" john-r says, "coffee not allowed - only the good stuff - Diet Pepsi" irs arrives. irs says, "I'm back." Greg says, "John, one more thing to go live -- Dana needs to get the new news feed going on the new page." john-r says, "i have sys lag :(" john-r says, "Good Point Greg TY" john-r says, "3 items min then" john-r says, "see http://moonsociety.org/debug/ its been changed so only 2 items to do:)" john-r says, "Dana's mockup tonite used a really old version" john-r says, "Ian do you want a quick update on new page?" saavik says, "and then I guess we move to michael and ignore randall's missing prescence?" Greg says, "Hmm.. when you mouse over the link to NASA news at the top of the news feature, the table jumps around because of the different size font." Greg says, "Yes, let's ignore Randall. :)" dcarson says, "fixed in indexe, I'll merge that in " dcarson reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "LOL" saavik says, "the agenda is old" saavik says, "I think Michael is next" saavik says, "randall did say he would only be slightly late though" john-r says, "I agree Michael is next - he has 2 min 23 secs" john-r says, ":) to Michael" dcarson says, "got held up in traffic I guess" ------------------------------ | | john-r holds up a BIG sign: | Michael are you back from Coffee yet? | |_______________________________________| Severy has arrived. john-r says, "quick block Randall from entering" Severy says, "Howdy folks! Sorry I'm late..." Arthur says, "Hi Randall" Michael-2 says, "ok... back" saavik says, "There he is" saavik says, "ok, michael you are up!" Arthur says, "Amy's been running the meeting quite well..." Michael-2 says, "ok, in the process of talking about that space summit issue, the SFF asked us if we were interested in helping out with their Return To The Moon conference." saavik says, "thanks arthur :-)" Michael-2 says, "(getting teh URL)" Michael-2 says, "July 18-20" Michael-2 says, "http://www.space-frontier.org/Projects/Moon/rtm2003.html" Severy just finished catching up on the recorder log Severy finds it interesting that tonight's recorder tape name is 'nop' :-) Severy says, "FYI, clones can't start the recorder, but I don't know why Amy couldn't" Michael-2 says, "they're behind on planning and not quite sure what they want to do (sound familiar?). I've said that at least I will help out and that I'll ask you guys about making that official. I'm supposed to talk to their coordinator tomorrow." Arthur says, "Michael, who did you talk to at SFF so far?" john-r says, "at least nop is shorter than my name last meeting" saavik says, "If you can fix it, I'd appreciate it" saavik says, "I am the secretary and I can't start the recorder!" Michael-2 says, "Bob Noteboom (SFF chairman)" john-r says, ">>> (sound familiar?) Michael wher have we heard that? :)" Michael-2 says, "the coordinator's name is Manny Pimenta" Arthur says, "It's in Houston, right?" Michael-2 says, "yea" john-r says, "Michael - do you know any of them?? or does anyone??" john-r says, "the people nit sff" john-r says, "not" dcarson says, "Houston in July" Michael-2 says, "not personally, no.... " Michael-2 says, "what I need is some guidance on how involved we are prepared to be...." irs says, "Sorry: Kit distractions. Did someone want me to check out the new web page? Gotta load in the web browser to do that." Arthur says, "Marianne Dyson is in the area, and helped out with ISDC last year." irs says, "This Noteboom guy is in Yonkers, NY, right?" Michael-2 says, "I think so" irs says, "Just curious." Arthur says, "Do we have a Houston outpost right now?" Michael-2 says, "I'm assuming we want *no* monitary involvement. Beyond that, do we want to co-sponsor, co-host, run a track, etc?" dcarson says, "if Michael is going to help we should certainly make him officially us so that we're helping" john-r says, "Craig Beasely" john-r says, "is houstion" Arthur says, "Oh, Craig Beasely" Michael-2 says, "that's the main thing, Dana.... I just need some official rough parameters so I can 'negotiate' our level of participation." john-r says, "Is Scotty Coming?? tonight" Arthur says, "Any idea how much of a program they have right now? The mention John Young." dcarson says, "since you're helping how insane are you ( how much time are you putting in)?" Michael-2 says, "not much beyond that.... they're not doing a CFP...." Michael-2 says, "I haven't talked to their confrence coordinator yet...." irs says, "John Young was at the conference last time I went: 2001 in Vegas." john-r says, "I have a thought - in terms of time - We need to help in someway money wise - even if onlt to help raise money- 2 we would need to roll conf team and out reach into this conf as a real test of our chartchter and go for it - and keep it num one on agengda - if its all that we do till july its only 90 days away - IMHO - sorry for the typos" Arthur says, "Should we consider a joint meeting for Moon Society at the same time, and run a one-day track or something?" Michael-2 says, "we did that at the '99 meeting (that was where MS was founded)" irs says, "I think it was '01; might have been '00." Arthur says, "It was 2000 (shortly before I joined)" irs says, "Oh, 98% certainty I can't make the conference in Houston this July." Michael-2 says, "here's the deal: they're not expecting a huge crowd. They're even considering making it a bi-annual thing. ISDC looks to be much better attended...." irs says, "Based on my ISDC attendances, that's true, but not terribly encouraging." Michael-2 says, "if we're going to put a lot of effort into something I say we do it with the ISDC meeting... but still participate and support the RTTM (Return To The Moon) conference as well..." irs says, "I should think that if they want it to grow, they ought to consider both advertising and cutting the ridiculously high registration charge." dcarson says, "two moon confs plus ISDC this year not counting the scientific ones and the more general ones" saavik says, "yeah, the high cost is nuts" Michael-2 says, "they're broke" Michael-2 says, "I kind of fibbed about us being broke as well....." Michael-2 says, "no sense in making us look like a funding source....." john-r says, "my sys lagged - i have to catch up" dcarson says, "thet need to cut back on some of the expenses at the conf, the last one had some pretty expensive things" Michael-2 says, "oh they've cut way back.... ;-)" dcarson says, "almost sure I can't make it, will help if I can ahead of time" saavik says, "I can't make it" Arthur says, "Well, I think we should authorize Michael to represent Moon Society in discussions with SFF on this, and report back (we do have a conference team - conference@moonsociety.org - or to the leaders list)" saavik says, "too much travel already" Arthur says, "I think we don't know enough about it yet, to decide how much we should put into it?" Michael-2 says, "so here's my suggestion: the group authorizes me to talk to them and that the MS officially wants to help at the co-sponsor level without monetary obligations. We help with a) notifying our constituents, b) any program slots and c) general work that needs to get done (scheduling, logistics, etc). Beyond that we'll simply have to see exactly what they want to do and then get the board to approve anything beyond that." saavik says, "sounds good to me" Arthur says, "Ok, close enough :) I'll support that" Severy says, "Sounds like a reasonable plan, Michael" Michael-2 says, "ok... so moved...." dcarson says, "seconded" Severy says, "All in favor?" Michael-2 says, "all those in favor?" Michael-2 says, "aye" saavik says, "aye" Arthur says, "Aye" Severy says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" irs says, "Fine." Michael-2 says, "just couldn't say 'aye' could ya? ;-)" Severy grins. Severy says, "Ok, go for it, Michael!" Michael-2 says, "ok, that's done... thanks guys...." Michael-2 says, "can I add something else to the agenda?" Michael-2 says, ";-)" Arthur says, "sure" Michael-2 <-- agenda boy Arthur says, "well, up to Randall i guess" Michael-2 looks at Randall Michael-2 says, "oh what the heck...." saavik says, "Amy says yes in lieu of randall answering ;-)" Michael-2 rushes ahead so he won't waste any more time Michael-2 says, "ok, this is back to that space summit discussion from last meeting. Since the release has gone out we got an enthusiastic response from them at our immediate and glowing support." Michael-2 says, "I fully expect for the Moon Society to be invited to the next meeting.... here's the issue: I expect at most 2 people to be allowed to go....." john-r says, "any idea wher?" Arthur says, "DC, right?" irs says, "and when?" Michael-2 says, "http://www.rocketforge.org/mcknight-letter.txt" john-r says, "my sys is lagged tonight " Michael-2 says, "that's the letter I got back from McKnight." Michael-2 says, "Its expected to be in DC but no idea when...." irs says, "gotta load up Netscape" saavik says, "randall for sure" saavik says, "he lives there anyway and he is chariman of the board" Michael-2 says, "in order to answer quickly and so we have our ducks in a row I'd like us to decide who those 1 or 2 people are going to be. " Severy says, "I suggest Michael for the second person" saavik says, "I second that" Michael-2 says, "I can be in DC at the drop of a hat...." Michael-2 says, "thanks!" Arthur says, "Sounds good to me too." dcarson says, "sees like a plan" Arthur says, "Thanks Michael - by the way, I saw a link back from hobbyspace to rocketforge the other day - good work! :-)" Michael-2 says, "yep... I've been bugging Clark Lindsey a good bit lately.... don't be suprised if hobbyspace and rocketforge merge one day" john-r says, "Kindly let keep the leaders list updated - i have made 2 wild trips to DC, onand even if not at meeting , nice to meet some people" saavik says, "true and I do go to dc often" Michael-2 says, "I will as soon as anything happens...." Michael-2 says, "ok... that's all I had...." saavik says, "so what is next?" Michael-2 reads the meeting agenda john-r reads the meeting agenda Michael-2 says, "the agenda says "call for volunteers"...." irs reads the meeting agenda Severy says, "I'm still looking for more roles needed for the upcoming call for volunteers" Severy says, "Especially teams that need new leaders" irs says, "Hey, I'm trying to take a look at that new front page, but moonsociety.org/debug is taking forever to download." Severy says, "So far I have Arthur's extra hats: Outreach, Fundraising, and Conferences" Severy says, "And a new chapter leader for the Mid-Atlantic Chapter" irs says, "New web page notes: the news headlines are teeny-tiny, and the links on the left and right side ought to look alike (either boxed or unboxed)." Arthur says, "Each of the "outposts" could use support -" dcarson says, "I'll make the left boxed, I like the box" Arthur says, "But that's kind of generic - maybe ask for ideas from the current outpost/chapter leaders too?" john-r says, "Ian - i see your comments , we will add the right table look to the left, aslo we have a web page meet open to all here this fri 9 or 9:30 ish est" saavik says, "who will annouce it?" john-r says, "Arthur i can draft a letter to the chapters team in the next few days(i am chapters leader) and maybe you can help correct???" irs says, "Can't be here Friday." john-r says, "Ian will you be cking e-amil this week end- the goal is to go live this weekend" irs says, "Most probably not, John. Wedding party stuff." john-r says, "Ian - while ck the log of tonights meet- the idea is to every month or so tweak the new page" Arthur says, "Ok, John, I'll be happy to check your letter before sending. I guess the idea is to find out what sorts of volunteer positions the local outpost/chapter leaders would like to see filled" saavik says, "I can check it too" saavik says, "email it to me" dcarson says, "we'll be up Sat afternoon if we can help Ian" irs says, "Gimme your phone number, Dana." john-r says, "will do Arthur" saavik says, "me too John?" john-r says, "Amy i will post the draft to the leaders list" saavik says, "ok" dcarson says, "cell is 4109171338" saavik says, "ok" irs says, "thanks" saavik says, "so what else is up?" saavik says, "hello?" saavik reads the meeting agenda irs says, "hello?" irs says, "hello?" irs says, "hello?" john-r says, "LOL hello" saavik says, "just wondering who is up next" irs says, "(that's an echo)" john-r says, "ahhh" saavik says, "Impatient ;-)" Michael-2 reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "30 min till sleep time " Michael-2 says, "images and video for publicity" Severy says, "Sorry, I'm multitasking rather severely at the moment" saavik says, "me too" Severy says, "Peter's not here to talk about Membership Services" Severy says, "I don't have any news on the MMM stuff" Michael-2 says, "(off topic) man, you can do your own battle damage assesements: http://www.spaceimaging.com/gallery/iraq/saddam_aprt.jpg (don't click on that unless you've got broadband... big file)" john-r says, "the e-world - something to make life better - but a-lass - it allows more multi tasking to the point of ....." Severy says, "So I guess that takes us to the grant stuff" Severy says, "Any updates, Michael?" john-r says, "Ian - i think Images and Video got over ran- but maybe the DC meet may be some pictures" Michael-2 says, "I talked to Paul a few days ago and I'm in contact with their professor at Virginia Tech" saavik says, "wow michael" irs says, "Nothing on that topic from me. I gave information on the e-mail discussion list, but I've been kinda swamped of late." Michael-2 says, "it looks as though we'll be attempting three types of grants: 1) developing a lost cost ($300) or so for high school teachers using TO data 2) grant applications for funding Trailblazer/Electra payloads and 3) grants for building CubeSat missions for Dnepr launches (Virginia Tech builds the cubesats, TO integrates, launches 'em and does mission control" Michael-2 says, "(that's at a 1 meter resolution... during the last war that was spook eyes only)" Michael-2 says, "that's it for the grant update" dcarson says, "low cost what?" Arthur says, "lost cost is low cost there I tkae it?" Michael-2 says, "hopefully lots more during the next meeting" john-r reads the meeting agenda saavik reads the meeting agenda Michael-2 says, "yea....hehe... sorry" Severy says, "Mike isn't around to talk about the mailing list stuff" Severy says, "So I guess that takes us to Help Desk" Arthur says, "I did some today :-)" Severy says, "Has everyone been checking in there periodically?" saavik ducks and hides Arthur says, "John's been very good" dcarson says, "I've got it set to email me" irs says, "Check mine every few days; keep it empty." john-r says, "i have beenonce a week at min" saavik says, "it sends me email but I forget to check as frequently as I should" john-r says, "TY Arthur" saavik says, "but ty to all" Severy says, "Arthur, I just moved an e-mail from Vik into the Membership Support mailbox, can you respond to that?" saavik says, "ping" dcarson says, "pong" Michael-2 says, "pang" Severy says, "sing" john-r says, "goose" john-r says, "or is it duck first" Severy scratches his head Severy says, "goose?" Michael-2 says, "duck" Michael-2 reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "ok, how come I can't find the url for the helpdesk right now" john-r says, "the tc commecial with the cell phones and my wife says its a child game like music chairs" saavik says, "(I was lagged)" Michael-2 says, "State of the Society Updates?"" john-r says, "tc=tv" saavik says, "got it" dcarson says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/helpdir/helpdir" john-r says, "State of society is something for the ssay 2nd or 3rd revision of the new home apage - once the 1st goes live" john-r says, "and do we what it once a month at the 2nd meet for next mont or every quarter?" john-r says, "orrrrrr every day :)" Severy says, "Want what?" john-r says, "Peters Comments were to let the members know on a regular bases" saavik says, "whee, I moved one to spam ;-)" john-r says, "so i am unsure if he meant yearly or some other period of time" Severy says, "Amy, moving something to spam only means I haven't to sort through it later" john-r says, "LOL" Severy says, "If it's truly spam, just go ahead and delete it" saavik says, "Oh. well, I can go through spam and work on that then ;-)" Severy says, "The Spam mailbox is where messages automatically caught by the spam filter are moved to" john-r says, "spam is Randalls turff" Severy says, "I'll cleanup the Spam mailbox, I try to work through it once a week" Severy says, "For false positives I need to train the spam filter to not treat them as spam" dcarson says, "if all you do is delete them I can trim it down some also, I thought you wnated them to tune the filters" saavik says, "Ok, I'm working on it though" john-r says, "For the info list 3rd main page rev is FAQ to help with the help desk" john-r says, "cananyone help me with the help needed for the help desk - my mind is going :)" john-r reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "so randall do you want me to trim the spam box?" Severy says, "Thanks, Amy, but I'll take care of it" saavik says, "oh darn" saavik says, "I've already deleted about 30 ;-)" Severy says, "That's ok, don't worry about it" Severy says, "Anyway, we're getting close to quitting time, are there issues on the rest of the agenda items that we need to talk about tonight?" saavik says, "I wonder that as well" john-r says, "can bumber stickers be removed???" saavik says, "as I am about to yawn" john-r says, "Nothing new on mini grants" Severy says, "Yes, it can be removed" john-r says, "next agenda needs SFF on the list, if that ok, and the space settlemnt stuff" saavik says, "off to bed for me" saavik has disconnected. john-r says, "Nite Amy" Arthur reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "Can we talk a min on Project Leto if Greg is still here ???" john-r says, "and the idea of mon Leto or what do we want to call it _ for those on the Leto list" john-r says, "mon=mini" ------------------------------ | | john-r holds up a BIG sign: | Greg you still here ?? | |________________________| john-r says, "or is everyone all talked out :)" irs says, "I could get going. Greg didn't answer me earlier, either." john-r says, "i have an early day also " john-r says, "so i better go as the 100:00 sleep bell just rang" irs says, "Market opens at 9:30. Gotta get there at 8:30 to start preparing." The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. john-r says, "11:00" irs says, "Good night, gang." dcarson says, "gnight" john-r says, "Nite Ian" Michael-2 says, "g'nite" irs has disconnected. john-r says, "Nite All" john-r says, "BTW Dana - Frri nite" john-r has disconnected. Michael-2 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Michael-2. dcarson goes home. Arthur says, "good night all" Arthur has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart Arthur off to bed. In a blinding flash of light, Severy vanishes into thin air dcarson arrives. -- End log: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 11:23:24 pm ASI Meeting Server time --