-- Start log: Wednesday, June 4, 2003 8:59:30 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- Greg-1 arrives amidst thundering applause. saavik says, "remind me to ask randall to fix the disconnect as well." dcarson reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "Hi Greg" saavik reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "Don't forget to fix the disconnect as well." Greg-1 says, ":D" dcarson thwaps Greg-1 with a rolled-up newspaper. "Bad! Bad! Bad!!!" saavik says, ":-P" Michael arrives. Michael says, "good evening...." saavik says, "Good evening" saavik says, "the secretary is sick and is not likely to last the meeting, just to pre-warn " dcarson says, "helo all" dcarson says, "rest and feel better Amy" Greg-1 says, "Hi Dana! Michael! Amy! Dave!" saavik says, "thanks Dana - yeah, I leave on another trip on Friday so I am trying to force myself to heal tomorrow" Michael says, "hey greg, did you ever come to any conclusions about those engine requirements?" saavik says, "I hope it works :-)" dcarson says, "where are you off to?" saavik says, "san diego" dcarson says, "great zoo" Greg-1 says, "I dunno, Michael. Bob has been working the problem, but it might not be cost-effective for what he wants to do." saavik says, "So I hear - I hope to get some time to go see it :-)" saavik says, "only there for the weekend " saavik says, "shall we start or who else are we missing?" Michael says, "I doubt it would be... there are easier ways to get an effect that would wow the audience without actually building a real rocket engine..." Greg-1 says, "Randall? Arthur? Ian?" saavik says, "randall will be late" Greg-1 says, "No Scotty tonight -- he's in the sky." irs arrives. dcarson says, "here comes Ian" saavik says, "there is ian. only arthur then" saavik says, "what about john?" irs says, "Ian's here. Still eating dinner with Kit, but I'm here." saavik says, "there is john" john-r arrives. kokhmmm has arrived. john-r says, "evening" kokhmmm says, "Hi guys, sorry I'm a bit late" Greg-1 says, "Hi Ian! John! Peter!" john-r says, "Hi Greg abd all" Greg-1 says, "This looks like a quorum, yup." saavik says, "shall we start - I think john is probably on first?" dcarson says, "havn't started yet" kokhmmm says, "You may have gotten notice that pdf for June MMM was uploaded this afternoon" john-r says, "I am , different :)" john-r says, "is the recorder on" DaveW has disconnected. saavik says, "I saw that and yes it is john" john-r says, "TY Any" john-r says, "Amy" saavik says, "so the first item is web site design?" saavik says, "I assume that is john" DaveW has connected. john-r says, "1st is the Current pic=- its been changinging every couple of days" john-r says, "but it really needs the automatic process- and i was wondering if dana had any luck talking to Tim yet" irs reads the meeting agenda Michael reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "The second item is The OPMS page i put in the leaders dir, per my e-mail- who has seen it" Greg-1 says, "OPMS?" john-r says, "Out Post Moon Society" Greg-1 says, "Got it." john-r says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/proposed-opms-john-r.html" john-r says, "i talked with Randall and Michael earlier today, to be sure Randll understood my thoughts" john-r says, "please excuse my typos, i am trying to be faster than i should :)" john-r says, "Dana- Any luck with Tim on cronkite stuff?" dcarson says, "got all the notes he has, need to work on it" kokhmmm says, "John, do you have in mind MOO rooms for these inter-group interactions? Or what?" dcarson says, "will probably need to rewrite some to make it do what we want now and to understand it" john-r says, "TY Dana" john-r says, "Peter - Moo Rooms is a part of the thoughts, as a way to meet as we do in the leaders meeting" john-r says, "and to use the OPMS to put up discussio items" john-r [to be]: clear- its not free web space for anyone- but a meeting alrea for special invation only john-r says, "or special requests" john-r says, "but interconnect in Randall's mind at first - was free space- so i look to Ian to see if the word is the correct word- i would use interface - put its overused" john-r says, "put=but" kokhmmm says, "You could add a lot of other groups. Some space people HATE environmentalists, but many of us see them as potential allies if approached correctly." Arthur arrives. Arthur says, "hi - sorry I'm late..." john-r says, "Hi Arthur" john-r says, "looking at http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/proposed-opms-john-r.html" Arthur reads the meeting agenda irs says, "Oh, I didn't go look. Just finished dinner. Gotta load up the browser to look at the page. Back in a couple." john-r says, "Ian- did you save any dessert for the rest of us :)" Arthur says, "I think the Moon Camp could be a great idea by the way - I met some of the Long Beach people at ISDC..." Arthur says, "have to go out of the room - back in a minute..." john-r says, "Its later in the meeting, when Randall is here, but this web page is just an idea dealling with space camp" saavik says, "LOL, ada is watching tv because there is a dog on" john-r says, "LOL" ------------------------------ | | john-r holds up a BIG sign: | Wolf | |______| saavik says, "indeed :-)" john-r says, "whish this had sound" saavik says, "so - what else is on for outpost stuff? I think it is great" saavik says, "what all does the board/officers need to decide?" dcarson says, "a moon theem space camp and Artemis/LETO/etc does seem like a good fit" irs says, "No dessert. Chicken, potato, and broccoli." saavik says, "I think moon camp should hold off for randall :-)" Greg-1 says, "Yup, Moon Camp sounds like a great idea! Does anyone have the resources to actually do it, or are we still in the conceptual stage?" john-r says, "Getting approval, trying a few groups then see if opms sprouts rocket engins :)" dcarson says, "Greg this is a relaunch of the old CA Space Camp under new managment" irs says, "Yeah, John. Interconnect isn't such a good word there." john-r says, "Approval with board to put a page, not linked to home page, till after i can do some more work" john-r says, "Ian - any other ideas?" irs says, "How about "The Meeting Place for Moon Folk"? or something like that. Simple words are usually the best words." irs says, "A Place to Meet on the Web." john-r says, "ahhh, does not strike a bell, i am looking for something on a more hi tech ring" irs says, "Our Meeting Hall in the World Wide Web." john-r says, "Meeting hall is getting closer" irs says, "High-tech is nice. But nobody is going to know what "interconnect" means in this case." john-r says, "but in any case, its not public- but i need it in the public space for templates" kokhmmm says, "Interlink"" john-r says, "i understand on interconnect" john-r says, "Tonights is the first discussion, so the final name can simmer a week or 2" john-r says, "Couild be outpost meeting hall" john-r says, "meeting dome as in lunar dome structures" john-r says, "so for tonight, is there anyone NOT whanting me to move forward???" saavik says, "so - do we all agree (amy is trying to be like randall and keep meeting moving)" john-r says, "Amy is Good :) at moving us" Michael says, "so far sounds good to me.... (I personally think simple terms are best but its not my place to impose my terminology)" john-r says, "I ammm loking for any comments Michael :)" Greg-1 says, "Do it, John! :)" john-r says, "ok last thing dealing with web" john-r says, "TY Greg" john-r says, "If the lunar directory grows we need a database" john-r says, "some people- to me will want to sort out specific types, and a database with php seems the best fit" dcarson says, "not a problem, Randall can add a table to the mysql server and I can write the php" john-r says, "This item is to bring the concept for discussion, but so far Dana and I are the 2 most woking on automatic stuff" john-r says, "Dana is that about 2 weeks, or 4 weeks" john-r says, "and Michael on the asi-list archives" john-r says, "that i am aware of" dcarson says, "probably just 2, unless you have fancier requirement then it sounds" john-r says, "i want super fast and 3000 options :)" john-r says, "OR" john-r says, "what ever i get in 2 weeks :)" dcarson says, "email me your wish list" john-r says, "I bring up here, as if anyone has any special requests for the lunar dir, before Dana and i get it all done, and some one asks for 1 m o r e option " john-r says, "OK Dana" john-r says, "Any one have any comments at this time ?" Michael says, "nope.... my I voiced my concerns this after noon..." dcarson says, "name, url, description, catagory(ies), what else?" kokhmmm says, "It would be nice if each lunar outfit list included list of their active projects and links to them" Michael says, "image" john-r says, "Dana i will e-mail" john-r says, "good one Peter" dcarson says, "image, contact address, contact eddress" john-r says, "project url" Greg-1 says, "Is there any chance the email address could be a web form, to stop spam and viruses?" dcarson says, "yes we need to start doing that" john-r says, "moonsocity members in the other groups" Greg-1 says, "We sure do. I'm getting buried in that junk, to the point that email is essentially worthless." john-r says, "how does a form stop spammers, randall thinks they aid spammers" saavik says, "if you remove the email address from the web page, it does help" dcarson says, "spamnix for eudora is stopping about 60-70 a day for me" saavik says, "(or encrypt it somehow)" Michael says, "a form is much more easily spammed that simply encoding the email address in some non screen-scrapable manner...." dcarson says, "saw a study that if you html encode all the characters it cuts spam by a lot" Michael says, "i.e. greg at -remove-this- bigelow -remove-this com" john-r says, "what about the image popping up that you have to type a word- what is that called?" dcarson says, "annoying" saavik says, "yeah, i agree with dana there" john-r says, "But Dana will not the spammers find a way around encoding" dcarson says, "and non ADA compliant" dcarson says, "sure, but it slows them down" Michael says, "they'll only work so hard..... that 'word as image' thing is for things of high value like tickets 'n stuff..." john-r says, "Greg - in your estimation, how does a form stop/slow spammers?" irs says, "I still have to try that encoding thing I emailed Randall about (no time!)." saavik wonders if she should move the meeting onward? john-r says, "How so Michael - you mean to program it takes lots of time - or the adverage user will not finish a form?" dcarson says, "we know we need to make it harder, lets take the how to email where we can do some research?" john-r says, "i agree with Dana- Amy i am done :)" john-r says, "42 min or less :)" john-r says, "but i am every other week tooo" john-r says, "ahhhh wait" john-r says, "Now that i have publish permissions" saavik says, "ok :-)" john-r says, "how many wnat taken off the web team- you are most welcome to stay" saavik says, "10K is me but I'm going to pass unless someone has an update? we haven't discussed it in awhile but nothing has changed" Michael says, "it takes time to program....." saavik says, "so I'll pass to the next one unless there are objections?" john-r says, "i have one on 10k" john-r says, "what kind of thinking has been discussed to rais the 10K?" john-r says, "raise" saavik says, "well, we had planned to use some of our current capital and to fundraise once we had a good list of ideas" john-r says, "were any fund rasiers discussed?" saavik says, "we had a fundraising person but that fell through so we need to add that to the volunteer list, I guess" saavik says, "mostly soliciting donations based on convincing people we were doing good stuff" john-r says, "who , may i ask was the fundraiser?" john-r says, "curious" saavik says, "the new activities should help with that a lot so maybe this idea will work out :-)" saavik says, "Um, someone named Rod, as I recall" john-r says, "ahh" john-r says, "i wonder if the same Rod that was going to help on the asi-gen list whith last springs donation thing, that Greg laid the ground work for" saavik says, "possibly" saavik says, "he sort of disappeared" john-r says, "anyway i was curiou, i am though on that item" saavik says, "ok, so who is the grant opportunities?" john-r pokes at Michael. dcarson says, "speaking of which, cafepress has lots of stuff besides tshirts now, given Lunar Traders current state do we want to think about a design or 2 through them?" john-r says, "what is Lunar Traders Current State?" kokhmmm says, "I'd worry about putting fundraiser on the volunteer list. We might attract take-the-money-and-run types. We have to be careful on this" john-r says, "i agree" dcarson says, "fairly idle, Tim just doen't have time or capital to do uch" MikeD follows john-r into the room john-r says, "Hi MikeD" MikeD says, "Hi guys! Did I miss much?" Michael says, "I'm the grant stuff...." saavik says, "Michael? are you doing the transorbital?" saavik says, "ok, go for it" saavik says, "and hi Mike D - read the recorder or I'll send out notes soon" saavik says, "mostly web stuff and outpost discussion so far" john-r says, "MikeD i just got approved 1000 hrs of your time :)" Michael says, "not much to report.... TO is busy with other stuff and none of the people I contacted ever got back in touch with me...." Michael says, "I hope to retry soon but only if TO is really up to it...." john-r says, "Anyone know if Scotty is coming?" dcarson says, "Scotty is flying" saavik wonders where scotty is flying to? john-r says, "Michael - any idea where TO is on their funraising efforts, and is a flight still set?" Michael says, "dunno.... most of that is very proprietary...." Michael reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "Has anyone ever thought that our group buy a name place on TO" Michael bought a ride for his business card.... john-r says, "what was that 2500 dollars?" Michael says, "$2000 for ASI members...." john-r says, "ahhh" MikeD says, "$2000 is just a bit more than we could afford out of the current budget" saavik says, "anyone know what the help desk and stuff is or is that randall? " Arthur bought a "deluxe" package... saavik says, "deluxe = ?" Arthur says, "$65" john-r says, "I maean the 16 dollor and no more than 65 dollar - not the 2000 card :)" Michael says, "if we want to wait on randall for the rest I can insert a new and interesting item of discussion.... its artemis related instead of moon society though...." Arthur says, "I think the help desk is just a periodic reminder for us to look at the help desk; I think it's been 3 weeks since I looked at membership, so time to look again :-)" kokhmmm says, "I am considering putting MMM #1 in TO's archive" MikeD says, "That might be seen as cheap John" john-r says, "On the first mission Peter?" kokhmmm says, "Yup" john-r says, "what does that cost?" john-r says, "if i can ask" saavik says, "I have one also important" saavik says, "the elections one" kokhmmm says, "Less than $50 - don't remember" Michael says, "that probably should wait on randall, shouldn't it?" kokhmmm says, "One page with an image (or 2)" saavik says, "phone..." john-r says, "Amy do you want to add an agenda Item? for elections?" saavik says, "it is on the agenda" saavik says, "after team and mailing list" saavik says, "bylaws say elections ballot needs to go out in may" Michael wants to add an agenda item for an Artemis update (being its chairman and all) MikeD says, "Um, then the ballotts are late" saavik says, "yeah" MikeD says, "Oops!" Arthur says, "I'm sure that didn't happen last year or the year before..." dcarson says, "but less late then normal :-)" john-r says, "ahh it was not on the agenda this morning, i see it now-on the web page that is" Arthur says, "I'd like to hear on Artemis - Amy, I'll second adding Michael's topic to the agenda" saavik just got a phone call IRL, but she will be right back. saavik says, "I'll run elections in a minute" john-r says, "ok" Arthur says, "Michael, why don't you get started" Michael says, "(just tell me when to go)" Michael says, "ok...." Michael says, "these are two things that came out of the ISDC meeting and some subsequent discussions with some Space Frontier Foundation folks...." MikeD reads the meeting agenda Arthur says, "yes?" MikeD says, "Ok, if you guys aren't going to talk, I'm going to go have a beer" Michael says, "Two of the companies at ISDC (liftport.com and the colony fund) are attempting to build the capital market needed by space enterprises. liftport wants to build a VC environment that's friendly to projects like their space elevator. The Colony Fund wants to build an investment fund that has a strong VC component (i.e. very similar to what CMGI was). I talked with both about how ASI worked on its own investment attempt but how it died when our only investment guru got told that it was a conflict of interest." Michael says, "I can only type so fast! ;-)" MikeD says, "Sorry" john-r says, "faster faster" john-r says, ":)" Arthur says, "sentences, not paragraphs, might help?" Michael says, "so they're interested in working with us on rebuilding/reinvigorating our investment team, either as a partner or as a vendor. Specifically Mike Laine from liftport wants to setup an investment club with us." MikeD hmms. john-r says, "who was our investment guru?" Michael says, "and the colony fund guys want to use us as a 'focus group' for documented market studies for how much we would invest, how often, etc..." dcarson says, "James Jones" john-r says, "was he a member?" Michael says, "so I'm taking an action item to rebuild the investment team...." MikeD says, "This will be a long debate I'm sure" Michael says, "yep....." irs says, "More power to them. I don't think their ventures would be a productive use of our time right now, because the investment environment, as far as I can tell, isn't the least bit interested in these type of projects." Greg-1 says, "Yes, James Jones was a member of Artemis Society International." Greg-1 says, "He's active in artemis-list; or was." john-r says, "TY Greg" Michael says, "ian, that's their point: they're trying to build a vehicle where *we* as individuals can pool our money so it can act as a VC for us." MikeD says, "We'll have to make them interested Ian, or we'll never get anything done at all" irs says, "I'd be happy to discuss my thoughts on the matter with them, but working days as a stock trader is giving me more insight into where the money is and where it's going. We ain't it. That's why I still favor our plan of selling stuff right now and banking the profits into developing our program." john-r says, "I do not rem his name in the past 18 mths on the asi gen list" Michael says, "ian, they're not after that kind of money....." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, it sounds like a good idea to me, but I don't know how to make it work." Michael says, "greg, they apparently do....." Greg-1 says, "There's a credibility gap." irs says, "From what I've seen, if we can put together, say, 5 or 10% of the money we need and a big enough customer base, then we'll be able to attract a few big-time investors to get us there." MikeD says, "So we just need 100 million or so" Michael says, "again, the money they're going to be raising is going to come from *us* as individual space nuts....*NOT* the typical investor that buys a mutal fund and sits on it...." irs says, "I'm not saying don't do it; I'm simply thinking there are better ways to spend our time and efforts. But sure, let's encourage them; and if that's where your talents lie, I certainly won't stand in your way." Michael says, "ian, these guys want to invest in *our* Artemis companies......" irs says, "In that case, I misread. That's great! Let's get them on board." MikeD chuckles. MikeD says, "I misread that too Michael" Michael says, "i.e. if they raise their $100 million then they'll take 60% of that and invest in things like TO, Cyberteams, and ExoAerospace...." john-r says, "my 2 censt is ok With VC, but not go with a specific produst - outside of what we can do" Severy has arrived. Michael says, "(and XCOR and Armadillo, etc)....i.e. not just us but space related companies that do the work it takes to build a company." Arthur says, "Michael, do you know what other sorts of companies they're looking at? They were talking about the suborbitals a bit too." Severy says, "Evening, folks!" Severy says, "Sorry I'm late, and all that..." Arthur says, "Hi Randall!" john-r says, "Hi Randall" Michael says, "yep.... they'll focus on space companies that have dual use products...." Arthur says, "Amy's off on the phone, bu ttill that happened we were following the original agenda. Now Michael's talking about the investment stuff" Michael says, "or space companies that have earlier ROI than most...." Michael says, "for example, liftport will get early revenue from its carbon fiber patents." Severy says, "Sounds good, give me a few minutes to catch up on the recorded log..." MikeD says, "That may be a direction I would like to move in, but perhaps not with ASI itself" john-r says, "what doe it take on our part - in terms of time and money for a focus group?" irs says, "Never heard of Liftport. Anyone gonna be sending me information for the magazine?" Michael says, "ian, I can talk Mike into sending you a press kit...." Michael says, "john, for the focus group nothing more than coming up with a survey and getting our members to fill it out...." Michael says, "Mike, if not with ASI, then how?" john-r says, "Like an online form or snail mail?" Michael says, "john, online form definitely.... never mail... no one would ever return it." john-r says, "just cking :)" irs will be right back. MikeD says, "Would there be any benefit in setting up a separate body to do this rather than just using ASI or is this completely within the ASI mandate?" Michael says, "good question... TLRC could do it...." MikeD says, "That would be another option" Michael says, "ok, that's the skinny on the investment thing... one more update and I'll give the floor back to Randall...." Michael says, "one of the other directions I'd like to take ASI is to take a more active roll in identifying gaps in the market that need to be filled in order to at least get the reference mission off the ground and either invite those companies to become participants or else come up with a skeleton business plan for the companies we do need....." irs says, "I'm back. 'nother thought, though. If they're planning to act as our agent (going out to find VC money, take 60%, and give us the rest), I don't think we really want that right now." Michael says, "ian, we need to talk seperately... I think you're mixing a lot of htings together and missing some of hte more important pieces...." john-r says, "you lost me Ian- who gets the 60%" irs says, "OK, never mind. Let me know privately what's up, and I'll see what I can add." Michael says, "the 60% is just the portion of their portfolio that's VC oriented. 25% is invested in typical balanced fund type securities and 5% is called the Adventure Fund and is where they invest in very long term projects." Michael says, "doh... that doesn't add up to 100!.... its something close to that..." Michael says, "shares are $100 a piece with a minimum of 10 shares...." john-r says, ":) the foxes need their 10 percent" MikeD says, "Either way, it sounds like something I would be interested in pursuing" Michael says, "anyway, back to building out the market place...." john-r says, "Michael on the gap..." john-r says, "you mean a more detailed plan" john-r says, "with blanks for the contractors" MikeD says, "Nah, fill in the blanks. Finally" Severy says, "Ok, I'm caught up on the discussion" Michael says, "I mentioned the idea to one of the SFF board members and it jived very well with their Enterprise program. They suggested that we come up with a proposal for a joint project with SFF as a way of bringing in some of their members business experience (i.e. the walt andersons and buzz aldrins, etc)" Severy says, "Not much to comment on what went before, except to ask John to slow down a bit on the OPMS stuff, I think he misunderstood some of my comments earlier today" MikeD says, "Michael, I'd be interested in chatting about this some more, it sounds a lot like something Arthur, James, Dana and myself have discussed." john-r says, "Understood Randall" saavik says, "amy back" Michael says, "sure.... grab me during the week and we can talk it all out...." saavik says, "randall, I had intended to talk about elections next but my parents called" MikeD says, "Sure" Severy says, "Sounds like elections are next up" MikeD says, "So we skipped over Amy" Michael reads the meeting agenda Severy says, "Since there isn't much to discuss in Help Desk or Team stuff" saavik says, "The secretary needs to head to bed soon as she is sick " Severy says, "FYI, I include Help Desk as a review of stuff waiting in the Help Desk system, we have some items collecting dust in there" Severy says, "And on the Team and Mailing List item, I had in mind an update on the web e-mail archive effort that Michael has been working on" Michael says, "yep...." Severy says, "Ok, what do we need to do about elections, who needs to do it, and when does it need to be done by?" john-r says, "I ahve seen the archive, its woking good except--- i think as you go into the detal pages, you need a link to the main folder" saavik says, "I'll email the notes I have - I have to get to sleep or else I will get sicker" MikeD says, "Which has one huge problem..." MikeD says, "It's huge" Severy says, "FYI, Scotty will be logging in here as soon as he gets home from the airport, but it probably won't be for another 30 minutes or so" saavik says, "elections: was supposed to be out in ballots by may and due in Aug (8/1 I think) according to bylaws" Michael says, "john, I think there's an option for that...." saavik says, "so I guess we need to start the nominating process. feels like we *just* did it" dcarson says, "so we need to do nominations ASAP" MikeD says, "We did" Michael says, "http://www.asi.org/private/artemis-list-archive/" saavik says, "when was the last round?" Michael says, "any idea what positions are up for electin?" Severy says, "Whichever board members were *not* elected last year" Severy says, "Don't remember about officers, are they re-elected each year?" saavik says, "I am up" MikeD says, "I think there are only 2 positions" saavik says, "no, officers are 2 years" saavik says, "and one board position is up again as one was short term" saavik says, "I forget who (that was part of the expanded board size)" Severy says, "I thought two board members are up" MikeD says, "I think 2 plus 1" saavik says, "no, remember, we expanded the board. it is now 3 one year and 4 the other" Arthur says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/about/officers.php3" saavik says, "and I think it is dave and i for officers" saavik says, "(this year)" Arthur says, "Dana and Ian on the board, and David and Amy as officers" Arthur says, "Hey, we don't have vacancies this time around!" saavik says, "one of you and michael and randall and ??? is also up" Arthur says, "Peter?" Severy says, "I forgot about that officers.php3 page, that does clear it up" MikeD says, "Yup. It's clear as mud now" saavik says, "yeah, the php is wrong because at least one board is up this year that isn't listed" saavik says, "we didn't want 5/2 (supposed to be 4/3)" saavik says, "anyone have to email to artemis? I'll look" Arthur says, "Hmmm... " MikeD says, "So who was the additional person" saavik says, "amy comments that she can find the ballot but not the results mail" saavik says, "still digging - let me look through my notes" saavik says, "ok, looks like elections *did* just happen. " saavik says, "nominations due last july 1, elections in november" saavik says, "randall is the one year term" irs says, "Hmm, looking at that officers.php3 page, I note that my name is misspelled." saavik says, "Amy rolled the dice and Randall gets the one year term." Severy says, "Elections were on October 1st" saavik says, "(that is what my notes say)" Severy says, "Ok" irs says, "HE'S Randall with two "l"s, I'm Ian Randal with one "l"." Arthur says, "We'll just call you both Randy, ok?" Arthur says, ":-)" Severy thwaps Arthur with a rolled-up newspaper. "Bad! Bad! Bad!!!" Severy grins. irs says, "Kit's in the other room. I'll discuss randy with her ." MikeD says, "children will play" Severy says, "Better you than I, Ian :-)" saavik says, "ok, so - the secretary really needs sleep - what more notes do you need from her?" john-r says, "i can fixx that Ian - in 60 days or now :) i will be right back" Severy says, "What do we need to do first, announce the opening of nominations or something?" saavik says, "yes" Severy says, "And is that the job of the secretary? " saavik says, "I have forms from last year" saavik says, "I can't do it until I return from my trip" saavik says, "we did do all electronic last time except a notice in MMM" saavik says, "I think we got *one* paper ballot last time" Severy says, "Sounds fine to me, it will still be far more on time than last year :-)" kokhmmm says, "You just missed the June issue. Can get notice in the July Review." saavik hmms. saavik says, "dates for nominations?" Severy says, "Amy, can you coordinate this process to make we don't get too far off schedule?" saavik says, "Sure. I can work on it off-line then" saavik says, "ok, then I am done for the night. night all!" MikeD says, "We need to actually be on time next year" kokhmmm says, "Night, Amy" Severy says, "Ok, good night, Amy, and thanks!" saavik smiles. saavik has disconnected. Severy says, "Ok, moving on to Membership Services" Severy says, "Scotty is working on getting stuff to James to get things moving in the processing area" Severy says, "There still needs to be some work in setting up the e-mail templates for e-mail renewal reminders" Severy says, "Who is working on that effort?" dcarson says, "should I send a bunch of posters to strangelv?" john-r says, "Ian aee http://www.moonsociety.org/about/officers.php3" Severy says, "And I also wanted to re-start a discussion about new member incentives" irs says, "Thanks, John." Severy says, "We've talked about that off and on in the past, but never quite finalized anything, if I remember right" john-r sends bill to who? :) ok no goofing around Severy says, "And that topic was discussed at some length during the NSS town meeting at the end of ISDC, which reminded me that we needed to do something like that for the Moon Society" irs says, "Did NSS come up with an answer?" MikeD just got a phone call IRL, but he will be right back. Severy says, "For those who were not part of past discussions, the idea is some kind of incentive benefit for referrals of new members" MikeD says, "Sorry folks, I have to run" Arthur says, "By the way, James is in the Commons - he was wondering when he was going to get his contract" MikeD has disconnected. Severy says, "Yes, Ian, they had to work out the exact numbers, but the general consensus was that if an existing member referred X new members within a specified time period (probably their membership year), they would receive a complimentary membership renewal for the next year" Michael says, "a pyramid scheme!" Severy says, "Scotty didn't have a chance to send out the contract before he left on his trip, but said he would as soon as he got back" Severy says, "Pretty much, Michael!" dcarson says, "a month per referrel is about right IMHO" The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. Severy says, "If we decide to do a referral incentive of some kind, and I think we should, we would need to set up a mechanism for tracking such referrals, entries on the various new member forms, for example, and in the database" irs says, "Refer ten new members, get a free year's membership. Sounds like a deal to me." Severy says, "Arthur, can I toss that idea on you and the rest of the Membership Services team to work out a plan and run it by the council?" kokhmmm says, "Don't like the referal idea. Could be dead people or fictitious people. Do you mean referrals who do join, or just referrals?" Severy says, "I can see that incentive working effectively for folks who are having trouble paying for their membership renewals" Severy says, "Referrals who do join, Peter" kokhmmm says, "Okay" Severy says, "i.e. each new member form would have a referral field, the member listed there would get credit for the new member" Severy says, "Only new members count as referrals" The housekeeper arrives to cart MikeD off to bed. Arthur says, "Ok, I'll look at it with Scotty and James. I think just an entry on the form for "member number" of referring member might do the trick." Severy says, "Yup, although you'll need to allow for member name, not everyone will know the member number of the referring member" Severy says, "We'll need to convert it into a member number when it gets into the database" Severy says, "Heck, most members don't even remember their *own* member number :-(" Arthur says, "I guess so - well, see what Scotty thinks of linking that up. Or James of manually adding a month to people's expiries..." Severy says, "Yeah, we have to balance the incentive benefit with the workload it adds to the processing area" john-r says, "are you saying in a years time 1 referal will get a reduced membership fee?" dcarson says, "team director does name to member lookup already doesn't it?" Severy says, "Those are the details that we'll need to figure out, John" Arthur says, "for NSS, I believe they define "new" as not having been a member for the past year" Severy says, "Team Director does e-mail to member lookup" dcarson says, "ah" dcarson says, "email is unique so easier" Severy says, "Yeah, we'll have to determine a criteria for "new" as well" Severy says, "Ok, let's move on to Lunar Directory" Arthur says, "by the way, membership helpdir is caught up" Severy says, "I guess most of you have seen John's e-mails go by about updates to the Lunar Directory, thanks, John!" john-r says, "welcome" Severy says, "I had hoped to have something by tonight's meeting, but ran out of time, but I'm working on a generic e-mail invitation that can be sent out to new prospects for listing in the directory" Severy says, "I'll try to get a draft of that out to the team in the next few days for review and editing, and then we can send it out to projects and organizations that we find that we want to invite to be listed" Michael says, "yea, good job on the directory...." Severy says, "We've already got a good sized list started already" john-r says, "Any chance of makeing it a team, so we have a mail list to archive?" Severy says, "Anything else on the Lunar Directory?" Michael loves reading the Al Qaeda cell meeting minutes on happyfunpundit.com Severy says, "Making which a team, John?" john-r says, "Lunar directoy" john-r says, "right now the only way to tack the mail is in my and yours mail box" Severy says, "Moon Society membership isn't a requirement for listing in the directory, so they couldn't be a team" Severy says, "But the moon-news list is archived" john-r says, "no i mean a team for you and me, with a proper e-mail archival- or at least an archival" Severy says, "Oh, the contact address" Severy says, "Sure, I don't see why not, I'll talk to Mike about it" john-r says, "that too" john-r says, "it may be in the form of the opms- but i would prefer a tema type list" john-r says, "team" john-r says, "more to do stuff :)" Severy says, "Ok, moving on to Moon Camp" john-r says, "yes" john-r listening Severy says, "Hopefully everyone has read my update on the discussions that went on at ISDC" kokhmmm says, "Yes" Severy says, "It sounds like there was some discussion about this earlier here" irs says, "Was it in today's e-mail, which I haven't read yet?" Severy says, "If we can find someone to lead such an effort, it may be something we should definitely get involved with, but do we have such a someone?" Severy says, "It was an e-mail late last night, Ian" irs says, "Haven't seen it yet, then." Severy says, "First, is there general agreement that this is something we should pursue?" john-r says, "my straw vote is yes" dcarson says, "sounds it to me" kokhmmm says, "Yes" Arthur says, "Who do we have in the LA area?" Severy says, "And if so, is there anyone here who would like to run with it? Or should I add it to the volunteers list?" Arthur says, "Yes, by the way" Severy says, "Only Tim, Arthur, and he's already swamped" kokhmmm says, "Chip Proser" Greg-1 says, "Yup, Moon Camp sounds like a Really Neat Idea." Arthur says, "Tim's in Oakland, not that close" Arthur says, "Oh yeah, Chip" Severy says, "Although we might get some new members out of ISDC in that area" Arthur says, "Hmmm" Severy says, "Oops, yeah, I was thinking SF, not LA" Severy says, "I don't know who else we have in the LA area, I'd have to run a TeamDir report on that area" kokhmmm says, "Chi is the LA Contact person. If he's up to it, the effort might be enough to crystalize a chapter." kokhmmm says, "Chip" Greg-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Greg-1. Severy says, "Ok, since I started the ball rolling, I'll talk to Chip and see who else is in that area" Severy says, "And re-establish contact with Sema and Larry and find out more details about what they have in mind" dcarson says, "wonder if we can use the ASI/CyberTeams/TLRC online community experience to help with it" Severy says, "That's always a possibility with everything we do, Dana :-)" john-r says, "what is That Dana?" Severy says, "But good point" Severy says, "Ok, anything else on Moon Camp for tonight?" kokhmmm says, "Robert Kleinberger is in LA - is he a member?" john-r says, "just my plan in the isdc flyer of last year" dcarson says, "keep people who have attended together online, let people who can't come participate somehow so they'll stay interested etc." Severy says, "John, is it ok if I forwarded that flyer to the Space Camp Long Beach folks as a sample of some of the things we've been thinking about?" Severy says, "Don't know, Peter, I'll check the database tomorrow" john-r says, "and for Ian - http://www.aerospacelegacyfoundation.org/page2.html Gene Meyers of space island group is a director" kokhmmm says, "We have good people in San Diego - not that far away. Schrunk, Harris, etc." john-r says, "Yes Randall, thats of to send flyer" Severy says, "Ok, thanks, John" john-r says, "can i tell the leto team whats going on?" Severy says, "Good point, Peter, they are working to get active again" john-r says, "of=ok" Severy says, "Sure, John" irs has disconnected. Severy says, "Uh oh, I need Ian for the next agenda item" Severy says, "Ok, moving on to Moon Society Flyer and Brochure" Michael says, "hehe..... silence...." kokhmmm says, "The flyer you used at ISDC is nice, but we need a brochure with more meat." john-r says, "bacaon or hambuger?" john-r says, "i could not resist - sorry" kokhmmm says, "I took some notes on what I'd like to see in that flyer. I'll look them up and mail them to everyone." Severy says, "The flyer I used at ISDC was just a relabeling of the old ASI flyer, we need a true Moon Society flyer" john-r says, "any one on the outreach team here- that has seen chips graphics" Severy says, "And for that, we need some time from Ian and Greg to rework it" The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. john-r says, "and greg left also- bummer" Severy says, "And I was hoping to do some arm-twisting tonight, but Ian skipped out before I could do it" kokhmmm says, "He haed a premonition." john-r says, "LOL" Severy says, "Ack, I forgot that Greg disappeared too :-(" dcarson says, "te universe is out to get you Randall" Severy says, "Always!" Severy says, "Ok, I'll have to do my arm-twisting at another time" Severy says, "Any ideas you can send on the flyer would be very helpful, Peter, thanks!" Severy says, "Ok, moving on to Outreach efforts" Severy says, "Does anyone have anything to report in this area?" Michael reads the meeting agenda Michael wonders if he's needed for any other agenda items. He needs to head to bed... john-r says, "I would like to try to explain Boy Scouts" Severy says, "I suspect we're about done for the night" Arthur says, "well, we tried some outreach at ISDC (I've been a bit worn out since then...)" Severy says, "Go ahead, John" Arthur says, "Yes, let's hear that" john-r says, "that its not just boys, its their leaders also" Arthur says, "By the way, one of the NSS chapters honored at ISDC was involved in re-writing the Boy Scout manual space merit badge section" john-r says, "its their leaders who give of our time, and we are always looking to increas leaders as much as the boys, AND.." john-r says, "in Venture scouting Girls are allowed" Arthur says, "Oooh yuck :-)" john-r says, "and a lot of the leaders these days are women" kokhmmm says, "John, there's someone in NSS (class of '87 along with Randall and I) who got very involved with the Scouts and created lots of space programs for them - Don Doughty" john-r says, "is he still a member" Arthur says, "I think it was a Texas chapter - somewhere down south. Anybody remember?" kokhmmm says, "No, not of Moon Society. He's from New Hampshire, and in and out of Boston NSS" john-r says, "Peter how were you involved- as a boy or leader or both- and was it a good experience" kokhmmm says, "I can get in touch with him or put him in touch with you." john-r says, "Please do" kokhmmm says, "I was only a cub scout " Michael says, "guys, I'm calling it an evening... " john-r says, "i was cub - webelos- and thru star rank" kokhmmm says, "John, I'll put that on my action item list. Don worked the Jamborees and all." john-r says, "Nite Michael" Arthur says, "good night michael" Severy says, "I'll repeat what I mentioned this afternoon, I think the Boy Scouts would be a great Outreach opportunity, and we should encourage as many of them as possible, especially their leaders, to join the Moon Society, but we have to be careful about losing our focus, which is the Moon Society" kokhmmm says, "Goodnight Michael." Arthur says, "yup!" john-r says, "And Michael pointed out earlier today that all the moon walkers were scouts" john-r says, "I agree Randall" Scottyg has arrived. dcarson says, "helo" john-r says, "Hi Scotty" Arthur says, "hi scotty!" Scottyg says, "Hi all!" kokhmmm says, "Hi Scotty." john-r says, "Thats all i had for now" Arthur says, "Scotty, Randall's asked us to think about membership incentives. Maybe in the MOO later this week we can discuss it?" Severy says, "Hi, Scotty!" dcarson says, "Scotty, should I send posters to James? or is there enouhg already going?" Scottyg says, "It will probably be toward the weekend before I can find time." Scottyg says, "You know how things stack up while you're traveling." john-r says, "was it a good trip?" Scottyg says, "Yep, had a good meeting and accomplished the goals we set." Scottyg says, "But..." john-r says, "thats never a fun word :)" Scottyg says, "I was up early this morning - alos one time zone east - so I'm rather tired." john-r says, "Randall caught a cold, did you?" kokhmmm says, "If it would have been 2 time zones east, you'd have been wet too!" Scottyg says, "LOL. Very true!" john-r says, "Heck in Indian we have had 65 deg days and its june" john-r says, "indiana" Scottyg says, "Unles I was quite a bit further north." john-r says, "chilly" Scottyg says, "It was cool in KY too." john-r says, "oh KY, just south of me a couple hrs" Scottyg says, "Louisville to be explicit." john-r says, "anyway, anything before o go to sleep?" john-r says, "o=i" Scottyg says, "Not from here. I just checked in to see if there were any questions for me." dcarson says, "did you see mine?" kokhmmm says, "Good night all" john-r says, "night all" dcarson says, "gnight" john-r says, "Good meeting !" kokhmmm has disconnected. Scottyg says, "Oops, missed it Dana." john-r has disconnected. dcarson says, "should I send posters to James?" Scottyg says, "No, I think we're ok for now on posters. I just have to collect them from Jennifer and arrange to meet James." dcarson says, "ok" Arthur says, "Goodnight!" Scottyg says, "Any headway on the domain changes?" dcarson says, "did you email me what address to use?" Scottyg says, "Um, no, was I supposed to?" dcarson says, "I thought so" Scottyg says, "I would just use the PO Box." dcarson says, "ok will do" Scottyg says, "PO Box 940825" The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. Scottyg says, "Plano, TX 75094-0825" Arthur leaves. Severy says, "I need to sign off for a few minutes to move the laptop downstairs and then I'll be back on" Severy has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart Severy off to bed. dcarson goes home. Michael goes home. DaveW has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart DaveW off to bed. Scottyg has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart Scottyg off to bed. MikeD has arrived. MikeD says, "read recorder" MikeD leaves. saavik has arrived. -- End log: Thursday, June 5, 2003 10:58:04 am ASI Meeting Server time --