-- Start log: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:08:09 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- saavik says, "Hi all - sorry I'm late" john-r says, "2 de-mirets for Amy :)" saavik says, "did I miss anything?" Severy-4 says, "Hi, Iam, hi, Amy!" john-r says, "oops" Severy-4 says, "Hi, Ian, rather :-)" Scottyg-2 says, "You are?" Severy-4 says, "Ian, did you get my e-mail about my visit to NYC?" irs says, "Yeah. Been kinda busy to reply. Anyway, uh, see whisper." MikeD says, "Peter, I suppose I could add Patrick Vitarius to the Huntsville chapter since he's the leader" saavik has disconnected. kokhmmm says, "Yes, do that, Mike, Thanks" saavik has connected. A transporter beam sparkles and saavik disappears With a sparkle of transporter light, saavik appears saavik says, "wrong button... sorry" john-r says, "wb Amy" kokhmmm says, "Having trouble materializing, Amy?" MikeD says, "First let me check the welcome message to see what that says" saavik says, "just having trouble hitting the wrong button :-)" Scottyg-2 says, "Pesky transporters. At least she doesn'thave two heads." kokhmmm says, "You mean trouble hitting the right button?" MikeD says, "She's auditioning for a walkon role in Mirror Mirror 2" saavik says, "well, yes " saavik reads the meeting agenda dcarson reads the meeting agenda MikeD reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "oh darn, the first thing on the agenda is me. " john-r reads the meeting agenda irs reads the meeting agenda MikeD says, "Electrons!" MikeD says, "Cool!" MikeD says, "Oh! Elections :-(" Greg arrives amidst thundering applause. saavik says, "yeah, electrons. let's go with that" john-r says, "Hi Greg" saavik says, "v = ir, ok, I'm done" john-r says, "LOL" Scottyg-2 says, "p=ri^2" MikeD says, "Can you transpose that Amy?" saavik says, "transpose what?" kokhmmm says, "looks like Martian texting" saavik says, "so - is the meeting officially called to order?" MikeD says, "the ohms law equation" Severy-4 says, "Yup, the meeting is officially called to order!" MikeD says, "Is the recorder on?" saavik says, "yes" john-r says, "yes" saavik says, "Randall fixed it so I can start it" Severy-4 says, "And you should now be able to stop it as well, I fixed that part last week" kokhmmm says, "On elections. If you want anything in the July Review issue, I need it by the end of this month, i.e. the 30th of June" saavik says, "so am I up? I officially want to ask for a helper for elections" Severy-4 says, "Yup, you're up, Amy!" saavik says, "and thanks peter - can we just run the same as last year?" saavik says, "I don't remember submitting it last year so I have no idea what it said :-)" saavik says, "but I can otherwise pull what we used for the mailing list post..." saavik looks around for the volunteer helper MikeD looks around for the job description john-r is enjoying looking at his woods saavik says, "eh, help me write up the elections ballot (we can re-use most of last year), help me tally votes in the odd way that we do it, help rustle up votes (by reminding, nothing crazy), etc" saavik says, "Help me come up with a list of people to nominate if we are short (let's hope not)" MikeD says, "tallying PR votes is something I can actually do" saavik says, "figure out the right people to prod for the positions. let me see, randall is up for BoD, i'm up (so why am I running it?), and Dave W is up. also maybe ian and dana?" john-r says, "PR?? laike last year?" MikeD says, "I grew up on that system" saavik says, "preference voting. it's weird" saavik says, "(to me)" kokhmmm says, "Let me look up what we ra last year." MikeD says, "PR, proportional representation" john-r says, "and time consuming" MikeD says, "Oh it sure is time consuming" saavik nods. john-r says, "Can a non board member prepare the calcs, and athe board approve them?" kokhmmm says, "Amy, we ran our announcement last year in the May issue, so we are two months behind. I can run it in the July issue, and those who get the pdf file should have it within two weeks. Meanwhile, I'll make a note to run this automatically every year in May." saavik says, "sounds great peter - can you send me what we ran? is it general enough to re-use?" john-r says, "and to have aprial election discussions?" john-r says, "april" irs says, "Speaking of, Peter, I got the May issue today. Is that on schedule, or was mine massively delayed by the USPS?" With a sparkle of transporter light, saavik appears kokhmmm says, "Amy, Last year's announcement came from Greg, and I'll email you a copy but I need your complete email address." MikeD says, "Amy! Stop beaming around the moo" saavik says, "ok, hold on while I switch to my clone (andy wants my machine)" saavik-1 says, "amy@cs.umass.edu" saavik-1 says, "ok, so we have the annoucement (will work on that)" MikeD says, "why you guys can't have two matching machines is beyond me" saavik-1 says, "and mike will help me tally votes" MikeD says, "I can add" kokhmmm says, "Ian, The May issue was on time from me, but first the printer had equipment problems, then the assembly staff (collators) were on vacation. That added up to 3-4 weeks delay." saavik-1 says, "eh, one copy of microsoft office is the current issue" MikeD says, "and divide" irs says, "OK, thanks Peter. Just checking." MikeD says, "hmm, why would that be an issue?" MikeD says, "just delete it" saavik has disconnected. saavik-1 says, "still here as a clone" saavik-1 says, "anyway, ok, so does anyone want to help with the nominations and stuff?" saavik-1 says, "Mike want to help there also? Mike are you an officer?" MikeD says, "sounds like a John thing" MikeD says, "not an officer]" MikeD says, "he's not an officer weither" MikeD says, "either" MikeD says, "Do I need to be?" saavik-1 says, "beats me - anyone know?" kokhmmm says, "Amy, just sent it to you." MikeD says, "Or can i just be deputized for the event?" john-r says, "when in doubt , make a motion and a 2nd and make him a election official?" saavik-1 says, "I can live with you helping - i just wanted to make sure it was legit :-)" MikeD says, "That may not be permissible under the constitution" saavik-1 says, "randall? greg?" Scottyg-2 says, "I think the Board is supposed to appoint an elections committee or some such." saavik-1 says, "someone!" Severy-4 says, "I don't know the rules on the elections, so I'm not much help there" MikeD says, "Even the people who wrote the rules don't know" saavik-1 says, "well, I nominate an elections committee of me and Mike D and any other volunteers. John?" kokhmmm says, "The elections committee should be comprised of officers NOT up for reelection" john-r says, "Since the counting is off a month or two, someone can ck on it?" saavik-1 says, "err, does that mean that I shouldn't be running them?" Severy-4 says, "I don't remember having an elections committee last year" saavik-1 says, "because I'm happy to pass it along - being slightly overwhelmed by work right now" saavik-1 says, "we had me and dave w last year randall" john-r says, "Amy i can help, but not much till after July 10th, i am a camp dir for 100 boys" saavik-1 says, "but i don't know if we were officially a committee" kokhmmm says, "Amy, you shouldn't be counting ballots, that's all." saavik-1 says, "that's ok john - this isn't urgent. and ok, no problem. mike will count and an officer can nominate him if we need to do that" The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. saavik-1 says, "ok, so I have a cadre of volunteers" saavik-1 says, "I'll work ont he annoucements - starting with MMM. anyone ojbect to all electronic ballots and nominations?" john-r says, "Sounds like it Amy" saavik-1 says, "we had zero paper nominations last year and 3 paper ballots (all from greg's household, as I recall!)" saavik-1 looks to everyone in the room MikeD says, "I emailed mine" saavik-1 says, "if I hear no objections, i'll go with all email this year" MikeD says, "I saved a shrub" kokhmmm says, "Electronic sounds okay to me. Anyone who can't communicate that way would not be able to operate effectively if elected." Severy-4 says, "Sounds fine to me, Amy" saavik-1 says, "do we need to vote on that?" dcarson says, "yep, they have to be able to get here to do the job" MikeD says, "what about the members who don't have email, can they not vote?" saavik-1 says, "right, that is the question" saavik-1 says, "as I said, we only had 3 and they were all bennetts" saavik-1 says, "presumably they read email :-)" MikeD says, "I think you have to allow paper submissions" dcarson says, "did we mail out ballots last time?" MikeD says, "Didn't the notice get snailed out, yes it did, I remember getting it and sitting on it for 2 months" kokhmmm says, "I think nominations should be by email, votes cast either way. We are in a hurry to close nominations and post the ballot. Not in a hurry to count results." john-r says, "I feel that non e-mail still need to vote, and maybe we can shorten the mail list to those with bad e-mails, AND can we request in the e-mail to have a returen copy that the e-mail was opened?" irs says, "I seem to remember receiving a paper ballot... and then forgetting about it prior to e-mailing a vote." saavik-1 says, "i just looked online and it says in the bylaws that we are to mail a paper ballot by may :-) oops" saavik-1 says, "ok, so I'll send a nominations email - close by aug 1?" saavik-1 says, "or do you want less time?" saavik-1 says, "then we can send paper ballots and email ballots (i vote for john's route of paper to those who have no email). " dcarson says, "and have it on the web site to print out if they want?" saavik-1 says, "ooh, good idea" Greg says, "Yes, paper to the emailless sounds like a good idea to me, too!" saavik-1 says, "but if they got *that* far :-)" MikeD says, "You need to check the bylaws about that, I think the procedure is written down" Greg says, "Yes, the board can appoint an elections committee. I don't see anything in the rules against that. " dcarson says, "can get to that from a public access terminal" Scottyg-2 says, "The bylaws are not specific how the election is administered." MikeD says, "I thought they stated something about balotts" Scottyg-2 says, "I think we appointed an "Elections Officer" and he/she recruited assistants as needed." kokhmmm says, "The advice I gave about who should be on the elections committee comes from NSS rules" Arthur arrives. Arthur says, "Oops - I'm way behind on my email..." john-r says, "Hi Arthur" kokhmmm says, "Yo, Arthur!" Arthur reads the meeting agenda Scottyg-2 says, "I agree that the elections officer and assistants should not be up for election." saavik-1 says, "ok, then we need one who isn't me" kokhmmm says, "We need to know who is up this year, and who is not" saavik-1 says, "already said but it was awhile ago: me, dave, ian, randall, and dana are all up" Arthur says, "See http://www.moonsociety.org/about/officers.php3" MikeD says, "which knocks out all the ones who have done an election before" saavik-1 says, "that leaves greg, scotty, arthur, michael, peter, and greg again" saavik-1 says, "scotty has helped before" saavik-1 says, "greg has helped" kokhmmm says, "Okay, okay, count me in." MikeD says, "you listed 2 Gregs" saavik-1 says, "yeah, greg is both an officer and a member of the BoD" saavik-1 says, "it is the same greg :-)" Arthur says, "Scotty's a logical one to receive the ballots, right?" kokhmmm says, "The ballots are supposed to be mailed to Plano, anyway." Arthur says, "Is there any sort of online voting system we could take advantage of?" Arthur says, "independent..." kokhmmm says, "Arthur, you mean like a web poll?" saavik-1 says, "we just did email last year but a form would be cool" saavik-1 says, "requires someone with web knowledge" MikeD says, "Hmm, maybe, but I can't see an easy way to write counting software for it" Severy-4 says, "I'm not familiar with an online voting system that can handle preferential voting" Scottyg-2 says, "Since the mail-in ballots come to the Plano P.O. Box, I may as well tally them. Its no more work than forwarding then to someone else." john-r says, "Scotty and we do not have many paper ballots returned anyway" MikeD says, "We didn't have many votes returned period" saavik-1 says, "well, mike has volunteered to help with tallying so that sounds like you two will tally" Scottyg-2 says, "First election there were 50+ mail-ins. Last election there were only two or three." Arthur says, "True - not worth a whole lot of anguish. Though it does seem to take a while to count them up..." john-r says, "MikeD has agreed to do the counting- he is use to it" Arthur says, "Ok, so Scotty and MikeD, and Peter?" saavik-1 says, "ok, so what is left - if we need an official elections officer, i nominate eithe rpeter or scotty" kokhmmm says, "Okay" saavik-1 says, "so - do you need/want my help at all or should I just hand it over?" MikeD says, "Needs to be someone in the US alright" MikeD says, "Peter I'm about to remove and re-add you to huntsville" kokhmmm says, "Okay, Mike" saavik-1 reads the meeting agenda saavik-1 says, "so - are we set? I just need to know if I am still involved or not since I am being elected?" Scottyg-2 says, "I would prefer not to be the elections officer. It requires an allocation of time I don't have to give." kokhmmm says, "Okay, give it to the retired guy :-)" kokhmmm has disconnected. john-r says, "i that sounds good Peter :)" MikeD says, "ANd I'm not very busy these days" john-r says, "did he hit the wrong button?" saavik-1 says, "err, peter logged off!" MikeD says, "Bloody transporters going fowl all over the MOO" saavik-1 says, "ok, so It sounds like mike and peter will take it. I'll hand you the stuff that I did last year" Arthur says, "If we did want to go with an outside vendor by the way, here's one that claims to do it all for you: http://www.election.com/us/services/electionproc.htm" irs will be right back. Scottyg-2 says, "And I'll compile the mail-ins." kokhmmm has connected. kokhmmm says, "moon-leaders" john-r says, "And i can help after July 10th with Dana(i hope) to but up a web page for voting" saavik-1 says, "ok, sounds good. I'll add it all to the notes for today" saavik-1 says, "and I'll email out my stuff from last year" saavik-1 says, "thanks all!" Arthur says, "Great!" saavik-1 reads the meeting agenda MikeD says, "Hmm, can we design some sort of form that can use OMR" saavik-1 says, "looks like my part of the agenda is done :-)" john-r says, "OMR?" MikeD says, "Optical Mark Recognition" MikeD says, "Like the lotto" Arthur says, "Randall? You there?" john-r says, "Sounds like Money MikeD, as in costs" Greg says, "I'd be leery of an on-line service offering to handle elections for us. Sounds like spam bait." Severy-4 is back MikeD says, "Not really, the hardest part is interfacing with the scanner" Greg says, "... and I just got done deleting more than 200 spams to tlrc.com, so I'm not in a good mood." Severy-4 says, "Ok, thanks, Amy!" Severy-4 says, "Moving on to Membership Services..." Greg says, "I doubt that we get enough mail-in ballots to make it worth the trouble." MikeD says, "true Greg" Arthur says, "Most of the spam these days comes from some other country - I can't imagine a legitimate US company doing it these days" Severy-4 says, "What's the status on e-mail renewal reminders and getting materials to James?" Arthur says, "James is in the commons by the way, if we want to bring him in on this" irs says, "I'm back. 200, Greg? Oh, to receive so few in a day." MikeD says, "If they do, Microsoft are on the warpath, they're suing 15 companies for spamming, 13 in the US and 2 in the UK" irs says, "Pr ploy, Mike. Ultimately meaningless, but it makes Microsoft look like good guys to us poor schnooks." Scottyg-2 says, "I have the materials in the trunk of my car. I had hoped to get them to James last weekend but his sleep schedule plus father's day didn't mesh." Greg says, "That was just to tlrc.com addresses, Ian." Scottyg-2 says, "As for email reminders...I though you were setting that up Randall." Scottyg-2 says, "Ah - I remember you needed message templates." Severy-4 says, "Someone was going to edit the reminder messages" Severy-4 says, "Yup" Severy-4 says, "And do you have an ETA for when you might be able to get the materials to James?" Scottyg-2 says, "Can you support different templates for each reminder?" Severy-4 says, "Yes" Scottyg-2 says, "I'm shooting for this weekend on transfering the materials." MikeD says, "Do you have some sort of steel box that the materials canbe put in?" Scottyg-2 says, "No." Scottyg-2 says, "(The trunk of my car?)" saavik-1 says, "ooow, soyuz flights to ISS for sale again" MikeD says, "Pity, he doesn't have much space, the ideal thing is sort of a large desk hutch" saavik-1 says, " http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/18/2242239&mode=thread&tid=134&tid=160" Scottyg-2 says, "The materials are Reference Mission posters, stored flat, mailing tubes, bumper stickers, and envelopes." irs says, "Saw it on CNN and NYTimes sites today." Scottyg-2 says, "They don't organize neatly." MikeD says, "I know" Severy-4 says, "Who was working on the reminder message templates?" Scottyg-2 says, "Arthur and me. We focused on the schedule and forgot about the templates." Arthur says, "Hmmm, I'd forgotten about it too..." Severy-4 says, "Ok, consider yourselves reminded :-)" Severy-4 says, "Anything else on Membership Services for tonight?" Scottyg-2 says, "Yep, I had my attention on other things, like getting the materials from Jennifer and getting the agreement to James." Arthur says, "Do we have something we can send to members requesting paper "literature"?" Arthur says, "Not members, prospective members" MikeD reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "That's in the Flyer and Brochure agenda item later on, Arthur" Arthur says, "We have another one in Helpdir - V1Y7L9" Arthur says, "I guess the other question is, who is responsible for sending out such things?" Scottyg-2 says, "Randall, its not on the agenda but perhaps we should discuss the SSL cert." Severy-4 says, "I suppose that's something James can do" Severy-4 says, "Good point, Scotty, go ahead with that discussion" Scottyg-2 says, "Ok, the topic is the SSL certificate that enables secure transactions on our server." Scottyg-2 says, "It expires June 22." MikeD says, "Sunday" kokhmmm says, "two working days, tomorrow and Friday" Scottyg-2 says, "It was issued by Thawte, one of the leading CA's and we would normally just renew it, but...." Arthur says, "They were bought out by geo-something weren't they?" Scottyg-2 says, "Thawte is VERY picky about verification of the ownership of the domain and the identity of the owner." Scottyg-2 says, "And we have a problem....Moonsociety.org has the registered owner as Artemis Society" dcarson says, "that should be fixed I thought" MikeD says, "But not in 2 days" Scottyg-2 says, "We have submitted a change, but Newtork Solutions (the domain registrar) isvery slow about processing them." Scottyg-2 says, "As of 7:00 PM CST today, the whois record still shows Artemis Society as the owner." kokhmmm says, "Can we switch domain registrars?" MikeD says, "Not in 2 days" Scottyg-2 says, "Yes, but we still have neary a year prepaid on the domain registration." dcarson says, "ok, got email from networsolutions that said" dcarson says, "The Name Change you requested has been completed as follows:" dcarson says, "Former Account Holder: The Artemis Society" dcarson says, "New Account Holder: The Moon Society" dcarson says, "so that meant that they'd fixed it I thought" Scottyg-2 says, "The other possibility is to switch to a Certificate Authority other than Thawte that isn't so picky." dcarson says, "I hate netsol" john-r says, "what was the date of the e-mail Dana?" dcarson says, "6/11" saavik-1 says, "it only took me 24 hrs to switch from network solutions to pair" saavik-1 says, "(I moved lunabots.com)" saavik-1 says, "though I did it near renewal time" Scottyg-2 says, "If everything works right, you can switch in 24 hours." Arthur says, "It's not fatal to have an expired certificate - people get warnings, but I don't think it stops them. NSS had an expired certificate for a while on their renewal server." MikeD says, " http://www.networksolutions.com/en_US/whois/results.jhtml;jsessionid=D3AMGRMHQIPLYCWLEALCFEY?_requestid=587484 still shows Artemis Society" Scottyg-2 says, "Yep, thats the query I ran Mike." dcarson says, "I should know better then to trust email from them by now" MikeD says, "I consider them to be thieves" saavik-1 says, "that is why I switched" Scottyg-2 says, "BTW, the world won't end if the cert expires...It will just produce a security alert on the browser that the cert is expired." saavik-1 says, "i was pretty annoyed at their antics " Arthur says, "Do we definitely know we have a problem, or we're just speculating?" Arthur says, "I mean with Thawte accepting our credentials" dcarson says, "scotty had to jump through hoops last time" Scottyg-2 says, "Arthur, I've already been down this path once before. Believe me, its a real hassle." Arthur says, "Ok, I believe it" Scottyg-2 says, "Notarized letters, etc." Scottyg-2 says, "I think my advice is to just wait it out, but I think its not my decision to make." dcarson says, "I'll email netsol and check?" Greg says, "I'm lost. What event are we waiting for?" john-r says, "Whats the worse case? we loos cert, change regstars and go for new cert- 1 week 2 weeks ? and have the wqrnings like NSS that Arthur mentioned." Scottyg-2 says, "Probably about 10 days to start from scratch." MikeD says, "John, I think if you change registrars you only move over when your existing registrations expires" john-r says, "And if we lose the cert, but a notice on the payment page like - e-worl hassles and we wikll have cert in a week or 2" MikeD says, "But I could be wrong" dcarson says, "nope changes right away, you lose the prepaid reg though" MikeD says, "Never draw public attention to your problems" Scottyg-2 says, "You won't see the notice until you first get the alert and tell your browser to go ahead anyway John." dcarson says, "should I change moonsociety over to pairnic and get the reg fixed with that?" MikeD says, "What can we lose, $20?" dcarson says, "yep" Scottyg-2 says, "Probably closer to $30." Scottyg-2 says, "It expires in March." john-r says, "Does Thawte work past 5:oo on fridaynite for these things?" MikeD says, "But Pair do cheaper hosting so it may be worth it in the long run" Scottyg-2 says, "Jonh, no." Scottyg-2 says, "John too." john-r says, "I read typo bretty good :)" Scottyg-2 says, "BTW - we began trying to get this fixed 3 weeks ago." MikeD says, "NetSol're only charging $19/yr if you reg for 5 years right now" Scottyg-2 says, "Pair is only $19.00 per year, period." Scottyg-2 says, "Or I think 18 on a transfer." dcarson says, "yep" MikeD says, "Some others are cheaper still, but I'm not sure if they'd be up to the job" saavik-1 says, "it was 12 I think now" saavik-1 says, "(I think I paid $12 anyway)" saavik-1 says, "maybe it was only $18" MikeD says, "I paid 12 Euros for mine" MikeD says, "About $14" Arthur says, "Whatever the number, sounds like pair will have better service" john-r says, "Scotty gGreg asked what event we are waiting on, did i miss the answer?" Arthur says, "so can we do this tonight/tomorrow?" dcarson says, "so why don't I transfer it tonight and get the name right that way" MikeD says, "Sounds good to me" With a sparkle of transporter light, saavik appears saavik-1 says, "the clone is disappearing" saavik-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove saavik-1. Arthur says, "Thanks Dana!" MikeD says, "3 to 5 years ago NetSol were about the only game in town, but things have changed" kokhmmm says, "Mike, I've been with NameSecure longer that long at least (Feb '99)" MikeD says, "Yeah but a lot of those companies were only starting then, now there are dozens of them" MikeD says, "btw I never heard of NameSecure until now" Scottyg-2 says, "The event we're waiting on is for Network Solutions to get the domain ownership recorded in the online database." saavik reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Ok, have we taken care of the certificate issue for tonight?" Scottyg-2 says, "Is the sense of the group to move the domain registration?" dcarson says, "aye" MikeD says, "yes" kokhmmm says, "yes" Scottyg-2 says, "Ok Dana, proceed." dcarson says, "will do" Scottyg-2 says, "And let me know when its completed." Scottyg-2 says, "I think we'll have to create a new certificate request because the Distinguished Name changes." Scottyg-2 says, "I might need your or Randall's help with that." Scottyg-2 says, "I'm having a problem sending email." irs will be right back. Arthur says, "Scotty - sending all email?" Scottyg-2 says, "I hope to have that fixed by tomorrow, but it depends on the ISP." MikeD says, "What the devil is a URL Gripper?" Scottyg-2 says, "Yep, anytime I try to send mail, I get an error." Scottyg-2 says, "But I'm receiving mail just fine." kokhmmm says, "A URL gripper keeps the address in the location box at the index page" Scottyg-2 says, "I've triple-checked my configuration and can't find anything wrong." saavik says, "so what is next?" MikeD says, "Even when you change to another page within tha site Peter?" Scottyg-2 says, "Back to the agenda." kokhmmm says, "Yes, Mike, the new page address doesn't show and can't be bookmarked." MikeD says, "Ahhhhh" Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on" MikeD says, "I'm not sure how useful that is, but... I can see how it might be desired by some webmasters" Severy-4 says, "I said I would have the Lunar Directory invitation e-mail ready by tonight's meeting, but I was overtaken by events, so I'll have that ready by the next meeting" Severy-4 says, "John, any recent updates to the Lunar Directory?" kokhmmm says, "You use a URL gripper when you have a virtual domain and do not want the visitor to see the actual address. Sample in point: on my walnuthill.com I have the URL gripper off so people can bookmark individual pages." john-r says, "No new requests, and nothing from goff, i should e-mail a reminder for logo" kokhmmm says, "sorry walnuthill.org not .com" Scottyg-2 says, "Randall, any bites on the call for volunteers?" Severy-4 says, "None at all, Scotty" kokhmmm says, "For Lunar Directory, how about Amy's LunaBots or are we only considering organizations?" Scottyg-2 says, ":=(" john-r says, "and events have delayed request to Dana for database, but its not a big priorty at the moment" john-r says, "Good Point Peter" Severy-4 says, "Not just organizations, Peter, LunaBots would be a fine addition to the directory" john-r says, "the database ins not a big priorty, the directory is :)" MikeD says, "I assume there has to be some link to the Moon" irs says, "I'm back." john-r says, "Amy do you want me to add you, i charge 1 zillion euros?" saavik says, "add me what?" MikeD says, "She asked me to take care of that for her John, but I wont be able to get it out of the bank until they pay the interest tomorrow" john-r says, "tAmy add lunabots to the Lunar Directory" saavik says, "oh!" saavik says, "hmm..." john-r says, "MikeD i can wait" saavik says, "see the thing is that lunabots doesn't exist as a company yet so I don't want to be pretending" MikeD says, "Good, it pays 5%/yr, I need the money" saavik says, "it's in the vision/idea stage" Scottyg-2 says, "I think a zillion Euros is worth about a free lunch." kokhmmm says, "Tanstaafl, Scotty!" MikeD says, "How big is a zillion?" john-r says, "A frew lunch is better than Randalls doubling my salary from )*2=0" john-r says, "0*2=0" john-r says, "Anyway a gropu or a project counts, Right Randall?" MikeD says, "Hey, that's not fair, he halved mine when he cut my hours" Scottyg-2 says, "Nothing against Euros. Its the zillion that does it." saavik says, "anyway, let me think about it. " MikeD says, "But how big is a zillion?" Severy-4 says, "Yes, John, a group or project counts" john-r says, "Amy s0 do you want to be aded?" Scottyg-2 says, "Ok, worth about a lunch Peter." MikeD says, "Does it have to be Lunar related Randall? ot just space related?" Severy-4 says, "Moon-related, Mike" john-r says, "While we wait on Amy, thats all i had on the Lunar Dir" kokhmmm says, "John, the logo and description is right on Amy's main page: www.lunabots.com" john-r says, "TY peter, now all i need is her permission" saavik says, "I'm just concerned as it is not a company and is likely not to be for awhile yet. so I don't want to see pretentious." saavik says, "it's more of my vision for my research goals right now. " saavik says, "let me ponder and you all can move on :-)" saavik says, "unless there are opinions on me :-)" john-r says, "I think Lunabots fits the requirements" MikeD says, "How old is that photo Amy?" Scottyg-2 says, "I think the most important question is...are you prepared to respond to inquiries Amy." john-r says, "good Point Scotty" kokhmmm says, "Amy, that's the whole point. To let people know the projects and visions and get them enthused. If you are looking for organizations with accomplished dreams, you won't find many." MikeD says, "So should I be putting lunarcomms up there too?" MikeD says, "That's not even at the vision stage yet" saavik says, "the photo is about 4 years old?" john-r says, "i would need to review it MikeD, its been several months" MikeD says, "It hasn't changed" saavik says, "ok, I like the idea but I would like to work on the page some more. since there is no rush, let me do that first" saavik says, "sound good? I *do* want to make contacts" john-r says, "but are you prepared for e-mails requesting what Scotty said" john-r says, "Amy are you in a ponder mode or yes mode?" saavik says, "yeah, in the 4 years I've had the site, I've gotten 99.9% spam and one honest inquiry but it was from a friend :-)" saavik says, "(ok, make that two, both from friends)" saavik says, "ponder leaning yes - don't do it now though!" john-r says, "Amy i think thats part of the directory goal is to let people know you are there" MikeD says, "John, ask her again next meeting" saavik says, "ok, and I agree with mike :-)" john-r says, "will do, And MikeD send a request to the e-mail on the directory for Lunarcomms OK?" MikeD says, "I will when I put some meat on it" Severy-4 says, "Ok, ready to move on?" john-r says, "yes" Severy-4 says, "Ok, next up is the Moon Society Flyer and Brochure" Severy-4 says, "Peter, I still need to mail that brochure sample to you, sorry for the delay" kokhmmm says, "Okay, I'll be looking for it." Severy-4 says, "Ian and Greg, when do you think you might have a few minutes to work on updating the Moon Society Flyer?" kokhmmm says, "Updating? or Reinventing?" Severy-4 says, "And the brochure I'm referring to is the one that has "...and You Can Go, Too!" on the front. It's a rather nifty brochure that would be nice to use again, but it needs converting from an ASI brochure to a Moon Society brochure" Severy-4 says, "Reinventing, most likely, Peter" saavik says, "ok, time for me to head to bed soon - what is left for the secretary?" john-r says, "sleep" kokhmmm says, "and pleasant dreams of lunabots" MikeD says, "A friend of mine fought robots on the plains of Mars" MikeD says, "Or so he says" saavik says, "lol, thanks :-)" saavik says, "ok, nigth then!" MikeD says, "night" saavik has disconnected. Severy-4 says, "Ian, Greg?" Severy-4 suspects they're both ignoring this question yet again :-( MikeD says, "They probably fell asleep" irs says, "Awake. Trying to come up with a good answer. The flyer I thought was the one I sent you; don't know what kind of update you want. I don't know the brochure." Severy-4 says, "The revised flyer is pretty much just the old ASI flyer with ASI replaced with Moon Society" Severy-4 says, "The content is not really about the Moon Society, however" Severy-4 says, "It really needs a complete overhaul" Scottyg-2 says, "Randall, is that the flyer we had printed for the mailout?" john-r says, "Randall is the url handy, or should i go to the data book and find it?" john-r says, "i can in a minn or 2" The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. Severy-4 says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/private/outreach/flyers/moon-memflyer.pdf" Severy-4 says, "I'm not sure what you're referring to, Scotty, are you referring to the brochure or the flyer?" Severy-4 says, "The brochure was a tri-fold brochure" irs says, "If you send me some notes on what you think needs to be updated, I'll try to find some time for it. I don't know that I've even seen the tri-fold brochure." irs says, "And I'm getting really tired; it was a very stressful day at work, and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stay awake." Scottyg-2 says, "Ok, the URL is not the same one." john-r says, "i have not seen the tri-fold either" Scottyg-2 says, "I was refering to the trifold brochure." Severy-4 says, "I don't think we have the tri-fold brochure online anywhere" Severy-4 says, "It was produced by Jim Gerrish" john-r says, "can it be scanned?" Severy-4 says, "I can try, John" Scottyg-2 says, "I think it *is* onlie somewhere, but possibly in low-res." Scottyg-2 says, "There was a "proof" version put somewhere." Severy-4 says, "Ian, I don't really have any notes on what needs to be updated other than "it needs to be updated" :-(" Severy-4 says, "I couldn't find it in any place obvious, Scotty, but you may be right" irs says, "I'll see what I can do as soon as I can. But I'll need a copy of that brochure before I can do anything to it. If you've got a copy, a photocopy will suffice." Severy-4 says, "I'll try to scan the brochure and post it online" kokhmmm says, "On a trifold brochure, you want to list the headings that you want to develop. Define the structure of it, then write it, and edit to space available. Sit on it. Come back and look at it again." Severy-4 says, "Ok, it's 11:15 EST and it sounds like everyone is running out of steam, so I propose postponing the rest of the agenda until the next meeting. Any objections?" irs says, "Anything else I'm needed for tonight? Sorry, but I'm yawning really big (it was a very stressful day)." kokhmmm says, "okay with me. Good night all." dcarson says, "okay wiht tme" kokhmmm has disconnected. MikeD says, "I ran out of steam at 2am when the meeting started" Severy-4 says, "Ok, I officially declare this meeting over!" john-r says, "no problem here in indiand" MikeD says, "tnx" Severy-4 says, "Good night, everyone!" MikeD says, "night" john-r says, "night" MikeD leaves. john-r says, "Mike Can you stay a moment?" Scottyg-2 says, "night!" john-r says, "missed him" irs says, "Good night, gang." irs has disconnected. john-r leaves. Scottyg-2 says, "Randall, try http://www.asi.org/private/mailing/images" Scottyg-2 says, "For the brochure." The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. Scottyg-2 says, "(puff-fnt.pdf & puff-bak.pdf)" The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. Severy-4 says, "Ahh, perfect, thanks, Scotty!" john-r arrives. Arthur says, "Time for me to head to bed too - goodnight all" Scottyg-2 says, "I *knew* they were "Somewhere out there"!" john-r says, "Anyone have tie for background on Vik " Arthur leaves. john-r says, "Nite Arthur" john-r says, "did you find tri-fold?" Severy-4 says, "Yes, John, I'm sending an e-mail to the council list about it right now" Scottyg-2 says, "Yep, but its in a limited-access location." Severy-4 says, "I'll make a copy in the outreach directory" Scottyg-2 says, "The other files are for the envelopes and response piece so they are all a set." Scottyg-2 says, "John, I have time but not a lot of knowledge about Vik" Scottyg-2 says, "I think he has a personal web site." john-r says, "The reason i asked relates to both the fact of needing something we own and vik needing work for pay-he has done alot and is a member, but is any other graphic artist still a member- i have seen 2 or 3 names in the image directoy" john-r says, "I have been to his site" john-r says, "and Amy said he was first on the list for the 10k idea project" Severy-4 says, "Ok, e-mail away with info on brochure files online" Scottyg-2 says, "Yes - he's a researcher in addition to his artistic abilities." john-r says, "ahhh" john-r says, "that i did not know" john-r says, "it takes awhile to learn of each other" Scottyg-2 says, "His proposal involved study of closed-environment agriculture." Scottyg-2 says, "A limited simulation conducted in an open environment." Scottyg-2 says, "But with careful control of everything except atmosphere." john-r says, "i have no idea what he charges for his work, put IF big if say 250 may get 2 or 3 images, is that worth spending money for, something we can use at will " john-r says, "i see on 10k project , it beter explans what he is proposing" Scottyg-2 says, "I think he'll do work for us at an economical rate, but I suspect not that low." Scottyg-2 says, "But I think it is worth spending some money to obtain art we own." john-r says, "was just wondering, as i do not think we have funds for 1000 or somthing that spiffy" john-r says, "BTW Randall any word from space camp?" Scottyg-2 says, "We have funds if we want to allocate them. That would be a BOD decision." john-r says, "true" john-r says, "this may not be the right way to ask, with TO and all that it is, But is Vik considered a good long term member?" john-r says, "a die-hard so to speak" john-r says, "And i wish Greg had some time to discuss LETO" john-r says, "and maybe he will at the next ASI leaders meet" john-r says, "any way i was just wondering" john-r says, "i better sleep" john-r says, "nite all" john-r has disconnected. -- End log: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:49:02 pm ASI Meeting Server time --