-- Start log: Wednesday, July 2, 2003 9:15:18 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- john-r says, "whisper shhhh the recorder is on" Greg-1 says, "It was clever to attach a laptop with mobile Internet to your lawn mower, Mike." Greg-1 says, "Oh, right. Decorum it is." saavik says, "ok, so, elections folks" saavik says, "(do we have quorum?)" MikeD says, "I didn't attach it, it's built into the dash" Greg-1 says, "Let's declare that we do. :)" saavik says, "ok, so the first item is: did peter get himself the ballot in time for MMM?" saavik says, "the next item is: when are you all planning to send out the nominations form?" john-r says, "Peter are you thinking? " kokhmmm says, "I have last year's ballot announcement. I have to update it for 2003, and I still have a day or two before I am done with the July issue, the Review." john-r says, "read agaenda" john-r says, "that did not work" john-r reads the meeting agenda kokhmmm says, "As soon as the Review issue is done, the pdf file will be uploaded, hopefully by this weekend." saavik says, "ok, so that means you did get it to yourself ;-)" saavik says, "so the next question is: has the committee made any other progress in announcing nominations? I only ask because I haven't seen anything" kokhmmm says, "I could have had both the newsletter and election stuff done, but I've been rebuilding my dining room and I'm a streak person. So MMM waits. Now I am at a good stopping point and it has all my attention. Shouldn't take long." kokhmmm says, "I have done nothing else so far. Should there be an email announcement to all the members, and who would do that? If me, how?" john-r says, "Peter will you need Randall to do a mass mailing or can you do that alone?" saavik says, "you can do it via teamdir" saavik says, "you need permissions to do it and I assume you have them. ask randall if not" kokhmmm says, "Okay, I will try that, and yell for help if I get stuck." saavik says, "you login as administative on teamdir and send to current members (or all, if you are brave)" john-r says, "I would say current members" kokhmmm says, "I assume I have permissions." john-r says, "MikeD or Dana can you see if Peter has Permissions?" kokhmmm says, "Could send to all members. Non-current ones would have to renew to have their ballot count, I presume." saavik says, "I did to all (by mistake mostly) and only heard one or two complaints of expired members" MikeD says, "Permissions for what?" kokhmmm says, "Amy, I will run the updated announcement by you first." saavik says, "sounds great" saavik says, "I'll be on email all weekend but traveling tomorrow/sunday" john-r says, "Can Peter use admin in team dir to send e-mail to all members?" MikeD says, "Hmm, I'm not sure how to check that" john-r says, "or to all current members" saavik says, "(course I need to actually go pack to make this worthwhile)" Severy-1 says, "Sorry I'm late, folks" saavik says, "how about, when peter is ready to do it, he logs in and if he can't do it, randall can fix it" saavik says, "that lets us move on" Severy-1 says, "I'm at a party at my sister's house, so I was distracted for a while :-(" kokhmmm says, "Sounds like a plan/" john-r says, "correct me if i am wrong, the first e-mail asks for nonanations - right?" saavik says, "nominations, yes" saavik says, "party!" dcarson says, "sounds like party for Randall" saavik pokes at Severy-1. john-r says, "is it a party for Randall?" saavik reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "are we done with electiosn then?" kokhmmm says, "yup, I thinkk" Greg-1 says, "No, but since he's not home, let's have a party at Randall's place!" john-r teleports to the east coast john-r is lost, forgot the coord for Randalls home saavik says, "hey peter, there is an email address at moonsociety for elections" saavik says, "I think elections@moonsociety.org" MikeD says, "John, be careful or you'll materialize in a treetrunk or something" john-r says, "ahhh thats why its so dark :)" saavik says, "you may want that for your email. we can figure it out exactly later" Greg-1 says, "John, any ol' condo in Frederick, Maryland will do, as long as you leave evidence pointing the blame at Randall." Severy-1 laughs. john-r starts walking back west - telport is broke saavik says, "randall, I think the next item is randall" MikeD says, "Where does that email address point right now?" kokhmmm says, "Made a note of that edress, Amy, thanks." Severy-1 says, "Membership services is Scotty and Arthur" Greg-1 says, "Does it go to a mailbox in Help Director?" saavik [to saavik]: I think saavik says, "err it goes to me" saavik says, "(dumb to verb)" Greg-1 says, "((What Amy said.))" dcarson says, "we can set it to go to Peter easily enough" Severy-1 says, " election@moonsociety.org and elections@moonsociety.org both go to amy@cs.umass.edu" saavik says, "confirmed" saavik says, "darn, randall beat me to it" saavik says, "I logged in to look ;-)" Greg-1 says, "Now for the inverse question... why not send it to a Help Director mailbox?" john-r says, "how hard is it to be sent to help dir, then all of os can help as needed?" saavik says, "because heldir didn't exist then :-)" Severy-1 says, "It wouldn't be difficult, shall I set up such a mailbox?" saavik says, "I like the idea" MikeD says, "I guess an Elections mailbox would be an idea" Severy-1 says, "FYI, Peter should be able to do mass mailings in Team Director" john-r says, "TY, we needed that confirmed" kokhmmm says, "You could just have Amy forward everything to me. Then I'd see it pronto., If it's in help Director, I might not get around to checking proptly." Greg-1 says, "Obviously I think it would be a good idea! :)" Severy-1 says, "Help Director can forward it to you automatically, Peter" saavik says, "sounds good" john-r says, "caPeter you can set the notifications to send you a copy" kokhmmm says, "Okay, sounds like a plan." john-r says, "and Randall gets another action item- sorry " Severy-1 says, "No problem, it's already done" saavik says, "ok, randall is next on the agenda?" saavik reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "so are we ready for next agenda item?" Greg-1 says, "We talk about Randall now?" Severy-1 says, "I am?" saavik says, "membership services? or is that scotty?" saavik says, "and james who logged out?" Greg-1 says, "Or is this the part where we quiz him with questions like: Do we have a handy verb that will tell what clones a player has active at the moment? :)" saavik says, "I think I need to renew - I ought to check" Severy-1 says, "That's Scotty and Arthur" saavik says, "uh oh, I expire in 6 days :-)" saavik says, "Better renew!" Greg-1 says, "I'm sorry to hear that, Amy!" saavik says, "LOL :-)" Greg-1 says, "Just go to http://www.simshost.com/ and click on the link to "Maintain your account." Then... oops... wrong system!" Severy-1 says, "That's why we need to work on the renewal notices :-(" saavik says, "peter, should I renew hardcopy or electronic? I know you want your numbers up" saavik says, "ok, so I am done with the agenda anyway? who is up next?" john-r says, "Lunar Dir?" Greg-1 says, "No, Who's on first. (I just HAD to say it!)" john-r says, "EARTH TO Greg- we point your s-band ant to here :)" john-r says, "skip the we" Greg-1 says, "LOL" saavik says, "sigh, $700 is a lot. GUess I have to skip lifetime renewal for now :-)" MikeD says, "But you would save all that tax" Greg-1 says, "The trick is to build it up in installments, like $35 every month or two." Severy-1 says, "I haven't finished the Lunar Directory invitation sample yet, all I can use as an excuse is being out of town most of the past week" Severy-1 says, "I'll get it done by the next meeting, I promise" MikeD says, "Is there an installment plan?" saavik says, "membership renewal is tax deductible?" saavik says, "because if it is, then maybe $700 is not so bad..." Greg-1 says, "Yes. Just keep extending your membership until it expires 20 years from your last payment." MikeD says, "I'm not sure, but I think renewal is deductible" Greg-1 says, "If the Moon Society works as a professional organization for you, then yes, your membership dues would be tax-deductible." saavik says, "so = the renewal is deductible or no?" kokhmmm says, "Amy, it's up to you, no hardcopy helps the treasurer, hardcopy helps MMM survive." saavik says, "oh, ok" dcarson says, "now that we're a 401c3 it is I think" saavik says, "so only donations are deductible>" saavik says, "not renewals?" MikeD says, "that's 501c3" Greg-1 says, "So... if you were earning money from LunaBots, you might argue that it is a professional organization." john-r says, "i like the hard copy, i can carry it with me" Greg-1 says, "Yes. Only donations are dedutible, in general." saavik says, "ok, then I'll go back to renewing :-)" Greg-1 says, "Unless... the board could define some portion of the dues to be paying for services and the rest as a donation." Severy-1 says, "What is the purpose of the elections@ address? Is it for nominations, ballots, what?" MikeD says, "I used to like the hadcopy, but now I'm stuck with trying to remember to download the pdfs" Severy-1 says, "You should get the e-mail notifications, Mike, to remind you to download the PDFs" MikeD says, "Yes, but they get lost in al the rest of the email traffic" saavik says, "hey greg, do you become lifetime after 20 years of membership? and if so, does past membership count into it?" john-r says, "The elections is for the time period we are runing elections, then close it?" MikeD says, "ANd I hate reading from a computer and we have no printer here for some unknown reason" saavik says, "and yes, it was for both nominations *and* ballots" dcarson says, "you need to be paid up 20 years ahead" saavik says, "ahhh" kokhmmm says, "Usually, that portion of the dues used for newsletter etc. is not deductable, the rest is deductable. That's how NSS does it. They have a statement giving the exact amount that is NOT deductible, rest is." saavik notes that she can continue to be secretary as she is now renewed for 2 years Greg-1 says, "Hooray!" saavik says, "ok, so, I desperately need to go pack. is there another item that I need to be working on or can I go pack and come back and forth to here?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, what Peter said. We oughtta do that." dcarson says, "so since we pay $1 a month (about) for MMM that means $23 is deductable?" john-r says, "Can we add the deduction to agenda for say after the elections?" john-r says, "as a reminder" kokhmmm says, "Sounds right to me, unless there are other tangible membership benefits that should be included in the non-deductible column." john-r says, "and that will mostlikey take discussion and Scottys time" Severy-1 says, "Ok, the Elections mailbox is now fully configured. Someone want to test it?" john-r says, "i can" john-r says, "elections or election?" Severy-1 says, "Either one" Greg-1 says, "yes" john-r will be right back. saavik wanders around packing john-r says, "the test e-mail is sent" saavik says, "yeah and it went to me!" kokhmmm says, "John, got your test." saavik says, "I don't want that" kokhmmm says, "Amy then both of us are getting it." Severy-1 says, "I turned on subscriptions for Peter and Amy" Severy-1 says, "Anyone can change their subscriptions :-)" saavik says, "i'm not on elections committee" john-r says, "Amy for backup, it would help for a month to get the e-mails " Severy-1 says, "Ok, I turned it on for you since the alias went to you before, and I didn't want to assume :-)" saavik says, "amy tries to figure out how to turn itoff by herself" saavik says, "amy notes that john's message is *not* in the mailbox" john-r says, "i just closed it" john-r says, "is it in the closed?" DaveW-1 arrives. john-r says, "Hi DaveW" saavik says, "how do I turn off notices? I can't find it" DaveW-1 says, "greetings" kokhmmm says, "Hi, Dave" Severy-1 says, "User Preferences->Edit User Info, Amy" MikeD wants to shutdown mlb.com so he can once again get an audio stream of the Giants games from knbr.com Severy-1 says, "Hi, Dave!" Severy-1 says, "Anyway, moving on to Moon Society Flyer and Brochure..." Severy-1 says, "I assume no progress to report, Greg? (Ian isn't here so I can't harrass him as well)" saavik says, "done, thanks" Severy-1 says, "And Arthur isn't here for Outreach" Severy-1 says, "And Michael isn't here for Grant stuff" Severy-1 says, "So that takes us to Team stuff" Severy-1 says, "Anything new to report, Mike?" MikeD says, "Nothing new except that I got an email from David Schrunk and I have to get back to him" john-r says, "on his chapter page?" MikeD says, "I'm also waiting for Michael to finish the artemis-list archive so I can use his work" john-r notes he needs discussion with Peter on team stuff MikeD says, "He can't get in to do anything with it, but he doesn't even have a team director account" john-r says, "i see on Schrunk MikeD" kokhmmm says, "I got email from Dave Shrunk also, but I haven't read it yet. (hanging head in shame)" MikeD says, "Well you just got the gist of it" Severy-1 says, "Ok, any updates on Help Desk activity?" MikeD says, "***Help! I can't do anything! Why?***" Severy-1 says, "We still have a number of things piled up in Information Requests" kokhmmm says, "Randall, thanks for the Artemis brochure. I can use it in outreach but I'll have to do a reversal of the black sky and white letters on the back side. Too much toner! But this brochure is not helpful for devising a Moon Society one. Nothing to carry over. Need to start fresh." john-r says, "I tried to get some of us to meet special a couple weeks ago on help dir info, but so far no takers" john-r says, "and i am 10 days away from any free time" Severy-1 says, "I think it's still useful as an Artemis Project brochure, Peter, but we need to update the contact info at least" kokhmmm says, "Update contact info. Noted. Will do that and publish to hub." john-r will be right back. Severy-1 says, "Ok, Spam Trash mailbox has been cleaned out" Greg-1 says, "Hooray!" Severy-1 says, "If there is nothing else in Help Desk stuff, I guess we can move on to Web Site stuff" john-r says, "back" Severy-1 says, "It's all yours, John" john-r says, "TY" Severy-1 says, "I'll be back in a little bit, need to show my face at the party for a few minutes" john-r says, "On the cronkite stuff for auto image and such, its on hold due to elections.." kokhmmm says, "On spam, I did an experiment 4 weeks ago. Replaced every email link to my alternate screen name (ComfyRock@aol.com) on several dozen web pages, with an image. No change in flow of spam for that email address in four weeks. Thus once your name is out there, it is out there, and any tricks you want to add will not help." john-r says, "I do need to make it to an asi meeting to discuss updates to the asi site, but thats on hold till my day camp is over. this is just a reminder..." MikeD says, "They can still scan the link" kokhmmm says, "I do not include a link, Mike. Just the image of the name. If someone wants to email me, they have to read the image visually and then type it in." john-r says, "May last question on web site is what to do with OPMS, do we want to delete it and move any outreach ideas to the outreach team?" john-r says, "my=may" kokhmmm says, "In other words, for four weeks, there have been no links to that address, and the stuff keeps coming." MikeD says, "Are you sure the email address isn't in the html file somewhere, even just as a header" Arthur arrives. kokhmmm says, "Probably, John, for now. If we develop high outreach traffic with another group, then maybne we can look at special arrangements." john-r says, "Peter , thats in part to the mail lists sold and traded in the spammers wold, i would think" Arthur says, "sorry I'm late" kokhmmm says, "Mike, I have made sure that the email address is nowhere in the html." Arthur reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "understood Peter on OPMS - RAndall do you want to delete or should I??" MikeD says, "Disable it for a month and see how much spam you get after you re-activate it" kokhmmm says, "John, that's my feeling too. Email lists bought and sold. In other words, once your address is out there, the damage is done and undoable. " kokhmmm says, "Mike it took me hours to go thru all my web pages to make that change, no way am I going to go thru all that to reverse it." kokhmmm says, "Mike, You can see what I did by going to www.walnuthill.org (virtual domain for my neighborhood website.)" john-r to severy-1 OPMS? Severy-1 says, "You can delete it, John" john-r says, "TY" john-r says, "Last Item for Now - PETER and the chapters team --ok?" saavik checks in john-r gives Amy a incoice to pay for checking in :) due 1 zillion rocks john-r says, "invoice" Severy-1 says, "FOB Earth or Moon?" john-r says, "Moon" saavik says, "Lol" john-r says, "where else" Severy-1 says, "Ouch, that's expensive :-)" john-r says, "anyway - Peter do you have a list of e-mail for all the chapters on the chapters page, i feel we need to ask all to have 1 member join the chapters team, i would reallyy.." john-r says, "prefer to have it as a rule , for 1 chapter member to join" kokhmmm says, "John, I'll bring that up with all the chapters and outposts." john-r says, "In the next 30 seconds? :)" john-r says, "kidding" john-r says, "are we done , or jump back to Outreach and Arthur" kokhmmm says, "It only took 30 seconds to add the action item to my list :-)" Arthur says, "outreach and arthur?" john-r says, "ahhh, good one Peter :)" Severy-1 says, "Arthur, we skipped over the Membership Services and Outreach agenda items in your absence" Severy-1 says, "Any updates in either area?" john-r says, "yArthur, you arrived after we went by that agenda item" Arthur says, "Hmmm, updates?" Arthur says, "James and I were wondering about the flyers Peter has" Arthur says, "on the nsschapters hub site" Arthur says, "can we send that out as is to people who ask for printed material?" Arthur says, "And is that one of the things James is supposed to be doing?" Severy-1 says, "It's something we can ask James to do, I think" Arthur says, "is Scotty not going to be here tonight?" Severy-1 says, "I haven't heard from Scotty about the meeting" Arthur says, "anyway, we had at least one recent request of that sort" john-r says, "Can we have the next meeting for 3 items, invite James here, and be sure Scotty is coing, then elections and Lun Dir?" john-r says, "coing=coming" Arthur says, "I'm trying to remember anything else in outreach/membership" Arthur says, "anybody has any suggestions, go ahead :-)" Severy-1 says, "Ok, I'll check with Scotty before the next meeting" Severy-1 says, "I think the main thing in membership was the membership renewal e-mail templates" Arthur says, "Right - I guess I was waiting to hear from Scotty on those" Severy-1 says, "Ok, is there anything else we need to cover tonight?" Arthur says, "Where exactly are they? I've seen some relevant templates in helpdir" Severy-1 says, "They're in TeamDir" Severy-1 says, "I created a sample one called first-renewal-notice.msg, it's in the e-mail template subdirectory" kokhmmm says, "On outreach, I just may be able to go to the Mars Society Convention in Oregon next month - chance to visit relatives." Severy-1 says, "Ahh, cool!" john-r says, "Sonds Good Peter" john-r says, "sounds" Arthur says, "do we have anybody going to the Space Frontier meeting in Houston this month?" Severy-1 says, "I was hoping to make it this year, but another trip later in the year took precedence (and the budget)" Arthur says, "Hawaii?" Severy-1 says, "Yeah :-)" john-r says, "whats a budget?" dcarson says, "should I look into a party at worldcon in Toronto end of august?" Severy-1 says, "Combined with a trip to visit my sister on Saipan" dcarson says, "long plane ride" Severy-1 says, "Yup, another reason for doing it in two segments" Arthur says, "Randall, I don't think I have access to change the email templates in teamdir, or create new ones... or am I missing something?" Severy-1 says, "Let me check, Arthur" john-r says, "Are we going to invite James to the next meeting?" dcarson says, "sounds like a good idea" Severy-1 says, "You needed System Admin permissions, Arthur, which you now have, just be careful in there :-)" Arthur says, "Ok, thanks :-)" Severy-1 says, "John, it may be better to talk about what we want James to do before involving him in the discussion" john-r says, "that sounds ok" john-r says, "but we neeeed ol' Scotty" john-r says, "any way, are we done? anything else?" Arthur says, "James did have the contract last I heard, though he hadn't got it back to Scotty eyt" Arthur says, "yet too" MikeD says, "Scotty's busy in the engine room reconfiguring the dilithium crystals right now" Severy-1 grins. john-r says, "ahhh" Severy-1 says, "Anything else we need to cover tonight?" john-r says, "we do need help with our warp drive" MikeD says, "We'd be happy if the impulse engines worked" john-r says, "the only thing thats needs covered, is me in my bed :)" Severy-1 says, "If not, then thanks everyone for a good meeting!" john-r says, "TY and nite all" Greg-1 says, "Thank you, Randall!" Greg-1 says, "... and everybody!" john-r has disconnected. kokhmmm says, "On outreach, I just may be able to go to the Mars Society Convention in Oregon next month - chance to visit relatives.Good night all" Severy-1 says, "I'll be packing up and heading home in a little while" Arthur says, "Thanks - sorry I was so late - I was home watching kids and the baby needed a lot of attention tonight... trouble when Mom's out..." kokhmmm says, "Ooops!" kokhmmm has disconnected. Severy-1 says, "No problem, Arthur, better late then never!" Severy-1 will be away from his keyboard for a bit. MikeD will be away from his keyboard for about 14 hours Arthur says, "Good night Mike!" MikeD says, "Night" -- End log: Wednesday, July 2, 2003 10:44:46 pm ASI Meeting Server time --