-- Start log: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:36:05 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- MikeD says, "Wow!" MikeD says, "Who did that?" MikeD says, "How do you mean you got no confirmation Peter?" MikeD says, "Were you requesting receive or read receipts?" kokhmmm says, "Don't know. I just pressed send, and saw no indication of anything happening." MikeD says, "Ahh" MikeD says, "It is possible to request read receipts, but that can be more trouble than it's worth" john-r says, "do we know if James can send e-mails to the appox 2 dozen members -??" john-r says, "that the e-mail bounced" MikeD says, "He can send them, but they'll still bounce" john-r says, "nooo, snail mail :)" john-r says, "ahh, i see my error" MikeD says, "I can't answer that question" kokhmmm says, "He'll have to match names to the email addresses." MikeD says, "Team Dir allows searching by email address" kokhmmm says, "With the voting so light, it may not be worth the effort." MikeD says, "The thing is, who are the 12 or so?" Greg-1 says, "Folks tend to wait until the last minute and respond to nagging." john-r says, "Does anyone know if he is up todate with the normal tasks?" Greg-1 says, "And, fwiw, I don'" Greg-1 says, "I don't think I've seen a ballot yet. Michael said he hasn't, either." Greg-1 says, "Maybe a little remind in artemis-list would help." MikeD says, "Check you email for August 8th" kokhmmm says, "I sent the bounced email addresses to Scotty but did not keep a record of them. So if Scotty doesn't have the list we'd have to send out a test mail to locatethe bounces affresh." MikeD says, "Unless it got sent straight to your trashbin" Greg-1 says, "It shouldn't have. It should have filtered directly to my main In box." kokhmmm says, "Greg and Michael, if you give me your preferred email addresses, I can send you a copy." Greg-1 says, "grb@asi.org " Michael says, "michael@neonym.net" MikeD says, "Maybe we should send a blanket reminder again" Greg-1 says, "Wat return address is on the message?" Greg-1 says, "What, too" MikeD says, "KokhMMM@aol.com " john-r says, "with a subject of 2nd notice-ballot" MikeD says, "Original Subject: Moon Society ELECTIONS 2003" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, if it was addressed to my main address, it should go straight to my In box." MikeD says, "It's OK Greg, you can have one of the 2 I got" Michael reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "Are we using the Moon Society Team Director?" Michael says, "so have we beat this one to death? Any other elections issues? If not I suggest we move on to the next item." MikeD reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "Oho! I did get the one on 7/8/2003." kokhmmm says, "Greg and Michael, check your email for "elections 2003" sent just now." Scottyg-2 says, "Peter, I didn't get that list. Did you send it to my old email address?" Greg-1 says, "Checking..." kokhmmm says, "Scotty, to only address I have" Scottyg-2 says, "(scottygamm@topher.net is no longer a good address. Sent to treasurer@moonsociety.org." MikeD says, "Peter, how did you send out the 'Moon Society ELECTIONS 2003' email?" kokhmmm says, "Scotty, correcting address book now, but can't recover info." Scottyg-2 says, "Or scottygamm@dfwair.net is the real address, but if that changes I'll update the alias." Scottyg-2 says, "Its not in your "Sent Mail" folder?" MikeD says, "Not if he sent it from Team Dir" Greg-1 says, "Oops... The one I received July 8 was the nominating ballot" MikeD says, "NM, stupid answer" Scottyg-2 says, "If he sent it from Team Director, I'll bet its in the log file." Greg-1 says, "Oh! Here it is! August 4" Greg-1 says, "So, I did receive it, twice." MikeD says, "Sorry, I gave you the wrong date" MikeD says, "I think" MikeD says, "Yup, I did" Scottyg-2 says, "Are we ready to do Membership Services?" kokhmmm says, "Scotty, I emailed the list of bounces from my own email address. I do not have my preferences set to save all sent mail. Better correct that. AOl only saves so far back otherwise." kokhmmm says, "Scotty, I DO have them. Will resend right now." john-r says, "Peter, when you run the second notice, get the bounces, and send to the leaders list, ok?" john-r says, "Dana, on voteing page, have you had anytime to work on it?" dcarson says, "let me move it up on the to do list" kokhmmm says, "OK, Scotty,look for "elections 2003 bounces"" Scottyg-2 says, "Ok, thanks Peter!" kokhmmm says, "John, will send to leaders list now (found them all)" MikeD hmms. MikeD says, "Moon Colony Within 20 Years: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3161695.stm" john-r says, "TY peter" Greg-1 says, "I'm embarrassed to have to ask, but John, how do you spell your last name?" john-r says, "Schrock" Greg-1 says, "Ahm, that's what I thought. The ballot I'm reading says "Strock."" Greg-1 says, "I've heard that name somewhere... hmmm...." MikeD says, "That would be a different person" MikeD says, "Sany Eggo" Greg-1 says, "Oh. John R. Strock #1778 isn't our John R?" john-r says, ":)" MikeD hmms. kokhmmm says, "Greg, I corrected all the typos in the MMM version" MikeD says, "Let me check on that" Greg-1 says, "Duh... it really sucks to grow old." john-r says, "yup :)" Scottyg-2 says, "I'm afraid I have bad news...It just gets worse." Greg-1 says, "Rats!" irs says, "Yeah! I was thrilled by the ballot. For the first time, my name WASN'T misspelled. Instead, Randall and John got to deal with MY spellings. " MikeD says, "What gets worse" Greg-1 says, "But eventually you get to the point you don't notice! :)" Scottyg-2 says, "LOL" john-r says, "my mem num is 1178" Scottyg-2 says, "I haven't reached that point yet." Greg-1 says, "Oh good! So it *is* you!" kokhmmm says, "oops! John, how wouyld you like to be my proof reader?" MikeD says, "I was thinking 1778 was a bit high" john-r says, "i am a poooor prf readder" kokhmmm says, "LOL" Greg-1 says, "See Peter? Now you have an excuse to nag 'em again by sending a corrected ballot!" Greg-1 says, "I'm on to your ways! :)" john-r says, "i am such a poor proof reader, i missed the spell err" john-r says, "any way, are we ok to move on in the agenda?" MikeD says, "Ah, I was getting confused with Joe Strout and David Schrunk and John Schrock and ....." kokhmmm says, "Greg, don't think a typo or two is reason for ignoring ballot!" Scottyg-2 says, "Lets move on." Scottyg-2 says, "Since Arthur isn't here, I'll fill in." MikeD says, "I'm just glad it's clarified" Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Scotty." Scottyg-2 says, "Arthur and i have planned to meet with James to go over the processing again." Scottyg-2 says, "But we haven't gotten that done yet." Scottyg-2 says, "I think the basic processing is getting done but I'm not so sure about snail mail stuff like renewal notices, membership packets, and posters or bumper stickers." Scottyg-2 says, "I suspect he isn't keeping up because he hasn't turned in any bills for reimbursement." MikeD says, "He may not actually want to send them in until it's worth it" Scottyg-2 says, "Arthur is on vacation and I'll be out of town next week, so we probably won't have a chance to meet with him until the following week." Scottyg-2 says, "Mike, he's on a tight budget so i don't think he can afford to let them stack up much." MikeD says, "That's true, but how much does each one cost?" Scottyg-2 says, "Postage to send the posters 7 such can easily run $100.00" Scottyg-2 says, "7 = &" MikeD says, "Each?" MikeD says, "Or per month?" Scottyg-2 says, "No, over a couple of months." MikeD says, "He could just be waiting for it to hit $100, but it sounds like you're probably right" MikeD says, "something tells me it might not work out as we would like" Scottyg-2 says, "Thats all I have for tonight, except that we might want to discuss special membership classes like student and seniors as a related topic." Scottyg-2 says, "Thats not on the agenda, but we agreed at last meeting to discuss it tonight." kokhmmm says, "Even if we don't have a board quorum, might be worth seeing if we can reach some sort of advisory consensus on student memberships" john-r says, "sidenote, memberships services in help dir was caught a few days ago when i checked" Scottyg-2 says, "Peter, would you introduce the topic?" MikeD says, "Students with their energy and resouces can be worth a lot, but seniors with their knowledge and time are very valuable too. And some of them are *quite* energetic" kokhmmm says, "Jonathan Goff of the Utah Outpost who is also trying to start a student chapter at BYU (Brigham Young U in Provo, Utah) asked about reduced rates for students to attract more members. I agreed to bring it up." kokhmmm says, "If the BYU chapter succeeds, it will be a template for others to follow" Scottyg-2 says, "I ran an analysis from last year's financials." kokhmmm says, "MikeD, why thanks!" Scottyg-2 says, "Our costs are as follows:" Scottyg-2 says, "All costs except MMM and incentives: $7.50" Scottyg-2 says, "MMM for electronic publication: $3.00" Scottyg-2 says, "Poster incentive: $3.00" kokhmmm says, "Student memberships would include electronic MMM so that makes $10.50?" Scottyg-2 says, "so that comes to $13.50 total." kokhmmm says, "Yah, students would dig the posters for their dorm rooms" MikeD says, "So we'd still be in the black at say $20/yr" Scottyg-2 says, "Yes Mike, for electronic MMM." Greg-1 says, "It sure sounds like it!" Greg-1 says, "That's proposed for full-time students and seniors?" kokhmmm says, "I think that student/senior rate should only be offered for electonic MMM" Greg-1 says, "Yeah." MikeD says, "It was originally proposed for students, but I think we all agree it should also be extended to seniprs too" kokhmmm says, "Do we take their word for full time status and/or age? and would would be senior qualifying age. NSS has 64 I think." MikeD says, "How would we confirm student status?" kokhmmm . o O ( we should ask them to name institution, even if we don't check. ) Scottyg-2 says, "I'll be AFK for a minute." dcarson says, ".edu email address?" MikeD says, "Nah" john-r says, "thats wat i was going to say" dcarson says, "they need an eddress for MMM anyway" MikeD says, "That only works for US members" Greg-1 says, "Good idea, Peter." irs says, "When Mensa had discounted student membership, it was for members younger than 21. 'course, Mensa also collected birthdates." Scottyg-2 says, "If they join as part of a school-related chapter, the chapter could certify them." kokhmmm says, "NSS has 22, I think" MikeD says, "Mensa actually get you into an office and can look at your ID" dcarson says, "most places have some sort of edu domain, might be edu.uk or some such" Scottyg-2 says, "But many people have their own email address." MikeD says, "Hmm, like www,ucd.ie" Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking we ask for the member's educational institution and then trust people." MikeD says, "www.ucd.ie too" dcarson says, "most people won't cheat and we aren't losing money so some people taking advantage won't hurt us" Greg-1 says, "What Dana said." kokhmmm says, "Greg, I agree. At that rate we are not losing money even if a few are dishonest." MikeD says, "Don't most colleges issue something to students so they can get their ID and discount cards anyway" Greg-1 says, "And I'd be surprised if anyone were dishonest about that, when joining the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "We could ask for a student ID number." MikeD says, "I don't know how to check those" MikeD says, "And they're probably different formats in every state or country" john-r says, "or go on trust for say the first 100 new student and senor, then look things over to see if we need to get more info" MikeD says, "Looks like the honor system might be the easiest" john-r says, "if we add student ID team dir needs updated and thats time we may not want to spend, untill the numbers prove thre grpwth" MikeD says, "John, it may not be worth looking it over." Michael is back john-r says, "true MikeD, but its always an option - down the road, so to speak" irs says, "Could ask for a photocopy of a student ID." john-r says, "Ian, that would reqire a scanner to e-mail, or a fax at scottys/James" MikeD says, "I would suggest that instead of putting a limit on the age we allow 4 - 5 years at student rate and then apply full rate thereafter based on the dob they entered when they first applied" MikeD says, "Or they'd have to snail the app" irs says, "I keep thinking paper. This electronic stuff...." irs says, "I started my student memberships in high school, ran them through college. That was 8." irs says, "Anyway, I don't have much problem with the honor system to start. See how it goes." MikeD says, "Oops!" MikeD says, "I forgot highschool kids are students too" MikeD says, "Sorry" john-r says, "do we want a lot of 14 yrs old to join, from a age standpoint, and will high school kids attract parents in stretching the truth of who the real member is?" MikeD says, "it's amazing how much stuff a poor starving student can accumulate while never having any money" MikeD says, "If we go into it in that depth John, then a family rate might be an idea" kokhmmm says, "John, good point. I do know one lawyer who gets an NSS membership for his kid so HE can read Ad Astra. But no way to check that or prevent it." MikeD says, "Lawyers are amazingly *cheap* like that" MikeD says, "Though mayb not all of them" kokhmmm says, "He was (died) amazingly generous when he wanted to be" MikeD says, "They can be generous too" MikeD says, "Very odd bunch of people" john-r says, "if we but a notice on the join page- for a limited time students age 15 and above to 22 , then if we got 1000 new members we could just consider the non truths to be a discount to join, and then at some point give notice on the join page rates subject to chang on say Jan 2n3 2005 or something to that effect" MikeD says, "Huh?" MikeD says, "I didn't understand most of that John" kokhmmm says, "I say take the 1000 new members and be happy" MikeD says, "Same here" irs says, "Why not just offer a student membership rate on the regular membership flyer. See how many take it?" john-r says, "weIMHO we need a quick out, IF it gets out of hand, AND Marketing says limited time gets some to think and make a buy decision" MikeD says, "Most of our members join online afaik" Greg-1 says, "How about we put it in motion. Then if we find that 50% of our members are suddenly students with no increase in membership, we'll rethink the plan. :)" dcarson says, "sounds good" john-r says, "i agree with take the 1000 and be happy, BUT if our member services get out of hand, and may cost lots to keep up- tho thats a problem down the road" MikeD says, "What happens if I go back to college?" Greg-1 says, "Then you become a student, Mike." dcarson says, "student and senior memberships at $20 ?" Greg-1 says, "What Dana said." irs says, "What Greg said. Try it. We can always change it quickly enough." MikeD says, "Is it worth posting flyers in our local schools & colleges?" MikeD says, "If we can get permission." john-r says, "so student (with no age limite to start) and senior at 20 with pdg MMM" Michael says, "dont' solve problems until they actually become problems...." MikeD says, "Both are with pdf MMM" john-r says, "LOL" john-r says, "detail people worry them selves to death :)" MikeD attends to one last detail before keeling over kokhmmm says, "The downer would be if too many current members getting hardcopy MMM renew as students with electronic MMM. But worth the chance." MikeD says, "I don't think we have that many students Peter" john-r says, "the 10ft gollia is a student" kokhmmm says, "Or seniors or dishonest adults, I trust" irs says, "When you don't have money, renewing as a student ain't that much of a savings (take it from someone who is struggling)." MikeD says, "I suspect we have more seniors that you might realize Peter" john-r says, "do we have a quorm tonight?" MikeD says, "Not sure" Greg-1 says, "Flyers at schools are a great idea!" john-r says, "or get approval on the leaders list so Randall can submit his wisdom" Greg-1 says, "What do we need? A quorum of the board?" john-r says, "But Greg We need a NEW flyer (hint is from Randall )" irs says, "That's my fault, still, not Greg's." MikeD says, "We're only missing 2 from the board aren't we" Michael says, "I'm just Greg's yes man so I'll vote on whatever he tells me to. ;-)" irs says, "Magazine's been taking ALL my time, but I'll make time for the flyer real soon now." john-r says, "ahh ik, noted Flyer is RIan's :)" john-r says, "ik=ok" john-r says, "and RIan is Ian" dcarson says, "if you can get me a copy by worldcon I'll copy and put them out" john-r says, "which is when Dana?" MikeD says, "If I can have one soon, I might be able to put some in UCD and TCD" john-r says, "And Ian, when is you next convention" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I know we need a new flyer. I'm hoping we can find someone to create one besides Somebody Else. :)" john-r says, "LOL at somebody, or anybody..." MikeD says, "Does Sombody Else charge a fee or something?" Greg-1 says, "Michael, neat idea! I'll nominate you for president, treasurer, and chairman of the board! :)" dcarson says, "worldcon is next week" john-r says, "close..." Greg-1 says, "It's an old joke. I once wrote a note that folks tend to come up with action items for Somebody Else to do, and signed it "Somebody Else." So then Randall called me at work and said "May I speak to Somebody Else?"" john-r says, "LOL" irs says, "There's a story in there, Greg. Wish I had time to write it." Greg-1 says, "What you said, Ian." Greg-1 says, "Sounds like a Probability Zero to me." irs says, "I've got three queued up waiting to be written already." kokhmmm says, "Back fo Board quorum. Greg, Ian, Dana, Peter, who else? " Michael says, "me" Greg-1 says, "That's 5 of 7." john-r says, "DaveW if he is at keyboard???" kokhmmm says, "That's a quorum - let's vote" john-r says, "we needd a specific motion??" DaveW says, "I am here" john-r says, "Hi DaveW" MikeD says, "5 of 7 sounds like a Borg designation" Greg-1 says, "Yeah. To have a board meeting, we need a simple majority of board members." kokhmmm says, "Motion:the MOON Society establishes a student/senior rate of $20 /year to include MMM elecdtonic submission." Greg-1 says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/organizing-documents/bylaws.html, X.A." dcarson says, "second" Greg-1 says, "Discussion: Does anyone know of any objections that the missing board members might have to this?" john-r says, "Scotty is here also, or back in a few" Greg-1 says, "Scotty is a non-voting ex-oficio member of the board." john-r says, "Amy and Arthur i feel are ok, i think.." kokhmmm says, "Scotty is on tghe board ex officio, but as a non-voting member" Greg-1 says, "What Peter said." john-r says, "Randell was ok, as long as scotty came up with the numbers" MikeD says, "I'm not aware of any objections. I think Arthur was actually in favor. Not sure if Randall said anything" kokhmmm says, "Scotty came up with the rate, which implies approval." Greg-1 says, "Yes." Greg-1 says, "The board can waive notice, it says here." kokhmmm says, "Randall advised me to bring the matter up in the first place when I asked him about it a month ago" Greg-1 says, "Otherwise, it takes 40 to 60 days notice to have an official board meeting." irs says, "Since we already started discussing this, I've been thinking about it, and I think it's a good idea to try, as long as we monitor the results of it." john-r says, "what ian said, if i had a vote" dcarson says, "I'll waive notice" Michael says, "give it a try... we can always change it latter...." Greg-1 says, "Yes, my understanding is that Randall is in favor of this." john-r says, "so vote already :)" Greg-1 says, "OKOKOKO..." Greg-1 says, "I waive notice of the BoD meeting." Michael says, "I move to do whatever it is that we've been talking about" kokhmmm says, "I waive notice" Greg-1 says, "Waive notice, Michael?" Michael says, "yea, I wave notice" Greg-1 says, "OK, I'll put on my president's hat and call the meeting to order, noting that it has already been moved and seconded that the Moon Society adopt a special annual membership rate of $20 per year for full-time students and senior citizens." Greg-1 says, "Is there any discussion on the motion?" Greg-1 says, "I have one: Defitin of "senior"." Greg-1 says, "65 or older?" Greg-1 says, "Will you accept that as a friendly amendment, Peter?" dcarson says, "that seems to be the norm" MikeD says, "That seems to be the usual definition of senior" kokhmmm says, "guess so, as I am 65 and a half" Scottyg-2 says, "As an expression of opinion, not a vote, I'm in favor." Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Scotyt." john-r says, "resturants say 55 or so, as a discussion item, OR let it go unsaid, and ck birthdays and see what the average age is" Greg-1 says, "Scotty, too." MikeD says, "Nice try John" john-r says, "hey i am <55" irs says, "I waive notice, too. And I think 65 is good." Greg-1 says, "If Peter will accept "65 or older" as a friendly amendment, we can proceed." kokhmmm says, "Just said I did, cause I am "or older"" Scottyg-2 says, "I think he accepted that greg." Greg-1 says, "OK, thanks, Peter. I must have overlooked it." Greg-1 says, "Any further discussion on the motion?" Scottyg-2 [to be]: a little mor explicit... Scottyg-2 says, "Age as of renewal or membership date?" Greg-1 says, "on the date of renewal"?" MikeD says, "As of renewal I would think" Scottyg-2 says, "Renewal or initial joining." kokhmmm says, "As of renewal or original membership" Greg-1 says, "OK, the motion is amended with the words "as of the date of renewal or original membership"" Greg-1 says, "Any further discussion?" irs says, "I'm good." kokhmmm says, "Any upper age to student?NSS has 22" irs says, "But I can't stay up too much later." irs says, "Why not just "full-time student"?" john-r says, "what Ian said, on time of night" kokhmmm says, "Ok" Scottyg-2 says, "Er..." MikeD says, "Most college students in this country are about 23 before the graduate" Scottyg-2 says, "We need to be a little more careful about student status." john-r says, "we need a full rewrite on motion...sombody or anybody :)" kokhmmm says, "Okay, 25 then" Greg-1 says, "Peter, would you restate the motion?" Scottyg-2 says, "For example, a student home for the summer." MikeD says, "It does need to be full time" MikeD says, "I know someone who went to college when he was 45" Greg-1 says, "How about 'enrolled as a full-time student in high school or an institute of higher education'? That would cover summer vacation." irs says, "I move we set the membership dues rate for full-time students and people aged 65 and over at $20 per year. Such membership shall include electronic newsletter as the only option." kokhmmm says, "Motion: the MOON Society establishes a student/senior rate of $20 /year to include MMM elecdtonic submission. Students must be full time. A person age 65 or older is taken as senior." Scottyg-2 says, "I think Ian's motion takes precedence." MikeD says, "Should we include a clause regarding proof of status?" john-r says, "not for now MikeD" kokhmmm says, "Rewrite: Motion: the MOON Society establishes a student/senior rate of $20 /year to include MMM electronic submission. Students must be enrolled full time in a highs school or institution of higher learning. A person age 65 or older is taken as senior." MikeD says, "We don't have to ask for it, but at least we could ask for it without having another meeting" irs says, "What's wrong with elementary or middle school students?" john-r says, "tooo young?" Scottyg-2 says, "Verification of status shall be at the discretion of the Membership Chairman." MikeD says, "No Credit Cards" kokhmmm says, "Younger students are probably fronts for parents" Greg-1 says, "That's good, Scotty." irs says, "I sure wasn't." john-r says, "we have no youth orinated capability" irs says, "We have no young members to bother with the capability. Gotta have the need first." john-r says, "true" MikeD says, "But would we be in a position to service younger kids needs" john-r says, "side note OPMS is in process in my mind when the need comes up" Scottyg-2 says, "I would substitute enrolled as a full time student in an addcredited educational institution." MikeD says, "They're full of questions" irs says, "I don't see any trouble accepting any young person as a student member, and I find it exceedingly rare that parents would use their children to save the $15 a year." Scottyg-2 says, "accredited even." MikeD says, "One can always offer a family rate at some time" kokhmmm says, "Scotty, are we going to have to print all the "fine print"on our flyers?" MikeD says, "Can our printers print that small?" Scottyg-2 says, "No, that sort of stuff can be published on the web." kokhmmm says, "I'm okay with that, Scotty" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I like Scotty's wording." kokhmmm says, "We seem agreed on the idea. We can fine tune the fine print for the web later. SAo let's vote aye or nay." john-r says, "so can Scotty give a full rewrit of motion" irs says, "So home-schooled kids don't count? Aw, never mind." kokhmmm says, "Rewrite: Motion: the MOON Society establishes a student/senior rate of $20 /year to include MMM electronic submission. Students must be enrolled full time in a highs school or accredited institution of higher learning. A person age 65 or older is taken as senior." MikeD says, "Unless you make it 'under 16 or attending an accredited educational institute'" john-r says, "the parents of home-scoo;ed may write in why not, and we can see when and if they do write in..maybe" Scottyg-2 says, "I propose: Motion: The Moon Society hereby establishes student and senior class memberships with an annual dues of $20.00. Senior status requires the attainment of age 65 or above on or before the date of original membership or renewal. Student membership requires full-time enrollment in an accredited educational institution. Verification of member status shall be at the discretion of the Membership chairman." dcarson says, "I'll second that" kokhmmm says, "Third" Greg-1 says, "Yeah." Scottyg-2 says, "No, you have to make the motion. I can;t make a motion." john-r says, "since 4th is no count, i fourth it" kokhmmm says, "I repeat Scotty's moltion" irs says, "Left out the electronic newsletter only option." irs says, "I like my proposed motion, but then, that's me." Scottyg-2 says, "Darn. just a sec." kokhmmm says, "I propose: Motion: The Moon Society hereby establishes student and senior class memberships with an annual dues of $20.00 which shall include electonic edition of MMM. Senior status requires the attainment of age 65 or above on or before the date of original membership or renewal. Student membership requires full-time enrollment in an accredited educational institution. Verification of member status shall be at the discretion of the Membership chairman." MikeD says, "Technically a home-scooled kid is attending an accredited institution" Greg-1 says, "What Mike said. My son is home-schooled, and it takes a lot to get the accreditation to do it." Scottyg-2 says, "I propose: Motion: The Moon Society hereby establishes student and senior class memberships with an annual dues of $20.00. These classes are available only with electronic newsletter subscription. Senior status requires the attainment of age 65 or above on or before the date of original membership or renewal. Student membership requires full-time enrollment in an accredited educational institution. Verification of member status shall be at the discretion of the Membership chairman." irs says, "Didn't know that, Greg and Mike. OK." kokhmmm says, "So that a board member makews the motion, I echo: I propose: Motion: The Moon Society hereby establishes student and senior class memberships with an annual dues of $20.00. Senior status requires the attainment of age 65 or above on or before the date of original membership or renewal. Student membership requires full-time enrollment in an accredited educational institution. Verification of member status shall be at the discretion of the Membership chairman." MikeD says, "Greg, do parents who home-school their kids have all sorts of paperwork showing that they have special permission to do so?" Greg-1 says, "OK, Dana, will you reaffirm your second of Peter's amended motion?" dcarson says, "second" Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Dana." Greg-1 says, "Mike, it depends on the state. Nevada and New York are more strict than Texas." kokhmmm says, "Vote aye" dcarson says, "aye" Greg-1 says, "aye" irs says, "Sure, it's fine, if a bit wordy. Aye." kokhmmm says, "Michael? David?" MikeD says, "I know that it's really hard to get permission for home schooling over here" Greg-1 says, "Michael, I think you're the only voting board member we haven't heard from." MikeD pokes at Michael. MikeD says, "It's only 11:15 there, he couldn't be asleep yet" Greg-1 says, "Well... with four board members voting in favor of the motion and one apparently happily snoozing, the chairman pro-tem declares that the motion passes. " MikeD says, "He already said he was your Yes man anyway" Greg-1 says, "Is there any further business to come before the board tonight?" Greg-1 says, "LOL" john-r says, "aaaaaaa. what about the MMM pdf??" Greg-1 says, "Is that a thing for the board, John?" john-r says, "yup" john-r says, "the rate is for MMM pdf only" john-r says, "i thought" MikeD says, "It wasn't included in the wording" irs says, "I was reading Scotty's wording, which had that in." Greg-1 says, "It says here: These classes are available only with electronic newsletter subscription. " Greg-1 says, "So we got it." john-r says, "ok" Greg-1 reads the meeting agenda MikeD reads the meeting agenda kokhmmm says, "Motion the board adjourn" irs says, "Ian levers his eye-lids open." Greg-1 says, "I don't see any more board business, so without objection, I'll declare the board meeting adjourned." john-r says, "just in time for the sleep bell :)" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, it's getting pretty late." john-r says, "Nite all" Greg-1 says, "G'night, John." john-r says, "Some one needs to turn off the recorder" dcarson reads the meeting agenda kokhmmm says, "Thanks everyone! " MikeD says, "That last item actually fits nicely into 2 sections" Greg-1 says, "Seeing no object, the board meeting is adjourned." Greg-1 says, "objection, too" MikeD has no objection but also has no vote john-r has disconnected. MikeD says, "I think these meetings should be held earlier" Greg-1 says, "Trouble is, they're timed to allow folks to get home from work on the west coast." Scottyg-2 says, "Trouble is, any earlier is too early for Pacific time zone." Scottyg-2 says, "GMTA" MikeD says, "There's only one person here on Pacific time" Michael votes yes! MikeD says, "LOL" Greg-1 says, "Me?" Michael looses! Greg-1 says, "Thank you, Michael?" MikeD says, "Yup You Greg" irs says, "Tim's west coast, when he's around, or is he permanently not around now?" Michael says, "sorry...was walking the dog and getting a drink" MikeD says, "Tim's not really all that active these days" irs says, "Yeah, OK." Scottyg-2 says, "But we have others that participate from time-to-time." MikeD says, "And he's not in the Leadership council anymore" MikeD says, "Like um... Chip, and Me when I'm in CA" kokhmmm says, "Time for bed or whatever. Good night all." Scottyg-2 says, "Yep, yep." kokhmmm has disconnected. Scottyg-2 says, "Good night Peter!" MikeD says, "4:23am and alls well" MikeD says, "I wouldn't go changing the meeting times yet. Let's see what time zone I settle in for longer than 6 months at a time" The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. MikeD says, "But it sure looks like the California economy is shot" Scottyg-2 says, "Time for me to go. See ya'll in a couple of weeks." irs says, "Unless I'm needed further tonight, bed is calling." MikeD says, "I've been in bed for the last 2 hours" irs says, "I'll take that as a no, since it's late. Good night, guys." irs has disconnected. Scottyg-2 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Scottyg-2. MikeD leaves. DaveW leaves. The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. Michael goes home. Greg-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Greg-1. Severy has arrived. -- End log: Thursday, August 21, 2003 7:27:48 am ASI Meeting Server time --