-- Start log: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:29:54 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- saavik says, "I didn't expect you all to wait for me" Severy switches places with Severy-4 Severy-4 says, "We were waiting for a variety of things, Amy :-)" Arthur says, "Randall was on the phone" MikeD says, "Ack! It's the Severy dance" Severy-4 says, "Anyway, let's get this show on the road..." Severy-4 says, "Starting off with an elections update from Peter" Greg-1 says, "(Sorry I'm late. Things have been frenetic around here and I lost track of what day it was. Oops.)" kokhmmm says, "So far I have about 20 or so ballots now. Got a flurry after the second email." saavik says, "I think we only had 35 or so last time" saavik says, "but 20 is pretty pathetic" saavik says, "I can say that now that they include mine. has everyone here voted?" john-r says, "21 , i have to send mine in" MikeD says, "I'll wager most at this meeting haven't voted yet" Scottyg-1 says, "I have one here that came by mail" Severy-4 says, "I haven't voted yet" MikeD says, "nor me" Scottyg-1 says, "I voted." kokhmmm says, "Me too" kokhmmm says, "And Greg" Greg-1 puts on his "I voted!" button. Arthur says, "I voted" kokhmmm says, "And Dav3e" MikeD says, "I can't seem to decide" saavik says, "yeah the one contested election to decide on :-)" saavik says, "I hope you vote for me Mike! :-)" Arthur says, "All candidates were good this time, and there's only the one contested..." MikeD says, "It's the contested one that's stumping me" kokhmmm says, "Anyway, I am leaving on a 2-3 week trip Friday morning. Will have limited and scattered Interntet access at best. Need to know how you want me to proceed. Tally the votes I have on the 1st and send those results to Scotty, or forward the email ballots to Scotty." saavik says, "wasn't miked part of the tally team?" saavik says, "he said he had experience at it" MikeD says, "yes, it's because it's PR" kokhmmm says, "I can forward the ballots to whomever should get them so that several people tally them." MikeD says, "but PR doesn't work very well for a 4 horse race with 3 places" Greg-1 says, "Hmm... the last time we had to check and recheck the procedure for preferential voting." MikeD says, "Unless someone seriously exceeds quota and the distibution helps the one with the lowest count of 1st prefs" kokhmmm says, "How does the weighted voting work? 4 votes for 1st choice, 1 for 4th choice etc.?" Greg-1 says, "No, not weighted voting." Greg-1 reads the meeting agenda MikeD says, "1 thru 4 in order of preference" kokhmmm says, "So we tally how many 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and 4th place each of the four candidates gets?" Greg-1 says, "Yes, preferential voting. The counting procedure is a bit much to go into tonight, but basically you count up all the 1's. If there is no clear majority, the least 1-getter is eliminated and the 2's on those ballots become 1's, etc." MikeD says, "you start with 1st prefs" Greg-1 says, "If Peter will be off line, we need a tally that shows each ballot's 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. choices." MikeD says, "So do we go with majority or or quota?" saavik suggests that we discuss how to get more votes instead of counting themnow Greg-1 says, "What is "quota" in this context?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, what Amy said." MikeD says, "quota is something that is used in Proportional Rep voting" Greg-1 says, "I seen two open issues: (1) How to get folks to vote. (2) How to get the data from Peter so that we can count the ballots." Greg-1 says, "(See, too.)" MikeD says, "where surpluses can be redistributed" kokhmmm says, "Actually, we only have to figure out which one of the four candidates comes out on the bottom." Greg-1 says, "Mike, no, that's not how we count preferential ballots." MikeD says, "Ok, so you go with majority?" Greg-1 says, "Mike, yes." saavik says, "(2) is addressed via email, I assume Greg. But do we have ideas for (1)?" kokhmmm says, "Is the one with the most (4) votes out?" Greg-1 says, "A majority of about 15% of the total electorate... hmmm... actually, for an organization like this that's not too bad." Greg-1 says, "Peter, no, that won't work." MikeD says, "then eliminate the lowest and redistribute their votes, which in this case would be pointless" Greg-1 says, "Let's cover the intracies of counting preferential ballots in the list. Otherwise we'll be here for hours on that one subject." john-r says, "good idea" saavik nods. saavik says, "so any ideas on (1)?" saavik says, "or do we accept 15%?" Severy-4 says, "Send out one more reminder?" Scottyg-1 says, "Fortunately, with only a small number of candidates, the counting procedure won't be too long." kokhmmm says, "Okay, oin the first I will send a list of howmany 1, 2, 3, and 4 votes each of the 4 candidates got, and you guys can figure it out. " MikeD says, "we have to accept what we can get" john-r says, "Scotty has access to the elections, so he can e-mail to Mike to count and mike can send the tally to scotty and peter to verify, and if all is ok to Amy, which i think is needed by the by-laws" Greg-1 says, "Peter, no. We need a listing of each ballot." MikeD says, "what Greg said" Greg-1 says, "A summary listing won't work." kokhmmm says, "There IS a trend in the voting, but I won't leak it!" MikeD wagers Randall got all the 1st pref votes saavik says, "especially don't leak it to someone who hasn't voted yet!" kokhmmm says, "Do you need to know the identity or number of each voter?" saavik says, "I distributed them anonymously last year peter" Greg-1 says, "Peter, no, just the data on the ballot." saavik says, "via an excel spreadsheet" Greg-1 says, "Yes, that's a great way to do it, Amy." kokhmmm says, "Okay, I can do that, Greg." Scottyg-1 says, "Peter, I suggest you number each ballot, then report them by that number." Greg-1 says, "I'm inclined to think another reminder won't have much effect." Scottyg-1 says, "That way thay can be cross-checked if needed." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, what Scotty said. That provides traceability we can go back and check." kokhmmm says, "Okay, IF there are 26 or less, I'll assign each a letter." Greg-1 says, "... though it would be nice if everyone in the Leadership Council would send a note to Peter, even if it's "no preference."" saavik says, "Peter are you leaving before the 1st?" kokhmmm says, "Yes, on Friday morning, in two days." Greg-1 says, "*gleep*" saavik says, "then does anyone else have access to the elections@moonsociety.org mailbox in case we get votes while you are gone?" Greg-1 says, "For how long, Peter?" kokhmmm says, "For 2-3 weeks. But I should be able to get Interne access here and there." Greg-1 says, "Oh my. How is elections@moonsociety.org set up?" saavik is having net connection problems kokhmmm says, "It goes to me > kokhmmm@aol.com but I see no problem in tallying everything on the first." Severy-4 says, "Ok, I have now voted" Greg-1 says, "Oh, OK. I'll not worry then. :)" Greg-1 says, "Randall: Hooray!" saavik says, "ok, sounds good" dcarson arrives. Greg-1 says, "I think that does it for Elections tonight, then." saavik reads the meeting agenda dcarson reads the meeting agenda MikeD says, "I have also voted and it's virus free" saavik says, "LOL" saavik says, "ok, so who is next?" MikeD says, "Amy, I only gave you a 1 is that ok?" saavik says, "yeah, that sounds great mike :-)" MikeD says, "yeah, that part was a no brainer" Severy-4 says, "Next up is Membership Services" Severy-4 says, "Arthur and Scotty, can you give us an update?" Scottyg-1 says, "Arthur, you want to carry the ball?" Scottyg-1 says, "Well, since he's being quiet..." Scottyg-1 says, "We met with James last Thursday and talked things over." Greg-1 says, "Did we lose Arthur? He's been quite since 9:32 PM" Greg-1 says, "quiet, too" Scottyg-1 says, "I emphasized to him that we need to at least keep up on entering renewals/memberships into Team Director, and that our goal was to have those done within two weeks of the payment." Scottyg-1 says, "He acknowledged that, but said he simply could not accomplish tasks that required any concentration. He was apologetic, and thought he would be getting better by now, but it hasn't worked out that way." Greg-1 says, "Rats." Scottyg-1 says, "We agreed to touch base again tonight, but he hasn't shown up, and he hasn't made any progress on the backlog since the night we met." kokhmmm says, "I take it, he would be glad to be off the hook." Scottyg-1 says, "I think thats a fair way to put it Peter." kokhmmm says, "Do we have another volunteer?" Scottyg-1 says, "Not for my part of the Earth." MikeD says, "I can't see how it's so difficult, he spends 12 hours a day at a computer anyway" Scottyg-1 says, "for = from." DaveW-1 says, "how much work is really involved?" Scottyg-1 says, "Mike, I agree - its not difficult. I'm just passing along the gist of what was said." MikeD says, "Not tht much work at all" MikeD says, "I mean, what is there to doing renewals apart from checking that the contact addresses are correct and entering the updates" Scottyg-1 says, "The major part of the work is doing the mailings. Posters in tubes, bumper stickers in manila envelopes, prepare mailing labels, carry it all to the PO for postage." Scottyg-1 says, "Entering data in Team Director shouldn't take more than 5 minutes per membership." Severy-4 says, "If we do need to find a replacement for James, does anyone have any suggestions?" Arthur says, "We did update the payments info for all the recent entries (up through beginning of August) - basically the backlog is 1 month right now." MikeD says, "But Scotty, there are only so many renewals and even less new memberships" dcarson says, "and this does actually pay a little" Arthur says, "James was on last night by the way, but we didn't talk about memberships" Scottyg-1 says, "The backlog at the moment is 12 memberships." Arthur says, "In fact he was on earlier today..." MikeD says, "He was able to mail a motherboard to me today" MikeD says, "Or so he said" Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking that if James doesn't think he can do it, we should accept his judgement about that." Scottyg-1 says, "His problem is a brain problem. Physically he's in reasonably good shape." Severy-4 says, "He may be daunted by the scope of the overall work and that may prevent him from starting any of it" MikeD says, "Yes, but who do we get to replace him. I can't do it from here, the cost would be prohibitive." Arthur says, "Is there anyone here who would jump at the chance to do this?" kokhmmm says, "Could we add this position to the Volunteer page, and ask for a retired person, perhaps?" Greg-1 says, "I have a couple of folks I could ask if they want to do it." Scottyg-1 says, "The ideal person would be a retired person or an older houswife." DaveW-1 says, "If I gets be a crisis, I will consider it" MikeD says, "Great! What if Ken Williams asks for the job Peter?" Greg-1 says, "It sounds like it's one of those tasks that doesn't require a lot of time, but is urgent to get done when we get a new member." Arthur says, "It does involve access to credit card data for people; should be somebody the society can put some trust in..." kokhmmm says, "Ken is 50-something. Does he have the time?" MikeD says, "There's no reason for processing to take more than a week" Scottyg-1 says, "Yes - I would not want to hand it to someone unknown." kokhmmm says, "Another option is to see if a chapter or outpost wants to tackle this." john-r says, "theres a thought Peter" Arthur says, "It's probably best if it's somebody one or more of us personally knows and can vouch for..." Arthur says, "Greg, can you describe the people you have in mind?" Scottyg-1 says, "I think we should begin pursuing alternatives. I don't think its going to work out with James." MikeD says, "I have to agree with Scotty" MikeD says, "All the signs I've seen over the last couple of months indicate that is the case" Arthur says, "Actually, it doesn't necessarily have to involve access to the credit-card data. The mailings and data entry can be separate, I guess I mean." kokhmmm says, "The present delays only discourage new and renewing members. Potentially a high price for putting off decisive action." saavik runs away screaming from Ken Greg-1 says, "Arthur, I'm thinking of gal I know personally. She's working as a legal secretary; handles very personal data all the time; has net connectivity; has proven very reliable." Greg-1 says, "She is not a member of the Moon Society, however." Arthur says, "Greg, sounds good. " kokhmmm says, "We could make her an honorary member" MikeD says, "Was Jennifer a member?" Greg-1 says, "No, she wasn't." Severy-4 says, "Moon Society membership is not required for the position" MikeD says, "So the precedent of having a non member do the job has already been set" kokhmmm says, "But we need someone who will take the job seriously and prioritize it." Arthur says, "From the contract it looks like one could expect to spend 10 minutes/member, so about 2 hours of work a month, about $18/hour... would that be of interest to somebody like that?" MikeD says, "Peter, they really only need to give it a couple of hours a week, just as long as the mail goes out every Friday" MikeD says, "If I could get 100 to 160 similar contracts, I'd have my own business" MikeD says, "What about a company? Could we use a company? And would one be interested?" Severy-4 says, "I tried to look for such a company before James was mentioned and had trouble finding such an animal" john-r says, "we have talked on that before Mike" Arthur says, "Any objections to Greg asking his person first? I think that's a good option" Severy-4 says, "I think Greg's suggestion is a good first step" kokhmmm says, "A marketing company would probably charge to much" MikeD says, "Does this person live close enough to Greg for him to be able to annoy her when needed?" Greg-1 says, "I should be able to get an answer tomorrow." Greg-1 says, "Mike, she comes over for lunch every work day. :)" MikeD says, "Yeah its probably too small for a company to take on" saavik says, "is she married to someone at the company?" MikeD says, "That's close enough" Greg-1 says, "One question before I ask her: Are we SURE we want to switch from James?" MikeD says, "that's "need to know only" Amy" Greg-1 says, "Actually, daughter of someone who works for the company." kokhmmm says, "I could ask the mother of one of our LRS members - she colates, folds, staples, and labels each issue of MMM for nothing, every month, and is not even a member" dcarson says, "if James doesn't think he can we sould find someone new" MikeD says, "When was the last time anybody got any membership packages or a snailed reminder?" dcarson says, "don't let it get bad again" Scottyg-1 says, "Jennifer was up to date thru sometime in May on membership packages." Greg-1 says, "Dana, yeah. I just wanted to make sure that we weren't going to blind-side James with this decision. But if he wants off the hook for sure, let's do it." MikeD says, "I think, from a comment he made some time ago, that he actually regretted his decision to take it on" Scottyg-1 says, "I don't think James will object. My reading of him is that he feels bad about not being able to get it done." kokhmmm says, "We can always thank James for what he has done when we tell him. " MikeD says, "How much has he actually done?" Scottyg-1 says, "About a dozen memberships. No mailouts." Greg-1 says, "OK." Scottyg-1 says, "He had barely gotten started when he had a "spell"" MikeD says, "The mailouts are vital, they're the only tangible link" Greg-1 says, "She said she'd be interested. I can explain it to her and show her the Team Director system tomorrow, and get a definite answer." Greg-1 says, "Erm... where's the current contract with James." MikeD says, "leaders site I think" Scottyg-1 says, "Greg, there's a copy of the existing contract in the BOD private directory on Moon Society... http://www.moonsociety.org/private/board/contracts iirc." Scottyg-1 says, "Show her that when you talk to her." Greg-1 says, "Scotty, I'll do that." Severy-4 says, "Ok, anything else on Membership Services?" Scottyg-1 says, "Greg, you'll also need to show her the online registration system back-end at https://www.moonsociety.org/admin" Scottyg-1 says, "Make sure you can log in there." saavik says, "someone should officialy ensure that james is ok with being done with the job" Greg-1 says, "Scotty, yup, I'm in." Scottyg-1 says, "Lets see if we have a replacement first." Arthur says, "I've talked with James enough about it, and Scotty has, I think this is fine." saavik says, "ok" saavik says, "I just want to make sure that is all" Arthur says, "Peter's person might be good too. Let's try that if Greg's says no." MikeD says, "James actually said to me, shortly after he took the job, "I think I should aske Randall and Scotty to let me off the hook" or something very similar to that" kokhmmm says, "Yes, try Greg's lead first, because my gal is on vacation, I think." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, if she wants to do this, we'll KNOW that it'll get done." Greg-1 says, "So... who will contact James?" MikeD says, "In fact, stressing about his inability to do the job may actually be exacerbating his condition" kokhmmm says, "Actually, the person I had in mind is not on the Internet and would be good (excellent!) for the mailings part of it only." Scottyg-1 says, "James is already aware that we expect better than he has been doing, and he answered with comments that he didn't think he could do much better, so this shouldn't be a surprise." Greg-1 says, "Oops. Being able to enter the data is vital, Peter." kokhmmm says, "Someone could send her the list of addresses to get the posters, etc." dcarson says, "since the posters are here would you like me to mail a batch to catch up on that part?" kokhmmm says, "Just an idea if you want to split the job in half" Severy-4 says, "Arthur or Scotty, can you talk to James about this?" kokhmmm says, "Dana, I'd have to ask her first, and she is out of town, and I will be too, shortly." MikeD says, "I dont think the job should be split, it's just not necessary" Scottyg-1 says, "I think I agree with Greg. Part of the job is entering the registrations data into team director, sending email notifications, troubleshooting errors, updating member data, etc." Scottyg-1 says, "I don't think it splits very well." MikeD says, "probably not" kokhmmm says, "Okay, just a thought" dcarson says, "I mean I can get mailing tubes and mail the set of backloged ones, I can't do the rest of the packet but I could catch up that part for us" Scottyg-1 says, "Lets see if Greg's person wants to do that first Dana." Scottyg-1 says, "I will be much easier if its all in one place." Greg-1 says, "For sure." dcarson says, "ok" Arthur says, "As soon as we here from Greg, or any other alternative, I'll be sure to let James know we do have a replacement. He asked about it in our last email exchange on the subject, and I said we didn't have anybody particular in mind yet." Arthur says, "hear too" Scottyg-1 says, "hear here." Greg-1 says, "OK, so we have at least one opportunity to get us back on track in that department. Does that do it for that agenda item for tonight?" Arthur says, "We should be able to use the existing contract unless they have some objection to it, so that shouldn't take long to arrange. Scotty will have to send out information, and he or I could go over the data entry piece..." Greg-1 says, "Oh... what's the URL for Team Director?" Scottyg-1 says, "I think we've done as much as we can." Arthur says, "moonsociety.org/teamdir" Scottyg-1 says, "Umm...http://www.moonsociety.org/teamdir/teamdir/" Greg-1 says, "Yup, that works." john-r says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/teamdir/" Greg-1 says, "Arthur's URL works, too." Scottyg-1 says, "Didn't know it worked that way." Greg-1 says, "Pretty clever, them CyberTeams. :)" Scottyg-1 says, "Requires a bit of Apache trickery to get that to work." Scottyg-1 says, "Oops, my URL shouldn't have had the trailing "/"" Greg-1 says, "Yeah." Greg-1 says, "'zat it for membership services for tonight?" Greg-1 says, "(Mailing lists are the next agenda item.)" john-r reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "are we calm for mailing lists tonight?" Greg-1 says, "LOL" Severy-4 says, "Yup, the artemis-list issue is next, how was that left last meeting?" john-r says, "nice one Amy" MikeD says, "discuss@moonsociety.org is all setup and operational, but nobody seems quite sure what to do with it" john-r says, "Mike and I set up a private team discuss" MikeD says, "Mike and you?" Greg-1 says, "The outstanding question is what to do with our new toy." john-r says, "i was there pushing :)" john-r says, "and cheering" Greg-1 says, "'Hooray for Mike!'" MikeD says, "You only had to push because I knew this part of the conversation was going to approach even sooner if I actually did it" john-r says, "true" MikeD says, "Is it members only?" MikeD says, "Should it be managed by Team Director?" saavik says, "now now boys" john-r says, "yea-em AMy :)" john-r says, "yes-em also" Severy-4 says, "It can't be managed by Team Director if non-members can join" saavik says, "you can both take credit and move on :-)" MikeD says, "And who's going to setup the link on the membership page so the members can subscribe when they join" john-r says, "Last meeting Log was unclear on member vs non member" MikeD says, "I felt it was going to be members only, but I wasn't sure." Scottyg-1 says, "I don't think a decision was reached on that part." MikeD says, "Right now it's members only and private" Greg-1 says, "Peter had strong arguments for members-only, so I'm leaning that way." Scottyg-1 says, "Private as in only list members can post?" Greg-1 says, "It works for Zube, after all. :)" Scottyg-1 says, "I also lean toward members only." MikeD says, "private as in only people with admin permissions can see it" saavik warns that bedtime is approaching soon as she is teaching in the am MikeD says, "Not point in making it public before we know what it is" saavik says, "err tomorrow that is (not am)" MikeD says, "teaching in the tomorrow?" MikeD says, "Isn't that bad grammar?" DaveW arrives. saavik says, "yeah yeah" saavik says, "teaching math-type stuff tomorrow too. so i need to sleep well first :-)" Arthur says, "Mike, what is needed to open it up to all members? Just change a flag, and that's it? " Arthur says, "There were some reply-to settings that needed looking into, as I recall" Greg-1 says, "Sleep is good! (Especially now that I'm in the same time zone as Amy.)" MikeD says, "All those settings have been fixed Arthur, it just needs to be flagged." MikeD says, "or deflagged" kokhmmm says, "Greg, have you relocated?" saavik says, "you are?" Arthur says, "Right. So the main question is the "what it is" one?" MikeD says, "that and where do we put the links to it" Arthur says, "John, any opinions on links?" john-r says, "On the Join PAge and on the team page" saavik says, "where did you move greg?" Arthur says, "Somebody said he was just traveling" Greg-1 says, "Amy: Oswego, NY" MikeD says, "wtfi Oswego?" Arthur says, "John, that sounds right. By the join page you mean the secure registration page? That could wait a week or two while we get the list going" Greg-1 says, "(And I just now updated my listing in Team Director.)" john-r says, "and if it is a members only list/team, then its use is as much to retain members, as a public list is in part a way to add members" Greg-1 says, "Mike: SNOW." MikeD says, "huh?" Arthur says, "depends what mike's "W" question was... ?" Arthur says, "Oswego is in upstate NY, almost in Canada..." MikeD says, "it was a Where" john-r says, "Mike hun for whos comments?" john-r says, "huh" MikeD says, "trying to figure out SNOW" john-r says, "ahhh" saavik says, "I think it was where the f is oswego" Arthur says, "I'm guessing Greg though 'W' meant "why", not "where"" saavik says, "ok, what is in oswego besides snow?" MikeD says, "it couldn't be knee deep in snow yet" kokhmmm says, "Greg, I will be out your way on my way back home, through the Adirondacks in early October." Greg-1 says, "Oh. Oswego is right on Lake Ontario in upstate New York. We moved The Lunar Resources Company here." Greg-1 says, "Peter, neat!" Scottyg-1 says, "I wouldn't place too many bets about the snow. I snowed in Colorado last week." MikeD says, "Colorado is at high altitude" Severy-4 is back Severy-4 says, "Sorry, I was on the phone again" Arthur says, "Uh-oh, there's too many of us in NY now :-)" saavik says, "neato" Severy-4 says, "If the new discuss list is members-only, it definitely should be managed by Team Director" saavik says, "and you moved out of bigelow to run lunar resources>" saavik says, "err >" saavik says, "err ?" Greg-1 says, "Hmm... we're tight on time so I don't want to lead us into a personal chat session. My apologies." saavik says, "damn mac keyboard" Severy-4 says, "It would then show up automatically in the /teams page" MikeD says, "I vote the meetings be changed to 6 PM Eastern Time" Greg-1 says, "Amy, yes." Arthur says, "Randall, yes - I think it's already there (at least I see it on the /teams page)" saavik says, "interesting" MikeD says, "Arthur, you have Admin Permissions don't you?" saavik says, "I vote no on the meeting time change" Arthur says, "I guess - I expect that's why I see it, right" saavik says, "too early" Arthur says, "7:30 PM?" Greg-1 says, "I think the major question here is whether discuss@moonsociety.org should be members-only." Arthur says, "I'm ok with members-only. Let's try it." Greg-1 says, "Anybody got a cogent argument for making it a public forum?" dcarson says, "members only sounds OK" MikeD says, "John mentioned "moderation" I would recommend against that" Severy-4 says, "Definitely not moderated" john-r says, "Mike is it less time consuming to have a members list ran by team dir OR a public list with major domo ? your time to admin i mean" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, majordomo doesn't have good moderation tools." MikeD says, "John, if it was just a majordomo list it would have been done before the last meeting finished" john-r says, "Ty Mike, thats what i thought, just wanted to ck" MikeD says, "I can setup a simple list in seconds. Thanks mainly to Arthur" Arthur says, "Hey, I've definitely completely forgotten that. But thanks for the credit :-)" MikeD says, "It's the Team Dir aspsct that takes a little more time." MikeD says, "You wrote a script for me" saavik says, "ok, I'm out of here" saavik says, "anything for me before I leave?" john-r says, "Nite Amy" dcarson says, "gnight" Arthur is tickled by vague ancient memories saavik has disconnected. kokhmmm says, "Amy, mail me your list of 10 K suggestions you received to date." Greg-1 says, "G'night, Amy" john-r says, "Peter that may be in the leaders archives" john-r says, "for the leaders list" Arthur says, "Amy didn't want it at 6 pm, but she usually has to leave first. Should we consider 7:30? Do we have anybody on pacific time any more?" MikeD says, "We have nobody on Pacific time any more" Greg-1 says, "Earlier would be gooder for me." Arthur says, "At least two on Central, anybody Mountain?" Arthur says, "And one on European time..." MikeD says, "British time Arthur" kokhmmm says, "Thanks, John" Arthur says, "oh yeah" kokhmmm says, "Three on Central, Me, John, Scotty" MikeD says, "If I was on European time I'd be gone already" MikeD says, "So shifting forward 2 hours wouldn't be impossible for you Peter?" kokhmmm says, "Guess it makes sense to make it convenient for the Eastern Time flks" Greg-1 says, "I can be on line pretty much any time, so 2 hours is good for me." kokhmmm says, "folks" Arthur says, "7:00 pm then?" Scottyg-1 says, "We seem to be skirting the members-only issue. I suggest we tqake a vote." Arthur says, "I'll email the leaders list and see what Amy thinks..." Greg-1 says, "7:00 PM Eastern US time." Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Arthur." MikeD says, "as opposed to Eastern European time which would kill us all" john-r says, "8 eastern may be the best for me " Greg-1 says, "Hmmm... should we do a straw poll on the Leaders list?" The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. Severy-4 says, "I'm for members-only" kokhmmm says, "An hour earlier than it has been would be fine. Two hours earlier, ugh!" Scottyg-1 says, "I'll probably be late for a meeting earlier that 8:30 Eastern time." kokhmmm says, "Members only" Greg-1 says, "Members-only is good" Scottyg-1 says, "members-only" dcarson says, "members only" MikeD says, "So it looks like the meeting times may remain unchanged" john-r says, "members only if i had a vote" Scottyg-1 says, "We all have a vote in the Leaders council." MikeD says, "I already set it up as members only, so I don't care" Greg-1 says, "I think you do, John, since you're in the Leadership Council." john-r says, "maybe an hour earlier Mike" kokhmmm says, "No, it is currently 9 Eastern. If we met an hour earlier. some would be late, but what's new about that?" MikeD says, "true" Greg-1 says, "Speaking of the time, it's time for me to be toddling off, too." Scottyg-1 says, "I often work till 7:00 PM Central time, and it takes me 30 minutes to drive home." john-r says, "so the list is members only - any disagree?" Greg-1 says, "I'll leave the MOO open and try to catch up in the morning." Greg-1 says, "G'night, folks!" john-r says, "Nite Greg" Scottyg-1 says, "G'nite!" kokhmmm says, "I have an idea I'd like to float. You can all think about it, and have it on the agenda next time. NSS might form a Moon-SIG and be open for joint projects. That way we could get projects off the ground. Anyone interested in me pushing this, let me know, also send project ideas" john-r says, "sig?" MikeD says, "John and Arthur, you guys need to go to http://www.moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/teamwsdexpress/discuss/wsd and edit the summary.html file and also the 2 .msg files" kokhmmm says, "Special Interest Group, John" john-r says, "ty Peter" john-r says, "Mike i will do that no later than fri, and chat with Arthur on the rules" john-r says, "then next week or in 2 weeks go live" MikeD says, "the rules should be set out in the welcome messages" john-r says, "i agree Mike" MikeD says, "So, I see, after all the pushing, now that I'm ready, you're not! :-)" john-r says, "yup, :) hurry up to wait" kokhmmm says, "But I already joined!" john-r says, "Peter we mean the rest of the members to go live" MikeD says, "But Peter, the chances are that you'l be writing the rules, so that doesn't matter" MikeD says, "Or at least some of the rules" Severy-4 says, "I need to wander off as well, I've been up since 6:30 am, I'll leave this window open to catch up on anything else later and stop the recorder when everyone is done" Arthur says, "Peter, I'm happy working with NSS, as I guess you know :-)" MikeD says, "Oh, I forgot one thing, should I include the html stripper whatever it's called?" john-r says, "Nite Randall" kokhmmm says, "Arthur, did you know that I was NSS life member #2?" dcarson says, "pleas, html mail is evil" kokhmmm says, "I mean "am"" Scottyg-1 says, "Glad to see you're still with us Peter. :=)" Scottyg-1 says, "Peter, I'm generally in favor of cooperation with other groups interested in the Moon." john-r says, "Mike I agree that html should be stripped" MikeD will have to go back and look in /virtual/moonsociety/conf to see how we did that kokhmmm says, "Arthur, if we set up a Moon_SIG in NSS, there would be you, me, Bryce Walden and others. NSS only members would join, and we'd have a broader base for "jpomt" projects" MikeD says, "jpomt?" john-r says, "joint" kokhmmm says, "joint" MikeD says, "must have had your fingers on the wrong keys" kokhmmm says, "I think we have enough active dual members to organize the SIG and get it recognized." Arthur says, "I think it's a good idea" Scottyg-1 says, "This might require some care to head off turf battles." Arthur says, "I'm getting abit worn out here... I do think starting earlier would help us get a bit more done in these meetings." kokhmmm says, "I got the idea after talking to Jeff Liss. Of course, he wants us to merge with NSS "as" a SIG. I think my idea is better." MikeD says, "If it involves joining NSS, I'm afraid you'll have to count me out for now" john-r says, "Me too on NSS, one group is a handfull :)" john-r says, "but i am in favor of joint projects" Arthur says, "Peter, why don't you gather some more info on what it all means and email the leaders list?" kokhmmm says, "No, Mike. those of us already in NSS would organize it from that end, invite NSS only people and then collaborate with what we are doing in the Moon Society." kokhmmm says, "Will do." MikeD says, "It's not the froup, it's my finances, I can't afford coffee let alone membership of abother group" Scottyg-1 says, "I think Moon Society exists because we weren't satisfied with what NSS was doing." john-r says, "Scotty are you or were you NSS ?" MikeD says, "Ahh, I see what you mean now Peter" Scottyg-1 says, "So I think merging is out of the question." Arthur says, "I get the feeling quite a few organizations exist because of people not happy with NSS :-)" Scottyg-1 says, "John, no." kokhmmm says, "By all means we should stay independent, Scotty. But this way, collaborating with our own "5th column" inside NSS, we woud have access to more resources, people, money, tools, publicity, etc." MikeD says, "not a merging, more of a limited strategic partnership" Scottyg-1 says, "Cooperation could have good benefits. I just needs to be thought out carefully." kokhmmm says, "Right now the Moon Society collaborates with two NSS chapters. Oregon L5 and LRS. The new Moon-SIG would make a third, and be more broadly based" Scottyg-1 says, "My fingers seem to be incapable of typing "It"" john-r says, "thats ok Scotty, i never caught the error" Scottyg-1 says, "Hah! I did it!" kokhmmm says, "Scotty and Mike, we'd have to choose our joint projects carefully, If people like Arthur, Me, Bryce (all joint members) were in charge of the new NSS Moon_SIG, that would be pretty much guaranteed." john-r says, "Hear here to Scotty and it" MikeD says, "I think this is something that would have to be discussed at greater length and whan more people are still here" john-r says, "Peter, i have had a chance to thalk with a bryce in the Mars group on their last convention, think it is the same Bryce" kokhmmm says, "What I will do is try to organize a "5th column" first, people who already have dual membership and are active." kokhmmm says, "There is a Bryce Walden in Portland, OR and a Bryce Johnson in Rockford, IL" john-r says, "Bryce in portland" kokhmmm says, "John, Bryce and I have been friends since '88" john-r says, "long time" kokhmmm says, "This may also be the hook that finally gets the Moon Society Oregon Outpost organized." Scottyg-1 says, "I'm getting a bit sleepy. I think its time to go." dcarson says, "gnight" john-r says, "Nite Scotty" Scottyg-1 says, "Nite!" kokhmmm says, "Goodnight Scotty, and I think I'm going to follow your cue." john-r says, "Nite Peter and have a safe trip" Scottyg-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Scottyg-1. kokhmmm says, "Goodnight, guys. Hope to be reporting in on the 1st from somewhere (Boston? just a guess)" kokhmmm says, "Thanks, John" kokhmmm has disconnected. john-r says, "So anyone else have anything?" MikeD says, "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" john-r says, "Arthur do you have a few, or do you need to go also?" MikeD zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz john-r says, "what mike said" MikeD zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz john-r says, "mike hit the keyboard" MikeD zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz MikeD says, "there i heit it" john-r says, "he is longggggggggggg gone" MikeD says, "me go now" MikeD says, "bye" john-r says, "nite Mike" MikeD says, "No it's not" john-r says, "ohhhh morning mike" MikeD says, "Sun will be up in a while" MikeD says, "bye" MikeD has disconnected. john-r says, "bye" john-r says, "nite all" Arthur says, "Goodnight then!" Arthur leaves. john-r has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart MikeD off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. dcarson says, "great, someone is using tlrc.co as a from address in spams" dcarson says, ".com" dcarson goes home. DaveW leaves. DaveW-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove DaveW-1. -- End log: Thursday, September 18, 2003 9:25:19 am ASI Meeting Server time--