-- Start log: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:06:16 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- MikeD says, "Oh, so we might actually be able to get all the votes then" MikeD says, "The Chinese guy is back on terra firma btw" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I got the last ballot from Scotty, and what we most feared has happened..." john-r arrives. MikeD says, "Ahh rats" Greg-1 says, "... we seem to have a tie in the board of directors election. :(" john-r says, "what t=rats" Greg-1 says, "Rats = tie in the BoD election." dcarson says, "does that count the 2 Randall found in the spam box?" Arthur says, "Does that mean John and Dana have to arm-wrestle for the board position?" MikeD says, "Greg are you including the 2 ballotts that Randall found" john-r says, "even with the 2 from the spam and one from scotty?" Greg-1 says, "Oh?" Arthur says, "Or was it John and Ian?" Greg-1 says, "Dana and Ian." Greg-1 says, "Randall and John-R are stuck." Arthur says, "Ah!" Greg-1 says, "Erm... that is, congratulations to Randall and John-R! :)" Greg-1 says, "I'll need to see the ballots that Randall found." MikeD says, "There were 2 more in the mailbox, but from what I saw when I looked at them they wouldn't help the situation" Greg-1 says, "Is that 4 more ballots or 2 more ballots?" Greg-1 says, "It would be nice not to have to do a run-off election." dcarson says, "what do the bylaws say on ties" MikeD says, "It was 2 that Randall found that had been misplaced" Greg-1 says, "Dana... they don't." Greg-1 says, "And we're sure that those 2 ballots were not in Peter's original count?" dcarson says, "so we could go with a coin flip" irs says, "Makes me kinda embarrassed that my ballot got lost in my in-box. On the other hand, I'd probably have voted for both myself and Dana." MikeD hmms. MikeD says, "not sure about that Greg" Greg-1 says, "Yup. We could decide it by lot, or switchblades, or playing rock-paper-scissors, or a run-off." MikeD says, "But the 2 almost balance each other out" Arthur says, "Ok, gotta go - I'll be back online in about 20 min." MikeD votes for virtual rock paper scissors Greg-1 says, "Ian, yeah. It reminds em of the time we lost a worldcon because the treasurer forgot to cast the committee's ballots." Greg-1 says, "See later, Arthur." irs says, "Or the time Locus lost the Best Semiprozine Hugo to Chronicle in San Francisco, because most of the Locus staff forgot to vote." dcarson says, "accordg to rumor that happened for nasfic this year, the loseing side had more comm members at dragoncon that hadn't voted then the difference in votes" Greg-1 says, "(Insert a 'ya' in there somewhere.)" MikeD says, "Are we expecting Peter tonight?" MikeD says, "I'm sure SF Chronicle voted" irs says, "Much smaller staff." MikeD says, "in which?" Greg-1 says, "I have not heard any rumors of peterlessness tonight. He might be thinking the meeting starts in an hour, though." irs says, "I've only just figured out what 8PM looks like from the keyboard." MikeD chuckles. Greg-1 says, "I assume Randall is playing his oboe." Greg-1 says, "Strike 'oboe.' Insert English Horn." Greg-1 says, "Wunna dem, anyhow." MikeD says, "probably" Greg-1 says, "Don't let me forget -- when we have both Scotty and Arthur we need to talk about membership processing." john-r reads the meeting agenda irs says, "Bottom of the 9th. 2 out, no one on, Sox up 9-6." Greg-1 says, "Egad!" irs says, "It's over. Sox win. Series tied at 3." Greg-1 says, "It's not a good time to make book on the Cubs, I guess. :(" irs says, "Game 7 tomorrow night. Game 7 of the NLCS starts now." Greg-1 says, "Oh! I thought tonight was game 7!" irs says, "Sox won 9-6 (16 hits to 12 hits)." Greg-1 says, "So the Cubs still might have a shot." irs says, "I thought it was 7, too." MikeD says, "The Cubs are kind of annoyed about something from what I see on TV" irs says, "Sorry for the digression." Greg-1 says, "This morning I kept seeing a scene where a fan interfered with a fly ball that turned out to be home run when the fan caught the ball." MikeD says, "Maybe Dusty Baker will actually get to win a World Series before he retitres" MikeD says, "or eve before he retires" Greg-1 says, "On the eve of his retirement. :)" MikeD says, "or even before his retirement" irs says, "That fly ball was a foul, but had it been caught, it would have been the second out in the 8th inning. Apparently, the Cubs self-destructed after that play." irs says, "The Marlins scored 8 runs after that in the 8th inning." Greg-1 says, "(Should we be talking about Moon Society stuff?)" MikeD says, "Dusty doesn't have a great record in the playoffs or world series" irs says, "Apologies." Greg-1 says, "Well hey, I can't hold that against him! Neither do I!" Greg-1 says, "Heh... no apologies required, Ian. We seem to be equally guilty of baseball fever tonight. :)" Arthur has disconnected. MikeD says, "I take it you are all aware that China had a successful end to it's first manned space mission" john-r says, "yup" Greg-1 says, "That's pretty neat." Greg-1 says, "Not that anybody will notice." irs says, "I was ready to go to sleep at 11:30, when the night news cast ran 20 seconds of it as the last story. Then there was Nightline, and I had to make mention on the LRC Pubs web page." irs says, "Very exciting, and not much sleep." MikeD says, "I can't really see a negative side to it, unless the rest of the world just sits back and fails to compete" irs says, "Of course, other news events conspired to keep it small. The attack in Gaza, and the ferry crash in NYC." Greg-1 says, "Mike, what you said." MikeD says, "I'm hoping China's entry into manned space will be the spark needed to reignite interest elsewhere" With a sparkle of transporter light, saavik appears saavik says, "So is the meeting on? sorry to be late but 8pm is just too early" Greg-1 says, "Hi Amy!" john-r says, "some but not all, are here" dcarson says, "side question, Lunacon is in March, several of this group are going, several others are within a days drive, how about a face to face meeting" Greg-1 says, "I would've sworn we moved the start to 8 PM because 11 PM was just too late to end the meeting. :)" john-r says, "where is it?" MikeD says, "Where is Lunacon?" Arthur has connected. dcarson says, "Rye, NY" saavik says, "yeah but 8pm people aren't even home" Arthur leaves. Arthur arrives. saavik says, "but nod on 11" MikeD says, "Where is Rye?" saavik says, "north of NYC" saavik says, "about 45 min" dcarson says, "not too far frmo NY city" saavik says, "(about 2.5 hrs south of me)" Arthur says, "I guess the housekeeper hadn't cleaned me up yet :-)" MikeD says, "What, Yonkers or something?" saavik says, "no, farther north" saavik says, "read current on recorder" saavik says, "err :-)" irs says, "Westchester county, near the Connecticut border. I believe the Post Office address is actually Rye Brook. However, I've also heard that Lunacon is moving. Don't recall if that's for 2004 or 2005." dcarson says, "website shows 04 same place" MikeD says, "Sounds like a tough place to get to unless you live in the Northeast" saavik says, "ok, caught up on the recorder - so cool that the sox won :-)" saavik says, "did we decide elections? I missed part of that - or are they still tied?" irs says, "Takes me less than an hour to drive there, and it's within an hour of three of the four NYC airports." MikeD says, "They're even more tied now" MikeD chuckles. MikeD says, "the only thing within an hour of JFK is Brooklyn" saavik says, "very cool" saavik says, "they'd better win next time - when is it?" MikeD says, "I'm afraid I have to root for the Cubs" Arthur says, "By the way, Michael Laine is on the space show tonight, with Jordin Kare" irs says, "NLCS game 7 right now. ALCS game 7 tomorrow." Greg-1 says, "Michael Laine? Jordin Kare?" irs says, "Kare is a filker and space enthusiast, right?" saavik says, "do we have enough quorom for the meeting to start?" Arthur says, "Michael Laine, founder and pres. of LiftPort (space elevator company)" Scottyg has arrived. Greg-1 says, "Arthur, has Scotty asked you about membership processing?" Greg-1 says, "Oh, speak of the devil..." MikeD says, "talk about timing" dcarson says, "Kare has done work on laser launchers" Arthur says, "Jordin Kare, laser guy - behind some of those laser-launch proposals" Greg-1 says, "Oh, right! *That* Jordin Kare." MikeD says, "What other Jordin Kare is there?" saavik says, "are we officially starting?" Arthur says, "Asked me about membership processing? only some comments on what I'd done with the $20 student/senior stuff - I'm still not sure what else needs to be changed there I guess." john-r says, "is the recorder started?" saavik nods. dcarson says, "recorder is running" MikeD says, "ages ago John" Arthur says, "And here comes Peter" dcarson says, "and Peter just arrived" DaveW-1 arrives. Arthur says, "And Dave!" kokhmmm has arrived. DaveW-1 says, "hello all" kokhmmm says, "Hello" MikeD says, "Oh Good, Peter arriving will help solve the problem" Greg-1 says, "Arthur, now that Scotty is here, I'll see if we can get his attention of the subject." DaveW-1 reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "(By repeatedly mentioning Scotty's name.)" kokhmmm reads the meeting agenda MikeD says, "You can ask Amy, but I may not know the answer" irs reads the meeting agenda kokhmmm says, "what is the problem?" MikeD says, "They're not NTSC compatible though" Arthur says, "The meeting agenda is 7 weeks old" saavik says, "well elections out to be at the top" MikeD says, "Randall found 2 ballotts that had been misdirected, could you check to see if they were in your original tally?" kokhmmm says, "what are the ballots?" saavik says, "he said he put them int he ballot mailbox (sent to the leaders list)" MikeD says, "I'm getting thread numbers now Peter" dcarson says, "F8E0X8 and H8J5H9" dcarson says, "the ones with # in front of them" Greg-1 says, "Darn... what's the URL for Moon Society Help Director?" dcarson says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/helpdir/helpdir" john-r says, "afk for a few" kokhmmm says, "I do not have those ballots." Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Dana." dcarson says, "ok so we might break the tie" Greg-1 says, "It's the last 2 ballots on the list?" dcarson says, "what list?" Greg-1 says, "The list of emails in the Elections mailbox." dcarson says, "in helpdir, no the 2 with # in front of them" MikeD says, "Greg, thread numbers F8E0X8 and H8J5H9" MikeD says, "Even if those votes are not in the original tally they wont change much Dana" Greg-1 says, "Right." Greg-1 says, "They wouldn't change the other two slots, and they don't break the tie." Greg-1 says, "Dang it." john-r says, "Greg - just cking, you do have the mail in from scotty - right?" dcarson says, "how about if Peter tosses a coin then so we can decide this" Greg-1 says, "John, yes." kokhmmm says, "I have a humble suggestion if there is still a tie. In as much as whoever is not elected director will still be on the Leadership Council and can have input to any decision of the board, if not an actual vote, why don't the two draw straws?" dcarson says, "we'd need virtual straws" kokhmmm says, "Have to wait a minute while I find a coin!" Greg-1 says, "That's sort of what Dana just suggested, Peter. " saavik says, "who are the two?" Greg-1 says, "If that plan is agreeable to Ian, it sounds like a good plan to me." dcarson says, "Ian and I" Greg-1 says, "The tie is between Dana and Ian." Greg-1 says, "Randall and John-R were elected for sure." MikeD says, "It was already tight, and the new votes make it tighter" dcarson says, "or I could take advantage of the fact thats Ians distracted and sneak out leaving him stuck :-)" Greg-1 says, "At this point, on the 4th round of balloting, there is a 14-14 tie between Ian and Dana." Greg-1 says, "LOL" Greg-1 says, "Nottachance, Dana!" saavik says, "wow" irs says, "Greg, we haven't had a chance to discuss your e-mail to me. I'm still incredibly busy with many facets of the Artemis Project, and will continue to sign press releases and such as Director of Publicity for the Artemis Project, so I guess I'm comfortable whichever way we decide." Scottyg says, "There's some dice *somewhere*. In the ASI leaders room?" saavik rolls 1d5 = 3. Greg-1 rolls 1d5 = 1. Greg-1 says, "Just "roll dice"" Arthur rolls 1d5 = 3. dcarson rolls 1d5 = 5. john-r rolls 1d5 = 5. dcarson says, "your roll Ian" Greg-1 says, "Dana rolled a 5." Greg-1 says, "That's gonna be tough to beat!~" saavik says, "do the bylaws say anything about ties?" dcarson says, "nope" saavik says, "I mean, are we being a bit too arbitary?" Arthur says, "There's supposed to be an " Arthur says, "Election Rules" document we maintain - anybody ever seen that?" Arthur says, "According to our bylaws" irs says, "huh?" Greg-1 says, "Arbitrary?" Scottyg says, "We never prepared that document." dcarson says, "Ian type roll dice" Greg-1 says, "Arthur, I wonder if there's one buried on the ASI site somewhere?" MikeD says, "Could we prepare that document in time for next election?" Arthur says, "Otherwise, all the bylaws say is "the candidate with the most votes wins"" Greg-1 says, "Mike, yes, I think we need to do that." saavik says, "helpful" Greg-1 says, "Arthur, yeah, I" saavik says, "maybe each half wins?" saavik says, "one half vote each?" Greg-1 says, "I've been staring at that sentence for 2 weeks now." Scottyg says, "Since the BOD has the authority to approve the Election Rules document, I think the BOD also can decide how to break the tie." irs says, "Oh, sorry." irs says, "roll dive" irs says, "oops" irs rolls 1d5 = 4. john-r says, "any one have any idea what other groups rules say on ties?" dcarson says, "ok looks like I'm stuck" irs says, "And that's completely random?" MikeD says, "psuedo random" saavik says, "nothing is completely random on the computer" Greg-1 says, "Ian, yes, it calls the random number generator." dcarson says, "real elections have been decided by random chanch when its a tie" Greg-1 says, "Amy, other than the Moon Society Leadership Council, that is." saavik says, "I think the board should agree as a whole that dice are ok though" irs says, "Six rolls, and only one even number?" Arthur says, "I think arm wrestling is a legitimate tie-breaker in some states :-)" kokhmmm says, "I think a duel would be fun" Arthur rolls 1d5 = 1. Greg-1 says, "Ah, the fallacy of testing random number generators with small samples." Arthur rolls 1d5 = 3. Arthur rolls 1d5 = 5. Arthur rolls 1d5 = 3. Arthur says, "Yup, definitely favors odd numbers" saavik says, "arthur, you need a LOT of samples" Arthur rolls 1d5 = 1. irs rolls 1d5 = 2. irs rolls 1d5 = 1. Arthur rolls 1d5 = 2. Arthur rolls 1d5 = 2. Arthur rolls 1d5 = 1. Greg-1 rolls 1d5 = 2. irs hmms. Greg-1 rolls 1d5 = 3. Arthur rolls 1d5 = 4. Greg-1 rolls 1d5 = 5. Arthur rolls 1d5 = 2. saavik says, "ok ok" Greg-1 says, "rolle dice" Arthur rolls 1d5 = 3. Greg-1 says, "Heh." irs says, "ok" Greg-1 says, "Basta! Basta!" saavik says, "ask randall when he arrives" MikeD says, "It generates a random quantity between 0 and 1, then it's multiplied by 6 and an integer is generated from the result" saavik says, "no doubt he programmed it" DaveW-1 rolls 1d5 = 15 Greg-1 says, "So... do Dana and Ian both accept the results of this drawing of lots?" Arthur says, "Hey, I'm guess it's using the time - look at all those 1's and 2's in a row" dcarson says, "sure" DaveW-1 rolls 1d5 = 26 MikeD says, "What? it goes to 26?" Arthur says, "Dave's joshing" DaveW-1 laughs. Scottyg rolls 1d5 = 100,394,023 Arthur rolls 1d5 = 10s7890314781934 MikeD chuckles. irs says, "It goes to eleven." Greg-1 says, "Tolja we were random! :)" Scottyg says, "So how do we tell a *real* roll from a fake one?" irs says, "Sure, guess that's as fair as doing it in person." MikeD says, "Good question Scotty" Greg-1 says, "OKOKOK... if Dana and Ian both accept the results of this drawing of lots, then the current Moon Society BoD elections are done." Greg-1 says, "Which brings us to the next Moon Society elections..." saavik says, "let's see if they accept it first" MikeD says, "We better start them now" Greg-1 says, "... for which I nominate Ian Randal Strock for the office of President of the Moon Society." dcarson says, "I accept it" Greg-1 says, "DEATH DOES NOT RELEASE YOU!" saavik says, "ROFL" MikeD says, "resistance is futile" DaveW-1 says, "There can be only one" MikeD says, "only one what?" saavik says, "well, we need to do the bylaw change about term limits" irs says, "I REALLY wanted to talk with you about that, Greg. Quite aside from the fact that my reading of the Bylaws seems to imply that your term doesn't end until next year." Arthur says, "Ian sounded a little reluctant there earlier - but I do think he'd be a good pres :-)" irs says, "And I wanted to speak against that bylaw change." Greg-1 says, "Ian, right. I was just getting an early start on the next election. :)" Greg-1 says, "So I figured I'd pin you to the mat and then duck and run! :)" DaveW-1 says, "has the bylaw change been discussed and decided?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, we haven't even formally moved the bylaw change." Greg-1 says, "Or rather... no, not decided. Discussed a lot, yet." Greg-1 says, "yes" Greg-1 says, "I brought it up last time to get some cranial corpuscles working on the idea." DaveW-1 says, "whats the initial proposal?" Arthur says, "I don't think term limits are necessary for officers - on the other hand, if the officers want them to make transitions clearer, that's ok with me." Greg-1 says, "What I suggested was that we limit officers to two consecutive terms." Greg-1 says, "... unless there are no qualified candidates coming forth." Arthur says, "By the way, I just dug up some bylaws for a society where, in case of a tie, the society president gets and extra vote to break the tie." kokhmmm says, "We need to make provision for a nominating committee in the even that no one, or no one suitable nominates him/herself for a critical position. Especially if we have term limits. Then we also have to have a voting simpler system. What if we had had 200 ballots? This is unworkable. " Greg-1 says, "Arthur, I am So Glad you found that *after* we decided this one a different way! :)" irs says, "That extra vote, I should think, is for Board actions, not elections (in most cases)." dcarson says, "we need to write the election doc that says how we will do this if it happens again" Greg-1 says, "Peter, we don't need a simpler voting system. We just need a more automated counting method." saavik nods. Greg-1 says, "Dana, yes." Michael arrives. Michael reads the meeting agenda dcarson says, "so who get to write it" Arthur says, "Hi Michael!" Greg-1 says, "I'll take that action item. Dana gets the action item to nag me about writing it. :)" Michael says, "good evening....." Arthur says, "Agenda's old, but play current on recorder" saavik says, "ok, who will announce election results?" Greg-1 says, "Actually, I'll ask Nancy to nag me." saavik says, "someone needs to" Greg-1 says, "Um... that would be Peter?" Arthur says, "Randall's not here - I nominate him :-)" saavik says, "and I vote for someone on elections committee :-)" kokhmmm says, "I can send an election results letter to current members, and print it in the November issue." Greg-1 says, "That's perfect, Peter." saavik says, "hooray!" kokhmmm says, "So just so I don't flub it up, who is the official winner of the third seat?" MikeD says, "umm" Greg-1 says, "Randall Severy, John R. Schrock, and Dana Carson are the three newly elected board members." saavik says, "ian remains on leaders board though?" saavik says, "and randall is new chairman or do we have to vote on that?" Arthur says, "http://www.kennedyproject.com/ - anybody seen this before? Looks like something Michael might be interested in talking to?" Greg-1 says, "I think the board will need to hold a new election for chairman." Greg-1 says, "Even though the chairman has been re-elected to the board." Michael says, "hmmm.....not a lot of information there.... although I like this statement: To return fair market value to our sponsors and partners in exchange for their commitment to see this monumental project through t0 its completion. " Greg-1 says, "That's the way we've done it in the past. We keep sticking Randall with it." Arthur says, "Is Randall interested in stepping down? If we keep holding these meetings when he can't come, that'll make his job a little harder" Greg-1 says, "He did delegate his gavel to Amy." Greg-1 says, "(Which means I oughtta shut up and let Amy lead this meeting, actually.)" saavik says, "lol" saavik says, "it's ok, greg. I wasn't minding the help" Michael says, "interesting.... whoever is doing kennedyproject.com is going through some interesting hoops to conceal their identity...." Arthur says, "Hmmm - our friend David seems to be involved: http://www.lunarrepublic.com/info/announce_07182003.shtml" saavik says, "randall is coming at 9:15 so let's delay any of that until he comes. what is next on the agenda?" saavik says, "How about moving the meeting to 8:30 (as a compromise) especially since they never actually start at 8" saavik says, "and if that doesn't work, let's at least move to the next agenda :-)" dcarson says, "probably worthwhile" Arthur says, "8:30 is going to be a bit better for me" Scottyg says, "Same here." Greg-1 says, "Omigoodness... you're right, Arthur. kennedyproject.com is registered through a proxy!" john-r says, "8:30 pk with me" john-r says, "ok to" Greg-1 says, "8:30 is fine with me" Michael says, "hmmm.... ok, that endorsement, the things he says about them, and their total lack of information about who they are does *not* give me warm fuzzies." Greg-1 says, "I've always taken the opposite approach -- I *like* to put faces on projects like this." Arthur says, "$3.5 billion in lunar land sales - there's an optimist :-)" Greg-1 says, "Is it another sell-the-moon deal?" saavik says, "damn, of course, I've lost the moo connection now" Greg-1 says, "ICU, Amy." kokhmmm says, "I need aboard decision on a special request. Amrut Yalagi of India's Planetary Society for Youth wants ten posters for his space conference in India coming up end of year. I had sent one at my expense. He says he needs nine more. He wants to push us and wants to be listed as chapter contact for India. I tole him he has to be a member first." Greg-1 says, "That's a reasonable answer, Peter." saavik says, "I'm back - just was lagged severly" Greg-1 says, "Did anyone ever find a way to check up on Amrut Yalagi to find out if he's real?" Michael says, "these guys ( spaceentrepreneurs.org/) on the other hand, don't try and hide who they are...." john-r says, "i tried, but no luck on my old contact" dcarson says, "we've got lots of posters, lets send them" saavik says, "and didn't we need a decision on a senior member or something for him?" Greg-1 says, "Darn. I wish there were a way to check." john-r says, "adviser i think Amy" Greg-1 says, "If we were confident he was real, then I'd just volunteer TLRC to *donate* 10 posters pro bono publico." john-r says, "or board of adviseors" kokhmmm says, "What about the extra posters? Plus he wants us to cosponsor a Moon Mission Design Competition. I had sent info on that to everyone, got response only from Arthur. The senior request was from another person from India." saavik says, "seems like we ought to make peter's guy the next agenda item :-)" Greg-1 says, "What Amy said. Oops." Michael says, "does anyone recognize the guy at the top of this page: http://fortivo.com/ABOUT/about.html" john-r says, "ohh we have 2 India Contacts then?? Peter??" DaveW-1 says, "now we need someone in china to request posters" dcarson says, "worst case, he cons 10 posters out of us and sells them and we have 10 posters in India" kokhmmm says, "his website is http://members.rediff.com/amrut_tpsy/" Greg-1 says, "Good point, Dana." Greg-1 says, "Any objection to doing that, Scotty?" kokhmmm says, "Yes, two India contacts" irs says, "Plus cost of postage to India." Greg-1 says, "Ian, right." Greg-1 says, "Dana, Nancy sends her congratulations. Good luck to Ian in the next election, too." irs says, "What did I ever do to her to deserve that?" Greg-1 says, "Hey, you define what "luck" means! :)" Severy-4 has arrived. irs says, "ah, OK." Severy-4 says, "Hi, Arthur!" DaveW-1 says, "5lb.(over exstimating the weight) to india via USPS should be less than $36 for 4-6day delivery" john-r says, "Evening Randall" saavik hands the gavel to Randall Greg-1 says, "It's a Randall!" Greg-1 says, "Randall the Windy, in fact! :)" saavik says, "windy randy?" Severy-4 says, "Give me a few moments to catch up on the conversation..." john-r says, "10" john-r says, "9" john-r says, "8" john-r says, "7" john-r says, "ok have all ya need :)" saavik hums the jeapordy theme Greg-1 says, "The answer is: They are buried in Grant's Tomb." MikeD says, "One aspect of American TV that I really DO NOT muss" MikeD says, "miss either" Scottyg says, "No objection from here on the posters." Greg-1 is a Jeopardy Junkie. Scottyg says, "There VERY little on TV that I would miss." dcarson says, "Peter email me the address adn I'll send them from here since I have the TLRC stockpile" MikeD says, "Actually, the only thing I miss about American TV is the ads" Greg-1 says, "Hmm... Dana, since you are the Custodian of Posters, can you get Amrut's address from Peter and send them to him in a nice, sturdy mailing tube?" irs says, "Me too, Greg." Greg-1 says, "(... that doesn't look too much like a bazooka?)" dcarson says, "great minds, same gutter" Greg-1 says, "LOL. Great minds!" kokhmmm says, "Next question. Is anyone beside me and Arthur willing to be judge of entries to unmanned moon mission design contest in India? And does anyone else have suggestions on prizes?" Greg-1 says, "Great Minds, The Sequel!" Arthur says, "TV? What's that (we took down our rooftop antenna a while back, and never paid for cable...)" dcarson says, "need cable it has bandwidth" kokhmmm says, "Dana, email me your preferred email address and I'll send you Amrut's address." john-r says, "i have no cable, dish or ant, and just 1 channel, sometimes 2" dcarson says, "dcarson@tlrc.com" MikeD sees your TV and raises it above his head before dropping it from a tall building john-r says, "Peter, i will reread the notes, on India and respond maybe onoght or by fri" Arthur says, "Ok, have to put kids to bed here -back in 10 minutes or so" MikeD says, "Hey John, you don't get a lot of fights over the TV in your house I bet" john-r says, "nope" john-r says, "just the computer" Greg-1 says, "You mean you can get TELEVISION from the TV cable?" Greg-1 says, "Wow!" john-r says, "i was never big on tv anyway" Greg-1 says, "What a neat idea!" john-r says, "where has greg been :)" MikeD says, "The cable company here is advertising that getting digital cable with a box will solve all your problems and eliminate all fights." MikeD says, "Hmm, 5 people, 100 channels, only one cable box" Greg-1 has been tied to the net. :) john-r says, "ahhh" dcarson says, "Greg, just emailied you a note from a student wants mentoring from TLRC on her senior thesis, shes designing space furniture" irs says, "Cubs are up 5-3 in the top of the 4th." saavik wonders if randall has the gavel? Greg-1 says, "Dana, I can't get to my asi.org email right now. Can you send it to grb@riversendtech.com instead? :)" dcarson says, "sent" Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Dana! :D" saavik says, "so with randall here, the next item should be to elect a chairman of the board" Severy-4 says, "Ok, I finally caught up on the log, you folks have been busy tonight!" Severy-4 says, "First, congratulations to everyone elected!" Severy-4 says, "Second, it was the oboe tonight, Greg, not the English Horn :-)" john-r says, "TY and Congrats to you toooo" Severy-4 says, "Third, technically this meeting is the Leadership Council meeting, so it's my role as Leadership Council chair that is in conflict with not being able to make it here until 9:15 EST, not my role as chairman of the board" MikeD says, "English Horn is Thursdays right?" Severy-4 says, "I'd be more than happy to turn the Leadership Council over to someone else to chair if anyone is interested..." Severy-4 says, "I'm not really playing the English Horn at all for the upcoming concerts, but I'll probably play it some in the spring" DaveW-1 waits to hear the pin drop MikeD wonders if John-R would be interested if taking the gavel saavik nominates randall john-r says, "i kinda need a month to settle in :)" Michael seconds the nomination saavik says, "good plan" MikeD says, "All in favor of Randall say Aye" Severy-4 says, "Leadership Chair can be changed any time, we don't need to do anything there tonight" saavik says, "aye" MikeD says, "aye" john-r says, "are we voting for Board or Council chairman?" kokhmmm says, "aye" saavik says, "this is for chairman of the board, right?" MikeD says, "no" Severy-4 abstains since he's the one being voted on MikeD says, "council chair" Severy-4 says, "Council chair doesn't need a vote, it's not an elected position" saavik says, "but wait, we need a new chairman of the board and that is what I was nominating you for" Severy-4 says, "Chairman of the board needs a vote" Michael says, "but we're not convened as the board to do that...." dcarson says, "we do however need to vote a new chair for the board" kokhmmm says, "Convene theBoard first" MikeD says, "do you have a quorum?" john-r says, "all re present" john-r says, "all are" Severy-4 convenes a Board of Directors meeting of the Moon Society dcarson says, "that should be enough then :-)" Severy-4 says, "All board members present please say "present"" Severy-4 says, "present" dcarson says, "present" Arthur says, "present" john-r says, "1st we need an official accept of new members? right then chir votre?" Michael says, "present" Severy-4 says, "Official accept of new members?" john-r says, "new directors" john-r [to transfer]: their position Severy-4 says, "That was what the election was about :-)" Severy-4 says, "It's already done..." john-r says, "ok" john-r says, "present" Severy-4 says, "Greg, Peter, are you here?" Greg-1 says, "present" kokhmmm says, "present" irs says, "So that's no longer me?" MikeD says, "nope" Severy-4 says, "Does everyone waive notice of this meeting? If you waive notice, please say "aye"" Severy-4 says, "aye" Greg-1 says, "Aye" Arthur says, "aye" john-r says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" kokhmmm says, "aye" Michael says, "aye" saavik can't vote? Severy-4 says, "Not that I know of, Amy" Greg-1 says, "I think only the board can vote for chairman of the board." Greg-1 says, "Are we convened now?" Severy-4 says, "Yes, we are convened" saavik says, "ok, I'll not vote them but I still urge randall to be nominated :-)" Michael says, "amy, vote anyway.... can't hurt. ;-)" Severy-4 says, "Someone needs to make a motion..." Greg-1 says, "OK, I'll nominate Randall Severy to be chairman of the board." Michael wiggles Michael says, "there" john-r says, "I second" Severy-4 says, "All in favor?" Greg-1 says, "aye" john-r says, "aye" Severy-4 abstains kokhmmm says, "aye" Michael says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Michael wonders if this is still "Talk like a pirate" day Scottyg supports Randall for Chairman. Arthur says, "That would be "arr"" Severy-4 says, "Ian?" MikeD says, "ooh aar" Greg-1 says, "Arrrr.... arrrr..."" Severy-4 says, "Arthur?" saavik says, "arr" irs says, "Yes, Randall?" Arthur says, "Aye too" john-r says, "Arthur may still be with children" Michael says, "aye me hearties!" Severy-4 says, "Oops, sorry, Ian, I meant Arthur..." john-r says, "oops" Greg-1 says, "P) <---- smiling pirate with eye patch" Severy-4 says, "Ok, motion passes with six ayes and one abstention" Severy-4 humbly accepts the weighty duties that were just bestowed on him and promises to do his best to do the job effectively Michael says, "and several 'arrs'" Greg-1 says, "LOL" Severy-4 says, "Ok, enough sappy stuff, is there any other business to come before the board tonight?" Greg-1 says, "Oh, I hope not." Arthur says, "Congratulations to Randall! :-)" Severy-4 makes a motion to adjourn the board meeting dcarson says, "move we agjourn" john-r says, "Congratulations to Randall" Greg-1 says, "Or rather... move we adjourn the board meeting so we can get back to the Leadership Council meeting. :)" john-r says, "second" Severy-4 says, "All in favor?" Severy-4 says, "Aye" Greg-1 says, "yup" john-r says, "aye" kokhmmm says, "aye" Greg-1 says, "(Talk like a Texan night now.:)" dcarson says, "aye" An enormous gavel descends rapidly from the sky and slams the board meeting closed kokhmmm says, "When in Oswego, do has the Oswegese do" Arthur says, "aye" saavik aims and fires Arthur says, "late" saavik says, "(don't texans use guns?)" MikeD says, "all the time" john-r says, "but vulcans have phasers" Severy-4 says, "Ok, time to return to your regularly scheduled program, err, the Leadership Council meeting" saavik says, "and randall the new chair has the gavel :-)" kokhmmm says, "You mean the commercial is over?" Greg-1 says, "I'm in Texas right now, so I can say ya'll and all that neat stuff!" Scottyg says, "I'll take on your Vulcan phaser with my Texas gun. :=)" Severy-4 says, "Not the new chair of the council, still the old chair, for the moment" saavik says, "we come in peace, shoot to kill" Severy-4 laughs. Greg-1 says, "LOL" Severy-4 says, "So have we wrapped up everything regarding the elections? Announcements are planned, etc.?" saavik says, "hopes everyone knows where that came from" kokhmmm says, "Yes, I'll take care of announcements" MikeD says, "I don't believe Kirk said shoot to kill more than once in the whole series" Greg-1 says, "I think we have, Randall." Greg-1 says, "I didn't recognize it, Amy." Severy-4 says, "Ok, let's move on to Membership Processing, I understand there were a couple of questions in that area?" Scottyg says, "Yeah, let me take the lead for a minute." Greg-1 says, "Oh, right." MikeD says, "Star Trekin, across the universe, always moving forward, still can't find reverse" saavik says, " http://www.fondazionevulcaniana.it/fondazione/startrekkin.html" saavik says, "mike got it" Scottyg says, "We seem to have a new person able and willing to do the processing." Scottyg says, "(Missy)" MikeD says, "Can't remember the name of the artist or even the title" Scottyg says, "Greg, am I correct on that?" saavik says, "better yet: http://www.trekkieguy.com/trekkin.html" saavik says, "has an MP3 file" saavik says, "star trekking - it;s on my dr demento cd, no clue who the artist is" kokhmmm says, "Order, order!!" saavik says, "LOL" MikeD says, "dr demento, that's right" DaveW-1 will take two Scottyg says, "Arthur, where do we stand with James?" Scottyg says, "I've gotten a couple of queries from him." Arthur says, "I told him about the new person; James seemed interested in still doing some things if he could. Randall sent that email to us all that was a proposal for a 2-person system." Arthur says, "which I thought made some sense. Anybody have any comments on that?" Severy-4 says, "That proposal wasn't from me, I was just forwarding it" saavik says, "i thought it was a good idea" Severy-4 says, "Since some people like to send e-mail from addresses that aren't in the mailing list :-(" Scottyg says, "I have one.....For someone doing the processing as a way to earn a little extra cash, the amount of processing is pretty low, even if they do it all." Scottyg says, "Thats one reason Jennifer Day lost interest." Severy-4 says, "Err, actually, wasn't it from Ian? Who wasn't on the list due to a brief membership lapse" Greg-1 says, "Right. Missy = Melissa Morley." Scottyg says, "Conversely, having two people trained has value." Greg-1 says, "Missy has caught up on the whole backlog of electronic processing, but needs paper materials to mail out." dcarson says, "should I send a batch of posters?" Scottyg says, "That might be faster than collecting our stuff from James and getting it sent to NY." Greg-1 says, "Dana, I *think* that would be a good start." Arthur says, "Last I talked to James, the suggestion seemed to be one person doing new memberships, one doing renewals, and spelling one another off when necessary" Greg-1 says, "... but I'm not familiar with how we handle these things." dcarson says, "email me the address" Greg-1 says, "Dana, OK." Scottyg says, "Arthur, as membership chairman, I think you need to establish a communication channel with Missy." Greg-1 says, "Dana, it's on its way." Scottyg says, "And work out how Help Director queries are handled." Arthur says, "Ok, that would be good. I don't think I even have her email address." Greg-1 says, "I'm worried that if we divide up the labor, the task will become even more infrequent and easy to overlook." Scottyg says, "Yeah, that was my feeling too Greg. Thats what I saw happen with Jennifer Day." Scottyg says, "This work can be done most efficiently by batching it up." Arthur says, "Well, let's leave it with Missy for now. But Greg or somebody, please send her email address/contact info so I can say hello at least..." Scottyg says, "When the batches become too small, it becomes inefficient, so the person doing it tends to put it off until a reasonable number of registrations are waiting." john-r says, "afk for a min or 2" saavik says, "I just thought it idea of double training was helpful in case of another person skipping out" Scottyg says, "I agree, and maybe we can have James be a backup since he is trained." Greg-1 says, "Arthur (don't hit me)... Missy's email address is missy@simshost.com." Scottyg says, "But only as a backup, not split the work." MikeD says, "gee, Missy's address comes as a complete shock to me" Scottyg says, "Ok, other membership issues...." saavik says, "I thought the woman taking over was from your office greg?" Greg-1 notes Mike's dry sense of humor. Greg-1 says, "Amy... Missy is Nancy's daughter." Scottyg says, "It seems that the new renewal reminder email templates we have are sending out the expiration as Unix system time, not a human-readable date." MikeD says, "speaking of membership issues, can I take it that Ken Williams is about to leave us due to our spinning wheels or something?" Scottyg says, "(expiration date)" DaveW-1 hopes MikeD says, "Especially since he has never actually joined" Scottyg says, "Randall, is that because the are mis-coded, or do we need a Team Director mod?" Severy-4 says, "There should be a template variable for a human-readable date, I've been meaning to look it up" Greg-1 says, "How can Ken leave us if he has never joined?" MikeD says, "Read his last email to artemis-list" MikeD says, "Or if you can't, I can show you the text." saavik says, "ahh" Scottyg says, "Ok, another Team Director question...Since we now have a new membership class (Student/Senior) can we add that in Team Director?" Severy-4 says, "Yup, Scotty, it needs to be "<$expirationDate-string>", which is what I used in the sample template" Greg-1 says, "Mike, I'll read it when I get grb@asi.org back on line again. :)" Severy-4 says, "Ken has been griping about nothing being done for years" Arthur says, "I thought he'd already left. " MikeD says, "Not all of what he says is untrue, but he's pushing it a bit" Severy-4 says, "And every time he harps on how old he is and how he won't be around when we actually accomplish something" MikeD says, "Nah, sorry Arthur, someone woke him up last week" Severy-4 says, "And yet he's never lifted a finger to help us do anything either" irs says, "I'll read it when I get to my e-mail." Severy-4 says, "Yes, adding another membership type to Team Director is trivial" DaveW-1 says, "maybe its time for a "put up or shutup" message" DaveW-1 says, "for Ken" Severy-4 says, "It's just a database record" MikeD says, "It's not just him that's getting old, his emails are getting old too" Greg-1 says, "Well... Ken has been useful in asking stimulating questions." kokhmmm says, "I've been trying to send Ken answers" Scottyg says, "Ok, and I'm fixing the email templates." MikeD says, "point at kokhmmm" MikeD says, "that didn't work" Severy-4 says, "The current membershipType bitfields are:" Severy-4 says, "Team | 1 |" Severy-4 says, "Founder | 2 |" Severy-4 says, "Support | 3 |" Severy-4 says, "Courtesy | 4 |" Severy-4 says, "Life | 5 |" MikeD says, "trying to finger the guilty waker-upper" Severy-4 says, "So make Student/Senior with a value of 6?" Arthur says, "#6 ok with you then Randall, for Student/Senior?" Scottyg says, "6 sounds fine to me." Severy-4 says, "Ok, it's done" Greg-1 says, "(When all this tech talk is done, Greg wants to mention that we are coming up on LUNATION ONE THOUSAND real soon now!)" MikeD says, "Lunation One Thousand?" DaveW-1 says, "?" Severy-4 says, "What the heck is Lunation One Thousand?" irs says, "Since when?" Greg-1 says, "Um... since lunation one, I think. :)" Arthur says, "Uh, there's about 13 a year, right?" Greg-1 says, "Check out http://www.moonsociety.org/" Greg-1 says, "(You might have heard of that site somewhere.)" Arthur says, "Something special about the year 1928?" MikeD says, "That was the year the cheese theory was finally dismissed" john-r says, "thata a new site Greg, thanks for the url :)" Arthur says, "Hope we don't have an L1K problem (is that code checked out?)" MikeD sure hopes this issue is clarified soon so he can go to bed john-r says, "i see lunation 999 , whts the deal with 1000?" Arthur says, "On student/senior - Scotty, did what I wrote make sense? Is there anything else needed on the other pages at this point?" Greg-1 says, "I don't now where the lunation numbering started." Greg-1 says, "I don't know that it's a big deal, but it might be fun to make a big deal of it. :)" john-r says, "ahhh" MikeD says, "So what's the signifigance of Lunation 1000 then?" MikeD says, "Oh" Greg-1 says, "It's almost as significant as Y2K, Mike." john-r says, "oy my goodness, start the food back up" john-r says, "and the water" MikeD says, "As in not of any signifigance whatsoever?" kokhmmm says, "Just a trivia value, sincelunation1 was set arbitrarily" Arthur says, " http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/astronomy/Lunation.html" Greg-1 says, "Yup, except that Y2K was the biggest non-event in recent history." Arthur says, "started arbitrarily in 1923." MikeD says, "We could do something about lunation since the formation of the Moon 4.5 billion years ago" john-r says, "wolfram - champaign ilinois" Arthur says, "October 25, 12:51 is the date" Scottyg says, "Arthur, I'm almost certain that some of the other pages will need changes, but i haven't yet had time to do a specific look." Scottyg says, "Ok, the email templates are updated. Randall, is there any way to test them?" Arthur says, "Scotty, take a look, and then I'll fix up the '6' and the other things you mentioned, and we'll try it out (I need to renew myself soon)." MikeD says, "The only reason I took money out of the ATM before Y2K was because I knew every idiot in San Francisco would withdraw all their money and render the machines 'empty'" Arthur says, "idiot :-)" Greg-1 says, "We could have L1K parties! On October 25." Severy-4 says, "If you know how many days before your expiration date, Scotty, I can manually run any of the templates with that delta" Severy-4 says, "Although anyone else with the same expiration date would get the same notice :-(" Scottyg says, "Arthur, have you looked at the MySQL tools at https://www.moonsociety.org/admin/mysql/ ?" Scottyg says, "Among other things, those tools show the database layout." MikeD says, "OK, since L1K is almost as important as Y2K, I move that I go to bed and sleep" MikeD says, "I second that" MikeD says, "All in favor say Aye" MikeD says, "Aye" MikeD says, "The motion is carried unimously" MikeD says, "Good night all" saavik says, "second" dcarson says, "gnight" saavik says, "gnight" MikeD has disconnected. john-r says, "Night Mike :)" Greg-1 says, "Good night, Mike!" Arthur says, "Scotty, thanks, no I hadn't seen that before" Arthur says, "Good night Mike" Arthur says, "Oh, gone already..." kokhmmm has disconnected. Scottyg says, "The membership type field ("membership") is a 20 character field." Scottyg says, "varchar(20) field type." Arthur says, "That's in new registrations?" Scottyg says, "Yes" irs says, "Am I gonna be needed for anything else tonight?" Arthur says, "Got it" Scottyg says, ""INTL-Student-Senior" is 19 chars, so it will fit." Greg-1 says, "We can pick on you behind our back, Mr. Candidate! :)" Severy-4 says, "Flyer and Brochure updates, Ian" Arthur says, "I'll shorten those a little though anyway" Severy-4 says, "Which is basically me continuing to nag you and Greg about working on them :-)" irs says, "Now that I've plowed through the magazine, I expect to get to them in a few days. Honest." Scottyg says, "Ok, thats all I have on membership." The housekeeper arrives to cart MikeD off to bed. Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on, do we still need the "splitting artemis-list" agenda item? Or is that a done deal?" Michael reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "done deal" john-r says, "been announcein MMM" john-r says, "and so fa no new commers" Greg-1 says, "Done. Deal." Greg-1 says, ":)" Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Lunar Directory" The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. Severy-4 says, "And like Ian, I promise to get to my action item in that category soon" Severy-4 says, "My personal life has interfered a bit too much recently..." Greg-1 says, "Ah, so it's not a dead deal. :)" Severy-4 says, "Do you have anything to add on the Lunar Directory, John?" john-r says, "Not tonight, " Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Moon Society Flyer and Brochure" john-r says, "will try for e-mail list in the next meeting" Severy-4 nags Ian and Greg :-) irs says, "Just told you; soon." Greg-1 is asleep. Severy-4 says, "I know, Ian, just going through the motions :-)" irs says, "I have no motion to make at this time." irs <- g> Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Outreach efforts" Severy-4 says, "Was this your area, Arthur?" saavik heads out to finish preparing lecture and to bed saavik has disconnected. john-r says, "bye amy" Greg-1 says, "Wow! Pretty fast with the transporter that time, Scotty!" Severy-4 says, "Anyone have anything to discuss in Outreach efforts?" john-r says, "not me, eyees are weary" Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Grant Opportunities" Severy-4 says, "Any updates for us in this area, Michael?" Michael says, "/me would like to talk about talking to Elon Musk one day considering his long term goals, but that's for another night." Michael says, "nope...." Severy-4 says, "Ok" Michael says, "I just got back from California last night and will be heading to Tokyo mid next week.... major suckage" john-r says, "Do we need to keep the item Michael, or change it to Musk?" Severy-4 says, "Mike's not around to talk about team and mailing list stuff" Michael says, "john, not tonight.... not sure what I want to do with that...." john-r says, "we need that at the top of the list" Severy-4 says, "Anything in the Help Desk area to discuss tonight?" john-r says, "ok Michael, just cking" Severy-4 says, "I noticed that some of the mailboxes are filling up a bit lately..." Severy-4 says, "But thank you to those of you who are doing what you can in answering the mail" Scottyg says, "Oh, Greg, can you handle getting a signed contract with Missy?" Arthur says, "I know I haven't looked in a while... sorry, it's been busy" Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to State of the Society updates" john-r says, "Info is a bit behind, i last did major catch up in aug , i think" The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. Severy-4 says, "Despite Peter's enthusiasm for this, I don't see us getting any significant updates out any time soon" Severy-4 says, "Amy isn't around to discuss 10K ideas" Severy-4 says, "So that leaves us with the LAST agenda item, the web site!" john-r says, "I think it was thought to be a quartly or at least yearly item" Severy-4 says, "John, anything to discuss in this area?" john-r says, "Not at this time, nothing new in the works" irs says, "Marlins are up 7 to 5 in the top of the seventh." john-r says, "jsut soemday Dana and i need to automat the Changing Picture" Arthur says, "Poor cubbies" Severy-4 says, "Ok, and since we've run off the end of the agenda, which is rare occasion in these meetings, is there anything else we need to discuss tonight?" john-r says, "Just that for next meet, we need discuss on Peter and the India comntest?" Arthur says, "Can I ask about the new mailing list - we haven't announced on artemis-list yet, right?" john-r says, "right" john-r says, "i saw it in MMM tho" Arthur says, "Ah, you read your MMM online :-)" john-r says, "I get paper, but it takes awhile, so i saw it tonight" john-r says, ":)" john-r says, "on liner" john-r says, "or online" john-r says, "Do you want to Announce on Art gen List?" Arthur says, "I'll announce it, yes." dcarson says, "if its in MMM it should be announced" john-r says, "And i will try to update the offciers page this week end" john-r says, "and Randall , you will add me to the board team?" Severy-4 says, "Already done, John, check your e-mail" john-r says, "ahhhhh" john-r says, "i see it now TY" Scottyg says, "BTW, our bank balance at the end of Sept was $12,120, so we could actually consider funding some research if we want." john-r says, "is there any room for a transitional office expense :)" Michael says, "btw, I talked to someone at the SFF about that space summit thing and the main deal holding up the next meeting is someone to pony up some cash to host the thing......" john-r says, "how much cash?" Michael says, "apparently SFF is completely broke... as in owing the bank money...." john-r says, "But how much is needed to have the Space Summit Intiative? " john-r says, "like 1000 or 10,000" Michael says, "comments coming from their convention this past weekend suggested it was very lightly attended and not as productive as many had hoped.... the theme suggested that some of the dot com folks who cashed out would be there but they weren't." Michael says, "more like in the sub-$1000 range." john-r says, "so 500 or so" Michael says, "If we were even going to contemplate doing that I'd to get top billing for the thing, not SFF....." john-r says, "true" john-r says, "is there a mail list for those at the last meeting" Michael says, "nope.... SFF is a very closed organization....I'm trying to pry my way in but its not working to well....not sure what they're deal is" john-r says, "are you a member?" dcarson says, "should I stop the recorder?" dcarson says, "it looks like we're done" Michael says, "I'm a member, but not an advocate..... being an SFF member doesn't really get you much." john-r says, "ahh" john-r says, "Stop the rec is ok with me" irs says, "Sounds like we're done. I'm gonna get going to try to accomplish something before bed time." Severy-4 says, "I'll stop the recorder, Dana" -- End log: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 10:57:26 pm ASI Meeting Server time--