-- Start log: Wednesday, November 5, 2003 8:47:15 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- kokhmmm says, "Are we going to start on the agenda?" john-r reads the meeting agenda john-r will be away from its keyboard for a bit. DaveW reads the meeting agenda Greg reads the meeting agenda Greg says, "Hey neat! It looks like someone updated the agenda!" Greg says, "The first time is membership services." Arthur arrives. MikeD says, "Is the membership services person here?" john-r says, "Hi Arthur" Greg says, "I can report that we're up to date with the electronic entries for processing new memberships, but Missy hasn't been able to send out the paper materials yet because I just got those from James last week and still need to send them to her." dcarson says, "just on time" Arthur says, "hi all" Greg says, "Oops... that report was for Arthur, of course. :)" Arthur says, "1-handed for a bit" john-r says, "Thats neat Arthur" Greg says, "Arthur, we just started on the agenda, and Membership Services are the first item." Arthur says, "Greg - great!" Arthur reads the meeting agenda Arthur says, "hey a new agenda!" MikeD says, "Does this new agenda have the ability to reverse it's order for the next meeting so we always get to cover stuff sometime?" john-r says, "i can" MikeD says, "there are some items on that agenda that actually haven't been touched on in months" MikeD reads the meeting agenda Arthur says, "I have a suggestion on membership" Greg says, "You're the membership boss, Arthur. :)" With a sparkle of transporter light, saavik appears MikeD says, "Amy has arrived" saavik says, "only 4 min late :-)" Arthur says, "We have some 200-odd members; there's about 10 of us on the leadership council. I think it would be useful for each of us to try to get to know a couple of new members from the membership list every month" Arthur says, "That way everybody would have had some personal contact with one of the leaders during the year" john-r says, "Hi Amy" saavik says, "read current on recorder" saavik says, "err sorry" MikeD says, "good idea, what sort of contact?" saavik says, "always forget the right verb" saavik says, "show current on recorder" saavik says, "ok, looks like I didn't miss much. good idea arthur but it might be a lot of time" john-r says, "How so AMy?" Arthur says, "Email if they have it in our database; maybe a letter or phone call otherwise. They've established prior contact with us so a phone call wouldn't qualify as unsolicited" Greg says, "That's a nifty idea, Arthur." Arthur says, "It doesn't have to be elaborate, just a hi, why did you join the moon society, what do you think we should be doing?" Greg says, "It would provide some feedback from the membership and also give us an opportunity to encourage folks to Do Something." Arthur says, "Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes each. Maybe less" kokhmmm says, "Arthur, follow up with what could we be doing that you would want to participate in?" Arthur says, "Peter, yeah, even better" Arthur says, "One thing we noticed last time was we get quite a lot of one-year members, who never renew. This might help change that. And I don't think it would take too much time; just a little bit of time each month." Scottyg-1 says, "I have a question...Who's supposed to be handling membership issues in Help Director?" Arthur says, "speaking of time..." kokhmmm says, "We have to let new members know we appreciate their membership." Arthur says, "I'm afraid I haven't gotten around to that for a while." Arthur says, "though it is on my to-do list :-)" Arthur says, "I think John's answered a few. Actually anybody can do it if the list is getting long." Scottyg-1 says, "I took care of a couple of urgent things last week, but that list needs to be dealt with promptly. We lost one member due to inattention." Scottyg-1 says, "(Asked for his money back and canceled his membership.)" saavik says, "oh that's bad" Arthur says, "Yup - well that's part of what prompted my thought - our system is pretty impersonal until somebody gets a teamdir account and gets on one of the mailing lists." Scottyg-1 says, "IMHO, the guy was pretty much out of line, but the problem could have been averted if someone was paying closer attention to Help Director." Greg says, "That's an area where a members-only mailing list would be useful even if we have to force ourselves to write clever notes for it." john-r says, "ias far as i know, i sent that e--mail to you Scotty the same day he mailed the complaint, i think it was the lack of the orginal input, and a lost e-mail on his part, anyway thats the way i read it" Greg says, "It would be a membership benefit that we could immediately present to new members." john-r says, "Greg thats one idea for the discuss list" Greg says, "John, yeah." john-r says, "and they would auto be added , with option to opt out" Arthur says, "Anything else on membership issues? Greg, you'll get that stuff to Melissa soon?" Greg says, "I mentioned it here because it relates to Arthur's idea." john-r says, "ahhh" Scottyg-1 says, "I think there's another thing we could do...." dcarson says, "an email with a reply to be added to the list would be good" MikeD says, "If you auto add new members to that list, is it possible to also notify the list that there is a new member" Greg says, "Arthur, yes. I'll get that stuff down to the post office tomorrow unless I'm way-laid by house closing issues." dcarson says, "that doesn't add them without permission and confirms the address is a good one" Scottyg-1 says, "When a member joins, we could create a username and password for Team Director and members-only and send it to him." Arthur says, "Dana, I like that idea" saavik says, "yeah, I like that" MikeD says, "mix my idea with Dana's and you might have a workable plan" Scottyg-1 says, "Then he could immediately gain access without having to request an account, etc." Greg says, "Yeah. I like that!" john-r says, "Scotty, the auto add user name could be on the join form, with a recommened join the members only list???" kokhmmm says, "Yes,if we give new members a username and password that they can change, that should promote more widespread use." Greg says, "I don't like adding people to mailing lists without explicit permission; but you already know that. :)" Scottyg-1 says, "And if he doesn't like our random-letters username and password, he can log in and change it." dcarson says, "aspostmaster and reciever of bad emails I know how many don't know their own email addresses" dcarson says, "neither do I Greg, thats why a send this back if you want on the list idea" Arthur says, "Greg - I think Melissa could routinely do that by hand (assign username and password); I assume Randall or Dana or somebody would have to come up with an automated script? Any volunteers?" saavik says, "volunteers for which parts?" john-r says, "Dana is that type of script a many hour project to add to team dir?" Arthur says, "Or we could just have all new members go to a list where this is one of the checklist items..." Greg says, "Missy is already becoming worried about how much time she spends on each member, so we'd want to be careful about adding to her workload." saavik says, "or increase her pay?" saavik says, "we want her to do a good job" saavik says, "we don't want another turnover" Scottyg-1 says, "Arthur, it is possible to interface with Team Director using cgi posting and do things like that from outside using php or perl or whatever." kokhmmm says, "We should also make it easier for members to know how to change their email address and post that change in the system." Greg says, "Amy, that might be an alternative approach. I agree that we don't want another turnover in that job." Greg says, "The problem is still the infrequent pace of the task. It takes a long time to handle each member because you can't process them in batches." saavik says, "ahh" MikeD says, "Is there any way around that problem?" dcarson takes Membership Processing Contract. dcarson says, "get members to join more often?" Arthur says, "That would help! :-)" dcarson drops Membership Processing Contract. Greg says, "Dana, yup, that'll work! :)" Severy-4 has arrived. Severy-4 says, "Sorry I'm late folks, the rehearsal ran long tonight" Greg says, "Aha! It's a Randall!" saavik says, "it's ok - still on item 1 :-)" saavik says, "but it's a good one" john-r says, "Hi Randall" Severy-4 says, "Please excuse me while I catch up on the recorder log" Arthur says, "afk here for a few mins" kokhmmm says, "Can anyone add my report on Chip Proser to the log somehow? It was before the recorder was turned on." Severy-4 says, "Ok, caught up" MikeD says, "Not sure how that could be done apart from one of us emailing our own logs to whoever manages the recorder and thay could paste that part to the email." Severy-4 says, "Generating a username and password automatically would probably be part of the membership system that feeds the new member data to Team Director" Scottyg-1 says, "Some clients will let you copy text out of the main window and paste it into your input line." kokhmmm says, "I am not using a client right now, and can't do it." Scottyg-1 says, "I could do it, but wasn't here during your report." Scottyg-1 says, "(Actually arrived somewhere in the middle)" john-r says, "I will copy and paste - just a sec" saavik says, "and I was late as well." john-r says, "it will take a few min to edit out the commons stuff, i will be in word processer a few" MikeD says, "John, I have it without the commons stuff" ------------------------------ | | MikeD holds up a BIG sign: | John, I have it without the commons stuff | |___________________________________________| MikeD says, "is there a way to post this here without it saying MikeD says, in front of it" Severy-4 says, "Not easily" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "While we are waiting, let me tell you about a visit I had from Chip"" MikeD says, "Greg says, "Chip Prosser?"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Chip Proser, yes"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "He is going around the country videotaping interviews"" MikeD says, "Greg says, "Gotta have a hobby."" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "He came to Milwaukee after a visit to Burton Sharpe in St. Louis."" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "We had a two hour session in our local trio of botanical geodesic domes, one temperate, one tropical, one desert"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Hope something good comes of it."" MikeD says, "john-r says, "Who was he doing it for ?? and is it based on Space or some other item?"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "He was headed for Madison next to see Gerald Kulcinski, the Helium-3 guru"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "He is doing a presentation about the Moon and its future"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Should benefit us"" MikeD says, "Greg says, "Golly. Chip is having fun!"" MikeD says, "Private production for sale to highest bidder sort of thing?" MikeD says, "You say, "Private production for sale to highest bidder sort of thing?"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "He is freelancing, making a digital show that could be offered anywhere"" MikeD says, "john-r says, "Greg have you met Chip before?"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "And his idea is that local chapters could use a local debut for publicity"" MikeD says, "What are the chances of him selling it to Discovery Channel?" MikeD says, "You say, "What are the chances of him selling it to Discovery Channel?"" MikeD says, "There's a thought" MikeD says, "You say, "There's a thought"" MikeD says, "Greg says, "I think we've been on some conventional panels togther."" MikeD says, "john-r says, "i see"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "I don't know when he expects to finish. He has a script and asked me to touch on various things, biospherics, farming, climate, settlements in rilles and lavatubes and more"" MikeD says, "Greg says, "Oops. "Convention" panels, too."" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Chip is retired. Was a Hollywood screenwriter, I believe."" MikeD says, "john-r says, "Seems like i saw Chips name on a tv thing in the past several monts"" MikeD says, "irs says, "Name's familiar. Brief description?"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Greg, do you recall receiving artwork suggestions from Chip? He says he sent you severalthings but got no response."" MikeD says, "john-r says, "I got some peter, i think in the leaders mail, or some pklace"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Chip is sending me some complementary software, Bryce5, for making quality artwork for MMM or whatever."" MikeD says, "Bryce 5 is *serious* software" MikeD says, "You say, "Bryce 5 is *serious* software"" MikeD says, "There's a bit of a learning curv with it" MikeD says, "You say, "There's a bit of a learning curv with it"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Looking forward to playing with it. Bryce 5 should arrive next few days."" MikeD says, "does 3D stuff and animations" MikeD says, "You say, "does 3D stuff and animations"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "There's a learning curve with everything?"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Probably good for Powerpoint presentations?"" MikeD says, "Way beyond powerpoint" MikeD says, "You say, "Way beyond powerpoint"" MikeD says, "Scottyg-1 has arrived." MikeD says, "john-r says, "Hi Scotty"" MikeD says, "Scottyg-1 says, "Hi all!"" MikeD says, "dcarson says, "more like for good picyures and film"" MikeD says, "The video production course in SF State spends almost a full year on Bryce" MikeD says, "You say, "The video production course in SF State spends almost a full year on Bryce"" MikeD says, "That doesn't mean it takes a year to use it, it just means it takes a year to use *all* of it" MikeD says, "You say, "That doesn't mean it takes a year to use it, it just means it takes a year to use *all* of it"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Here is a link to the place where Chip interviewed me - http://www.countyparks.com/horticulture/domes/index.html"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Was supposed to be rainy, but the sun came through, a perfect setting!"" MikeD says, "john-r says, "neat place"" MikeD says, "dcarson says, "does make a nice background for space settlements"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Yes, it is a favorite background for local home made Star Trek films"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Anyway, Chip's project is a super example of what one member can do on his own. We need more of that!"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Has the meeting been called to order yet?"" MikeD says, "I would do similar if I could afford the $25,000 for the camera" MikeD says, "You say, "I would do similar if I could afford the $25,000 for the camera"" MikeD says, "dcarson says, "I don't think you need that expensive a camera"" MikeD says, "john-r says, "no official start, wondering if amy is coming"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Yes, he did have a *lot* of equipment. Cameras, mikes, lighting, etc. a trunkfull."" MikeD says, "All professional stuff" MikeD says, "You say, "All professional stuff"" MikeD says, "Only that kind of equipment can produce acceptable results for TV and distribution" MikeD says, "You say, "Only that kind of equipment can produce acceptable results for TV and distribution"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "We need more people of special talent, and access to equipment, labs, etc. in the Society"" MikeD says, "john-r says, "i think we have more than we know, but knoing everone is the learning curve"" MikeD says, "getting access to that kind of equipment involves years in the industry" MikeD says, "You say, "getting access to that kind of equipment involves years in the industry"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "Not just talking about Chip's field. Chemistry, metallurgy, experimental agriculture, and on and on"" MikeD says, "kokhmmm says, "We do have several super qualified people and some of them are on the leadership council. We need more if we are going to do more than dream"" MikeD says, "Ok, so whoever wants to can remove the "MikeD says, " part" Arthur says, "back" saavik says, "wow" john-r says, "i saw the BB Mike, before i copyed the paste" MikeD says, "Yeah, I sure can type fast when it's someone elses script" john-r says, "ok, where are we in the agenda :)" Severy-4 says, "Are we finished with Membership Services?" MikeD says, "I think we're still on item 1" Arthur says, "I think we're finished. I'll go through helpdir tonight; doesn't look too bad actually, although 2 months behind" Arthur says, "If people would think about the "contact 2 new members ever month" thing, and send a note to the leaders list when they do that, - let's give it a try anyway." Severy-4 says, "Ok, let's move on to the discuss list and Yahoo Group" Severy-4 says, "Arthur? John? Your names are attached to that agenda item..." Arthur says, "Maybe we'd find more of the super-qualified people MikeD mentioned too :-)" Arthur says, "On the mailing lists - pretty much what we expected. It's nice to have the new general list, but it's obviously not very active. Has had a few unique items though." saavik says, "how do we go about finding the names arthur?" saavik reads the meeting agenda kokhmmm says, "Not much action on the discuss list, except suggestion from Ed Antrobus (New Jersey Outpost) that MMM archive be changed to show most recent issue first." Arthur says, "Oh - log in to teamdir - http://www.moonsociety.org/teamdir/, and go look at the list of current members." saavik says, "and pick some at random?" john-r says, "but lets not all pick the same ones :) so we need it divided some way" saavik says, "that's why I'm asking " Arthur says, "Well, I don't know. We could divide it up. Let's discuss further on the leaders list" kokhmmm says, "How could we divide it? By the alphabet? By geographic location?" john-r says, "on the leaders list, we can divide say by alpha, Greg gets a-w and the rest can split xy and z??" Arthur says, "In reverse order of membership number?" kokhmmm says, "Good idea. Come to some plan on the leaders list and act on it in two weeks." john-r says, "sounds good" john-r reads the meeting agenda Arthur says, "On the mailing lists again - the only thing I'd like to see is if we could get some control of the Yahoo! group. The person who owns it doesn't seem to be around anymore - I think we could get Yahoo to hand it over. Anybody want to volunteer for that?" MikeD says, "Who owns it?" kokhmmm says, "If there are 10 of us, each of us would be responsible for members whose number ends in a certain integer from 0-9" john-r says, "Mike Eckart is still the one who tracks the web rings, so i can e-mail and see if he can transfer" saavik says, "LOL!!" saavik says, "stupid net lag" john-r says, "LOL ?? Amy" Arthur says, "I assume it's Mike Eckardt - John, sounds like a good idea" john-r says, "ok" MikeD says, "He's been quiet for some time now" saavik says, "I was laughing at the a-w comment" Arthur says, "John, I think you can add several people as administrators, which we probably should do." MikeD says, "A&W isn't that a root beer?" Arthur says, "Anyway, try Mike, and if no luck there, try Yahoo directly." saavik says, "good luck on yahoo answering email" saavik says, "I gave up on that with my yahoo group" Arthur says, "Amy, you had one? How did that work?" dcarson says, "you have a yahoo group?" saavik says, "yeah, I have owned several (still own one)" john-r says, "Arthur do you have the yahoo grp url handy" Arthur says, " http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/groups-39.html" saavik says, "gave up one and migrated the other to pb7 but I still own the yahoo group, we use it for archiving" saavik says, "but yes, you can make multiple owners" saavik says, "I did turn one of the groups over to another owner, so I know it's possible" Arthur says, "and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/moonsociety/ is the main URL for the moonsociety group." Arthur says, "Ok, thanks John! Anything else on this?" Arthur says, "directory updates?" saavik reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Lunar Directory updates and invitations" Severy-4 says, "I continue to be lax in my duties in this area, and have no progress to report" john-r says, "make that 2 of us" MikeD reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "I seem to have overcommitted myself to too many things once again" john-r says, "really :)" MikeD says, "what a surprise" MikeD says, "It's all too easy to do" john-r says, "i do not think any of us have too little to do" Arthur says, "yup..." kokhmmm says, "Not everything can be on the front burner at the same time!" irs says, "Quick sidebar: someone seems to have hard-coded the Artemis Magazine issue number on www.moonsociety.org. Originally, it pulled the number from the file at www.lrcpubs.com/issuenum.txt, so could someone either put back the old code, or update the issue number to 8? Thanks you." Severy-4 says, "I didn't intend to restart my musical career to this degree this fast, but oh well, things happen..." dcarson says, "will do Ian" Severy-4 says, "Anyway, moving on to the flyer and brochure..." Severy-4 says, "Any news, Greg or Ian?" john-r says, "Ian i checked the home page and its suppose to call a text file" irs says, "That text file was just updated (like three minutes ago). I reloaded the home page, but the number didn't update." john-r says, "And Ian have you changed the image page?" irs says, "I hang my head in shame for the flyer and brochure. The bottleneck is entirely my fault." irs says, "About five minutes ago, John." john-r says, "It may need to be republished, just a sec and i can do" Severy-4 says, "The home page is republished automatically every 30 minutes, Ian" Severy-4 says, "It doesn't include that text file every time the page is loaded" Severy-4 says, "So just wait for the next update" john-r says, "i just republised and its still 7, and i cked the footer its on early today" irs says, "Gotcha. Thanks, Randall. It's been a while, so I forgot." john-r says, "Ian , http://www.lrcpubs.com/artemismagazine.html still speaks of 2002 issue, just a kind reminder" irs says, "I'm working my way through the updates, John. One thing at a time." Arthur says, "Greg, could you have Missy check on helpdir thread # N7D1C1 ?" Severy-4 says, "Ok, moving on to Chapters Update" Severy-4 says, "I take it this is a Peter agenda item?" Greg says, "What's it about, Arthur? I don't think Missy currently has access to Help Director." Greg says, "Oh, yes she does. She uses it to mail notes to members." kokhmmm says, "Chapters Update: Two very active chapters; St. Louis & Brigham Young Univ. student chapter; San Diego coming back to life. Brief stirring in the SF Bay area. That's about it. Possible addition of India group, not sure." Arthur says, "Oh, Jon Goff asked his extra $15 to be applied to another 9 months membership." Greg says, "(Arthur, it would be better if you could email that to Missy so she'll see it the next time she's on line.)" Arthur says, "Greg - I'll do that thanks." Greg says, "OK. Thanks, Arthur." Arthur says, "Peter, the next item is on India too - shall we move on to that?" kokhmmm says, "India Moon Mission Contest: Amrut wants us to help defining the process. I have been too busy with MMM to get to it." kokhmmm says, "As soon as the November issue is done, I'll try to get to it." dcarson says, "tho posters are in India, apparently waiting for UPS to gat the invoice to customs" Greg says, "... and the bomb squad to make sure that the mailing tube isn't a weapon. :)" Greg will be AFK whilst preparing for horizontal mode. kokhmmm says, "Next?" john-r says, "what greg said :)" Severy-4 says, "Next up is outreach efforts" Severy-4 says, "Anyone have anything to report in this area?" john-r says, "WHo was heading that up?" kokhmmm says, "Hopefully, what Chip isdoing will create a tool for us." john-r says, "hopefully" kokhmmm says, "There is another total lunar eclipse Saturday night. Too late to do much about it." dcarson says, "Ian and I are on a panel at Philcon" Arthur says, "There's also a senate hearing tomorrow!" irs says, "We are?" kokhmmm says, "What about Smart-1? Can we leverage this mission for publicity?" Arthur says, "And the lunar conference in Hawaii in a couple of weeks. Who's going to that?" dcarson says, "Ian Randall Strock and Mitchell Gordon will be on the Terraforming the Moon Panel" MikeD says, "Is there anywhere to get a list of forthcoming Lunar events?" dcarson says, "email today that said I was on it" MikeD says, "That way we could plan ahead for them" irs says, "Hmm. Hadn't heard anything from programming after saying I was gonna be there." dcarson says, "the mail came today" Severy-4 says, "Sure, Mike, there are web sites that list Lunar events out hundreds of years" irs says, "Ah. Then it may be waiting in my in-box." Arthur says, "Terraforming the moon!" MikeD says, "got any urls for them Randall?" kokhmmm says, "Mike, that's a good idea. That should be one of the DIRECTIONS on the web page right side panel." dcarson says, "gotta find the figures on how long a breathable atmosphere lasts " dcarson says, "IIRC its several 10K years" MikeD says, "Along with some instructions on how to view them and things to look out for when observing the Moon etc" kokhmmm says, "Hey, add an atmosphere and wait 10,000 years for the dust to settle. Bad idea." MikeD says, "Dana that figure sounds right" MikeD says, "You have to wet it down first Peter" kokhmmm says, "Mike, I heard that figue too. Don't know if it is a "half life" or what." kokhmmm says, "Wet it down and make mud. The mud games!" Arthur says, "You're planning to hit the moon with a few comets or something?" MikeD says, "I doubt the Earthbond ecologists would allow Lunar terraforming" john-r says, "or sinking in quick sand - :)" kokhmmm says, "Best is to terraform quarantined parts of it, like lavatubes." Severy-4 says, "No URLs, Mike, but a simple Google search should turn up plenty of sites" kokhmmm says, "That way you have a bit of Earth but don't change the surface much." john-r says, "sorry folks, but i have to scoot away, to sleep , good night, been interesting tonight" john-r has disconnected. MikeD says, "I can see that, but I'm not sure lavatubes would be large enough for actual terraforming" Arthur says, "Goodnight john" MikeD says, "night John" dcarson says, "http://www.chris.obyrne.com/Eclipses/calculator.html" kokhmmm says, "Mike, do a google, my MMM article comes up in slot 7" MikeD says, "google on what key?" kokhmmm says, "Terraform the Moon" Arthur says, "Ok, membership helpdir is cleaned up. Only the one real problem case." Arthur says, "I really did have moonsoc helpdir as one of 5 top items on my todo list! Now to just get the other 4 done..." MikeD says, "I guess that was just a regular google and not an advanced google" kokhmmm says, "http://www.asi.org/adb/06/09/03/02/100/lavatubes.html" The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. Severy-4 says, "Ok, Michael isn't here to talk about grant opportunities" saavik says, "read" saavik says, "err" saavik reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "So, that takes us to Mike and team and mailing list infrastructure" Severy-4 says, "Anything to report, Mike?" MikeD says, "How big does a lavatube need to be in order to subterraform it" MikeD says, "Nothing to report apart from the fact that there's noting to report right now" Arthur says, "He sounds like a politician :-)" MikeD says, "Nah, the best politician I ever heard had the TV interviewer jumping out of his seat in anger" kokhmmm says, "Lavatubes can be tens of kms long, and as much as 500 m x500 m in cross-section." MikeD says, "that's a much larger volume than a manmade structure alright" kokhmmm says, "Not saying that you could establish a self-maintaining biosphere in a tube, only that you could make it comfy and homey." MikeD says, "Randall, I suppose I could finish applying the team and chapter templates but it's almost as easy to do that when a team becomes active again" MikeD says, "Aha, so that actually calling it terrafroming may not be accurate" kokhmmm says, "On teams. Could a team have a page where other members could visit and see what they are doing, have accomplished, etc.?" MikeD says, "Thay can if they want that" kokhmmm says, "That's why I called it "subterraforming" - a play on words" kokhmmm says, "If we offered a page to teams, that might encourage them to produce something for others to see" MikeD says, "I tend to default to a team-members only webpage for teams, but it can be made public and then parts can be made team-members only" MikeD says, "They all have pages" MikeD says, "Most dont use them" MikeD says, "I think there are only 2 teams without pages and they actually don't need pages" Arthur says, "Sounds like we should send a query out to all the team leaders, if they want to make their web pages public by default?" MikeD says, "I'll wage they'll mostly say 'No!'" MikeD says, "wager too" kokhmmm says, "Possibly, if team activity is archived, a page could be produced by someone based on their archived output." kokhmmm says, "Thinking of all the ASI teams of yesteryear" MikeD says, "As an example the Iron Extraction team specifically requested that their page be team-members-only" MikeD says, "Peter, they're all teams of yesteryear" MikeD says, "There's no activity there at all" kokhmmm says, "Time for a resurrection" Arthur says, "Or give everybody a "public" subdirectory, don't bother to ask?" MikeD says, "Possibly Arthur, but then you have the issue of team pages that just say 'ASI XXX Team Page'" kokhmmm says, "Meanwhile, the mattress beckons. Goodnight all" kokhmmm has disconnected. MikeD says, "Arthur, I'm talking about teams like this http://www.asi.org/private/lunar-ag/" Arthur says, "Yup. Ok, well Peter was the one asking for it, and he's gone now - what say we close up for the night?" MikeD says, "All the page says is "Artemis Society Lunar Agriculture Committee"" Arthur says, "John, your stuff should be first on the list next time, right?" Severy-4 says, "John is long gone, Arthur" Arthur says, "Oh yeah, I'm getting sleepy here..." Severy-4 says, "I agree that we should close up for the night, as I have to wake up in about six hours" MikeD says, "I've been asleep for hours" Arthur says, "More formally: motion to adjourn the meeting" dcarson says, "second" Severy-4 says, "No motion needed, we're not that formal tonight :-)" Severy-4 says, "I declare the meeting adjourned!" Arthur says, "Ok! Thanks!" Arthur leaves. -- End log: Wednesday, November 5, 2003 10:55:55 pm ASI Meeting Server time--