-- Start log: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 9:19:05 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- saavik says, "ok, meeting called to order" saavik says, "and I think Michael is up first" Michael-1 reads the meeting agenda Michael-1 says, "looks like I have hte first few agenda items...." saavik reads the meeting agenda DaveW-2 reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "go for it" Michael-1 reads the meeting agenda Michael-1 says, "ok, first, no update yet on the radiometer stuff..... Charles is still working it." Michael-1 says, "2nd item: I assume everyone saw the space show invitation I forwarded?" MikeD-1 says, "I saw it" kokhmmm says, "Yes" Michael-1 says, "ok, we need to decide who can/should do the show and what they should say (if anything in particular)" saavik says, "I saw it" MikeD-1 says, "Ian ususally does those" MikeD-1 says, "usually too" Michael-1 says, "ok... any objections to just telling Ian to go handle it?" Michael-1 says, ";-)" irs says, "Ian is taking care of it." MikeD-1 says, "cool" Michael-1 says, "cool....." Greg-1 says, "Sounds good to me!" Michael-1 says, "next item: peter's positoin papers." Michael-1 says, "positoin?" Michael-1 says, "whatever..." Severy-4 has arrived. MikeD-1 says, "isn't positoin something they use in androids?" Severy-4 says, "Good evening, everyone!" Michael-1 says, "peter, I neglected to look to see if there was an executive summary with that ot not. Is there?" saavik says, "hey randall, on number 2" saavik says, "err 3" kokhmmm says, "I sent latest draft URL for Moon Position Paper and first draft URL for Hubble paper to the Leaders. Check your in box." Severy-4 says, "I just got home, and need a few moments to catch up" kokhmmm says, "There is a summary for the Moon paper, the Hubble paper is short" saavik will be right back. Michael-1 says, "can we turn the summary into a press release?" saavik says, "I need to switch computers" saavik has disconnected. saavik has connected. A transporter beam sparkles and saavik disappears With a sparkle of transporter light, saavik appears saavik says, "back - is randall in charge now?" Severy-4 says, "I'm still catching up, if you can keep things going :-)" saavik says, "ok, I think michael was still up" Michael-1 says, "sorry.... was fixing my dinner plate...." irs says, "Haven't had a chance to read anything in a few days." Michael-1 says, "I guess what I was after was a way of turning what Peter had in the paper into a press release. Given the current atmosphere a release *will* get picked up by someone." Greg-1 says, "Good idea." Greg-1 says, "I don't see the URL for the moon position paper." Greg-1 says, "Or... is draft 3 the one?" kokhmmm says, "We could do that, if everyone is okay with the wording.Arthur and I are finetuning one section. http://www.lunar-reclamation.org/moonsoc_position_draft3.htm" Greg-1 says, "Silly me." irs says, "If I have to read it now, you're gonna have to give me a few minutes to load up the web browser and then read it." Michael-1 says, "sure.... when do you think we could finish it up?" kokhmmm says, "Tonight or tomorrow am." Michael-1 says, "cool...." saavik says, "shall we all go read now?" MikeD-1 says, "It's quite a long piece Amy" kokhmmm says, "The main change is addition of summary and a few wording changes and additions suggested by Arthur." saavik says, "nod, it is very long" saavik reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "should we have a few of us go read while the meeting also continues in the foreground? will take longer to read that way but that may be ok" Michael-1 says, "yep" Michael-1 reads the meeting agenda MikeD-1 says, "can we handle other agenda items while we wait?" Michael-1 says, "I think so...." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, everybody should read it carefully. We'll probably need a few more drafts before it looks like a position paper." kokhmmm says, "Meanwhile, on the president's Aldrige commision representation, I think Spudis is the person we may have to work through" Michael-1 says, "I suggest we all read it after hte meeting and comment by close of business tomorrow" Greg-1 says, "What is the Aldridge commission?" Michael-1 says, "well, i wasn't really talking about a *presentation*.... " MikeD-1 says, "It would be good to time it's release before the Space Show interview" Michael-1 says, "Greg, moontomars.org" Michael-1 says, "Mike, yes." saavik says, "by end of tomorrow soounds good" Michael-1 says, "Greg, its the presidents overview commission for the new space strategy." saavik says, "what is next then?" MikeD-1 says, "how much before is another question" kokhmmm says, "You have the opportunity to give input on moontomars.org" john-r is back and caught up Michael-1 says, "I'm planning to actually *go* to the one in Atlanta and I'm curious what the society would like for me to communicate while I'm there" MikeD-1 says, "I think while we wait for people to read this we should only handle menial things" Greg-1 says, "Found it: http://www.moontomars.org/ (The "www" is required.)" MikeD-1 says, "they generally stream video all day Greg" kokhmmm says, "As to tomorrow, its early to bed for me with a 6am flight to Honolulu Friday am, and then jet lag for a day or two. So I may not be able to react to your collective input right away." MikeD-1 says, "apart from the 3 hour lunchbreak" john-r says, "wow, dayton is but 4 or 5 hrs from me, hummm." MikeD-1 says, "what's the lag Peter? about 6 hours?" kokhmmm says, "no just 4 hours" saavik says, "well, let's all agree to read it off line and give peter input by ... when do you want it peter?" saavik says, "because we should get to the rest of the agenda" saavik reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "which is the moontomars? do you want us to send you with an agenda of things michael?" Michael-1 says, "the rest of their meetings are here:U.S. Air Force Museum, March 3-4, 2004" Michael-1 says, "Atlanta, March 24-25, 2004" Michael-1 says, "San Francisco, April 15-16, 2004" Michael-1 says, "New York, May 3-4, 2004 (Hayden Planetarium)" Michael-1 says, "Amy, yes.... .I'm willing to be at this meeting as a representative of the societies so I would need direction...." Michael-1 says, "we have time though" Greg-1 reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "maybe a small set of us should work on that michael?" MikeD-1 says, "So we draft Tim for San Fran, Ian for New York and Michael for Atlanta?" john-r says, "if i can make the mar 4, i would need direction also.." john-r says, "lets try to get me to the ohio??" Severy-4 says, "I may be able to make the New York one" irs says, "How does one apply to testify before the committee?" saavik wonders about NYC for her too Michael-1 says, "I was also thiking of driving to Ohio...." saavik says, "NYC is the closest for me I guess - unless there is a boston one" Michael-1 says, "ian, I don't think you do..... I want to go so I can talk to peole "in the hallways"" Michael-1 says, "I kind of doubt we'll be able to get a represenative to actually testify...." Greg-1 says, "Do we have to do anything to get invited to these hearings, or just show up?" Michael-1 says, "Greg, completley and utterly public" Michael-1 says, "Saddam Hussein could go if he could get a pass out of hte jail he's in" saavik says, "which means it may well be very crowded" Greg-1 says, "Yeah." Michael-1 says, "amy, from the last one I doubt it..... people generally don't go to these things...." Michael-1 says, "the view of the room showed *lots* of empty chairs" Michael-1 says, "that may change but I doubt it...." john-r says, "but it was the first, and us activists did not have time to scramble" saavik says, "so the more of us that show up, the better" Michael-1 says, "possibly" dcarson says, "which means having a few of 'our' people there can be useful" irs says, "Uh, I'm running on my usual slow connection. What's that on www.moontomars.com?" saavik says, "well, I can't promise because that is work-week bu t NYC is only 3 hours for me via train" Michael-1 says, "people in commissions like that are impressed when people actually show up to hear them...." MikeD-1 says, "The level of apparent public apathy towards space is becoming quite glaringly obvious, I wonder to what extent the government want it to appear that way" dcarson says, "thats the site for the space commission " irs says, "I was thinking work-week, too. Gotta see if I can take a day." irs says, "I thought Greg said www.moontomars.org?" john-r says, "http://www.moontomars.org/" Greg-1 says, "Ian, public hearings are listed here: http://www.moontomars.org/news/news.asp" irs says, "Good. Thanks." Michael-1 says, "ok, folk should check their calendars and see if tehy want to go. I think we could probably use Peter's position paper as our "talking points"...." Greg-1 says, "Do you expect that the public will have an opportunity to talk?" Michael-1 says, "greg, usually no.... I'm just going on the last meeting though" john-r says, "the orgina commission said to get public input" saavik says, "ok, on calendar" Michael-1 says, "john, it is.... but via the web site....." Michael-1 says, "the actual meetings have pre-arranged speakers and the commission asks questions....." john-r says, "you mean the web site appears to be the only form of public input?" Michael-1 says, "john, yes" john-r says, "ahh and hummm" Nancy-1 says, "Where was the last meeting, Michael?" john-r says, "so to me, if Paul D. Spudis is our best conntact, who do we know that can call himm on the phone ??? " Michael-1 says, "DC NASA offices" Nancy-1 says, "TY" MikeD-1 says, "According to their charter on http://www.moontomars.org/about/charter.asp" MikeD-1 says, "The Commission shall conduct occasional meetings as appropriate, including at various locations throughout the United States to solicit views and opinions from the public, academia, and industry." Michael-1 says, "ok, can we move onto the next item?" john-r says, "yup" Severy-4 says, "Yup" MikeD-1 says, "fine by me" Greg-1 says, "What do we want Paul Spudis to do?" Michael-1 says, "good questoin...." john-r says, "get us a time to have a speaker at one of the meetings is one thought" Michael-1 says, "yep...." john-r says, "in other words, one of us as a speaker" saavik says, "if NYC, I vote for Ian :-)" john-r says, "yup" Michael-1 says, "although he will have a heard time justifying us as opposed to someone else. There are several other groups like us that ae laying 'claim' to Paul" MikeD-1 says, "Being able to officially ask a question or two wouldn't hurt either" Michael-1 says, "there is usually a press conference period but its just for media" Michael-1 says, "Mike, I don't think they're doing a QA style meeting" john-r says, "i will ask more ? on Paul in the leaders list, this could go on for hours :)" MikeD-1 says, "which means Public Hearing means Public Hears!" saavik says, "well, Ian could be media?" john-r says, "good one mike" saavik says, "for artemis?" saavik says, "magazine that is" Michael-1 says, "probably......" john-r says, "hey Ian for media as artemis mag" john-r says, "i was slow on the type " Michael-1 says, "folks need to remember this is a governmental commissoin that live at the behest of hte president. Members run multi-billion dollar companies. We need to be professional, succinct and clear." john-r says, "maybe :)" john-r says, "but agreed too" irs says, "I am media. If there's a media Q&A session, I can attend (though it does mean time off from the day-job). And if we can get a representative to actually testify, I think I'm it. How do we do so?" Michael-1 says, "ian, probably ask Paul or contact the commission directly...." john-r says, "work work work on it in the leaders list, we have some time, not alot" Michael-1 says, "their snail mail address is on the site...." MikeD-1 says, "http://www.moontomars.org/notices/contact.asp" Michael-1 says, "yep" Michael-1 says, "yep.... lets hash this out on the leaders list and move on..." irs says, "I'll try to contact the commission. Is Paul both a member of the commission and of the Moon Society? Is that what I'm missing?" Greg-1 says, "I just sent 'em the question: Will the public be able to ask questions or make comments at the public hearings?" MikeD-1 says, "Could we compile a list of questions and comments to email to them and do so" saavik reads the meeting agenda Michael-1 reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "michael, if you want to move the agenda, you are up next again" MikeD-1 says, "making sure that each of us asks a different and well thought out question?" saavik wonders when randall takes over Michael-1 says, "after this one...." Michael-1 says, "ok, we're going to move on...." Greg-1 says, "We're on the "Return to the Moon" topic?" Michael-1 says, "SFF has asked us how we'd like to participate in the upcoming RTTM. This is hush hush but it looks like James Cameron will be there." Michael-1 says, "Greg, yea" Michael-1 says, "and several of hte commissoin members will also be there." Greg-1 says, "Amazing." Michael-1 says, "SFF is asking us to promote, co-brand and help find speakers." Greg-1 says, "Of course." Severy-4 says, "Michael seems to be keeping things moving just fine without me :-)" Michael-1 says, "I'm suggesting that we do one better and provide a little money so that we can claima prominent position...." irs says, "Wasn't the last RTTM canceled? When/where are they planning for this one?" Michael-1 says, "las vegas" saavik says, "nod, true but you can take over for me anyway :-)" Greg-1 says, "I haven't heard beans from SFF in years, so it would be good to know who we're talking about. Who contacted whom about what?" john-r says, "i do not think Paul is a mo soc member, i can ck if you want" Michael-1 says, "July 16-18" Michael-1 says, "Greg, Manny Pim contacted me directly" Greg-1 says, "OK. Who is Manny Pim? I haven't had the honor." Michael-1 says, "mainly because I'm in regular contact with several SFF members." Michael-1 says, "Manny handled the RTTM last year." Greg-1 says, "So, the key question is: Do we Return to Las Vegas?" Greg-1 says, "He's the chairman?" Michael-1 says, "I think so...." Greg-1 says, "(Which, adimittedly, is a lot like returning to the moon.)" Michael-1 says, "Greg, I think we have to.... we're so disingaged right now that if we don't at least do that then I suggest we just pack up and give up." john-r says, "Michael, if we spend some, do we at least have a chance of a cash return, if if the ret to the moon conf went well??" irs says, "When in Las Vegas?" Michael-1 says, "July 16-18" john-r says, "and any round numbers to look at like a thousand or do we mean 5 ooo??" Greg-1 says, "Heh. I wouldn't put that much weight on it, Michael. The last time we evaluated the results of the RTTM conference, it seemed that we invested lots of time and money for zero results. Just the same bunch of guys talking about the same stuff to each other." irs says, "Mensa Annual Gathering is in Las Vegas 30 June-5 July. Too bad they're at different times." john-r says, "or 5,000" Michael-1 says, "john, I think if we put in about a grand that we'd make that up in new memberships within a year" Arthur arrives. Greg-1 says, "However, this new President's Commission could change the value of it." Arthur says, "Hi all - sorry to be late again" Arthur reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "Hi Arthur" irs says, "I have to echo Greg's view. The two I attended didn't seem to have more than 100 attendees, and probably 25-50% of them were also presenters of some sort. Didn't strike me as very important or useful." john-r says, "we are on Return to the moon (conference in Las Vagas)" Greg-1 says, "I've been to many of these, and seen the same presentations many times." Michael-1 says, "ian, form what Manny has said this one will be different." Arthur says, "SFF conference?" kokhmmm says, "It is (financially) an elitist conference." Michael-1 says, "Arthur, yes" Arthur says, "The "Return to the Moon" bulletin board at sff.org has been busy lately" saavik says, "I agree it was not what I expected either" Michael-1 says, "peter, financially elitist? How so?" Greg-1 says, "Yes, it is that -- financially rewarding for a few folks." kokhmmm says, "Cost of registration, to keep the scum out" irs says, "Michael, it is easy to SAY it's going to be different. Is he doing anything different? (Like an affordable registration rate? advertising? and so on)" Arthur says, "Sorry, space-frontier.org: http://www.space-frontier.org/Boards/MoonBase/"" Michael-1 says, "ian, if he doesn't then we back out......" Michael-1 says, "if we don't do RTTM, is there one that we should do?" Greg-1 says, "(You might recall that I was the chairman of the first RTTM that SFF held.)" kokhmmm says, "We should do ISDC.TheMars society is a regular cosponsor and we should be too." Michael-1 says, "greg, yep.... IIRC that's the one I was at too" Greg-1 says, "I tend to lean toward Peter's reasoning on that. The ISDC is less a case of all marketing and no product." Michael-1 says, "I think we should figure out how to make it a success rather than simply give up" Greg-1 says, "Michael, yup, that was the one." Arthur says, "Anybody who wants to talk at ISDC, let me know, I'll put you on the schedule" Greg-1 says, "ISDC... when and where?" Arthur says, "May 27-31, Oklahoma City" Michael-1 says, "so we don't want to do RTTM?" Greg-1 says, "(Maybe ISDC oughtta be an agenda item here.)" Severy-4 says, "I think I'm already on the schedule for ISDC" irs says, "Dana, is that Balticon weekend? After Boskone this weekend, I'm thinking about doing Balticon this year." Michael-1 reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Yes, it's Balticon weekend, darnit" Severy-4 says, "Memorial Day weekend" kokhmmm says, "It's possible I can show up at OC but just for one day, Fri or Sat" saavik says, "well, is RTTM dead for sure? could be cool but it wasn't last time..." dcarson says, "Memorial Day Weekend May 28 - 31, 2004" dcarson says, "Guest of Honor:" dcarson says, "Lois McMaster Bujold" dcarson says, "Artist Guest of Honor:" dcarson says, "Dave Seeley" dcarson says, "Music Guest of Honor:" dcarson says, "Heather Alexander" irs says, "Looks like Maryland for me (if I'm going anywhere)." Michael-1 says, "RTTM might have been dead before but if it isn't this time then we loose out." Greg-1 says, "I might be able to make Oklahoma City, too. It's only 3.5 hours from here." dcarson says, "I'm running science track although Pat Kely had it basically done before his heart attack" dcarson says, "ca you fid out details on what they want, what rates will be etc?" Greg-1 says, "Aw, darn! It conflicts with Balticon? :(" irs says, "How fast do you drive, Greg?" Michael-1 says, "dana, what do you mean by rates? individual conference rates?" Severy-4 says, "Yeah, Greg, it sucks that I'll miss the one in my own backyeard" Severy-4 says, "backyard, rather" saavik says, "I thought you were in NY Greg?" Greg-1 says, "Going to ISDC, Randall?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, Balticon is one of the best, if not THE best." Severy-4 says, "Yup, I'm planning to be there, Greg" Greg-1 says, "I'm slippery. Right now I'm in Texas." Greg-1 says, "The revenooers will never catch me! :)" dcarson says, "yes, what will registration for RTTM be, that tells if they intend to open it up" saavik says, "lol" Michael-1 says, "dana, that will probably be dependent on what kind of sponsors (i.e. people like us) they get.... " Michael-1 says, "I'll get details on the RTTM finances, etc and get back to youguys" Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Michael." saavik reads the meeting agenda saavik hands the gavel to randall john-r says, "TY Michael" Greg-1 says, "(We're down to #6, the point system.)" Michael-1 says, "yep.. .all randalls now" john-r says, "yep" Severy-4 says, "I don't have anything new on the Point System for tonight, unless someone else has something to contribute on that item" Michael-1 reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "If not, let's move on to Merchandise Production" Severy-4 says, "And back to Michael :-)" saavik says, "do we plan to implement it" saavik says, "(the points that is)" saavik says, "randall was too fast for me" Michael-1 says, "I sent account info around to a cafepress shop for the society...." john-r says, "on point sys, its still in discussion" Severy-4 says, "Yes, I think so, Amy, we just haven't had a chance to develop our own lists, which I guess I need to start" saavik says, "ahh ok" john-r says, "if i understood the leaders e-mail on cafe press, we can have only one logo and one item, and more items then has a fixed cost of some sort??" Michael-1 says, "john, yes..... one logo per item... you can have multiple logos but only one "white tshirt"..... thats for the free version. To go up to premium is $5 per month." john-r says, "ahhh, thats what i needed" Michael-1 says, "I'm not looking for a decision right now.... just wanted to get you guys up to speed so you can understand how easy this is." Greg-1 says, "Michael, is that $5 per month per item, or just $5 per month?" Michael-1 says, "$5 per month" john-r says, "any sales yet :)" Michael-1 says, "john, yes.... greg bought several ;-" john-r says, "hes no count tho :)" dcarson says, "if you do a year at a time, $6.95 if a month at a time" Greg-1 says, "That's not too bad, though obviously we'd have to expect that net revenues would have to exceed $5 a month for it to be worhtwhile to do any venture beyond yours." Michael-1 says, "dana, correct." Greg-1 does too count! Does too! Does too! john-r says, "ok ok - i am sorry :)" john-r says, "i for got where i was " Michael-1 says, "ok.... that's it for me.... please go play with it, upload some graphics, etc..." kokhmmm has disconnected. john-r says, "Peter said he might do that" john-r says, "bad connections or something" Michael-1 says, "ok... its all about randall now" Greg-1 says, "Michael, does that mean we're ready for Membership Services?" Severy-4 says, "Ok, let's move on to Membership Services" Michael-1 says, "greg, yep" Nancy-1 says, "There were 4 renewals. " Nancy-1 says, "Missy needs some writen instructions on how to check for seniors and students. " Severy-4 says, "There was a question raised earlier today about whether we are sending out snail-mail renewal reminders. Are we?" Nancy-1 says, "I know Missy is not doing that." The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. kokhmmm has arrived. Nancy-1 says, "That's all I have from this end on Membership Services." Severy-4 says, "Umm, then what happened to the snail-mail renewal reminders?" irs says, "Nancy, do you mean to see if someone qualifies for a senior/student discount, or only if someone claims such." saavik says, "ok, I object to the spaghetti top unless it is what greg bought ;-) I want women's clothes that are not revealing" Nancy-1 says, "Randall, Missy was never told about snail mail renewal reminders." Nancy-1 says, "Was someone else doing them?" Nancy-1 says, "Ian, no. Someone asked last week about how many seniors and students were members." Greg-1 says, "Amy, no, I bought two T-shirts and two hats. No spaghetti straps." john-r says, "Ian- i think Nancy was refering to my question last week on knowing how many new/renewals were senor/students" saavik says, "lol - so michael how do we get some of the new logos in the right format?" Severy-4 says, "Oops, I think snail-mail reminders fell through the cracks somehow, I thought that was part of the membership services processing" kokhmmm has disconnected. Greg-1 says, "Randall, I suspect it could be. We would have to provide appropriate tools and instructions." Greg-1 says, "... and add it to whatever Missy's contract is supposed to be." john-r says, "and additional time and funds, most likley" irs says, "Ah, OK. 'cause I was gonna say that we don't have to bother with those discounts unless the new member claims one of them." Severy-4 says, "Uggh, I thought it *was* in the contract already" Nancy-1 says, "Randall, it was never mentioned to Missy." Greg-1 says, "Come to think of it, we never did come up with a contract for Missy." Severy-4 says, "It was in the contract with James, I had assumed we were just transferring the same duties" Severy-4 says, "Sheesh, how did something like that go unnoticed for so long :-(" saavik says, "I thougth we were doing email reminders unless they didn't have them?" dcarson says, "I'm a life member, I don't expect to get an notice" Severy-4 says, "We had long discussions in the past about doing both e-mail and snail-mail reminders" kokhmmm has connected. Greg-1 says, "My guess: Somehow we were relying on me to handle getting Missy set up, but nobody handled getting me set up. I've not been in the membership services loop for years'n'years." saavik says, "ooh, amy added a golf shirt" Severy-4 says, "And worked out a schedule for both, and then I guess it was all overlooked :-(" Severy-4 says, "And I guess Scotty isn't around so we can't ask him what happened" Greg-1 says, "Yeah. Actually, Scotty was never in charge of membership services, either, so we have the same problem there. Comm dropout." Arthur says, "Scotty wasn't in charge? Scotty knew a lot more about it than I did!" Severy-4 says, "Scotty was the liaison with Jennifer Day, we found someone else specifically because she didn't want to do snail-mail reminders any more" Greg-1 says, "Randall, right now, does Team Director automagically send the email notices?" Arthur says, "I seem to recall Peter was suggesting he could help with reminders via MMM - did we ever get anywhere with that?" kokhmmm says, "I did reminders once, by separate letter. I can circle members about to expire or circle their expiration date" Severy-4 says, "Yes, Team Director automagically sends out e-mail notices" kokhmmm says, "I don't handle the mailing, but I'll try to get the person who handles the MMM labels to take a red pen to approaching expriation dates" dcarson says, "so whos going to see what is in the contract and make sure Missy gets it?" Greg-1 says, "While we're at it, we need to make sure that Missy can handle the increased workload." Greg-1 says, "She's getting married in June." john-r says, "Greg se http://www.moonsociety.org/private/board/contracts/membership-processing-contract_2.html its the contract for james , and needs up dated" Greg-1 says, "Who has materials for snail-mailing reminders?" saavik is getting sleepy saavik reads the meeting agenda john-r says, "no sleep for the valcans, new rule of law :)" Severy-4 says, "Yup, that's the contract I assumed everything was being based on, a bad assumption I guess" john-r says, "Missy has been working since what- last oct??" Severy-4 says, "At one point Jennifer Day had those materials, I assume Scotty knows what happened to them" saavik says, "I'm heading off to bed folks - see you online tomorrow" Saavik heads back to the Enterprise for the night john-r says, "nite" Greg-1 says, "G'night, Amy1" saavik says, "G'night!" saavik has disconnected. MikeD-1 says, "the wording needs to be modified to stipulate snail mail as well as email" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, it really needs to be completely updated." john-r says, "Randall do you want to e-mail Scotty on this, or me or greg or who?? to see what he knows" Severy-4 says, "Greg has asked Scotty already" john-r says, "ok" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, we'll find out." john-r says, "my at who says Scotty is in this room" Michael-1 blinks Greg-1 says, "S'okay, I can catch up with Scotty and find out what's going on." The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. kokhmmm reads the meeting agenda Severy-4 says, "Ok, lets move on to the flyer and brochure" Greg-1 says, "I think that's about all we can do for membership services right now. I'll see if I can find out what's going on." Severy-4 says, "Anything new to report, Greg or Ian?" Greg-1 says, "GMTA" Greg-1 says, "Nothing new on the flyer." Severy-4 says, "Any prospects for progress in the near future? We're running out of time..." Greg-1 says, "Define 'running out of time'. :)" Severy-4 says, "Rockville Science Day is on April 18th, ISDC is Memorial Day Weekend" irs says, "Greg, I want your input on it, adn while I can't do it in the next few hours even if I hear from you right now, I can handle it by myself if you'd prefer." dcarson says, "as is Balticon" Greg-1 says, "So, "out of time" is 2 months from now, minus the time it takes to print up some stuff." Severy-4 says, "Yup" Greg-1 says, "Ian, no worries. I have the action item to do the flyer." irs says, "OK, just checking." Severy-4 says, "At this point, seeing as it is now 11 pm EST, I'd like to throw open the rest of the agenda" Scottyg-1 says, "Greg and Nancy, I specifically requested that Mi9ssy be supplied a copy of the Membership Services Contract that sets forth all the tasks expected. So far as I knew, that had been done." Severy-4 says, "Is there any specific item remaining on the agenda that someone wishes to discuss tonight?" dcarson reads the meeting agenda Nancy-1 says, "Gosh, Scotty, she never got anything like that." Scottyg-1 says, "That was a Greg task." dcarson hands Scotty the rolled newspaper kokhmmm says, "I've been sounding out the American Lunar Society on some joint project ideas. Nothing definite to report yet." irs says, "Never heard of them. Guess their publicity is about as good as ours." Scottyg-1 says, "There's a copy of the original contract right here. Say "read contract" to see it." kokhmmm says, "www.americanlunarsociety.org" Greg-1 says, "Scotty, we have it. It's on the board directory." kokhmmm says, "they are a moon observers group, smaller than us." irs says, "ah" Nancy-1 says, "I read it, Scotty. " kokhmmm says, "Have to go! Good night all. I'll be thinking of you from Waikiki!" dcarson says, "have fun" kokhmmm has disconnected. irs says, "I, too, am going to have to get going. Anything else I'm needed for?" Scottyg-1 says, "The second version we did for James has a few changes, but I think nothing of great substance." Michael-1 goes home. john-r says, "i think i need to sleep, so much to think about, good meeting" john-r says, "night" Greg-1 says, "Yup. As I recall, the last we spoke of it to Missy was last October, when we said we would have to update it for her. I don't remember what we said about sending renewal notices, but I know that we had agreed she would not be doing them." john-r has disconnected. Greg-1 says, "I don't remember why that was. That night we were focused on learning the electronic part of it." Greg-1 says, "It might be that at the time we had decided not to send paper notices." The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. Greg-1 says, "We discussed it, but I don't remember the results of that conversation." Severy-4 says, "I don't think I was a part of that conversation, the last I remember on the subject was that we thought it was important to do paper notices" Greg-1 says, "Randall, yes, but that was very recently." Severy-4 says, "That was the original reason we had to find someone other than Jennifer Day" Greg-1 says, "When it came up, I was assuming that Somebody Else was doing the paper notices." Severy-4 looks around for Somebody Else :-) Greg-1 says, "LOL" Greg-1 says, "Paper notices were the only reason that Jennefir quit?" Severy-4 says, "Jennifer didn't quit, she refused to do paper notices, so we felt we needed to find someone else to take over" Greg-1 says, "Hmm... I recall that she had stopped doing anything at all, and memberships were going unprocessed." The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. Greg-1 says, "Or maybe I'm confusing that with the more recent situation." Severy-4 says, "I think that was the more recent situation" Scottyg-1 says, "I don't recall any agreement that she would not be sending renewal notices. After all, that was the reason we cancelled the contract with Jennifer." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, but at the time we brought Missy on board, the situation had changed." irs says, "Dana, if you haven't seen it, in the Information Requests mailbox is a message from Hal Haag trying to get hold of you. It's dated a week or two ago, but the newest in the queue." Greg-1 says, "So, we still have to deal with paper notices." Scottyg-1 says, "It was my understanding that the arrangement with Missy was to be the same as called out in the 2nd contract." Scottyg-1 says, "That contract simply needed to have her name substituted for James and perhaps yours for mine for the signatures." Greg-1 says, "There were several items we had agreed to change. I'll have to look through the thing and see if I can remember what. But I'm sure that not sending renewal notices was on that list." Greg-1 says, "I have my notes around here somewhere. Trouble is, they've been packed and moved too many times." dcarson says, "taken care of Ian, I'm taking over since Pat Kelly died" Greg-1 says, "Not that it matters; we can only start from where we are. And where we are is that Missy didn't even know we thought she was doing that. She doesn't have any materials for it, either." irs says, "OK, just noted the open thread. Sorry to hear about Pat." MikeD-1 says, "I'm going to bed" MikeD-1 says, "goodnight all" MikeD-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove MikeD-1. dcarson says, "suden heart attack" Greg-1 says, "James dumped some boxes of stuff on me. They were a big pile of disorganized paper, so maybe the materials are lurking in there." dcarson says, "if you are comint to balticon want to be on the big panel on the new space plan?" irs says, "We'll be deciding definitely in the next few days. I'll let you know as soon as I know. But yeah, if I'll be there, I'm available to be on whatever panel you want (though I'll also be trying to get a dealers' room table)." irs says, "I'm gonna have to get going. It's 11:30, so good night, folks." dcarson says, "gnight" irs has disconnected. DaveW-2 leaves. Arthur says, "Hmm, bedtime for me too" Arthur leaves. The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. Greg-1 says, "read 63 on recorder" Greg-1 says, "Well, that didn't work." -- End log: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:41:07 pm ASI Meeting Server time --