-- Start log: Wednesday, April 7, 2004 8:58:30 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- saavik says, "Recorder on - now the meeting can start :-) (might be missing a few people though!)" Greg-1 says, "Yup, we do seem to be shy a few." dcarson says, "hers Randall" dcarson says, "and Ian" saavik says, "remind me how to login as a clone?" dcarson says, "connect user pass clone"" saavik says, "never mind" saavik says, "thanks :-)" Greg-1 says, "co saavik password clone" saavik says, "remember the right order just after I asked" Greg-1 says, "Oops. I'm slow." saavik says, "commons has too much traffic if I stay xconnected while in here" Greg-1 says, "For sure." dcarson says, "yep I prefer seperate logs for that" Greg-1 says, "So, we could start the agenda with the Membership Services report." Severy-5 has arrived. Greg-1 says, "... which Nancy is digging up at this very moment." irs arrives. Nancy-1 says, "March and April to date Missy has processed 14 renews and 3 new members." Greg-1 says, "And we thank Nancy for that fine report! :)" MikeD arrives. MikeD says, "Morning/Evening" Greg-1 says, "Item 2: Moon Society Flyer and Brochure -- working on it as we speak." MikeD says, "oh good" saavik reads the meeting agenda MikeD reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "elections unfortunately need to get onto the agenda - we discovered that they are supposed to run in may" MikeD says, "yeah" saavik says, "we can be late or change the rules but we ought to try to catch up one year :-)" dcarson says, "which means we need nominations now" Severy-5 just got a phone call IRL, but he will be right back. dcarson says, "and we need lots of new s/u/c/k/e/r/s/ volunteers for jobs" MikeD nominates anybody and everybody who wants to escape from elected office dcarson says, "Amy has taken drastic steps to get out of the job :-)" saavik says, "well, yes, I do need to resign officially or at least put my position up for elections this year :-)" Scottyg-1 has arrived. Nancy-1 says, "Congratulations, Amy! :) :)" irs says, "Yes, congratulations, Amy. Do you know who the mother is?" saavik says, "LOL" MikeD says, "are you really sure you want out, you may find the diversion useful in about 8 months time" saavik says, "and thanks :-)" dcarson reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "well, I won't be such a great secretary for at least a few months" MikeD says, "that's understandable" irs reads the meeting agenda MikeD says, "but I've known lots of women who almost went stir crazy after their kids were born for lack of outside interest. thoug you will still have your job of course" saavik says, "true" saavik says, "well, I can always run again - if you want to keep the position every two years, you should just run it for one year" MikeD says, "I just think it's a decision that should be made after the event. But I'm also not surprised by what you are saying." saavik says, "well... when do we want to run elections this time around?" MikeD says, "How about November? :-D" Nancy-1 says, "I'm sure Amy wants to take the time to enjoy her new little one. I can understand that." Greg-1 says, "We really should get moving on this year's elections now." Nancy-1 says, "Speaking as a mom of course." Greg-1 says, "Amy, you might want to consider running for a board position. Then you can keep an oar in the water without the onerous responsibility. :)" MikeD hmms. MikeD wonders if Amy would run for President :-) saavik says, "I'm content to run again in a year - positions will continue to open up. I'm going to be 1) a new mom 2) starting a new job and 3) moving all in the next 6 months" saavik says, "and thank you Nancy :-)" MikeD says, "yeah, that is a lot" Nancy-1 says, "You take it easy too Amy. You will need your rest. " MikeD says, "Doesn't sound like she's going to get much" john-r arrives. saavik grin john-r says, "i had to wait out a tunder storm" saavik grins. Scottyg-2 has arrived. john-r says, "thunder too" saavik says, "ok, well, once elections come around this year, secretary should be on :-)" Greg-1 says, "I'm working on that flyer, so it would be kinda nice if Somebody Else picked up the gavel. :)" Greg-1 says, "I just now got my Mac working again! :)" saavik says, "that would be randall" Greg-1 says, "... and downloaded more than 4200 email messages after having the machine off line for one week." john-r says, "i can pick it up, but then what would i dooo?" Greg-1 says, "John, just march us through the agenda! :)" MikeD says, "just bang it a lot" Greg-1 says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/agenda.html" john-r says, "hup 2 3 4" Greg-1 says, "Yup, and we did 1 and 2 already. :)" john-r says, "is the recorder on?" Greg-1 says, "Yes." john-r says, "and does Amy want the honers" dcarson says, "yep" john-r says, "honors" Greg-1 says, "I interpreted Amy's bouncing the ball into Randall's court as a desire to pass the gavel to the chairman of the leadership council." saavik points at Randall MikeD says, "Randall is on the phone" john-r says, "any one know the whereabouts of Arthur or Michael" Greg-1 says, "On the other hand, there's an outside chance that Randall is installing WSD Express for me, so I don't want to joggle his elbow. :)" MikeD says, "Michael is probably doing something about a Yuri's Night" Greg-1 says, "Coming soon to an agenda near you..." Greg-1 says, "Lunar Directory Updates and Invitations (Randall, John) " Greg-1 says, "Chapters Update (Peter) (an idea of John) " Greg-1 says, "Outreach efforts (including Images and Video for publicity) (Director??) " Greg-1 says, "Team and Mailing List Infrastructure (Randall, Mike) " Greg-1 says, "State of the Society updates (Peter) " MikeD says, "And who knows where Arthur is" saavik reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "Sorry, that's not on the agenda. :)" john-r says, "He was late last time, so maybe he will be here, and so was Peter" saavik says, "well, #3 is John - John go for it" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, but if we wait for them, we just teach them to keep arriving late." MikeD says, "Peter was early. He dropped in lastnight thinking he was late" john-r says, "i was not so intent on waiting as , just noting :)" MikeD says, "Do we have a quorum?" Greg-1 says, "A quorum is important only if we need to vote." MikeD says, "I thought we needed to have a quorum to have a meeting" john-r says, "The Lunar Dir is still in need of an invitation , which is in Randalls Box, or anyone that wants to give it a try, soooo Number 4 is on chapters, and i will note the following..." Greg-1 says, "Although we *do* have a majority of the Board present if we need to take some action." Greg-1 says, "This is the Leadership Council; we can meet any ol' time." john-r says, "and do a lot of things that does not require a board vote" kokhmmm has arrived. dcarson says, "helo" kokhmmm says, "Hi, everyone" Greg-1 says, "Make that 5 of 7 board members. No worries." kokhmmm says, "What's the Board item?" Arthur arrives. Greg-1 says, "None yet. Mike was worried whether we have a quorum, but it probably doesn't matter since we don't have anything to vote on." Arthur says, "Hi - sorry, long day" Greg-1 says, "6 of 7." john-r says, "On chapters, i have my out post chapter site set up, with the hard work of Mike-- see http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/indiana/ i have some work to do, i know, BUT.. i want to doo a front page news item, if nothing else for activity..." Arthur reads the meeting agenda Greg-1 says, "Hmm... should we change our official meeting time to start at 9:30, or would folks just show up at 10:00 if we did?" MikeD suspects the latter would happen john-r says, "Hi Arthur" john-r says, "Hi Peter" MikeD says, "maybe we should change it to 8:30" Arthur says, "I think we tried that :-)" irs says, "I think 9 is fine." MikeD says, "and everybody was 30 minutes late" saavik says, "ok, so who is running the meeting and where are we?" MikeD says, "Ian, you are usually on time" john-r says, "Amy fro now i am on Item 4" kokhmmm says, "It think you are right. Everyone would still show up fashionably late" kokhmmm says, "I was on time, yesterday, only one day early :)" john-r says, "For part of Indian out Post see http://opl.dbmjr.us/op-in/index.html" john-r says, "Indiana" MikeD says, "this falls into Team And Mailing List Infrastructure" john-r says, "and I have been in contact with Peter on a e-mail to all the chapters/outposts, with some challanges, that Peter and i will work out in - i hopw - the near future" john-r says, "and for my part of the chapters agenda, i am done - Peter do you have anything?" Arthur says, "Hmm, clone would be a good idea here; hang on" Arthur-1 arrives. Arthur leaves. john-r says, "Kindly note - i may have to leave due to thunder and such" saavik reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "ok, so number 4 is peter" saavik says, "um" saavik says, "Chapters Update (Peter) (an idea of John)" saavik says, "go for it" kokhmmm says, "John, I add sent some detailed links to various hub pages. I'll send it again." Greg-1 says, "Hub pages?" Arthur-1 says, "chapters hub" kokhmmm says, "Greg, we have a link to the space chapter Hub website" Greg-1 says, "Detailed links?" Arthur-1 says, "Hey, on the flyer - I'm going to be in Grand Central Station handing out stuff (for Earth Day!) in just over two weeks - it would be very nice to have a flyer by then to use." kokhmmm says, "Ithought if we had linksto specific useful pages, more people would visit" Greg-1 says, "That shouldn't be a problem, Arthur, if you can download and print out a PDF." Arthur-1 says, "Sure can" Greg-1 says, "I just now resurrected the originals for the images that Jim used on the original flyer." Greg-1 says, "Now I need to put the whole thing together." Severy-5 says, "Ok, I'm finally off the phone, sorry about that, folks!" Arthur-1 says, "I was handing out stuff at a museum today, and realized some things that would be nice to have (I had an Artemis Mag, but something from the Moon Society would have been nice)" Severy-5 says, "Let me catch up on the conversation..." irs says, "I had the images here, Greg. I was willing to put it all together with your input on the text. But heck, if you want to finish it off, that's great." saavik hands Randall the gavel john-r says, "Peter, Understood on the specific links, i await the e-mail" Severy-5 says, "I need the flyer by April 18th, so it should be ready in time for you, Arthur" Severy-5 says, "Peter, do you have any gravity bricks handy? If not, how long do they take to make?" MikeD has disconnected. kokhmmm says, "I am all out of materials to make more gravity brick sets" kokhmmm says, "I did put instructions on the web to make them" kokhmmm says, "I had an inventory of bricks from an early 70s shelving system that I have now used up" Severy-5 says, "Oops. Oh well" Greg-1 says, "Ian, great! Have at it!" Greg-1 says, "My only suggestion for the text is to add the membership rate for students and seniors to the coupon." irs says, "That's the ONLY change you feel is necessary to what I sent you?" Greg-1 says, "Why? Was there something else I should have noticed?" irs says, "No, I'm simply making sure." The housekeeper arrives to cart MikeD off to bed. irs says, "I'll get it done in the next few days. Where should I post it when it's finished?" Greg-1 says, "Somewhere on the Moon Society web..." Greg-1 says, "... erm..." irs says, "Ah, such an engineer you are. Always so precise ." dcarson says, "on the volunteering page?" Arthur-1 says, "spaceship one licensed: http://www.ktvu.com/news/2984174/detail.html" MikeD arrives. MikeD says, "my connection timed out, what did I miss?" Arthur-1 says, "Greg and Ian claim to be working hard on the flyer :-)" saavik says, "not much " dcarson says, "should probably add a Promote link to that sidebar with flyers, banners etc on it" MikeD says, "The Flyer?" irs says, "Thanks for the link, Arthur." irs says, "You know, Mike. The Wright Brothers' first airplane." john-r says, "Yes, good Link TY Arthur" MikeD says, "Should get it off the ground pretty soon then Ian" MikeD says, "let us know if you need any help stretching the canvas" Severy-5 says, "Is there anything more on Chapters Update?" Severy-5 says, "If not, let's move on to Outreach Efforts" irs says, "Just need direction on where to post it when it's ready." Severy-5 says, "Ian, I would suggest http://www.moonsociety.org/private/outreach/flyers/" kokhmmm says, "While we are talking about where to post things, I think it might be useful to have a front page image link to www" MikeD says, "huh?" kokhmmm [to www.lpod.com]: - Lunar Photo of the Day MikeD says, "maybe, at least their photo changes" MikeD says, "If people think I'm whining and bellyaching, I am" kokhmmm says, "This site just started up a few months ago" MikeD says, "they've had some interesting stuff on there" kokhmmm says, "Sorry, got URLwrong its http://www.lpod.org/" dcarson says, "whispre "have you heard of Roses new sims program" to nancy-1" john-r says, "ooooo a wisper opps" MikeD says, "she has it already" Severy-5 says, "Ok, anyone have anything to report on Outreach Efforts? (other than the flyer?)" Nancy-1 says, "Yes, it's suppose to be sent to me tonight. :)" Greg-1 says, "wheesper "Eet shoorly sounds nice." to dcarson" MikeD says, "dat eet eez" MikeD says, "and we're going to write a nice big bulky chm helpfile for it, with lots of screenshots" Severy-5 says, "Ok, if there is nothing on Outreach Efforts, let's move on to Team and Mailing List infrastructure" john-r says, "ok" MikeD says, "not much to report on that apart from what John already reported" MikeD says, "Though we do need to do something about keeping viruses out of the bounces the team leaders and I get" MikeD says, "if there a way to do that?" irs says, "Hang on. Sorry, had a phone call. I can't get into the outreach subdirectory, and 'sides, I think the flyer ought to be out somewhere in public (it's no secret, after all). Someone find a good place to dump it, and link to it from the front page when it's ready. Thanks." MikeD says, "that's a good idea" dcarson says, "how about if I add the Promot sub page and lik it from the left sidebar?" dcarson says, "Promote" john-r says, "my isp virus protection is suppose to keep virus out, and i do get notice twice a week of so, of bounces having virus" Severy-5 says, "Windows 2000 just went haywire on me, I need to reboot" Severy-5 will be right back. MikeD says, "my ISP charges extra for that" Severy-5 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Severy-5. MikeD says, "and it's also an issue when you go into Help Dir" john-r says, "Dana do you have time to do it in the next day or 2?" MikeD says, "my virus defs are reasonably up to date, but that can't be the case for everybody" dcarson says, "sure, it should be a quick change" john-r says, "and do we want to call it Prmotions" MikeD says, "Dana has been planning that change for months" Greg-1 says, "Not "promotions."" john-r says, "and do we want a seprete directory?" MikeD says, "He was just waiting for the right moment" Scottyg-1 says, "How about Publications?" Greg-1 says, "Erm... "Membership Materials" or "Recuiting" or "Publications"" irs says, "Thinking" Scottyg-1 says, "GMT (somewhat) A" dcarson says, "I want a place for flyers, banners, posters etc" john-r says, "i see 2 for Publications, " dcarson says, "Recruiting seems good" Greg-1 says, "Yeah." Greg-1 says, "Or even "Spread the word!"" john-r says, "promote sounds like a store add to me" Greg-1 says, "Yeah. "Promote" has some negative connotations to it." irs says, "That's it, Greg! Spread the word! (and then a parenthetical noting that it's publicity flyers and so forth)." MikeD says, "yeah, that sounds nice" Scottyg-1 says, "Sounds like a church thing." MikeD hmms. dcarson says, "and it sin'r any wider the About the Society so it won't mess up the layout, ok" john-r says, "Dana youe thoughts on Spread The Word(what Ian said)" dcarson says, "I'll do it tonight" john-r says, "Scotty may have a point" Greg-1 says, "Good idea, Scotty! Let's register The Moon Society as a church! :)" dcarson says, "that way Ian will have a place to put it" john-r says, "No Greg .... :)" Greg-1 says, "Spoilsport!" MikeD says, "Most churches have more members than we do" Scottyg-1 says, "I think the Rev Moon already did that." MikeD says, "We're only a chapel" john-r says, "sorry i had to say it spoiled or otherwise wise guy kind of thing" irs says, "L. Ron Hubbard knew the way to get rich was to found a religion." john-r says, "Lets see what Dana ends up with, ok?" MikeD says, "It does seem to work alright" Scottyg-1 says, "He had to find some way to sell that 10 volume monstrosity he wrote." Greg-1 says, "Good thinking, John." saavik says, "sorry phone and now web hunting something" john-r says, "TY" Greg-1 says, "Elron started Scientology on a bet with Isaac Asimov." MikeD imagines Amy out and about trying to catch a house with a giant net john-r says, "Discussion is good, but sometimes we , ahhhh, well.. etc.." Greg-1 says, "digress?" john-r says, "LOL at giant net" dcarson says, "wander aimlessly?" Scottyg-1 says, "Go off on tangents?" john-r says, "no need to expand the etc//" Scottyg-1 says, "Sometimes even goo off on perpendiculars." MikeD notes that John has finally learned how to spell etc Greg-1 says, "All the more reason to elect a new president. :)" MikeD says, "yeah, but we've just about run out of candidates" Arthur-1 says, "How about we form a nominating committee out of this group, tasked with coming up with good competitive candidates for the positions?" MikeD says, "lol" MikeD says, "sorry Arthur, but there just aren;t that many possible candidates" dcarson says, "sounds good, also post on artemis list and moon list" Arthur-1 says, "Well, it doesn't have to be people who frequent this MOO - we do have some 200 members, right? " Severy-5 has arrived. MikeD says, "hmm, maybe not quite 200 at present" john-r says, "200 is about right" MikeD says, "I'd have to look at a report in a spreadsheet or count them manually" Arthur-1 says, "How about Marianne Dyson for president, for example?" MikeD says, "You can ask, but..." Scottyg-2 says, "211 members as of 3/25/04" MikeD says, "how many of those are on their 2 month grace period like me?" irs says, "How about Ian Randal Strock for president." Arthur-1 says, "Actually, NSS usually runs with presidents who are well-known but mostly figureheads - but then there's an executive who actually runs things. We're a little small for that I guess." john-r says, "Scotty does that include the 3 *1310?" MikeD says, "and did you remember not to count that one guy all 4 times" Arthur-1 says, "Sounds like a volunteer just volunteered hisself!" Scottyg-2 says, "I fixed that guy." john-r says, "TY" john-r says, "that looks badddd I fixed that Guy - audit style of wise guy (mafia) style :)" MikeD says, "I'm ok with Ian running, but it sure would make it more interesting if there was another runner" Greg-1 says, "It's the Italian influence." john-r says, "POn Marianne Dyson she sent e0mail to memberships, maybe she was on, maybe not - on what the sys shoed for credit card amount" irs says, "First we worry about getting a full slate of candidates. THEN we worry about getting contested elections." Greg-1 says, "What Ian said." MikeD says, "a valid point Ian" john-r says, "i agree" dcarson says, "we need to replace Amy and Scotty wants someone to train so they can take over next time" Scottyg-2 says, "The 211 includes those in the 60 day grace period, but not those who have renewed but not yet entered in Team Director." Greg-1 says, "Which offices are up this time?" MikeD says, "actually training somebody as treasurer is a very good idea" MikeD says, "treasurer is one of the jobs that should always have a backup person" Scottyg-2 says, "I agree Mike. Even if I wanted to be reelected, we should have someone else that knows the ropes." Arthur-1 says, "designated assistant treasurer?" Scottyg-2 says, "Assistants can be appointed at the pleasure of the board." Scottyg-2 says, "Or even delegated to an officer by the board." MikeD says, "and it doesn't even take soething bad to make someone unavailable for 6 months to a year, all it takes is their company sending them somewhere overseas for 6 months" irs says, "As soon as we find someone willing and able, let's." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, my company has been trying to ship me off to Borneo." MikeD says, "I'd offer, but I'm on completely the wrong continent to be of any real use" Arthur-1 says, "Positions opening this year (from http://www.moonsociety.org/about/officers.php3) are:" MikeD says, "That's not as unlikely as it sounds Greg though French Guiana is more likely" Arthur-1 says, "Gregory Bennett, Arthur Smith, Peter Kokh, Michael Mealling)" Greg-1 says, "Let's see... last time for the board we elected Randall, John-R, Dana, " Arthur-1 says, "and from officers: Greg and Scotty (President and Treasurer)" Greg-1 says, "Yeah. Those are four board positions." Greg-1 says, "And secretary." Greg-1 says, "Because Amy plans to vacate the office." Arthur-1 says, "Amy's term expires next year, so that would be a 'special election' I suppose" MikeD says, "which is understandable under the circumstances" Greg-1 says, "Yup." Arthur-1 says, "Anyway, at most 7 positions, possibly as little as 4 people needed, and I'm guessing at least a couple of us will be running again." MikeD says, "well the question is Arthur, do we elect someone for just a year or do we elect for 2 years and shif the term of office" Greg-1 says, "I plan to run for re-election to the board, but not for the office of president." Greg-1 says, "Oh... I think we should elect someone to fill out the term if the bylaws will allow it." Arthur-1 says, "So we probably need to recruit 2-5 new people - MikeD seems like a good candidate :-)" MikeD says, "Is the secretaries term cast in stone as in always being on an even year?" Scottyg-2 says, "Yes it is." MikeD says, "don't anybody even think of nominating me for president, but I might consider the board" Scottyg-2 says, "Thats to create a phased turnover of offices to provide some continuity." Arthur-1 says, "We seem to be out of sync with the bylaws - supposed to be president and secretary up this year, not president and treasurer" irs says, "We don't hold an election for the position of secretary. The Board of Directors fills the vacancy (per the Bylaws)." Greg-1 says, "I don't see words in the bylaws about unexpired officer terms. In the part about the board it says: "If the office of any Director shall for any cause become vacant, the unexpired portion of the term may be filled by a qualified person receiving a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may in its discretion, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of its voting members, remove any Director for cause. "" MikeD says, "would it knock us way off kilter to elect a new secretary for the full 2 years?" dcarson says, "so whos willing to be appointed to finish Amy's term?" Greg-1 says, "Oops... here it is..." Greg-1 says, "Section 6. Vacancies and Removal: A vacancy in any elective office may be filled for the balance of the term thereof by a person selected by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, in its discretion, by two-thirds vote only, may remove any officer from office." irs says, "Oops, my mistake. President and Secretary in even-numbered years. Vice President and Treasurer in odd-numbered years. Amy's term is up this year, anyway." irs says, "Article VI, Section 3." saavik says, "no, I just got re-elected" Greg-1 says, "Yeah. We got out of synch sometime back." MikeD says, "so this could be explained away as re-syncing" Scottyg-2 says, "I think we should fix that." saavik says, "ahh" Scottyg-2 says, "We should do as the bylaws say." Greg-1 says, "Yes, let's." Scottyg-2 says, "So Greg steps down this year and i step down next year." irs says, "No, Scotty. You don't step down until we let you ." Greg-1 says, "Sounds like a good plan to me." Arthur-1 says, "If that's ok with Scotty, that sounds like a good plan. Gives you a year to train up a new person" Greg-1 says, "FYI, I do *not* intend to run for Treasurer next year. :) :) :)" MikeD says, "Scotty will never be free as he will always be qualified for the job" Scottyg-2 says, "I can easily fix that problem." MikeD says, "which problem? the qualifications?" Scottyg-2 says, "You can't elect me if I'm not a current member. :=)" MikeD says, "they'd just make it a paid position" irs says, "Someone else could pay your dues if they had a good reason...." Greg-1 says, "Ha! "Welcome to the LASFS! Death does not release you!" " Scottyg-2 says, "LOL." Scottyg-2 says, "You guys are DESPERATE!" irs says, "Not yet." MikeD says, "but we soon will be" Arthur-1 says, "Is Amy in charge of organizing the election again? Do we have all the bits and pieces we need? Set a date?" kokhmmm says, "Meanwhile, should I announce that nominations are open in the next newsletter? April issue or May?" john-r says, "April" MikeD says, "Amy is probably the only one here who will be impartial enough" Greg-1 says, "Peter, yes, now would be the time to announce that nominations are open." kokhmmm says, "What is the deadline for nominations? (that I should announce)" Scottyg-2 says, "June 1?" MikeD says, "Is that by June 1 or by end of June 1?" kokhmmm says, "JUne 1 is too soon. We didn't get started last year until July" Greg-1 says, "In calling for nominations, we should note: Section 2. Qualifications for Office: To be eligible for election as an Officer of the Society, individuals must be members of the Society at the time of the election and for an uninterrupted period of two or more years prior to the election, except for the initial transition Officers elected in 2000 and 2001, in which case individuals must be members of the Society at the time of the election and must have been a member of the Society or a member of Artemis Society International for an uninterrupted period of two or more years prior to the election or one year prior to the Society organizing meeting on July 21, 2000, whichever is less. " john-r says, "picky picky picky" john-r says, "or the 2 yrs can be voted by board, as Arthur and i were" john-r says, "less than 2 yrs that is" saavik just got a phone call IRL, but she will be right back. irs says, "Uh, am I running for the Board in order to be president? Or am I merely running for president?" Arthur-1 says, "just running for president. Officers can be board members but it requires a waiver (according to bylaws)" MikeD says, "You would be running for President" MikeD says, "And iirc correctly you only just escaped from the board a couple of months ago" Greg-1 says, "You don't need to be a board member to be an officer. They Bylaws say that you should not be; it requires a special action of the board to allow it." Scottyg-2 says, "Peter, has the April issue gone to press?" kokhmmm says, "No, not yet. Soon" Scottyg-2 says, "Can you get the call for nominations in it?" irs says, "For another project, Peter, what are your deadlines for the next three issues?" kokhmmm says, "I'll make room for the call for nominations. " kokhmmm says, "Deadlines - I'd like to have things of unknown length early, by mid month prior. Things I expect and are of known length can come at last minute" Scottyg-2 says, "If its in the April issue, then I think a June 1 deadline is a bit tight but workable. I'm trying to push us toward the schedule called out in the bylaws." irs says, "Good enough. Thanks. Don't expect anything right now. I'll let you know if/when." kokhmmm says, "Usually I can be done by month's end, but the mailing labels are not ready until about the 10th so hardcopy can't get printed until I have the label numbers." kokhmmm says, "Reason I say June 1 is too soon, is to give members not currently in this discusion time to think about running." MikeD says, "Maybe the mailing labels on the 10th should be for the next issue" Scottyg-2 says, "I don't think the exact schedule matters much." kokhmmm says, "Mike, I'd like that, but my sec-treas-business manager insists he do it his way so we don't print too many extra copies." kokhmmm says, "That's why the hardcopy comes sometimes a month after the pdf file" kokhmmm says, "We can also announce call for nominations in the news section of the website" MikeD wont say what he'd say to that person Scottyg-2 says, "Its really driven by the cutoff date when Team Director produces the mail list." kokhmmm says, "And by email, to get a jump on things" Scottyg-2 says, "Thats presently produced on the 25th for the upcoming month." Greg-1 says, "[Aside to Ian] I think you might need to trim the text for the flyer. It looks like it will be hard to fit it all on one sheet." Scottyg-2 says, "Peter, doesn't the mail list define the numbers for you?" irs says, "Font sizes, Greg. No worries." kokhmmm says, "Scotty, Bob also has to wait for the OASIS list from Los Angeles which comes later, and then it takes him a bit of time to merge the data and get a count. He won't let me take MMM to printer until he has the count. If I get him angry, he'd quit, and I have no alternative. I don't want to do his job also!!!" saavik says, "I need to head to bed folks - what is the elections news - am I helping to run it? can do" Scottyg-2 says, "Yeah, ok. I forgot we aren't your only client." Nancy-1 says, "Night, Amy!" MikeD says, "Amy, I think you are vital for running this election" kokhmmm says, "That would be great Amy!!" saavik says, "ok, details more in the morning?" Greg-1 says, "Yeah." saavik says, "ok, night all" Greg-1 says, "G'night, Amy!" MikeD says, "g'night" dcarson says, "gnight" Scottyg-2 says, "BTW Peter - In the event that the MMM mailing drops below your 200 requirement, I propose that you mail enough dummy copies to yourself to make up the shortfall, and we'll pay for mailing the extras." john-r says, "Nite Amy" Scottyg-2 says, "Nite Amy!" dcarson says, "spread the dummy copies around so we have extras to hand out" john-r says, "mail the dunny issues to libarys" kokhmmm says, "That's nice to know Scotty, but let's try to keep the # up there" Scottyg-2 says, "Nooooo, the dummies are dummies to save the printing costs." john-r says, "ohhh" john-r says, "but to get the mail cost in line you have to mail the dummies" MikeD says, "John, I believe in some states at least, it is illegal to send unsolicited mail" john-r says, "ahh" Scottyg-2 says, "Just a cover sheet plus blank sheets to make up the weight." john-r says, "and still save on print costs, ok, i see that now" MikeD says, "do they actually weigh each copy?" saavik has disconnected. Scottyg-2 says, "I don't know - a single sheet might suffice." irs says, "Anything else we need to do tonight? Peter and his business manager can manage how to deal with extra mailed copies, if/when." john-r says, "so what happens if the mail lables get corn fused and the dummy coys get sent to us reguary dummies :)" john-r says, "noe Ian is the spoilsport :)" john-r says, "now" john-r says, "I need Greg and Scotty for a min" kokhmmm says, "Can't send dummies. Have to be identical copies. If PO catches you mailing something non-identical, you lose permit, and/or get stiff fine." john-r says, "on a item that crosses boundries of asi moon society" irs says, "Ian has many things to do, and has to leave at 7:30 in the morning in order to get the proper prep time in before the market opens." irs says, "See? Peter knows what he's doing (as did I, but we don't need to discuss how to handle it)." Greg-1 says, "Go for it, John." MikeD says, "Ian, the guys working in your business in San Fran get to work at 4:30 for the same reason" Nancy-1 says, "Night, Ian!" john-r says, "At the last asii leaders meet, i think, i brought up asi images on a chapter page ... see http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/indiana/otr01/ and http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/indiana/otr01/Equipment_List.html" john-r says, "Nite Ian" irs says, "OK, if I'm no longer needed, I'm off to try to accomplish a few quick things. Good night, gang." MikeD says, "night" irs has disconnected. john-r says, "night" Scottyg-2 says, "G'nite ian!" The housekeeper arrives to cart saavik off to bed. Greg-1 says, "G'night, Ian!" MikeD says, "god it sounds like the end of The Waltons" Severy-5 says, "I need to make some dinner, so I'll be away from the keyboard for a little while" john-r says, "nite john boy" MikeD says, "I need to get some sleep so I may just nod off" Greg-1 says, "I'm not sure what I'm looking at, John." Scottyg-2 says, "Greg, John wants permission to use ASI images on his chapters site." john-r says, "Its my build a habitat project - sometimes refered to as mini-leto" Greg-1 says, "Oh! That's easy: NO PROBLEM!" Greg-1 says, "Or... PLEASE DO!" kokhmmm says, "I need to turn in also. Good night all." Scottyg-2 says, "G'nite Peter!" john-r says, "TY, i put it on a moonsociety site in lieu of my personal outpost site at http://opl.dbmjr.us/op-in/index.html" john-r says, "Nite Peter" kokhmmm has disconnected. Scottyg-2 says, "Greg, do you want credits listed?" Arthur-1 says, "goodnight all from here too!" Arthur-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Arthur-1. john-r says, "good point Scotty" john-r says, "nite Arthur" The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. john-r says, "and do i want credits for asi and vik, and say once at top of page, or the chapter projects page" Greg-1 says, "I think a credit once on the page is sufficient." Greg-1 says, "The great majority of those images are Vik's or mine, so it's not a big deal." john-r says, "ok" MikeD says, "I was thinking more of Vik's images since there was a debate about rights earlier in the year" Greg-1 says, "A debate?" MikeD says, "or was that last year" MikeD says, "in here " MikeD says, "something about usage fees or somesuch" Greg-1 says, "Oh. I don't remember it, but it's not a problem. Just talk to Vik's U.S. agent." MikeD says, "lol" Greg-1 says, "... who is me. :)" The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. john-r says, "BTW , most of the images on my chapter page are links to the asi image libary, a few are stored on the chapter site" Greg-1 says, "If the images are identical, it's best not to make copies of them. Remote-linking saves bandwdith because the images will be loaded from the user's cache." Greg-1 says, "It all comes from pb7 anyhow." john-r says, "do i understand, that my chapter links to asi/images is better tanh if i copyied the image to the chapter site?" john-r says, "such that a surfer who goes to asi then my chapter, caches the same image?" MikeD says, "If it's on the moonsociety chapters page it's from the same server anyway" MikeD says, "or at least the same machine and connection" Scottyg-1 says, "How about: Images Copyright Artemis Society International, used by permission?" john-r says, "but , on my blooming windoz mach, i am pretter sure, that i load the images for each web page as a seperate instance" Scottyg-1 says, "Depends on how they're linked." MikeD says, "Does he need to give separate credit to Vik for his images?" john-r says, "So ASSI holds the copy right and not vik, right?" MikeD says, "also depends on your cache settings John" john-r says, "oops" john-r says, "ASI" john-r says, "some typos can be very - not so good" Greg-1 says, "Actually, TLRC holds copyright to most of those images." Scottyg-1 says, "Vik holds the copyright but ASI is licensed to use them." MikeD says, "that was the discussion I remembered" Greg-1 says, "Yeah. It's written up in that contract with Vik." Scottyg-1 says, "Yeah, and like Greg said, TLRC holds most of the rest." john-r says, "so i am better to say images copyright vik, liciensed to tlrc and have links to both sites for spreading the good word??" Scottyg-1 says, "You could say images copyright The Lunar Resources Company and Vik Olliver, used by permission." Scottyg-1 says, "Or maybe:" john-r says, "thats what i needed to see, TY Scotty" Scottyg-1 says, "Images copyright The Lunar Resources Company, Artemis Society International and Vik Olliver, used by permission." Scottyg-1 says, "I think that covers all the cases." john-r says, "what about if i have each of the 3 names with links, is that a good thing?" Scottyg-1 says, "I can't think of any negatives." john-r says, "ok" Scottyg-1 says, "Overall, links are a good thing." Greg-1 says, "Yup, that's great!" Greg-1 says, "It's time for me to hit the sack. Gotta get moving while I can still crawl up the steps." john-r says, "now , one last ? that may some time to think about---- on my drawings, are the interior designs my copyright?" Greg-1 says, "G'night guys!" john-r says, "Night Greg and TY" MikeD says, "if you designed them, yes" Greg-1 says, "Oh, yes, anything you create is your copyright." john-r says, "ok" Greg-1 says, "Nancy says to say goodnight, too. " Scottyg-1 says, "So add yourself to the copyrights list." john-r says, "Nite Nancy" Scottyg-1 says, "Nite G&N" MikeD says, "night Greg and nancy" john-r says, "understood Scotty" MikeD says, "night Greg and Nancy too" MikeD says, "I think I need to clean this keyboard" MikeD says, "left-shift key seems to be a little dodgy" dcarson says, "gnight" MikeD says, "night Dana" john-r says, "Now, who can we get to e-mail the log to the leaders list?" Scottyg-1 says, "About time for me to call it a night too." john-r says, "night Dana" john-r says, "Nite Scotty" dcarson says, "whoever started the recorder gets the log" MikeD says, "who started the recorder?" john-r says, "it needs sent to the leaders list" -- End log: Wednesday, April 7, 2004 11:45:26 pm ASI Meeting Server time --