-- Start log: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:26:10 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Severy switches places with Severy-5 Greg-2 says, "See what I mean about an identity crisis? :)" MikeD-1 says, "never noticed" Severy-5 grins. john-r says, "on no a newby rsevery" john-r says, "he relly is on a chase" john-r says, "for an identy'" Severy-5 chuckles. MikeD-1 says, "yeah, we have an RSevery online now" Severy-5 says, "Can never have too many Randalls :-)" Severy-5 says, "Actually, he can't get in here, I'm checking on the room access issue" Greg-2 says, "Yeah, but it gets crowded in here with all these pianos!" saavik returns Greg-2 says, "Ack! If RSevery can't get in, we're basically hosed." RSevery has arrived. RSevery says, "Hi, everyone!" Greg-2 says, "Oh, just for grins, we could do some Moon Society Leadership Council agenda items!" MikeD-1 says, "why?" Greg-2 says, "Hooray! It a Randall!" RSevery says, "Bye!" RSevery has disconnected. Greg-2 says, "(I can never tell which is THE Randall!)" Severy-5 says, "Ok, Nancy should be able to get in here now" Greg-2 says, "What was the fix, Randall?" Severy-5 says, "I don't think this room is tied to the Team Director team after all, there is a separate authorized users list for the room" Severy-5 says, "And Nancy wasn't on it" MikeD-1 says, "but she's been in here before" Greg-2 says, "B'b'but... Dana added her several weeks ago." Nancy-1 says, "I thought you fixed it before, Randall. I got in the last couple of meetings." Greg-2 says, "We got gremlins around here somewhere." MikeD-1 says, "or was that the real Nancy instead of Nancy-1" Nancy-1 says, "I'm pretty sure I always use Nancy-1 for these meetings." Greg-2 says, "The meeting agenda hasn't been updated since St. Patrick's Day, but it looks like it'll do for now." MikeD-1 says, "but then again, i'm here as MikeD-1" Greg-2 says, "We could start with the Membership Services report. :)" Severy-5 says, "You don't add clones to the authorized user list, you add the real person" Greg-2 says, "Right." Severy-5 says, "Clones are reused between logins" MikeD-1 says, "did we retire for guinness that night?" Greg-2 says, "Poor clones... used and abused." Nancy-1 says, "In the past two weeks there were two renewals." MikeD-1 says, "ouch" Severy-5 says, "Anyway, let's zip through the agenda, if we can" Greg-2 says, "Ouch?" Severy-5 says, "Starting off with Membership Services" MikeD-1 says, "and how many expirations including me" Greg-2 says, "That was itme 1." Greg-2 says, "It zipped right past ya, Randall. :)" The housekeeper arrives to cart RSevery off to bed. Severy-5 says, "We need to get membership renewal letters going out, I'll have Team Director updated with that report in the next day or two" Greg-2 says, "Item 2: I'm happy to report that the membership flyer is done, complete, and ready to go!" dcarson-1 reads the meeting agenda MikeD-1 says, "I got my email notices, but up to about a week ago the stupid mail boxes were still sealed" Nancy-1 says, "Sounds good, Randall." Severy-5 says, "Yay! That flyer was just what I needed at the Rockville Science Day last weekend" Greg-2 says, "Membership renewal letters... right. I think we still need to write the procedure." Greg-2 says, "... so Missy knows what to do." Severy-5 says, "Unfortunately, now that the flyer is done, I'll have two more similar projects to dump on you with short deadlines :-(" MikeD-1 says, "those other PDF files?" Nancy-1 says, "Yep, you guys still need to do that for Missy. :)" Severy-5 says, "Yup, Mike" Greg-2 carefully ties his shoes and polishes his nails. Greg-2 says, "Wha'? Who? Me?" MikeD-1 says, "did you ever manage to open those Randall?" Greg-2 says, "Maybe we'll get it done in time to make it a wedding present! :)" Severy-5 says, "Yes, Mike, I used Acrobate to edit them" Severy-5 says, "Acrobat, too" irs says, "Uh, speaking of the membership flyers?" Severy-5 says, "Anyway, Greg and Ian, I'll need an updated version of Peter's Artemis Project display and the PowerPoint presentation in time for ISDC at the end of next month" MikeD-1 says, "I figured you'd have to, they were newer than the version of PDF that your other package supported" Greg-2 says, "Urk." Nancy-1 says, "That would be nice, Greg! :)" Severy-5 says, "I'll upload the updated display materials tomorrow, with the edits that Ian made when he was in Frederick" Greg-2 says, "Where are the source files for the display and presentation?" Greg-2 says, "Oops. Great minds, if out of synch." Severy-5 says, "The presentation is on pb7 somewhere, let me find it" Greg-2 says, "That's kinda like 'somewhere in Texas'!" MikeD-1 says, "only Randall can say that and get away with it" Severy-5 says, "Peter's original display materials are at http://www.nsschapters.org/hub/pdf/sb_artemismoonbase_l.pdf and http://www.nsschapters.org/hub/pdf/sb_artemismoonbase_r.pdf" irs says, "Can I back up a sec? The flyer Greg did (and the two I did) are all available, but someone was going to put an obvious-looking link to them on the front page at moonsociety.org (and that same someone can copy them over to the proper moonsociety directory from lrcpubs.com). Also, while posting that link, the two instances of the word "Conference's" on the front page should not have apostrophes in them." Severy-5 says, "But I'll put up the cleaned up versions tomorrow (they're in the office, so I can't get to them right now)" Greg-2 says, "Oh! Right where I would have looked, of course!" Greg-2 says, "Blast! If I'm going to work on those, I'm going to have to get out and buy an updated copy of Adobe Acrobat. :(" dcarson-1 says, "Right Ian, I'll finish that up after the meeting" irs says, "Thanks, Dana." MikeD-1 says, "Greg, they'll work in Acrobat 4" john-r says, "i will correct the confrence apost..." Severy-5 says, "The PowerPoint presentation is at http://www.moonsociety.org/private/outreach/presentations/briefing.ppt" MikeD-1 says, "or at least they should work in Acrobat 4, they wont work in Acrobat 3.X" Greg-2 says, "Trust me, Mike, I need an updated Acrobat." Severy-5 says, "I was able to edit the text in Acrobat 4, but I couldn't add any new text or graphic elements, which was annoying" Greg-2 says, "We need a directory called "randalls_briefcase"" Greg-2 says, "Yeah. We need the pieces, and a common authoring program." Greg-2 says, "Maybe I should get Illustrator." Greg-2 says, "Everybody seems to have a pirated copy of that." MikeD-1 says, "I don't" Greg-2 says, "... except for Mike, of course." MikeD-1 says, "Who just has Acrobat 5" Greg-2 says, "Actually, I've never used Illustrator, either. But I can learn. :)" Severy-5 says, "Peter provides the graphic elements for the storyboard at http://www.nsschapters.org/hub/storyboards/sb_artemismoonbase.htm" Greg-2 says, "Those models are neat! I don't think I've seen them before." Severy-5 says, "Peter shipped me the Moonbase model for ISDC in San Diego last year, I'm going to ask him about doing the same this year" Greg-2 says, "Neat!" Greg-2 says, "Oh my! Yeah, we do need better graphics." Greg-2 says, "But it's an awfully short fuse." dcarson-1 says, "the kids at science day do seem to like the gravity jugs" Severy-5 says, "Yeah, and replacements for panels like the ASR and LunaCorp ones" Severy-5 says, "Yes, the gravity jugs were very popular last Sunday" Greg-2 says, "Oh my!" Greg-2 says, "OK, we gotta do something, so let's see what we can do." Greg-2 says, "When's the deadline for printable graphics?" MikeD-1 says, "You can always use part of the new flyer" saavik returns from the phone and tries to catch up Severy-5 says, "I'll probably be getting on a plane to Oklahoma City on Wednesday, May 26" MikeD-1 says, "and depending on the size, you can use the cafepress shop to print" MikeD-1 says, "though they're expensive" saavik says, "hey, do that in the fall and you might get to come visit us :-)" Greg-2 says, "Yup, those gravity jugs are great! I have some of Peter's gravity bricks Around Here Somewhere in the Warehouse of Doom." Greg-2 says, "OK, so no more than 4 weeks." Severy-5 says, "I was thinking about that, Amy, but I can't move ISDC :-(" Greg-2 says, "And that's gotta the be the final." Severy-5 says, "Yeah, the gravity bricks are really cool, I asked Peter about getting another set for the exhibit last weekend, but he was out of materials" saavik says, "it's ok randall - you'll just have to find another conference to come visit :-)" Greg-2 says, "If I can find 'em I'll put 'em in the car." saavik reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "so I assume we are on moon society flyer on the agenda?" Greg-2 says, "Amy, you should do a scouting trip around Memorial Day weekend." Severy-5 says, "Correct, Amy" Severy-5 says, "Good point, Greg! Amy, you definitely have a good excuse to go to ISDC this year :-)" saavik nods. saavik says, "need to house hunt but need to accept first " saavik says, "need to hear back from everyone!" Greg-2 says, "I propose that slip the elections in as agenda item 3 and push the rest down the stack." saavik says, "(two more places outstanding). and I agree on elections" saavik says, "I'm ready for a report when you are" Severy-5 says, "Sounds like a plan, go for it, Amy!" Greg-2 says, "Yeah" Greg-2 hopes to hear we have 14 nominations for Secretary, none of whom are him. saavik says, "well, we've received nominations from two people (both on the current board so you can take your guesses) - secretary remains un-nominated so far, alas. 1 for pres and let me get the count for board" MikeD-1 would like to know when exactly '5 by June 15, 2004' is due to fall saavik says, "7 people for BOD so far" Greg-2 says, "So we have enough board bodies. Darn, we NEED a Secretary." saavik says, "um, probably a typo mike :-)" Greg-2 says, "I know! I nominate Mike Delaney for Secretary!" saavik says, "well, we do have time to continue to drum up interest" MikeD-1 says, "no way" saavik says, "I think mike already said no :-)" Greg-2 says, "Rats." MikeD-1 says, "I wont do secretary or president" MikeD-1 says, "or treasurer" MikeD-1 says, "I'm on the wrong continent" Scottyg-1 says, "In that case you can have the Treasurer slot." saavik says, "maybe rhoda would want her job back? wasn't she it before me?" Scottyg-1 says, "Oops, you beat me to it. :=(" MikeD-1 says, "she said NO" Greg-2 says, "Rats, The Sequel." MikeD-1 says, "she said no to everything" MikeD-1 says, "and especially no to secretary" saavik says, "lol" saavik says, "sorry to hear it - was an idea anyway" saavik points at nancy dcarson-1 says, "time to setup the bear traps in the commons" Greg-2 says, "Nancy hasn't been a member for 2 years." dcarson-1 says, "margo is in the commons :-)" Greg-2 says, "I just looked, Dana. We don't even have any unsuspecting victims in Mars MOO. :(" Greg-2 says, "OH????" dcarson-1 says, "drat she logged off" Greg-2 says, "Must've heard us coming." john-r says, "she left 10 min ago or so" MikeD-1 says, "that was Laura anyway" irs will be right back. MikeD-1 says, "Margo ceded the computer to Laura about 9pm EDT" Greg-2 says, "We might have to waive the 2-year membership requirement, which will require a change to the Bylaws because there's no official provision for it." Greg-2 says, "... or get someone to take the position with the understanding that the duties can be delegated to Somebody Else." saavik says, "phone - but I think my report is over" MikeD-1 says, "that sounds like a potential disaster Greg" saavik says, "back sorry" Greg-2 says, "Amy, can you tell us how the nominees for board are, and who nominated them? Nominations aren't supposed to be a secret." Greg-2 says, "Mike, it might be the only way to get it done." saavik says, "um, well there are only two sets" Arthur arrives. saavik says, "your list and peter - want me to send the list?" Greg-2 says, "Sure!" Arthur says, "Hi all - late again, sorry" saavik says, "and I do think we need to find someone for secretary" Arthur reads the meeting agenda saavik says, "Gregory R. Bennett (with two t's) - #1 - Board of Directors" saavik says, "Robert Scott Gammenthaler - #393 - Board of Directors" saavik says, "Frederick J. Hitt - #701 - Board of Directors" saavik says, "Steve Jackson - #154 - Board of Directors" saavik says, "Michael Mealling (with two l's) - #579 - Board of Directors" saavik says, "David G. Schrunk - #793 - Board of Directors" saavik says, "Peter Kokh - #239" MikeD-1 says, "Steve Jackson?" Michael arrives. Michael reads the meeting agenda Greg-2 says, "President of Steve Jackson Gaames and IO.COM. Founding member of ASI." Michael says, "hi guys" MikeD-1 says, "ah" MikeD-1 says, "I knew I recognized the name" Greg-2 says, "I can't find Amy's list. Are there any incumbent board members that we are overlooking?" Michael says, "sorry I'm late folks, packing for a 6:15 flight" Scottyg-1 says, "Unless we want to do another waiver, I'm not eligible for the BOD." Michael says, "I think I'm up for renewal this time...." Greg-2 says, "Michael, right. I nominated you." Michael says, "thank you!" saavik says, "you can't find the list?" saavik says, "read the recorder" Michael says, "read recorder" john-r says, "hitt,jackson,schrunk - have they been asked Greg?" Greg-2 says, "Amy, I was looking for the list of incumbents that were in your announcement." saavik says, "oh" saavik says, "I can send that again too" Greg-2 says, "John, no, they haven't." john-r says, "TY" saavik says, "President - currently Gregory R. Bennett (retiring)" saavik says, "Secretary - currently Amy McGovern (retiring)" saavik says, "4 Director positions -- currently held by Gregory Bennet, Peter Kokh, Michael Mealing, and Arthur Smith (retiring)" Greg-2 says, "I'm embarrassed that I overlooked an incumbent, and worried that I overlooked someone else." Greg-2 says, "Oh, good! Then we're covered! :)" saavik says, "oh I see michael's name is wrong in that - sorry michael, I didnt proof carefully enough" saavik says, "If peter is here, someone should tell him as that is what he is planning to print (he wrote it)" Greg-2 says, "Heh. You spelled my name wrong, too. :)" saavik says, "blame peter ;-)" Greg-2 says, "Editors. Someone always needs to edit them. :)" saavik says, "nod, in which case it is my fault as I proof-read it ;-)" irs says, "watch it, bub" saavik says, "too quickly I guess" Greg-2 says, "" saavik says, "ok, so should we either move on or continue to brainstorm on secretary ideas?" saavik says, "getting a runoff for an office seems like too much to ask, alas" Greg-2 says, "I'm in a dither about what to do about the Secretary position." john-r says, "bub??? that seems so not you Ian :)" Greg-2 says, "Does ANYBODY have any ideas?" Greg-2 says, "My note to the mailing list was like throwing a feather down a canyon and waiting for the echo." john-r says, "Ideas for Set ??? not me at the moment" MikeD-1 says, "Why don't you run for Secretary yourself Greg?" saavik says, "well, you roped me in somehow (can't remember how) - must be someone else interested!" saavik says, "didn't I run against simon originally? I assume he has disappeared" MikeD-1 says, "you don't want Simon" Greg-2 says, "He does seem to have vaporized." saavik hmms. saavik says, "maybe one of those people greg wants for bod would be willing to start as secretary?" MikeD-1 says, "he's working on his plan to declare himself the republic of canada" Greg-2 says, "We could run a database query to find out what members meet the 2-year requirement." irs says, "How about an announcement in the newsletter?" saavik says, "peter will do an annoucement in MMM this month" irs says, "Yeah, I'd prefer not having to deal so closely with Simon." john-r says, "Simon was on the asi list a few months back" saavik says, "how do I do the query greg?" Greg-2 says, "Ian, yeah, we definitely should mention in MMM that we need a secretary." Greg-2 says, "Erm... um... my method of database queries is to type: Hey Randall!" Greg-2 says, "And sometimes, Hey Scotty!" MikeD-1 says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/teamdir/teamdir login as Administrator and click on Reports" MikeD-1 says, "I think the best you can do is current members" saavik says, "then sort by member number or something? peter gave the lowest eligible number" dcarson-1 says, "that way, Randall can do direct sql queries" saavik says, "err highest I guess" MikeD-1 says, "which still leaves you playing with a file that you have to copy and paste into Excel or similar" Greg-2 says, "Yeah. We don't have a query set up for members who've been around for 2 years." MikeD-1 says, "lowest eligible?" Greg-2 says, "It would be the highest." MikeD-1 says, "wouldn't that be highest eligible?" saavik says, "1211 - sort by member number and anyone lower than that is eligible according to peter" MikeD-1 says, "if they are current" saavik says, "I did a current members" MikeD-1 says, "have you copied it into a spreadsheet?" saavik says, "that I can't as I don't know how to get it out of teamdir!" Severy-5 says, "In the next few days Team Director will have a custom query report option, but that won't help tonight" MikeD-1 says, "Randall beat me to my query" saavik says, "how do I copy it out?" MikeD-1 says, "Do you want me to do it?" Severy-5 says, "Spreadsheet Export report in Reports" MikeD-1 says, "doesn't that just do All Members?" john-r says, "export is allllllll members, i have done it :(" Severy-5 says, "Yes, for the moment" john-r says, "a moment is up :)" Scottyg-1 says, "Once you have it in Excel, you can sort it to separate out what you want." saavik says, "oy" saavik says, "ok, hold on and I will do it" saavik says, "move on while I do it" Greg-2 says, "I can't figure out what the delimiter is." saavik says, "except I don't see a reports button" MikeD-1 says, "ok, I have current members in Excel, sort by mem num?" Greg-2 says, "It's all smooshed." saavik says, "oh, I need to be admin :-)" Greg-2 says, "Oh! THAT button1" irs says, "Uh, stray thought. I am on that list of people nominated, right?" Greg-2 says, "Is ".tsv" somethign that Windows knows about?" Severy-5 says, "Not that I know of, Greg" Greg-2 says, "Ian, yes. You're nominate for President." saavik says, "yeah, getting it into excel is odd" MikeD-1 says, "I show 106 possible candidates" MikeD-1 says, "you have to paste special" irs says, "Just checking." Severy-5 says, "Excel will load CSV files directly, Tab-separated files go through a wizard" saavik nods. saavik says, "I'm saving it out now" saavik says, "(big paste)" Scottyg-1 says, "You can also just do Open...Files of Type...All Files and the wizard will help you through it." saavik says, "got it" Greg-2 says, "Ah... sort first on memberStatus and then on memberNumber" saavik says, "need to sort it and all" saavik says, "got it" saavik says, "do I need to send it out to share?" Scottyg-1 says, "Or you can disbelieve Peter and Sort on Member Since" MikeD-1 says, "I don't understand why there seem to be members with not membership numbers in that report" saavik says, "notes that greg has many addresses" Greg-2 says, "I have it already, Amy. I was looking for likely victims." saavik says, "ok" Greg-2 says, "Well... I guess we don't need to hold up the meeting for this. I can panic on my own time." Severy-5 says, "Ok, anything more on elections?" Greg-2 says, "What "member since" date are we looking for?" Greg-2 says, "It says here, "...at the time of the election and for an uninterrupted period of two or more years prior to the election..."" saavik says, "nope, I'm done" Scottyg-1 says, "2 years ago as of the date planned for the election." Greg-2 says, "Do we have a set date for the election yet?" Greg-2 says, "It'll be somewhere in the low 1200's." saavik says, "you mean elect by date?" Greg-2 says, "Yeah." Scottyg-1 says, "Member number isn't completely reliable since a person may have let his membership lapse." saavik says, "um, aug 1 maybe? or july 15? " saavik says, "depends on if we do paper ballots" Greg-2 says, "Right. We need to look at "continuousSince" to find the victims." Greg-2 says, "Howzabout we make it August 1? That might let a couple of candidates squeak through, and we can always procrastinate if need be." MikeD-1 says, "did you guys paste that from the report into Excel?" Greg-2 says, "I downloaded it in .csv format and then opened it from Excell." Greg-2 says, "Excel, too" saavik says, "except that if I am counting ballots, I may well pass it off by then" saavik says, "due aug 5" MikeD-1 says, "ok, that works, the other way produces a mess for people with more than one email address" Greg-2 says, "So, if a member's 'continuousSince' date is August 5, 2002 or earlier, that member is qualified to serve as an officer." saavik says, "ok" saavik says, "just keep in mind that someone else may collect ballots by then" Greg-2 says, "That's all I have for elections tongiht." Scottyg-1 says, "BTW Amy, my daughter, married a month ago, announced this week that she's pregnant." Greg-2 says, "Gotcha, Amy." Scottyg-1 says, "So you have company." saavik says, "cool!" saavik says, "when is she due?" Scottyg-1 says, "Should be about 8-1/2 months." irs says, "Congratulations, Scotty." saavik says, "yeah, it actually 40 weeks which is sort of like 9+ months" Scottyg-1 says, "Somewhere near Jan 1." saavik says, "but congrats!" Scottyg-1 says, "Yeah, but the conception date was probably two weeks ago." Scottyg-1 says, "Or a bit more." saavik says, "nod, which puts her 4 weeks along (they count the first two weeks of your cycle, go figure)" saavik says, "so 36 weeks from now :-)" saavik says, "speaking of which, I need to head to bed soon - what is next?" Greg-2 says, "Chapters Update (Peter) (an idea of John) " Greg-2 says, "Outreach efforts (including Images and Video for publicity) (Director??) " Greg-2 says, "Team and Mailing List Infrastructure (Randall, Mike) " Greg-2 says, "State of the Society updates (Peter) " Greg-2 says, "That's from the agenda." Severy-5 says, "I'll make some progress on the Lunar Directory stuff before ISDC, that's a deadline for me" MikeD-1 says, "Teams and Mailing Lists; nothing to report" Severy-5 says, "Does anyone have anything to report on any of the remaining agenda items?" Greg-2 says, "I can provide deafening silence." Severy-5 says, "I don't have anything else to report myself" Greg-2 says, "Perhaps we have done what we can to do tonight." Scottyg-1 says, "Nothing from here." Severy-5 says, "If no one has anything else, I guess we can call it a night!" MikeD-1 says, "Scotty, how much time to I have to get my renewal in?" Greg-2 says, "I'll second the beknighting of the night!" MikeD-1 says, "I'm going to have to mail it this week" Scottyg-1 says, "Until June 4 Mike" irs says, "Morning and the opening of the market comes awfully early, so I, too, could call it a night." john-r says, "Night All" MikeD-1 says, "If i can't get an envelope to Texas in 6.5 weeks then there's something wrong" irs says, "OK, good night, gang." irs has disconnected. MikeD-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove MikeD-1. MikeD-1 arrives. Scottyg-1 says, "Night all!" dcarson-1 says, "gnight" Nancy-1 says, "Good night! " dcarson-1 goes home. Scottyg-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Scottyg-1. Nancy-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Nancy-1. saavik says, "oh, disappeared and everyone left" saavik says, "nigth all" saavik has disconnected. john-r goes South. MikeD-1 wonders how many of the 6 people in the Moon Society leadership room will still be here on Saturday The housekeeper arrives to cart irs off to bed. -- End log: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:01:27 pm ASI Meeting Server time--