-- Start log: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:32:23 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- Greg-1 says, "It was worth $232.75 to learn that lesson, though." Severy-6 says, "That sounds similar to CyberTeams' experience with Google ads, although our cost per ad was far higher :-(" Greg-1 says, "Steve, have you ever tried Google ads?" Greg-1 says, "So far we're batting zero for three experiences with Google ads." SJ must go. Will leave this window open and read back. The only prepalnned inpupt I had for the meeting was: I think we should quit saying "We need more members" and ask "WHY do we need more members?" which will lead to the question "WHO do we want as members?" Greg-1 says, "Ah, wisdom." SJ says, "We do use Google ads; they have been worthwhile for us, though they have not burned down the barn." john-r arrives. Michael is back kokhmmm says, "Steve, I agree. We have to target our recruiting for the kind of people we need." Greg-1 says, "So, lesson learned: The effectiveness of Google ads depends on the market. And perhaps on the search terms you use." john-r says, "evening(just finished supper)" garygray says, "It looks that way, Greg.!" Michael says, "IMHO, google ads are more "impulse buy" kind of advertising.... a Moon Society membership is much higher up Maslo's Pyramid of Need so the consideration time is much longer." kokhmmm says, "Hi John" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, what you said, Michael." john-r says, "read current on recorder" john-r says, "oops" Nancy says, "I have the information from, Missy. There was one new and six renews. " garygray says, "Michael, only if you believe is Maslo concepts!" Nancy says, "Thanks for waiting for us. :)" Greg-1 says, "If our web site had something that would provide instant gratification, and if we had a lower rate buy-in, we might produce results. Right now we don't have anything that the casual web surfer wants to buy." Greg-1 says, "Thanks, Nancy. Thank Missy, too. :)" Michael says, "gary, sure, its a very course level of granularity, but for most marketing tasks it does seem to work...." kokhmmm says, "Thanks Nancy (& Missy)" Greg-1 says, "The number of people who are actively looking for a space society to join is probably pretty near zero." Nancy says, "You're welcome." garygray says, "Greg, probably so, Need to connect various issues to space development!" Michael says, "yep... but the odds are much higher that we payed $250 so that about 3000 people now know we exist.... that's not totally useless..." Greg-1 says, "Regarding Steve's question: Why does the Moon Society exist? That is the key benefit that the current members get from the Moon Society?" Greg-1 says, "Erm... WHAT is the key benefit?" Scottyg says, "I think Greg has hit the nail on the head." Greg-1 says, "True, Michael. The impressions are important." Michael says, "An international non-profit educational and scientific foundation formed to further scientific study and development of the moon. " kokhmmm says, "We offer a website, a newsletter, and a limited menu of ways to get involved. It's a start but we need more." Greg-1 says, "We should say conduct or advance instead of 'further'." Scottyg says, "I tell most every one I meet about the Moon Society. Without exception, I get reactions from a rather blank stare to a barely-suppressed snicker, and I've never had one - without exception - that joined." Greg-1 says, "I think the absolute number one top benefit of the Moon Society is that it provides a forum where people can meet people who have the same interest in space development." kokhmmm says, "Advance the Study? People want action, or study that leads to action, no one joins us for knowledge' sake." Greg-1 says, "Scotty, yeah. I got that a lot when I was at the Johnson Space Center." kokhmmm says, "Greg, that reduces us to fan club, a place for people without a life." Scottyg says, "I agree Peter. Societies like ours are perceived as self-serving do-nothing organizations." Michael agrees with Peter on that one Scottyg says, "We have to have some very visible worthwhile activities going on to attract members." Greg-1 says, "Aw, Peter, I think that's the most cynical interpretation you can place on it." Michael says, "but its true....." Greg-1 says, "No, Michael, I disagree." Greg-1 says, "We don't need to be 'just a fan club'." Michael says, "the most we've done over the past two years is put out some press releases praising other people's work.... " garygray says, "That's is what I think we are trying to do when we implement various low cost projects.!" Greg-1 says, "By performing the key function of bringing people together, we increase opportunities for people to Do Things." kokhmmm says, "That all NSS does is just talk, talk, talk is the number one complaint of those who do not renew their NSS membership. Why should this not apply to us also." Michael says, "sure, but given teh Internet's ability to do that what value does the organization bring that those people can't do on their own with things like yahoo groups?" Greg-1 says, "If we can also get some projects going, then we provide something for those people to do." Michael says, "exactly..." Michael says, "unless we're doing something we are just a fan club...." kokhmmm says, "I agree, Greg, but we are not doing that effectively. I think that analyzing how we could do a better job of what you highlight would be very productive." kokhmmm says, "Can you have a list of ways of how we can better put people together in a way that starts things, ready for next meeting?" Michael says, "btw, the MDRS thing got significant mention at the SFF conference last week... the #1 comment I heard was "yay! they're doing something!"" Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking back over the past 10 years. We started with an organization based primarily on the work of one guy. Almost everything else we did was to support the work of that one guy." Greg-1 says, "Going back to the genesis of the L5 Society, it was largely the same. The L5 Society was based on the results of one study group." Michael says, "in open source project management that's called the "benevolent dictator"... i.e. Linux Torvalds for Linux, etc...." Michael says, "s/Linux/Linus/" Scottyg says, "Linus Torvalds, for the record." Michael says, "btw, as I'm doing this I'm also figuring out all of Masten's financial projections..... " Michael says, "its actually kind of fun...." kokhmmm says, "I do think Greg is on to something there. One way I have been considering getting key people together is in workshops - but more on that another time." Scottyg says, "Well, looks like the motherboard is fried in my internet-router computer. :=(" Michael says, "that's something I mentioned at the SFF meeting....so many of these conferences are just presentations. its such a shame to get all those smart people in a room and just talk at them...." kokhmmm says, "Also liaison projects. We have at least one person on the inside in almost all the other organizations, with one exception. Do we have anyone involved, not just a member like me, in the Planetary Society?" Greg-1 says, "A flashy-but-mostly-worthless project like the MDRS might be a key to getting members. Now *that* is a fan-club project if I ever saw one -- a ramshackle clubhouse in the Utah desert." Greg-1 says, "Scotty, did the power glitch do that?" kokhmmm says, "Greg, have you tried reading the records and archives of what the various crews have done? Yes, some noise, but also some worthwhile lessons. I very much disagree." Michael says, "Greg, perception != reality " Greg-1 says, "Oh well. I won't argue the point about the MDRS. " Michael says, " http://rocketforge.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=302&mode=flat&order=0&thold=0" kokhmmm says, "Does Randall have the gavel?" Michael says, "read the comment.... very funny" Scottyg says, "Yes Greg." garygray says, "Where are we on the agenda?!" john-r says, "lost ? :) sidetracked?" Greg-1 says, "We were in membership services until I distracted the conversation by saying something controversial about the MDRS." garygray says, "Discussion never hurts, Greg!" kokhmmm says, "I believe the next item is registration options" Greg-1 says, "There's still the open question about the membership rates we're showing on the web." Greg-1 says, "Can someone confirm that what we're showing at http://www.moonsociety.org/register/ is correct?" Greg-1 says, "That's in response to a note that Predrag sent to Missy. He thinks they're wrong." Greg-1 says, "But I'm not seeing the error here." Greg-1 says, "He wasn't specific about what was wrong." kokhmmm says, "It looks all right to me. The $60 dollar rate is for hardcopy outside the USA and Canada and it says so specifically" Scottyg says, "I'm rather certain the rates at /register/ are correct. They may be wrong in other places, especially old ASI material." kokhmmm says, "He may have thought that the domestic hardcopy rate should be 60 also but that ignores the tremendous difference in postal rates." kokhmmm says, "If you go through the steps and get the actual registration page, if you had inadvertantly said you lived in the US, when you didn't, you'd get the wrong rate. That's all I can see" garygray says, "Can someone contact hi, and asks him what he ment?!" Greg-1 says, "I dunno, Peter. Could you check to make sure that what's being printed in Moon Miners Manifesto matches that page?" kokhmmm says, "Greg, I'm sure it does" kokhmmm says, "Yes, it's correct on both page 9 and page 20" Greg-1 says, "Missy will write to Predrag to ask what he meant." kokhmmm says, "Does Predrag live overseas? (I suspect)" Greg-1 says, "Erm... Germany?" Greg-1 says, "I think I've side-tracked us for long enough on that. :)" kokhmmm says, "Okay, he does not currently get hardcopy. He may have inadvertently clicked the hardcopy option and got the $60 quote when he thought he was clicking the electronic option" john-r says, "i thought he was in minnasota" kokhmmm says, "Wherever he lives, John, if he is getting the electronic file, he should get the $35 rate unless he is a student or senior." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, Predrag is in Ely, Minnesota" kokhmmm says, "And that is a good seque to additional registration options" Greg-1 says, "Oh, right. Do we have a proposal on the table?" Severy-6 says, "I'm a bit distracted with several other things going on at once at the moment, so I'd prefer not to be given the gavel for the time being..." kokhmmm says, "I have a number of ideas here Greg. Last time we discussed a first year only rate of $20 (electronic) for new members recruited by chapters or local contacts. That did not seem a popular idea, though I think it could be a help to chapters." kokhmmm says, "But I also want to discuss multi-year options like 2 years for so much, 4 for so much as it would cut down the renewal-registration work" Scottyg says, "Predrag selected Electronic Newslatter on his last renewal and was charged $35.00" Scottyg says, "on 10/7/2004" kokhmmm says, "Multiyear options: 2 years for $60, a savings of $10. 4 years for $100, a savings of $40" Greg-1 says, "Scotty, maybe Predrag was looking for a discount if he went with electronic." Greg-1 says, "Anyhow, Missy can ask him what he meant." kokhmmm says, "No, Greg, he mentioned something about the $60 rate" Greg-1 says, "Peter, my thought is that it might help to encourage multi-year subscriptions." Greg-1 says, "Erm... memberships, too." Greg-1 says, "So I think that's a good idea." john-r says, "i agree with multi year" john-r says, "but...." Greg-1 says, "We need to hear from Scotty about how involved it will be to implement a change in the dues struture." Greg-1 says, "structure." john-r says, "we may create a list of those who might ask for a credit from past multi year- maybe not many " Greg-1 says, "We'll need to update the web, the flyers, and the accounting system." Scottyg says, "Well, the change is mostly in the online registration system." Greg-1 says, "John, I think we can deal with that if it happens. Obviously it's a new policy that was not applicable at the time they signed up." Scottyg says, "That system was not very well implemented from the beginning, and as a result changes like these are messy and time consuming." Greg-1 says, "On the other hand, if we decided to make it applicable we could extend those memberships proportionally and keep 'em around for another few months. :)" kokhmmm says, "For flyers and the newsletter, all you have to say is that there may be more favorable online registration rates" Greg-1 says, "Scotty, aw darn. It's not a good time for 'messy and time-consuming'." Scottyg says, "No it isn't." kokhmmm says, "That's how the transportaion industry does it." Greg-1 says, "It probably won't be a good time for messing and time-consuming until the Spring of 2005." Severy-6 says, "One of these days I hope to finish up the Team Director registration enhancements, that may help in that area" Greg-1 says, "... if even then." Scottyg says, "I'm swamped until the end of the year." Greg-1 says, "Scotty, yeah, that's why I said Spring." Greg-1 says, "There will for sure be some tweaks and feature creatures even after it's operational." Greg-1 says, "Randall, will Team Director be able to take over the accounting stuff?" Severy-6 says, "Yes" Greg-1 says, "Oh! So there might be an opportunity here to get Scotty off the hook for this kind of work!" Greg-1 says, "And to get it done more quickly, too." Severy-6 says, "It will feed registrations and payments directly into the membership database" Greg-1 says, "Will it have a tool to enter all the possible registration options and incentives that organizations might come up with?" Greg-1 says, "Such as multiple options for subscription periods. And handling international rates." garygray says, "I think we should try the multi-year memberships. If there are major problems in the future we can stop the multi year program! " Greg-1 says, "And different types of subscriptions such as our hardcopy vs. electronic." Greg-1 says, "Gary, I agree that it's valuable. The only question is how long it will take us to be prepared to handle it." Severy-6 says, "Different registration options will be matter of setting up the registration forms appropriately" Greg-1 says, "I know I've been lambasted for harping on setting up the infrastructure to deal with these things, but the alternative would be to announce it and then not have any way to deal with it." Greg-1 says, "Randall, was that 'yes'? :)" Michael would like to have that problem... ;-) Severy-6 says, "Yes :-)" Greg-1 says, ":) :) :) :) :)" Greg-1 says, "Michael, I've had that problem. The net result was a major negative." Severy-6 says, "The Team Director registration system doesn't know anything about the types of registrations that are supported, it's all table-driven" Greg-1 says, "I'd say that the lack of preparing the infrastructure is why we've had essentially zero progress on the Artemis Project for the past six years or so." Greg-1 says, "Tables are good, Randall. Very, very good!" john-r says, "so for tonight, we seem to agree with multi year, and wait for a little while till team dir is ready, - sound ok??" Greg-1 says, "John, yeah, what you said." kokhmmm says, "The other thing in this area that I wanted to discuss is optional donations." john-r says, "fo specific projects?" john-r says, "for" kokhmmm says, "Money could be donated for the acquisition of rights to artwork " kokhmmm says, "Or for creation of teaching materials," kokhmmm says, "Or for projects" kokhmmm says, "Some will find "general funds" sexy enough. But more people will give more money if they know it's going for something they really want to push" Greg-1 says, "I agree, Peter." kokhmmm says, "Again, we may have to wait until the software etc. is ready for this, but then we should take it up again, and I'll have an itemized list of suggested donation items ready" Scottyg says, "We've accepted donations in the past for specific purposes, so this is not a change in policy. We just haven't promoted it or suggested a list of purposes." Greg-1 says, "Yeah. I think Peter is onto the key point by providing a list of suggested donation items." kokhmmm says, "And we do need to be explicit. Silence is presumed to mean a "no" although it should be taken as an "ask"" Scottyg says, "And I've been somewhat remiss in not setting those donations aside in the accounting records." Greg-1 says, "It would be stronger if we had some historical track record, of course. But the Moon Society can get there." Greg-1 says, "Hmm... maybe some different line items in the budget, Scotty?" Scottyg says, "I didn't mean planning for expenditures, I meant separating those funds out on the balance sheet." kokhmmm says, "I think the organization that does the best job raising money for specific items in this way is the Planetary Society." kokhmmm says, "Scotty, when we list the options we have selected, then they should become line items in the balance sheet." kokhmmm says, "I am satisfied for now that there seems to be wide agreement that this would be a helpful direction in which to go, once the software apparatus is in place." john-r says, "yup" kokhmmm says, "It is getting late, and I'd like to jumb ahead to the Board of Advisors item." garygray says, ""Keeping specific fundidng is the best way to keep track of it and also good for future fundraising!" Greg-1 says, "Sounds good to me, Peter." Greg-1 says, "We never have done anything with a Board of Advisors, mostly because I never had time to babysit one." kokhmmm says, "I sent out an email after the last meeting titled "Board of Adevisors - First Call"" Scottyg says, "Peter, you indicated that you thought the bylaws called for "election" to the Board of Advisors. Article VIII specifically indicates that they are appointed by the Board of Directors." kokhmmm says, "It contained a list of people I'd like approval to invite to join the Board of Advisors. " kokhmmm says, "These people will be helpful to the projects now in the early phase I stages." Michael says, "where is the current list 'o people?" kokhmmm says, "As we get into other directions, we will want to add more." kokhmmm says, "Michael, do you mean the list in the email mentioned? We have no current advisors." kokhmmm says, "I can resend the list to Leaders" kokhmmm says, "Sent to Leaders just now" Michael says, "hehe.... got mime swept!!!" Michael says, "The following attachments were removed: multipart/mixed" john-r says, "i just sent a copy of the e-mail- if its correct" kokhmmm says, "I copied the message in a fresh letter "Board of Adevisors - First Call"" Michael says, "Hmm....interesting that I didn't know a single name on that list... heh...." Michael says, "would it be possible to put someone with more business/marketing background on it?" john-r says, "like who?" john-r says, "and the list does need people from maybe all areas of life" kokhmmm says, "Michael, I am open to suggestions. The more complete list of Advisors may have someone of that description. Those in this first list are aimed at helping in projects now announced, and they do not seem to me to require that kind of expertise, though it is always helpful to have that point of view." kokhmmm says, "Again, John, Yes. The board of advisors, once fully fleshed out should be very diverse. We have to start somewhere, and I chose these people as being likely to agree, and having the talent and knowledge to be helpful immediately." Michael says, "hmm.... someone from both Transorbital and Lunacorp?" kokhmmm says, "Michael, yes, eventually. " garygray says, "My understanding is that htia list can and will be aded to in the future!" john-r says, "Gary - thats how i see it also," kokhmmm says, "Yes, it is just a place to start, in order to support what we are already doing. It will be expanded in due time." john-r says, "Michael, who do you have in mind, Paul? or Charles?" Michael says, "Paul...." Greg-1 says, "Paul would be better at advising, yes." john-r says, "i an not rem who is in luna corp, my mind is tired" kokhmmm says, "I am always open to suggestions. Right now, I don't see what we are doing that would interest TransOrbital, but that is only a matter of time." garygray says, "Peter, I think your inital list is good even without any of my recommendations!" kokhmmm says, "I am able to talk to Paul, yes." Michael says, "Peter, they are still actively pursuing that deal with the Italian radiometric survey so they may still need us to help with the fundraising for that." Greg-1 says, "Although in the past, TransOrbital hasn't provided much support for the Society other than to complain that the Society members aren't doing slave-labor publicity jobs for TransOrbital." kokhmmm says, "I will have to tread carefully. Two of my nominees once were collaborators and now have nothing good to say about each other!" Michael says, "Peter's new position Board Wrangler" Greg-1 says, "Give us a hint, Peter, so that we don't repeat the same faux pas." kokhmmm says, "As to procedure. I am asking for an okay to send these people invitations to join the BoA. Or should I say that they have been nominated? I defer to experience here." Michael says, "'drafted' is more like it.... ;-)" kokhmmm says, "Greg: George French and David Dunlop." Greg-1 says, "We don't have a historical precedent, Peter. I'd say that the list you sent sounds like a great bunch of guys to have on a Board of Advisors." Greg-1 says, "Keep in mind that once you've got them on board you'll need to invest considerable time in babysitting them." Greg-1 says, "That is, give them something to advise us about. Ask questions. Get them talking to each other in some sort of forum." Greg-1 says, "Perhaps a mailing list." Greg-1 says, "When you contact them it would be good to tell them what's expected." kokhmmm says, "The first bunch I know personally, and I intend to work them,=. I'lkl draft a letter and if you like, I can run it by you before sending it, Greg." john-r says, "do we have access to mailing lists?" john-r says, ":)" kokhmmm says, "John, what do you mean?" john-r says, "Peter run the list thu the leaders list, and i am ok with the list , and even trying to get Paul involved" john-r says, "on the lists, i was teasing" Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking of my experience on the Board of Advisors for the University of Nevada. They needed me to show up at their brunch meetings. They're primary interest was getting me to wheedle my boss into donating more money to the college." john-r says, "i see your point Greg" kokhmmm says, "I'm not the one to hit anyone up for money, Greg, so they have nothing to fear from me. " Greg-1 says, "Other than that, nobody contacted me for advice unless I initiated the contact. We had a lot of discussion about setting up an Aerospace degree, but when Bob wouldn't give 'em money, they lost interest." Greg-1 says, "Peter, yeah. I was in a unique situation. For a while everybody in the world saw me as a crowbar in Bigelow's wallet." Greg-1 says, "When they found out that I wouldn't play that role, my popularity rapidly waned." kokhmmm says, "Before we call it quits tonight, I have an update on the India Moon Mission contest" Greg-1 says, "Oh neat!" kokhmmm says, "People participated from other countries also, notably South Africa and Bangladesh." kokhmmm says, "Two first place and one second place winners have been picked. No, the entries were not run by me, but at my request, they are on route to me via mail. " kokhmmm says, "What this means as far as our commitment to prizes I will try to have ready for you next time." kokhmmm says, "Does anyone else have anything they want to discuss tonight?" Scottyg says, "A quick update on finances..." john-r says, "listening" Scottyg says, "Current bank balance is $14,480.55 and climbing slowly, so we seem to be healthy." kokhmmm says, "We should not be afraid to spend carefully and wisely to ensure growth in membership also!" Michael says, "btw, the SFF has new leadership on the RTTM front and will be seeking our help earlier and more productively than before...." Greg-1 says, "So, we know we have some money and want to spend it on membership growth." Scottyg says, "I agree. Some money in the bank is necessary, but we don't need but about 1/3 of our current balance." Greg-1 says, "Steve's question -- What kind of members do we want? -- is still foremost in my mind." Michael says, "speaking of, I 'll need to get a check cut to reimburse me for the google ads...." SJ says, "And I'm back." Greg-1 says, "Aha! Speak of the... erm... Hi, Steve!" Greg-1 says, "Even within the context of my belief that the key function of the Society is to get like-minded people working together, we need to define what like minds we would want to bring together." kokhmmm says, "Michael, anxious to hear the details on RTTM. Keep me informed. I'll be wanting SFF help also." Greg-1 says, "The hard-core professional scientist community is served already by several organizations." Scottyg says, "I need a piece of Paper Michael." Scottyg says, "Send it to the Plano PO Box." garygray says, "A couple of months ago we talked about listing the abilities of people we wanted to recruit, Perhaps we can go back to that list development!" Greg-1 says, "College students have the AIAA and the other engineering societies, but those serve only engineering students." kokhmmm says, "Greg, yes. My vote is for people interested in the private enterprise route to space, but not adverse to governement roadblock clearing and other assistance." Michael says, "Scotty, I'll send it later this week." Greg-1 says, "There is nothing in the colleges for people in business, art, information technologies, social sciences, or even physical education." Greg-1 says, "Nothing in the colleges for people learning to be teachers." kokhmmm says, "We should be a prototype of lunar society which will include people from all walks of life" Greg-1 says, "Just what I was thinking, Peter." Greg-1 says, "And I think the Moon Society needs to reach out to people on their own turf." Greg-1 says, "If they are interested in games and entertainment, we should provide games and entertainment." Greg-1 says, "... always within the context of developing and living on the moon." kokhmmm says, "Greg, I've always tried to give MMM a very diversified encyclopedic reach to interest all sorts of people." kokhmmm says, "But only some of them will be interested in games. So we do that, but don't stop there." Greg-1 says, "That's where projects like the Mars Desert Research Station have their true value. I still think it's just a bunch of grown-ups playing make-believe, no different from skiffy fans dressing up like the crew of the Star Ship Enterprise, but it does reach out to an audience." Greg-1 says, "Peter, yes, I agree. Games aren't the end of it." SJ says, "The MDRS is "What If?" And people who won't ask "what if?" aren't going to join this group until there's a weekly shuttle to Luna." Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking that anything we can do that enables people to vicariously enjoy living in the moon would be good." SJ nods. Greg-1 says, "Excellent point, Steve." kokhmmm says, "Yes, vicarious stuff, -if it is realistic - helps whet the appetite. But if its off in fantasy lalaland, I don't think its productive" Greg-1 says, "We've tried to create a lunar city in ASI MOO. Unfortuantely the text-based MOO isn't up to the current technology." SJ does not advocate cheese mines in our Lunar sim. But nobody else is advocating that, either. Greg-1 says, "Peter, right. No aliens." Michael says, "that was discussed alittle last week when folks were talking about MMORPGs for space simulations...." garygray says, "Greg do you know of some writeen enterinment proposak that the Society could consider for a project?!" Greg-1 says, "The audienc we want to appeal to would be those to whom it is important that any simulation be technically accurate." Michael says, "(this was the same session where the speaker asked John Carmack "I have to disagree with your cost estimates, sir. What part of the game industry have you worked in recently?"" kokhmmm says, "There should be a place in the new lunar sims for exploring lavatube mazes." Michael says, "(the poor guy had no idea who he was talking to)" Greg-1 says, "Gary, there's the one we're working on -- Mary Cooper's lunar city in the Adobe Atmosphere environment." SJ grins. What did Carmack say? Greg-1 says, "I don't recognize the name, John Carmack." john-r says, "Michael, that sounded so funny" Michael says, "he didn't really say anything. The room just fell out laughing and in unison said "That's John Carmack!" the poor guy just wanted to hide under the podium." john-r says, "I read your rocket forge" Michael says, "Greg, John Carmack is the founder of ID software and the guy who built the entire Doom/Quake franchise and is also behind Armadillo Aerospace" Greg-1 says, "Oh!" Greg-1 says, "I think I knew his dad, at McDonnell Douglas in Houston." Greg-1 says, "Or maybe his father-in-law." Michael says, "John's a cool guys... Masten and Armadillo share alot of information and spare parts." Michael says, "all of the catalyst in our igniter came from John." Greg-1 says, "Was the gist of the questioner's comment that he thought Carmack was over-estimating the size of the audience or the amount of money?" kokhmmm says, "Michael, is Jonathan Goff working with you?" Michael says, "yep" Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I get that a lot." Greg-1 says, "There's always one in the crowd." john-r says, "its ben good tonight, but the wife is reminding me of sleep time.." john-r says, "night all" Greg-1 says, "Ack, yeah, we're running overtime." Michael says, "Greg, size of the amount of money needed to develop an MMORPG. They were simply talking past each other because they were talking about two different market segments. What hte speaker was talking about is PHP/Flash games, not what I call real MMORPGs (i.e. evercrack, etc)" Greg-1 says, "Anyhow, I think we need to cogitate on Steve's question." john-r says, "yup" Greg-1 says, "I'm thinking that college students and skiffy fans are a good target audience." john-r has disconnected. Greg-1 says, "Because they DO ask "what if?"" Michael says, "gack! yea, 11:30! I have a 7:00 breakfast meeting tomorrow!" Michael says, "Greg, but they also generally have very little cash...." garygray says, "Yes, it's been a long day. Goodnight, People. Good meeting tonight!" kokhmmm says, "Good night all!" kokhmmm has disconnected. garygray has disconnected. Greg-1 says, "G'night Gary and Peter and John." Greg-1 says, "Think strategically, Michael." Michael goes home. Greg-1 says, "Besides, a little money from a lot of people sounds appropriate to how I envision the Moon Society." Greg-1 says, "Hmmm... speaking of audiences, I seem to have lost my audience for that discussion. :)" SJ says, "If the only reason we want members is for their dues, are there better ways to raise money?" Greg-1 says, "I agree with what you're thinking, Steve." SJ says, "But yes, people are going home . . ." Greg-1 says, "I see members as Those Who Do Things and also provide an audience." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, it's late." Greg-1 says, "But I'm sure glad you brought up that very question." Greg-1 says, "It's a focus that we have been missing for quite some time." SJ says, "It's been bothering me since the first director meeting I attended. Much angst about membership and no clear reason why we should need them . . . maybe it can be discussed further." Greg-1 says, "Yeah, I'll keep on 'em about it. You can see that there are different visions for the basic purpose of the Moon Society." The housekeeper arrives to cart john-r off to bed. SJ . o O ( Moon Society /= Amway. ) Greg-1 says, "LOL" SJ goes. Take care! Greg-1 says, "Have a good one!" SJ has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart garygray off to bed. Greg-1 says, "(Maybe someone should turn off the recorder.)" -- End log: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11:33:06 pm ASI Meeting Server time--