-- Start log: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 9:04:31 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Lunadyne says, "Roll call!" bnault says, "here" Lunadyne says, "Here" pjbanyai says, "here" Chard says, "here" lesausl says, "here" ronb22 says, "here" Lunadyne says, "Do we have any officer reports? I'm hoping the membership numbers are way up!" dcarson says, "here" Lunadyne says, "On the President's side, I've been continuing to update the Facebook page on a regular basis." pjbanyai says, "One member just expired a few days ago. So total membership has dropped to 149." dcarson says, "found a link to post http://dreamsofspace.blogspot.com/" Lunadyne says, "I've started contacting the chapters and outposts to kick things off for 2012" Lunadyne says, "Bernard Foing from ESA commented on my post about chapter projects, specifically regarding Lunar Lava tubes. We've started corresponding in that regard." Lunadyne says, "He may be able to help get some European momentum." Lunadyne says, "In contacting the chapters I mentioned that we're looking for help with our eBook project." Lunadyne says, "Ben has been doing a great job getting things rolling, but he and Peter shouldn't do it alone. Having a team will help cultivate new editors for MMM as well." Lunadyne says, "A website issue that has come up is that Peter seems to be having difficulties posting to the website since the upgrade." dcarson says, "yeah, it should be the same" pjbanyai says, "Google has apparently mad it easyier to setup a free non-profits account. However we need to setup a gmail account setup as mycompany@gmail.com. Unfortunetly moonsociety@gmail.com, moon.society@gmail.com, themoonsociety@gmail.com, and the.moon.society@gmail.com have all been taken. I tracked down moon.society as linked to facebook/moonsociety and moonsociety linked to myspace/moonsociety. I believe one of the four may also be linked to ebay which may cause a problem with setting up a paypal account since ebay owns paypal. Our myspace account is moon_society however we can not use that for gmail since they only allow letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and periods (.)." dcarson says, "haven't seen anything offhand that should cause it" pjbanyai says, "I noticed that php5 extensions do not work." dcarson says, "ah that could cause it" bnault says, "do we know who owns all these moon society gmail accounts? could it be Charles?" pjbanyai says, "Any page ending in php5 is seen as a downloadable page instead of being parsed by php." dcarson says, "that should be fixable in the conf file" Lunadyne says, "I was just going to say the same thing re: e-mails. Paul, have you tried contacting Charles about them?" Lunadyne says, "Or do you want me to talk to him?" Lunadyne says, "Does anyone talk to Charles?" Chard says, "I haven't talked to him in awhile" Lunadyne says, "He does still show up on the Facebook page." Chard says, "but I remember him changing his skype profile pic so that it had a green overlay... which I just figured out why" Lunadyne says, "Which is?" lesausl says, "Is this about Charles Radley?" pjbanyai says, "themoonsociety@gmail.com is listed as Mona Sweeney. moonsociety@gmail.com is apparently listed as someone in denmark. The ebay account points to Canada. I am only using the free information from spokeo.com paid subscription has more info. Charles posted a few days ago that his computer crashed and that he may have problems connecting for awhile." Lunadyne says, "Correct." Chard says, "in protest of ithe elections in iran" Lunadyne says, "Ah." Chard says, "i have a paid subscription to spokeo" Chard says, "will look them up tomorrow when I'm on that system that has all of my account information" dcarson says, "thanks" Lunadyne says, "Thanks for looking into the e-mails, Paul." Lunadyne says, "and Jason." Lunadyne says, "Maybe we could try for TheRealMoonSociety@gmail.com" bnault says, "or MoonSocietyUSA@gmail" pjbanyai says, "I also looked into the patent/trademark office and apparently we do not have anything trademarked." Lunadyne says, "Is 'The Moon Society' trademarked?" pjbanyai says, "moonsocietyorg, moonsocietyinternational and moonsocietyinc are available as well as with periods." Chard says, "i was thinking there was backstory on that" Lunadyne says, "MoonSocietyTransglobal?" pjbanyai says, "I could not find any trademark at all. The Artemis Society had several which have expired." Chard says, "ie: moonsociety.com --- which takes you to lunarrepublic.com now" Lunadyne says, "How much to trademark 'The Moon Society'?" dcarson says, "not cheap" Lunadyne says, "I'm not so worried about MoonSociety.com. We're an organization and I'm fine with .org. It helps clarify our 501c3 status." dcarson says, "someplaces claim to do it for 100, not sure if that is accurate, I know it cost more like a thousand for the ASI stuff" Chard says, "http://www.uspto.gov/inventors/trademarks.jsp" Chard says, "275 to 375 usd" Chard says, "that's just for the app" Chard says, "then figure $500 or so for the attorney " Chard says, "then they'll research it and file it... so $1k seems about right?" bnault says, "we could ask Jeffrey Liss from NSS for advice on this. He may be able to help. I assume he knows how NSS is setup." Lunadyne says, "It looks like we would trademark the Moon Society logo, including name and website." bnault says, "and MMM....?" Lunadyne says, "According to the legalese we'd have to register it for each class or service." Lunadyne says, "MMM is copyright, right?" pjbanyai says, "lunarrepublic posted an acknowledgment about us several years ago (It disappeared from their site a few months later). They have supposedly setup a lunarrepublic society for their members although I doubt that has really established connections between any of their customers. " Lunadyne says, "I remember that guy tried to join my LinkedIn network." pjbanyai says, "Charles is on facebook right now. He says he did not setup any gmail accounts." ronb22 says, "Ken - the MMM Nov.2011 shows a copyright 2010 Lunar Reclamation Society, Inc. " Lunadyne says, "Well I certainly don't want to get a Yahoo! account. I always hated that about NSS of North Texas' email account." Lunadyne says, "Ron, IIRC Lunar Reclamation Society has the actual rights, but was transfering them to TMS." pjbanyai says, "Currently the facebook username themoonsociety is available. The Mars Society used TheMarsSociety." Lunadyne says, "Can we grab TheMoonSociety and point it to the Moon Society site we're using?" bnault says, "I don't think FB allows that." bnault says, "maybe we could simple change the page name to The Moon Society - name changes are allowed one or twice (I think)." Lunadyne says, "Well, over 3,000 likes would be hard to give up. And I hope I'm giving the main page an identifiable character as an information source." pjbanyai says, "We can set the username to TheMoonSociety. We can also activate facebook email so that we would have TheMoonSociety@facebook.com. You can't change the username of Moon Society once you set it." Lunadyne says, "I say change the UserName and activate the email, but use that email mainly for Facebook purposes. I want an email that's independent independent." Lunadyne says, "The more we use the The Moon Society name, the stronger our standing with it in the market, and in courts if need be." dcarson says, "true" pjbanyai says, "So we should probably see about recovering themoonsociety@gmail.com and the.moon.society@gmail.com. A gmail account is also a youtube account. Google is also setting Google+ to be a rival to facebook." Lunadyne says, "By the same token, proliferating web assets become hard to manage. I do still want to see a list of websites and Usernames/Passwords that's relatively comprehensive." Lunadyne says, "Can we set up The Moon Society on Google+, or is that still a maybe in the future?" pjbanyai says, "We can setup Google+ once we get a google apps account. However we first need to be able to setup a gmail account." dcarson says, "companies can have pages on google+ http://www.google.com/+/business/" dcarson says, "couldn't at first but can now" Lunadyne says, "Oh we should definitely grab that. Gives us more credibility when we try to get the gmail account." Lunadyne says, "Oh wow, you should see the email I just got from the Phoenix chapter." Lunadyne says, "I mentioned Moon Day, and here's what he noted to the folks he forwarded it to: "I believe that a workbook for the Community" Lunadyne says, "Moon Day" style event that he mentions would help each chapter to have guidance on how to Plan and" Lunadyne [to to]: work with along with the "HERMES" group to help promote the exploration of Space. Lunadyne says, "Whoa, goofed that. Hold on." Lunadyne says, "I believe that a workbook for the Community "Moon Day" style event that he mentions would help each chapter to have guidance on how to Plan and Execute such evens and how to finance such events. We have a lot of Aerospace Companies locally that could help with what he wants to do, along with the Challenger Center, the Arizona Science Center and others. And we also have the NSS Chapter, the MENSA Special Interest Group (SIG) and along with members of the Mars Society, The Planetary Society, the local Rocket clubs and other Science and Space related groups to to work with along with the 'HERMES' group to help promote the exploration of Space." Lunadyne says, "So there may be two Moon Day events this year." Lunadyne says, "Moving on, as we only have about half an hour or so..." Lunadyne says, "Dana, have we heard from PayPal re: the tax status?" Lunadyne says, "Hello?" dcarson says, "nothing yet" dcarson says, "there is a rason why patpal sucks comes up well over a million google hits" Lunadyne says, "Maybe I should have my attorney write them a nasty letter..." dcarson says, "end of month maybe" dcarson says, "big problem is how hard it is to get a person" Lunadyne says, "Any other website issues I should know about?" dcarson says, "not that I can think of, but I am on nyquil" pjbanyai says, "I have not setup the Amazon Payments account yet. I need date established, Estimated transaction volume per month, Average Tranaction amount, and customer service email address. We may also want to change the user id to a different email such as whatever gmail account we setup. Amazon requires a fax of corporate bank account statement with the user id on it in order to link a bank account." dcarson says, "ok will gather that info" Lunadyne says, "And while you're on Nyquil, any other suggestions for the e-mail address?" Lunadyne says, "TheMoonSocietyGlobal@" Lunadyne says, "TheFullMoonSociety" pjbanyai says, "We can setup a free dreamhost account with free shared hosting and one free domain registration. Other features such as private server, dedicated server, unique IP and more domains are extra. They have promo codes which provide extra free domains or free ip however that also restricts transfer of any domain previosly hosted with dreamhost such as lunarpedia." pjbanyai says, "I believe there is may actually be another non-profit already called The Full Moon Society." Lunadyne says, "Bummer" Lunadyne says, "TheHonestToGoodnessMoonSociety" pjbanyai says, "I found on google search The Full Moon Poetry Society and Harvest Moon Society. We should also try not to have a realy long name:)" dcarson says, "there is a Lunar Society that goes back a ways" dcarson says, "18th century think tank that met on full moons so there was enough light to get home" pjbanyai says, "we should also check with Peter and see if he setup any accounts. I was actually thinking of sending a comprehesive poll to everyone on the Leadership mailing list to determine who has access to what assets." lesausl says, "Yes. Even for people on Nyquil. . ." dcarson says, "yes, we need a master list" pjbanyai says, "Ben franklen was a member of the Lunar Society." Lunadyne says, "I think that's a great idea, Paul." bnault says, "yes a master list is needed." Lunadyne says, "Web assets proliferate like zebra mussels, and it gets hard to keep track of everything." dcarson says, "microsoft has lost track of some they own" Lunadyne says, "Doesn't surprise me." Lunadyne says, "Okay, last few minutes - any other issues?" lesausl says, "I move we adjourn." dcarson says, "second" pjbanyai says, "Also if someone has a moonsociety email attached to a gmail account as a secondary email it can not be setup a google apps email. For example Charles still has vice-president@moonsociety.org as a secondary address on his personal account(just sent reminder to remove it). I assume that Dana's personal moonsociety email maybe the reason for the helpdir disconnect." Lunadyne says, "Got it. All those in favor of adjourning?" lesausl says, "Aye" ronb22 says, "Aye " bnault says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "So be it." lesausl says, "G'Nite all!" ronb22 says, "Good night everyone!" lesausl has disconnected. ronb22 has disconnected. bnault says, "goodnight!" -- End log: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 11:02:51 pm ASI Meeting Server time --