-- Start log: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 9:04:24 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Lunadyne says, "Who did that?" dcarson says, "me" Lunadyne says, "Just to repeat the membership report, the # stands at 146, +2 from the last meeting." dcarson says, "hurray" Lunadyne says, "Sorry Dana, didn't see you sneak in." Lunadyne says, "Now that you're here, we can talk about the Treasury." dcarson says, "ok" Lunadyne says, "As I recall, your friend was going to look into 501c3 capable accountants?" dcarson says, "haven't found one yet" Lunadyne says, "Well it seems we have a bit more time before the QuickBooks tutorials can get underway, so that's okay. We do need to keep this a priority, as it feeds into a lot of other things we can't do until we get everything straightened out." dcarson says, "very true" Scottyg says, "Dana, I think we can start Quickbooks tutorials next week." dcarson says, "good" dcarson says, "let me know when you want me here" Lunadyne says, "It may be we're out of luck on accountants until after the Ides of April." dcarson says, "yeah, spending time getting my stuff together so I can go to mine for taxes" Lunadyne says, "ditto" Scottyg says, "How does 9:00 EST work for you Dana?" dcarson says, "pm?" Lunadyne says, "Is that 21:00 or 09:00?" Scottyg says, "Finished my taxes Monday." Scottyg says, "21:00" dcarson says, "sounds fine" Scottyg says, "Dana isn't awake at 09:00." Strangelv-3 has yet to look at the 1065; has precinct conventions to worry about first Lunadyne says, "Excellent. (in best Monty Burns voice)" dcarson says, "I am some days" dcarson says, "more often going to bed real late though" Lunadyne says, "Unless I missed Peter, Ben or Jason popping in, looks like the next item to talk about on the agenda is the 2012 ISDC." Scottyg says, "Yeah, sometimes I'm awake at 05:00 too, but not often." Scottyg says, "Ken. 21:00 is the middle of the day for Dana." Lunadyne says, "Our track is confirmed for Sunday afternoon. Four hours." bnault has arrived. Strangelv-3 says, "I believe we have quorum now" bnault says, "hello everyone! sorry for the late arrival..." Strangelv-3 says, "You made it earlier than a few others" bnault says, "I guess we are waiting for a few others." Lunadyne says, "Welcome Ben!" bnault says, "hello Ken!" bnault says, "we may want to discuss my recommendations of 3-4wks ago re: the Kindle project." Scottyg says, "According to Team Director, we have 4 new members and a net gain of 2, so we must have lost 2." Lunadyne says, "I believe we do have a quorum. We were just discussing the 2012 ISDC." bnault says, "ISDC is in DC yes?" dcarson says, "this year yes" Lunadyne says, "Correct. Our track is confirmed for Sunday afternoon, four hours." Lunadyne says, "There's a call tomorrow night with NSS on the tracks." Lunadyne says, "I just got a call from Dave who wants to talk about tomorrow's call." bnault says, "Sunday PM is a bit unfortunate, if it is like ISDCs I remember a lot of folks will be leaving." Lunadyne says, "You got it, which means we need to be spectacular." Lunadyne says, "We can do some marketing if we host a hospitality suite again." bnault says, "hopefully if our track is good, we can get a better spot for 2013." dcarson says, "Space Solar Power Smposium is also Sunday" Lunadyne says, "Seems odd they'd put it so late in the con if that's one of their big pushes right now." dcarson says, "http://isdc.nss.org/2012/schedule.shtml" dcarson says, "there is stuff on Manday also" Lunadyne says, "Doesn't mean anyone will be there for it. My 2007 conference was primarily local folks getting Moon Rock certification on Monday." pjbanyai has arrived. Lunadyne says, "Hey Paul! We're just discussing ISDC." pjbanyai says, "Hi everyone." dcarson says, "I won't be at ISDC, is the same weekend as Balticon where I help with the science track" dcarson says, "could drive down some evening to get together though" Lunadyne says, "How does everyone feel about hosting a hospitality suite? Having a bit of budget would help in that regard. Moonshine ain't cheap." Strangelv-3 says, "erk. Didn't they do this last time it was in DC?" Lunadyne says, "Do what?" Strangelv-3 says, "Have a date collision with Balticon" Lunadyne says, "I doubt it entered into their planning." dcarson says, "no last time they were a week apart, I made both" dcarson says, "unless I'm missing one and it was the time before last" lesausl says, "'Hospitality suite' Isn't that where we rent a hotel room and basically just party with people and tell them about lunar settlemtn?" dcarson says, "yep" Strangelv-3 says, "Technically they have special rooms that are the suites" lesausl says, "I'm for it. Even though I won't be there . . ." Lunadyne says, "Last year there was a specific suite for it near the con offices." Strangelv-3 will not be able to attend. He's only made it to ISDC 2007 Lunadyne says, "We had a LOT of fun, and SFF changed their party planning based on what we had done." Lunadyne says, "I don't hear anyone against the idea, so I will pursue it." Lunadyne says, "I'll keep everyone updated as the track evolves." Scottyg says, "I think a budget for hospitality suite supplies is in order." Lunadyne says, "Since I'm going to be spending the money, I won't make any recommendations." pjbanyai says, "Was Peter reminded of today's meeting? My sister is one of the new members. She spoke with Peter a few days ago about possibly helping out on MMM." Scottyg says, "Yeah, I forwarded her registration comments to Peter." Scottyg says, "About being willing to help on MMM." Lunadyne says, "Ben, I seem to recall you want to help out with MMM as well." Scottyg says, "I didn't see any meeting reminders." bnault says, "not with MMM per se, but with the Kindle project, yes." bnault says, "we need to set up Yahoo Group reminders..." Lunadyne says, "What were you going to say earlier about your recommendations re: e-book project." bnault says, "let me look for my original email..." pjbanyai says, "I have not had time to work on the Google apps calender I had set up. I sent a manual reminder for a previous meeting." Lunadyne says, "The main holdup we have is that we don't want to set up the Amazon admin stuff until we have our books worked out and 501c3 status cemented." Lunadyne says, "So the main priority is to keep converting Classics and Themes until we can publish them." Lunadyne says, "The more we have publishing ready, the bigger the splash we can make." Lunadyne says, "I do want to do a press release when they do come online." bnault says, "here is my email of feb 10 (I hope copy and paste will work):" bnault says, "Here is an update." bnault says, "Converting to Kindle from a PDF works, but the results are not great." bnault says, "The PDF format keeps the relative sizing and positioning constant. In Kindle format, all that is lost." bnault says, "The text flows too tightly, in my opinion, and reformatting would be desirable, necessary even: adding spaces in between articles, sections, etc." bnault says, "I have attached a Kindle version of the MMM Classics#1 sent to me by Peter." bnault says, "Since he is a Kindle Fire owner, I include Dennis on this email. Dennis, please give us your detailed feedback as to the issues you see." bnault says, "I am a bit disadvantaged as I do not own a Kindle. I use the PC version of the Kindle which has the drawback that screen sizing and proportions are variable and can be changed at will. This does not give me an accurate idea of what a document looks like on an actual Kindle." bnault says, "As I mentioned before, the ideal format to convert from is the MS-Word document (*.doc). This is not my opinion - it is what is recommended by Amazon's Kindle formatting guide: https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=A2RYO17TIRUIVI" bnault says, "So, I attempted to convert the PDF version into a .doc version using a paid version of Adobe Acrobat (version 8). The resulting .doc file is also attached to this email." bnault says, "The results are clearly disappointing. Much of the formatting was lost, headers do not work, text fonts are too small, text "flow" around images does not work, etc. etc." bnault says, "All the formatting work done by Peter on the PDF would need to be redone. Essentially doubling the work required to produce a Kindle book." bnault says, "I conclude from this initial test that the formatting work needs to be done directly in MS-Word." bnault says, "IF the MMM's were strictly text documents with simple separations or formatting (i.e. chapters), we could conceivably work from PDF. But it does not work with the MMMs as they are: too many images, different layouts, etc." bnault says, "Ken, for this project to work, I would make the following recommendations:" bnault says, "(1) buy a copy of MS-Word (Mac version) for Peter - there is no sense working with software that requires the work to be done multiple times;" bnault says, "(2) have the Moon Society also look into buying actual Kindles for the Kindle book team - I do not know exactly how many we need. But we need to seriously look into this and discuss. The alternative is to find reliable reviewers (Kindle owners) willing to spend time looking at our multiple conversion attempts AND supply detailed feedback. " dcarson says, "the kindle apps seem to work a lot like the actual tablet" bnault says, "it does work a lot like the actual tablet, but it does not have the shape and size of the tablet." dcarson says, "friend of mine has a Kindle Fire, can try some on that " bnault says, "problem is if we rely on friends, friends of friends, we will never finish. " bnault says, "we need quick reliable feedback." bnault says, "Even Dennis, mentionned in my email, never provided feedback." Strangelv-3 says, "$80 for a new kindle; not sure what a used legacy model off of EBay would be" Lunadyne says, "I would say it makes sense to buy at least one Kindle for the team. " bnault says, "Recommendation #2 is useless without discussing recommendation #1." bnault says, "it is more problematic, IMHO." Lunadyne says, "Hold on a sec." Lunadyne says, "Okay, it was Bryce I was talking with." lesausl says, "You mean Bryce Waldon, right?" Lunadyne says, "One of the things to consider is Peter's role as both editor and main content contributor for MMM." Lunadyne says, "Bryce Johnson." lesausl says, "Oh." Lunadyne says, "I see his role as far more valuable in the content contribution department." Lunadyne says, "I'd like to have him spend less of his time editing MMM, and more of his time contributing content. And working on other projects." bnault says, "sorry Ken...his role...him...?? Peter?" Strangelv-3 says, "Non-broken legacy kindles on EBay are a large percentage of teh price of the new cheap one. $50 to get past the ones with broken screans or can't power up" Lunadyne says, "Yes, Peter." Lunadyne says, "I'm seeing $65-80 on Craigslist here in Dallas." Strangelv-3 says, "So if price is what we care about we might as well get the new one" Strangelv-3 says, "Only get a used one to test earlier models" Lunadyne says, "Ultimately, we need a new editor for MMM. Paul's indicated his sister want's to help out, as did Bryce J. Thing is, I don't want Peter to think there's some sort of palace coup going on for control of MMM." Lunadyne says, "I'm only in favor of the most recent model of Kindle, but without any bells or whistles." bnault says, "Agree with James, but as I said, getting Kindles is secondary to the making sure we get good workable source files." dcarson says, "we might have to send proof of 501c3 status but http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/Microsoft-Word-2011-for-Mac-license/2208903.aspx?cm_mmc=ShoppingFeeds-_-GoogleBase-_-Software-_-2208903_Microsoft%20Word%202011%20for%20Mac%20-%20license_MBC-D48-01044" Lunadyne says, "Agreed, but do we get MS Word for just Peter, or all of the editors?" dcarson says, "word for $30 bucks" Strangelv-3 checks the title of contributing editor. That might be Peter's new title if he's replaced as editor in chief bnault says, "finding someone to do the MS-Word work for Peter may be the way to go." bnault says, "are we eligible for Charity status?" Lunadyne says, "I asked Bryce J. to come up with a mack-up of how he'd do MM." lesausl says, "Would it still be 'MMM'? No name change?" Strangelv-3 says, "HOw about executive editor? The actual editing is delegated to the actual editor atnd Peter does the writing" bnault says, "the name MUST not change" lesausl says, "Ok." Lunadyne says, "Sorry, yes, MMM." Strangelv-3 firmly agrees. it's getting close to 25 years dcarson says, "we are a 501c3 so we should be" Lunadyne says, "We're supposed to be 501c3, but there's a break in the 990-N chain that we have to file with the IRS so our status is uncertain until we can get an accountant to give us a clean opinion on our books and back-fill the past 990-Ns and get us all current with everyone." lesausl says, "I prefer to keep it 'MMM' also." Scottyg says, "By definition 501c3 is a charity." Strangelv-3 says, "December 2014 implement a 5, 10, and 25 years ago column?" Lunadyne says, "I like." Lunadyne says, "At this point we're getting Dana up to speed on QuickBooks so he can start generating reports, and finding an accountant for the clean audit and 990-N filing." Lunadyne says, "I do think we need to get a copy of MS-Word to whomever ends up with the gruntwork end of the editing." Lunadyne says, "Like I said, I think Peter is most valuable in the generation of content. The actual layout is a time suck." pjbanyai says, "I just sent a few Guidestar admin invites and a forward of the Google Calendar reminder [I had turned off autoforwarding while setting up the email account]. " dcarson says, "and is easier to learn then creating stuff is" bnault says, "I agree with you Ken. " Strangelv-3 says, "MAke him executive editor -- the actual editor does the editing and he's promoted past editing" bnault says, "We need someone to specifically work on layout and design, and final production." bnault says, "got the email, Paul" Lunadyne says, "Something that Bryce J. has expressed an interest in. With the help of Paul's sister." Lunadyne says, "I am worried about Peter's response. It is his baby, and he has been doing it a long time." Strangelv-3 says, "Which means whatever we want needs to be in a form that will meet with his approval" Strangelv-3 says, "If the actual editor works for him, it might just be a matter of how happy he is with the editor" bnault says, "he might appreciate having more time to work on other projects. plus he has repeatedly expressed the need for a successor." lesausl says, "What concerns me is putting it all together fom three different editors in a timely fashion." Strangelv-3 says, "The single column experiment with the recent issue wasn't very nice looking ot me. It was too much like trying to read a Dr Bronner's label. it also had a lot less gravitas" bnault says, "agreed with James: Peter has to approve and like the editor." lesausl says, "Deadlines arre the name of the game anyway, but I am concerned about VERY narrow work times." Strangelv-3 says, "We migcht need a longer pipeline from start to finish, and possibly have 2-3pisodes in various stages at all times?" Lunadyne says, "With a team they might be able to get a month ahead." Strangelv-3 says, "2-3 issues, too" bnault says, "the single column was a direct result of the Kindle format." Strangelv-3 says, "A different workaround might be worth finding" Strangelv-3 says, "If Peter's no longer doing all the work, it might be easier to do it two ways" bnault says, "Kindle only supports single column. period." Strangelv-3 says, "The hardcopy isn't being read with a kindle" lesausl says, "How 'bout creating a new position exclusively for the Kindle work. . ." bnault says, "yes, the hardcopy can be multi-column." Lunadyne says, "Well, let's think about it for a minute. We aren't going to be putting the newest MMMs on Kindle quickly. I think at minimum a one month lag, better 3-month, betterer 6-month, and ideally 12-month." Scottyg says, "It may be possible with Word to create two different styles and paste the content into both. One produces two-column hardcopy format, the other produces single-column Kindle format." Lunadyne says, "My preference is that we start with issue #1 and work forward. After the Classics and Themes and all." Lunadyne says, "Good idea, we'd just have to standardize the placement of cross-page items." Scottyg says, "I probably shoud have called them templates, not styles." Strangelv-3 says, "What if we retcon Peter's title from editor to publisher?" Lunadyne says, "Executive Publisher, emeritus?" Strangelv-3 says, "Actually that may not work" Strangelv-3 says, "Executive publisher if he still has the responsibility, I'm thinking" Strangelv-3 says, "That might be the same as publisher, but what he's done for the past 23 years has been a bit more hands-on that publisher" Strangelv-3 says, "s/executiev publisher/executive editor/" Lunadyne says, "Okay, let's table the MS-Word issue till next meeting, but continue to work on the back issues." Strangelv-3 wonders if he's alone in wathing to preservze the historical interest only articles bnault says, "Ken, the back issues work also requires MS-Word..." Lunadyne says, "Yes, but we do have other issues on the agenda and we've spent a lot of time on this issue, and as with many things it doesn't look like we're going to make much progress tonite." bnault says, "I thought you were talking about back issues of MMM, ooops!" Lunadyne says, "Well, it's all encompassing." Strangelv-3 reads the meeting agenda Strangelv-3 looks at Ken Lunadyne says, " I'm typing and erasing a flurry of comments because Ben has my brain on hyperdrive right now and my fingers can't keep up." Lunadyne says, "Here are the issues:" Lunadyne says, "1) We can't publish yet on Amazon." Lunadyne says, "We can't get a cheap copy of MS-Word." Lunadyne says, "3) We're still working out the kinks in the system" dcarson says, "depends on what they want as proof of 501c3 status" Lunadyne says, "I don't want to be cleaning up financial crap later. I want a clean audit and a backfilling of the 990-Ns." Lunadyne says, "Trust me. Cleaning up financial crap is sooooo not fun." lesausl says, "Amen." Lunadyne says, "Okay, I want to talk postcards. " Lunadyne says, "It looks like 1000 of them will run $100-150-ish." Lunadyne says, "I'd like to get budget approval to print up say $250 buck worth of postcards to distrubute to chapters and at cons." Lunadyne says, "Over the next week I'll circulate the designs that Peter came up with. We'll need to work out some text." Lunadyne says, "I know we haven't resolved the Kindle issues, but we only have 20 minutes left and I'm getting a call from Dave immediate after this meeting." Lunadyne says, "Any comment on postcards?" lesausl says, "It sounds like you want @ 2000 cards. Right?" Lunadyne says, "Thereabouts. 2500 might be a price point." lesausl says, "Ok. No objections here." bnault says, "none here either." Lunadyne says, "Alrighty then, excellent. Maybe we can have these by ISDC." dcarson says, "souds reasonable" Lunadyne says, "Please note that we have elections coming up. My position will be open, as will Secretary and I think 3 director positions." Lunadyne says, "I'll stand for a regular term." Lunadyne says, "But of course, there may be competition." lesausl says, "Newt. . .?" Lunadyne says, "SRSLY?" Strangelv-3's choice of detour is a state party chair who's served since 2004 and has agreet to run for re-election one more time lesausl says, "I'll never tell!!" Lunadyne says, "If anyone has recommendations for Directors let us know. Al may be ready." Strangelv-3 admittedly hasn't played the nomination game for awhile. He's dropping too many red-hot irons that he's jeuggling as it is, though bnault says, "which directors are up for reelection?" Lunadyne says, "Checking..." Lunadyne says, "Fred Hills' spot, and Ron Brooks is retiring. Something happened with the Moon encyclopedia project, and he was underwhelmed by our less than enthusiastic response." Lunadyne says, "Peter also seems to have forgotten that we made Scotty Chairman of the Board. (in absentia?)" Strangelv-3 says, "I thought that was chair emeritus" Lunadyne says, "As far as I'm concerned Scotty have whatever title he wants." Strangelv-3 says, "Could we get him to run for the board again?" Lunadyne says, "Supreme Emeritus Chairman?" Strangelv-3 says, "What are the nomination and announcement dates?" bnault says, "would it be a concern if both Al and I were on the Board at the same time? given that we both come from the same "outpost", maybe soon to be chapter^^" Strangelv-3 says, "IIRC we have a hard time meeting the dates" Strangelv-3 says, "Our bylaws have no crestrains on that" Strangelv-3 says, "Would et be safe to nominate Deitzler from St Louis? Or would we run the risk of underwhelming him?" Strangelv-3 is probably misspelling Dietzler Lunadyne says, "You tell me." bnault says, "ok for the bylaws, but what about perception and\or feelings" Strangelv-3 says, "Dana or Scotty might knrow him better than I do. Most of my interaction with him was over Artemis List about a decade ago and I don't remember very much" pjbanyai says, "I am trying to get an easy to read logic map of Board membership positions. Here is what I have so far." pjbanyai says, "1)The voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of 5 Board members elected by the general membership." lesausl says, "Anyone following the Facebook site lately? We have (dues-paying) members there taking active interest. we could contact one of them privately. . . " pjbanyai says, "2)Ex-Officio Members: All Officers of the Society who are not elected members of the Board of Directors shall be ex-officio members thereof. " pjbanyai says, "3)An ex-officio member of any Body of the Society shall have no voting powers within that Body and shall not have the right to be counted as part of a quorum at meetings of that Body. An ex-officio member of any Body of the Society shall for that Body have all other privileges and powers of a voting member." pjbanyai says, "4)The Board of Directors shall select a Chairman from their number by majority vote of the Board." dcarson says, "posting a reminder that nominations are open might make sense also" Lunadyne says, "I don't follow the discussions on FB, but do post. I do note we are up over 100 likes since I started a couple of months ago." lesausl says, "It could do bno harm to post an invite to interested MEMBERS of the Society (not the FB Group) to inquire for qualifications. . ." lesausl says, "Two minute warning!" Lunadyne says, "Alright, looks like we've run out of time for this evening." Scottyg says, "A quick comment...." Lunadyne says, "Go." Scottyg says, "I stepped down as Director because I felt new blood was needed. I still feel that way." Lunadyne says, "Yes, I know I need to draw in some new blood." Lunadyne says, "Having a hard time getting folks signed up, though." Scottyg says, "And it makes time to do things (Like help Dana) that is otherwise occupied with admin stuff." Scottyg says, "That said, if we can't find people to fill all our positions, my arm can be twisted." pjbanyai says, "5) Chairman of the Board is listed as an officer position and does not require being a Director. The Bylaws do not say that a Chairman is selected from the Voting members of the Board of Directors but from the "number" of the Board. With the exception of actually voting and being counted as part of a quorum all Officers of the Society are also members of the Board with "all other privileges and powers of a voting member." There is also no apparent limit on the number of chairmen so a co-chair is possible." Lunadyne says, "Are you suggesting me, you, or Peter?" Lunadyne says, "Okay, we're in overtime. Do we have a motion to adjourn?" pjbanyai says, "Any member of the Board Voting or Non-Voting/Ex-officio is elligible to be a chairman." bnault says, "motion to adjourn" Scottyg says, "I'm not sure I agree with that interpretation Paul." dcarson says, "second" Lunadyne says, "In favor?" lesausl says, "Aye." bnault says, "aye" Scottyg says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "Since a chairman is essentially an ex-officio position any way since they do not have voting ability, it woould be better to not decrease possible director votes." Lunadyne says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "I'm trying to remember when the next quarterly BoD meeting is." bnault says, "may 16" Lunadyne says, "It's not shown on the website, which still has the 2011 calendar." bnault says, "I have Peter's wonderful Moon Society calendar pasted on the wall here. Very useful." pjbanyai says, "I am still working on sorting out the logical understanding of the bylaws(been about 10 years since I took a logic class) and it is easier to understand in a single document instead of spread out on MOO." lesausl says, "Night guys. . ." bnault says, "OK need to leave. G'night all!" Lunadyne says, "Dave just called..." dcarson says, "gnight" Strangelv-3 looks at Ken bnault has disconnected. lesausl says, "Dave?" pjbanyai says, "Dunlop?" lesausl says, "Do I need to hang out to see what he had to say?" Lunadyne says, "Yes, Dunlop. No, he wanttalk his track ay v ISDC." lesausl has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart bnault off to bed. Scottyg says, "G'nite all!" Scottyg has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart lesausl off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart Scottyg off to bed. Lunadyne has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart Lunadyne off to bed. pjbanyai has disconnected. Strangelv-3 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Strangelv-3. The housekeeper arrives to cart pjbanyai off to bed. --End log: Thursday, March 8, 2012 7:28:48 am ASI Meeting Server time --