-- Start log: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 9:05:46 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Strangelv-2 arrives. Lunadyne says, "Excellent. Starting off with the membership report, I'm showing 146 members on the rolls. It's been bounceing between that and 144 since I started, so I consider it flat." Lunadyne says, "Any comments on membership issues?" Lunadyne says, "Looks like that's a negatory." Lunadyne says, "Next up is Treasury. How is the project progressing?" Strangelv-2 looks ah Dana dcarson says, "entering data, more than a year caught up" Scottyg has arrived. Lunadyne says, "Hi Scotty! Dana, how much catching up do have to do?" Scottyg says, "Hi all!" Strangelv-2 waves. dcarson says, "another 3 years+" dcarson says, "end of May maybe at the rate I'm going" Chard arrives in cloud of smoke. Chard says, "here" alanzaldua has arrived. Strangelv-2 waves. Lunadyne says, "Not bad. I'm guessing CPAs will be a lot more available after the middle of the month." bnault says, "yes, indeed." dcarson says, "I expect so, will see mine monday and I'll be done " alanzaldua says, "Hi everyone!" Lunadyne says, "Mailed mine this week. One extra paycheck." dcarson says, "I had to find records form 94 on a stock we've had forever and sold last year" alanzaldua says, "I assume we are still on the first agenda item: membership." dcarson says, "second, treasery" alanzaldua says, "ok" Lunadyne says, "Anything on membership, Al?" Lunadyne says, "I've been going through my own records and putting them in order." alanzaldua says, "Nothing on membership. " Lunadyne says, "Okay, end of May on getting the records in order. Let's start getting serious about finding a CPA around the end of April. " alanzaldua says, "The CPA was to get our books in order and also deal with late tax filings, right?" Lunadyne says, "As a reminder, what we're looking for is an "unqualified" audit letter (a/k/a clean audit)and a backfilling of our IRS form 990-Ns." dcarson says, "yes" Lunadyne says, "Having the books in order facilitates all of that." Lunadyne says, "And unleashes everything else." alanzaldua says, "Please remind me: who was in charge of finding a CPA?" dcarson says, "mandatory unless we pay a fortune for them to enter the data" dcarson says, "probably me since local would be easiest" alanzaldua says, "OK" dcarson says, "will talk to mine when I do taxes monday" Lunadyne says, "Dana & Scotty were in charge of that, but if you have someone in mind..." Lunadyne says, "Any other Treasury issues?" pjbanyai says, "Here are the Requirements for Guidestar and and therefore Google non-profit account as well as possibly others. Required Fields - These fields must be completed before your profile can be submitted for approval. (1)Governing Board: Board Chair First Name - You must enter in a first name (2) Governing Board: Board Chair Last Name You must enter in a last name. (3) Management Practices: Review for Good governance and Ethical Practice - Select whether organization has reviewed the Panel on the Nonprofit Sector's principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practices. (4) Programs - You must enter between 1 and 5 Programs. (5) Governing Board: Board Members - You must enter at least 1 Board Member. Required for the GuideStar Exchange Seal (1) Document Uploads: Annual Report OR You must enter in at least one Annual Report. (2) Document Uploads: Financial Statement You must enter in at least one Financial Statement" dcarson says, "but if we have a good and inexpensive one elsewhere can probably email a quickbooks file" pjbanyai says, "I am guessing we can at the very least now get a financial statement and annual report together." alanzaldua says, "Mine is incredibly expensive, and we are going to ditch her. Since you have to see your CPA next Monday, Dana, you might as well ask for a cost estimate to do the work. " dcarson says, "will do" dcarson says, "or if he knows anyone else that does nonprofits" alanzaldua says, "yes" Lunadyne says, "Okay, next item is MMM. Peter is resting at the cabin, so this should be a short agenda item." dcarson says, "two useful links which I'll email also" dcarson says, " http://blog.threepress.org/2011/06/01/can-an-author-create-an-epub-file-using-normal-tools-part-1-pages/" dcarson says, "http://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.php" Lunadyne says, "I do most of my composing in Notepad." alanzaldua says, "I have only one comment about the MMM: Sometimes there are typos in the text. Perhaps it would be good for a second pair of eyes to look at the text before it goes to publication?" bnault says, "Latest issue = lots of typos, unfortunately." dcarson says, "needs a reliable volunteer, and one tht can actually spell" Lunadyne says, "May is going to be our ISDC prep issue." Lunadyne says, "Should we have Peter circulate the text before publishing to our volunteer editors?" alanzaldua says, "Mmmmm. Wouldn't hurt. " Lunadyne says, "I've also been thinking about the 2 issues by the new guys option he proposed. " bnault says, "it's a good idea, IMHO" alanzaldua says, "It's a GREAT idea. " Lunadyne says, "It is, but it gets back to the relinquishing the reins issue. Maybe we do have to ease into it on his terms." alanzaldua says, "Yes, but it was his idea to do it that way. " Lunadyne says, "Perhaps an algebraic progression: 2 in year one, 4 in year two, 6 in year three, etc." bnault says, "yes" alanzaldua says, "Poco a poco se va lejos. " pjbanyai says, "The use of a cloud editing app would help in granting access to others for collaborative editing." bnault says, "yes, asking others to revise a doc without some sort of collaborative tool might just complicate thinhs" dcarson says, "getting more people to write articles so he edits instead of writing most of the content would help also" Lunadyne says, "The issue there would be to insure we also had current drafts on individual computers as well." Scottyg says, "Re typos: Using Spell Check would be good too." bnault says, "btw, the collaborative tool I suggest we investigate 1st is Google Docs." Lunadyne says, "For May I'd like to see articles on our ISDC track theme of Cislunar Econosphere. " pjbanyai says, "Dont forget we also have two other publications. Moonbeams and Moonscapes." Lunadyne says, "I'm working on one on how the JOBS Act can facilitate capital flows to NewSpace firms." alanzaldua says, "Cool." Lunadyne says, "We do. Those are kind of Chuck Lesher's projects." Lunadyne says, "We provide a means of distribution, as with MMM." Lunadyne says, "Ben, how far along are we in prepping old MMMs for Kindle?" bnault says, "waiting for Peter to send me a Word version of a reformatted issue..." Lunadyne says, "Got it. I'll speak with Peter on these matters after he gets back." bnault says, "Peter seems intent on going through all issues and reformatting into single-column. I would have preferred we deal with one issue first, start to finish." alanzaldua says, "Before leaving the MMM issue, have we decided to ask Peter if someone can check for typos?" Lunadyne says, "I'll suggest he circulate the final draft to our volunteer editors before going to press." dcarson says, "if someone will commit to doingit yeas ask" bnault says, "for the Kindle project, if I may..." Lunadyne says, "Go ahead." bnault says, "I had mentionned a few meetings ago that (1) we get a copy of Word for Peter and (2) that we look at getting actual Kindkles for the team..." bnault says, "Number 2 can wait until later, but maybe we should look into #1 now" dcarson says, "wonder if Amazon will donate to non-profits?" Lunadyne says, "Yeah, if he's going to remain prime editor for a while we should make sure he has a copy." bnault says, "Microsoft has non-profit prices" bnault says, "don't know about Amazon" dcarson says, "might want to look at Scrivner that I posted a link to, it will output Kindle files" Lunadyne says, "Do we need to put the purchase of a copy of MS Word for Peter for use on the MMM/Kindle project?" Lunadyne says, "to a vote." pjbanyai says, "Microsoft link at http://www.microsoft.com/about/corporatecitizenship/en-us/community-tools/nonprofits/whos-eligible/" bnault says, "thanks Paul" dcarson says, "worth applying to them for sw" Lunadyne says, "Sounds like we don't have to put it to a vote. On the Kindles, I think I'm procrastinating in the anticipation we can get them even cheaper in a few months." bnault says, "no problem Ken, out first attempts can be on virtual Kindles." Chard says, "I'm working on an article - was going to try to have it ready this weekened" Lunadyne says, "What about?" Chard says, "last weekend actually - but it's been fairly busy where I work" bnault says, "I suggest we apply for donated software, since it requires form filling, and presumable financial info, maybe our Treasurer can look into this??" Chard says, "MICA.. they have a new app online that allows anyone to help map lunar surfaces" bnault says, "eval )" Chard says, "it's .. I don't have the links on me atm... I'll send you a rough draft?" alanzaldua says, "Wow! Is this article for the MMM?" Chard says, "yes" alanzaldua says, "Looking forward to seeing it!" Chard says, "^^" dcarson says, "ling list of writing stuff Amazo supports" dcarson says, " http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=amb_link_357524442_4?ie=UTF8&node=13786431&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=left-2&pf_rd_r=1EDC1TFRJXVZYXSAHD8V&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1327673042&pf_rd_i=13786401" Lunadyne says, "Don't see anything at the MICA website." Chard says, "I have to leave and come back... " Chard says, "they're throwing me out of here... closing cshop" Lunadyne says, "We'll get to PR later." Chard says, "kk" Chard has disconnected. dcarson says, "can also setup a Amazon account for Moon Society and have a wish list that people can but that we need" Lunadyne says, "Now that is a GREAT idea." dcarson says, "but Amazon itself gets low marks for danating to anybody" Lunadyne says, "I've always wanted a LunaKindle loaded with all the Moon reference books." pjbanyai says, "Amazon non-profit status is also based on Guidestar." dcarson says, "otoh Bezos is a big space supporter, founded [edit] Blue Origin and is currently funding the recovery of to Apolo engins from Apollo 11?" alanzaldua says, "True. He should be sympathetic. " bnault says, "so, for any of this to work, we need to get our Guidestar fixed, yes?" dcarson says, "yes" Lunadyne says, "Paul, are you registered to get a copy of the Best Practices for Non-Profits document?" The housekeeper arrives to cart Chard off to bed. pjbanyai says, "I have currently the only Guidstar admin accouynt. I have sent out invitations which would grant new access accounts." Lunadyne says, "Alright, moving on to ISDC...our line-up at this point is me opening with my Guide to Cislunar Space. Then we've got John Cserup to talk about mining the Moon from L1. Then Dave Dunlop has hour two. Hour three might be GRAIL. Hour four might be GLXP." dcarson says, "a iPod Touch or small Android tablet might be useful for Peter, keep stuff handy and see how things look on the Kindle app on a small screen" Lunadyne says, "How many folks are going to be at the ISDC?" dcarson says, "same weekend as Balticon where I help with science track" pjbanyai says, "I think Best Practices for Non-Profits document is supposed to be one of several documents along with the bylaws. For example NSS has a collection of corporate documents at http://www.nss.org/docs/" dcarson says, "woudl like to meetup Thursday since Balticon starts Friday" dcarson says, "maybe we can all get together for dinner?" Lunadyne says, "Should I shoot for a Thursday night hospitality suite?" alanzaldua says, "I can't do ISDC this year, but definitely will be present in San Diego 2013. I already have a room reserved in SD. " dcarson says, "I am planning on being at Worldcon/Chicon, World SF convention, August 30-September 3, 2012" dcarson says, "thats in Chicago this year hence Chicon" Lunadyne says, "Any speaking gigs?" dcarson says, "no, they do have Story Musgrave as a guest of honor" dcarson says, "https://chicon.org/" Lunadyne says, "There's an NSS track meeting tomorrow night. I'll be on it." dcarson says, "if you want me to pick up stuff for a hospitility suite at BJs wholesale an bring it down I can" Lunadyne says, "The most important thing for an NSS hospitality suite is alcohol. In our case, Moon-themed alcohol." Lunadyne says, "Moon pies didn't go over so well." Strangelv-2 hasn't been to San Diego since 1972 Lunadyne says, "Glow in the dark stuff was warmly received." dcarson says, "they can't make Moonshot beer anymore, no caffinated alcohol" Lunadyne says, "Oh, there's plenty of other stuff." Strangelv-2 says, "Would we get into trouble for mixingo ur own?" Lunadyne says, "Leave that to the SEDS kids and their rocket fuel." Strangelv-2 somehow thinks 'bathtub rum' when Ken mentions something called rocket fuel Lunadyne says, "They use dry ice to super-concentrate the alcohol. It's wicked stuff." Scottyg says, "Mixing a drink with alcohol & caffeine is ok - AKA Irish coffee." Lunadyne says, "Anyone have a recipe for Moon coffee?" Scottyg says, "Kahlua & vodka?" dcarson says, " http://www.thuntek.net/coffeemoons/moonsite.html" pjbanyai says, "If I renew my Martian membership I might be able to go to this years Mars Society convention in August. If I had known before the day of the registration deadline, I would have attended the first NIAC symposium in Pasadena last week. I found out about it right before work and when I had time to register they had already closed registration." Lunadyne says, "NIAC did some cool stuff back in the day." Lunadyne says, "Moving on in the agenda, anyone have any updates for the upcoming elections?" bnault says, "do i need to run for re-election?" bnault says, "can't remember" alanzaldua says, "When are the elections exactly?" Lunadyne says, "Looks like, Ben. IIRC, they open in May and close July 31." Lunadyne says, "Also, Ron needs to be replaced." pjbanyai says, "Al will be eligible to run since he will have a full continuous year of membership after Apr 15, 2012." Lunadyne says, "Al, you think you're up to it?" alanzaldua says, "Yes, I would like to run." bnault says, "great!" Chard arrives in cloud of smoke. dcarson says, "Two (2) Moon Society offices are up for election or re-election. They are President (inc. Ken Murphy who was elected last year to fill the second year of the term vacated by retiring president, Peter Kokh) and Secretary currently held by Peter Kokh who was elected last year to fill the second year of a vacancy. Both may run for reelection." dcarson says, "Three (3) Moon Society Board of Directors positions are open, including one formerly held by Fred Hills who has retired. The second half of a 2-year term held by Ron Brooks who is also retiring is open as well. We need at least 2 new people. We have also been operating without a Chairman of the Board for some time, Any director may volunteer. The Board is scheduled to convene once a quarter, (the 3rd Wednesday of the second month of every quarter (Feb, May, Aug, Nov) but may be convened for urgent business at any time Board members also belong to the Management Committee (along with officers) and this Committee meets twice a month to take care of all matters not specifically reserved to the Board by the Society?s ByLaws." dcarson says, "fro Mar 1 email" Chard is on 3G mobile Lunadyne says, "Welcome back Jason." Scottyg says, "Jason - On a laptop or a Smart Phone?" Chard just got a phone call IRL, but e will be right back. Chard says, "lol" Chard says, "thunderbolt" pjbanyai says, "Note - Officers are non-voting ex-officio board members also eligible to volunteer for Chairman of Board." Lunadyne says, "Someone in mind there, Paul?" Lunadyne says, "I'm happy filling in in the interim." Chard says, "I said phone.. it didn't transmit. xnoecho " pjbanyai says, "You have already been acting Chairman. Might as well make it official." Lunadyne says, "How do the Board members feel about it?" Chard says, "on the PR links... we need to have a conf. call on this topic " lesausl says, "Why not?" Lunadyne says, "What would be the nature of the conf call?" Chard says, "andromud" Scottyg says, "Thanks!" Lunadyne says, "Also, where do we stand with regards to a space distribution list for press releases and whatnot?" Chard says, "opt-in" Lunadyne says, "No, I mean like Space News, Astronomy Magazine, Cosmic Log, JBIS, et al." Chard says, "add a note to the annual account email that allows for password reset" Chard says, "email reminder" Lunadyne says, "I'd like to have a list together by early May to distribute a Cislunar Econosphere press release." Lunadyne says, "As a lead-in to our ISDC track." Lunadyne says, "Do you think you can have something together by then, Jason?" Chard says, "when is that date?" Lunadyne says, "Alright, we've got to move on. I do want to address our little Facebook troll, Goran. Is there some way to ban him as a user?" Lunadyne says, "Say by May 4th?" dcarson says, "should be a way, I'll look ito it" dcarson says, "I have reported some of his stuff as spam" Lunadyne says, "I poked around in the admin section, and see that we do have a banned user, but can't find a way to ban our little lunar meteorite problem." alanzaldua says, "Unaware of this issue. Is Goran harassing us on Facebook?" Chard says, "will have you something put together before then.. perfect" Lunadyne says, "I've reported it as spam also, but I keep getting e-mails that he's adding stuff back in the timeline." Lunadyne says, "Sounds good, Jason. This will lay the groundwork for future publicity efforts." Chard says, "send me their info" dcarson says, "multiplt posts a say sellilg "lunar" metorites" alanzaldua says, "I see. " pjbanyai says, "Goran has been blocked from appearing on our page since all his posts are now caught by a new timeline spamblocker." Lunadyne says, "I'd still like to get him formally banned." dcarson says, "I don't see anything in the timeline when I look, tht might be that I don't see his posts because I removed some" dcarson says, "does anyone see his posts?" Lunadyne says, "I figured it was way back in the timeline where I don't have the patience for it to load." lesausl says, "He is still making posts, but the report by Randy Korotov may have damaged him." Lunadyne says, "The stuff does look like concrete aggregate." lesausl says, "He (Mr. Lindfors) needs to prove these lunar meteorites are what he claims they are - and then explain ewhy he doid not allow them to be analyzed." dcarson says, "according to the admin panel he posted 7 hours ago, I don't see it anywhere" pjbanyai says, "All of his posts are hidden from the timeline. You have to go to the admin panel, use activity log, and filter by spam." Lunadyne says, "So he's wasting his time?" lesausl says, "We should make Facebook aware of Mr. Korotev's report and let them decide if they are being abused." bnault says, "but you can see lots of photos he has posted...." Lunadyne says, "We need to delete those as well." dcarson says, "I don't know, I removed a bunch when he first started does that mean that they aren't reall showing or does it mean I don't get shown them" Lunadyne says, "I'm unsure about that as well. Which is why I'd like to see him banned." Strangelv-2 looks for inappropriate photos by this Korotev and fails to find anthing by Korotev alanzaldua says, "We have seven minutes to cover 3 more items. " Lunadyne says, "We're running low on time, so the last thing I wanted to address is membership brochures. I'd like to have these ready by ISDC." Lunadyne says, "I want shinny glossy brochures like NSS and Mars Society and Planetary Society and everyone else." dcarson says, "What happens when a Page admin marks a post as spam?" dcarson says, "The post is removed from the Page and isn't visible to anyone except the person who posted it and the poster's friends. Admins of the Page can also view t..." dcarson says, "The post is removed from the Page and isn't visible to anyone except the person who posted it and the poster's friends. Admins of the Page can also view the post by clicking on the Spam filter in the Page's activity log. " Lunadyne says, "I'm going to be updating the existing brochure. I'll be looking for input over the next two weeks." Lunadyne says, "Something sexy and Moon-y." lesausl says, "Korotev is with the Dept. of Planetary Sciences at Washington Universitry at St. Louis. He hasd an extended e-mail exchange with Mr. Lindfors and was promised samples for analysis. they never materialized as promised. Mr. Korotev went on to describe the materials he DID get. Nonwee of them were lunbar meteorites. " alanzaldua says, "Assuming you're talking about handouts, yes, shiny and colorful. I could use them now. I already have the gravity jugs and Q handouts made. " Lunadyne says, "I also want to update the language, so please offer suggestions there." Lunadyne says, "Okay, three minutes. Anything else?" pjbanyai says, "I received Nasa FCU Mailer which mentioned an enclosed brochure which was not enclosed." alanzaldua says, "I am working on taking typos out of the 12, 20 question handouts, with Peter's permission. " Lunadyne says, "We also had a hiccup where the current member didn't get one but his long-lapsed wife did." alanzaldua says, "Ooops." Lunadyne says, "The mailer is actually pretty cool." Chard says, "gnite gents" alanzaldua says, "mailer or handouts? " dcarson says, "both were in the list we sent, I assume the mailer processer drops duplicate addresses" pjbanyai says, "I also received a membership form from NSS which does not mention the Moon Society anywhere in the mailer." Lunadyne says, "That doesn't surprise me. As we get the volunteer editors up to speed on MMM, I do want to get some of that content into As astra." Strangelv-2 says, "There was a push-card sized glossy something. I'm assuming that's what was meant by the brocure" Lunadyne says, "Al, I meant the glossy insert with the NASA FCU mailing." alanzaldua says, "Got it. " alanzaldua says, "Let's talk about handouts at the next meeting, OK?" bnault says, "yes got it also" Lunadyne says, "okay" alanzaldua says, "Great!" Lunadyne says, "I think Jason already checked out, do we have a motion to asjourn?" lesausl says, "I move we adjourn" bnault says, "second" Lunadyne says, "In favor?" lesausl says, "Yea" lesausl says, "Aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" alanzaldua says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "So moved. Night everyone!" dcarson says, "aye" alanzaldua says, "G'night" bnault says, "G'Nite!" lesausl has disconnected. -- End log: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 11:03:34 pm ASI Meeting Server time --