-- Start log: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9:07:33 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- lesausl says, "Peter, thankx again for the Mercury articles. i enjoyed them!!" kokhmmm says, "hi Ben" bnault says, "hello everyone" Lunadyne says, "Alright, let's get a roll call." Lunadyne says, "here" dcarson says, "here" bnault says, "here" lesausl says, "here" kokhmmm says, "here" Lunadyne says, "Usual agenda. First up is membership." pjbanyai says, "According to teamdir his username is U59Mj00u2E. He might want to change it before hand ;)" Lunadyne says, "Or someone might want to e-mail that to him." pjbanyai says, "here" Lunadyne says, "CyberTeams says 146 members, so still flat. " Lunadyne says, "I'm going to try to finalize a membership brochure to get printed up and take to ISDC." Lunadyne says, "Over the next week." pjbanyai says, "I am uploading corporate documents like the Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice to http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/pubs/" kokhmmm says, "Good idea" Lunadyne says, "Dave Dressler approached me about helping with their 2013 hospitality suite at the ISDC, given the success of my party last year." Lunadyne says, "Might be another good opportunity for some visibility." Lunadyne says, "I would like to distribute pins to folks who join at the ISDC." Lunadyne says, "Other suggestions for upping membership numbers?" kokhmmm says, "Ken, that is great as San Diego is now a "partner NSS chapter" with TMS, and Dave Dressler (orig. MIlwaukee) was behind that." kokhmmm says, "In turn, Dressler will work to give us program space." kokhmmm says, "I believe Dave Dunlap has already approached him." Lunadyne says, "Is anyone going to be at any of the other conferences?" kokhmmm says, "Not likely for me." kokhmmm says, "Talked with Al about San Diego." dcarson says, "I don't ecpect to be ay any, however ISDC is close enough that getting together Wednesday night or Thursday is possible if anyone wants to meet face to face" Lunadyne says, "Let's plan on it, but leave the specific day open as I still have to see about a hospitality suite." Lunadyne says, "I am on a much tighter budget this year." Lunadyne says, "Next up on the agenda is Treasury." dcarson says, "can hit the local discount place for munchies also if needed for the suite" dcarson says, "have made progress entering data" Lunadyne says, "Not doing Moon pies again." dcarson says, "no where near done yet but think I'm on schedule" Lunadyne says, "As long as we keep plugging away at it. Now that tax day is behind us, let's see if we can find a CPA." dcarson says, "questions?" pjbanyai says, "It looks like the largest interest shown by our facebook insight info points to high interest in kickstarter based projects and space themed stamps." dcarson says, "am looking" dcarson says, "thats stuff people can actually do something with" kokhmmm says, "Ken, if we will have a table at DC, I can give Dave some lightweight compact exhibits to take along. Just let me know." Lunadyne says, "That's good to hear, Paul. One of the projects I'm looking at personally is the creation of a capital markets firm to do crowdsourced equity raising." Lunadyne says, "I'll have some stuff as well." dcarson says, "the Hermes kickstarter looks like it will fail, 9 days to go and inly a thied raised" kokhmmm says, "btw, an hour ago, I sent you all a headsup about a new high power startup with google involed." Lunadyne says, "IIRC Shackleton Energy had a failed kickstart as well." dcarson says, "hs 7K of 20K wanted" Lunadyne says, "Part of the problem is donating is nice and all, but people want a piece of the action - equity." dcarson says, "if you want them to just chip in they need to be fans already so they want you to succed, you won't crate fans in the 30-60 days a kickstarter runs" Lunadyne says, "Doesn't mean I don't want a Tip Jar on our home page once we get the PayPal stuff squared away." Lunadyne says, "Next on the Agenda is MMM. Peter and I had a quick talk before the meeting. Peter..." dcarson says, "fans give you stuff like SJGames who after 8 days have raised 216K of 20K needed for a new edition of one of their games" kokhmmm says, "I am working on the May issue and the next issue of the India Quarterly." kokhmmm says, "The good news is that Mark Lupfer, a member of NSS-Los Angeles (OASIS) has volunteered to produce the Kindle versions of the MMM Classics." dcarson says, "most are at the level that gets you a copy at regular retail pricing as a preorder, but some have paid a lot more" kokhmmm says, "I am producing 1 column reformated versions in Pages, and he takes these and puts them in Office and further tweaks the formatting for what Kindle wants. Ben Nault is helping as well." Lunadyne says, "We also made some progress on the guest-edited MMMs..." dcarson says, "http://literatureandlatte.com/ program to produce Kindle files directly" pjbanyai says, "I have renamed our Facebook page's Causes app to "Donate to the Cause." We can also change the image attached to the app as well." kokhmmm says, "Beyond that, Mark may take over producing the October and April MMMs so that I have 4 months off a year - all months in which I do the India Quarterly, and this should give me more time to start serious work on the "Book" - Paul's sister Bridget has also offered to help." Lunadyne says, "The first one, this October, will have a World Space Week theme." Lunadyne says, "Next April will be a Yuri's Night theme." kokhmmm says, "The April issue can also focus on the Earth Day relevance of lunar inittiatives, and on Astronomy Day and the Moon." Lunadyne says, "For those not familiar with WSW, it is promoted out of the Office of Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) of the UN." Lunadyne says, "Good idea, Peter. I do encourage space advocates to get out on Earth Day with their space org clothes on." kokhmmm says, "MMM has had many articles focused on environmental benefits of opening the Moon. Check out moonsociety.org/publications/mmm_themes/ - in particular the two volums "Eden on Luna" ! and 2" kokhmmm says, "By the way, MMM April issues have usually carried some April Fools Day news items. Did you all catch those in this latest issue? I have great fun thinking them up." kokhmmm says, "The AFD World Space News - AFD = April Fools Day" Lunadyne says, "On the link you just sent around, Peter - it's about asteroid mining." Lunadyne says, "I remember Diamandis talking about the first trillionaire being made in space, once we tapped the resources of the asteroids." Lunadyne says, "Back when I was at ISU." kokhmmm says, "Ken, that address should call up a page listing several theme issues of which "asteroids" is but one of several listed" pjbanyai says, "Some Tools and Resources to aid in preparing for Kindle publishing are at https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=A3IWA2TQYMZ5J6." kokhmmm says, "Oh the google project - yes asteroids" pjbanyai says, "Kindle Previewer is a tool that emulates how books display on Kindle devices and applications." Lunadyne says, "Paul, Ben sent that around earlier. It's okay, but the general consensus seems to be that we need to get someone on the team a real Kindle to check them out on." kokhmmm says, "Yes, Mark is using that tool. Ben and Mark Lupfer both have Kindle" Lunadyne says, "Real Kindles?" kokhmmm says, "Yes, Ken, real Kindles" bnault says, "Negative, I do not have a real Kindle." kokhmmm says, "I stand corrected. " Lunadyne says, "I would like to see prices closer to $50 before I commit." kokhmmm says, "I understand that Kindle will only show our "books" in black, white, and graytones. Will our "books" show in full color on KIndle Fire?" dcarson says, "my local libraries have kindals to lend, you might check yours" Lunadyne says, "I'm not religious, but god bless our local libraries." bnault says, "yes, Kindle Fire will display MMMs in color, at least the images that are in color..." kokhmmm says, "Kindle Fire is $200, I believe." Lunadyne says, "Ow!" bnault says, "Correct." kokhmmm says, "But the original Kindle was close to $500" Lunadyne says, "IIRC, my Palm Pilot was $200 and the books were free. Could do other stuff too." kokhmmm says, "Now what would be great if somehow we could work with Amazon to offer a discount on Kindle to those who buy the MMM Classic books." kokhmmm says, "Just dreaming" Lunadyne says, "I've always liked the idea of a LunaKindle, stuffed with MMMs and Moon-reference books, plus some fiction to boot." kokhmmm says, "I wonder if Apogge Books has any of their publications on Kindle." Lunadyne says, "Haven't heard much from Apogee of late." bnault says, "Last I checked, no (re: Apogee)" Lunadyne says, "Maybe they're buckling down and converting everything." Lunadyne says, "Anything else on MMM/Kindle?" kokhmmm says, "Not from me." Lunadyne says, "Just got a weird e-mail: "The e-mail address associated with your account has been changed. The old address was vice-president@moonsociety.org. The new address is The.Moon.Society@moonsociety.info."" Lunadyne says, "this from account-update@amazon.com" pjbanyai says, "I will send everyone the access info for our Amazon account. I changed the username/email." dcarson says, "seems funny" bnault says, "ken, it is spam" bnault says, "moonsociety.info belongs to an outfit called Dreamhost..." Strangelv-3 looks at Ben and Paul Strangelv-3 says, "So we have a Dreamhost account set up finally?" pjbanyai says, "moonsociety.info is me" Strangelv-3 cheers loudly. Strangelv-3 says, "Is this with the nonprofit bonus?" Lunadyne says, "Oh that's a relief. This is our non-CyberTeams e-mail setup, right?" Strangelv-3 says, "or it will be gaining the nonprofit bonus?" pjbanyai says, "I have not setup the nonprofit account yet." kokhmmm says, "Ken, I got that email also. Perhaps we all did." Lunadyne says, "Or is this where we wrestle back the Amazon account from Charles' setup?" pjbanyai says, "Have mentioned moonsociety.info many times in the past as a transitional google step. " Strangelv-3 doesn't see one but may have never been part of the legacy system in qestion kokhmmm says, "Sounds like a great idea, Paul." kokhmmm says, "Before the evening is out we need to touch on the upcoming Moon Socieety elections" Lunadyne says, "I know Paul, but the myriad of web assets can get confusing. That's why I keep asking for a handbook of web assets and the respective U/Ns and P/Ws." kokhmmm says, "It is essential to share that info, imho" Lunadyne says, "Next on the agenda is ISDC. I've pretty much nailed down the content with Dave Dunlop." pjbanyai says, "any email to The.Moon.Society@moonsociety.info, TheMoonSociety@moonsociety.info, The.Moon.Society@moonsociety.info, Moon.Society@moonsociety.info, and MoonSociety@moonsociety.info will automatically forward to the Management Committee." Lunadyne says, "Hour 1: Ken's "Introduction to Cislunar Space", John Cserep "Mining the Moon from L1"" Lunadyne says, "Hour 2: Dave's track: Jim Keravala "Mining the Lunar Poles", Rene Laufer "Small Sats to L4/L5/Dustclouds", and Kyle Branden "Lunar Lander"" Lunadyne says, "Hour 3&4: Student Presentation #1, GLXP, Student Presentation #2, John Strickland "Cislunar Transport", Student Presentation #3, Dave Smith, GRAIL." Strangelv-3 says, "Are we still on in the late afternoon after everyone's gotten bored and left?" Lunadyne says, "Yes" Lunadyne says, "It looks like the 4-hour tracks run from 2-6." Strangelv-3 says, "Has anything appeared before 14:00?" Lunadyne says, "Given that lunch is scheduled from 12-2." Lunadyne says, "The big issue is of course that people start heading home on Sunday afternoon." Strangelv-3 says, "Create a bunch of tabloid or larger sized posters and cover the venue with them?" kokhmmm says, "Many will leave on Monday" pjbanyai says, "I am placing a spreadsheet with all the passwords that I know at http://www.moonsociety.org/private/board/corporate-documents/. Should be uploaded by tonight. It might be in several formats and will of course only be the beginning of collecting all that info into one place." Lunadyne says, "We're not supposed to talk about that on the NSS telecons. " Lunadyne says, "Thanks Paul. That's a significant step in getting our hands around all of the web stuff." Strangelv-3 says, "Paul: are you the one to forward the wiki password info to? Should I see about having Mike add you to his account?" dcarson says, "I have a text file of account info, email tha tto you?" Strangelv-3 says, "A lot of the wiki info has changed recently" Lunadyne says, "Some will leave on Monday, but the exodus begins Sunday after lunch. This is known by conference chairs." Lunadyne says, "It sucks, so I tried to have my Sunday and Monday content focused on being of interest to local folks." Strangelv-3 says, "ADvertize the time slot for the lunar track so that people expect it and know what time frame it's during? Present it like it's teh main thing they'll want to be there to see?" kokhmmm says, "Could we have a sign-up sheet on our table for those interested in our talks but who need to leave before hand, so we can send them info?" Lunadyne says, "Agreed James. Once we get all of the confirmations I do want to do a press release on it." Lunadyne says, "Peter, we'll have to see what the layout is." Strangelv-3 tries to hijack a telepresence robot to sign in on the sheet Sunday morning Lunadyne says, "Peter, I'll forward the track outline so we can have that in the May MMM." Lunadyne says, "So I think we're in good shape there. Comments?" kokhmmm says, "Good idea (track in MMM #2550" kokhmmm says, "Oopa, deop that zero, I'd need to stay aorund a few centuries!" Strangelv-3 says, "Sounds like a good idea" Strangelv-3 says, "Admittedly by #2550 I should hope that the nature of the magazine will have shifted" pjbanyai says, "You can either send the info to me or edit the spreadsheet yourself after I have uploaded it. By the way Peter the CafePress account info you sent me was for an account with only 1 store. The Apollo Moon Party" kokhmmm says, "Yes, to the moon of Alpha Centauri A3" Strangelv-3 says, "So we need to bug Michael EMalling?" Strangelv-3 says, "Mealling" pjbanyai says, "or someone else. I looked in MMM archives and found the earliest mention of the cafepress store by Greg." Strangelv-3 says, "If it's the same one with Sim 1, that was after Greg was mostly inactive" kokhmmm says, "Mealling set it up. I set up the second store but do not remember my access codes" Strangelv-3 says, "although it's possibel he might have been teh one to set it up -- Michael should hopefulyl have the login info if none of the rest of us do" Strangelv-3 says, "Paul, what's your email again?" kokhmmm says, "He (mealing) sent it to me. But I had misplaced it." dcarson says, "I have one with a mealing edress but the login doesn't work" kokhmmm says, "Stll need to touch on elections tonight" pjbanyai says, " vice-president@moonsociety.org which forwards to pjbanyai@gmail.com." Lunadyne says, "That we do. Peter made some progress in that regard..." kokhmmm says, "On the elections - Ken and I are up for election for full 2-year terms" kokhmmm says, "Ben, Bryce, and Jason are not up till next year" Lunadyne says, "Leadership indicated last week that they are willing to have me back for another 2 years." Lunadyne says, "Last time." kokhmmm says, "That means that for an election secretary, we can pick from Ben, Bryce, Jason, Paul and Dana as they are not up" pjbanyai says, "I thought Ben was up this year?" kokhmmm says, "That leaves two vacancies on the Board (Fred Hills, Ron Brooks) with only one candidate: Al Anzaldua. I have been trying to find another candidate for the board. Some show of interest from Mike Mackowski an active member of our PHOenix chapter." kokhmmm says, "Does any one have any other potential director names?" bnault says, "when do terms begin and expire?" kokhmmm says, "I can reuse your former candidate statements. I will email each of you running for reelection your last candidate statement for tweaking should you wnat to change, or edit it. Need to run them in the May issue." Lunadyne says, "I'd like to get Jim Keravala from Shackleton Energy on the BoD, but the schmuck hasn't even joined yet. I'm going to bug him at ISDC." kokhmmm says, "Ben the term is for 2 years" kokhmmm says, "No term limits" Lunadyne says, "Even for president? (heh, heh, heh)" kokhmmm says, "Ken ia hW mwmvwe?" bnault says, "terms begin Aug 1st, yes?" Lunadyne says, "Not yet." Lunadyne says, "Or is it Sep 1?" kokhmmm says, "Has to be a membeer for one full year as of the election date which is August 1st coming up." kokhmmm says, "August 1st, Ben" Lunadyne says, "Oh, Jim will be for next year." kokhmmm says, "Or the following Wednesday" kokhmmm says, "Ken, we can always "appoint" someone to the Board for the balance of a current open term." kokhmmm says, "By the way, when is the last time anyone has heard from Jason?" Lunadyne says, "He was here last meeting, but he has homework so I think he's playing hhoky." Strangelv-3 almost sends to the moonsociety email, then remembers the milter filter delay Strangelv-3 says, "email is named Entries for the spreadsheet -- standby" dcarson says, "mentioned really long hours the other ay on the moo" kokhmmm says, "That was the meeting I missed because I was at my cottage" Strangelv-3 forgot to send Jason a nagging text message Strangelv-3 says, "Jason was on in the MOO a day or two ago" kokhmmm says, "It is unfortunate that Jason's job keeps him so busy as he has a lot of great ideas" pjbanyai says, "Peter according to the bylaws the Secretary "In cooperation with the Vice President, monitor mail votes of the Board of Directors or the Membership, in accordance with the document "Rules for Mail Votes"." I beleive this provision is so that an election containing the Secretary is still kept fair. " Strangelv-3 is having technical difficulties and doesn't know if the email has been sent yet kokhmmm says, "Actually, Paul, our practice has been from the gitgo to appoint an elections secretary from among those not up for reelection, with all email ballots to be sent to him/her at elections-secretary@moonsociety,org" Lunadyne says, "I do like disinterested third parties." Strangelv-3 seems to remember there being at least one occasion where the secretary handled the election. It was Amy. Strangelv-3 hasn't heard from Amy for awhile kokhmmm says, "What you found, Paul, is about mail votes of board members - and we have never had any. Always voting in the ASI-MOO environment." pjbanyai says, "Hmmm.. Might be time to look into some Bylaw edits." Lunadyne says, "Amy? A girl?" Strangelv-3 says, "With a Ph D. After she got her doctorate and a husband she sort of dropped out" kokhmmm says, "If you fins anything in the bylaws needing attention, get with Scotty who has been the author of all revisions." Strangelv-3 says, "She got too busy with classes" kokhmmm says, "Yes, Ken, very capable, but overwhelmed by her university career." Lunadyne says, "I like girls. We should have more of them around." Strangelv-3 says, "Anotherl one we used to have was Rhoda, but she dropped out of everything after retiring" Strangelv-3 says, "Have'nt hard from her for awhile either" kokhmmm says, "Amy McGovern (now has a new married name - U Oklahoma irrc)" Strangelv-3 says, "Nancy Brasket was never involved in the MOO. She was also a militia admiral. She's also deceased, unfortunately" kokhmmm says, "There was also Rhoda Bryant, and several others, especially in the ASI days." Strangelv-3 says, "Ther's Rose Dieteman, who has never held elective office in the society. She's one of the MOO regulars" Strangelv-3 says, "and dhas been for close to a decade" Lunadyne says, "I do worry about a 'Good Ole Boy Club' appearance. " kokhmmm says, "Candace Bartelson (ne Dicks irrc) wa a dynamo also deceased. tragic." Scottyg has arrived. kokhmmm says, "Greetings Scotty" Lunadyne says, "Hey Scotty!" Scottyg says, "Hi all!" pjbanyai says, "Hi Scotty" kokhmmm says, "Scotty, we are short a Board member candidate in the upcoming election" Strangelv-3 says, "Rose also set up the Moon Society einstein@home group and heads an attempt at marketing the society through an online game called Ikariam that can be too much of a time sink for me to want to recommend it to this group" kokhmmm says, "Just for your info - not pushing" Scottyg says, "Sorry to be late. A family get-together kept me away." Lunadyne says, "I hope the missus is doing well." Scottyg says, "She's doing fine Ken. Almost back to normal." Strangelv-3 still doesn't know if the email he sent to Paul made it. Still having technical difficulties Scottyg says, "Going to therapy to build her strength up." Strangelv-3 is glad to hear this Lunadyne says, "Any chance we'll see you at Moon Day this year?" Strangelv-3 needs a ride pjbanyai says, "Rosalie A Dieteman's membership expired 2007. I don't know why she still has access to the Moo." Scottyg says, "She just got back from a 5 day trip to Michigan so that should indicate how she's doing." Scottyg says, "There's a fairly good chance of that Ken. What's the date?" kokhmmm says, "Moo access does not expire with membership, irrc" Strangelv-3 says, "She had it already. She was involved with MoonSims and I believe is the wizerd of the moonsims moo" kokhmmm says, "There are quite a few ex members who are still active on the MOO" Lunadyne says, "We need to get them signed back up." pjbanyai says, "Wow we actually have something which survives a lapse in membership :-)" Strangelv-3 says, "Maybe we should make some things systematically survive it so that we have an avenue to bug them about renewing" Lunadyne says, "Just not MMM." Strangelv-3 says, "rather than forgetting about us completely" kokhmmm says, "I think it is good that we are still "in touch" with these former members this way. Sometimes we even get some work out of them." pjbanyai says, "If only we could use the MOO to help update a user's contact info." Strangelv-3 says, "How about buggitng them for it. 8)" kokhmmm says, "I don't know how you would enforce this, but requiring expiree's database entry to be up to date to maintain MOO access." pjbanyai says, "If we could add a facebook app link to teamdir then current facebook info could auto update our database." Lunadyne says, "I have no idea how you'd code something like that." Strangelv-3 admits that reaching Randall in the MOO is often difficult kokhmmm says, "The situation now is that out of 1660 entries, we have only 500 valid email addresses." Scottyg says, "I'm not sure if an expired member's login to Team Director still works." Lunadyne says, "Okay, times running low. Any other time critical items, or just continue chatting about web stuff?" kokhmmm says, "Scotty, we'd have to find someone to test that." Scottyg says, "So he might be locked out of updating his information." pjbanyai says, "A lot of websites are setting up those kind of links so they dont lose contact with members. A teamdir members login does not work, however it could be possible to login with facebook and be able to update info." kokhmmm says, "Randal Severy is expried and you can be damn sure he still has access to everything." Strangelv-3 says, "Need someone to handle lapsed members' updates?" Strangelv-3 says, "He's the exception by definition" Scottyg says, "I also have ways to make end runs on a variety of things because I have a system login." kokhmmm says, "How is Randall' ssituation these days? Amy better!" Strangelv-3 says, "All i know is busy" Scottyg says, "I really don't know Peter. Haven't chatted with him in quite a while." Strangelv-3 says, "Is it safe to say that it's no longer the consensus here that people should be severed from everythinfg the instant their memberships expire?L" kokhmmm says, "I will say that any time I have a question related to WSD, he answers me right away." Strangelv-3 says, "These policies came from stern board decisions of teh past that others can relay in far better detail than I" kokhmmm says, "For you newcomers, Randall Severy created our WSD and Team Director software and hosts our website complex gratis. He was a founding membeer of the Lunar Resoures Company which was behind the Artemsi Project and free hosts NSS, the Mars Society and other space websites." Lunadyne says, "With the caveat that we state we use WSD." pjbanyai says, "It causes to many problems and infact interfers with our affliliation with NSS. Current NSS members were supposed to be able to join in with select teams. Randall never setup the system to manage complex relationships like afiliates." kokhmmm says, "Time to say adieu!" Strangelv-3 says, "Several years ago, when trying to come up with a web bammter for the Moon Society, one of the variants Michael Mealling came up with had a pdhoto of Randall and called it the Randall Society. That's how central he was for a long time" Scottyg says, "Paul, people can be added to teams even if they are not members by a Team Director admin user." kokhmmm says, "I need to log off. " Strangelv-3 says, "They're no longer instantly evicted form the teams at midnight?" Strangelv-3 waves at kokhmmm. kokhmmm says, "Good night all!" kokhmmm has disconnected. Lunadyne says, "It's 10pm, so is there a formal motion to adjourn?" Strangelv-3 says, "I remtember when that feature was being put in..." Strangelv-3 still wonders if Paiul has recieved the email pjbanyai says, "Nope" lesausl says, "I move we adjourn" bnault says, "second" Lunadyne says, "In favor?" lesausl says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" Scottyg says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "So moved. The room remains open for continued discussion." Strangelv-3 says, "Does anyone remember what things currently have membership-end shutoffs?" bnault says, "Good night all!" bnault has disconnected. Strangelv-3 says, "..and after we have a list of those, does anyone know enough to find and disable them after we make a motion to do so?" Strangelv-3's email is still having trouble. He may need to look at dreamhoststatus.com lesausl has disconnected. Scottyg says, "James, my understanding of Team Director is that a member's access is disabled at the time his membership expires. (A one-time event.)" The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. Scottyg says, "But I've not run tests to verify that." Strangelv-3 says, "When I was helplessly unable to renew my membership, Charles repeatedly added me to the newly created moon society list that was supposed to replace artemis list" Scottyg says, "We can also create new member classes." Strangelv-3 says, "I was always promptly removed at around midnight" Strangelv-3 says, "That's a thought -- change the member's status to a different type depending on their dues status?" The housekeeper arrives to cart bnault off to bed. pjbanyai says, "I beleve Sean Moss is also having trouble renewing. Did he send you an email about that Scotty?" The housekeeper arrives to cart lesausl off to bed. Scottyg says, "But some features like that may require programming changes. I would have to consult with Randall on things like that." pjbanyai says, "Correction Shaun Moss" Scottyg says, "I haven't received any communication from Sean." Scottyg says, "Shaun." Strangelv-3 says, "My understanding is that the decision to exclude expired members is why the moon society email list failed" pjbanyai says, "I know he posted about it at a previous town hall meeting." Strangelv-3 says, "my email is working again" Strangelv-3 says, "standby" pjbanyai says, "At least one expired is still a member of the Leadership email list. Pradeep Mohandes' membership expired 2010. As a leader of our India Affiliate he should be a full member of the team. Was his email added back after his membership expired?" pjbanyai really wishes teamdir recognized affiliate membership Strangelv-3 says, "sent" Strangelv-3 says, "We may have voted to make him a member. I can't remember clearly" Strangelv-3 says, "There was at least discussion" pjbanyai says, "James I received your email." Strangelv-3 says, "Questions?" pjbanyai says, "No questions at the moment." pjbanyai wonders if Ron would still have retired if we added all the wikis as prominent projects. Strangelv-3 says, "Ron?" Strangelv-3 tries to remember someone he has 6filed away as Ron pjbanyai says, "Ron Brooks is apparently leaving his directorship over some issue with wiki support." Strangelv-3: ! Strangelv-3 says, "What specifics or location with them can you remember?" Strangelv-3 tries to remember Brooks1 login Strangelv-3 says, "Is it something i could hase done better? They were, after all, something I was the one who got started. Admittedly, I was't the firstto try, and Mike has had possibly more to do with the execution than I did" Strangelv-3 says, "Dana was also heavily involved at thte start, especially when we were still tyring to get at least some of it up and running on pb7" Strangelv-3 tries to think of where to look for Brooks' email address pjbanyai says, "ronb22" pjbanyai says, "I do not know the specifics. According to Ken "Something happened with the Moon encyclopedia project, and he was underwhelmed by our less than enthusiastic response." I think it had something to do with a low amount of discussion on the renewal of the lunarpedia.com, lunarpedia.info, and lunarpedia.net domain names." pjbanyai says, "The last meeting he attended was 254 2-15-12 on the recorder." Strangelv-3 says, "The moo lists vince22@netzero.net" pjbanyai says, "Yes that is his email. Looking at my mushclient log it looks like Ron is "presently acting as Editor-in -Chief with Spring Pub. in writing a Lunar Science Encyclopedia"" Strangelv-3 hmms. Strangelv-3 says, "my email is sent. I might have written it a little differently if I'd lookeid in here before hitting 'send'" pjbanyai says, "Ouch. Yet maybe we can still forge a peace between possibly rival lunar encyclopedias." Strangelv-3 says, "Ours is public domain. He can raid ours at will" Strangelv-3 says, "Something I've been wanting to do from the start but have been unable to get back to making progress on:" pjbanyai says, "His will be "two volumes (1,000+ pages)involving researchers from around the world."" Strangelv-3 hits an arrow key and wipes out what he was typing. He starts over\ Strangelv-3 says, "A script -- it's named Autostub1; descendants of it have created articles on chemical elements, dictionary entries, US Presidents starting with Peyton Randolph, and county parties in about 4 different states so far" Strangelv-3 says, "The original's purpose is to start with one (or more) public domain databases" Strangelv-3 says, "then spit out articles on featurres, regions, and the entire globe, all linked together, and with images/maps generated from a visual set" Strangelv-3 says, "After adding 10,000+ articles to Lunarpedia', I'd then apply it to Marspedia" Strangelv-3 says, "And then to Exoplatz, onse body at a time" Strangelv-3: http://www.lunarpedia.org/index.php?title=Gallium http://www.exodictionary.org/index.php?title=Magnetic_Storm http://lpedia.org/Libertarian_Party_of_Santa_Clara_County http://lpedia.org/Nathaniel_Gorham Strangelv-3 says, "James Rogers was a major contributorl to Lunarpedia and constructed most of the database used by Autostub2 in creating the chemical element articles" Strangelv-3 says, "Anything before I'm afk for a bit? I'll be returning, but it may not be before you take off" dcarson says, " http://file770.com/?p=8650 What the Heinleins Told the 1940 Census" Strangelv-3 says, "Nice. Could you paste that in the commons or should I?" dcarson says, "oh right we're still here" dcarson says, "I should stop the recorder" -- End log: Thursday, April 19, 2012 12:17:11 am ASI Meeting Server time --