-- Start log: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:03:47 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Lunadyne says, "Welcome to this edition of The Moon Society's leadership meeting." Lunadyne says, "Looking at our current membership we are at 153, down 1 from yesterday (bummer)." Lunadyne says, "This does not include the free ISDC memberships." Lunadyne says, "Any questions?" pjbanyai says, "I believe Philip Crume's memberships expired." Scottyg has arrived. Scottyg says, "Hi all!" pjbanyai says, "Hi Scotty" bnault says, "howdy!" Scottyg says, "Ken, I got the electronics for the Power Beaming Demo working." Lunadyne says, "Related, but not directly, our Facebook likes continue to climb, standing at 3,665 'Likes', and closing in on NSS's 4,409 and leaving Mars Society's 763 in the dust." kokhmmm has arrived. Scottyg says, "Now I'll be doing what mechanical repairs I can." Lunadyne says, "Excellent Scotty! We're going to have a lot of interesting demos at Moon Day. Some other local members should be showing up as well." kokhmmm says, "Hi James (lapsed), Paul, Bryce, Dana, Ben, Ken, Scotty" bnault says, "great news Scotty! Thanks" Scottyg says, "So be sure we have power available at the Museum." Lunadyne says, "I have us down for power, a rectangular, and a circular table." kokhmmm says, "I take it that the spb demo will be on hand and working" Lunadyne says, "Yup" Scottyg says, "Yes indeed Peter." kokhmmm says, "Great news" kokhmmm says, "Scotty, was that little piece I sent you what was lacking?" Scottyg says, "I have it sitting on the floor in my office working even as we speak." Lunadyne says, "I've been working on a membership brochure to hand out at thhe table, but don't think I'll have time to finish." Scottyg says, "Peter, I started over on the LED's for it. The original version wasn't very suitable for display." pjbanyai says, "Did Philip get a reminder about his membership expiring. Does anyone know if he still plans on running for the board?" Scottyg says, "Now the receiving antenna has one LED on each corner that light up when power is being transmitted. And you can put your hand in the path and see them dim." kokhmmm says, "I just sent PHil a reminder tonight. Could not get him on the phone. Need to talk to Alan also." kokhmmm says, "Very good, Scotty" lesausl has disconnected. pjbanyai says, "Also, is Ben still getting the election emails? If they are being redirected to me, we don't seem to have any digital votes yet." Lunadyne says, "This could be the year Moon Day breaks out and makes it big. We've been much more aggressive in our advertising." alanzaldua has arrived. Lunadyne says, "I'd like to see The Moon Society taking point in expanding it to other cities over the next year." bnault says, "I am not getting any emails, no." dcarson says, "you can access them in help director" kokhmmm says, "Hi Al" alanzaldua says, "Hi everybody!" dcarson says, "which dorsn't show any either" dcarson says, "we might have a help director problem" kokhmmm says, "I will put out a reminder to all members about the elections. Many delay." Scottyg says, "I have one or two mail-ins." Lunadyne says, "Have we gotten any mail ballots either?" kokhmmm says, "How many votes have come in by email?" bnault says, "I think I even forgot to vote..!" Scottyg says, "See above." Lunadyne says, "As long as they voted for me..." kokhmmm says, "What is the exact email address so that I put it correctly in the reminder letter?" The housekeeper arrives to cart lesausl off to bed. dcarson says, " elections@moonsociety.org" bnault says, "sometimes following a conversation on MOO can be confusing..." pjbanyai says, "I am sure that Helpdir stopped working a long time ago. Those email addresses are now being manually redirected by Dana instead of being linked to helpdir." kokhmmm says, "Okay - starting to rain (we need it desperately0 have to close a lot of windows - brb" dcarson says, "will double check on how it is set after the meeting" Lunadyne says, "Yes Ben, it can. Right now we're on the Membership agenda item talking about elections." Lunadyne says, "If nothing else on memberships, let's move on to the Secretary's Report." Lunadyne says, "I'll note I will have an article on Moon Day for the August MMM." Lunadyne says, "Oops, Peter is AFK. How about the Treasury Report?" dcarson says, "much of the data is entered, need to get together with Scotty with a few questions" dcarson says, "and Scotty needs to mail me some statements I'm missing" Lunadyne says, "Any significant changes in bank balance?" dcarson says, "emailed the CPA, waiting to here back what the fees are for filling the missing 990Ns, they say we don't really need to since we filed 09 and 11" Lunadyne says, "Oh, and I need reimbursement for the Moon Day Lunar Sample Bags. " dcarson says, "no major change in funds" dcarson says, "email the amount and a scan of the recepiet" dcarson says, "I need to reimburse me for our SSL cert also, thats $85" kokhmmm says, "I am back" dcarson says, "I either missed or the spam filter at earlier notice so when it came the other week I needed to pay it quickly" dcarson says, "so can I get approval for the reimbursement?" Lunadyne says, "I so move." kokhmmm says, "second" bnault says, "I move that we approve Dana's disbursement for the SSL cert." pjbanyai says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" alanzaldua says, "aye" kokhmmm says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "Would it be possible to add a credit card or link a bank account to the Amazon account?" dcarson says, "I'd have to look" Lunadyne says, "aye" alanzaldua says, "Dana did you mean abt 12 lines ago that we don't have to turn in the missing 990Ns after all. " Lunadyne says, "Dana, just forwarded the invoice." dcarson says, "thanks" dcarson says, "you are supposed to file every year, if you don't file for 3 your nonprofit atatus goes away" dcarson says, "we only missed 2" pjbanyai says, "I think one of the requirements for their non-profit status was a bank statement or some other bank info." alanzaldua says, "so we are good on this score?" dcarson says, "so we are OK even with ones missing, should file to look fully complient but won't lose status if we don't" Scottyg says, "Alan, there seems to some difference of opinion on that point. The IRS rules would seem to allow us to skip one or two years. However, I have a notice from the IRS that we haven't filed for 2010 and the only response they provide for is to send a filing receipt for the missing return." dcarson says, "I told the CPA that and I'm waiting to here what the fees are" Lunadyne says, "I can" Lunadyne says, "I can't wait to get this cleared up." dcarson says, "yeah" Scottyg says, "Dana, you need to put a little pressure on about this. We are required to respond to the IRS by the 25th. (One week from now.)" Lunadyne says, "What is the specific response requireD?" Strangelv-2 says, "eep" dcarson says, "will email again tonight" Lunadyne says, "Please keep me in the loop on this." dcarson says, "will do" Lunadyne says, "Paul, where do we stand on the non-profit best-practices stuff?" Scottyg says, "Ken, in typical government fashion, the instructions are impossible to follow. It says: "If you are required to file Form 990-N, visit www.irs.gov/990filing. There is no paper form. You must also complete the Response form starting on page 3 and fax it to us at 1-801-620-3253." Scottyg says, "But you can't file a prior year form online." Lunadyne says, "Right Scotty, IIRC, only a CPA can do that." Strangelv-2 facepalms Scottyg says, "On the referenced "Response form", if you check "I already filed my Form 990-N....and I'm enclosing a signed and dated copy of the return (or electronic filing acknowledgement) as verification."" Scottyg says, "The you provide some information and a copy of the electronic filing acknowledgement." Scottyg says, "So what I need is a copy of the electronic filing acknowledgement." Scottyg says, "There is no provision to answer "I haven't filed the return."" dcarson says, "which we don't have for that yer since I din't file since I didn't get the reminder the IRS was supposed ot send" Lunadyne says, "Joy." Scottyg says, "No, but we need to get that from the CPA when he files it." dcarson says, "will add that to the email" Lunadyne says, "Let's see if we can get a CPA response by Friday." Lunadyne says, "Is Peter still AFK?" Lunadyne says, "I guess so." Lunadyne says, "Something I want to talk about for a bit is the Mars Curiosity landing." Scottyg says, "I have a point of order...." Lunadyne says, "What's up, Scotty?" Scottyg says, "Go ahead Ken. Me next." Lunadyne says, "Okay, it's going to land before our next meeting." bnault says, "not really" bnault says, "our next meeting is Aug 1" bnault says, "it lands Aug 5" Lunadyne says, "Oops, right, misread the calendar." kokhmmm says, "And we all hope it will be landing safely and operate up to expectation." pjbanyai says, "The best Practice pdfs are located at http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/pubs/ When everyone has read them we simply update that requirement saying that we have all read them. The two major requirements for Guidestar are (1)a Chairman of the Board and (2) information on at least one official program for Donors with a projected budget for how much the program costs us and the nccs tax code category." Lunadyne says, "Who here thinks it will land successfully?" kokhmmm says, "This is the trickiest landing ever attempted by any probe." Strangelv-2 says, "If we're going to prapare something in advance, we should prepare statements for both cases" bnault says, "i'm optimistic, but it is really on the edge..." kokhmmm says, "The hisotic success rate for Mars missions is near 50%" Strangelv-2 says, "No mars landing is a sure thing for us ye" kokhmmm says, "We need an encouraging success right now! Or we will lose the public." pjbanyai says, "Currently only Ken and myself have Guidestar accounts." bnault says, "the rate for Russian missions probably drags the overall rate down quite a bit - we have done a much better job" dcarson says, "too little atmosphere to make parachutes work well, too much to make rockets work well" alanzaldua says, "ditto. " Lunadyne says, "I give it less than 50%. The point is that IF the mission fails, we are likely to see a strong shift in interest back towards the Moon as a place we can rack up successes." alanzaldua says, "Mmmmm. " Strangelv-2 says, "It would be highly beneficial for this tor work. We need a new solution for Mars that scales. What about thrust-based landings that work well in Earth's atmosphere?" Strangelv-2 hmms. bnault says, "I'm all for interest in the Moon but I sure hope the lander succeeds!" kokhmmm says, "Personally, I hate to gain attention for the Moon through a failure on Mars. So I am rooting for a total success" alanzaldua says, "Agree. " Strangelv-2 says, "A news release about another failed landing on Mars would not be the place to actively try to steer attention. If we came up with something useful to say it could imprlove our visibility, though" Lunadyne says, "I'm not hoping for failure. However, I believe the methodology is so risk-laden that there is a less than 50% chance for success." dcarson says, "yeah, preparing both statements is a good idea" alanzaldua says, "yes. " bnault says, "these guys have done their homework, the method looks crazy but it is based on sound research. I say more like 85% success." Strangelv-2 says, "Perhaps mention that out track record for MArs landings shows that we still have a lot to learn, and it would be valuble to pay attention to more places than just Mars as we get up to speed. Places with differenrt constraits that may prove far easier to solve" pjbanyai says, "I read somewhere that even if Cuiosity lands that NASA may only have a skeleton crew working with it because of budget cuts. They may not be able to get as much out of it as they had hoped and might run it on standby for long stretches." Strangelv-2 says, "or is that too blunt for the first release?" Lunadyne says, "I'm just picturing Neil Armstrong trying to handle that Moon lander mock-up." Strangelv-2 says, "yuck" bnault says, "but i am all for being prepared so, yes, prepare 2 releases" Strangelv-2 says, "NASA really needs to hand over some of its legacy missions to other organizations that can be trusted to care for them" alanzaldua says, "I would say something like how Mars development fits in a larger context with cis-lunar infrasturcture, etc. cllunarapproach" Lunadyne says, "I'm not just talking about the immediate aftermath (IF it fails), where I agree it would be tasteless to try to sell the Moon. But over the longer term the public is likely to focus more on the Moon, which is already happening, and we have to be ready to ride that." Strangelv-2 says, "Cislunar-Martian trade?" kokhmmm says, "I hacew always said that neithe lunar or Martian settlement can thrive without mutual trade." dcarson says, "martian moons to Luna is very low deltaV" Chard arrives in cloud of smoke. kokhmmm says, "And vice versa" Chard says, "here" alanzaldua says, "Yes, cis-lunar-Martian trade and development as the first steps toward solar system infrastructure. " kokhmmm says, "Hi Jason" kokhmmm says, "And the cis-lunar options help Mars too." Lunadyne says, "I'm working with some folks on investment banking opportunities for the space sector, and one of the points brought up in a recent telecon is that from a business perspective, Mars doesn't bring much to the table over the near term." Chard says, "i'm on my iPhone" Strangelv-2 says, "Could we develop a possible timeline or Lunar, NEO, and Martian development?" Strangelv-2 says, "s/or/for/" kokhmmm says, "I say that if it succeeds we push Ken's cis-lunar plans as helpful to opening Mars as well as the Moon." Lunadyne says, "Hi Jason. We may be doing a Press Release for Mars Curiosity. Can you send me the space media contact list you've worked up?" alanzaldua says, "Actually John Strickland is working on a paper that tries to lay out cislunar-mars steps. " Chard says, "sure I have it on my limericks workstation" Chard says, "That" dcarson says, "Mars may have more long term potential but there are several ways to on paper make money of the moon now" Chard says, "my next" Chard says, "linux" Lunadyne says, "Peter, they weren't really plans, so much as a roadmap. John sent me that paper and I can't get on board as is. I've been chewing on it, but I'm distracted with Moon Day." dcarson says, "tourism, LOX to LEO, power beaming" alanzaldua says, "Yes, we sell the Moon as the best way to get to SUSTAINABLE mars development. " Lunadyne says, "With that I agree entirely" alanzaldua says, "Anyone who wants to see Strickland's paper, just let me know. I already sent it to Ben. " Chard says, "I like to see it if you would send it to me as well" bnault says, "10 mins ago...so I haven't read it yet" Chard says, "tuttlepc@gmail.com" Lunadyne says, "Al, my main issue with the paper is that it calls for a pre-selection of particular elements, versus seeing what responses the markets develop in response to the need. " alanzaldua says, "Will do, Chard. " Chard says, "thank you" alanzaldua says, "Understood, Ken, but I think sometimes you have to lay something out to get the ball rolling. " Lunadyne says, "I doubt anyone's talking about silane depots, but if we collect the debris in GEO there are a lot of dead Russian kick-stages whose motors used silane." Lunadyne says, "Al, like I said, John suggested I make some revisions, which I've been working on." alanzaldua says, "Great!" alanzaldua says, "Please send them to me if also if that's OK. " Lunadyne says, "Scotty, do you happen to have any membership brochures?" Scottyg says, "no." Lunadyne says, "does anyone?" Strangelv-2 remembers the membership brochure that was the ASI flyer with he serial numbers scarped off; does that count? Lunadyne says, "No, we've got something more recent. I have three or so." Strangelv-2 says, "It was hard to develop one when we had our post-ASI identity crisis" Strangelv-2 says, "I'd like to see them" Lunadyne says, "I mentioned earlier that I was working on a new one, but don't think I'll have it ready." kokhmmm says, "I can send you the pdf file for our latest brochure, several years old." pjbanyai says, "That reminds me that we apparently have publishing right to some books by Phil Harris. Does anyone have the details on that. Currently he is self publishing the books through Infinity Publishing.com." Strangelv-2: jamesg@dimensionalityp.com Strangelv-2 tries that again Strangelv-2: jamesg@dimensionality.com Lunadyne says, "Paul, if you want to tackle the editing on those..." Lunadyne says, "I know we have Lunar Pioneers, the sequel to..." Scottyg says, "Ken, I need to bail out. (Family emergency.) Can I pose my question now?" Lunadyne says, "Yes" Scottyg says, "My question is...Am I/Should I be/ a member of the management committee? The Bylaws state the Management Committee is composed of the Directors and Officers of the Society. As Assistant Treasurer, I think I'm an Officer. But the Bylaws also say the majority of the Management Committee must be Directors. If I'm included, that makes it exactly 50/50. Any opinions?" pjbanyai says, "The Books are already being published and are available at Amazon." Strangelv-2 says, "We may need to add a director seat" kokhmmm says, "Paul, I tried to turn this over to Chuck Lesher (who agreed) who has a publishing businees, but I do not know if he has done anything with it. " Chard says, "I'll share mine" Lunadyne says, "Scotty, unless anyone has any issues, I'm cool with it." Strangelv-2 says, "This is potentially serious, but probably not as urgent as saving our 501(c)(3) status" alanzaldua says, "No issues here. " Lunadyne says, "Peter, I don't think he has. But again, they are an editing disaster. It would take a team to whip them into shape." Chard says, "I got us the hook up amendable to get the come information" Scottyg says, "The original intent of the Bylaws was only the main officers would be included. So part of the question is whether Assistant Treasurer is an "Officer"" kokhmmm says, "Paul, but we get no royalty thru amazon. That's why Phil gave us rights specifically thru another outlet. I'll see if I still have that information." Chard says, "dis we gwt rhe axcccointing firm the information as requested?" Strangelv-2 says, "My guess is no; I would not be opposed to adding it plus another director seat" Scottyg says, "(I can definitively state the original intent of the Bylaws since I wrote that section.)" dcarson says, "I need to email them again with a followup Chard" kokhmmm says, "The only problem with adding another Board seat is that we are having trouble regularly finding candidates to fill the five slots wwe have." Chard says, "treasurer by nature would be an officer" Scottyg says, "Yes, but Assistant Treasurer might not." Scottyg says, "One difference is elected vs appointed." kokhmmm says, "We could vote to award seets to both Phil Crume and Alan Steinberg" alanzaldua says, "Can't the assistant treasurer be classified any way we want?" Scottyg says, "Alan, basically yes." Chard says, "i am willing to vacate my seat and be in the peanut section if we have more qualified candidates" Scottyg says, "I've been behaving as if I'm not a member. (In particular not voting on Management Committee decisions.)" kokhmmm says, "Note, that this may not be germane, but we haven't filled a required position for some time now: chairman of the Board" Lunadyne says, "If we add a Director I'd want to add two, versus One Director and One Officer." Chard says, "i can alwayas send in contributions and read post meeting notes" Lunadyne says, "Peter, I thought we'd voted in Scotty during one of the meetings he missed." kokhmmm says, "I may have missed that meeting too." kokhmmm says, "Anyway we can't vote in someone without his assent." Lunadyne says, "I think it was under the "Easier to ask foregiveness than permission" philosophy." Scottyg says, "And at this point I need to go. My daughter has been taken in to the emergency room and my wife and I need to go provide moral support." Lunadyne says, "My condolences and I hope all is well." Scottyg says, "Sorry - daughter-in-law." dcarson says, "go, thats much more important" Chard says, "yes go now the bus and take care okay that's been" Chard says, "godspeed" kokhmmm says, "Hopw ahw i allright Scotty" alanzaldua says, "take care." Scottyg says, "Probably not serious, but could be a gall bladder problem." dcarson says, "painful" Lunadyne says, "Ouch" Scottyg says, "But she's also pregnant so it could be a bad case of "morning sickness"" kokhmmm says, "Did we want the Secretary's report?" Scottyg says, "G'nite!" Scottyg has disconnected. Lunadyne says, "Peter, yes> You were AFK earlier." Lunadyne says, "AFK = Away from Keyboard" Chard says, "am i still connected" Chard says, "k" Lunadyne says, "Yes" kokhmmm says, "Secretary's report: membership is 153, highest in years. Expirations are down. Publications. M3IQ#15 was published tonight, MMM #257 will be published as soon as i get chapter reports. MMM #@258 is underway." kokhmmm says, "Kindle Project - we have decided to push the theme issues instead of the classics (same material organized by subject theme). " bnault says, "peter, what happened with Mark Lupfer?" The housekeeper arrives to cart Scottyg off to bed. bnault says, "I thought he had taken over the Kindle project..." Lunadyne says, "I'm looking forward to the Cislunar Business theme issue." kokhmmm says, "3 theme issues are ready in the 1-column format: Lunar Economy, Tourism, Arts & Crafts - the last two now have the obligatory indes. I still have to create an intdex for the Lunar Economuy one. There are half a dozen more issues in 2-column format awaiting reformating and indexing." kokhmmm says, "Questions?" bnault says, "yes, peter. what happened with Mark Lupfer? I thought he had taken over the Kindle project...?" kokhmmm says, "Ben, Mark was waiting for me to send him more Classic issues - i need to contact him about the change in plans and send him the theme issues as I get them ready." bnault says, "so, he will be taking care of the Kindle side?" kokhmmm says, "You inow that I take a month off in the summer, and this time, I really really needed it but am finally back producing." Lunadyne says, "Speaking of Kindles, I can get basic ones down here for $50" kokhmmm says, "Mark has a Mac and he can read my files and switch them to Office which Kindle requires." kokhmmm says, "At %50, I'd be interested." Lunadyne says, "I think TMS could probably spring for one at that level." kokhmmm says, "Having one may motivate me to work harder on this project." kokhmmm says, "I was also doing a lot of work on this when i got a chance to spend a few days at my north woods cottage. But I haven't had a chance to go there since May. I have no Internet or phone there, nothing to distract me." Lunadyne says, "I was going to ask what kind of connection you would have for the Kindle." pjbanyai says, "A kindle with 3g has free Sprint cellular." kokhmmm says, "So far, I have avoided getting a cell phone. When I am away, I am away." kokhmmm says, "I guess I would have to use it at home where I have wireless" dcarson says, "you can load a lot on it" pjbanyai says, "It does not have phone capabilities. It can only work with basic internet data." Lunadyne says, "I think once something is loaded on it it is available even out-of-range" kokhmmm says, "Remember, when I was a boy, phones did not yet have dials, only live operators" Lunadyne says, "Pennsylvania Six Five Oh Oh Oh" Strangelv-2 uses the hand-crank to try to pass a morse message on to the switchboard operator kokhmmm says, "No, I didn't know Alexander Graham Bell personally." alanzaldua says, "Glad I'm not an old fart like U guys. :)" kokhmmm says, "You ain't far behind!" Strangelv-2 says, "Enoy it while you can. It's an amazingly brif amount of time" alanzaldua says, "Youth is wasted on the young. " Strangelv-2 nods. Lunadyne says, "Sure..." Lunadyne says, "Okay, about 15 mins left. Any other important items?" kokhmmm says, "YES, WE STILL NEED A NEW WEBMASTER!" Chard says, "uh oh" Chard says, "really?" Lunadyne says, "Yes we do." Lunadyne says, "Peter, can you put a notice in the next MMM?" Strangelv-2 does not volunteer to maintain the existing site. If he were optimistic enough about his health to volunteer to do the site he would be creating a new site and trying to plug that in to TeamDIR, et c. Chard says, "i have an ass in web graphic design and a bs in design and development w emphasis in web game programming does that count?" kokhmmm says, "Jason, I have been having lots of trouble both since Randall redid WSD and since I swithched to Macbook Pro which will not run the software I was using on Macbook, and haven't found a good substitute. Frustrated!!!" kokhmmm says, "I just can't load what I want to load." kokhmmm says, "Nothing to do with design." kokhmmm says, "I has to send Scotty the file for the new M3IQ #15 to upload, because I could not upload it." Chard says, "i am focused on development but i was going to say send me the ftp etc credentials and ill look at it and tell you if i would be onterested" Chard says, "u can see a site i am just about finished with at lcsotn. com" kokhmmm says, "Have Scotty set you up with WSD access." pjbanyai says, "Were you using an ftp program to upload files or the wsd browser app? WSD has both a basic html display and a java based display." kokhmmm says, "WSD" kokhmmm says, "Ewcent problems, I upload a page and it comes out in code, not WYAIWYG" kokhmmm says, "Or recently, I choose a file, click upload, and nothing happens, try after try." pjbanyai says, "You might have a problem if your wsd account was using java settings which your new mac does not support for some reason." kokhmmm says, "I would not know how to fix that." Chard-1 arrives in cloud of smoke. dcarson says, "java differences is the most likely, I know Apple has a way to use a older compatible one, don't remember offhand how" Chard-1 says, "if you can send me rhe login details i will xheck it out and let you know od if i can be of use" kokhmmm says, "I am a very very patient person but have run out of patience. I just need to be replaced. I have kept the site updated (new files, new reports, etc. for 7 years. Need to be replaced." kokhmmm says, "Thre are lot of pages that need to be updated. I can't update them." dcarson says, "are you running 10.7 aka Lion?" Chard-1 says, "i have a custom cms that ive built that may work... " kokhmmm says, "Yes" Strangelv-2 says, "Is there a reason a custom solution might be better than a standard one like Drupal or WebsiteDirector?" Chard-1 says, "super quixck and easy to use... but all my backend is in .net" kokhmmm says, "I prepare files with an WYSIWYG editor. I can't get one to sing with the new Mac the way I had it singing with the old one." dcarson says, "not going to ask you to keep being webmaster, you've done it a long time but http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1421 might help" Strangelv-2 says, "It might not work. I don't know what level of mono support we have on our server" Chard-1 says, "webmaster to me means something a bot diff i think" kokhmmm says, "If I am going to concentrate on the Kindle project and the MMM the Book project, I need to shed the webmaster job entirely." Chard-1 says, "nah... the editors can be hosted elsewhere" Strangelv-2 says, "And those are ones that we need you for a lot more than maintaining or reworking the website -- the latter being a task millions of people could be doing" Lunadyne says, "Jason, I think Peter means it more in the context of keeping the website fresh and updated versus behind-the-scenes code support." Chard-1 says, "it willl take me some time but i am a perfectionist" pjbanyai says, "Peter I just changed your wsd user preferences to be more like mine. You should be able to use WYSIWYG now." Lunadyne says, "My view is that we should have a web team, with one member designated the Webmaster who is also a TMS officer." kokhmmm says, "I can always send whomever new files that need to be posted, changes that need to be made on existing pages, etc." pjbanyai says, "We do have a web team but no leader." Lunadyne says, "It seems more ad hoc than a team." kokhmmm says, "All the teams are really defunct." Chard-1 says, "i think you are looking for someone to ise the existing system and update the content" Lunadyne says, "Bingo" kokhmmm says, "You got it." Chard-1 says, "thats not what i do" Lunadyne says, "Peter, let's go ahead and put a notice in the next MMM." Chard-1 says, "i can help of you riun into a technical issue though" alanzaldua says, "Will have to go soon, guys. " kokhmmm says, "Okay, will do that. I'll come up with a job description." kokhmmm says, "It is the witching hour now guys" Strangelv-2 remains of the view that we probably need a new setup. Parts of the legacy system may still be needed, but the main publicface of the site should be something new, unless there have been major changes to the amount of documentation available for WSD Chard-1 says, "be safe" Lunadyne says, "Yeah, I need to bolt as well. I have to be at the museum early tomorrow for a news crew filming some Moon Day stuff." Chard-1 says, "has been a very productive meeting" pjbanyai says, "As far as I could tell the web team did not have the proper user access rights to be effective." Lunadyne says, "I see it is now 10pm. Do we have a motion to adjourn the formal meeting?" Chard-1 says, "i have jiu jotsu eaerly" Lunadyne says, "Feel free to stick around and chat." kokhmmm says, "move we adjoun" bnault says, "second" Lunadyne says, "In favor?" Lunadyne says, "Aye" bnault says, "aye" Strangelv-2 says, "ALso, might be useful to go to the Commons to chat. There's more of us there" kokhmmm says, "aye" Chard-1 says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "New members also had no idea what they were supposed to do or even where to start." Strangelv-2 is also in the commons right now dcarson says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" alanzaldua says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "So moved. We are adjourned." Chard-1 says, "nite guys" Strangelv-2 says, "The guts of our site, AFAIK, date to the 1990s." Lunadyne says, "Night guys." alanzaldua says, "g'nite folks." kokhmmm says, "James, when I come up with the job description, I will send it to you and you can post it in the MOO." bnault says, "g'night all!" kokhmmm says, "goodniht all." bnault has disconnected. kokhmmm says, "quit" kokhmmm has disconnected. alanzaldua says, "@quit" Lunadyne has disconnected. pjbanyai says, "Should also post to all members." alanzaldua has disconnected. Strangelv-2 onders if anyone still on Artemis List would want to bite pjbanyai says, "Artemis list is mostly defunct now since it was fully open to the public and was starting to be spammed." Strangelv-2 says, "If nothing else, announcing it there would help remind people that the list still exists" Strangelv-2 wonders if it's attached to the milter filter. There's a multi-hour delay between posting and showing up pjbanyai says, "Moonsocietyforum.com was shut down by spammers" Strangelv-2 says, "Boop" Strangelv-2 says, "The wikis have been hit to varying degrees. The one that's been hit the hardest is Exoplatz, our general space wiki" Chard has disconnected. Strangelv-2 says, "MY attempt at upgrading the CAPTCHA ended up with it being down for a few months, and it's presentyl running without one at all. I forgot to as in here if anyone wouldo bject if I resorted to disabling acocunt creation for a bit" The housekeeper arrives to cart bnault off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed. The housekeeper arrives to cart Lunadyne off to bed. Strangelv-2 says, "Attackers who don't create accounts are easier to deal with thanks to one of the quirks of MediaWiki's design. They reate an account and the losgest their IP can be banned for is 24 hours. if they post garbage or similar from an IP address I can ban the IP for as long as i find decessary. Wi" The housekeeper arrives to cart alanzaldua off to bed. Strangelv-2 says, "With longer-lasting IPs the duration I use has cript up to 180 days" Strangelv-2 says, "90 days had the botnet node still having the same IP and attacking again. I've not seen a return with it set to 180 days" Strangelv-2 says, "Right now our only real garbage control tool on Exoplatz is a bot that looks at recent posts every six minutes" Strangelv-2 says, "wait. Ten." Strangelv-2 says, "Four minutes is what I have it set for on the political wiki I originally wrote it for" Strangelv-2 says, "For Liunarpedia, Marspedia I have it checking every 20 miniutes; for Exodictionary once an hour" pjbanyai wonders if Randall could setup a teamdir server/database link so all moonsociety members had accounts with the wikis? Strangelv-2 says, "For some reason nobody's been attacking Exodictionary much. I need ot set it up to also run on Scientifiction, which we really need a mwajor overhaul for so it's moer than just a repository for hings moved off of Lunarpeida" Strangelv-2 says, "It would be challenging. Not only is Mediawiki a completely different piece of software, it's running on a completely different server" The housekeeper arrives to cart Chard off to bed. Strangelv-2 says, "Our efforts to get Lunarpdia up and running on pb7 ... ...could have gone better" Strangelv-2 says, "That was when Mike forked out for a DreamHost accaunt" Strangelv-2 says, "if we lose our 501(c)(3) status it's going to eliminate one of our most obvious options for alternate hosting" pjbanyai says, "I briefly had joomla running on the Discussion team page using my Dreamhost database. It was a little slow on downloading." Strangelv-2 says, "Admitntedly, I don't believeu we'd be able to run the MOO on it. We'd have to find another solution for where to host the MOO" Strangelv-2 says, "Slow is one term that could be used to describe how it was working wvith an off-server database. Admittedly, the server for Mike's account with his hen hosting ISP mwas located in Belgium" Strangelv-2 says, "Dana was also heavirly involved with that effort" Strangelv-2 says, "They might remember more than I did" pjbanyai says, "I have installed the most recent version of the basic moo program on my account. It works. However I don't know how to program it or really set it up properly." Strangelv-2 says, "LambdaMOO on Dreamhost?" Strangelv-2 says, "I seem to remember discussion on options for porting the database over so hopefulyl there would be milimal setup" Strangelv-2 says, "Just getting the existing MOO to run on a new server" Strangelv-2 says, "...maybe add another wizard or two" Strangelv-2 says, "...And change the permissions on some key bits of infrastructure so taht others can add rooms and buildings and the like" pjbanyai says, "The Artemis MOO database is Stored by cyberteams and most likely has other Cyberteam MOOs in the same database. LambdaMOO can be used on a Virtual Private Server or Dedicated Server." Strangelv-2 says, "I'm pretty sure MIke's DreamHost account doesn't qualify as victual private. It absolutely isn't a dedicated one" Strangelv-2 says, "We also have a lot of stuff on it that's not Moon Society" dcarson says, "is actually all one moo, Randall added the code to have multiple wolrds with ways to gate between, all one db" Strangelv-2 says, "We'd want to port all of them to the new location" Strangelv-2 says, "With possible itemized exceptions, such as TLRC" Strangelv-2 says, "MArs, Marshome, NSS -- definitely they would need to tag along for the ride" Strangelv-2 says, "MoonSims/SimsHOst" Strangelv-2 says, "evn if they're not getting as much use as they once did" Strangelv-2 remembers being in ROse's office there. Rose stepped out, MIke made a typo, then ROse returned and asked what a freight elevator was doing in her office pjbanyai says, "who" Strangelv-2 points to Mike and Rose in Paul's list of who's connected Strangelv-2 says, "Note that who doesn't show people from other connected MOOs like NSS" Strangelv-2 says, "if THAT worked, it would probbyl mke it easier to get people from here to remember to visit Space Chat on Thursdays. 89)" pjbanyai says, "Sorry was typeing one thing, erased it except say, and then typed who to see who was still online." Strangelv-2 says, "It happens" Strangelv-2 uses double quotes instead of the word say. Fever keystrokes Strangelv-2 says, "Fewer, too" Strangelv-2: "Fewer, too Strangelv-2 says, "Reducing the frequency of such occurences is why I have @autosay off" Strangelv-2 says, "and have since about, oh, 1999" Strangelv-2 only missed tnhe first five years. Alas, they were also the most exciting ones pjbanyai says, "Any way, if we could setup a new opensimulator program and link it to the MOO we could actually have people exploring a true visual representation of Angus Bay." Strangelv-2 says, "Have a set of locations in the virtual world that correspond to the MOO, which all chat in one appearing in the other?" Strangelv-2 says, "so people could attend the same meeting form either space?" Strangelv-2 says, "or hat might be another way to connect the two? Have avatarns for people in the room, such as the Commons, which is the one most heavily used. That, Space Chat, Here and the Auditorium are the ones I know of that get regular use -- and the auditorium is often about once a year" Strangelv-2 says, "Here twice a month; Space Chat once a week; The Commons continuously" Strangelv-2 says, "It might be possible to confine it to here, Space Chat, and the Commons for the points of mutual connectivity. OTOH, a more detailed connectivity could help bring about moer interest in the archinecture of the oritical text mockup, as well as help firmly establish a contiuity between the two" Strangelv-2 says, "What is Opensimulator?" Strangelv-2 may be falling asleep pjbanyai says, "http://opensimulator.org/ is basically an open source version of secondlife. It uses Linden Labs opensource Secondlife client and some other open materials they made available." pjbanyai says, "It can also have text based clients so that it acts like LambdaMOO." Strangelv-2 says, "CAn it handle the same compaltibilit level?" Strangelv-2 says, "Log in with TELNET on an aging smartphone?" Chard-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Chard-1. Strangelv-2 says, "If we use the samte layout as what we have here and have the same key points of interest andother points of continuity we should be able to get awvay with listing the start date as 1999. We also need to handle all the legacy use cases" Strangelv-2 says, "We also need to be user we can keep it up and running" pjbanyai says, "There are secondlife clients for Android." Strangelv-2 says, "Lots of things don't stay up and running for 13+ yars" pjbanyai says, "and iphone/ipad" Strangelv-2 says, "And could we get Peter to be able to use it?" Strangelv-2 says, "Ken?" Strangelv-2 says, "Grady Woodard, Redstone/Atlas/Mercury/Gemini/Apollo/Skylab engineer?" Strangelv-2 says, "and Space Chat regular" Strangelv-2 says, "I'm not opposed to something bigger, but I'm going to be fundamentally conservative here" Strangelv-2 says, "I don't want to risk destroying everytnhing reaching for a ring that breaks out of the wall over a chasming precipise" Strangelv-2 says, "...and I can't reliably get a SecondLife client to run on my workstation, let alone a telephane" Strangelv-2 says, "...and if the goal is to have a typed chat, all of the graphics are, frankly, distracting to me" Strangelv-2 says, "a pure IRC style chat would help a lot. IRC is what we were using before the MOO" Strangelv-2 also has a harld time with all of the bookmarked teleports Strangelv-2 could't even keep track of the details of his own SecondLife account Strangelv-2 says, "If I cn't manage it, I haevs a hard time expecting Peter and Grady to" Strangelv-2 says, "Anyway, I don't wanta pure SecondLife solution, at least not as a replacement for the MOO" Strangelv-2 says, "MAybe as a secondary project" Strangelv-2 says, "Interlinked seems like a good idea, if we can pull it off" Strangelv-2 also tends to be more rejectionary and conservative when he's more asleep than awake. Strangelv-2 says, "More ideas might help, but I can't think of any right now" Strangelv-2 says, "Also, ther's the Oregon L5's SecondLIfe effort. Jason and I were the onyl ones from here to get involved with it, and we didn't get involved at teh same time. I'd already given up before Jason started." Strangelv-2 says, "It wouldn't wokr wvery well if we were teh only people there, and pulling the plug here could be a disaster -- or at a minimum send most of the community to Skype, which is the least bad substitute we've found" pjbanyai says, "Skype had problems because Peter was the only one who could add new members to the group and most members had a tendency to accidently quit the group." Strangelv-2 says, "The ASI MOO refugee center may not have that problem, or at least not both of them" Strangelv-2 says, "I'm not sure if people who aren't me can add members, though" Strangelv-2 says, "It'sa lso fallen into disuse after the MOO stopped crashing rmultiple times a week" Strangelv-2 waves at pjbanyai and dcarson. pjbanyai says, "I had high hopes that Google Wave could replace the chat aspect of the MOO. It was being used for board meetings by several companies. Google transfered it to Apache." pjbanyai has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart pjbanyai off to bed. -- End log: Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:04:04 pm ASI Meeting Server time --