-- Start log: Saturday, December 1, 2012 4:26:58 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Rose/Miros says, "lol, ok, you beat me to it" Rose/Miros says, "my hands are a little cold, don't type too fast " Rose/Miros says, "and the monitor is still blurry, if the nephew shows tomorrow, he can help me switch to the flatscreen" dcarson says, "you want to wait until then?" Rose/Miros says, "lets see if we can at least figure out where to start" dcarson says, "ok" dcarson says, "your eyes" Rose/Miros says, "i'm taking a peek at the ldap module" dcarson says, "what version of Drupal?" Rose/Miros says, "7" dcarson says, " http://yetanotherprogrammingblog.com/content/drupal-7-external-authentication-sample-code" Rose/Miros says, "very promising" Rose/Miros says, "can i download the files or do i have to copy and paste the text?" dcarson says, "which files?" Rose/Miros says, "extauth.module" Rose/Miros says, "and extauth.info" dcarson says, "looks like cut and paste" Rose/Miros says, "ok got the files up, now to see if drupal will recognize it" Rose/Miros tries a different method dcarson says, "one of the comments points to http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!user!user.module/function/user_external_login_register/7" dcarson says, "goes into more details" Rose/Miros says, "lol, i'm having a dr upal 7 problem" Rose/Miros says, "it wants to upload the files it self" Rose/Miros says, "so oi made a zipped archive with both the module and t he info file in it" Rose/Miros says, "and drupal refuses to see the info file" Rose/Miros rolls her eyes dcarson facepalms Rose/Miros says, "dunno about that function, i drilled down into http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!user!user.module/function/user_external_load/7 which looks more likely to me" dcarson says, "is one a hold over from a previous version, which are you supposed to use" Rose/Miros says, "no, login_register uses external_load to do the authentication, then decides what to do" Rose/Miros says, "and i got extauth to load, now to see if i can tell if it's doing anything" Rose/Miros says, "yes, it works, i just logged in as angelita@aol.com, lol" Rose/Miros says, " angelita@aol.com active " Rose/Miros says, "administrator" Rose/Miros says, " 2 min 31 sec 2 min 31 sec ago edit" Rose/Miros says, "the admin flag is the one thing i don't like" Rose/Miros says, "go to moon.lunarpedia.org and make up an email addy" dcarson says, " $account->roles[EXTERNAL_AUTH_RID] = 'external user';" dcarson says, "they had 3 for external user but that was a blank drupal with no roles" dcarson says, "probably need t see what existing roles are and find the next number and make that external authed users" dcarson says, "define( 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_RID', 3 );" Rose/Miros says, "long term,i'll have the rolesset up tio match the team dir uses" dcarson says, "sounds right" dcarson says, "ca people have multiple roles?" Rose/Miros says, "yep" Rose/Miros says, "if you go to moon.lunarpedia.org and click People, you'll see that just about everyone has contributor (a purely druapl role) and web-team, which I set up to match Team Dir" Rose/Miros says, "or maybe i haven't set you to see that, one sec" dcarson says, "ok and the one teamdir API returns a XML list of teams, easy to make that a list of roles" dcarson says, "whats my login there?" Rose/Miros says, "looks like you don't have one yet, let me make you one" Rose/Miros says, "i can make you an admin if necessary to see the accounts that extauth makes" dcarson says, "I don't see a People link" Rose/Miros says, "we'll be tinkering with the logic in extauth_login_validate (in extauth mod) to put everyone through the teamdir system, and if that fails, then we try a drupal login" Rose/Miros says, "one sec" Rose/Miros says, "ok, you're an admin too" Rose/Miros says, "authenticated user" Rose/Miros says, "administrator" Rose/Miros says, "contributor" Rose/Miros says, "web-team" Rose/Miros says, "that's all your roles, lol" dcarson says, "2 new menu bars now" Angelita pouts because Miros won't give her any cool roles. dcarson says, "top one has People" dcarson says, "existed for almost 3 months before spammers found it" Rose/Miros says, "when you delete a user, you can optional delete all their crap right along with it" dcarson says, "one would hope" Rose/Miros says, "just found tha twhile I was deleting the new user from ext_auth" Rose/Miros says, "extauth" dcarson says, "otherwise spammers would just make sure that spam accounts post hundreds of things to make getting rid of the hard" Rose/Miros says, "well, in lots of programs, the crap sits around with annonymous author instead" dcarson says, "bad design" Rose/Miros says, "matter of original programmer viewpoint " Rose/Miros says, "do you assume people are honest or do you assume people are spammers" Rose/Miros says, "that's what makes it so hard for james to maintain the wikis" dcarson says, "if you have had constact withonline stuff in the last decade you have to assume tht there will be spammers" dcarson says, "most by a large number are not spammers" dcarson says, "but if you allow spamming to work they will flood out the rest" dcarson says, "if you have 100K users and one of them is a spammer half the traffic will be spam" Rose/Miros says, "yep" dcarson says, "back in 10, going to zap dinner" Rose/Miros says, "on simbology, our new users are checked against a database called 'stop forum spam" " dcarson says, "useful" Rose/Miros says, "lately we've had more attempted spammers than attempted real users" dcarson says, "more spammer sock puppets then real users, probably only a few real spammers" Rose/Miros says, " http://www.stopforumspam.com/search?q=x.kdjv.h.ck.b.n.r.v%40gmail.com" Rose/Miros says, "oops, you can ignore the parameters on that '" dcarson says, "back" Rose/Miros has reconnected. Rose/Miros says, "whoops" dcarson says, "helo" Rose/Miros says, "i think i need to add external user to the roles to keep new users from becoming admins" dcarson says, "good idea" Rose/Miros says, "well, i still need to keep new users from becoming admins, but tha t didn't help" Rose/Miros says, "brute force fixed, tomorrow we can fix it right" Rose/Miros says, "i.e. implementing the stuff in the comment above $account->roles[EXTERNAL_AUTH_RID] = 'external user';" Rose/Miros says, "i.e. define( 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_RID', 7 ); isn't right either, but it assigns the user no roles wha tsoever , which is better than admin, right?" Rose/Miros says, "ok, back to the commons" -- End log: Saturday, December 1, 2012 6:59:43 pm ASI Meeting Server time --