-- Start log: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:00:08 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- PhilipC says, "i am aware of that. but in business, there's also a concept called opportunity cost. that means that cost of what we could've earned had we chosen a different course of action." Lunadyne has arrived. PhilipC says, "i mean, what earnings we lost by choosing one option over another" PhilipC says, "again, before we start, are there any requests for the agenda?" Lunadyne says, "Howdy everyone! Y'all waiting on me?" PhilipC says, "Hello Ken" Lunadyne says, "We're losing earnings?" Scottyg has arrived. MikeD says, "more like losing non losses" Rose/Miros says, "we'relosingthechance at earnings" MikeD says, "there ya go" MikeD says, "that sez it better" PhilipC says, "you're always losing earnings every time you make a choice. there are always a greater number of potential ways of making money than actual" Lunadyne says, "Absolutely, in many ways." pjbanyai has arrived. Rose/Miros says, "please don't expectme to think,i don't feel good" Rose/Miros says, "barely made ithomewith groceries" PhilipC says, "even though a service might be free, if it prevents us from attaining dues paying members whose value exceeds the discount of the free service, then the free service is actually costing us more than we would've otherwise earned relying on a fee-based service" PhilipC says, "that concept in economics is called the opportunity cost" PhilipC says, "but i digress" PhilipC says, "right now, i need to know if there is any request for agenda items? " Lunadyne says, "Golden Spike, Lava tube project" Rose/Miros says, "one comment, what do we have to do to redirectthe dns somewhere else,even if only to a static "standby" page, when themain site isdown" Rose/Miros says, "yes it's a bandaid,but it's more than we have now" MikeD says, "even an error page on another server" PhilipC says, "i would like to add a brief discussion on the web site as a recruiting strategy" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else?" PhilipC says, "Any other agenda items?" Rose/Miros says, "i have heat now, so i can actually get somestuff put up" PhilipC says, "that's great!" PhilipC says, "Hearing no other requests" PhilipC says, "as chairman, I call the management committee meeting to order" PhilipC says, "I would like to start with a roll call" Scottyg says, "You have to send a request to whoever has your domain registration. In most cases this can be done online. Then you have to wait for the change to propagate through the DNS system which takes about 24 hours for full propagation." pjbanyai says, "Dreamhost partnered with CloudFlare several months ago to provide backup for when there is an interuption in Dreamhost service." PhilipC says, "Ken Murphy" Rose/Miros pokes at Lunadyne. PhilipC says, "If you are here please state "present"" PhilipC says, "Paul Banyai..." Lunadyne says, "Present"" PhilipC says, "Peter Kokh..." PhilipC says, "Dana Carson...." PhilipC says, "Ben Nault...." PhilipC says, "Alan Steinberg..." Strangelv-1 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Strangelv-1. AlanSteinberg says, "present" dcarson says, "here" pjbanyai says, "present Paul Banyai" PhilipC says, "Jason Tuttle..." pjbanyai says, "Ok I am confused about the state of the Chairmanship. I thought it was decided several meetings ago that Ken was the Chairman." PhilipC says, "Al Anzauldua" Rose/Miros says, "jason tuttle is at cop school" PhilipC says, "Paul, the bylaws does not permit the president to be the chairman" PhilipC says, "the bylaws clearly states that the board must choose the chairman from among their own" Lunadyne has disconnected. Rose/Miros says, "lets getrollcall done then argueabout stuff" PhilipC says, "Sure" Lunadyne has connected. Lunadyne says, "Whoops." PhilipC says, "who else is present?"" pjbanyai says, "Apparently we need to have a review of several meetings. It does NOT say that anywhere. I feel Like I have talking into thin air for the past several months. We agree on something and then it forgotten by the next meeting." Scottyg says, "Scotty Gammenthaler present" Rose/Miros says, "rosedieteman present" PhilipC says, "We're a small organization, it's important that we resolve this. But given that the chairmanship primarily deals only with presiding over meetings while otherwise having no power, Paul, would you be amenable to discussing this over the "leaders" listserv? we have a pretty full agenda right now" PhilipC says, "Paul?" Lunadyne says, "I think there's a bit of a lag in the dissemination of comments." PhilipC says, "It appears so" PhilipC says, "Moving on... " PhilipC says, "Item 1) Golden Spike" PhilipC says, "Ken, you have the floor" Lunadyne says, "Thank you Philip." Lunadyne says, "After careful consideration and input from a few of the leadership, I made the decision to decline the GS opportunity." pjbanyai says, "Note that I did mention that there is no reason why we can not have 2 co-chairs. The bylaws simply says that the board must elect one. It does not say that there must only be one. Our guidestar profile currently has Ken as the lone chairman." Lunadyne says, "This boiled down to several factors:" Lunadyne says, "1) It was not clear that we would receive $1000 of value for the commitment. We would like to have a stronger presence in the scientific community, but was this the way to do it?" Lunadyne says, "2) I am concerned about too much visibility until we get the website revamped." Lunadyne says, "3) The lack of discussion amongst the leaders raised concerns in my mind that we would be able to follow through on a commitment." Lunadyne says, "4) Frankly, I think we'll get more traction this year with our Lunar Lava tube project than by attempting to associate with GS." Lunadyne says, "In light of the many concerns, Charles and I drafted a polite decline which tries to keep the door open for future collaboration." Lunadyne says, "Questions?" PhilipC says, "That makes sense to me" Scottyg says, "I agree with the decision. I have some additional concerns that I would prefer not to discuss in open forum." dcarson says, "seems right to me" Lunadyne says, "Scotty, which you be willing to share offline?" Scottyg says, "Yes." Lunadyne says, "Just drop me a line..." Lunadyne says, "Barring any other questions, I yield to the chair." Scottyg says, "Might call on the phone instead." pjbanyai says, "We would have a more beneficial result by membership in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AIAA sets the educational space policy for American Colleges as well as some international colleges. It also has a 35000 member mailing list including Aerospace grads and teachers as well as most if not all aerospace companies." Rose/Miros says, "comment: things that need peopleto look at photos and identify featuresand the like might begood chapter projects" cfrjlr arrives. cfrjlr says, "sorry i am late" Rose/Miros says, "i did send peterthe request for a chapter census, did anyonefollow up?" cfrjlr says, "what did I miss ? :-)" Lunadyne says, "The message I get is that most actually working in the industry want to be a member of a professional organization that offers opportunities to advance their careers. The best way I think we can do that is to do real projects." Lunadyne says, "Hi Charles, we just finished GS." Lunadyne says, "I gave everyone a debrief and answered some questions." cfrjlr says, "ok thanks" pjbanyai says, "Hi Charles just type "play current on recorder" to catch up with the meeting." Lunadyne says, "Have you heard back from Alan?" cfrjlr says, "I have heard nothing further from Alan." Lunadyne says, "It'll be interesting to see him next month at the Texas Astronomical Society meeting. (Astronomy club, not space development club, interestingly)" cfrjlr says, "Ref AIAA....." cfrjlr says, "I do not agree that it would be a better place to advertise than GS, AIAA is not focussed on the Moon... it is a fiarly small part of their agenda ... the LPI maling list is focussed specifically on the Moon and goes to thousands of luanr scientist and interested parties, a better focus than AIAA. BTW I am an Associate Fellow of AIAA." Rose/Miros says, "lpi?" cfrjlr says, "I would suggest that Moon Society ocnsider a strategic alliance with LPI, with or without GS" cfrjlr says, "LPI = Lunar and Planetary Institute" cfrjlr says, "LPI are partnered with GS i nthe May confernece in Houston" cfrjlr says, "also, ref the agenda, can we have a discussion of an online forum ?" PhilipC says, "We can add that if we have time" pjbanyai says, "LPI is basically the public relations arm of NASA." Rose/Miros says, "for meetings orworkproduct?" Lunadyne says, "I could see us having a meeting there at some point." cfrjlr says, "http://www.lpi.usra.edu/" PhilipC says, "We can look into LPI in more depth over the leaders listserv." PhilipC says, "We've spent the last 30 minutes discussing golden spike. we need to move this along." PhilipC says, "Discussing the merits of a strategic alliance with LPI can be discussed in email." PhilipC says, "Is everyone amenable to moving on to the next agenda item? Lunar lava tubes?" dcarson says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Hearing nothing else, let's move on to item 2) Lunar lava tubes. Ken, you have the floor again" Lunadyne says, "Thank you Philip." Lunadyne says, "Just as a reminder, Lunar Lava Tubes (LLT) is one of the projects determined for the bequest received by TMS several years ago. there is about $3,900 allocated to each of the two projects." Lunadyne says, "Dave Dunlop continues to develop the programming for the ISDC conference track. We will have 2 houra in the morning and 2 in the afternoon (4 hrs) on each of Thursday and Friday. 8 hours total programming." Lunadyne says, "We've reached out to GRAIL and LRO. And ESA, who ran an exercise in La Reunion last October." Lunadyne says, "We're also contacting younger scientists, and will probably also ping Red Whittaker, who is IIRC getting NASA money to do a lava tube robot." Lunadyne says, "This is much better positioning than last year, and we really need to play this up, almost as a mini-con." Lunadyne says, "I have proposed to Peter, and he was amenable, to using some of the LLT project money for the conference, sort of like seed money to get higher visibility to attract more money. Mainly because I want to make sure we get video this year independent of the NSS team." Lunadyne says, "That video will help serve as the basis for a Kickstarter campaign to raise some notional amount of money, say $75K, to mount a field exercise." Lunadyne says, "FWIW, I was on the team that put together the Kickstarter campaign for NSS that is launching next week." Lunadyne says, "We will be supporting them in that effort, and I've been directed to inform everyone that leadership of NSS and its affiliates is expected to participate to set an example." Lunadyne says, "That Kickstarter campaign should be launching about the time we get our new website up. NSS was supposed to launch today. Guess why they didn't..." Lunadyne says, "With a successful Kickstarter campaign we can run a field exercise, scare up additional funding, and send some kids out into the field." Lunadyne says, "The goal here is to get a paper published in a respected journal." Lunadyne says, "Which gets the attention of the science community when they see that we fund our projects out of pocket, not dependent on someone else." Lunadyne says, "This also opens doors to things like teaming with MoonZoo to do a citizen science LLT project, and even link back in with GS with LLTs as one of their destinations." Lunadyne says, "So I've babbled a lot, any questions?" Lunadyne says, "Oh, the general point of the project is to explore communications strategies between robotic probes deep in the tubes and the team on the surface." Lunadyne says, "Barring any questions, I yield to the chair." Lunadyne says, "Hello?" dcarson says, "ok" Rose/Miros says, "sopundsreasonable" Rose/Miros says, "i get a new keyboard next week" dcarson says, "with a space bar?" Rose/Miros says, "aworking one, lol" Lunadyne says, "I guess I should ask for a vote on whether Leadership is okay with spending some of the LLT bequest money on our LLT track on ISDC, and for a limit on how much, say 10 or 20%." dcarson says, "10% seems reasonable to me" Lunadyne says, "Did we lose everyone else?" AlanSteinberg says, "i'm just sitting here quietly" PhilipC says, "likewise" Lunadyne says, "Lurking? :-P" AlanSteinberg says, "Phil... arn't you supose to be moving things along? I feel like this meeting has had a lot of dead time" PhilipC says, "We only have 3, now 4 items. about 30 min to each one is somewhat reasonable. we've spoken on this topic for about 20 min" Scottyg says, "I think it would be in order for someone to make a motion." PhilipC says, "Ken, before discussing spending any money. We'd need to know what it would be used for. Could you send a proposal via email so we'd know what we're getting?" Lunadyne says, "I move we allocate 15% of the LLT bequest money to be used for expenses associated with the LLT track at the 2013 ISDC, with unused funds to be returned to the LLT bequest fund. (LLT = Lunar Lava Tube)" PhilipC says, "of the $3000 dollars or so, that would be around $450 or so? what would it be used for?" Lunadyne says, "Sure, and we don't necessarily need to be allocated this evening. But generally things like paying for exhibits to get to the conference, printing literature, maybe a strategically placed ad or two. Oh, and absolutely a video team to record the proceedings." Lunadyne says, "Mainly the video team. If we don't get video again this year I will be livid, and it throws a serious monkeywrench in the Kickstarter idea." PhilipC says, "Couldn't such funds come from our budget rather than a specific bequest?" Lunadyne says, "They could, but the linkage seems self-evident so why not put those funds to use." Lunadyne says, "Besides, I hate spending general fund money, at least until we've got monies coming in from Amazon and our commerce page at the new website." Rose/Miros says, "can you stop by someafternoon/meeting so wecan beat thecommerse page into sha[e>" PhilipC says, "Personally I think so long as we can do more fund raising we should be okay. " Lunadyne says, "'should' being the pivotal word." PhilipC says, "What might help move the LLT project along is finding some university out there with an interest in space that is somewhat close to dry lava tubes" PhilipC says, "Again, perhaps another topic more suited for email" PhilipC says, "playback recorder" Lunadyne says, "Rose, I just see a place where we can put Amazon ads for current Moon books, Cafepress (or better) swag sites, Kindle links for our theme MMMs, a NASA FCU ad, that sort of thing." Lunadyne says, "Heck, I'd sell GS stuff if they'd give us a cut." pjbanyai says, "Reminder Chip Proser was in charge of our videos. These videos can still be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/mooncolonytv" Lunadyne says, "I've heard that we paid Chip a good bit of money too, more than I'm requesting for the conference. I'm looking for a hungry team of kids. Maybe the SpaceVidCast folks..." PhilipC says, "We need to move things along. Ken, could you send a proposal to the leader listserv so everyone can take a look at it? We can vote on it at the next meeting." Lunadyne says, "Sure." PhilipC says, "Next on the agenda, 3) Strategic discussion of the website" PhilipC says, "This is something I'd like to bring up" PhilipC says, "When considering the web committee, I tried to develop a project management plan that had us offer a "store" of possible ideas of what we could do. " PhilipC says, "But quite frankly such a task is probably too much for any small group to do" PhilipC says, "What might be a better approach, which can give the web committee (tasked only with upgrading the website) and the web team (tasked with building and administering it) is to start with an end-goal in mind" PhilipC says, "Namely, what is it that we as a management committee would like to achieve as an organization using the website as a strategic tool?" Rose/Miros says, "which is "pretty website, intended to recruit new members"" PhilipC says, "what would we like to achieve in 3-5 years?" PhilipC says, "explosive growth?" PhilipC says, "influence?" PhilipC says, "what?" PhilipC says, "I open the floor to all who are present" Rose/Miros says, "secondary to pretty website, we can have work areas for the various teams" Rose/Miros says, "web team, llt team, spbd team" Lunadyne says, "We need what we have someplace else. We need what we have better organized. It needs to function well with new modes of internet access like smartphones and tablets. It needs to be visually appealling (i.e. 21st Century). A logical menu system. " Rose/Miros says, "can wedrop the whole web1.0/21century thing? i've seen nice websites with web1.0,i've seen clunky messes with the latest tools" Lunadyne says, "yeah, but we seem to be stuck with a clunky mess with web 1.0, the worst of both worlds." PhilipC says, "when talking about the website on a strategic level, i'm not talking about features" PhilipC says, "i'm talking about what it is that we as an organization would like to achieve using it?" Lunadyne says, "Strategy: Be the best source of Lunar information around." Rose/Miros says, "recruiting. we cannot afford to lose members more months than we gain" PhilipC says, "for what audience?" Lunadyne says, "Strategy: Make The Moon Society a compelling presence in the pantheon of space activist groups." PhilipC [to be]: better than nasa for instance? PhilipC says, "to be better than nasa?"" AlanSteinberg says, "that sounds like a goal nto a strategy" Lunadyne says, "Phil, for all audiences. Well, maybe Middle School at the bottom end. Yes, better than NASA." Lunadyne says, "Strategy: Make people want to join us." PhilipC says, "until we know what end goal we want for ourselves as an organization, it's difficult to develop a strategy to organize those goals, and tactics (i.e. website features) to implement those goals" Rose/Miros says, "middle school is probably a good bottomend, things get weird if you're aimingat under 13" Lunadyne says, "The end goal of TMS, to my understanding, is people living and working on the Moon." PhilipC says, "not necessarily" PhilipC says, "NASA got me interested in space when I was 8 and I became hooked when I was 12. "give me someone for the first 7 years and I'll have them for life." " PhilipC says, "--- jesuits"" PhilipC says, "it doesn't have to be elaborate but we could design something for the very young. But getting to the deeper issue of what our goals are as an organization will help us design a website appropriate for achieving those goals." Rose/Miros says, "i'mnot sure if it's law or common practice, but there are a ton of requirements for an under 13 site" dcarson says, "some at least is law" Lunadyne says, "I want us to focus on the upper end." pjbanyai says, "Maybe we should start a line of Comics focused on the Moon:)" Lunadyne says, "But at least acknowledge the lower end by having text that is comprehensible to the lay public (since we're talking jesuits...)" PhilipC says, "Back to the larger point, what are our goals as an organization? Is there a way we can break those goals down so that we know how the website can be used as a tool for helping us achieve those goals" Lunadyne says, "Not a bad idea Phil. There are more space comics coming out. today it was "The High Ways" by John Byrne. Not bad." PhilipC says, "A communication committee can handle the messaging for the very young. But that's for another time." PhilipC says, "Getting at this critical discussion is central to how we use the website. it'll give us a sense of direction on what basket of features and back-end tools we need to look for (even if we currently don't have them)" PhilipC says, "The more specific we can be the better" PhilipC says, "Should we strive for say, 1,000 members in 2 years?" PhilipC says, "There are marketing databases that would allow us to hone in on a sympathetic demographic" PhilipC says, "but before we even attempt that, we need to offer them something when they get here" PhilipC says, "LLT is a potential candidate. " PhilipC says, "But there needs to be other possible projects that offer avenues of inclusion for different age groups and sub-groups " Lunadyne says, "I'm not sure designing the website to achieve 1,000 members in 3 years (as an example) is the best approach. Would the next goal then require another redesign to achieve that goal?" PhilipC says, "A communication committee, and a good website, can draw people here. but we need to consider what they might be interested in doing when they come." PhilipC says, "possibly" PhilipC says, "3 years is a pretty standard life cycle in the IT world" pjbanyai says, "I first learned about the Artemis Society when I was looking for information about the Moon for a school report. We should make Lunarpedia the ultimate source for such information and make sure vistors find out about our main page." Rose/Miros says, "that's why i'mthinking we need a team involved in one of the projects that examine photographs to fund features, craters, hills, lava tubes, etc" PhilipC says, "new technologies and opportunities may present themselves within that time" Lunadyne says, "golly, then we're about what, four cycles behind?" Rose/Miros says, "shush" dcarson says, "yep" PhilipC says, "and we look it" AlanSteinberg says, "i think you are putting too much though and effort into this "strategic" aspect of the website when we can't even keep the current one up to date and reliably available to look at" bnault has arrived. Lunadyne says, "Rose, that's what the MoonZoo thing is about. They would provide the architecture for people to look through photos (or gravity measurements)." PhilipC says, "Alan, perhaps the reason for that is that we don't really have a sense of direction." Rose/Miros says, "i make a motionfor dana and scotty to talk to randall about his approach to better hosting (since his wallet is onthe line too)" Rose/Miros says, "no, i can't do it, i tried and he blew me off" Scottyg says, "Rose, while I don't mind talking to Randall, I don't know what to say to him. I don't have any visibility of where we are headed." PhilipC says, "We can tolerate the down time on our website because we're small right now, but if after we upgrade this happens again, we may not be able to tolerate it again." AlanSteinberg says, "I thought we do " Our Mission is to inspire and involve people everywhere, and from all walks of life, in the effort to create an expanded Earth-Moon economy that will contribute solutions to the major problems that continue to challenge our home world. We seek to address these goals through education, outreach to young people and to people in general, contests and competitions, workshops, ground level research and technology experiments, private entrepreneurial ventures, moonbase simulation exercises, tourist centers, and other legitimate means."" AlanSteinberg says, "sounds like a sense of direction to me..." PhilipC says, "So how do we use the website to achieve that?" AlanSteinberg says, "personally I feel we should start by fixing the simple things" Scottyg says, "Let me ask the question in a different way....What mesasage do we want the website to deliver as our primary emphasis?" PhilipC says, "Should we develop an online classroom environment? develop a VR game? partner with foundations to pay for competition awards? " AlanSteinberg says, ""we aren't incompetent"... cause that's kinda the message we give off now (no offense)" PhilipC says, "We can segment the website in ways that appeal to different audiences, similar to what nasa.gov does.'" AlanSteinberg says, "Philip, many of those things are great ideas... but in the meantime, we just need something that I'm not embarrased to tell people about" Lunadyne says, "We do have to pace ourselves, biting off what we can chew. I get the sense we're right at the limits of our capabilities with the resources we have." AlanSteinberg says, "it's been months and I'm still looking at the same website, this long term stuff is great... we should talk about it... but I'd just like to see a half way decent placholder first" pjbanyai says, "Use of CloudFlare or another backup service is what we need. We can setup a free CloudFlare account or we can use a non profit account with Dreamhost which might also provide a higher level of CloudFlare benefits. I believe Dana has access to the Domain account and can modify the DNS to work with Cloudflare." Rose/Miros says, "my furnace wasbroken and i couldn't type because my hand was too cold" PhilipC says, "Perhaps what we can do is to offer a more scalable website. by removing many old features. As our recruiting improves, we can put back in more complex features" AlanSteinberg says, "that sounds better" Lunadyne says, "I think that's a smarter approach." PhilipC says, "Restart. Begin simple. Then add complexity as we scale up" AlanSteinberg says, "at this point if we could just have a pretty home page with sub pages on "about us" and "how to join" i'd be happy" dcarson says, "DNS propagates at different speeds depending how long a cache a ISP uses" dcarson says, "so sometimes it will take a day to update" PhilipC says, "Does this sound agreeable to everyone else?" Rose/Miros says, "what happens if we've got a "use back up site" and a "use main site"propagating together?" Scottyg says, "A much better approach to hot standby is to have the hosting service maintain it. Then all that is required to bring up the standby is to activate the IP address that DNS points to." PhilipC says, "We could have a more seamless experience with mirrors" Lunadyne says, "Given the amount of downtime we've had in the last six months I'd be totally okay with one day down to switch over." pjbanyai says, "We can also use subdomains like oldpage.moonsociety.org. and new.moonsociety.org." PhilipC says, "how about searching for another hosting service, even if we have to pay an annual fee?" dcarson says, "many places use a shorter cache time, often a hour or so" dcarson says, "the backup can redirect to the main site whne it comes back up" Rose/Miros says, "um,if the subdomainsare on the same server, that doesn't help a bit" Lunadyne says, "I am strongly in favor of a new host, and migrating ALL of our data to the new host." PhilipC says, "we can look for another hosting service that has less that 99.999% downtime, which translates to about 15 minutes or so per month (for maintenance)" pjbanyai says, "Our domain name is still hosted by Pair. Is there some reason why we could not simply switch back to them?" Rose/Miros says, "don't you mean better than?" Rose/Miros says, "pair is wicked expensive" PhilipC says, "The web committee can look for a new host" Scottyg says, "I was iffy about switching hosting until the recent two outages. While those were not for extended periods, it seems to me that the downtime occurrence rate is way too high." Rose/Miros says, "randall might not be able to afford it for cyberteams, and i suspect we can't afford pair" AlanSteinberg says, "so... these details... TMI" Scottyg says, "Pair is not too expensive if you don't need a dedicated server." dcarson says, "we should check with Randall if he is planning to move and if not find out own" Rose/Miros says, "isn't that what i said you and scotty should do?" dcarson says, "Pair is reasonable and reliable with good service" PhilipC says, "We can discuss further details in email" AlanSteinberg says, "simple website... can be hosted with godaddy for $60 a year... this is way overthought " Scottyg says, "My only complaint about pair is they use FreeBsd. Linux is more mainstream." AlanSteinberg says, "we need something decent up yesterday... if we have to sacrafice the functionality of the website in order to look pretty... it's worth it" Rose/Miros says, "if you let godaddy anywhere near your comain names, you can't get them knocked backloose with a hammer" Lunadyne says, "I second Alan." PhilipC says, "Agreed. I'm thinking of something a little more complex, say that allows discussion boards and other back-end services" Rose/Miros says, "we candothat with drupal" dcarson says, "simple by the end of month? add features after?" AlanSteinberg says, "Philip... don't need that now... for now... we need a pretty billboard" Rose/Miros says, "caniget somewarm bodiesto help rip the style info off the pages that already exist?" bnault says, "http://hostingconnection.godaddy.com/Home.aspx" AlanSteinberg says, "the rest can be developed after the billboard is up and integrated part by part" bnault says, "godaddy offers a bunch of services along with webhosting" Rose/Miros says, "even volunteer chapter members are good, as long as they follow directions " pjbanyai says, "If Dana can modify the DNS, we can get a free Cloudflare account setup to provide backup as soon as possible." PhilipC says, "Alan, I agree. but I'm mainly talking about scalability. i don't want us to get locked into a simple structure for a year." PhilipC says, "Still the larger point is valid" AlanSteinberg says, "we've been locked into this discussion for months" dcarson says, "drupal is very scalable" PhilipC says, "The web committee can hash out these details at its next meeting. " AlanSteinberg says, "yes please... we need to get these leadership meetings down to an hour... we cover about 20 minutes worth of informatoin over these 2 hours" PhilipC says, "I guess if there is a decision to be made here, it is is the management committee here willing to give the web committee, and web team, the authority to move to a new hosting service" PhilipC says, "Alan, the way to do that is to have discussion boards to hash out these debates in asynchronous time,and to reserve management committees exclusively for decision making in real time" AlanSteinberg says, "I'm agree to a new hosting with a budget of $100 a year or less" AlanSteinberg says, "or phone calls" AlanSteinberg says, "rather than this chat enviroment" Rose/Miros says, "no auto documntation of phone calls" Lunadyne says, "I move that the Web Committee and Web Team be given authority to move the TMS website to a new host, provided said host does not cost in excess of $150 per year at the time of move." PhilipC says, "teleconferencing or videoconferencing sounds ideal to me. the secretary can write minutes, which are just as valid as logs" PhilipC says, "$150 sounds more realistic to me" PhilipC says, "is there a second?" AlanSteinberg says, "second" PhilipC says, "all in favor say aye" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Scottyg says, "abstain." PhilipC says, "paul?" PhilipC says, "i'll mark him as an abstention" PhilipC says, "the ayes have it" pjbanyai says, "abstain until we have a list of providers" Rose/Miros says, "aye, but i want some research on godaddy's reliability before we blindly jump" PhilipC says, "the web committee will research a list of providers" Scottyg says, "I abstained because I think $150 annually prohibits a lot of the better choices." PhilipC says, "we will also look into acting now with respect to developing a more simple website. This means eliminating a lot of features." PhilipC says, "or at least shelving them" pjbanyai says, "Depends on if we can get a non profit account with discounts." PhilipC says, "we will look into it" PhilipC says, "before we depart, i think most if not all members of the web committee are present, should we set a time for the next meeting?" Rose/Miros says, "speakingof which, how's the accounting going so wecanprove we're non-profit?" Scottyg says, "Basic hosting with quality providers tends to run around $20 to $30 per month." Rose/Miros says, "i want a workingmeeting with warm bodies and fingers on keyboards" Rose/Miros says, "can we senda mailing to the chapters looking for wolunteers?" Lunadyne says, "As a reminder, we've budgeted $500 for auditing services, springing to $1000 if necessary." Lunadyne says, "Rose, send me what you're looking for and I will send it out under my imprimatur." PhilipC says, "ideally we'll look for a host that allows us to upgrade to a more extensive service at the difference of costs" PhilipC says, "which we can do if and when the need arises" PhilipC says, "for the web committee, we met before on a tuesday evening. does next tuesday sound amenable to you?" Rose/Miros says, "ok" pjbanyai says, "We could setup a simple start page with a link to the old site's main page and gradually transfer elements around. Basically have www.moonsociety.org point to the new startpage and perhaps archive.moonsociety.org point to the existing Cyberteams hosted page." dcarson says, "ok with me" PhilipC says, "next tuesday at 8 pm?" PhilipC says, "If next Tues at 8 is okay, the web committee will meet then." Scottyg says, "Tuesday at * pm CST is ok for me." Scottyg says, "8 PM" pjbanyai says, "I will not know my schedule until Friday evening. It is to late for me to request Tuesday off for next week." PhilipC says, "We can discuss specific scheduling in email. " PhilipC says, "Charles Radley mentioned an interest in reviving hte Moon Society Forums. That's something we can consider when looking for a new host." PhilipC says, "If there's nothing else, I move to adjourn." Lunadyne says, "Agreed, but I would insist on a dedicated Forum team." Lunadyne says, "Second" PhilipC says, "This meeting is hereby adjourned. Thank you and good evening." dcarson says, "aye" -- End log: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:17:14 pm ASI Meeting Server time --