-- Start log: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:01:47 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- dcarson says, "is now" PhilipC says, "thank you guys for coming" Scottyg says, "Yes, the recorder is on. :-)" Strangelv-1 puts away the glokenspiel and turns down the hard punk music PhilipC says, "the web committee meeting is now started" Scottyg says, "Ok, I'd like to explain a little about the methodology I used before we get into specifics." PhilipC says, "on the agenda for today is the discussion of which host we should take a closer look at and if we can I'd like to get a time commitment f rom all of us WRT working on the website" PhilipC says, "is there anything else anyone here would like to add for the agenda?" PhilipC says, "hearing nothing, let's begin. " PhilipC says, "scotty, let's start with you" Scottyg says, "Ok...." Scottyg says, "All of the review work I've done is based on what is available on the web. (No phone or chat contact yet.)" Scottyg says, "I began with the approach of evaluating candidates based on our list of requirements." Scottyg says, "After reviewing 8 or 10 providers that way, it was apparent that that methodology was producing very little differentiation." Scottyg says, "For most of our mandatory requirements, nearly all candidates met them or at least 9 out of 10." Scottyg says, "So I changed the methodology and began focusing instead mostly on quality of support and uptime with some judgement about what kind of customer do they seem to cater to." Scottyg says, "There are three main types of hosting - Shared server, Virtual Private Server (VPS), and dedicated server." Scottyg says, "In the price range we are targeting, only shared server fits the budget." Scottyg says, "Although I feel VPS would be a better solution for us." Strangelv-1 concurs Scottyg says, "My ranking only considers shared server (but several of the companies also offer VPS and dedicated server." Scottyg says, "VPS starts at about $20 per month." Scottyg says, "And that price level may not provide the features we need." Scottyg says, "Any questions so far?" dcarson says, "not here" PhilipC says, "do you think your rating system for shared service would approximate the same quality of VPS?" Scottyg says, "Is everyone familiar with what you get with VPS?" Strangelv-1 says, "I quicksummary probably cou/ldn't hurt" Scottyg says, "Since my ranking was based mostly on quality of service, it would apply to VPS too." Strangelv-1 isn't as familiar with it as he probably needs to be Scottyg says, "Ok, a brief description....." Scottyg says, "With a VPS, it "looks like" you are on a dedicated server. Some providers allow root access to the VPS so you can pretty much do anything that the OS supports that doesn't violate the providers terms of service." Scottyg says, "So we could install whatever software we require for our needs." Scottyg says, "(Like a MOO)." Scottyg says, "You are actually running on shared hardware so speed won't be as good as a dedicated server, but I don't think will be a problem for us." Strangelv-1 says, "What about our more CPU and bandwidth intensive wishlist options?" Scottyg says, "(We are on shared hardware now and speed seems fine.)" Scottyg says, "James, there is a broad spectrum of service levels available. It just costs more money." Scottyg says, "The only thing we are considering that might become speed/bandwidth hogs are video." Scottyg says, "Both of the streaming variety and video chat." PhilipC says, "that's to be expected" dcarson says, "and streaming can go on youtube or such if needed" Scottyg says, "But again, we are a small organization and I don't think we need that much speed or bandwidth. And if we grow substantially, that should permit a larger budget." PhilipC says, "it's nice to have but it probably will cost us a pretty penny to do it" PhilipC says, "hence why we're also looking for a scalable service that can grow along with us" Rose/Miros says, "sorry guys,but i'mnot planningon video chatting ever" dcarson says, "if we can't find one that lets us host a moo with web service we can host it elsewhere" dcarson says, " http://www.genesismuds.com/packages/" dcarson says, "$54 a year" Scottyg says, "I think we would need a budget of $30 per month to consider VPS. (That gives us some flexibility in selecting the best fit for our needs. IIRC there was only one company at the $20 level for VPS.)" Rose/Miros says, "andthe SO complains when i audiochat with headphones on, he sezi get too loud" PhilipC says, "but we probably pay for what we get" PhilipC says, "or get what we pay for" Scottyg says, "SOmething else about the MOO. This MOO belongs to ASI and we can't move it. But we could clone it under our own domain." PhilipC says, "is there nothing else better than moo?" Scottyg says, "I'm not very compentent to suggest MOO alternatives." Rose/Miros says, "we look, we try, we come crawling back" Strangelv-1 says, "That could change if we buy TLRC" dcarson says, "probably, but we haven't like what we've tried as much" Rose/Miros says, "so my answer is No Yet" PhilipC says, "all good things in time" Scottyg says, "Ok, ready to discuss the rankings?" PhilipC says, "yes, please go on" Scottyg says, "Most of my important information came from a review site called whoishostingthis.com" Scottyg says, "They had reviews for 368 different providers." Scottyg says, "BUT...." Scottyg says, "many of the providers only had one or a small number of reviews and I didn't consider that information reliable." Scottyg says, "So a criteria for inclusing on my list was at least 5 reviews, except in special case. (For example, pair networks included for comparison because Dana and I both have a lot of experience with pair." Scottyg says, "And a second criteria was a user ranking of at least 4.5 out of 5." Scottyg says, "(pair is ranked 4.5 and I think Dana and I consider them quite good.)" Strangelv-1 says, "We had a very reliable time with Pair" Scottyg says, "The above criteria probably exclude quite a few good providers simply on the basis of insufficient information." Strangelv-1 says, "...except for one isolated incident" Rose/Miros says, "which was spectacular" Scottyg says, "But the number of providers is so large you have to do something to narrow it down." Rose/Miros says, "but 5 days out of 5 years is pretty darn good" Strangelv-1 says, "Was DreamHost one of the ones iyou looked at?" Scottyg says, "And much of that 5 days was actually Randall transferring backups over a not very fast connection." Scottyg says, "I looked a Dreamhost. They had a 4 ranking and quite a few support complaints." Rose/Miros says, "andwe've had a few support complaintsourselves" Scottyg says, "The three I selected had a lot of reviews and not much in the way of support complaints." Strangelv-1 says, "And AFAIK there's no way to run anything equivalent to the MOO or IRC with it" Strangelv-1 says, "It's the service that all of our wikis are running on" Rose/Miros says, "andmy site" Strangelv-1 needs to stop procrastinating on wiki domain renewals. He has at least five that expire in the next 40 days Strangelv-1 says, "And a coupelo f other, notn-moon-society sites are on it" Rose/Miros says, "if any of themneed to be rescued from godaddy, you need to start now" Scottyg says, "And all three support our core requirements. For the "wish list", it will be necessary to get on the phone with someone knowledgeable and question them about specifics." Strangelv-1 says, "These five are probaby too late to transfer. GoDaddy will need to be paid" Strangelv-1 says, "I've been waitidng to know who our new hosting provider is. I've beet rather happy with DreamHost for this, but we may not be using them..." Rose/Miros thwaps Strangelv-1 with a rolled-up newspaper. "Bad! Bad! Bad!!!" Scottyg says, "That ups the level of effort considerably so i recommend that initially we only do that for the top two or three. BTW - the top two are so close it was a "gut feel" more than anything that resulted in the rankings." dcarson says, "might add wiki hosting to list, if we can consolidate it migth save a few bucks" Strangelv-1 says, "A non-sleezy registry service would be good. Someone who isn't GoDaddy" Scottyg says, "Wiki of some kind is standard with most of these. (They will permit almost anything that uses php or CGI.)" Rose/Miros says, "thought someone said we should keep registry separate from hosting" Scottyg says, "Most of them can also handle registration. (In some cases for free.)" Strangelv-1 says, "If we mant to keep them separate we could do that as soon as I'm in good enough shape to go through my end of the proccess after we select a registry" dcarson says, "OK, so that helps with the budget" Scottyg says, "One question that mostly isn't very clearly answered is how they do secure servers." Rose/Miros says, "and that's important" Strangelv-1: "We don't need to encrypt the user data on company notebooks. That's what the Windows password is for." Rose/Miros thwaps Strangelv-1 with a rolled-up newspaper. "Bad! Bad! Bad!!!" Strangelv-1 doesn't remember where he found that quote Scottyg says, "Some run several domains on one certificate. Others allow individual certs. That is a question to ask on follow-up." Strangelv-1 says, "And in many cases your own will add significantly to the monthly cost" dcarson says, "we've currently been buyng our own cert" Scottyg says, "Ok, that covers most of what I had to say." Strangelv-1 says, "It requires a fixed IP, correct?" Strangelv-1 says, "That costs extra in at last some cases" dcarson says, "so as long as they allow a secure server with our own cert we're good" Scottyg says, "Yes, using our own cert is desirable." Scottyg says, "BTW, this task consumed quite a bit more time than I was expecting. (About 8 hours so far.) I was struggling to find enough time to finish it since we had a new grandson arrive last Tuesday a couple of weeks premature." Strangelv-1 says, "How is he doing?" Rose/Miros says, "yikesandcingrats" Scottyg says, "i LOST ALL OF MY EVENINGS LAST WEEK AND PART OF THE WEEKEND." PhilipC says, "congrats" Scottyg says, "He's doing great." PhilipC says, "again, thank you for the work you've done" Strangelv-1 finds the caps lock apropriate in this case Scottyg says, "Just a minute - I'm on the phone." PhilipC says, "you've made a big difference here. you've given us a major push in the right direction." PhilipC says, "i take it I probably need to go to the MC for a request for a larger/more realistic budget that achieves our strategic goals, which means VPS hosting?" PhilipC says, "from my experience in looking through hosting providers, i tend to find that they always charge more for secure servers. " PhilipC says, "is everyone connected?" Rose/Miros says, "yep" Strangelv-1 arguably isn't , but that tas nothing to do with his Internet connectivity dcarson says, "quite possibly" Rose/Miros paints eyes on Strangelv's glasses so no one can tell if he's asleep Strangelv-1's ability to follow the discussion doesn't improve Scottyg says, "Ok, power is back on at home. Seems we fried a squirrel." Strangelv-1 develops an electrical safety course for squirrels dcarson says, "kamakazi squirrels are a major nuisence" Scottyg says, "They have VERY small brains. Give it up!" Scottyg says, "So, can we set our next action items?" Scottyg says, "Philip, a larger budget would be nice. I think we can get most of what we want on a shared server, but not all." dcarson says, "lets find out how much" PhilipC says, "What does everyone here think?" Strangelv-1 says, "it would hep if we could provide the committee a number" Rose/Miros says, "my personal action items: fix registration/email verification, finish teamdir connection, paste more pages, give up swearing for lent" Scottyg says, "But, I see the bank statements and i have to say that we don't have a lot of extra money to spend without going in the hole." Strangelv-1 says, "...Or at least to Dana..." dcarson says, "and like I found a moo server is $54 a year so if thats the missing bit is probaly cheaper then the upgrade to a VPS" Rose/Miros says, "andthemes" Scottyg says, "Or maybe we just keep using the ASI MOO with Skype as a backup." Strangelv-1 says, "That would likely work in the short term" dcarson says, "yep" PhilipC says, "We're circling around the issue. We need to nail it. " Scottyg says, "Philip, if you want to discuss a larger budget with the MC, I think $30 per month is a workable number for a VPS." Strangelv-1 says, "We need two tiers. One we can pay today, and one that will meet our needs" Strangelv-1 says, "Preferably with an poinless a transition between the two as possible" PhilipC says, "Dana, is $30/mo. doable?" dcarson says, "yeah" Scottyg says, "We could make it a requirement that our provider must offer both shared and VPS." Scottyg says, "That would provide an easy upgrade path." PhilipC says, "Would shared hosting meet our primary requirements?" Scottyg says, "For example, greengeeks offers both." Scottyg says, "Yes." Strangelv-1 doenn't know, and wonders how many donahiotns mwe gourld get for the specific purpose of paying for hosting PhilipC says, "I don't think we'll need to do that. Website costs would fall under operations costs." dcarson says, "donation drives should be saved for projects" Strangelv-1 says, "How about QT donations? " Strangelv-1 is paying $15 a month for hosting for a site he's not updated in years PhilipC says, "I guess what I need to have when I go to the MC is to know whether or not their budget is realistic? I think its safe to assume that any provider we choose that offers shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting would permit seamless scalability" PhilipC says, "If we can accomplish the society's needs with just shared, then let's do that. But if we need more, then we need to explain why." Scottyg says, "I just checked greengeeks. Their VPS starts at 39.95/mo. But siteground has "Semi Dedicated Hosting" at $29.95" PhilipC says, "A host that offers the flexibility to install our own backend software but requires a little extra for it is probably worth it" Scottyg says, "Bluehost doesn't do VPS." Strangelv-1 says, "Is theer a standard enough a set of definitions that we can tell what the differenec isL" Scottyg says, "inmotionhosting has VPS at 29.95" PhilipC says, "Ideally, I'd like to have a consensus from this committee as to what course of action to take next. Should we run with shared hosting? Is that insufficient for our requirements. Do we need VPS? " Strangelv-1 believes we will eventually need VPS/semi-dedicated or better. Shared and limited would be only a short-term solution dcarson says, "shared should get all our key stuff and some of the wish list" Scottyg says, "Philip, the problem is that applications can end up taking down the server for all the other users on shared hosting. So the provider may be reluctant to allow things they aren't familiar with." Scottyg says, "So it may not be as simple as paying a little more." Strangelv-1 says, "ALso shared would have us continuing to depend on Xisp/CyberTeams" Rose/Miros says, "huh?" Strangelv-1 says, "For the MOO and possibly the secure end" Strangelv-1 says, "Plus something I'm unable to remember at the moment probably" Scottyg says, "I think we can probably get around the secure server, but the MOO may not be possible." Rose/Miros says, "do you think we can convince randall to put the moo on the read only site?" Scottyg says, "I'm not sure what "read only" means in this context." Rose/Miros says, "i.e. any objectsmodified, includingrecording, are lostwhen the realsitecomes backup" Strangelv-1 says, "It's the fallback server he's setting up or has set up" Strangelv-1 says, "It's his solution for Xisp's reliability problems without changing to a different one" Strangelv-1 says, "When in farrback mode the MOO will not be operating" Scottyg says, "Read-only may mean no changes to web pages, etc, but something like the MOO may become non-fuctional without the ability to write files." Rose/Miros says, "do you think we can get him todo that" Rose/Miros says, "well, thefiles couldbe modified,butnot mirrored backto the realsite" dcarson says, "quite possibly" Strangelv-1 lacks an answer beyond that Randall didn't nseem receptive when he was trying to suggest something similar Rose/Miros says, "well, i didn't have TIMEto think of arguments at the time" Scottyg says, "But even if the MOO can write files, those may not get reflected back to the main server." Strangelv-1 says, "Is it technically feansible with one domain name and two servers on opposide sides of the continent?" Strangelv-1 <- ond ypresumably different hosting ISPs Scottyg says, "James, the only way I know to redirect traffic in that scenario is to change the DNS. That takes time to migrate through the DNS resolution system." PhilipC says, "We're getting off topic" Scottyg says, "Up to a day." PhilipC says, "Let's nail this down. Is shared hosting sufficient for the remainder of the year?" Strangelv-1 says, "it depends" dcarson says, "it should be" PhilipC says, "Rose? Scotty?" Strangelv-1 says, "it would mean that some wishilst items get postponed until next year at the soonest" Scottyg says, "I think so if we're willing to leave the MOO here." Rose/Miros says, "fineby me,buti'd like scotty to check thetop contenders to see ifthe wishlist is doable (next year)" PhilipC says, "The main reason we're moving to a new host is because cyberteams has shown itself to be unreliable. So this probably means moving MOO" dcarson says, "yeah, but the moo isn't a major public thing like the website" Strangelv-1 says, "It does make an excellent canary. We woulds't know the extent of our problem if it wasn't also taking out our primary communications medium" dcarson says, "if we have to skip a meeting or hold it via skyp because it is down is not a real problem" Scottyg says, "I agree. The MOO is mostly used by insiders and doesn't have much effect on our image. Its an inconvenience but not a show stopper to me." PhilipC says, "Rose?" Scottyg says, "And we may be able to run a MOO on a dedicated server. I just can't promise that." Strangelv-1 says, "So are we scheduling the upgrade to VPS/Semi-dedicated around January 2014?" Scottyg says, "Sorry - on a shared server." PhilipC says, "It seems that we're moving to a consensus of keeping the MOO with cyberteams while going with shared hosting" Rose/Miros says, "fineby me,buti'd like scotty to check thetop contenders to see ifthe wishlist is doable (next year)" dcarson says, "sounds right to me" PhilipC says, "i was under the impression that we're moving to a new host asap" Rose/Miros says, "the WISHLIST" PhilipC says, "at least that's what the general sense of the MC was 2 meetings ago" Rose/Miros says, "the standard stuff NOW,the wishlist next year" Scottyg says, "Agreed Rose. Soes anyone else want to help with the next round? (Direct contact with providers?)" Strangelv-1 says, "The immeidate part seems to be something that will be less capable than what we presently have" Strangelv-1 says, "January is the upglade assuming we've improved our financial position" Rose/Miros hasher hands full this week Rose/Miros says, "butif it's more reliable and satisfactory in the other requirements, i'm cool with it" Scottyg says, "James, we can set that as a goal but I think other events will determine whether it happens." Strangelv-1 says, "I suspect having a target will help us remember" PhilipC says, "Let's back up here. Due to the Cyberteams downtime which severely affected our website, the MC agreed that we need to move to a new web host, which rapidly altered our time table for setting up a new website" Rose/Miros says, "yes, that's why we made the requirements list" PhilipC says, "The immediate goal is to find a new host, develop a new "eye candy" type of website that enables basic functionality, and then to gradually add capabilities to that site as time permits" Rose/Miros says, "the last quasi-requirment is that they can support the wish list" PhilipC says, "January 2014 was never agreed on. We need to move now" Scottyg says, "I think I can complete the next round of provider survey by next MC meeting Philip." Rose/Miros says, "that's for teh wishlist" Scottyg says, "Philip, I think you misunderstood what James was saying." Strangelv-1 says, "January wazs imprlied, and I' was asking if that was teh target for the next phase we wanted" dcarson says, "some of which we don't have now" Strangelv-1 says, "The first phase is what we can do ASAP" Scottyg says, "He's saying go with shared hosting now, but with a goal to upgrade to VPS by next Jan." PhilipC says, "I understand that we're not going to have full functionality like we did before. That's the trade off for moving quickly." dcarson says, "actually the onlt think on the wishlist we have and use is the moo" dcarson says, "and that we can finesse" PhilipC says, "But if we can scale up over the course of this year, then let's do that." Strangelv-1 says, "Multiple board members have proposed things that make the MOO look trivial to implement by comparison, though" Scottyg says, "And some of the things on the wishlist we can install ourselves." Strangelv-1 says, "Such as Apache Wave" Rose/Miros says, "we just need to find out what we're permitted toinstall at the different levels" Strangelv-1 says, "Our target could celtianly be bumped up if circumstances permit" PhilipC says, "So assuming that we're going to be upgrading/scaling up the new website over the course of this whole year, this takes us back to the original question: "is shared hosting enough?"" Strangelv-1 doesn't even remember woh suggested the idea. Was it Philip? dcarson says, "I believe shared is fine" Strangelv-1 says, "Shared hosting is good enough for the middetiate and short term, and probably not for longer term" Strangelv-1 says, "Is my impression" Rose/Miros says, "i believe it istoo, but i'dlike scotty to actually communicate to the providers" Scottyg says, "I think we can live with shared for now." PhilipC says, "Then we'll go with shared. We just need to ask if they are willing to allow us to upgrade at pro-rated costs. So that when the time comes when we're ready to scale up, we can do so seamlessly." PhilipC says, "Is it my understanding that shared hosting is doable with our current budget?" Scottyg says, "I'll try to get these people on the phone this weekend. That will be a good test for support quality." Strangelv-1 says, "if not we pass the had at a management committee meeting" dcarson says, "thanks Scotty" Scottyg says, "Yes Philip. Budget is not a problem with shared hosting." Strangelv-1 says, "That's a nicely devious idea. Thank you, Scotty" PhilipC says, "I agree. It will be a good test." Scottyg says, "Cost is typicall from about 7 to 15 per month." Scottyg says, "At 15, we are a little over budget but I don't see that as a problem." PhilipC says, "I think that resolves the hosting issue. " PhilipC says, "We'll go with appx. $150/yr for hosting" PhilipC says, "and scale up as needs require" PhilipC says, "Next on the agenda is designing the new site and getting time commitments from each of us" Rose/Miros says, "any commentson thecurrent blacktheme?" PhilipC says, "WRT developing the new site, Rose do you have any thoughts?" Strangelv-1 says, "Maybe a list of to-do items roughly in order of importance?" Rose/Miros says, "ihave a to-dolist of tech issues" Strangelv-1 is still trying to think of a design. The lunar surrface in a nice photo on the left with Earth in the upper left corner? Rose/Miros says, "i need dana to help mewith a couple andprobably mike or dana for a couple more, the rest i can just bang on" Rose/Miros says, "if peoplewant to workon theme,askme andi'll give you acopy of the current theme to bang on" Rose/Miros says, "do NOT just slop together css and try to retrofit it into a theme" Scottyg says, "I'm good with infrastructure and functionality but not so much with appearance. I'll help with technical issues but prefer to get into page design." Rose/Miros says, "iassume that's prefer NOT" Scottyg says, "Not to get into page design." Rose/Miros says, "ok" PhilipC says, "Is there a platform we can use to do cooperative web design?" Rose/Miros says, "howare you at slopping in copy andpaste?" Rose/Miros says, "i'mfiguring we'll each bang onour copiesof the currenttheme" Scottyg says, "Boring but I can help out." Rose/Miros says, "and discusswhat welikefromeach" Rose/Miros says, "and then we'll incorporate favorite changes into eachcopy" Rose/Miros says, "and bang somemore" Rose/Miros says, "and repeat" PhilipC says, "induction + iteration? i can live with that" Rose/Miros says, "you just go into "appearance" and change to rose-theme and james-theme and whoever-theme" PhilipC says, "we'll need a test site that allows each of us to upload our own themes" Rose/Miros says, "my main complaintwith the current themeis no nav menu, but I can probably figure out how to get that working" Rose/Miros says, "nope,we can do it on the current test theme" Rose/Miros says, "just multiple copies of the theme" PhilipC says, "i'd like to play around with different menu structures (side and header), in addition to develop different logos and font styles" Rose/Miros says, "you can do that too,i think,there's a "blocks" configuration" Scottyg says, "Rose, I have CSS that implements drop-down menus." PhilipC says, "we'll need to gather a very large sample of NASA surface images that we can use for backgrounds. They can be tastefully incorporated into the background if placed at somewhere between 5-15% transparency." Scottyg says, "(Its on nearly all the Moon Society pages except the home page." PhilipC says, "no more than 25%" Rose/Miros says, "james is interested in making ad type things so we can randomly advertise all the stuff that currently has buttons on the homepage" Strangelv-1 is thinking more of a batter that changes Strangelv-1 says, "or banner" Rose/Miros says, "it's called the ad module, but has nothing to do with paid ads or such" Rose/Miros pokes at Strangelv-1. Rose/Miros says, "i've explained this 3 times, guess you've beenasleep" Rose/Miros grins. Rose/Miros says, "for appearance sake,we want the graphics the samesize" Scottyg says, "Folks, if I'm not needed for anything else tonight, I'd like to head for home. My wife and i haven't had supper yet." Rose/Miros says, "banner is as good as any other size" Rose/Miros says, "ok, thanks for your hard work" Strangelv-1 waves. PhilipC says, "Sure thing Scotty. Again, thank you for all that you've done." Strangelv-1 nods. Scottyg says, "Sure thing. Wish I had more time I could commit but my life is still pretty busy while my energy level steadily declines." dcarson says, "thanks Scotty" Scottyg says, "(I'm 67 and still working nearly full time.)" PhilipC says, "Scotty, you've made a big difference here." Scottyg says, "G'nite all. I'll check back when I get home and get my home network running again." Scottyg says, "But ya'll will probably be gone by then. :-)" Scottyg has disconnected. Strangelv-1 may be here if not attentive PhilipC says, "I won't be able to work on the website this weekend, but I should be able to have some free time the following weekend." Rose/Miros says, "who wants a theme to bang on?" Strangelv-1 raises a hand PhilipC says, "i do. But as i said, i won't be free until the following weekend" Strangelv-1 has no hope foind any of it today Rose/Miros says, "lol, i didn'tthink so" Rose/Miros says, "but ican getthe folders set up" Rose/Miros says, "and bang alittlemyself" PhilipC says, "when i'm ready, i'll contact you to get the server connection info" Rose/Miros says, "ok" Rose/Miros says, "we'll probably havetoreinventthewheel again,i keep forgetting to document that in a human readable manner" PhilipC says, "i haven't worked on web design since i moved to linux. i'll have to explore what platforms they have " Strangelv-1 finds Kate to be superior to notepad Rose/Miros says, "since it'sa drupal theme, you may have to resort to make change, upload, test, rinse, lather, reepeat" The housekeeper arrives to cart Scottyg off to bed. PhilipC says, "actually i found out that i already installed bluefish" PhilipC says, "Rose, could you give me the server info so that i can work on it later?" Rose/Miros says, "um, can i mail itto you in the morning, or are you hot to start?" Strangelv-1 wonders if we're comcluded and want to turn the recorder off or if we're still in session PhilipC says, "Not hot yet, but it'll be easier for me later if i have it ready to go." PhilipC says, "Actually hold on." PhilipC says, "It seems that we casually achieved the final agenda item of agreeing on time commitments. by process of iteration, we'll develop the new website in a somewhat more organic fashion until we have something worthy enough to recommend to the MC" PhilipC says, "Hopefully we'll be ready to go live in about a month or so with a new host." Strangelv-1 seems to remember there being a deadline in three weeks Rose/Miros says, "relax james,don't be difficult" PhilipC says, "From there we'll gradually scale up" PhilipC says, "over the course of the entire year" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else anyone here would like to add?" Rose/Miros says, "i pasted in the chapter info from peter," PhilipC says, "If there's no objection, I move that we adjourn" Rose/Miros says, "james, do you have filezilla running? i can't log in via ftp" Rose/Miros says, "i agree" PhilipC says, "Meeting is adjourned" Strangelv-1 loks for the quicxklaunch button -- End log: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:00:52 pm ASI Meeting Server time --