-- Start log: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 9:26:25 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "The Management Committee is now in order" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm not sure, but I believe I way have once succeeded in getting Peter to try that. The descriptions i got seemed to indicate that he has the same problem trying to connect with Telnet" PhilipC says, "Will all who are present please announce your real name and your position " PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" bnault says, "Ben Nault, Director" Scottyg-1 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" Strangelv-1 says, "James Gholston, pat director" Strangelv-1 says, "past, too" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" dcarson says, "dana Carson, treasurer" PhilipC says, "It appears that we are one short from quorum. " PhilipC says, "So we will need to hold off the approval of the minutes until another time" Strangelv-1 says, "Who has Ken's phone number?" bnault says, "I have his cell" PhilipC says, "In the meantime, let's start with reports" PhilipC says, "Seeing that the membership chair is not present, next would be the treasurer" PhilipC says, "Dana, do you have anything?" bnault says, "I am out of country which means extreme roaming for me. Can someone call for me?" dcarson says, "data up to date, looking for a local cpa to audit but waiting until after tax season to actually get it started" Strangelv-1 can place the call but needs the number PhilipC says, "what is our financial picture?" pjbanyai says, "Number of Members:1606 ; Number of Current Members: 172 ; Number of Expired Members: 1446 " dcarson says, "looks pretty good to me" dcarson says, "a small surplus each yer and decent reserves" dcarson says, "just payed the domain registratio for moonscoiety for another year" dcarson says, "need to reimburse myself" dcarson says, "about 32 thousand in the bank" PhilipC says, "did we spend any noticeable amount since last time?" Scottyg-1 says, "Bank balance as of most recent statement was $31,407.11" PhilipC says, "thank you scotty" dcarson says, "need to reimburse greengeeks and DNS registration, MMM expenses need to be figured" Scottyg-1 says, "If I might weigh in about expenses....?" dcarson says, "no other expenses" PhilipC says, "wait, you didn't pay greengeeks directly from our account? " dcarson says, "they only take credit cards" dcarson says, "so I used mine" PhilipC says, "would they have accepted a debit card?" dcarson says, "I'd assume so, they are the same for most purposes" Scottyg-1 says, "Philip, that was one of the drivers for my asking for a disccussion of a debit card." PhilipC says, "i sensed that" Strangelv-1's only take on this is 'why haven't we done this already', but we still lack quorum PhilipC says, "if the bank allows for a debit card, then it would make sense for the treasurer to have one. " Scottyg-1 says, "About expenses....Our largest expense by far is the cost of our merchant account. It eats about half our income." PhilipC says, "right, until we have quorum we can only discuss this without making any decisions" bnault says, "half?" Scottyg-1 says, "Yep." PhilipC says, "half?" Strangelv-1 says, "Does anyone object or have knowledge of any objections to the treasurer having a plastic rectangle?" Strangelv-1 says, "That is kind of high" PhilipC says, "the question is irrelevant" PhilipC says, "we don't have the power to make any decisions" Strangelv-1 says, "I believe it is. It could basically mean we have onyl to make the motion with quorum and pass it" PhilipC says, "dana, would you be able to give us a breakdown of our expenses next time?" dcarson says, "sure" pjbanyai says, "Note Jason's membership expired 2 days ago. We also have several other members whose membership recently expired. The automatic leeway period we have means we have a little time before we possibly lose several members." Scottyg-1 says, "I can explain why the merchant account fees are so high if we want to take the time." bnault says, "I received my renewal reminder email a couple days ago. Will renew for at least 2 yrs as soon as I get home." Strangelv-1 is definitely interested bnault says, "yes also interested here" PhilipC says, "we're still in the treasurer report section of the agenda, it's up to dana" dcarson says, "please scotty, might be useful" PhilipC says, "But since you're the asst treasurer i don't see why not." Scottyg-1 says, "Ok. Until about three years ago, the fees were high but not like what we see now. There were some fixed monthly fees that absorbed a large percentage (~25%) of our income because our volume is so low." Scottyg-1 says, "Starting three years ago, they added two new fees. One is an annual fee to test our website for "pci compliance". (Something like $200)" Scottyg-1 says, "And on top of that, we have not been able to become compliant, so they charge an additional $20 per mont "non-compliance" fee." bnault says, "what is our processor?" Scottyg-1 says, "Nova Information Systems." Scottyg-1 says, "Excuse me." bnault says, "and this is to process credit cards, yes?" Scottyg-1 says, "They are now known as Elavon." Scottyg-1 says, "Yes Ben." bnault says, "gosh we really need to fix paypal..." Strangelv-1 says, "Does anyote have experienec with Pyrix?" Scottyg-1 says, "So thats a brief explanation. If we can fix our problem with payPal, we could switch our card processing to them and save a bundle." Strangelv-1 may be mispelling it bnault says, "people complain about how expensice paypal is supposed to be but nothing like this" pjbanyai says, "Basically we should look into a Business credit/debit card account with business defined limits, etc. I know that Amazon has several requirements for an actual card or for setting up a credit line with them. Paypal has a long history of focusing on card use." bnault says, "no pci compliance required" Scottyg-1 says, "I could summarize a recent merchant account statement if anyone wants more detail, but that's the big picture." Strangelv-1 would not object bnault says, "what pci requirements are they asking for?" Scottyg-1 says, "The compliance testing involves something like 100 things." PhilipC says, "i look forward to seeing our expense report at the next meeting" bnault says, "basically they are asking the same pci compliance than if we were brick-mortar store?" Lunadyne has arrived. PhilipC says, "hi ken" Scottyg-1 says, "Ok, it will eat a lot of time if we go into it any deeper. If anyone would like to see a merchant account statement, email me and I'll scan one and send it." pjbanyai says, "Hi Ken" Lunadyne says, "Hey guys, sorry I;m late." PhilipC says, "scotty, can you send an email to the leaders listserv?" Lunadyne says, "sounds like I missed some interesting stuff" Scottyg-1 says, "No Ben, it about website security." PhilipC says, "add that to another thing we need to fix around here" Scottyg-1 says, "Philip, I can't send a scan thru the list server. That's why i asked for people to send me an email if the want it." bnault says, "understood" PhilipC says, "With Ken being here, we now have quorum" PhilipC says, "Ken, there was a question that we'd like to put up for a vote" Lunadyne says, "Oh?" PhilipC says, "When we authorized greengeeks as our web host, Dana had to pay for the fees out of pocket because we don't have a debit card" PhilipC says, "the question is should we authorize the treasurer to have a debit card from our bank account?" Lunadyne says, "I'm okay with reimbursing." PhilipC says, "That's the 2nd issue, is we need to reimburse Dana for those expenses" dcarson says, "greengeeks, $64.50, pairnic, $19.00" Scottyg-1 says, "BTW, just for the record, Dana did not object to using his personal card. It was me that brought this up." PhilipC says, "In the future, the treasurer shouldn't have to pay for our expenses out ofhis own pocket. it should come directly from our own funds" PhilipC says, "I need someone to make a motion" Scottyg-1 says, "Exactly. And its becoming more common that the only way to do business with some people is with electronic payments." Lunadyne says, "Unfortunately." pjbanyai says, "Reminder: I have setup an alternative email which can work with attachements at leaders@moonsociety.info." Lunadyne says, "I move we reimburse Dana for the web expenses." dcarson says, "it does save the society a bit of money, there are usually a couple $15-20 dollar items a year that I never remmeber to repay myself :-)" PhilipC says, "Do i have a 2nd?" Scottyg-1 says, "Second" PhilipC says, "Scotty, I don't think you're authorized to second that motion" PhilipC says, "Paul? Ben? " PhilipC says, "Dana?" bnault says, "Motion to allow the Society Treasurer to hold and use debit or credit card linked to the Society's funds to pay for Society expenses." bnault says, "I second the previous motion" bnault says, "was typing...sorry" PhilipC says, "Ben, let's hold that motion for a moment" bnault says, "yes" PhilipC says, "I call for a vote on the motion by Ken Murphy, President, to authorize reimbursement to Dana, the treasurer for $83.50" bnault says, "aye" PhilipC says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Scottyg-1 says, "aye" PhilipC says, "The ayes have it" PhilipC says, "Dana you are authorized to withdraw $83.50 to reimburse yourself" Scottyg-1 says, "Philip, it doesn't matter to me one way or the other, but it was previously decided that as an officer, I should be a voting member of the Management Committee." dcarson says, "thanks" PhilipC says, "Scotty, did you replace Peter Kokh? I didn't remember" Lunadyne says, "No, he's assistant treasurer" Scottyg-1 says, "No, I think the decision was made while he was still President." Scottyg-1 says, "As i said, either way is ok with me, but it should be decided one way or the other." bnault says, "back in 2 mins" PhilipC says, "Scotty, as assistant, you would likely take over if Dana were absent" PhilipC says, "We'll have to get back with you on that" pjbanyai says, "The MC voters include all Directors and Officers." Strangelv-1 isn't sure the management committee or board has the authority, and is too distracted by HTML and CSS to think about rules PhilipC says, "Right, but votes are restricted by what is authorized in the bylaws" Scottyg-1 says, "Perhaps we could put this on the agenda for next meeting so people have time to review the bylaws." PhilipC says, "Let's discuss that via e-mail. the time we have together live is precious" dcarson says, "very true" PhilipC says, "Waiting for Ben to come back" PhilipC says, "Until he comes back..." PhilipC says, "I'll just say that voting rights are limited in the bylaws to 5 directors and 4 officers" bnault says, "back!" PhilipC says, "However, with Jason being awol so much, we might need to fill in an empty director seat" PhilipC says, "we'll need to talk to him to see what his commitment is" Lunadyne says, "I would like to see someone more active in PR." pjbanyai says, "Should also look at the state laws which take precidence where the bylaws are not clear on something." PhilipC says, "Ken, I was planning to start a communications committee but was told to put that on hold until the website upgrade is completed" Strangelv-1 says, "Ja-son's absences was noted in advance and is for an 11 week block of time. It's nearly ended." PhilipC says, "i have a degree in political communication and would probably be the natural person to lead that" Lunadyne says, "true, we do need to get the new site up and running." PhilipC says, "we'll give jason an opportunity to jump back in if he wants, but if police work consumes too much of his time, he needs to be upfront about it" PhilipC says, "any way moving on." PhilipC says, "Ben, you have a motion to authorize the treasurer to have a debit card for use in society business" PhilipC says, "Can i have a second for this motion?" Lunadyne says, "Not a big fan of plastic. Too easy to abuse." PhilipC says, "Is there no second?" pjbanyai says, "Philip, I suggest you review the recorder logs of several past meetings which you may have been absent from." Scottyg-1 says, "Ken, can you elaborate?" dcarson says, "debit not credit" dcarson says, "I'll second, saves some steps" Lunadyne says, "Just speaking as someone coming from a banking bckground, who's had his identity stolen, and who doesn't trust internet security, just not a big fan of it." PhilipC says, "discussion?" PhilipC says, "I've worked around the security issue by having two bank accounts, with one for use for internet transactions" bnault says, "if the Treasurer has to use his card, he is taking on all those risks in our name..." PhilipC says, "it's similar to working around spam by having multiple emails" Strangelv-1 says, "Can we limit the card's vulterability?" PhilipC says, "prcisely" Strangelv-1 says, "ie can it only hit a checkinga ccount that we can keep as small as possible?" Strangelv-1 says, "This probabyl includes disabling its ability to function as an ATM card" PhilipC says, "right" dcarson says, "I'd like either a hard limit on how much can be spent on the card or a seperate account/subaccount" PhilipC says, "ken, I've worked on the retail end of the banking industry and have dealt with id theft from time to time" PhilipC says, "often it's the bank that absorbs the loss, not us" PhilipC says, "but it may take a while for the bank to follow through" PhilipC says, "hence why i'm in favor of an "ablative" checking account that only retains as much as we'll need for small internet transactions" Lunadyne says, "Just call me a paranoid old stickler, but I prefer now to write checks and pay cash. It's awesome." dcarson says, "agreed, getting the money back eventually is good but you don't want to be without money you need while that happens" Scottyg-1 [to avoid]: bank fees, we may have to have more than a nominal balance, but we can isolate most of our funds. Lunadyne says, "AMEX once took a couple months to return some money they readily acknowledged was a duped payment." PhilipC says, "I just think the right thing to do is to not force the treasurer to absorb that risk. it's something we should take on ourselves" PhilipC says, "the risk will always be there. the question is do we absorb it or transfer it? " PhilipC says, "we need to move this along." PhilipC says, "let's call the question" PhilipC says, "all in favor of ben's motion, say aye" bnault says, "aye" PhilipC says, "aye" Scottyg-1 says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Strangelv-1 looks at Ken for the nay PhilipC says, "all opposed say nay" Lunadyne says, "nay" PhilipC says, "the ayes have it. sorry ken" Strangelv-1 says, "But id doesn't pass unonimously. I'll be sure to note that" PhilipC says, "perhaps we should have an additional motion to set up a secondary checking account for internet transactions and to limit the use of a debit card to that account." PhilipC says, "would any one favor that?" Strangelv-1 says, "If Dana does it that way it probabyl won't ned a motion" Scottyg-1 says, "I would support it." Lunadyne says, "That sounds better. Could probably be used for regular stuff as well (postage et al) and topped off as needed." dcarson says, "I's want to do it that way" PhilipC says, "Does that require a vote from us or is that under the authority of the treasurer to do that" Scottyg-1 says, "I think the bank will require a BOD resolution for either of these. (Card and new account.)" dcarson says, "I think thats my authority" Lunadyne says, "I'd have to side with Scotty on the Board motion." dcarson says, "I'll check with the bank and tell people next meeting" bnault says, "Motion to insure that all appropriate mitigation measures (spending limits, risk reduction, secondary account) be taken for the Treasurer's debit card." dcarson says, "or earlier by email" PhilipC says, "Just to be safe, let's have a vote anyway" PhilipC says, "I need a board member or one of the four officers to make a motion" bnault says, "I just made a motion. " bnault [to clarify]: the previous one... PhilipC says, "any second?" Lunadyne says, "Can we better define those measures before imposing them?" bnault says, "well, the bank will have a say on that...better have some leeway for the treasurer to use his best judgment" bnault says, "hence: appropriate" Lunadyne says, "Can I move to table this motion until Dana reports back?" pjbanyai says, "The web page for our bank is http://www.bbvacompass.com/" bnault says, "ok with me" PhilipC says, "Motion is tabled" Lunadyne says, "Ah, good old Banco Bilbao Vizcaya de Argetario" PhilipC says, "Moving on" PhilipC says, "The last report is the web committee report" PhilipC says, "The web committee still has yet to complete its selection of designs with which it can present to the board. So nothign to report for now." PhilipC says, "Next item on the agenda is a discussion on projects" Strangelv-1 says, "The de facto web committee is settling on a single design" Strangelv-1 says, "ANd in fact has something to show" PhilipC says, "I'd like to open the floor to discussing projects and other ways we can provide value to our members by getting them involved in a task or project" PhilipC says, "While the web committee is working on the website, the others here can brainstorm and develop a few tasks worth doing" PhilipC says, "Or this an area that we should set aside for communications research? should we conduct polls, surveys, and focus groups to tease out what space enthusiasts across the board would be interested in doing with respect to the moon?" PhilipC says, "then we can develop programs to attract those in the larger community that would be interested in doing such things?" Lunadyne says, "We do need a set of tools that folks can use in educational work. When I took this position I wanted to provide about five sets of generic powerpoints on different aspects of the Moon (Moon in culture & history, Moon & Science, Future Moon, etc.). I also want to prepare a set of short Lunar Labs that educators can use." Lunadyne says, "We do have a couple of projects, and each should have its own page to report progress." Lunadyne says, "Showing that we are doing stuff will help encourage people to join. Hopefully." PhilipC says, "I need to stress to everyone that once the website upgrade is finished, the survival of the society really hinges on our programs. if we're not creating value for members, then why should we bother to exist at all?" PhilipC says, "Your participation in this discussion is vital" Strangelv-1 is in 'I can't say anything nice right now' mode. Lunadyne says, "Frankly Philip, I think a lot of members just want the MMM. This is why I'm worried about it being so closely tied to Peter." PhilipC says, "I want to hear it" bnault says, "also we shouldn't forget chapters. we need a way to support chapters, and their activities or projects." Lunadyne says, "Agreed. Each chapter should have a page they can access and update." Lunadyne says, "If for no other purpose than to point to their own website." bnault says, "plus a collector of up-to-date PR materials, instructional tools, etc." bnault says, "collection.." PhilipC says, "waits for James' comment" Lunadyne says, "I also want a "commerce page" with link to Moon books via our Amazon account, NASA FCU ad, Cafepress (or whatever better alternative we come up with) links w/images, coded links to space souvenir websites, etc." Strangelv-1 says, "What I have to say is on the previous agenda item" Strangelv-1 says, "I've put a great deal of work into it" Strangelv-1 says, "To have something to presetn at our dedline for a completed website at this meeting. It's not a completed website, but it is a significant part of what we need to have a nice looking one" Strangelv-1: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/201303web/N321_0144.html Strangelv-1 says, "It won't handle resiving very well, and everything on it is a placeholder" Lunadyne says, "Nice, definitely an improvement." dcarson says, "definitly a good basis for a new design" PhilipC says, "James, I like many of the elements here. But we still need to refine it more" bnault says, "Thumbs up!!" bnault says, "Nice concept" PhilipC says, "I'd say you're about 80-90% of the way there. it looks good!" Lunadyne says, "I did find the outline of the menu structure that I had worked out previously. I just need to find the time to type it up." PhilipC says, "What's important to me is that the design looks better than any of our competitors" Strangelv-1 says, "The next step is to get this into a template for Drupal where the actual tweaking needs to occur" PhilipC says, "ideological or otherwise" Strangelv-1 says, "That was supposed to happen this week, but between various people's medical situations, we ran out of time -- thus the static HTML mockup I put together before the meeting" PhilipC says, "That's the truth of it" bnault says, "I think I would prefer if the entire scenery was equally lit. not so dark on right side in other words" bnault says, "more balanced I think" Strangelv-1 says, "Scotty made the some observation, but it's a queston of how to implement that" Strangelv-1 says, "Some users will have much larger screens" Strangelv-1 says, "and there's only so big I want to make the image" Scottyg-1 says, "Yeah, having it fade off to black is a big help in handling page resizing. I'm still puzzling over how to handle that without the fade." Strangelv-1 says, "So short of making it horizontalyl tilable -- something I'm not sure I could do and I ran out of time to try to do it before today's deadline -- I'm out of ideas" Strangelv-1 says, "HOrizontally tilable being Rose's idea" PhilipC says, "Please hold the discussion for a moment " Scottyg-1 says, "But its really hard to tile with the moon mountains." PhilipC says, "Just to acknowledge that we've moved from the programs/projects segment of the agenda to discussion of the website" PhilipC says, "anyone who wants to leave at this time is free to do so" PhilipC says, "continuing on" PhilipC says, "When it comes to the font, I'm thinking of a more modernist style that's typical for space" PhilipC says, "and a sleek CSS menu that imitates flash but without the vulnerability" Lunadyne says, "Nothing Star Trekky or Star Warsy on the font." Strangelv-1 says, "We have a few options that we could select and control with @font-face. That the society name is in text and not a grophic was Rose's idea. I'm thinking of reverting to my graphic. It's easier to control." Lunadyne says, "More 2001, Outland or Moon." PhilipC says, "I like the floating layer boxes for content" PhilipC says, "nothing star trekky or star warsy" Strangelv-1 says, "Those are actually p/laceholders. Please feel free to nit the implementation" PhilipC says, "like a very thin type of nasa worm font" Strangelv-1 says, "The size and width is a function of dealing with a problem with by column layout, which is misbehaving." dcarson says, "http://www.dafont.com/nasalization.font" Strangelv-1 says, "Something that will go away with a better thre column arrangement. Mike is suggesting going old schloo and using a table, although I'm not sure how to do that and rearange things for small screens" PhilipC says, "thinner than that" Strangelv-1 says, "I would probably want something public domain for a @font-face just to err on the side of safety" dcarson says, "Nasalization Regular is free for commercial use. Don't forget to read the files inside the zip for details. Updated in 2010." Strangelv-1 has a very strong personal preferance for slashed zeroes Lunadyne says, "Like Goldin, I despise the NASA worm logo." Lunadyne says, "And associated lettering." Strangelv-1 grew up with the worm logo. He has a rather different view of it than Golidin does. Then again, he denspises Goldin... Lunadyne says, "also likes slashed zeroes." Lunadyne says, "ditto on despising Goldin." PhilipC says, "probably a little closer to http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=303&page=5" Lunadyne says, "Something tech=y. What do the Make community use?" PhilipC says, "i mean http://www.dafont.com/neuropol-x-free.font" PhilipC says, "not quite that but similar" PhilipC says, "something with softer edges, sort of modernist/futurist, but without going overboard on the sci-fi" PhilipC says, "something that's sci-fi-ish but without being sci-fi" Strangelv-1 says, "Complication is that a lot of futuristic typefaces are mostly hard to read and ironically, quickly become dated" PhilipC says, "like a "conservative" version of sci" bnault says, "guys, my mother-in-law had a stroke yesterday and now my wife emails she wants to skype...need to go, apologies." Lunadyne says, "Like I said, like something from 2001, Outland or Moon. " Strangelv-1 says, "eep" Strangelv-1 says, "Take care" Lunadyne says, "Go do what you gotta do!" PhilipC says, "good luck with your mother in law" bnault says, "Thanks! see ya all soon!" bnault has disconnected. Strangelv-1 says, "Could we please hawve a moritorum on any new strokes, appendicitices, or worse for the next few monhsn?" dcarson says, "good luck, hope she recovers well" Lunadyne says, "Kinda like the Bitsumishi font." PhilipC says, "Something that's sans serif, sort of conservative, but that gives a slight nod to sci-fi" Strangelv-1 says, "Also note that even with @font-face, a lot of users won't see it. NoScript desables it becaues the implementations have wulnerabilities" PhilipC says, "something that says that we take what we do seriously but we're still futuristic" Strangelv-1 says, "So we also need to have the 1990s solution of guessing which typefaces the user has that might work" PhilipC says, "James, that's why it would be a graphic" Strangelv-1 says, "Okay. I was thinking in more general terms" PhilipC says, "No, the font I'm thinking of would only apply to the main logo and perhaps the menu, everything else would be locally determined" Strangelv-1 also needs more things to make buttons for in the spotlight column Strangelv-1 says, "Graphical menu buttons are a pain. I know. I did that for Dimensionality." PhilipC says, "I like most of the font I showed before, except for the letters that are cut short" Strangelv-1 says, "It's just not designed to accomodate them and it basicalyl requires hard-scoding it all into the template" Strangelv-1 says, "hard-coding, too" PhilipC says, "the key is that our website needs to evoke a "futurist" feeling that sets an attitude that draws people in" The housekeeper arrives to cart bnault off to bed. PhilipC says, "Other things I would consider experimenting with is having fonts that have a subtle inner glow" PhilipC says, "something that says "the future has arrived"" Strangelv-1 hmms. PhilipC says, "this font is uncanny close to what i'm looking for http://www.dafont.com/neuropol-x-free.font " Strangelv-1 tries to think of a way to do that without making it harld to read or another pitfall or two PhilipC says, "Cut out the Earth from the picture, put it on another layer, and move it so that it sets on the horizon. then use the dark space above it for the logo" Strangelv-1 says, "The Eathrise is already a separate image" PhilipC says, "i know a thing or two about photoshop" Strangelv-1 says, "Not that it matter,s but the graphic of the Earth is roughly what Eacth looks like roughly right now from MAre Anguis" PhilipC says, "that's why we need to discuss these things in the web committee" Strangelv-1 says, "That was an amusing coincidence as I trlied to get a phase that lined up with the shadows on the ground" PhilipC says, "the important message I wanted the background to convey is that "you have arrived and you're there on the surface"" PhilipC says, "we can build a good website that conveys that underlying theme" PhilipC says, "but the next big question is how do we engage members and potential members?" Lunadyne says, "I've been told we need to revisit our welcome kit for one thing." PhilipC says, "Whether we like it or not, we must overcome the spam problem and set up our own forums" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm not sufficientyl healthy to change gears very well, and this is what I've been hurting myself working on. When is our next target date?" Strangelv-1 looks at Ken PhilipC says, "Let's shoot for one month" Lunadyne says, "The target launch was set at 06/30. " Lunadyne says, "If we can get something up before ISDC even better." Lunadyne says, "End of 1Q2013 would be awesome." PhilipC says, "4/17" Lunadyne says, "However I'd rather we took our time and did it right, which is why the original target was set for 06/30." Strangelv-1 says, "If the basic design is close to settled, we can make minor tweaks after implementation" PhilipC says, "At that time, we'll have our recommended design, and then give the MC a crack" PhilipC says, "But I can't stress enough the importance of having programs that can draw in prospective members " PhilipC says, "Is the MC here is agreeable to a final design by 4/17?" dcarson says, "I think the recent edu ideas are good" Lunadyne says, "I'd like to circulate the first Lunar Lab to the membership for comment, but of course our mail system sucks." PhilipC says, "Ultimately, trying to generate content ourselves will constrain our growth. The best way to draw in people is to give them tools that let's them generate their own content" Lunadyne says, "Like the ppts, which they can use for prsentations in their communities." PhilipC says, "Let's also see if we can try to draw in scientists and engineers" dcarson says, "upload it to the website adn email a url" PhilipC says, "Having a section of our website that focuses on lunar geology would be invaluable" PhilipC says, "As would having another one that goes into mining and industrial engineering" Lunadyne says, "Dana, that puts the onus on them to act, and they'd need their U/N and P/W since it's not public yet. I'd rather deliver it to them." Strangelv-1 says, "If we have web pages on these topic,s it might be useful to then link to the wiki articles we have on them. 8)" PhilipC says, "Whatever we use at ISDC needs to remain within the new area of the website" dcarson says, "the Shackleton Crater moon colony game people are looking for realistic science feedback" dcarson says, " http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/470015043/shackleton-crater/posts/431384?ref=activity" Strangelv-1 keeps forgehhing about that. Then again, he's been busy PhilipC says, "Hey guys if there's nothing else for now, let's adjourn" PhilipC says, "Is there any objection to adjournment?" Lunadyne says, "None" Strangelv-1 has none Strangelv-1 says, "The main discussion is in the Commons right nowa nyway" PhilipC says, "We are hereby adjourned" -- End log: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:34:28 pm ASI Meeting Server time --