-- Start log: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 9:18:56 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "membership, treasury, and web committee reports go without saying. what else?" Strangelv leaves. Chard-1 isn't authorized eiher Lunadyne says, "Website, website & website" Rose/Miros-1 says, "i have an idea that's still at the wild idea stage because my brain is busy working on the website" PhilipC says, "is there anything else for the agenda? ISDC? Yuri's night? outreach efforts? " PhilipC says, "I'd like to sound out the management committee here for something that's been on my mind for a while" Strangelv-1 says, "There's a website discussion in the commons as we type. Right now we're making some last-minut technical decisions but I believe we're close to implementing a variant of what I have in the curernt crop of HTML tests" PhilipC says, "specifically, the possibility of moving reducing the number of meetings we have per month from twice a month to once a month." PhilipC says, "we can discuss that after the reports" Lunadyne says, "Our YN here in Dallas just lost our name speaker - Anousheh Ansari" PhilipC says, "if there's nothing else, i suggest we get started" PhilipC says, "the management committee is now in session" PhilipC says, "will all who are present please state your name and your position." Lunadyne says, "Membership is flat at 170. I don't expect any material improvement until we have the new website up." PhilipC says, "philip crume, chairman" Lunadyne says, "Ken President" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Rose/Miros-1 says, "rose webmaster" Scottyg-2 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler Assistant Treasurer." Strangelv-1 says, "James Ghorlston, past director" Strangelv-1 says, "Gholston, too" Strangelv-1 should find and re-emil unapproved minutes mut isn't really able to change gears easily from work on the web site Chard-1 says, "Jason Tuttle " Chard-1 says, "bod" AlanSteinberg says, "Alan Steinberg, Director" PhilipC says, "As it stands, we now have quorum" PhilipC says, "As a quick notice, I just wanted to take the time to welcome back Jason from his leave of absence to attend police training" Chard-1 says, "Much appreciated, thank you" PhilipC says, "I suggest we put the approval of minutes on hold until James can send them to us." PhilipC says, "With that said, let's jump into the reports." PhilipC says, "Ken do you have something to report for membership?" Lunadyne says, "Membership is flat at 170. I don't expect any material improvement until we have the new website up." PhilipC says, "Does anyone have any questions?" PhilipC says, "Hearing none, moving on to Treasurer" PhilipC says, "Since Dana isn't here, Scotty our Assistant Treasurer can take his place. Scotty do you have anything to report?" Strangelv-1 says, "Treasurer is'nt here but mentioned he didn't have anything significant. We could table it until he arrives" Strangelv-1 says, "Or Sotty..." Strangelv-1 says, "Neither instance of Scotty is in here, and he's busy workingo n the web site discussin" Strangelv-1 says, "Which is a discussion I need to be in an" pjbanyai says, "Reminder: Jason's membership expired 3/18. We also had seven others expire last month with 2 renewals and 2 new members." PhilipC says, "Would those of you who's membership has expired be able to quickly renew it?" PhilipC says, "Seven others? As in here in the mgmt committee?" Chard-1 says, "I sent a response to that.. I paid up 2 for 1 extra ... so I should still have 2 yrs paid up" Chard-1 says, "remaining" Chard-1 says, "I renewed during the special offer.. and I'm still at the student rate" Lunadyne goes South. Chard-1 is currently enrolled with a year and a half left to finish my masters PhilipC says, "I'll accept that for now. We can resolve this after the meeting" Chard-1 says, "ok" Lunadyne has arrived. pjbanyai says, "Teamdir must not have the updated info. I know that we will definitely be losing at least one member. Bryce Johnson and Ron Brooks also had expiring memberships." Strangelv-1 says, "If it's Bryle of the Oregon L5 I beieve he should have a lifetime membership at this point" Lunadyne says, "He's deep in CSS code" PhilipC says, "Looks like we'll need to table the treasury report for now" PhilipC says, "The web committee report, which I will give as web committee chair" PhilipC says, "So far we're on track to having an upgraded and presentable site by the next meeting" pjbanyai says, "Bryce was a past director. He quit over a controversial request." Lunadyne says, "It wasn't that controversial." PhilipC says, "The web team is working hard and putting a lot of time into the effort " PhilipC says, "The biggest item of business we're working on right now is to develop a php-based switch code that allows the site to be compatible with mobile platforms" Rose/Miros-1 says, "without a separate url or subdomain" Scottyg-2 says, "I can give a short Treasurer report if needed." PhilipC says, "In addition to that, they're also developing four simultaneous css style sheets" PhilipC says, "so as to avoid the need for, as rose pointed out, a separate url or subdomain" PhilipC says, "Rose, do you have anything else to add?" Strangelv-1 looks for a link or to Rose/Miros-1 says, "i think that's it" Rose/Miros-1 says, "oh yeah, james made different size backgrounds for different platforms" Rose/Miros-1 says, "james, got the link?" PhilipC says, "With that said, the style sheets are the critical component for the site. After that, we'll start transferring over content." Rose/Miros-1 says, "that will be part of the css switching" PhilipC says, "For the future, can everyone here please post links to the leaders@moonsociety listserv?" Strangelv-1: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/201303web/test_N328_14.html -- test for tablet and desktop. Also has an obsolete phone test (phone hasa separate link). Change your brovser width to view. Needs CSS3 or you'll get an obsolete HTML 4 variant without a background Strangelv-1 looks for the phone test Strangelv-1: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/201303web/test2_N331_01.html phone test, butdon't run it on an actual phone -- just change the width of your browser Strangelv-1 says, "Static page with different mobile backgrounds (desktop background not included): http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/201303web/test_N401_01.html " Strangelv-1 says, "The white background cutoff case is set to 99 on the test, but it's up in the air. I believe it should be set to 127px at this point but may change my mind again. it's aimed at small lowsrsolution devices that probabl have no business being on the meb at all..." Strangelv-1 says, "But handling it is basically a frebie" Strangelv-1 says, "Why support anythig but the latest and most recent devices and browsers at all? Think Peter Kokh ifhis old Mac with ClarisWorks hadn't been stolen." Rose/Miros-1 says, "too bad they just didnt steal clarisworks" Strangelv-1 says, "Not GOOD support, just enought to work at all. Almost good enough brovsers get lumped in with ancient historical curiosities" PhilipC says, "I think the web committee report is concluded. I open the floor to discussion on the website" Strangelv-1 says, "So that ther's only one such cse to deal with and it's not a noticeable amount of work" Strangelv-1 says, "Sorry that the report wasn't moer orderly. We're kind of busy as we speak" dcarson has arrived. Rose/Miros-1 says, "and there's dana" PhilipC says, "Just as a side note, the web committee has been busy for quite some time" Chard-1 says, "I think it's looking good... liking the direction" PhilipC says, "As far as the background goes, I suggested a theme that shows the point of view of someone who's physically on the surface rather than looking at it wishingly from a distance" PhilipC says, "hopefully it will have a good impact" Lunadyne says, "Should we run a beta test with the membership before we go live?" PhilipC says, "the web committee is still working on design issues and we'll tweak it over the coming weeks. it's shaping up into something we're all proud of" PhilipC says, "we'll probably do a beta test with the management committee here at the next meeting" PhilipC says, "as far as the managemetn committee here should be concerned, that would be a good time to start thinking about content. " PhilipC says, "once the web site has been upgraded, the role of the management committee here will transition from putting out fires to a more strategic planning-oriented role" Scottyg-2 says, "Ken, you had done some work on site structure. Is that in a useable condition?" Rose/Miros-1 says, "he's posted a list of what he wants in the menu" Rose/Miros-1 says, "the way drupal works is you make the pages, including specifying the menu info" Lunadyne says, "Scotty. I'll get that to you tomorrow." Rose/Miros-1 says, "when you've got all or most of it done, then you apply "weights" to get them in the right order" Rose/Miros-1 says, "i can send it to him too, i think, if i can find it in the spamtrap i call email" Scottyg-2 says, "Ok, thanks Ken." PhilipC says, "is there any other discussion for the website?" Strangelv-1 tries to catch up on what's been said since the last thing he said in this window. PhilipC says, "since there seems to be none, let's move on" Strangelv-1 says, "I have a request" PhilipC says, "If Dana is ready, perhaps he has something to report for the treasurer?" Strangelv-1 says, "You may hae noticed the spotlight column. I have not had time o work on hunting down content for it." Rose/Miros-1 says, "that's part of creating content" Rose/Miros-1 says, "we set rules, SOMEONE BETTER ANSWER WHEN I YELL HELP NEXT TIME" dcarson says, "looking into a check card, they seem to have good fraud protection/payback" Strangelv-1 says, "I need people to find links and get me a name, description, link, and graphic. We probably need at least 20 of them before rollout" dcarson says, "we should also look into the remote chack deposit, we have enough in the account that Scotty gets a free scanner" Lunadyne says, "Cool." Lunadyne says, "James, how about the review of Apollo's Outcasts? http://www.outofthecradle.net/archives/2013/04/review-apollos-outcasts/" dcarson says, "have my taxes out of the way so I can get back to more time on Moon Scoiety accounts" dcarson says, "any questions?" PhilipC says, "Ken, let's hold off on any off-topic discussion" Scottyg-2 says, "$31,687.16 bank balance as of Feb 28." PhilipC says, "thanks scotty, i was just about to ask" Strangelv-1 says, "1: is that part of the Moon Society? 2: what would we use for a graphic? I'm unsure using someone eles's copyrighted cover would be appropriate" PhilipC says, "it looks like it's holding steady at around $31k" Strangelv-1 says, "or maybe discuss this in the commons after the meeting" PhilipC says, "how much of our liquid assets are invested in better interest bearing accounts?" Lunadyne says, ""better interest bearing accounts" LOL" PhilipC says, "this includes securities" Strangelv-1 prefers precious metals, which has been discussed before. We ned a location to secure them, though dcarson says, "none at the moment, while looking at the check card I also am looking at the other accounts they have" Strangelv-1 would happily make a metal donation if he could be confident it wasn't going tobe liquidated for no good reason before the society needs the cash Lunadyne says, "The only precious metals I would advocate would be physical - NOT paper promises." Strangelv-1 says, "Agreed" Strangelv-1 says, "Paper silver and gold are going to default in the prehictable future" Strangelv-1 says, "Foreseeable" Strangelv-1 says, "way too foreseeable" Lunadyne says, "And probably not too distant..." Strangelv-1 nods. Strangelv-1 says, "Along with most paper currencies" Strangelv-1 wonders if Scotyt hasa safe he could use for this Lunadyne says, "The economist in me is really not happy with what he's seeing." Rose/Miros-1 says, "the wife of an SS-D recipient isn't happy either" Strangelv-1 says, "Which is probably all we ned to say during the meeting. We could spend days talking about it otherwise and probabyl agre on all of it or at least most" PhilipC says, "Another thing that I would eventually like to see is for us to consider developing a budget. At most, we should only have about 6 months worth of reserves in liquid assets. With 12 months in near-liquid, and anything beyond that in better interest bearing funds" dcarson says, "agreed" Lunadyne says, "Well, as I think about what happened in Cyprus, I can't help but wonder if it's not imprudent to leave all our assets in the banking system." Strangelv-1 says, "No safe deposit boxes -- thoes are at lisk of seizure" Strangelv-1 says, "I'd be fleeing for the exit with Cyprus if I hadn't already done so years ago" Strangelv-1 says, "Not interest bearing -- real interest rates are pretty consistently negative already" Rose/Miros-1 says, "but does Cyprus have a constitution with an amendment about unreasonable search and seizure?" Rose/Miros-1 says, "if not, they're going to have to work far harder here" Lunadyne says, "Please, when the chips are down the Constitution means nada. Ask Lincoln." Strangelv-1 has a very low opinion of Lincoln these days Rose/Miros-1 says, "you think that bunch of fools in congress will vote to suspend the constitution?" Lunadyne says, "They will find a way to get your stuff. Some way. Some how." PhilipC says, "Cyprus is a small country with about 2 million people. It's mainly an offshore banking country for Russian billionaires who avoid taxes. We face a very different situation." Strangelv-1 says, "They already only pretend to obey it, and sometimes barely that. They don't even obey the procedures anymore" Lunadyne says, "Yeah, about 10 gazillion times the exposure to derivatives." PhilipC says, "But guys, we need to address fear. We'll never be able to keep either our own personal or this Society's funds bullet proof from the economy." Rose/Miros-1 says, "rand paul did a real filibuster, i can respect him for that" Strangelv-1 is astonished the derivalives bomb didn't detonate with the real estate implosion Rose/Miros-1 spends 'em before anyone but the gas company can seize 'em Lunadyne says, "Prudence would seem to dictate some diversification. Some into a credit union, some into physical." PhilipC says, "Precisely" Strangelv-1 says, "Scotty has a safe but isn't sure if it's up to our needs" dcarson says, "we have a deal for member accounts with ANSA CU" dcarson says, "NASA" Lunadyne says, "James, it should have - because contracts going bad should have been resolved in the courts. Instead they spooked Congress into liquidity-ing them while they figured something out." PhilipC says, "I've already joined NASA FCU" Strangelv-1 would have one but he already has a credit union account -- one he's had for 24 years Lunadyne says, "I'm already at MyNeighborhood credit union." Strangelv-1 says, "WEISS GIVES THEM AN A+ rating" Strangelv-1 says, "Sorry for the accidental caps" Rose/Miros-1 says, "then the fools who didn't get caught the first time decided to join in round 2" Strangelv-1 says, "Should e set up a safe storage subcommittee?" PhilipC says, "If we're going physical, I would probably suggest joining a REIT. I would not recommend any physical precious metal. " Lunadyne says, "So Phillip, I think we really do need to think about diversification of our assets." Strangelv-1 says, "REIT..." Strangelv-1 screams and runs away PhilipC says, "something that gives us title and that can't run away" Strangelv-1 ins abnsolutely in fawvor of physicl precious metal Strangelv-1 says, "Just go forxbullion value, not numismatic" Lunadyne says, "Oh yeah, real estate is going to end well. LOL. We'd be better off buying a plot of land. Wait..." PhilipC says, "It looks like I opened up a can of worms with talk about diversification" Strangelv-1 says, "Buying a plot of land that we can use could serve a dual-use value I suppose..." AlanSteinberg says, "we could buy real eastate on the moon!" Lunadyne says, "With what's going on right now it's not unreasonable. We shouldn't be caught with our pants down." PhilipC says, "lol" PhilipC says, "real estate is too illiquid" pjbanyai says, "How about some land on the moon ;)" Lunadyne says, "I refuse to support Dennis Hope in any way, shape, or form." Strangelv-1 says, "But I definitely watnt precious metals capability. When it's set up I'll make a donation." AlanSteinberg says, "i was kidding" Rose/Miros-1 says, "given the actions of the Hunts way back when, if you've going to buy into overpriced precious metals, you want real physical metal, not paper that barely gives you permission to sue" Lunadyne says, "We could bury the precious metals in our land." Lunadyne says, "RE is not that illiquid, just slow." Rose/Miros-1 has an old coffee can to contribute Strangelv-1 says, "Land on Luna only counts if we can physically posess it. We're not ready. We can look into that after we buy TLRC and order them to start bending metal for us" Rose/Miros-1 says, "they have to get there first" Chard-1 says, "I'm guessing we're going to need more than 30k " Rose/Miros-1 has the sims 1 end table she made for the moon sims egroup PhilipC says, "Okay guys, let's put a lid on any further discussion on this topic for now. Obviously we all have a very different sense of risk factors here" Strangelv-1 wonders how that would look next to the Orange Kitchen Strangelv-1 says, "Move to extend" Strangelv-1 says, "Woit, I can't" PhilipC says, "We're probably not going to be able to resolve this tonight" Chard-1 says, "extends to move" Strangelv-1 lacks standing to move to extend. Others do, though Strangelv-1 says, "If we could set up a subcommttee that could have more time to work on it" pjbanyai says, "The only lunar land deeds today are virtual deeds. Only Linden Labs has made those kinds of deeds valuable." Rose/Miros-1 stands Strangelv up and moves his mouth to move to extend Lunadyne says, "Jason has moved to extend by virtue of extending to move." Strangelv-1 doesn't recognize such deeds, and ceritanly isn't ging to psend money on them Strangelv-1 says, "For how long?" Strangelv-1 says, "How many minutes?" Strangelv-1 says, "You should alwvays specify a duration" PhilipC says, "James, Ken works in commercial banking. I've worked there on the retail side and I've had training in securities" Chard-1 has to be up in 6 hours in time for jiu jitsu PhilipC says, "Let's limit discussion on this topic for another give minutes" PhilipC says, "five minutes" Lunadyne says, "Second" Strangelv-1 says, "I suggest we set up a subcommittee. I've also spent a bit of time on this topic, although it's perhaps a bit more specializsed that retail or commercial banking." PhilipC says, "If we have such a committee, then Ken and I should be on it" Strangelv-1 says, "I want to be on it as well" Lunadyne says, "My sense is that we should move about a third to a CD at a credit union. I'd take about 1/6th and move it into a mix of physical gold and silver. The same amount should be invested in aerospace companies so that we can say we support the industry. Keep about $5K liquid in the bank, and see about sinking the remaining $5K in a strategic piece of land." Strangelv-1 says, "Some of that money is earmarked. We need to take that into consideration" PhilipC says, "Understand from the outset that I would be against relying on tangible assets for investment purposes. The problem with tangible assets have been consistent throughout history, namely that they require security and have the ability to grow legs and walk away" Chard-1 dislikes accounting... after intermediate I II and III accounting... I know that it's better to have enough money so that you're spending only what you're making in interest Strangelv-1 says, "So that's an argument against putting them all in physical assets. Non-physical assets have a susciptibility to evaporation, especially when it hits the fan" Lunadyne says, "Same holds true, if not more so, with paper promises." PhilipC says, "Real estate might be a possibility, but also understand that it can bring with it a whole set of extra liabilities and the added fact that real estate can be difficult to divest from" Strangelv-1 says, "If we invest in industry companies, we need to pick ones that will stay at least even with the actual (not CPI) rate of inflation, which is in the rough ballpark of 10%" PhilipC says, "However, real estate can become an income-generating asset" Chard-1 says, "we could buy a fixer upper and flip it" dcarson says, "but requires a lot more hands on then a bank account" PhilipC says, "I could see the possibility of investing in companies that can withstand any economic shock" Scottyg-2 says, "Real estate is also taxable, so it has to be income-producing to stay even." pjbanyai says, "The MOO has 2 rooms devoted to investment: [art-biz-investors] to Brokerage, and [art-biz] to Office of Business Development. " Chard-1 says, "I think you should call someone at fidelity" Lunadyne says, "That's why I said a strategic piece of RE." Strangelv-1 says, "That's a good point. There are ways to get something approching allodial title, but it's only available in some jurisdictions and is expensive to get" PhilipC says, "That's why I recommended a REIT" PhilipC says, "With a REIT, we could own a share of commercial real estate" Lunadyne says, "Also only available to individuals, or should be." Strangelv-1 says, "Point taken. I forgot about that restriction" Strangelv-1 says, "Nevermind" Lunadyne says, "REITs are okay, but there are a lot of bad assumptions built into real estate values at institutions." PhilipC says, "I'll defer to your judgment on that" Strangelv-1 says, "I do not trust REITs. I would want to scruitinize the REIT before considering it" Lunadyne says, "Anything that uses an NPV calculation should be suspect." Strangelv-1 says, "What does it hold, where, et c." Strangelv-1 says, "NPV?" dcarson says, "net present value" PhilipC says, "Well perhaps we can form a subcommittee to discuss these issues in greater depth" PhilipC says, "We're past our extended time" PhilipC says, "Ken, would you like to make a motion to set up such a committee?" Lunadyne says, "Move we establish an Investment Committee" PhilipC says, "Any second?" dcarson says, "second" Strangelv-1 lacks standing to second or vote Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Any discussion on the formation of such a ocmmittee?" dcarson says, "none here" Strangelv-1 . o O ( call the question... already discussed ) Chard-1 says, "none here" PhilipC says, "Hearing none, I call the question" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "All in favor say aye. All opposed say nay" Strangelv-1 nonbindingly raises his hand with the ayes PhilipC says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye again" AlanSteinberg says, "I don't think it's worth the effort, but if the rest of you have the time to do it" pjbanyai says, "Should it be called Business Development Committee or Business Investment Committee?" Strangelv-1 says, "Something less specific or specific in a different way" Strangelv-1 says, "Diversification subcommittee?" Lunadyne says, "Strategic Investments Committee" Strangelv-1 says, "That sounds good" Rose/Miros-1 says, "why business? why not just investment?" PhilipC says, "We do need to be clear that this committee is not set up for the purpose of providing personal investment advice" PhilipC says, "Strategic Investments Committee sounds good to me" Lunadyne says, "How about first meeting Sunday night somewhere here in the MOO." PhilipC says, "As it stands, we have 3 ayes and what appears to be 3 abstentions" Strangelv-1 says, "That sounds as workable as we can hope for" PhilipC says, "Alan, Jason, and Paul, what say you?" Strangelv-1 says, "The later in the evening the easier time I'll have attending" Strangelv-1 says, "Alan seemed to be an amstention" PhilipC says, "Are you in favor, opposed, or do you abstain?" Strangelv-1 says, "Passes without objection?" Strangelv-1 says, "It didn't sound like an objection to me" PhilipC says, "Gentlemen?" pjbanyai says, "The big question is how many people would be on the committee. A committee of two seems pointless. Could we add it to the teams and invite members to join?" Rose/Miros-1 pokes at Chard-1. Strangelv-1 waves. Strangelv-1 adawantly wants to be on this committee PhilipC says, "Paul, it would be me, Ken, and James. We would only provide advice to the Management Committee, which would ultimately have the final say" Lunadyne says, "I am okay with a couple non-Leadership members on the committee, but I would like it to be closely held." PhilipC says, "If I don't hear anything from Alan, Jason, or Paul, I'm going to have to call this a draw" Chard-1 has already made his recommendations... contact Fidelity being the most prominently useful one Chard-1 says, "aye" Strangelv-1 takes that as a nay Strangelv-1 says, "or, aye" Strangelv-1 says, "Thank you" PhilipC says, "Motion carries" PhilipC says, "We'll look into a variety of options ourselves, then discuss it with a stock broker" PhilipC says, "We will provide a set of recommendations" PhilipC says, "Moving on" PhilipC says, "The last item on the agenda is an issue I think we've needed to discuss for quite some time" PhilipC says, "That being the frequency of meetings" Chard-1 says, "I'm all in favor" Chard-1 says, "and would love it if it were 30 min or an hour earlier" PhilipC says, "Let me throw this question to the floor, are we meeting too often? Is twice a month too much?" Strangelv-1 is quite accustomed to twice a month. Historically, it was every wednesday, but a different specific organization each time Lunadyne says, "I think 2x per month is fine. I don't think we have enough going on for more frequent meetings." PhilipC says, "Would you all be in favor of changing over to once a month?" Rose/Miros-1 says, "that's a long wait if something does come up" Strangelv-1 says, "Sometimes two weks is a sluggish response time when something comes up" dcarson says, "if we do more via email once a month would work, but we need to actually get it done then not wait until the meeting" PhilipC says, "At once a month, we could divert immediate or pressing management decisions to a steering committee" PhilipC says, "But we'd need more discipline in communicating via email or possibly make use of forums" Rose/Miros-1 says, "actually, there's a forum on test.moonsociety.org, i haven't played with it yet, it came with drupal" PhilipC says, "But I'd like to see what eveyrone here thinks about this?" Strangelv-1 is unsure about having three levels of management. The board meets once a quarter with the resonsibility delegated to the management committee. Rose/Miros-1 says, "i don't like another committee either" PhilipC says, "It's already in the bylaws" PhilipC says, "a steering committee would be composed of a quorum of the management committee. in general its decisions would only be binding until the next managemetn committee, which at its discretion can revoke a steering committee's decision when it chooses to do so" Strangelv-1 looks at Ken and Dana and Scotty PhilipC says, "We've had a lot of MS business these past months that have focused primarily on the website." Lunadyne says, "I'm not a big fan of overly complicated management structures. We risk becoming NSS." PhilipC says, "But once we've upgraded, what other business will there be for us to conduct?" Strangelv-1 thinks of the NSS organizational chart and shudders pjbanyai says, "We could have one Leadership Council (existing subcommittee designed to advise the Management Committee) meeting followed by one Management Committee." PhilipC says, "I would put it to the MC here that it's probably coming time to think about revising the bylaws as well" Rose/Miros-1 says, "can we wait until we're actually getting stuff done in emails before we start dropping meetings?" PhilipC says, "Ultimately, once we get thorugh the administrative acrobatics, the main point is to be more efficient and productive with our use of time" Lunadyne says, "Projects, communications, papers, Lunar Labs, conferences, partnerships, and so on. We've actually deferred on a number of items while focused on the website." PhilipC says, "Only a small number of us here are actually working on the website. The rest of us need to be focused on those issues" Strangelv-1 is more in favor of specialized subcommittees than a general stering committee PhilipC says, "As of right now, I'm not saying a decision needs to be made, I just wanted to see what the sense of the MC here is" AlanSteinberg says, "sorry, i got busy with something. In regards to meetings... they drag on to long" PhilipC says, "We're still small enough that we here are the core group of activists for the Moon Society" Strangelv-1 says, "Except for chapter activities" Rose/Miros-1 says, "by the way, we can set up a "book" of pages on the website and create a group or team or "role" with sole access to them (except for admins)" Rose/Miros-1 says, "we can do this without the teamdir plugin" Chard-1 says, "ok it's almost 11" Rose/Miros-1 says, "gives people a place to plan/work/whatever asyncronously" PhilipC says, "That's something I've been looking for for quite some time" Strangelv-1 says, "And might give our chapters more of a reason to pay attention to what's happening at our level if they can use our website?" Rose/Miros-1 says, "yes, i can set up a book for a chapter, they just have to request it" PhilipC says, "Perhaps we could even invite chapters to send a representative to get them more involved" Strangelv-1 . o O ( Orders of the day? ) PhilipC says, "It is 11. I need to take a moment to close this meeting." PhilipC says, "Move to adjourn" Strangelv-1 looks for a so moved PhilipC says, "Any second?" Chard-1 says, "seconds" PhilipC says, "We are hereby adjourned. Discussion on this topic can continue off the record." Strangelv-1 notes the time is 22:02 CDT Strangelv-1 says, "What time did we call to order?" PhilipC says, "Thank you all for attending and good night. Remember, come to the next meeting with ideas of where we can go from here" -- End log: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 11:02:43 pm ASI Meeting Server time --