-- Start log: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 9:08:31 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- PhilipC says, "Welcome everyone to the May 1, 2013 Management Committee meeting." Lunadyne has disconnected. Lunadyne has connected. PhilipC says, "Let's start by taking attendance. Will everyone present please state your name and your position" PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, chairman" Rose/Miros says, "rosalie dieteman, webmaster" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy" Lunadyne says, "President" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Scottyg-1 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" dcarson says, "Dana Carson treasurer" Strangelv-3 says, "James Gholston, former director" Strangelv-3 notes that the time is 20:11 CDT PhilipC says, "As of right now, we do not appear to have quorum. So we will need to post-pone approving the last meeting's minutes and will not be able to make any binding votes until one more person arrives." Strangelv-3 says, "We can do reports" Strangelv-3 has one PhilipC says, "I'd like to start by summarizing the agenda for tonight" Lunadyne says, "Membership is steady at 169." PhilipC says, "Please hold giving any reports" PhilipC says, "Of course we'll have reports. As for old business I think we can probably set aside some time for the website. " PhilipC says, "Is there any other old business that we need to discuss?" PhilipC says, "Now how about new business?" Lunadyne says, "I have an item or two, but not critical." PhilipC says, "Okay, we'll set aside some time for Ken after we discuss the website. Is there any thing else? " PhilipC says, "If someone else has something they'd like to discuss, please feel free to interject. " Strangelv-3 . o O ( Treasures's report? Membership report? ) PhilipC says, "On to the reports. Ken you have the floor for the membership report" Lunadyne says, "Membership is steady at 169." Lunadyne says, "Any questions?" Strangelv-3 says, "Am I correct that we're now ginig out lapel pins?" Strangelv-3 says, "Is that new or renewals?" Lunadyne says, "New, AFAIK" Chard arrives in cloud of smoke. Strangelv-3 cheers loudly. Lunadyne says, "I have been passing them out at conferences and so forth." Strangelv-3 says, "Is there a way for existing members to get one?" PhilipC says, "Hello Jason" Chard says, "I'm here... I do apologize for my lateness" PhilipC says, "Point of order. Let the record show that Jason Tuttle has now arrived. We now have quorum" PhilipC says, "Perhaps the society can sell them to existing members?" PhilipC says, "Or we can give them as awards" Lunadyne says, "I've considered a mailing to each member individually, but feel that would be a stupid postage expense." Lunadyne says, "I remember I did have to pay for my NSS pin." Lunadyne says, "$3 or $5, something like that." PhilipC says, "Or maybe a "suggested" donation" Lunadyne says, "It would be good to have something on the new website about them." pjbanyai says, "Could we have pins which say how long someone has been a member?" Lunadyne says, "I like the idea, but those would be small batch orders." Lunadyne says, "IIRC, we ordered 500 of the regular ones." dcarson says, "tell members to come by our table at ISDC etc or send X to get ne mailed/" PhilipC says, "I might be able to develop something like that" Lunadyne says, "Yes, I will have some at ISDC to hand out to existing members." dcarson says, "which reminds me, I need to check if NSS and Moon Society are doign a joint party at Balticon" Lunadyne says, "Should I send you a bunch?" dcarson says, "if so mailing me a few and I can hand them out might make sense" dcarson says, "send about 10" Lunadyne says, "Will do." dcarson says, "whatever fits a weight breakpoint" PhilipC says, "Are there any other questions for the membership report? we need to move on" pjbanyai says, "Darn:( My vacation in San Diego starts the day after ISDC ends. That week was blocked out." Strangelv-3 says, "boop" Lunadyne says, "Bummer!" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else for the membership report?" PhilipC says, "Moving on. Dana, you have the floor for the treasurer's report." dcarson says, "OK" dcarson says, "No changes, local CPAs emailed" dcarson says, "I restricted it to CPAs with a published email address, I don't think we'll work to well with one who doesn't have one" dcarson says, "waiting for Peters expense report so I can send him a check" Scottyg-1 says, "Bank balance March 31 was $31,112.75, down a little over $500 from Feb." Lunadyne says, "$500? Postage?" Scottyg-1 says, "I see a couple of checks of $200-300. Dana would have to identify." dcarson says, "postmaster and messenger bags" Lunadyne says, "Oh that's right, the Lunar Sample Bags." Lunadyne says, "Found a new underwriter for this year (maybe?) - Moonlite Printing." dcarson says, "both sent the end of Feb" dcarson says, "any questions/" PhilipC says, "Dana, you brought up a question in today's leader e-mail about what level of audit we want from the CPA. " PhilipC says, "Should we come to a general agreement here on that question?" Lunadyne says, "The safest is an unqualified letter audit." Lunadyne says, "That means that the auditor found nothing that concerned him/her." dcarson says, "does Amazon state what we need?" PhilipC says, "For those of us here who aren't in finance, unqualified means there was nothing of concern" Strangelv-3 feels unqualified at this time in a differenet sense of the term to select the type of audit Lunadyne says, "It can actually be a marketing point, too. How many other space advocacy groups have a qualified audit of their books?" Lunadyne says, "unqualified" Scottyg-1 says, "Does an auditor normally look at controls? Or just the financial transactions?" dcarson says, "that seems to be the major difference between the 3 levels in the email" Strangelv-3 looks at Jason PhilipC says, "I could see us going for an unqualified audit to seek grant funding. Other than that, if we're only getting an audit for Amazon, then we should just go for the minimal threshold" Scottyg-1 says, "I would say our controls are very weak." Scottyg-1 says, "We might have trouble if we ask for a review in that area." Chard says, "they will or should look at controls... sarbanes oxley comes to mind" PhilipC says, "I suspect we're probably too small to be required to have any complicated controls" Lunadyne says, "Agreed. And access to the cash is pretty limited." PhilipC says, "we need to make sure there isn't fraud or embezzling happening, but other than that our accounting and finances should be focused on our organizational mission" dcarson says, "requiring multiple signatures would be a nightmare with how spread out we are" Lunadyne says, "Which I would say they pretty well are. Any examination of expenditures should show that." Scottyg-1 says, "Yep. The same for handling checks for memberships." Strangelv-3 says, "The suspicious banquets, the sports team sponsorships the.. wait. We don't do that. When have we ever spent money on something dubious to our mission/" Lunadyne says, "Exactly!" dcarson says, "and Scotty sees what I do so I can't get away for too long with stuff" PhilipC says, "If we're to have any controls, we probably need either the chairman or the president have access ot bank statements, or possibly cell phone text alerts whenever any funds are drawn from the account" Lunadyne says, "I am getting more experience with grants, so I think Philip is on the right path that a full audit is the best investment." dcarson says, "can add online access and probably should" PhilipC says, "as am i" Scottyg-1 says, "I think we're comfortaable with things as they are. I;m not sure an outsider would feel as good about it." Lunadyne says, "Not so hip on online access. That represents a risk." Strangelv-3 says, "An autside auditor might have ideas that we would want to consider implementing" Strangelv-3 . o O ( Are we basically combining reports with business? ) PhilipC says, "good point, it appears that the reports have morphed into new business." Lunadyne says, "Audit is old business." Strangelv-3 says, "Not makinga point of order, just wondering" Lunadyne says, "A legitimate aspect of the Treasury report as well." PhilipC says, "ahem, I mean old business. Dana, do you think we need a motion or do you already have prior authorization to proceed?" Lunadyne says, "I move we that we have a full audit conducted on our books with the intent of receiving an unqualified auditor's opinion." PhilipC says, "Any second?" dcarson says, "second" PhilipC says, "Any discussion?" PhilipC says, "Especially from those who haven't yet said anything?" Chard says, "agreed, aye" Strangelv-3 has no objection to a full strength audit pjbanyai says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Ok. All in favor affirm by saying aye. All opposed by saying nay." PhilipC says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Strangelv-3 wonders if we should say that passed by acclaimation Lunadyne says, "aye" Chard says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Motion carries. " PhilipC says, "I only wish to amend this motion by adding that Dana should probably shop for the best price" dcarson says, "planning on it" Lunadyne says, "I'll consider that a friendly amendment." PhilipC says, "Any idea on how much this might cost?" dcarson says, "I haven't got any quotes yet" Lunadyne says, "We've budgeted $500, springing to $1000 if necessary (necessary being defined as agreed by BoD)" PhilipC says, "That's sounds reasonable to me. " PhilipC says, "One further friendly amendment, " Strangelv-3 would raise a point of order that there is no such thing as a frliendly ammendment, plus the matter has already been voted on, but lacks standing to do so PhilipC says, "can we agree here for the sake of expediency that if dana finds a cpa who is under budget, that he should have the authority to proceed?" Lunadyne says, "Under budget? I have zero problems with that." Strangelv-3 would so move, but lacks standing to do so PhilipC says, "James, your point of order has been noted. " Strangelv-3 . o O ( Anyone want to so move and call the question immediately? ) Chard nods. Strangelv-3 says, "You have standing to do so" PhilipC says, "It would seem that the vote we just passed implies that Dana has unlimited authority to proceed with a full audit. i'm just trying to limit the authority to a more reasonable level" PhilipC says, "so that we don't end up bankrupting ourselves over a simple audit." Lunadyne says, "We are limited by the previously approved budget." PhilipC says, "if that is sufficient for everyone here, then i'll be okay with it." dcarson says, "thats what I'd assumed" Strangelv-3 sees that the email [LEADERS] MINUTES: 20 Feb and 06 March -- got through the milter filter faster than he expected -- an hour before the meeting. It will be needed for a very short report PhilipC says, "then i guess i'm okay with it. " PhilipC says, "if there's nothing else, let's move on" PhilipC says, "James, you have the floor " Strangelv-3 says, "Acting secretaries report" Strangelv-3 says, "Because I've been focused entirely on the web site at the expense of anything else I still don't have minutes from two weeks ago or last week. I have, however, re-emailed the minutes for the two previous meetings, minutes the board meeting we're qot qualified to approve the minutes of, for approval" Strangelv-3 says, "Does anyone wish to make a motion to approve (and after that, possibyl to ammend) either or both sets of minutes?" Strangelv-3 says, "Does anyone have any questions?" Lunadyne says, "I kind of like the raw logs better, but they do seem to be sufficient." Strangelv-3 says, "We have a purpose for both" Chard says, "and we do appreciate all of the hard work that's been done on the website.. eager to see it live... will be a good announcement" Strangelv-3 says, "The minutes are the legally binding document that would show up in a legal situation" PhilipC says, "I appreciate having minutes and a quick reference to any decisions made in meetings" Strangelv-3 says, "That's a different report" Strangelv-3 smiles PhilipC says, "In a perfect world, I'd even like to see a single condensed vote log" Lunadyne says, "I am looking forward to the announcement of the new website. Jason, think you can whip up a press release for us?" Chard says, "shouldn't be a problem" PhilipC says, "Speaking of the website, that's a nice segue to the website " Strangelv-3 says, "That might be in order. This said, I was converted to a school of very terse minutes. None of the negatiwves really apply to us as we can then go back and refer to the logs, but minutes do work better if they get approved, otherwise in a legal sense they don't exist" Strangelv-3 is still hoping for someone to make a motion to approve minutes Lunadyne says, "Then let's get those minutes approved!" Lunadyne says, "I move we approve the minutes distributed 05/01/2013 by James." PhilipC says, "and second?" PhilipC says, "any second?" pjbanyai says, "Second" PhilipC says, "all in favor please say aye" PhilipC says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" Chard says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "the motion carries. the minutes are now approved." Strangelv-3 says, "Thank you" PhilipC says, "And thank you for doing them" Lunadyne says, "Thanks James!" PhilipC says, "Moving on to the website. Rose, you have the floor" Chard looks at Rose. PhilipC says, "If she's AFK, James, would you like to start the tour?" Strangelv-3 says, "Standby for a flood" Rose/Miros says, "i'm sort of here" Rose/Miros says, "james is more prepared than i am" Strangelv-3 says, "Website" Strangelv-3: http://test.moonsociety.org Strangelv-3 says, "We have implementions (some need debugging still) for:" Strangelv-3: * CSS3 desktop/notebook browsers Strangelv-3: * CSS3 tablet browsers Strangelv-3: * CSS3 phone browsers Strangelv-3: * CSS2 desktop/notebook browsers Strangelv-3: * CSS2 phone and tablet browsers Strangelv-3: * HTML 3.2 Strangelv-3: * Dropoff cases Strangelv-3 says, "The following additional implementations are planned and should be ready soon:" Strangelv-3: * MSIE 5.5 & 6 Strangelv-3: * MSIE 7 & 8 Strangelv-3: * Dropoff phone and tablet Strangelv-3 says, "Tablet has not yet been tested to see that we now get tablet on tablets instead of telephones." Strangelv-3 says, "CSS2 and dropoff cases have limited support for newer browsers -- point a new browser at dropoff and it will sort of look like CSS2; CSS2 supports resizing features for browsers that support it." Strangelv-3 says, "CSS3 uses a flexbox layout that is not compotible with otherwise CSS3 level versions of Internet Explorer and Opera. Those are being directed to the CSS2 layout by Scotty theme switcher, which has been significantly upgraded in the past week." Strangelv-3 says, "Scotty's theme switcher's new features make it easy to guide browsers that aren't correctly placed by Browscap with one of two lists: overrides and fallbacks. Overrides include most versions of Opera, most versions of Internet Explorer, Arora, and the dreaded Netscape 4 (which thanks to Scotty's module, can be given markup it will actually behave itself with). Fallbacks include all unidentified Gecko and Webkit browsers, as well as a lot of browsers claiming to be Mozilla." Strangelv-3 says, "Scotty and I have created a spotlight module written purely in php. The categories are defined in a text file that Scotty set up and we have three: easy, technical, and miscellaneous. This way first time visitors won't see entirely the wrong end of the spectrumin our spotlight. Unfortunately, we still only have seven spotlight items total. HELP!" Strangelv-3 says, "We also have not nearry been able to get sshould wait until the website comes up again during business if we're keeping this report separate from business." Strangelv-3 says, "Plus I want to let Scotty and Rose discuss their parts of this before I ask" Strangelv-3 sees oneof his lines got mangled Strangelv-3 says, "We also have not been able to get started on adding content to the website. if we wanted to deploy today, this would be our number one showstopper. This and some CSS glitches that will hopefully be worked out soon are our only showstoppers." Lunadyne says, "What are the spotlight items?" Rose/Miros says, "links on the front page to things we think would help get people interested enough to join" Strangelv-3 says, "Tech: nwo technical acticlas on Lunarpedia, the BEaming demo kit" Strangelv-3 says, "Easy: your blog and MMM #1" Strangelv-3 says, "Miscellaneous: Lunarpedia and Exodictionary" Strangelv-3 says, "I would like to have at least a dozen in each category by launch" Lunadyne says, "Maybe a couple science projects?" Strangelv-3 says, "That would be good, yes" Rose/Miros says, "obviously two different interpretations of "what" ;-)" Strangelv-3 says, "I need a name/description, a URL< and a graphic to put on the button" Strangelv-3 says, "For basically as many things as possible" Lunadyne says, "Our Lunar Labs." Strangelv-3 says, "Maybe assign a weight. My default weight is 50, but they're proportional. A weight of 1 would show up 1 time for every 50 of the 50 weighted item" Lunadyne says, "When they're done." Strangelv-3 says, "You menitoned a video eariler, but I wasn't abel to play or DL it to get a screenshot" PhilipC says, "I think that for the most part this site looks great" Strangelv-3 says, "Someone nitted it for not being colorful enough" Strangelv-3 says, "Also, Jason, do you have your tablet with youO?" Chard says, "yes" Rose/Miros says, "ignore where it displays the name of the theme; that's for testing purposes so we can verify that the switcher is working correctly" Chard says, "I'm on it now" Scottyg-1 says, "I'll provide an executive summary. Until this point, we've been working on page layouts and back-end infrastructure. While support for some browsers is incomplete, I think we can go with what we have. But none of the content has been prepared yet. I think the web team would like comments on what we have for page layout, menu presentation, etc. See http://test.moonsociety.org" Strangelv-3 says, "Is it one column, two column,s or three?" PhilipC says, "i have an ipad. i'll go get it and check it out" Strangelv-3 says, "Scotty fixed a bug that was sending tablets to the phone verison -- but fix is untested" Strangelv-3 says, "danke" Strangelv-3 says, "Rose has been working on the menu system, which seems to be making theme creation seem easy by comparison" Lunadyne says, "The one suggestion I would have is a Mission Statement type thing on the first page. My preference is 'Dedicated to humans living and working on our Moon'. Otherwise it's not clear what it's about." Rose/Miros says, "ok, we can do that" Scottyg-1 says, "Rose, do you have any plans on making the menu a drop-down?" Rose/Miros says, "i'd like to talk that over withyou sometime" Rose/Miros says, "i tried the popup menu plugin, but it caused more problems than it solved" Strangelv-3 did not like the drop-down implementation that had been looked into dcarson says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/spreadtheword/vision_expansion.html" Strangelv-3 goes ahead and asks Strangelv-3 says, "QUESTION: If we were to deploy the site EXACTLY AS IT IS RIGHT NOW, with content but no other changes, what do you suddenly wish we'd done differently?" Strangelv-3 says, "Assume someone already complained about the theme version at the top of the page" Chard says, "smaller fonts maybe" Scottyg-1 says, "I have css for opo-out menus. It would need changes to fit into the Drupal scheme, but I could provide some help with doing that." PhilipC says, "i'd still like to work on developing an alternative menu that pops out/drops down out of a single button" Scottyg-1 says, "pop-out menus too." PhilipC says, "i'd also like to develop a logo" Rose/Miros says, "we were thinking of that for the phone versions" Rose/Miros says, "lol, that's been under discussion for HOW MANY years?" PhilipC says, "i just haven't had the time to put in the necessary work to make it done" PhilipC says, "i know.... (kicks a can)..." Strangelv-3 had it as an action item handed to him and Simon Rowland in 2000 PhilipC says, "on the ipad, the spotlight doesn't show up" Strangelv-3 's ideas were all rejected but he may have a new one Strangelv-3 says, "Scroll down" Strangelv-3 says, "it should appear in a different form" Chard says, "I see the spotlight logo on the iPad mini" dcarson says, "apply the Welcom to the Moon Scoiety shading to the large text area so it isn't as harsh a difference from the background?" PhilipC says, "also in the chapters page, the links are pushing through the frame" Strangelv-3 says, "The spotlight appears in two forms depending on the page width" Strangelv-3 says, "The longer words push through the buttons. I don't yet have a solution for that" dcarson says, "and to the footnote box" Strangelv-3 says, "What about what box?" Chard says, "second on the links pushing outside their respective containers on the iPad mini" Rose/Miros says, "chapters page needs work, i don't like having people's email addys hanging out in public, but that's a drupal feature" Strangelv-3 says, "Should I make the buttons wider even for narrower screens?" Rose/Miros says, "basically, the people who would be contacted need to have accounts" Strangelv-3 says, "IIRC I just copied and pasted the text on our present site" Rose/Miros says, "and some of those items are long......" Strangelv-3 says, "Which fonts were you wanting smalle,r Jason?" bnault has arrived. Strangelv-3 says, "Hello" Strangelv-3 says, "We're into the report/musiness of teh web site with a question" bnault says, "hello!" PhilipC says, "Hi Ben" Chard says, "hi Ben" Strangelv-3 says, "QUESTION: If we were to deploy the site EXACTLY AS IT IS RIGHT NOW, with content but no other changes, what do you suddenly wish we'd done differently?" Scottyg-1 says, "I prefer using form mail for email contact. That way no one gets your email address." Lunadyne says, "More menus." Strangelv-3: http://test.moonsociety.org Lunadyne says, "I'm ready to start inputing once we get the menu structure laid out." Rose/Miros says, "bassackwards" Strangelv-3 says, "The menus and the structure can't realyl be separated" Rose/Miros says, "you make pages, the menu is an option on the page" Strangelv-3 says, "They go together" PhilipC says, "The only other comment I have is that I'd like to make sure that the new site's menu structure should be much simpler than the old one" Chard says, "I think we should have a contact form ...with no way for spam/hackers to farm our addys" Strangelv-3 needs someone else to look at the contact forms for Drupal 7 Rose/Miros says, "we will chard, i need to clean up the chapters page as the first step in implementation" Scottyg-1 says, "That was my point Jason." Strangelv-3 needs someone else to work on content or we're not going to be ready in time for ISDC Lunadyne says, "I did forward a suggested menu strucutre. I can resend that if desired." Rose/Miros says, "i have it" Strangelv-3 says, "That would be a good starting point for what content to work on first" Scottyg-1 says, "I have it Ken. Thanks! But we need the pop-out implementation." Strangelv-3 wonts to see this pop out menu implementation that he's theoretically not going to hate Strangelv-3 says, "Also remember our menu is vertical, not horizontal" PhilipC says, "Overall, I like the design. " Lunadyne says, "Agreed." Scottyg-1 says, "Well, function would be like almost www.moonsociety.org pages except the home page. Appearance can be tweaked." Rose/Miros says, "james, you'll see it when scotty and i do" PhilipC says, "The cough drop style almost reminds me of modular facilities" Scottyg-1 says, "Well, function would be like almost all www.moonsociety.org pages except the home page. Appearance can be tweaked." Rose/Miros says, "i think it was supposed to, philip" PhilipC says, "it didn't occur to me until just now. :-)"" Lunadyne says, "One thing I do want is consistent menuage between pages. The base menus should show on every page without additions or subtractions." Strangelv-3 says, "Pretty much. I'm thinking that some pages would function as separate menus, but I've not had time to look into how to implement that" Rose/Miros says, "yep, that's the way drupal naturally works unless you put much effort into hotwiringit" PhilipC says, "The only remaining question is when do we formally change the site over to this new design?" Strangelv-3 says, "I have teh online version of MMM #1 up, but I don't know how to link it to the MMM page" Rose/Miros says, "james, don't waste your productive days on menus" bnault says, "this might have been noted before, but I would prefer that the links in the right-hand column open in a new tab." PhilipC says, "We do need to wrap up this item of business and moveon " Scottyg-1 says, "For really old browsers css driven pop-outs don't work. You have to link to a next-level menu page." Lunadyne says, "the original roll-out date was 06/30/2013. We'd like to have it ready for ISDC, but I don't want to launch a half-finished website." Rose/Miros says, "we could be evil and force old browser people to use jscript" PhilipC says, "as far as I'm concerned, old browser people should be relegated to 2nd class citizenship" Strangelv-3 says, "We have two, and will hawve three themes for such browsers. I don't want to attempt to get javascript to work on any pre-ECMA compliant implementations. And I have three themes that should be accessed ONLY by such browsers" Strangelv-3 says, "They get dropped into the appropriate oubilette. They should get a functional site, just not one that's as pretty" Lunadyne says, "How much javascript do we have in the new site?" Strangelv-3 says, "AFAIK, none that we're actualyl using" PhilipC says, "i can see giving support to the previous version browser due to those who are lagging behind to avoid bugs, but not for those who are technological laggards who really shouldn't be using a computer in the first place" Strangelv-3 says, "Ther's some stuff Drupal ads that I've been wonting to rip out completely; does that count?" Lunadyne says, "Good, java is always crashing on me." Rose/Miros says, "over my dead body" Rose/Miros pokes at Strangelv-3. PhilipC says, "Is there anything else that needs to be said about the website? we need to move on" Strangelv-3 says, "Think of another Peter Kokh, only his computer wasn't stolen and so he's still crunning what Peter would be" Chard says, "java and JavaScript is really two different animals" Scottyg-1 says, "Philip, in our environment I agree with you. But in poor economies, people may have to make-do with obsolete stuff." Strangelv-3 says, "Is theer any point in having sccripting we're not using at all?" Chard says, "nope" Strangelv-3 says, "That's something I should have thought of but didn't" Strangelv-3 says, "They're looking at our site from a Kiosk in the middle of nowhere in India" Rose/Miros says, "i doubt they have $35 to spare" Rose/Miros says, "although i'm sure it would be informative" Strangelv-3 says, "Not all of our contributing members are dues paid" PhilipC says, "i disagree. india is leapfrogging our old technologies via mobile browsers" Strangelv-3 says, "For ypears I litearlly couldn't" Chard says, "11 min left " Rose/Miros says, "ok, next topic" PhilipC says, "if there's nothing else on this topic of a pressing nature that requires a decision. i need to cut of any further discussion here" PhilipC says, "moving on" PhilipC says, "Ken you have the floor" Rose/Miros says, "please come to the commons and bug james if you have problems" dcarson says, "or just for fun :-)" Strangelv-3 needs to know what the problems are Strangelv-3 looks at Ken Lunadyne says, "Okay." Lunadyne says, "First - Moonbase Challenger." Lunadyne says, "This is a book published by the Challenger Centers for juveniles and set on our Moon." Lunadyne says, "There's a review in this month's MMM." Lunadyne says, "We have an offer from the Challenger Centers to pick up the last 3 dozen or so books for half price." Lunadyne says, "I've been trying to think of something we could use them for, but don't have any good ideas." Lunadyne says, "Is this of interest to TMS?" Lunadyne says, "Oh, it would be about $180 for all of them." Lunadyne says, "My main issue with the story is that it involves aliens." Strangelv-3 doesn't know where his copy of MMM is hiding so he could grab the review, but if it's positive enough, $180 is definitely witnhin impules buy range Lunadyne says, "It'" Lunadyne says, "It's a meh review" Strangelv-3 hmms. Rose/Miros says, "put a book plate in the front and donate to a reading program for military offspring?" Lunadyne says, "Oh, the latest MMM hasn't been distributed yet, if I'm not mistaken." Lunadyne says, "Good idea, Rose." Strangelv-3 needs to do a less terlrible job ogf keeping track of magazines Lunadyne says, "The idea of the book is to inspire kids into STEM fields. I'm not sure it achieves that." Lunadyne says, "But it might be a way to get in good with the Challenger Centers." Strangelv-3 says, "Could you briefly describe the Challenger Centers?" Rose/Miros attempts to figure out an excuse to go to the local Challenger Center Lunadyne says, "They were established after the Challenger disaster by June Rogers Scobee to encourage kids to pursue technical fields." dcarson says, "http://www.challenger.org/learning-center-network/list-view/" Strangelv-3 . o O ( Move to delegate the decision to the president and authorize the expenditure if he decides to act on it? ) Rose/Miros . o O ( field trip ) Lunadyne says, "they had some great educational materials back in 2000 or so. They kind of drifted the last few years, and are under new leadership." Lunadyne says, "I know the one in Houston runs mission simulations for school kids." dcarson says, "Our Mission" dcarson says, "Engage students and teachers in dynamic, hands-on exploration and discovery opportunities that strengthen knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), inspire students to pursue careers in these fields, and provide an outlet to learn and apply important life skills." Lunadyne says, "Sounds like PR jargon." Rose/Miros says, "the one in allegany is far smaller, i'm sure" Strangelv-3 clocks on the one for HOusotn and gets a large white rectangle Lunadyne says, "We don't need to decide tonite, I just wanted to throw that out there." dcarson says, " http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/we-are-the-explorers-a-movie-trailer-for-our-space-program" Strangelv-3 says, "For $180 we could probably trust one person to make the call" dcarson says, "4 hours to go on that project of theirs" Lunadyne says, "Second - had a long talk with a CBS reporter this afternoon, a referral by Chris Carson. I guess they saw Lunarcy and asked about Dennis Hope." Strangelv-3 says, "Evaluate the new leadership instead of the book?" Lunadyne says, "I gave her a massive info dump, trying to convey that we are knowledgeable about the topic of Lunar development." Lunadyne says, "What JAmes?" Strangelv-3 says, "Previous topic. Please continue on the present one" Lunadyne says, "They said they are still developing the story. I'll update everyone as I find out more." Lunadyne says, "Third is Moon Day." Lunadyne says, "I'm asking all of the exhibitors this year to align their activities with Scouting badge requirements." Lunadyne says, "I'm still trying to figure out what we can do with the power beaming demo." Strangelv-3 has yet to make it to one of those. What condition is the demo in? It's gotten attention before without even being plugged in Lunadyne says, "Scotty did some repair work, but the wings are looking a bit rough." Lunadyne says, "The real question is how can we use it in an activity that's interactive?" Rose/Miros says, "sounds a little too fragile" Strangelv-3 says, "I'm not sure. I'm not even really sure why it was as popular as it was during its debut" Lunadyne says, "Again, not a decision for this evening, but something to think about." Strangelv-3 says, "And by all reports I've heard it's fragile. " Strangelv-3 says, "Who did the exterior design? I can't remember" Strangelv-3 says, "Any chance of sending him photographs and gettinga revision?" Lunadyne says, "Scotty would be better able to speak as to its reception at last year's event, but it looked like it was getting attention." Strangelv-3 says, "or have we flat out exceeded the design parameters many times overL?" Strangelv-3 says, "Looks like it was getting attention sounds like it's not as appealing as it was originally" Lunadyne says, "According to Peter all the instructions and stuff at at the website. Haven't gone looking for them." PhilipC says, "If we have time, I'd like to discuss one more thing before we go" dcarson says, "I can stay" Strangelv-3 says, "The kit is one of the links in our spotlight" Lunadyne says, "James, I run the whole event, so I can only pop in to the booth from time to time (mainly for a breather)." Lunadyne says, "What's up, Philip?" Lunadyne says, "Oh, and everyone, we are short of Board nominees for the next election." PhilipC says, "Lately I've been mulling over the possibility of a strategic alliance" PhilipC says, "However I think we probably need to explore other alliances to avoid being partisan" PhilipC says, "This is but the first among many" Chard says, "I may not be a good candidate.. as I may be working OCONUS in the next year" Strangelv-3 says, "Outside of CONUS?" Chard says, "in austere environments" Lunadyne says, "Strategic alliance with qui?" Rose/Miros says, "comment: mars society (?) had a nice interview on talk of the nation (i think) last friday" pjbanyai says, "Would that be Strategic Help In Exploration of Lunar Development or S.H.I.E.L.D. ;-) " PhilipC says, "Specifically, it has to do with the unique way that lunar and space development can offer solutions to climate change should the environmental movement fail " PhilipC says, "and it is failing miserably" PhilipC says, "by selling ourselves as a backstop to their entire movement, we can use them as leverage in giving us support" Strangelv-3 says, "There are topics I need to stay away from and belive we probably need to stay away from. What's happning to our environment is at the top of that list. I actualyl have a worry, but CO2 is not it. Not a woryr at all." Lunadyne says, "Sounds a bit risky." Strangelv-3 says, "Broader that weathe,r several worries" Rose/Miros says, "lots of nasty dirty mining and manufacturing should be done outside the atmosphere" dcarson says, "here is a cleaner way to live the lifestyle you want is an easier sell then don't live the lifestyle you want" Lunadyne says, "Agreed, that was one of the things I noted to the reporter, referring her to the coppermine collapse in Utah recently." Strangelv-3 says, "Space based power could reduce our reliance on coal. Forget about the CO2 -- it's all the other crap that coal puts out or causes during mining" Strangelv-3 says, "CO2 is a distracting red herring from our real environmental crises" Strangelv-3 says, "Complication is mining teeds concentrations, and those are a lot easier to find on EArth than elsewhere" Rose/Miros says, "olean has more than its share of superfund sites, they're still working on the brownfields trying to get them clean enough that anyone is willing to buy them or rent and build on them" PhilipC says, "The environmental movement is worried chiefly about climate change melting subarctic permafrost, and in so doing releasing methane which will be far worse than CO2. I'd like to sell the possibility of using geoengineering to dampen the rate at which permafrost is melting, and should permafrost release too much methane, we can build solar filters in L1" Rose/Miros says, "one of them was a chrome plating company... at the time, state of the art was to drill a hole in the ground and dump the waste in" Strangelv-3 says, "I'm opposed to geoengineering as it is presently practiced" Rose/Miros says, "guess what it did to the groundwater" Strangelv-3 says, "In fact, you don't want to get me started on the topic. Especially not with the recorder running" PhilipC says, "now whether or not we believe climate change to be real, the important thing in our book should be that we can offer solutions that should be supported" Lunadyne says, "I do think we should push off-Earth resources as a cleaner alternative to the nasty stuff we do now, but I'm not sure a strategic alliance is in order. We should definitely be talking with them, though,." PhilipC says, "frankly, i don't care where the support comes from so long as we can control our own agenda" Strangelv-3 says, "Sukepticism and incredulity are increasing on the CO2 thing. That bandwagon is in danger of collapsing. I'd stay away from it to the extent we can get away from it." Rose/Miros says, "the bandwagon might be collapsing, but i don't doubt that the oceans are warmer and fueling bigger hurricanes every year" Rose/Miros says, "last year, a hurricane hit a city that's somewhere between 2nd and 8th largest in the worldd" Strangelv-3 says, "Antactica's ice sheets are getting bigger at the peok of a Solar cycle which should be wormer than normal" Strangelv-3 says, "I'm actually far more concerned about coling" pjbanyai says, "The Discovery Channels Project Earth [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Earth_(TV_series)] included many advanced environmental solutions like a Space Sunshield and even Orbital Power Plants beaming power back to Earth." Lunadyne says, "Agreed, we don't want to be tarred by association." Rose/Miros says, "are they back to the point where people started worrying about the ice sheet falling appart?" Rose/Miros says, "whasshisname's cabin was no longer a walk from the mainland" PhilipC says, "Look, we're not climate scientists here. We're not going to resolve the debate in the time we have left. The main question in my book is should we sell ourselves as being able to offer solutions to the concerns of other social movements, regardless of how controversial they are, if we are in fact able to offer such solutions?" Strangelv-3 says, "I'd ovoid controversies we're divided about" Strangelv-3 says, "and this is one we're split right down the middrle last time someone tried to measure it" Rose/Miros says, "thing is, the moon is at the bottom of a gravity well, not as big as earth's, but you still have to boost" Strangelv-3 says, "Pollution, dangerous working conditions, and the like would be far less controversial" dcarson says, "the capital launch options (elevator, linear launcher) are doable unlike Earth but are still a capital cost up front" PhilipC says, "But focusing on beamed energy presents other problems, such as getting support from UNSC veto wielding members who export energy like the usa and russia" PhilipC says, "nothing we do will be without controversy" Rose/Miros says, "ohh, about collaboration through the website... we have a "book" set up for web-team people" Strangelv-3 is all for beapmed power sattelites Strangelv-3 says, "We need energy and we need clean energy" Rose/Miros says, "i'm hoping we'll use it to document each decision, but we do have a couple pages already" Strangelv-3 says, "There's really no such thing as too much available power" PhilipC says, "My main purpose for bringing this up was to gauge how you all feel about it. " dcarson says, "sounds worth exploring to me" Strangelv-3 says, "There are angles about this that are not very controversial that we could go for a hard sell on" Lunadyne says, "I'm not against the idea, but I do think it is risky and could affect our reputation and perception." Rose/Miros says, "i think we need to find something we actually agree on, like dirty industry" PhilipC says, "perhaps, but when you check the google ngram viewer on different terms, you can find out what concerns the public and what doesn't. space development has remained flat while other areas are growing at a constant rate" Rose/Miros says, "and james, i will agree on global cooling when you can walk from whassisname's cabin to the mainland of antarctica" PhilipC says, "I'll leave it up to everyone here to look for themselves some of the key terms of the various social movements. just make sure that when you add "space" that you also include something like space shuttle or a word that isn't too obscure" Chard says, "I'm going to have to get some shut eye soon" PhilipC says, "we're over time" Strangelv-3 says, "How much more driving do you need to do?" Strangelv-3 would move to adjourn but lacks standing to do so Rose/Miros raises Strangelv-3 PhilipC says, "Thank you all for indulging me with the time to bring up this topic. " PhilipC says, "That is all I have to say for now." Strangelv-3 looks at the time. 22:31 CDT PhilipC says, "Move to adjourn" bnault says, "second" PhilipC says, "so moved" PhilipC says, "we are now adjourned" PhilipC says, "Again thank you all for coming" Strangelv-3 says, "Is there objection to adjourningat this time?" Strangelv-3 hears none Rose/Miros leaves. Chard says, "have a good night" PhilipC says, "And a special thank you to the web team" PhilipC says, "Good night" bnault says, "G'night!" bnault has disconnected. Chard has disconnected. PhilipC says, "shoot" PhilipC says, "i needed to talk to them very quickly" -- End log: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 11:31:53 pm ASI Meeting Server time --