-- Start log: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:16:28 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- Strangelv-2 notes that it's 20:16 CDT Scottyg-1 says, "Misspelled recorder Dana" dcarson says, "yep" PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming, this is the May Board of Directors meeting" PhilipC says, "In attendance are: Philip Crume, Ben Nault, and Jason Tuttle" PhilipC says, "I'd like to start by asking either of them if they have anything they'd like to put on the agenda?" bnault says, "not at this time, no." PhilipC says, "Jason?" Strangelv-2 as acting secretary has a report Chard says, "negative" PhilipC says, "James, we're going to have two meetings. Secretary report will be for the Management Committee meeting " Strangelv-2 says, "These are not management comhmittee minutes" Strangelv-2 says, "They're board minutes" Strangelv-2 says, "Teh management committee isn't the entity that is needed ot approve thme" PhilipC says, "Very well, James as our acting secretary, please proceed" Strangelv-2 says, "Standby. Technical difficulty" Strangelv-2 says, "Pasting the proposed minutes that the milter filter has eaten" Strangelv arrives. Minutes of the 20 February 2013 Board of Director Meeting Attending directors: Philip Crume, Chair Ben Nault Absent directors: Al Anzaldua, director Alan Steinberg, director Jason Tuttle, director Also Attending: Dana Carson, Treasurer Rose Dieteman, Webmistress Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer James Gholston, Former Director Ken Murphy, President The board was called to order at approximately 20:10 CST * The board acknowledged the bylaws committee, which did not have a report ready at this time. The board adjourned at approximately 20:15 CST James Gholston, former director Strangelv leaves. Strangelv-2 says, "I present the preceeding minutes for approval." Strangelv-2 says, "End report" PhilipC says, "All in favor of approving the minutes of hte last meeting, say aye" PhilipC says, "Aye" bnault says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Jason, what say you?" pjbanyai says, "I think I also attended that meeting." Rose/Miros says "aye" whether or not she's supposed to Chard says, "aye, does that mean I'm absent" PhilipC says, "You were absent at the last meeting, but it was excused due to you being in trainiing" Rose/Miros says, "means you were absent" Chard says, "ok" PhilipC says, "As for the agenda, the only thing I think that's on the table for us to discuss is the approval of James Gholston in replacing Peter Kokh as Secretary." PhilipC says, "I open the floor to discussion" Strangelv-2 stands by awaiting application of a spatula bnault says, "I support the idea." PhilipC says, "A brief synopsis is that Peter has had technical difficulties in gaining access to this forum and as a result, he's been unable to attend our meetings." PhilipC says, "He's still interested in doing the MMM newsletter " bnault says, "and the Kindle versions" PhilipC says, "James expressed an interest in taking over and he has the support of the management committee" Chard says, "Sounds good to me" PhilipC says, "If we're ready for a vote, I need one of you to make a motion" Rose/Miros pokes at Chard. Strangelv-2 notes that there's a lot of lightning. If he gets quiet there's a possibility he's lost power or is rebooting bnault says, "Motion for approval of James Gholston as Secretary in replacement of Peter Kokh who resigned." Chard says, "second" PhilipC says, "All in favor say aye" PhilipC says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" Chard says, "aye" Rose/Miros says "aye" whether or not she's supposed to Lunadyne says, "Did Peter formally resign?" PhilipC says, "So moved, James Gholston is now the secretary. Congratulations James." Strangelv-2 says, "HE's officially offered it months ago" bnault says, "Congratulations James" Strangelv-2 says, "Thank you" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else that the board here wishes to discuss amongst ourselves?" bnault says, "not from me" PhilipC says, "Jason?" Chard says, "nothing from me" PhilipC says, "One last issue, could any officer chime in and remind us who is up for the next election?" Lunadyne says, "Paul is." Lunadyne says, "I think also Dana." Strangelv-2 doesn't know if he is pjbanyai says, "At least 1 director is. Just can't remember who." PhilipC says, "Specifically among us board members" bnault says, "I think Al Anzaldua resigned" bnault says, "need to replace him" Lunadyne says, "Correct" PhilipC says, "Did he?" Lunadyne says, "He has some local projects he wants to focus on." PhilipC says, "Now is the time to do it. " Lunadyne says, "He has been instrumental in building the ISDC Lunar track with Dave Dunlop." PhilipC says, "Of the people here in attendance as ex-officio members of the Management Committee, Rose and Scotty are possible candidates." Strangelv-2 raises Rose's hand Rose/Miros says, "Scotty is too busy" Rose/Miros pokes at Strangelv-2. dcarson gets Rose her volunteers coat, the kind with the long sleeves that tie Rose/Miros says, "lol, last time, i wound up webmaster" Rose/Miros raises her own hand pjbanyai says, "according to Peter's email correction Jason is also up for reelection." Rose/Miros says, "ok, i'll do it, because Scotty is too busy" PhilipC says, "Scotty? What say you?" Rose/Miros says, "we need scotty doing what he's doing............" Lunadyne says, "Agreed" Strangelv-2 has a feature request list to hit Scotty with when Scotty has a brief lull in what he's presently working on Strangelv-2 says, "Is the board making any motions at this time?" Scottyg-1 says, "Philip, besides being too busy, I also got kinda burned out after being an office or director for 10 years." PhilipC says, "Fair enough." PhilipC says, "I just wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth" PhilipC says, "Well it looks like after an intense competition, Rose seems to stand the victor. Rose, would you be willing to accept the position of a director?" Rose/Miros says, "yes" Lunadyne says, "Felicitations!" Chard says, "can we vote her in now?" PhilipC says, "Ben or Jason, would either of you be amenable to making a motion to appoint Rose as a director?" Chard makes a motion to appoint Rose as a director of Moon Society. PhilipC says, "Second?" bnault says, "second" PhilipC says, "All in favor, please affirm by saying aye" PhilipC says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" Chard says, "aye" Rose/Miros abstains whether she's supposed to or not PhilipC says, "The motion carries. Congratulations Rose, you are now a director." bnault says, "welcome aboard!" PhilipC says, "Welcome!" Strangelv-2 claps. Rose/Miros says, "thank you thank you" Chard claps. PhilipC says, "claps" Rose/Miros says, "2nd person, philip" Rose/Miros claps. PhilipC says, "I open the floor to any other issues anyone would like to discuss with the board." PhilipC says, "Hearing nothing else. Is there any objection to adjourning this meeting?" pjbanyai says, "I suggest upgrading her title to Chief Web Director or Queen of the Web :) " Chard says, "no objections here" PhilipC says, "Ben? Rose?" Lunadyne says, "I usually use Webmistress" Scottyg has arrived. bnault says, "motion to adjourn the board meeting of May 15 2013." Strangelv-2 says, "Power glitch?" Chard says, "second" PhilipC says, "The May 2013 Board of Directors meeting is now adjourned. " PhilipC says, "Thank you all for attending." -- End log: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:45:51 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- -- Start log: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:46:30 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming to the May 15, 2013 Management Committee Meeting." Strangelv-2 notes that the time is 20:47 CDT PhilipC says, "Will all who are in attendance please state your name and your position." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" Scottyg-1 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler - Assistant Treasurer" bnault says, "Ben Nault, board member" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Treasurer" Strangelv-2 says, "James Gholston, Defense of Dark Ar... um, Secretary." Rose/Miros says, "Rosalie Dieteman, director and web master" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy, President" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Chard says, "Jason Tuttle, Director" PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming. Let the record show that we have quorum for this meeting. " PhilipC says, "I wish to make a quick announcement for this record to congratulate Rose Dieteman for being appointed to the Board of Directors. She has been a remarkable source of inspiration and I know that we can all expect good things from her." Lunadyne says, "Hear, hear!" bnault says, "hear hear!" Rose/Miros puts herself in charge of Dumb Questions pjbanyai says, "Does the MOO have a code for a Fireworks display???" PhilipC says, "I also wish to congratulate James Gholston on having also been recently appointed as our new secretary. He has already shown a can-do attitude and I know that he will be a reliable member of the team" PhilipC says, "Now in proceeding with this meeting, James, do you have minutes for the last meeting?" Strangelv-2 says, "The secretary regretfulyl does n't have a erport for the management committee at this time" PhilipC says, "Perhaps next time then. " PhilipC says, "I'd like to open the floor to discussion of the agenda for this meeting. Please refrain from giving any reports at this time. " Lunadyne says, "Agenda items: ISDC Lunar Track, membership" Strangelv-2 says, "The web team has things to report, and it would probably work best if the discussion could be postponed until old business" Rose/Miros says, "the end of old business" Strangelv-2 says, "And the web site should probabyl be the last item as it will probably fill all available time as usual." Strangelv-2 says, "The report can come before new and old business, though" Strangelv-2 looks around Strangelv-2 says, "Reports, ISDC, membership and the web site?" Lunadyne says, "Be forewarned - we have thunderstorms in the area, and it looks like tornadoes as well. This might affect James, Scotty and myself." Strangelv-2 says, "It has been rather loud here" Lunadyne says, "Just glad I live in a concrete building" Scottyg-1 says, "Two tornados also." PhilipC says, "That sounds like a pretty full agenda for the next hour" PhilipC says, "James' suggestion sounds good to me." PhilipC says, "Let's start with the reports. " PhilipC says, "Membership." PhilipC says, "Ken, you have the floor" Lunadyne says, "Current membership stands at 166, a decline of 5 from the last meeting." dcarson says, "ouch" Lunadyne says, "I'm hoping we have a good ISDC and get some new members signed up there." Lunadyne says, "Peter just sent me an e-mail about membership and ways to attract a younger membership. He notes the average age is 55.4 years old." Chard says, "wow" Lunadyne says, "The issue of course is that the youngsters will friend, like, thumbs up and +1, but it's hard to get them to join." Lunadyne says, "The new website will help. We also need to work on some projects to attract attention." dcarson says, "do we have current fliers for me to put out at Balticon at the end of the month?" Lunadyne says, "Peter has also suggested an Indiegogo campaign. My intent was to use Kickstarter to raise money for a Lunar Lava Tube field exercise." Lunadyne says, "I think all of our documentation is stale. We need to come up with a new membership flier." Lunadyne says, "Would be nice to have for ISDC, but likely won't be ready in time." dcarson says, "we need a well defined projectand incentives other then just one level" dcarson says, "stretch goals to encourage more then minimum support also" dcarson says, "woukd be worth having one by ISDC/Baltico at the end of the month" Strangelv-2 had once suggested havinga monthly contribution option for people who could afford it, but that didn't get taken very well last time he mentioned it. That would also apply more for revenue than recruitment. Lunadyne says, "Agreed. I helped put together the NSS KIckstarter campaign, so have a few ideas." Strangelv-2 says, "Kickstarters seem to mork best with a low but adequaet primary goal, lots of stretch goals gettinga nnouced on the fly, new level,s update,s and charts help too" PhilipC says, "A lot of this discussion would seem to be appropriate for a communications committee. I've wanted to start one for months but I'm focused on the web committee. But we seem to be a point in time where the web committee has fulfilled its purpose in providing a transition architecture " dcarson says, "worth looking at ones that greatly excedded goals to see if ant idas can be stolen" Strangelv-2 says, "Probably the best one I've seen was for _Order of the Stick_ a webcomic that raised over $1M to get its books back into print" dcarson says, "a big fanbase is the main thing sadly" Lunadyne says, "Great series. Too bad we don't have an "Order of the Moon" webcomic." pjbanyai says, "I just googled moonsociety. Google is now placing wikipedia info in a large box with related searches such as the Mars Society. Instead of simply having our logo they have a large copy of our CafePress store logo/link." Strangelv-2 says, "Does anyone still have the ability to even edit that site?" Lunadyne says, "Ouch.," Strangelv-2 suspects it's possible no one here knows Lunadyne says, "We might want to just close it out and start fresh." Lunadyne says, "Anyway, we know we need new and younger members." Strangelv-2 nods. PhilipC says, "Perhaps now is the time for us to start a communications committee? " PhilipC says, "Shall we put it on the agenda?" Strangelv-2 says, "Should we add that to new and old business? After ISDC and membership?" PhilipC says, "new business" PhilipC says, "I suggest putting it before any discussion of the website" PhilipC says, "I think we can also close down the web committee and put the website back in the hands of the web team again" Lunadyne says, "When are we launching?" Strangelv-2 says, "I'll answer that when it's my report" Lunadyne says, "Roger" PhilipC says, "I'm getting off-track. " PhilipC says, "Is there anything else for the membership report?" Lunadyne says, "All done." PhilipC says, "Thank you." PhilipC says, "Now for the treasurer's report." PhilipC says, "Dana, you have the floor" dcarson says, "check sent to Peter to reimbure him and pay for awards being made" dcarson says, "still haven't heard from several CPAs, had one say he doesn't do that kind of work" dcarson says, "will take a check to NASA FCU friday to purchase a CD" dcarson says, "done" PhilipC says, "How are our financials? What's our current balance?" Rose/Miros loves when people ignore you when you're offering them them business Lunadyne says, "They're probably all fat and happy from tax season." dcarson says, "and exausted" Lunadyne says, "A CPA who doesn't do audits? What is he, a bookkeeper?" Strangelv-2 says, "Recuperating? on vacation?" dcarson says, "about $500 lower from Peters expenses" dcarson says, "he apparently just does taxes and bookeeping" dcarson says, "so around 31 thousand" PhilipC says, "Thank you" Strangelv-2 has no questions for the treasurer. Does anyone else? PhilipC says, "Does that conclude the treasurer's report?" Lunadyne says, "A possible control for the auditors: would it make sense to scan each month's bank statement and circulate it to officers?" dcarson says, "sure" PhilipC says, "And to the board" Lunadyne says, "Don't know if the whole BoD needs to see it. Maybe just the Chairman. We don't want to circulate it too widely. Just provide a mechanism to monitor transaction activity." Scottyg-1 says, "Bank balance on 4/30 was $31,549.57" Lunadyne says, "Not that we don't trust our Treasurer. It's just good practice to have that kind of controls." PhilipC says, "Thank you. " PhilipC says, "Yes and I agree" Scottyg-1 says, "We have online access to the bank account and can get pdf statements." Lunadyne says, "Perfect. " PhilipC says, "The important thing for me is that we simply have a quick estimate of how we're doing as an organization." Lunadyne says, "I'd like to make a motion to formally adopt a procedure to circulate a pdf of each month's bank statement to the rest of Management Team and to the Chairman of the BoD." PhilipC says, "Any second?" bnault says, "second" PhilipC says, "Would all in favor please affirm by saying aye" PhilipC says, "Aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Strangelv-2 needs to remember that he can move/second/ammend/substitute/vote for the first time in four years. Lunadyne says, "Aye" Strangelv-2 says, "aye" Chard says, "aye" PhilipC says, "The aye's have it" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else from the treasurer?" dcarson says, "nope" PhilipC says, "Thank you. " PhilipC says, "On to ISDC. Ken you have the floor" Strangelv-2 notes ther's another report Lunadyne says, "The ISDC Lunar Track is shown at: http://isdc.nss.org/2013/tracks-lunar.shtml" Lunadyne says, "We will have a display table and Peter is shipping the Lava Tube exhibit to San Diego for our exhibit table." Lunadyne says, "On Sunday, Chris Carson will pack up the display and ship it to Dallas for Moon Day." Lunadyne says, "We will be borrowing Paul Graham's (of OpenLuna) HD camera to record the track." Strangelv-2 claps. Lunadyne says, "We will be paying for Paul to ship that to and from the conference." Lunadyne says, "It's worth it to ensure we have a recording this year, and for the raw material to use for the Kickstarter Lava Tube campaign." Lunadyne says, "How many folks will be there?" Lunadyne says, "That many, huh?" Strangelv-2 doesn't know the answer. He is also completly unable to attend in purson Strangelv-2 needs a telepresence robot PhilipC says, "I'm working on it" dcarson says, "same weekend as Balticon, no budget" Rose/Miros says, "find someone who wants to attend the same things you do and have them carry a camera around" Strangelv-2 says, "Are there things you'd be able to do better with a budget?" Lunadyne says, "Yeah, I'm taking a 30-hour Greyhound bus rideout there,." Lunadyne says, "Oh, camera. Must remember." Strangelv-2 says, "Cameras are good. SO is interview footage, even if it takes as awhile to use it" dcarson says, "my budget not the societies, trying to not spend much" Lunadyne says, "Agreed. I need to look into the SD YMCA." Lunadyne says, "That's about it for ISDC. Any questions?" Strangelv-2 says, "How much time do you have left for other tasks? That's part of my repor,t though" Lunadyne says, "Not much. I'm also the ISDC budget guy. I need to stop doing all this free stuff and find a job." Strangelv-2 says, "At least you'll be looking for on in North Texas instead of, wel,l almost anywhere else" Lunadyne says, "Yeah, would love to return to my roots and get a job aT MCDonalds." Strangelv-2 says, "Bleh." Strangelv-2 says, "Good luck on finding something worthy soon" PhilipC says, "Does anyone else have any questions related to ISDC?" Strangelv-2 doesn't at this time Lunadyne says, "Thanks. Trying to find something in STEM education, but there are no STEM programs with any kind of budget." PhilipC says, "Hearing nothing else, we need to move on. We only have about 20 minutes left" Lunadyne says, "On to the website!" Strangelv-2 says, "Which report is next?" Strangelv-2 looks at the Chair PhilipC says, "I mentioned earlier about wishing to insert into the agenda before the website the communication committee" Strangelv-2 says, "That's not a report, though" Strangelv-2 says, "That's business" PhilipC says, "Can we separate the website report from website business?" Strangelv-2 says, "We can try. That's what I was thinking in terms of" Strangelv-2 looks at Rose and Scotty Strangelv-2 says, "Could we hold off questions ountil it comes bakc up as business?" PhilipC says, "That sounds fair" PhilipC says, "Proceed with the website report" PhilipC says, "Please" Strangelv-2 says, "Scotty has implemented a new menuing system (Nice Menus). Most of the serious bugs are worked out, but some remain. It solves several problems that he and Rose were finding with Popup Menus. Most of the remaining problems mainly affect logged-in admins and none of the current problems are show-stoppers." Strangelv-2 says, "We may need to incorporate CSS for dealing with Nice Menus in ten of the eleven themes." Strangelv-2 says, "There are presently eleven implemented Coriolis themes. I have recently added a separate case for MSIE 9 after discovering it needs a deprpeciated proprietary filter solution to get gradients and transparency. I have also combined it with MSIE 8 which uses the same filter syntax, leaving MSIE 7 with its own theme. As MSIE 6 and 5.5 use the same format that MSIE 7 uses, these browsers will also get the gradients." Strangelv-2 says, "I have found a free site that does screenshots with an assortment of browsers, although sometimes the versions of Internet Explorer are unreliable simulations or emulations. " Strangelv-2 says, "I ran out of time to make a compilation of interesting screenshots, but some of them can be found here (along with a lot of failed screenshots -- more successful ones are at the bottom and theer are links to other groups of screenshots):" Strangelv-2: http://browsershots.org/http://test.moonsociety.org/ Strangelv-2 says, "Please note that our site is in a time consuming development mode, and many of the browsers with this service take their screenshots before our pages finish loading. Things will get faster after we switch this development mode off." Strangelv-2 says, "I have also been trying to maintain a bug list here:" Strangelv-2: http://www.lunarpedia.org/index.php?title=Coriolis_(web_theme) Strangelv-2 says, "Please feel free to add to the list. Note that items with an asterisk between the parenthesis (*) are believed to be resolved." Strangelv-2 says, "I have discovered ten more browsers that will need overrides in the theme switcher. Avant is a multiple engine browser that used to be a wrapper around Internet Explorer. This is difficult but I have a guess of what might work at least some of the time. Presently it gets sent to the MSIE 7 theme even when it's using Webkit or Gecko and gets a very significently reduced experience. My hope is to make the level of aesthetic for MSIE 9 users (and by extension MSIE 6 users) to at least be in the neighborhood of users with fully CSS3 compliant (if typically only with -prefixed-syntax) browsers. An upcoming version of Firefox also has a confusing docstring, but goes to a location that is suitable (CSS2), and most users wouldn't notice any difference." Strangelv-2 says, "Browsers using Gecko versions that correspond to all versions of Firefox 3.x have trouble getting the flexbox columns of the CSS3 theme in the correct order. I have found seven that we will want to redirect to the CSS2 theme." Strangelv-2 says, "In response to criticism that the site is not colorful enough, I have visually improved the buttons. I am very happy with their appearance, but some have reported readibility issues. I've not yet found a way to tweak the transparency slightly away from transparency that I'm as happy with, but I have repositioned the text shadow and made it non-opaque even for early transitional browsers that can't do blurs. Not all themes have the new buttons: some still have a less successful earlier attempt that I have referred to as disco buttons..." Strangelv-2 says, "And a very important, if redundant notice, and allow me to be blunt:" Strangelv-2 says, "If everyone is waiting for me to get to the point where I can wrap up work on theme development and get our content ported over to the new site by myself, then not only will people at ISDC this year will still be looking at our twentieth century home page when they visit us, but we will also miss our June deadline. Once I start to change gears to work on porting content my productivity may come to a grinding halt. Even if it doesn't I may be unable to change gears back to fix things we find that need work as a result of getting our content moved over. It would be very beneficial for content and theme development to happen in parallel, and this is something we could have started doing months ago. This has takon far longer than I expected it to, and it's something of a miracle that my health hasn't pulled the plug on my productivity yet. It could do this at any time, however." Strangelv-2 says, "I say again: ** * HEEELLLP!!! * **" Strangelv-2 says, "End my portion of the report." Strangelv-2 looks at Rose and Scotty Lunadyne says, "Holy indigestion!" Lunadyne says, "Uh oh, I hear sirens..." Strangelv-2 says, "Got any windowless rooms?" Strangelv-2 loks at his RADAR Strangelv-2's- moment of quiet is about to rathder abruptly end PhilipC says, "Might I suggest that we put out a request on our facebook page to any members with web skills to help us move over content?" Lunadyne says, "Will do." PhilipC says, "That might be a good way to also grab a few young people who like us but who aren't members" PhilipC says, "Maybe one or two of them could write a script to automate the process" Strangelv-2 says, "There actually is an automation option, but no one has looked into it and I can't remember its name" PhilipC says, "But as we agreed earlier, let's hold off discussion until old business" Strangelv-2 says, "It's also not well adapted forl Drupal 7 and might make a mess" Strangelv-2 says, "True. As Rose and Scotyt have'nt piped in, let's move on to business" Strangelv-2 looks at Philip and Ken Lunadyne says, "Quick question - to whom should I send folks from the Facebook page?" Strangelv-2 wishes he had an answer Rose/Miros says, "the moo is the best bet" Lunadyne says, "President@moonsociety.org?" Strangelv-2 says, "Depends on your availability and how reliable you are with email" Lunadyne says, "That's why I was hoping to send them to someone." PhilipC says, "As I mentioned before, I'd like to insert into the agenda the establishment of a communications committee. But since this came about in the course of our discussions and after the approval for the agenda, I need everyone's approval to insert this into the agenda" Strangelv-2 only now remembers to ask if it's possible to get reimbursed for his $200 in surprise expenditures, but that can wait until business Strangelv-2 has no objection if it's short enough Lunadyne says, "Okay, I'll use president@moonsociety.org and try to juggle it as best I can." Strangelv-2 says, "Directions to ASI MOO would wokr even faster if the volunteer is up for that" Lunadyne says, "Um, I'm guessing most of the folks on Facebook have never heard of a MOO." PhilipC says, "Perhaps we could provide a link to ASI MOO?" Strangelv-2 says, "Any compatible MUD clien,t TELNET, some IRC cliients, or use this web link: [insert MOOTCAN link here]" Strangelv-2 says, "moo.asi.org port 7777" PhilipC says, "Can you guys discuss that after the meeting?" Strangelv-2 says, "I can" PhilipC says, "Thank you." Strangelv-2 says, "...Assuming the weamther doesn't take me offline" Lunadyne says, "I honestly don't think anyone will comprehend, frankly. I'll use president adddress." Strangelv-2 has more to say to Ken about this but will wait PhilipC [to insert]: an item into the agenda, I need approval to do so. Strangelv-2 says, "so moved" Chard says, "second" PhilipC says, "Is it okay if I add a communications committee item to the agenda?" Strangelv-2 says, "call the question" PhilipC says, "A quick yes or no please" Lunadyne says, "Yes" Strangelv-2 says, "Aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" PhilipC says, "We're not voting on approving a communications committee, just adding discussion of it to the agenda" bnault says, "yes" PhilipC says, "thank you" Chard says, "aye" Strangelv-2 says, "Yes, my motion was to add it to the agenda" Strangelv-2 says, "Done" Strangelv-2 says, "Ken?" PhilipC says, "Over the past few months, it has become apparent to me that we are in sore need of a communications committee" PhilipC says, "As someone with a BA in Communications I know a thing or two about doing formal communications research and how to do a proper outreach campaign" PhilipC says, "We as an organization need to reach out to a younger audience and to appeal to the next generation. But the problem is that no one here is an expert in doing that. This means that we're going to need research." PhilipC says, "The only way to know what someone is thinking is to ask them" Lunadyne says, "At least there aren't as many Moon groups as there are Mars groups." PhilipC says, "That can change" Strangelv-2 says, "True. There used to be just the Mars Society" PhilipC says, "Our communication problems are legion but the biggest one of them all is that we're not reaching out. " Strangelv-2 looks at Philip PhilipC says, "Part and parcel of any outreach campaign is that we have something to offer after we've drawn them in. " Lunadyne says, "I would suggest a Moon Society Google+ Event like I did with the "New Visions for Space", but I know how everyone here feels about Google+" PhilipC says, "So if we establish a communications committee, half of the management committee here would need to focus on that while the other half focuses on projects and creating something of value for the potential members" Lunadyne says, "Projects (Lunar Lava Tube, Small Sat), Education & Outreach (Moon Day), publishing (MMM)" Strangelv-2 has experience with surveys as part of his BA in Sociology PhilipC says, "That's a good start. But as we begin to survey potential members, they're going to make a lot of suggestions that we might want to look into" Lunadyne says, "Agreed" Strangelv-2 says, "Surveys of our membership have been uniformly unconstructive, though" Strangelv-2 says, "But that's not what you're suggesting" Rose/Miros says, "remember the average age" PhilipC [to truly]: reach out, we're going to need to buy marketing databases with enough information to allow us to hone in on our targeted groups dcarson says, "wonder how that compares to the average age for NSS, ISDC etc." Rose/Miros says, "i suspect he's thinking a survey linked to facebook, so we get input from our target recruiting people" PhilipC says, "To truly reach out, we're going to need to buy marketing databases with enough information to allow us to hone in on our targeted groups"" Lunadyne says, "We can use the Facebook page to point people to the survey" Strangelv-2 says, "We could also place ads in Facebook and possibly Google+" PhilipC says, "I'm talking about doing an actual-formal survey" pjbanyai says, "We can actually post on the page a poll." Strangelv-2 says, "I believe Philip may be thinking of a random survey" Strangelv-2 says, "So placing ads as I suggested would be an N/A" PhilipC says, "since we have the funds, I can think of no better way to spend some of it than investing in membership growth" Lunadyne says, "That's the sense I'm getting." PhilipC says, "a targeted but random survey of say 5,000 people" PhilipC says, "perhaps a smaller sample but one that would be statistically significant" Strangelv-2 says, "Stratified random sample? What would our strata be? age, gender, ethnicity, state?" PhilipC says, "we can go into those details later" dcarson says, "doing a poll or two on facebook may let us get enough to make the random survey better" Lunadyne says, "designed correctly, we can probably sell the results to other space groups." Strangelv-2 says, "I was taught that phone surveys were the golden standard because everyone had a phone -- but that was ceasing to be the case even when I was taught that" PhilipC says, "but for now, we need a mix of members that's beyond the apollo-SST era" Strangelv-2 says, "I want to know what is a good replacement for a phone survey" PhilipC says, "that's something we're going to have to unravel, perhaps with a few focus groups" PhilipC says, "but the way I see it, this is life or death for this organization" PhilipC says, "We'll either grow or die" Lunadyne says, "What's life or death is drawing in new members from beyond the usual space geek community" PhilipC says, "What I have in mind is reaching out to the larger STEM community" PhilipC says, "What I'd like is to set up a communications committee and then the first order of business for this committee is to design a proper research study, and following that a proper communications campaign" Lunadyne says, "What kind of budget are you anticipating?" PhilipC says, "We'll bring a range of options for this management committee here in terms of costs" PhilipC says, "I think asking for up to $10,000 is not unrealistic" PhilipC says, "The databases that I have in mind are nationwide" Strangelv-2 says, "Five figures we might need to combine the effort with at least one additional organization" PhilipC says, "But bear in mind that the return on investment will surpass whatever budget is given to us" Chard has disconnected. Strangelv-2 says, "That's only if teh expense doesn't kill us" PhilipC says, "The NSS might be interested in participating since their membership levels have dropped too. " PhilipC says, "I'd also suggest that at least another $10k be set aside for projects" Lunadyne says, "And they are an affiliate. However they are a total mess." Strangelv-2 says, "Tehy'er an obvious choice. We also are on good terms with osme other gorups, includinga couple of Mars organizations" PhilipC [to be]: blunt, I do not want to partner with the Mars Society Strangelv-2 says, "To fund this we need to rais money wo don't presentyl have" PhilipC says, "To be blunt, I do not want to partner with the Mars Society"" Strangelv-2 says, "The Zublin Society is not the one we're on the best of terms with" PhilipC says, "Zubrin outright rejects the whole basis of our existence" Strangelv-2 says, "Yes" PhilipC says, "He's been hostile to the lunar approach at every conference I've ever seen him at" PhilipC says, "I'm champing at the bit to have a piece of hiim" Strangelv-2 says, "Wo do better with organizations that grasp that the correct answer to the Moon or Mars question is 'YES'" Lunadyne says, "My concern is that a Mars group alliance would dilute our message," PhilipC says, "With $31k in the bank, we can afford to do this" Strangelv-2 says, "This would be limited to the survey. The have their questions, we have ours, we have our shared questions, we get all the results" Lunadyne says, "Last thing I want to do is spend $10K to increase the membership of Mars groups." Strangelv-2 says, "Much of that is earmarked" Strangelv-2 says, "The idea is they pay a chunk of the cost too" PhilipC says, "I need to know what isn't earmarked" Lunadyne says, "A good chunk. I know we're trying to figure out how much we owe on MMM, but last I heard it was estimated at about $6K." dcarson says, "which leaves 20K" The housekeeper arrives to cart Chard off to bed. Lunadyne says, "Up to $1K allocated to the audit." PhilipC says, "What does everyone else here think of what's been said so far?" Strangelv-2 says, "Yike. Is this an accumulated debt or something that acme up?" Strangelv-2 says, "I belivee it's a good idea, but no way can we afforhd to spend $10,000 on it" Lunadyne says, "I think it's accumulated, and the LRS doesn't know how much it is." dcarson says, "yeah it drains a lot of surplus, if it works it would be worth it" Strangelv-2 says, "We need someone else to pick up the tab, even if we just share the list of ppeople and launch separate surveys" dcarson says, "if it doesn't work it probably means we just die sooner then we would otherwise" PhilipC says, "Keep in mind that $10k isn't only for research, but it would also include a limited membership expansion campaign" Strangelv-2 says, "WE need an actual budget proposal to start with" Lunadyne says, "I have to be sold on it working. I've seen a lot of this kind of thing that goes nowhere in my years with NFPs. I want a clear path to profit." PhilipC says, "I've seen nationwide marketing databases for $3-5k. But more targeted databases are more expensive" PhilipC says, "I agree" Lunadyne says, "Could the Communications committee maybe start with some new documentation like a membership brochure and an advertising postcard." PhilipC says, "For now, I'd like to set up a communications committee. Eventually I'd like it to be responsible for all forms of communication" PhilipC says, "This includes the website. Eventually I'd like to have a CMS that allows us to run experiments on the effectiveness of certain messages" PhilipC says, "But I'm getting ahead of myself" pjbanyai says, "Facebook demographics currently shows that our reach is highest among both males and females between the ages of 25 and 34." PhilipC says, "If there's no objection to me doing so, I'd like to make a motion to set up a communications committee." dcarson says, "which is a much stabler demographic then out membership" dcarson says, "so moved" PhilipC says, "Any second?" Rose/Miros says, "second" Strangelv-2 wonders what statistical theories work with self-selected groups? Obviously such a model would be compyletely useless for detecting things outside of those that self-select, but the self-selechting gorups would be more than enough for us to wokr with Lunadyne says, "Yeah, the Facebook page frustrates me. We've added 1,342 friends since I started, but nowhere near as many members." PhilipC says, "I'd like to call the question" bnault says, "call please, I will need to leave soon" PhilipC says, "All in favor of setting up a communications committee, please affirm by saying aye or oppose by saying nay." Lunadyne says, "Aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" PhilipC says, "aye" Strangelv-2 says, "abstain" PhilipC says, "The ayes have it" bnault says, "motion that the communications committe will present an initial plan at the next leadership meeting" PhilipC says, "That might be too soon" Strangelv-2 wonders if that needs to be a motion bnault says, "within one month?" PhilipC says, "Fair enough" PhilipC says, "If there's no objection, I'd like to chair this communication committee " Lunadyne says, "A month sounds fair" bnault says, "motion that the communications committe will present an initial plan within one month of this date" PhilipC says, "Any second?" Lunadyne says, "second" PhilipC says, "Call the question, all in favor say aye, oppose say nay" PhilipC says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" Strangelv-2 says, "abstain" pjbanyai says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "the ayes have it" Strangelv-2 wonders if there's any room for the committee paying for two domain renewals that cost a total of $200 Strangelv-2 would need to recuse himself from any such motion PhilipC says, "Someone else needs to make the motion since the person who wants to be reimbursed can't make such a motion" dcarson says, "move to reimburse $200 for recovering lunarpedia" Rose/Miros says, "second" PhilipC says, "Any discussion?" Lunadyne says, "We need to figure out our domain name strategy." pjbanyai says, "By the way we curently have the following email addresses which can and should be be used more: info@moonsociety.org (Information Requests), pr@moonsociety.org (Public Relations), volunteer@moonsociety.org, volunteers@moonsociety.org, webmaster@moonsociety.org (Web Site Support)." Lunadyne says, "Who do these direct to?" PhilipC says, "Let's hold that topic until later. We're past time" Strangelv-2 says, "We need an account with probabrly either DreamHost or Pair that holds all of ourdomain names" Rose/Miros says, "and multiple people getting renewal notices" bnault says, "we have a motion..." pjbanyai says, "They are accesed by helpdir which any helpdir member can choose to subscribe to and have messages forwarded to." Lunadyne says, "Just out of curiosity, how much traffic does Lunarpedia get?" Strangelv-2 looks PhilipC says, "Guys, let's hold that discussion until after the meeting" Lunadyne says, "Fine,. okay, aye" PhilipC says, "We have a motion on the floor. Since discussion seems unrelated, I call the question" Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "All in favor of reimbursing James $200, say aye, all opposed say nay" Strangelv-2: Views total 4,516,740 PhilipC says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" Strangelv-2 says, "Thank you. And I could'nt find a monthly number or average." PhilipC says, "The ayes have it. Dana, at your earliest convenience, can you please send James a check for $200." dcarson says, "james, email me a request with recepiets please" dcarson says, "I'll get a check out this weekend" pjbanyai says, "aye" bnault says, "guys, I need to run...we are 35mins over and I really need to attend to some other things." Strangelv-2 says, "One was sent to the list, the other I wasn't sent a copy. Peter would have the main receipt" PhilipC says, "Thank you for staying over time Ben" Strangelv-2 says, "I can send the one I have again" bnault has disconnected. PhilipC says, "Is there anyone else who needs to leave?" Strangelv-2 says, "We still have quorum" PhilipC says, "We still have the website to discuss" Strangelv-2 says, "But I can't think of anything during the web business that will need a motion" Lunadyne says, "I need to head out." PhilipC says, "Before we move on to the website, I'd like to ask if anyone here is willing to join the communications committee" Strangelv-2 says, "I am" Strangelv-2 says, "But I may not be as available once the web site is up. I've ben negrecting everything else pretty much all year" PhilipC says, "Perhaps I can send out a request to the facebook page" Lunadyne says, "I just put a website request up. I'd hold off a bit." PhilipC says, "Fair enough" PhilipC says, "on both accounts" PhilipC says, "Moving on." PhilipC says, "James, you have the floor for the website" Strangelv-2 says, "Rose, I gave my part of the erport. Do you have anything to add?" Rose/Miros says, "no, other than that you and scotty are doing a great job" Strangelv-2 says, "Thank you. " Lunadyne says, "Second that." pjbanyai says, "I am interested in joining th committee. I also think that Jason as Public Relations Officer should be a member by default." Strangelv-2 says, "What do people think of the readibility and aesthetics of the golden glass buttons on CSS3 capable browsers?" The housekeeper arrives to cart bnault off to bed. Lunadyne says, "Agreed on Jason, especially since he's not here at the moment..." Lunadyne says, "Listen" Lunadyne says, "Sorry, gotta go." Strangelv-2 says, "TAke care" Lunadyne has disconnected. Strangelv-2 says, "And we still have quorum" PhilipC says, "Paul, I will ask Jason if he wants to be part of the communications committee" PhilipC says, "We may need to vacate the PR position for a while since the work will be assumed by a whole committee instead of a single person" PhilipC says, "Is there anything to discuss for the website? " Strangelv-2 says, "Mostly needing help with content and asking about the readibility of the buttons while I have a pool of eyeballs" Strangelv-2 says, "There's probably more, but I'm ont remembering it right now" PhilipC says, "Rose?" Rose/Miros says, "i'm good" pjbanyai has reconnected. The housekeeper arrives to cart Lunadyne off to bed. Rose/Miros says, "we do need warm bodies/hands on keyboard" PhilipC says, "Scotty's been idle for an hour" Rose/Miros says, "and eyes for feedback" Rose/Miros says, "he eats late some nights" PhilipC says, "If there's nothing else, I'd like to open the floor for announcements" PhilipC says, "I have a request" PhilipC says, "If anyone here has any friends or people they know in the Seattle area who's involved with the space community and is politically active, could you introduce me to them?" Strangelv-2 can think of a few people in Portland; does that count? PhilipC says, "That might work" Strangelv-2 says, "Bryce and Cheryl of the L5/NSS chapter" PhilipC says, "I'll look them up. Thanks" Strangelv-2 says, "Who will be in the MOO tomorrow at 20:00 CDT for Space Chat" Strangelv-2 says, "Also Charles Radley, unless he's moved" PhilipC says, "Is he in Portland?" Strangelv-2 says, "I can't remember, but I seem to remember him being in the area" PhilipC says, "I'll ask" PhilipC says, "Does anyone else have anything they'd like to say or ask? " PhilipC says, "IF there's no objection, I move to adjourn" Strangelv-2 says, "Does anyone have any comments on the website buttons?" Strangelv-2 says, "Asd I'll so move the adjourn" Rose/Miros says, "second" PhilipC says, "So moved" PhilipC says, "We are now adjourned." PhilipC says, "Thank you all for attending... and for staying over time" -- End log: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 11:54:27 pm ASI Meeting Server time --