-- Start log: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 9:23:56 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- PhilipC says, "Thank you. I want to welcome everyone to the 2013-06-05 Management Committee Meeting." PhilipC says, "For the purpose of a roll call, I would like to ask all who are present to please state your name and position." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Treasurer" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy, president" Rose/Miros says, "Rosalie Dieteman, webmaster and director" AlanSteinberg says, "Alan Steinberg, Director" bnault says, "Ben Nault, director" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Strangelv-3 says, "James Gholston, secretary" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that we have quorum for this meeting. " PhilipC says, "Jason Tuttle is currently not present but may join us later." Strangelv-3 says, "He's stuck in the commons" PhilipC says, "James, do you have the minutes from the last meeting?" Strangelv-3 says, "I emailed them last week" PhilipC says, "Does anyone have any objection to those minutes?" Strangelv-3 says, "I could probably find tehm quickly. I might email them again if needed" Strangelv-3 says, "Sent again. As I sent an email to the list eacriler today, it hopefulyl won't get tied up " PhilipC says, "As did I " dcarson says, "I added Chard2 to the access list, he can come in now" PhilipC says, "Has everyone had an opportunity to peruse the minutes?" Chard2 [Guest] arrives. Chard2 [Guest] says, "Thanks" AlanSteinberg says, "yup" PhilipC says, "Jason can you please state your name and position for the record so that we can show that you are present" Lunadyne says, "Yes, no objections to minutes." Strangelv-3 guesses the meeting was called to order at roughly 20:20 CDT PhilipC says, "If there is no objection, I'd like make a motion that we approve the minutes. Can I have a second?" Chard2 [Guest] says, "Jason Tuttle - Director" AlanSteinberg says, "second" PhilipC says, "Thank you." Strangelv-3 wonders if anyone wants to call the question or move to ammend PhilipC says, "Can I have a vote on the approval of the minutes. " PhilipC says, "All in favor say aye opposed nay." dcarson says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" Strangelv-3 says, "aye" Chard2 [Guest] says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "sye" Lunadyne says, "Aye aye...aye." PhilipC says, "Thank you." AlanSteinberg says, ""aye"" Strangelv-3 begins to wonder if he's possibly NOT the sleepiest person here PhilipC says, "Let the record show the minutes of the May 15 meeting has been approved" PhilipC says, "I'd like to open the floor for just a minute to invite agenda items. Please refrain from discussion at this time or in giving reports" Rose/Miros says, "Make Peter an "emeritus."" Rose/Miros says, "Pay for badly needed security certificate so we can move the secure site." Rose/Miros says, "Front page static text ideas." Strangelv-3 says, "I have a web team report, but it needs some additional content from Ken, who may be giving it as part of a report on ISDC" PhilipC says, "So far we will have:" PhilipC says, "Reports (membership, treasury, web team)" Strangelv-3 looks at Ken PhilipC says, "ISDC Report" Strangelv-3 looks at Philip PhilipC says, "A request for Peter" PhilipC says, "And a web team report" PhilipC says, "I would also like to make a request for the communications committee for submitting an article to NRC" Strangelv-3 so moves teh agenda as Philip has outlined PhilipC says, "Let's move the item for Peter to the end so that the web team report and request can be more seamless" PhilipC says, "Does this sound like a reasonable agenda for everyone?" Strangelv-3 looks for a second Lunadyne says, "Ken looks at James." Lunadyne says, "Second" Strangelv-3 says, "Call the question?" PhilipC says, "Hearing no objection, let's move forward" PhilipC says, "Note- agendas don't require votes" PhilipC says, "Alright, Ken you have the floor for the membership report" Lunadyne says, "Can someone else pull the number? I don't have my handy bookmark on this computer." Strangelv-3 doesn't have the number and has been looking forward to hearing it Strangelv-3 looks around at random pjbanyai says, "163 same as before we have 3 members expireing soon." Strangelv-3 hmms. Lunadyne says, "Not having membership brochures at ISDC didn't help." Strangelv-3 says, "uh oh" Lunadyne says, "Web connectivity was poor in the exhibit hall." Lunadyne says, "When we get a communications committee, one of the first things I'd like to see are some new brochures, postcards and stickers." bnault says, "having computer issues, need to change computers, back in a few" bnault has disconnected. pjbanyai says, "We have 4 more members expire a week after those 3." PhilipC says, "We set up a communications committee at the last meeting. I presume that since I was the one who proposed it, I would be leading it. But that designation was not made explicit. I can put together a few quick pamphlets to pass out but I would consider them an intermediate step to more permanent materials down the pipeline" pjbanyai says, "James Rogers one of our previous leaders expired May 23, 2013." Lunadyne says, "I need to follow up with the ISDC speakers to get their info for their complimentary one-year membership." PhilipC says, "Ken, can you please send me an email afterwards so that we can hash it out?" Lunadyne says, "Hash what out?" bnault has connected. PhilipC says, "Membership brochures, post cards, etc." pjbanyai says, "James Rogers is listed as the Outreach Committee leader." Lunadyne says, "Sure. But I was going to head back to the apt. unit after this, where I have no connectivity." PhilipC says, "Anything dealing that previously dealt with communications should be subsumed into the new committee" Lunadyne says, "It's embarrasing to admit, but that name is new to me." Rose/Miros says, "you can also online collaborate at http://test.moonsociety.org/leaders-area" PhilipC says, "I know him pretty well" Strangelv-3 says, "You might have met James Rogers at ISDC 2007" Strangelv-3 says, "HE was highly active until he enlisted" Lunadyne says, "Oh, yeah, like I'll remember any new faces from that conference." PhilipC says, "Ken, whenever you can, please send me an email and then we can work out the details. We need to move on." dcarson says, "he is on facebook" Lunadyne says, "Agreed. Any further questions on membership?" Lunadyne says, "Seeing none, I cede the floor." PhilipC says, "Dana, you have the floor" dcarson says, "OK" dcarson says, "James has been reimbursed" dcarson says, "several CPAs have told me they don't do what we want" Lunadyne says, "An audit of books, or an audit of 501c3 books?" dcarson says, "I have more time with BAlticon and relatives visit past and will spend more of it on this week and next week" dcarson says, "audit of 501c3 I think" Lunadyne says, "Have we covered Chris for the shipping of the exhibit?" dcarson says, "thats it basically" dcarson says, "not yet" Lunadyne says, "That's okay, I haven't seen it, although it might have gone straight to FoF." PhilipC says, "So less $200, still around $31k? Next time, could you post a more detailed breakdown on any earmarked funds? It would be helpful to know how much we have to work with" dcarson says, "sure, although I need to talk to LRS about MMM back cost" dcarson says, "any questions?" PhilipC says, "Thanks. Do we owe LRS money?" dcarson says, "for printing and mailing MMM, I got out of sync and their treasurer is/was supposed to contact me about getting it straight and hasn't" dcarson says, "so now it is quite out of step" Scottyg has arrived. PhilipC says, "Okay, thanks for giving us a heads up on that" dcarson says, "will email him a reminder" PhilipC says, "That's all from me. " Scottyg says, "Sorry I'm late. Have grandkids visiting that kept me away." dcarson says, "I think Peter talked about that a while ago" PhilipC says, "Does anyone else have any questions for Dana?" PhilipC says, "Welcome Scotty" Lunadyne says, "My question is who is supposed to determine the amount owed? Should wqe pressure LRS to give us a (supportable) figure to get it over with?" Rose/Miros says, "i suspect that dana and their treasurer will get it hashed out quickly, assuming he ever actually talks to dana" dcarson says, "well the monthly records let us figure that so it is a matter of doing it, I'll remind him" dcarson says, "I should have bugged them more but we owe them so I figured it would be more urgent to them" Scottyg-1 has arrived. dcarson says, "and forgot to remind him" Lunadyne says, "Do you have a ballpark SWAG guess as to what the amount might be?" dcarson says, "3K or so" Strangelv-3 says, "That's not a small amount of accounts recievable to be ignoring..." Lunadyne says, "Should we offer them $2500 cash on the barrelhead to make this whole thing go away?" dcarson says, "no which is why I figured I'd here from them" dcarson says, "let me try to get the exact number, they are doing all the MMM work for us" PhilipC says, "Perhaps next time you can tell us the results of any communications you have with them." dcarson says, "will do" PhilipC says, "We need to move this along." PhilipC says, "I would like to now turn the floor over to Rose for the Web Team Report" Strangelv-3 holds up a sheet of paper and looks at Rose Rose/Miros says, "well, james will do the first part, he's kind of the unofficial web team secretary too" Strangelv-3 says, "Standby for flood" PhilipC says, "Sorry, just a formality" Strangelv-3 says, "About a week before ISDC, we decided we had our themes in as good a shape as we were going to get them before ISDC and started desperately throwing content at it, then ran into a new crisis: we couldn't get our security certificate upgraded. This threatened to prevent getting the new site up and running before ISDC, but fortunately we were able to work out a temporary solution." Strangelv-3 says, "We were able to get the site up and running with an acceptable home page and an acceptable amount of content in time for day two of ISDC. We will need to let Ken describe the reception he found for it there, as we weren't there to see it." Strangelv-3 says, "We set up a 301 redirect on the home page of the old website. when we went live that was the only page that changed on the old site. We also gave test.moonsociety.org a new subdomain that runs parallel to its original one: www2.moonsociety.org. All links referencing the old site continue to work for now and there is no link rot caused by the migration. At least not yet." Strangelv-3 says, "Shortly after ISDC XISP went down again for several hours, and demonstrated that our temporary setup is still vulnerable to XISP going down. First the redirect breaks, so people visiting www.moonsociety.org can't get to the site, then www2 seemed to be getting propagation issues -- it went down for Mike in Ireland hours before it went down for me in Texas. The exact mechanism for this escapes me, especially since it went back up for both of us pretty much instantly when XISP came back online." Strangelv-3 says, "We need to make additional changes. We need a new security certificate to run the secure site under a subdomain on GreenGeeks. We need to give the legacy site its own subdomain and phase out the test and www2 subdomains, and we need to work out how to redirect all legacy pages to equivalent parts of the new site (or even to the corresponding location on the repositioned old site) before we move the legacy site to its new location." Strangelv-3 says, "All blog entries have been ported over as articles/announcements to the new site. We need to find more locations of such announcements so that they can be ported over as well." Strangelv-3 says, "Placement of a static section on the home page is at work stoppage until someone can learn enough about the Views module to pull it off." Strangelv-3 says, "We're presently working on getting the non-content aspects of moon.lunarpedia.org to be close enough to test/ www2.moonsociety.org so that work can resume on improving the Coriolis template set. Objectives include wider buttons and more than just one typeface. The plan is to work out a set of improvements and then find a good time to make the improvement or change to the site, preferably in a way that heightens the visibility that our site has changed again and that it's no longer confusable for dead." Strangelv-3 says, "As we presently have a straight up blog style main page, it is important to have a steady stream of new announcements. I would try to have a minimum of one a week." Strangelv-3 hands the sheet to Rose Rose/Miros says, "and we need some ideas for the static text for thehome page" Lunadyne says, "The homepage is starting to look busy." Rose/Miros says, "well, i had the bright idea to put my candidate statement up" Strangelv-3 says, "I'm not sure that we should say static since I want as little as possible to be static. I worry about re-creating our 2003 home page of doom" Rose/Miros says, "but thank you to the contributors who gave us new content for isdc" Rose/Miros says, "lol, don't worry, i won't let that happen" Rose/Miros says, "we do intend to put the other candidates statements up, but ghostview refused to open the new issue of mmm which contains them" Rose/Miros says, "have those of you with accounts visited test.moonsociety.org/leaders-area?" Strangelv-3 recommends KPDF Rose/Miros says, "now you tell me" Chard2 [Guest] says, "i have" Chard2 [Guest] says, "there's a tracker link... looks like you should be able to see who has went where and when?" Rose/Miros says, "well, the people without accounts shouldn't be able to get in, i'd like people to take a look at least, even if they don't make a page for their discussion items, like "what should our new pamphlet look like?"" Scottyg says, "Re: Home page. My opinion is that the home page SHOULD be largely static. (Although I don't object to an "Announcements" or "News" or whatever you want to call it." Rose/Miros grins at Philip and Ken AlanSteinberg says, "so I find that the page loads really slow... anyone else have this issue?" Scottyg says, "Its where we sold tell people who we are and what we do." Strangelv-3 says, "In detail, that's what our abount page is for" Strangelv-3 says, "We may represent the poles on this" Rose/Miros says, "the short version on the front, not the giant version that's currently in About or History" Scottyg says, "Yes, Its one reason I asked for this to be discussed at tonight's meeting." PhilipC says, "The front page should give people the latest news" PhilipC says, "It should be where we toot our own horn and if possible show people how they can get involved" Rose/Miros says, "it currently gives the text of the newest item and the titles and links to the newest 5" Strangelv-3 says, "The dynamic graphic would be good to re-create. The probelm is I still don't understand Views well enoughto implement it. Obviousyl if someone else can figure it out first that would help" Chard2 [Guest] says, "If you have updated fresh content on the home page... it will have a higher quality index on searching engines - better rankings etc" Rose/Miros says, "we're trying to figure out what the text for the tooting and getting involved should be" Rose/Miros says, "so mr chard, wanna write some undying prose?" Strangelv-3 is also not happy with the legarl notice at the bottom of every page Rose/Miros grins at Chard2 Strangelv-3 tinkered on it but failed miserabyl at getting any significent feedback or suggestions Rose/Miros says, "that's a nit, document it on the nit page" Strangelv-3 says, "What's the URL for nte nit page again?" Rose/Miros says, "ok, we have a page to post nits on, all leaders can see it too right now" Strangelv-3 mostly remembers potentially obsolete checklist pages Rose/Miros says, "http://test.moonsociety.org/node/87 post nits there" Rose/Miros says, "there's a comment thingie at the bottom, just like a blog" Rose/Miros says, "what do you mean by dynamic graphic? the moon phase pic?" Strangelv-3 is neither Alan nor Rose and doesn't see a place for other people to put things there. Any chance of editing it to make the nits unattributed and easier to edit or subnit? Rose/Miros says, "just use the comment thingie for now" Rose/Miros says, "or you can edit it, you should have access" Strangelv-3 says, "The random archive graphic and link. It had a larger repository than the spotlights" Rose/Miros says, "ahh" Rose/Miros says, "can we merge it into spotlights?" Strangelv-3 says, "Should I take that to mean you wouldn't commplain if I strippde tout the attributions?" Strangelv-3 says, "Potenitally, but the spotlight shows up everywhere" Rose/Miros says, "whatever floats your boat, and i'm not being passive agressive" Strangelv-3 says, "Also, we need more than just two spotlight items that are 'easy'" Strangelv-3 says, "We have MMM #1 and Ken's blog -- and nothing else" Rose/Miros says, "ok, add a place to add spotlight ideas" Strangelv-3 says, "'It's always one of those two. We need more" Rose/Miros says, "on that page or on a child page, that's what child pages are for" Lunadyne says, "I want coloring pages for the kids." Rose/Miros says, "lol, didn't mean that kind of child page, but that's a good idea" Rose/Miros says, "original work or patched together clipart?" Strangelv-3 says, "If they're up and have a link that would defitnitely qualify as easy..." Lunadyne says, "Definitely not copyrighted stuff. But teachers do look for them." Rose/Miros says, "ok, add coloring pages to the nits page" Strangelv-3 says, "REquested new content?" Rose/Miros says, "might be a low hanging fruit" Rose/Miros says, "ok, works for me" dcarson says, "http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/coloring-book/" PhilipC says, "Let's end discussion on this topic in 5 minutes. We do have other items on the agenda we need to get through." Rose/Miros says, "ok, making peter an emeritus" Strangelv-3 says, "We meandered from report to heavy discussion again didn't we" Rose/Miros says, "yep" AlanSteinberg says, "yup" Strangelv-3 says, "Move to postpone" PhilipC says, "Postpone what? This discussion?" Strangelv-3 says, "Yes" PhilipC says, "We can just table any further discussion and those who want to continue can pick it up after the meeting." Rose/Miros says, "out of respect for his past service in various positions, i'd like to suggest we make him a director emeritus like scotty" Strangelv-3 says, "Akin to table but without needinga vote to take it off of the table. Just postpone furlther discussion until the end of the rest of teh agenda" Strangelv-3 doesn't remember if Peter has ever been a director. Mostly he was president. This means having moer than one president emeritus pjbanyai says, "The legal notice at the bottom says 1994-2013. Moonsociety Incorporated was formed in 2000. If we bought the Lunar Resources Company and finally recombined with ASI the 1994 date would be valid." PhilipC says, "Let's just end the discussion on web team report and those who want to continue can do so after the meeting." PhilipC says, "Moving on to Rose's proposal " Rose/Miros says, "he's done a ton of work for us, i think he deserves some sort of notice on the leaders page" Strangelv-3 says, "Move to give Peter Kohk the title of Prisedint Emeritus" Lunadyne says, "Second" Strangelv-3 says, "Sans typos" Lunadyne says, "Beat me to it." pjbanyai says, "Greg already holds that title." Rose/Miros says, "we could have 2, or make greg founder emeritus" Rose/Miros says, "or just founder" Strangelv-3 says, "I'm not sure what precidents are for changing someone's emeritus title. I'm just thinking in terms of having two" Lunadyne says, "Founder emeritus. Haven" Lunadyne says, "t heard from him in a while." Rose/Miros says, "ok, 2 then" Rose/Miros says, "he's in second life" Rose/Miros says, "on an island" Rose/Miros says, "in a hammock" Strangelv-3 says, "But this is the discussion until someone calls the question" Strangelv-3 looks around for additional opinions dcarson says, "make him flounder emeritus and see how long till he notices :-)" Rose/Miros pokes at dcarson. Strangelv-3 sees two views: passing as is and having two, or changing Greg's title, whilh would probabyl be best done with an ammendment to the motion or a substitute motion. Chard2 [Guest] says, "I could go for flounder" Rose/Miros does not recommend making Greg a flounder Strangelv-3 has already stated which of those two he prefers and looks around for anyone else's comment Rose/Miros is ok with 2 president emeritus dcarson says, "if we do it twice that make is a tradition and we'll do it more" Strangelv-3 says, "We should try to awvoid needlessly antagonizing Greg" PhilipC says, "How about just plain member emeritus?" bnault says, "i like philip's compromise wording" Scottyg-1 says, "Greg is a founder. No emeritus is needed with that." Strangelv-3 tries to figuer out how to describe how that sounds Strangelv-3 says, "Member emeritus. Peter was a heck of a lot moer than a member." Strangelv-3 says, "And still is" dcarson says, "make me feel guilty about how much I do" Strangelv-3 says, "He's the one woh put us back on track after ASI and TLRC became incapacitated" Rose/Miros says, "actually, director emeritus works, because he was the publications director too" PhilipC says, "Trying to remember if we have a board of advisers" dcarson says, "we do" bnault says, "it is the emeritus bit that counts more than member" Rose/Miros says, "officer emeritus?" Scottyg-1 says, "W could change Greg to founder and President Emeritus and make Peter President Emeritus." Chard2 [Guest] says, "I think you should go with flounder founder whatever for Greg and Make Peter President Emeritus" dcarson says, "and yeah if he isn't in any other position we want hem as an advisor" Strangelv-3 will vote against teh motion if it's ammended to say member emeritus. It still sounds like a potential slap to theface to him Rose/Miros doesn't like member emeritus either AlanSteinberg says, "why can't Greg's title just be founder?" Scottyg-1 says, "Same for me FWIW." PhilipC says, "I was just throwing it out there" pjbanyai says, "The Board of Advisors have no mailing list or forum and most members have probably forgot they were members ;-(" dcarson says, "Greg, founder and pres emer, peter pres emer" Strangelv-3 says, "Because we decided in 2007 or 2008 to make him president emeritus as a consolation for things I'd rather not say while the recorder is running" Rose/Miros likes dana's version Lunadyne says, "I was cautioned to treat the Board of Advisers with kid gloves." PhilipC says, "President Emeritus works for me. I see no reason why we can't have more than one." Rose/Miros says, "well, in the course of human events, i'll make them an area on the website and invite them to play" Strangelv-3 says, "Dana's idea could work. That makes them slightly different." PhilipC says, "What is the sentiment of this management committee?" PhilipC says, "Should we proceed with president emeritus? All emeritus means is Latin for "having served one's time"" Strangelv-3 likes Dana's idea Strangelv-3 says, "I also like my original motion." AlanSteinberg says, "i'm fine with either" Strangelv-3 says, "Is theer a motion to ammend or subtitute?" Rose/Miros says, "motion to substitute "Peter, Pres Emeritus and Greg, Founder and Pres Emeritus" for the original motion" PhilipC says, "Please give us a motion we can vote on." Rose/Miros says, "sorry, i'm new to this" Strangelv-3 says, "I believe that would be a motion to ammend" PhilipC says, "I make a motion to... " Scottyg-1 says, "From Webster: Definition of Emeritus: Holding after retirement an honorary title corresponding to that held last during active service " Scottyg-1 says, "Nothing in that prohibits having two or more." Rose/Miros says, "and peter was much more than a member" PhilipC says, "Close enough" PhilipC smiles. Strangelv-3 says, "...move to ammend teh motion to give Peter Kokh the title of President Emeritus and to change Greg's honorary title to Founder and President Emeritus?" Strangelv-3 is suggesting, not making the motion Strangelv-3 looks at Rose Rose/Miros says, "so moved" Strangelv-3 looks for a second Rose/Miros pokes at dcarson. PhilipC says, "I was just trying to avoid mental gymnastics that conferred too great a sense of pretentiousness, which I get the feeling that Peter wouldn't like (well maybe in secret)" PhilipC says, "Any way" bnault says, "second" dcarson says, "second" PhilipC says, "Is there a second ?" PhilipC says, "Thank you, Ben has seconded the motion." PhilipC says, "Call the question." PhilipC says, "All in favor of said motion, please affirm by saying aye. All opposed by nay. Or state that you abstain." dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Aye" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Chard2 [Guest] says, "nay" Rose/Miros says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" Strangelv-3 says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "The leaders team page has Greg as President Emeritus, Icon." Strangelv-3 says, "NOte that this is to vote on the ammendmen,t which becomes the main motion" Strangelv-3 says, "We now need to vote on the main motion, and I call the question" PhilipC says, "Again, all in favor or opposed, please state as such." PhilipC says, "Aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" Strangelv-3 says, "Aye" Chard2 [Guest] says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "The ayes have it. The motion is carried." PhilipC says, "On to the next agenda item. Rose, did you want to say something about the security certificate or did you cover that already?" Strangelv-3 says, "Scotty is the person best qualified to speak on this" PhilipC says, "Scotty?" Strangelv-3 looks at Scotty Scottyg-1 says, "Ok." PhilipC says, "We don't have much time left, please keep it brief, and ideally give us something actionable" Scottyg-1 says, "Our current security certificate is only valid for www.moonsociety.org." Strangelv-3 says, "How much do we need to budget for the new certificate?" Scottyg-1 says, "www.moonsociety.org is a specifice server, and only if both the secure and non-secure servers are on the same machine can they both be www.moonsociety.org." pjbanyai says, "I believe a wildcard certificate covers all subdomains of a domain." PhilipC says, "I think we're all of mind that having a secure server is desirable. What needs to be done, who needs authority to do it, and is there a cost involved?" Scottyg-1 says, "For flexibility and to ease system management, it would be better to have the secure server on a different server, like secure.moonsociety.org. But that will require a new SSL certificate." dcarson says, "I believe they will reissue it for the move, so we need to decide how we want the secure domain done so we don't have to keep asking" Scottyg-1 says, "So we are requesting funds approval for that purpose." PhilipC says, "How much?" Strangelv-3 says, "If variable, what's the hypothetical maximum?" Scottyg-1 says, "Dana, do you have the cost? My memory is about $100." dcarson says, "sounds right" PhilipC says, "Why don't we budget $200? If it's less than that great. If more, then you can come back to us at the next meeting to request an increase." AlanSteinberg says, "Didn't we move to allocate some blanket amount of money for web stuff many meetings ago?" PhilipC says, "That was for web hosting" Rose/Miros says, "the cert is separate" Strangelv-3 says, "If we did, remembering that could have made a 24 hour period quite a bit less stressful for me..." AlanSteinberg says, "was there nothing left over in that pile of allocation?" Strangelv-3 says, "I suspech that allocation amount has collapsed after the amount became solid" Strangelv-3 says, "I move that we allocate up to $200 for a new SSL certificate for our secure server" Rose/Miros says, "second" Strangelv-3 looks for more discussion -- or is it time to call the question PhilipC says, "So moved, in the interest of time, I think we need to call the question" Strangelv-3 does not object PhilipC says, "All in favor of this motion, please affirm by saying aye. Opposed by saying nay." Chard2 [Guest] says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Aye" bnault says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Strangelv-3 says, "aye" PhilipC says, "The ayes have it. The motion is carried. Scotty, we will trust that you will find a certificate at a reasonable price, ideally below this amount. " PhilipC says, "Last item on the agenda." pjbanyai says, "What company do we currently get our certificat from? Could another company offer a better certificate than the one we currently have?" dcarson says, "go daddy" Rose/Miros says, "scotty always comparison shops" PhilipC says, "We need to end any further discussion on this topic. " PhilipC says, "Please do so after this meeting or at another location" PhilipC says, "Last item on the agenda" PhilipC says, "I have the floor" PhilipC says, "It has recently come to my attention via Facebook that the NRC has placed a request for open comments on NASA's Human Space Flight (HSF) program." PhilipC says, "I think it would be a good idea if we submit a comment on behalf of this organization." Rose/Miros says, "what's the deadline?" PhilipC says, "As the communications committee chair, I'd like to put out a feeler with this body to see if anyone is interested in joining me in crafting a response?" Strangelv-3 looks at Ken and wonders what Peter's take on this is PhilipC says, "July 9" Rose/Miros says, "can we discuss this in the leader's area of the website?" PhilipC says, "I'm thinking of playing e-mail tag with a few of us here for brainstorming and then edits. " Strangelv-3 says, "I don't even know if we want to promote or oppose it" PhilipC says, "We will come back here at the next meeting to share a draft version with the management committee for final approval" Rose/Miros says, "the whole point of the collaboration area is so we don't have to email tag" PhilipC says, "So as far as actionable items go, is this body open to submitting such comments? And if so, who among us here would be interested in being involved in this?" Strangelv-3 needs more information dcarson says, "we definitly should submit a paper" Rose/Miros says, "i think we should be involved" PhilipC says, "I posted a link to the website in today's call for agenda items" PhilipC says, "its in your email" Rose/Miros says, "and if it's in the leaders' area, anyone can read and comment on the pre-draft versions" dcarson says, " http://sites.nationalacademies.org/DEPS/ASEB/DEPS_083343" AlanSteinberg says, "I'm game to be part of this" dcarson says, "saw about it on boingboing and posted to facebook" Lunadyne says, "I'm on board with submitting a well-thought out comment from The Mon Society" dcarson says, "should go on the Moon Scoiety site also I think" Lunadyne says, "Yes, a call for comments from members." PhilipC says, "agreed" PhilipC says, "We can have members post comments on their own, but we should send something on behalf of the MS as a whole" Rose/Miros says, "where should they send their comments? does that person have an account on test.moonsociety.org, so we can just post a comment link instead of naked email addy?" Rose/Miros says, "err contact link?" Lunadyne says, "Can we set up an ' NRCcomments@moonsociety.org'?" PhilipC says, "the link above is for submitting comments" Rose/Miros says, "no, internal comments, before we send everything to nasa nicely formatted" PhilipC says, "I'd rather share the link for the general membership while we submit something on behalf of the society" PhilipC says, "and there's a 4 page limit" Lunadyne says, "I agree a single statement should come from TMS, but members should feel they have input into it." AlanSteinberg says, "I'm with Ken... and based on prior involvment, very few members will submit anything for us to put into our thing anyways" PhilipC says, "If we're going to involve the members in drafting our comments, then we need to have a special town hall meeting to solicit their advice" PhilipC says, "But I see no reason why we shouldn't move ahead now. We can incorporate any insights they have as we move along" Lunadyne says, "Only if it's well advertised - notice in MMM, message on website, e-mail to members, etc." PhilipC says, "Perhaps next week sometime? We need to have a draft ready for this body to vote on in 2 weeks" AlanSteinberg says, "No one will come to a town hall... see previous town halls as example... I think just a place they can send us emailed input would suffice and give them 1 week to submit input" pjbanyai says, "We do have a Town Hall Meeting which needs to be Rescheduled." AlanSteinberg says, "Well in that case, I do like the idea of two birds with one stone... " dcarson says, "email works better for detailed ideas" Rose/Miros says, "my email is a spam trap, and i'd like to try out online collaboration" Chard2 [Guest] says, "if the online collaboration has a way to mark the thread so that it emails you when a new reply has been made... would work best" PhilipC says, "We're past time for this meeting. We need to make a decision soon." Rose/Miros says, "not sure, let me look quick" Lunadyne says, "Let's announce it as a new project and start a new collaboration test run." dcarson says, "and we need to submit a paer, this is too close to our core cares to not" pjbanyai says, "I think the next 2 possible dates for a town meeting should be 6/26 and 7/10. It is a little to late for holding one next week." dcarson says, "so member input is good but paper is vital" dcarson says, "7/0 is after submission date" dcarson says, "7/10 is after submission date" PhilipC says, "As far as projects go, we need a few leaders here to commit to writing a draft (starting with a brainstorming sessions), then we need to give members a window of opportunity for adding their own insights, and finally we need to hammer out our draft paper for this body to vote on" PhilipC says, "Looking at the dates, the absolute deadline for us to vote on a draft would be July 3" Rose/Miros says, "http://test.moonsociety.org/HSF" PhilipC says, "It seems to me that a plan is coagulating here. " Rose/Miros says, "no, it doesn't seem to allow for subscription to change notifications" pjbanyai says, "So is everyon good with 6/26 or should we risk one next week with a lower posibility of attendence. " dcarson says, "6/26 seems good" PhilipC says, "Let's advertise for our members to submit any suggestions to us until June 26 or come to the Town Hall Meeting. At the same time, we'll have a brainstorming session. After that meeting, we'll start to write a draft proposal, which we'll finally vote on next month." Strangelv-3 says, "Most things with Drupal that one could want have a module. If one is found, we could have that notification" AlanSteinberg says, "I'm going to be out of the country for most of the rest of June, but I'll try to be involved" PhilipC says, "You could give us a list of talking points you'd like covered" PhilipC says, "Your involvement would be valuable" PhilipC says, "in any form or fashion" PhilipC says, "If this proposal sounds reasonable, I'd like to offer a motion to that effect." PhilipC says, "Any second?" AlanSteinberg says, "second" PhilipC says, "Thank you." Strangelv-3 says, "Who's making the motion and what is it?" Strangelv-3 says, "Chair can't be the one making it" PhilipC says, "The motion is that we form an ad hoc communications subcommittee to write a draft comment to NRC which we will bring back to this body on July 3 for a vote." Strangelv-3 says, "Alan, do you so move?" dcarson says, "I'll so move" Lunadyne says, "second" AlanSteinberg says, "well i was too slow" Strangelv-3 recorlds PhilipC says, "Call the question" dcarson says, "aye" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Chard2 [Guest] says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" PhilipC says, "All in favor say aye, all opposed nay." PhilipC says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Actually I should abstain" PhilipC says, "But the motion is carried" PhilipC says, "I'll try to set it up in the leaders area of the website. Failing that, I need a list of volunteers who are interested in being involved in this effort" Chard2 [Guest] says, "I have nothing intelligent to contribute" PhilipC says, "Alan, you mentioned that you were interested" Rose/Miros says, "it's set up" Rose/Miros says, " http://test.moonsociety.org/HSF" PhilipC says, "Is there anyone else? Ken" Strangelv-3 is happy to let others work on this while he works on other things like the web site Strangelv-3 says, "There was plenty of volunteering during the discussion" Rose/Miros says, "people who don't have accounts, please set them up and then "apply for role" as leaders" AlanSteinberg says, "assuming I can log into the system... personally i like e-mailing things arround" Rose/Miros says, "i'll check often except when i'm asleep" AlanSteinberg says, "since there is no notification for when changes are made" Rose/Miros says, "i'll also put contact links on your name on the leaders' page" Lunadyne says, "Yes, I'll be helping out." Rose/Miros says, "maybe there's a module for that, but we dont have ityet" PhilipC says, "Thank you. We'll use that page for brainstorming and working out a draft" pjbanyai says, "Speaking of sub-committees, I changed the Outreach Committee in teamdir to the Outreach Sub-Committee with Philip as team leader. I also changed the Conference Team to have Ken as team Leader. " Lunadyne says, "Sounds good." PhilipC says, "Without further adieu, does anyone have any announcements before we wrap up this meeting?" Strangelv-3 says, "Move to adjourn" Chard2 [Guest] says, "second" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "The meeting is now adjourned" -- End log: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 11:35:37 pm ASI Meeting Server time --