-- Start log: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:16:54 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- pjbanyai says, "Possible Outreach topics 1) NRC paper, 2)Starship Congress in August in Texas, 3) 100YSS Symposium in September also in Texas" bnault says, "test" Strangelv-3 says, "reply" PhilipC says, "Hello everyone, thank you for coming to the 2013 June 19 Management Committee Meeting" Strangelv-3 may not be as conversational as normal this meeting PhilipC says, "Let's get started." PhilipC says, "For the purpose of taking attendance, will everyone present please state your name and position for the record" PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" bnault says, "Ben Nault, Director" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy, president" Strangelv-3 says, "James Gholston, Secretary" Scottyg-1 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" dcarson says, "Dana Carson Treasurer" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that as of the start of this meeting, Alan Steinberg, Rose Dieteman, and Jason Tuttle are not present, but may appear at a later time." PhilipC says, "Let the record also show that we have quorum." PhilipC says, "I'd like to direct all of you to your e-mails. James sent the minutes for the last meeting to the leaders listserv before the start of this meeting. If you have already had a chance to review it, please state that you've read it. If you have any objections, questions, or corrections, please state them." PhilipC says, "I have read it without objection." Rose/Miros has arrived. dcarson says, "read it" PhilipC says, "Let the record also show that Rose Dieteman has arrived and is present." Rose/Miros says, "did anyone read my suggested agenda on the website?" Lunadyne says, "Looks fine. (the James Minutes)" bnault says, "readt it, no objection" PhilipC says, "Hi Rose, we're just getting started. We just took attendance and I'm giving everyone an opportunity to review the minutes before we vote on their approval/disapproval." PhilipC says, "We haven't discussed the agenda yet." PhilipC says, "Rose, I refer you to your email and ask that you review the minutes for the last meeting. If you have any objections please let us know. Otherwise please state that you've read it so that I'll know that we can move on." PhilipC says, "Has everyone read the minutes already?" PhilipC says, "So far, I have myself, Ken, Ben, and Dana" Rose/Miros says, "i have too" PhilipC says, "I presume James has no objection since he wrote it. Paul? Any objection?" pjbanyai says, "I have read them too. No objection." dcarson says, "none that I see" PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to approve the minutes?" Rose/Miros says, "moved" PhilipC says, "Thank you." PhilipC says, "Any second?" bnault says, "second" PhilipC says, "What say you? Aye or nay?" Rose/Miros says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" bnault says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Strangelv-3 documents that the motion passes PhilipC says, "The motion carries" PhilipC says, "Okay moving on" PhilipC says, "I open the floor for a few minutes to discuss the agenda" PhilipC says, "Specifically what we will put on the agenda" PhilipC says, "Other than the membership report and treasurer's report, will there be any other reports?" PhilipC says, "Rose?" Rose/Miros says, "web report: I've been busy hauling hubby to medical appointments and dealing with drug reactions, so I haven't converted more than one or two more pages" Rose/Miros says, "scotty?" PhilipC says, "I mentioned before the start of this meeting that if we have no subtantive business, we can convene early and leave the remainder of the time open to discuss membership engagement" PhilipC says, "Is there any old or new business we want to discuss? " Scottyg-1 says, "I have nothing of substance to report. We are working behind the scenes to get out subdomains set up properly." PhilipC says, "I want to close discussion for items to put on the agenda in 2 minutes" Rose/Miros says, "Appoint election secretary (Peter sez we need one)" PhilipC says, "Thank you, we'll put that after the reports" PhilipC says, "I want to close discussion for items to put on the agenda in 2 minutes" PhilipC says, "sorry" PhilipC says, "Let's move on" PhilipC says, "First, the membership report. Ken?" Lunadyne says, "Membership Report: currently showing 159 members, continuing the slight downward trend we've been seeing this year." Lunadyne says, "Our recent high was, IIRC, 172 members." PhilipC says, "Does anyone have any questions?" Lunadyne says, "Questions? If not I cede the floor." PhilipC says, "I have a question" dcarson says, "none here" pjbanyai says, "Usually the election Secretary defaults to either the VP or the Secretary since they usually are elected different years. I believe Ben was also a secondary choice for Election Secretary in the past when there was a conflict with both default choices being on the ballot." PhilipC says, "This might need a little research, which you can report next time, what is the length of time our members have been with us, and of those that are leaving, how long long have they been with us?" PhilipC says, "Paul, we'll discuss that after the web committee report." pjbanyai says, "sorry" Lunadyne says, "Philip, not sure I can get the data to give you a direct response to that. I don't see a join date in the membership report I generate. " dcarson says, "the detailed report on indivual members has all transaction dates, so the info is there" PhilipC says, "Having a join date break down might help clue us in to who's leaving and why" PhilipC says, "Perhaps next time" PhilipC says, "Could you send us that information prior to the start of the next meeting?" Lunadyne says, "Where do I get the 'detailed report on individual members'? I'm not seeing that on my reports screen." PhilipC says, "Ken?" dcarson says, " http://moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/teamdir/teamdir?_JavaScript=Yes&" PhilipC says, "Gentlemen, we need to move on" pjbanyai says, "Teamdir has a custum query however there is no help on how to use it." Rose/Miros says, "stop by the moo and we'll help you figure it out" dcarson says, "Find Member and look for a indivual member" Lunadyne says, "1,466 times?" Scottyg-1 says, "Ken, you will need to use the "Custom Query" to get a report for all members with that info. And to do that you have to know the database structure and how to construct SQL queries." Scottyg-1 says, "I can help with those." PhilipC says, "We can figure this out later, but we need to move on" Lunadyne says, "Hey, you started it... lol!" PhilipC says, "I know, but we need to multi-task and use live/synchronized time wisely" PhilipC says, "We can have a more detailed report via e-mail" Rose/Miros pokes at PhilipC. Rose/Miros says, "WEBSITE" Rose/Miros says, "no stinking email" PhilipC says, "If there's no objection, I'd like to give the floor to Dana for the treasurers report" dcarson says, "went to NASA FCU and talked to them" dcarson says, "have the paperwork to create a Moon Scoiety account, will need to email people for some of the documents but nothing hard to get" dcarson says, "will talk to special account person tomorrow since we are a out of state company and a non profit" dcarson says, "any questions on tha tpart?" Rose/Miros says, "makes sense" Lunadyne says, "The minutes you need should be the one showing the vote on approving the account. two or three meetings ago." dcarson says, "part 2" dcarson says, "talked to a CPA and found out why most don't respond" dcarson says, "current standatrds call for malpractice insurance and peer reviews for soing audits and small firms can't really afford it" dcarson says, "the cheapest shes seen a larger firm do an audit is $3K" dcarson says, "she can have a retired CPA that works with her do a audit for $350 but it won't be official but eill give us the data we need" dcarson says, "I don't see 3K value in a formal/offical audit" dcarson says, "the unofficial sounds worthwhile" dcarson says, "part 3" Strangelv-3 looks at Ken and Philip dcarson says, "no new expenses this month" Lunadyne says, "Neither do I. It's part of the corporatisation of the U.S. As long as we get a letter saying nothing hinky was found in the books, I'm happy." dcarson says, "done" dcarson says, "questions?" Lunadyne says, "What exactly would be delivered for the $350?" Strangelv-3 says, "What might be the best official name or description for what's unofficially an audit?" dcarson says, "informal audit?" Strangelv-3 doesn't like the term unofficial Strangelv-3 says, "Informal might imply something softer than what we're doing" PhilipC says, "Please remind me again why we need an audit? " Rose/Miros says, "something to do with amazon iirc" Lunadyne says, "And PayPal." dcarson says, "because we want to apply for Amazon nonprofit support and other grants and it has been so long that we want to make sure the books are correct" Lunadyne says, "It's also why we had to do that whole register at the NFP website and fill in a bunch of text boxes - to establish our legitimacy as a 501c3 org." PhilipC says, "That's all from me. " PhilipC says, "Does anyone else have any questions?" Lunadyne says, "Also, our 990-Ns had lapsed, leaving further in the hole vis-a-vis 501c3 status. Those are caught up, and I want an audit to take to PayPal and Amazon and others to show how we're legit." Strangelv-3 wonders if we want to document this list somewhere. He does'nt believe the minuetsa re the correct location Rose/Miros says, "ok, i'll copypasta" PhilipC says, "Dana, do you cede hte floor?" dcarson says, "yes" PhilipC says, "Now for the website committee report. Rose, you have the floor." Rose/Miros says, "ok" Rose/Miros says, "i haven't had much time, but I'm working on the glossary page" Rose/Miros says, "i would like to explore the popup module, so you could hover over a word and get the meaning, but that's a to-do" Rose/Miros says, "i believe scotty said he's still workikng on the ssl cert and the subdomains" Rose/Miros says, "any questions?" Rose/Miros says, "oh, we should attempt to online collaborate" Rose/Miros says, "at least the AGENDA" Rose/Miros says, "test.moonsociety.org/agenda" Rose/Miros says, "and http://test.moonsociety.org/node/126 is the copypasta of Why we need an audit" Rose/Miros says, "any questions?" Lunadyne says, "I'm still not clear on how to get to the NRC Report project page." Lunadyne says, "I don't see it in current projects." Rose/Miros says, "you mean the human space flight white papers?" Rose/Miros says, " http://test.moonsociety.org/HSF" Lunadyne says, "That's the one." Lunadyne says, "You do not have permission to view this page. " dcarson says, "we might want to move tha to where anyone can make suggestions" Rose/Miros says, "you have to be logged in. all members of the 'leaders' group should automatically see that" Rose/Miros says, "err see the Leaders area, then click on that and see the white papers thing" Lunadyne says, "Tried logging in. It doesn't like the U/N & P/W I used to get here." Lunadyne says, "probably something goofy like kmurphy" Rose/Miros says, "um, maybe I set it up for you" PhilipC says, "Let's resolve access issues afterwards (I'll need help there too)" Rose/Miros says, "ok, i can double check account names and hand set passwords later" PhilipC says, "Are there any other questions here for Rose related to the website committee report?" Lunadyne says, "That worked" PhilipC says, "If there's nothing else, let's move on to the next item" dcarson says, "none here" PhilipC says, "Peter mentioned that we need to appoint an elections secretary. I'll open the floor for discussion." Rose/Miros says, "obviously it needs to be someone not up for election" Strangelv-3 meant to ask Mike about his availability for the task Lunadyne says, "I'd offer, but I have a pony in this race, in that I'm rooting for my friend Jimm Keravala." dcarson says, "with this small a group no one is totally unbased" dcarson says, "biased either" bnault says, "I served as Elections Sec a few yrs ago. Willing to be drafted." Strangelv-3 says, "Charles Radley, IIRC, has served in this role before" PhilipC says, "If Ben here is willing, let's go with it. " dcarson says, "aye" Strangelv-3 tries to think of other name,s but they're usualyl people who fled the SEcretary's position Strangelv-3 says, "Should we take that as a nomination?" Strangelv-3 moves to open nominations Rose/Miros says, "moved" PhilipC says, "Second?" Lunadyne says, "second" dcarson says, "second" Strangelv-3 says, "Call" Lunadyne says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" PhilipC says, "The motion carries" Strangelv-3 points at Dana, who had a nomination Rose/Miros nominates Ben Lunadyne says, "second" Strangelv-3 looks around for other nominations Strangelv-3 awaits a motion to close nominations Rose/Miros says, "moved" Lunadyne says, "second" PhilipC says, "Let's call the question" PhilipC says, "What say you? Aye or nay?" Rose/Miros says, "aye" Lunadyne Aye dcarson says, "ayeaye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" Strangelv-3 has no objection pjbanyai says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Does no objection count as an abstention?" Strangelv-3 isn't documenting it either way Lunadyne says, "LOL!" PhilipC says, "The ayes have it. The motion is carried." Strangelv-3 says, "Shall I document that Ben Nault was elected by acclaimation?" dcarson says, "there is a reason why the guy with all the power in the SU was the general securaty" PhilipC says, "James, go for it!" Rose/Miros sneaks off to fix a muffing for the hubby Strangelv-3 so records Strangelv-3 says, "Next?" bnault says, "I will need access to the Elections email list and have the emails redirected to me." PhilipC says, "This concludes the agenda. I'd like to adjourn early and then spend the rest of the time in open discussion about ways to engage members." PhilipC says, "So any one who'd like to leave early may do so." Strangelv-3 looks for any motion at all. To adjourn or something else PhilipC says, "If there's no objection to adjourning early, can I have motion to that effect?" dcarson says, "Ben, http://www.moonsociety.org/cgi-bin/helpdir/helpdir?_JavaScript=Yes& and subscribe to the elections mailbox" pjbanyai says, "Ben You can access the email with helpdir at http://www.moonsociety.org/helpdir/. You already have an account with access to the email box." Strangelv-3 says, "Move to adjourn" PhilipC says, "Any second?" dcarson says, "if that broke in the move I can patch around it" dcarson says, "second" Strangelv-3 says, "Any objection?" PhilipC says, "If there is no objection to adjournment, we are adjourned." Strangelv-3 notes that the time was 21:37 pjbanyai says, "For some reason helpdir does not forward emails correctly to those members subscribed to a mailbox." pjbanyai says, "Probably the same problem that we have with the MOO's email." PhilipC says, "I'd like to leave on the recorder until 11 pm to capture any conversation regarding membership engagement for posterity."" PhilipC says, "We are now adjourned" PhilipC says, "Anyone who'd like to leave early is free to do so" dcarson says, "getting dinner, back in a minute" pjbanyai says, "Reminder we need to work on the white paper. Currently we plan on a town meeting next week for input from the discussion group." Strangelv-3 says, "What are our least expensive data gathering solutions if the purpose is usable more that publishable? Facebook, what else?" PhilipC says, "Paul, thanks for the reminder" pjbanyai says, "The Liftport Group is also working on a paper and has already mentioned it on their Facebook group." Lunadyne says, "Now that I've got access I can start working on it. I think our general approach should be that NASA human spaceflight is best served by establishing cislunar space as a domain to be mastered in space activities." dcarson says, "back" Lunadyne says, "NASA can support activities like fuel depots and crewed trips to GEO and EML-1 to build a capability base to be leveraged for future activities." Rose/Miros says, "and the ability to receive stuff on the way down" Lunadyne says, "Also an outline of Lunar activities benefitting from a crewed presence." PhilipC says, "Are all of you aware of the recent requirement by the Congressional Science Committee that demands that NASA develop a program for the purpose of establishing a human presence on the Moon?" PhilipC says, "Of course this program will probably not include increased funding" Lunadyne says, "Without funding I consider it an empty demand." PhilipC says, "However I think if we can make the point that NASA ought to interpret "human presence" in as broad a definition as possible, we might have room to maneuver telepresence " Lunadyne says, "The case has to be made on reason and logic, not appeals to Congresssional "authority"." pjbanyai says, "NASA is redirecting info on future Moon missions to the Goldenspike company." Strangelv-3 says, "Deweropinga progrlam without additional funding might be feasible, if that means coming up with an idea and sending it to the GPO for printing..." Strangelv-3 says, "REquirement acchieved, end of story." dcarson says, "and the other side is NASA will fantasize that this means Apollo is back and submit a plan that requires quadrupling NASAs budget" Lunadyne says, "Which is exactly what we don't need." Lunadyne says, "Part of this boils down to a huge generation gap in perceptions." Strangelv-3 says, "The current guy might do something differen,t but how much longer is he going to be holding on to his job?" Lunadyne says, "Greatest, Silent and Baby Boomer generations grew up in eras where government could achieve great things." Strangelv-3 says, "And Millenials already outnumber the Boomers. The Busters, no longer the hip generation, are already entering obscurity" Lunadyne says, "Gen Xers and Millenials grew up in an era where government has been in corrupt service in enrichment of the priveleged. We don't see big government programs as the solution to much of anything." Strangelv-3 says, "To anyone with a mass market mindset, we're irrelewant now" pjbanyai says, "Correction the White House itself is redirecting future moon mission plans to Goldenspike at https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/response/isnt-petition-response-youre-looking" Lunadyne says, "Our goal, then, should be to show how the government human spaceflight program can be of use in making cislunar space a place of human economic activity." Rose/Miros says, "anyone else need a website account?" Strangelv-3 says, "Bolden might go along with that. I have no hope of his successor doing the same." Lunadyne says, "Oh, I don't expect our work to amount to much of anything when it comes to NASA, but it is a chance to make a compelling case for human Lunar activity." Strangelv-3 says, "Are Gaver and Whitesides still in there?" PhilipC says, "I have long held the position that we need to develop a significant teleoperated robotic presence on the Moon to really do anything there" PhilipC says, "If such a presence is large enough to self-replicate, then we'll unlock the potential to truly commercialize it" Lunadyne says, "who fixes the robots? Or do we just send a constant stream of new ones?" PhilipC says, "other teleoperated robots" Lunadyne says, "Um, sure." PhilipC says, "as long as we can manufacture more than are breaking, the issue becomes moot" PhilipC says, "if for example we can manufacture say 100k robots a month and only 10k break, operators won't know the difference" dcarson says, "or semi replicate, if you need to ship the electronics but all the bulk parts are local the shipping is lesst then 10% if the weight" pjbanyai says, "NASA and DARPA setup the 100YSS Project as a long term plan for human space flight. The purpose of the Starship Congress meeting in August is to map out a general plan for the next 100 years. Day 1 will focus on what can be feasibly realized over the next two decades. Day 2 will focus on what can be accomplished on a timescale to begin 20 years from now, out to the next 50 years. Areas of interest will include fusion rockets, antimatter rockets, future economics, colonizing and populating the solar system, asteroid mining, and commercialization of space. Day 3 will focus on what we can accomplish on very long timescales beginning 50 years from now and extending out to the next 500 years. Areas of interest will include exploring and populating nearby star systems, the ethics of colonization, SETI and first-contact scenarios, exotic propulsion, warp drives, wormholes, vacuum energy, worldships, hibernation ships and humanitys expansion into the galaxy. Days 1 a! nd 2 are of most importance to us. Last month Robert Zubrin showed up a 2 day conference loosly connected to the 100YSS to promote Mars as the best place to focus on for the immediate future." PhilipC says, "that's not only 100k robots, that's 100k jobs " Lunadyne says, "100k teleoperated robots per month? Your payroll must be huge!" Rose/Miros says, "paul, can you paste that onto the whitepaper page?" PhilipC says, "100k x 50k = 5b" Strangelv-3 says, "If we send enough expendabrle robots, repairing them once we get people there as they find them won't be the same sort of problem that reusing cold ware stuff would be" pjbanyai says, "sure" Strangelv-3 says, "Quesiton is how long can we keep them cunning overnight?" Strangelv-3 says, "Or do we go the throwaway route and not even try?" Lunadyne says, "NSS of North Texas is trying to figure out some way to get involved with 100YSS." Rose/Miros says, "and pick up the frozen pieces when we actually get there" Lunadyne says, "Philip - that's 100,000 (90,000 net) PER Month. Unsustainable." PhilipC says, "so long as the robots can be insulated during the lunar night and avoid thermal damage, they can either operate in a facility run on battery power or go in hibernation mode, while teleoperations switch to othe facilities" dcarson says, "don't need to run overnight, just survive so they can restatrt" PhilipC says, "in that case, they can be placed in hibernation mode while we build additional facilities" PhilipC says, "there are global industries large enough to support a significant workforce." PhilipC says, "or should i say global economic sectors" Lunadyne says, "Um, guys, the goal of The Moon Society is "humans" living and working on the Moon. We need to communicate that, not endless replicating and self-repairing robots." dcarson says, "the more economic activity there the cheaper and more off the shelf getting people ther is" Strangelv-3 says, "Focus on the end objective for the robots? Complication with the self-repairing and assembly angle is I'm not sure our technology base is yet able to deliver on that" PhilipC says, "the "keep the human pilot in the program" argument originates from the mercury missions" Lunadyne says, "Wasn't around for those. Do want to be around to see humans living and working on the Moon." Strangelv-3 says, "In this case it's a drone pilot building the landing pad for the other pilot to get to in person?" PhilipC says, "it was also the original justification for space stations "as remote sensing satellites". but technology keeps pushing us out of the equation. the only real justification for having humans in space will be on Mars where the distance makes remote operations impractical and giving control of an operation to AI is unthinkable" PhilipC says, "the moon however is close enough for remote operations to make economic and business sense so long as the operations are not considered too experimental" Lunadyne says, "But is that what you're going to propose we submit to the NRC for consideration for their human spaceflight report?" dcarson says, "tourism is a possible prifitable business, the time needed for a trip can be a week or so" PhilipC says, "in my view, demonstrating the proof of concept and system reliability is the single most important thing we need to do. Because it opens access to investment." dcarson says, "need people as staff for that" PhilipC says, "I'd like to see a dual-track approach. With one track laying the foundation upon which an in-space economy can be built, one that becomes an extension of our global economy, thereby creating a new cis-lunar econosphere." Lunadyne says, "Agreed, and cislunar space is where those crewed proof of concept and system reliability issues are going to be wrung out." Strangelv-3 says, "We probably need to find wayls to enforce that ad the end of the day the entire reson for doing whatever X is is to get people up there" PhilipC says, "The second track, would be that once this cislunar econosphere becomes economically sustainable, we develop a program for colonizing all available places possible in the solar system" Strangelv-3 says, "We should have such plans already in place, being tweaked and updated and revised and upgraded" PhilipC says, "With the first track, we can build a comprehensive industrial economy on the Moon, using teleoperated robots." Strangelv-3 says, "Ideally with some entreprenaurial-minded person grabbing it from somewhere and acting on it on their own meforle we would" PhilipC says, "This industrial economy can build space infrastructure, deep spacecraft, and space colonies" Lunadyne says, "Philip, again, this is for a CREWED HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT report. Teleoperations recommendations are of marginal value in this regard." PhilipC says, "The second track gets people up there." pjbanyai says, "Reminder: In developing their papers, respondents are asked to carefully consider the following broad questions." Strangelv-3 says, "Teleoperations are a force multiplier" Rose/Miros says, "going to bed, see ya tomorrow, james isin charege of new accounts til i get up" Strangelv-3 says, "We can't get enough people up there early on as we want to. This is a discussion we need peter in on" dcarson says, "how a human presence can cut the cost of teleoperation by some factor by making 90% reliable good enough since you have someone local to deal wit the exceptions might be good" PhilipC says, "As far as HSF, NASA could build a space outpost that uses tethers to simulate a space colony." Lunadyne says, "We have to focus on recommendations that serve to bolster the case for having a government human spaceflight program. White papers on how to do it are a dime a dozen. REASONS and RATIONALES that are compelling and make sense for humans to be in the loop - that is where we can add value." dcarson says, "90% costs X, 99% costs 10C often" pjbanyai says, "Reminder: In developing their papers, respondents are asked to carefully consider the following broad questions. (1)What are the important benefits provided to the United States and other countries by human spaceflight endeavors?(2)What are the greatest challenges to sustaining a U.S. government program in human spaceflight? (3)What are the ramifications and what would the nation and world lose if the United States terminated NASA's human spaceflight program?" Strangelv-3 suspects they wouldn't like his direct answors to those questions as phrosed pjbanyai says, "In discussing the above questions, please describe the reasoning that supports your arguments and, to the extent possible, include or cite any evidence that supports your views. In considering #1 above, submitters may consider private as well as government space programs. " Lunadyne says, "So it boils down to (1) important benefits, (2) greatest challenges, (3) opportunity costs." Strangelv-3 says, "Private manned spaceflight I can adamantly get behind" PhilipC says, "On 1) Our HSF program has already demonstrated what it can do in an zero-g environment. The problem with this question is that the program itself offers no next step for in-space commercial development." Lunadyne says, "Is that a problem of the ISS program, or human spaceflight?" Strangelv-3: (3)What are the ramifications and what would the nation and world lose if the United States terminated NASA's human spaceflight program? -- A: Assuming that a vibrant private sector presence has been successfully established, nothing. PhilipC says, "This comes from the original Mercury 7 insisting on keeping humans in the mix for their PR value rather than asking the larger pragmatic utility of what our desired capabilities should be and how humans fit into the mix of that capability" Lunadyne says, "I see the responses as (1) development of cislunar economy (economic growth), (2) lack of current economic benefits (industry's still too small), and (3) We continue to squabble and re-divide the resources here on planet Earth." Strangelv-3 says, "Acutally I'm being too kind. It would be a net positive in that case for the NASA effort to be sunsetted" bnault has disconnected. PhilipC says, "It took me 10 years to get to the point I just made" Lunadyne says, "I'm also going to have to head out. I have to drive to the other side of town to go walk dogs and house sit." PhilipC says, "Sure. We can continue this some other time. " dcarson says, "saw one analysis of the Mars probes, a field geoligist could get the same amount of science done in just a couple of days" PhilipC says, "Let's chat in here before we do anything with respect to the white paper" dcarson says, "the cost of getting him there is huge but the efficiency is also huge" Lunadyne says, "we've got to continue this - we've got a recommendation to submit by July 9th." PhilipC says, "Dana, I agree that we definitely need humans on Mars" dcarson says, "cislunar the cost of a person is a lot smaller then Mars" PhilipC says, "But I would add the proviso that we need to have sustainable space economy first" Lunadyne says, "Let's let the Mars folks worry about making the case for people on Mars. We need to focus on people on the Moon and in cislunar space." Strangelv-3 says, "Without a major tecrh breakthrough any Mars trips should be one-way. There's too much exposure otherwise. Also, a colony is an incentive for people to continue to pay attention." Lunadyne says, "Only if the colony is producing something of value." Strangelv-3 says, "But Mars is a long ways away, and remember the three most important rules about real estate. It's hard to get a better location than Luna's" dcarson says, "yeah, but the efficiency ratio for the Moon should be as high and the cost of a human a lot lower" PhilipC says, "the approach I mentioned, where we have an ongoing and international lunar industrial economy... using teleoperated robots... powered by millions of people here on Earth... which support extensive space colonization efforts is the approach I'd favor" dcarson says, "3 days lifesupport each way not 18 months" PhilipC says, "teleoperated robots brings the costs down" Strangelv-3 says, "The colony should efinvitely feel compelled to produce things of value. information if tnothing else. Also prestige for compatnies that can claim that they have an office on Mars..." The housekeeper arrives to cart bnault off to bed. PhilipC says, "I'm not being fair, I'm continuing this conversation and I know Ken needs to head off to bed. We can continue this conversation some other time" Strangelv-3 heads afk dcarson says, "is 11:30 here" PhilipC says, "in my opinion, even if a teleoperated robot is only 10% as capable as a human being, the ability to mass produce them washes that handicap away in comparison to a far greater cost in sending people" PhilipC says, "conversation to be continued..." Lunadyne has disconnected. PhilipC has disconnected. -- End log: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:35:28 pm ASI Meeting Server time --