-- Start log: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 9:25:23 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- PhilipC says, "Thank you. " PhilipC says, "Welcome to the 2013 July 3 Management Committee Meeting" PhilipC says, "For the purpose of taking attendance, I'd like to start by asking all who are present to please state your name and position." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy, president" Strangelv-3 says, "James Gholston, Secretary" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Treasurer" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" bnault says, "Ben Nault, Director" Rose/Miros says, "Rosalie Dieteman, webmaster and director" Scottyg-2 has arrived. Scottyg-2 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer is present" PhilipC says, "We're still waiting for Jason Tuttle to resolve his access issues and Alan Steinberg asked to be excused." PhilipC says, "We have quorum." PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to approve the minutes?" Rose/Miros says, "moved" PhilipC says, "Any second?" Lunadyne says, "second" dcarson says, "second" Strangelv-3 says, "Note that there is more than one set of minutes" Rose/Miros says, "the newest set" Strangelv-3 says, "point of order -- which set of minutes is being ovetd one?" Rose/Miros says, "i never ovet!" Strangelv-3 says, "19 June and 17 April have been submitted" PhilipC says, "I will defer that question to the secretary who posted them" PhilipC says, "Thank you. So I would like to ask all voting members here to review both sets of minutes. " PhilipC says, "I will also need an amending motion to specify each minutes separately along with a second" Lunadyne says, "Move approve 19 June" PhilipC says, "Any second?" bnault says, "second" PhilipC says, "I call the question. All in favor please affirm by saying aye. Opposed by saying nay." bnault says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" dcarson says, "ayr" Strangelv-3 notes that Jason has now arrived and needs herlp getting into the meeting ChardZ [Guest] arrives. ChardZ [Guest] says, "here" Lunadyne says, "Aye" ChardZ [Guest] says, "Jason Tuttle - director" ChardZ [Guest] says, "aye" PhilipC says, "That's 4 in favor." PhilipC says, "I wish to reiterate that there is now a vote on the floor for approving the June 19 minutes" pjbanyai says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" PhilipC says, "That's 6, and now I will vote aye, which makes it 7" PhilipC says, "we might be missing someone which we can count as an absention. " Strangelv-3 abstains on approving minutes that he himself wrote PhilipC says, "the motion carries." PhilipC says, "I need another amending motion to approve the april 17 minutes" bnault says, "motion to approve the April 17 minutes" Rose/Miros says, "moved" Rose/Miros says, "second" PhilipC says, "I call the question. What say you? Aye or nay?" Rose/Miros says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" ChardZ [Guest] says, "aye" PhilipC says, "That's 6, I also vote aye as 7, I take it that James abstains. The motion carries" PhilipC says, "Before we discuss the agenda, I wish to make an announcement that is of relevance to the agenda" PhilipC says, "I sent all of you an email yesterday regarding my article for the NRC HSF comments." PhilipC says, "After receiving valuable feedback from Alan, I set about to revise some of the substance of my draft, which includes references." PhilipC says, "I have not been successful in completing this new draft before this meeting." Lunadyne says, "Nor have I been successful in getting my suggestions to you before this meeting." Rose/Miros says, "i can pick nits for you tomorrow" Lunadyne says, "Nothing major. Largely some rhetorical stuff." AlanSteinberg has arrived. PhilipC says, "As a result, I would like to abandom my recommendation of a thumbs up/down vote and instead spend time brainstorming key points we'd all like to see on the article" PhilipC says, "So here's my recommendation for the agenda for tonight's meeting and then i'll open up the floor to discusson about the agenda" Rose/Miros says, "can we discuss old/new business? i found both in an email from peter" PhilipC says, "1) reports (limit time to 10-15 minutes)" PhilipC says, "2) old/new business (limit time to 10 minutes)" PhilipC says, "3) discussion of the NRC HSF paper (remaining time)" PhilipC says, "4) discussion of the agendas for the next/last two meetings of this term (last 10 minutes)" PhilipC says, "I now open the floor" Rose/Miros says, "peter's old business: join chapters. peter's new business, cheaper renewal offer for old members" Lunadyne says, "Membership stands at 159. " Lunadyne says, "we need to get some glossy marketing materials together." PhilipC says, "please limit comments or discussion to the agenda only" pjbanyai says, "I found a bug in our registration page." Lunadyne says, "Sorry, just giving a quick membership report. Apologies." PhilipC says, "Is this agenda acceptable? Rose, do you think we need more time on old business?" PhilipC says, "15 minutes instead of 10?" Rose/Miros says, "not sure, but we do need to address those two issues of peters" Rose/Miros says, "next time, someone poke me to make sure any of peter's points gets added to the agenda page" Scottyg-2 says, "And I think they deserve at least 15 minutes." Strangelv-3 doesn't know if we have the authority to fulfill Peter's reqiremewnt and is too asleep to check PhilipC says, "Then let's do that" Rose/Miros says, "the old business was from long ago, someone should have checked by now" PhilipC says, "So let's get started. We'll try to end the meeting at 11 pm EDT if possible. If we still need a little more time, we might need to extend it to 11:15" PhilipC says, "Ken, you have the floor for the membership report" Lunadyne says, "Membership stands at 159. " pjbanyai says, "Current members can not retrieve their info from https://www.moonsociety.org/register/register1.php they can only retrieve it from https://www.moonsociety.org/register/util/get-teamdir.php after logging into teamdir." Lunadyne says, "we need to get some glossy marketing materials together." Lunadyne says, "That is all." PhilipC says, "Any discussion?" PhilipC says, "Due to our limited time, we need to move on" PhilipC says, "Now for the treasury report. Dana you have the floor" dcarson says, "treasurer's report" dcarson says, "no major changes" PhilipC says, "any discussion?" dcarson says, "found a minor bug in the online reports, Scotty fixed it" Scottyg-2 says, "Bank balance as of May 31 was $31,337.73" PhilipC says, "Thank you" dcarson says, "hope to meet with the auditor next week or so" dcarson says, "done" PhilipC says, "I know we're all looking forward to it." PhilipC says, "Thank you." dcarson says, "yeah" PhilipC says, "Moving on. Webmaster's report. Rose you have the floor" Scottyg-2 says, "Note for later reference that the bank balance is holding about steady." Rose/Miros says, "slow progress on the copy paste" Rose/Miros says, "i do have a to-do list which includes the team dir login" Rose/Miros says, "we have a break from doctor visits, so i should be able to get some stuff done" Rose/Miros says, "scotty, how are the subdomain jugglings going?" Rose/Miros says, "(scotty got the rest of his to-do list done, unlike me)" Scottyg-2 says, "Unfortunately, my situation is the reverse of yours. I have some personal life things that are leaving me almost no time to work on the website. Hopefully that will change soon." Rose/Miros says, "does anyone have css experience? james wore himself out, we need a new victim, err css guy?" Strangelv-3 is also at work stoppage until the test site is up and running Strangelv-3 says, "evail, boonsociety.org" Strangelv-3 is too asleep to type correctly dcarson says, "I have a bit" Scottyg-2 says, "eval.monsociety.org" Strangelv-3 says, "danke" Rose/Miros says, "ok, we'll talk tomorrow" pjbanyai says, "I am looking at the code for each registration page to see what is causing a problem for renewing members. These pages were apparently moved to another directory for the security certificate and some links seem to be broken." Scottyg-2 says, "Are you referring to the "Fetch my info" problem?" Lunadyne says, "Ouch." pjbanyai says, "Yes. The register1.php refers to the get_teamdir.php. get_teamdir.php seems to actually work on retrieval." Rose/Miros says, "paul, do you think you can fix it, or do i need to slop it on poor scotty?" bnault says, "I also have HelpDirector issues. Who is our resource on that?" pjbanyai says, "I can post the correction to the non secure register directory for copy to the secure one." PhilipC says, "Can we defer this discussion to the web team at some other time? " Rose/Miros says, "i can probably move it into position for you, poke me tomorrow" Rose/Miros says, "and ben, can you poke me tomorrow? I'll see if i can fix it, or slop it on scotty" Scottyg-2 says, "Paul, what I was seeing seemed to indicate that the JavaScript to access get-teamdir.php didn't seem to be working." bnault says, "OK Rose" PhilipC says, "We need to move on" PhilipC says, "Old business: Rose, you mentioned Peter's motion regarding joint chapters. Can you please expand on that?" Rose/Miros says, "welol, i think we resolved everything as best we can in a meeting, so yes, we can move on" Rose/Miros says, "joint chapters:" Rose/Miros says, "Amend chapter qualifications to allow TMS chapters to become joint TMS/NSS chapters if 2 or more NSS members join the chapter in its area." Rose/Miros says, "And to grant joint chapter status to any NSS chapter that open's its membership to TMS members and has 2 TMS members." Rose/Miros says, "That would make Milwaukee (NSS) a joint chapter, and several others could qualify including Tucson, Oregon L5 (Portland) and Middle Tennessee/Nashville - I had sent a list several months ago when I first made this request." Rose/Miros says, "I=peter" pjbanyai says, "The get-teamdir.php is essentially an exact copy of the register1.php with 1 or 2 small code changes." Rose/Miros says, "tomorrow, please, paul" Scottyg-2 says, "Has anyone looked to see where those chapter qualifications are defined? I can't remember." Rose/Miros says, "someone quoted them at the meeting where this issue was introduced" Rose/Miros says, "but this is not the time to go fishing through old recordings" Scottyg-2 says, "If its in the Bylaws, this body can't change them That is reserved to the BOD." Rose/Miros says, "iirc the discussion was positive in the direction of letting this happen" Rose/Miros says, "ok, i'll paste it into the agenda for the bod" Scottyg-2 says, "If its in the Chapter Rules, we can change those." Strangelv-3 says, "When is the next board meeting? Is it far enough into the future to make calling for a board meeting varluble?" Strangelv-3 can't remember how much notice is required PhilipC says, "Perhaps we can defer this issue to our next meeting after we've had time to look into it more? Peter mentioned an affiliation agreement. I'd like to take a look at it" dcarson says, "nothing about size in the bylaws, just says persons so 2 minimum" Lunadyne says, "Agreed on the joint chapters thing. I think it's a good interim step that supports NSS, while giving us a stronger presence than we otherwise might have." dcarson says, "and" dcarson says, "Section 2. Chapter Classes: There shall be two classes of Chapters, Regular Chapters and Student Chapters. " PhilipC says, "The next board meeting should be scheduled just prior to the annual meeting" dcarson says, "The Moon Society Chapter Rules" which document shall be maintained by the Board of Directors." dcarson says, "so the BOD has to change the rules" PhilipC says, "I was planning to take the lats 10 minutes of this meeting to discuss our agenda for the next/last two meetings. I'm hoping we can spend those meeting discussing bylaws revisions and focus on more structural issues" Scottyg-2 says, "No, The section on the MC states that all powers of the BOD may be exercised by the MC exccept those requiring greater than a majority vote." Rose/Miros says, " http://test.moonsociety.org/bod-agenda if that's where it belongs" PhilipC says, "It sounds like having a joint chapter label may require a revision in the bylaws. " Rose/Miros says, "table until the bod?" Rose/Miros says, "pleaase COMMENT ON THE AGENDA" Rose/Miros says, "excuse my shouting" Strangelv-3 says, "How much notice do we need for a board meeting and should we give said notice right now?" PhilipC says, "If we spend the mid july and first of august meetings on these issues, then we can present a comprehensive revision to the bylaws for the next BoD meeting" PhilipC says, "Rose, the next board meeting is scheduled to take place mid august, just before the annual membership meeting" PhilipC says, "I would recommend tabling this issue until the mid july meeting where we'll hopefully spend more time focusing on bylaws revisions (if all of you decide to proceed with doing so)" PhilipC says, "FYI, we agreed to spend 15 minutes on this agenda item. We have 5 minutes left." PhilipC says, "Should we table this issue until the next meeting?" Rose/Miros says, "one thought, can someone figure out who is responsible and how to change it in between?" Lunadyne says, "I'm generally in favor of this agenda item." Scottyg-2 says, "I can't move to table this. Will someone else make the motion?" Strangelv-3 says, "Move to postpone?" Strangelv-3 says, "It we table it we have to vote to take it off of the table" ChardZ [Guest] says, "second" Strangelv-3 says, "Tabling has proved more effective at killing a business item than doing it later in my experience" PhilipC says, "I am not sure if we need to vote to table it or if a second will suffice" Rose/Miros says, "ok, lets postpone, i promise to keep hammering at it" PhilipC says, "We WILL pick this issue up again, I promise you that" Scottyg-2 says, "New business?" Strangelv-3 says, "If ther's no objection I can document that it passed" Rose/Miros says, "peter again" PhilipC says, "Note to posterity. Sorry Peter. We just want to make sure that we're doing it right."" Rose/Miros says, "brainstorming, but a good idea" Rose/Miros says, "For discussion. A special "come back home" renewal offer for those who have dropped out in the past 2 years? For example, Renew for 2 years at $20 rate, electronic newsletter only. Limited to those who respond in the next 2 months after getting the offer." Rose/Miros says, "Or some other kind of offer. Our past members are probably a more fertile recruiting ground than just letting new people find us somehow, as is now the case. " Rose/Miros says, "Or a special offer on gift memberships to students? (college only? high school also?)" Rose/Miros says, "1 year $20, 2 year $30??" PhilipC says, "New business..." Lunadyne says, "I like the "Come Home to the Moon" membership initiative that Rose mentioned." PhilipC says, "Discussion" PhilipC says, "If anything, I'd like to raise the membership fee at some future point" Scottyg-2 says, "In my experience, reducing our dues has done little to boost membership but HAS caused us to have almost no positive cash flow." dcarson says, "would be nice to have something that actually involved progress to offer not ust a lower rate" Rose/Miros says, "it was peter's idea, but i'll beat it like a dead horse if necessary" PhilipC says, "But we need more activities to keep people around" Rose/Miros enjoys the herding cats and beating dead horses activities PhilipC says, "I'd also be in favor of giving a discounted rate to seniors or those who can't pay the full rate" pjbanyai says, "[New Business] Any plans concerning Space Congress or 100YS Symposium? I think it is too late to have a presenter, however we may still be able to get a display booth." Strangelv-3 says, "We can increase revenues by offering higher levels for thosq who can afford to pay them. Instead, John Carmack would pay the same price as someone who's unsure how they're paying rent" PhilipC says, "Paul, we'll discuss that next. But I need to put a time limit on it. How much time do you need for it?" Scottyg-2 says, "Philip, yes. The one thing that has created a significant membership increase was the solar power beaming demo. We need things like that." AlanSteinberg says, "I'm with Scotty, I don't agree with lowering dues. Rather than focus on giving discounts to old, I'd suggest discounts to new" Lunadyne says, "We will have a display at Moon Day on July 20th. Potentially some good media exposure." Scottyg-2 says, "We already have a discounted rate for seniors and students." Rose/Miros says, "but it's not for current people, it's to get lapsed people back in" dcarson says, "paying less for something that isn't doing anything isn't that attractive" AlanSteinberg says, "if a person has lappsed, they are probably just not interested more so than its a financial issue" Rose/Miros says, "for me it was financial" PhilipC says, "I'd like to note that Alan Steinberg is now present. We now have a full meeting" Rose/Miros says, "just saying" AlanSteinberg says, "I've been present for a while, just had nothing worthwhile to input until now :)" Strangelv-3 says, "We've had multiple active members who can't afford it. Whatever we do at that end, we have people who could affold to pay $100 a month if we gave them an incentive. Inot sure we can provide THAT much of an incentive, but we might be able to make it worth $25 a month" PhilipC says, "Again, this sounds like a structural isue. I'd like to spend the last two meetings before the annual membership meeting to cover such issues" dcarson says, "idea, small kickstarter project, $500 or so to do the ebook versions of the MMM special collections" dcarson says, "have memberships as one of the levles for the kickstarter" Strangelv-3 says, "That would be a good one, and $500 is a nice bottow level target. Need a bunch of stretch goals. 8)" dcarson says, "so that people are joining to get aproject done" Lunadyne says, "Why not do different levels of membership, like NSS does?" Rose/Miros says, "sounds like an idea" Rose/Miros says, "sounds like an idea, dana" dcarson says, "yeah, lets discuss out of meeting, maybe a page on the website" Lunadyne says, "Let's get an e-book published before we start getting too aggressive." Rose/Miros says, "dana, wanna start a kickstarter discussion page?" PhilipC says, "We're over the time allocated for this topic. We need to move on." pjbanyai says, "Probably only a few minutes. These are popular conferences which are trending heavily with our facebook/twitter followers. I.E. they want to know if we will be making an appearance." PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to table this topic until the next meeting?" Rose/Miros says, "moved" Strangelv-3 says, "Ordecrs of the day" PhilipC says, "Any second?" Strangelv-3 says, "That should suffigce" Strangelv-3 says, "no motion neded to clutter the minutes with" PhilipC says, "Moving on" PhilipC says, "Discussion of the NRC HSF article" PhilipC says, "I have the floor" PhilipC says, "As I mentioned earlier, after incorporating Alan's feedback, I made a few substantive changes to my draft. But I am unable to finish it in time" PhilipC says, "As a result, I think it's fair that so long as I'm getting feedback from you and am not doing this myself, that a thumbs up/down endorsement vote is not really appropriate" PhilipC says, "instead i'd like for us to have a brainstorming session on what elements we'd like to see in the paper" PhilipC says, "and with the result that if we have a reasonable agreement on what those elements are, I and possibly someone else will write up the article, and then a standing committee will give it the final approval in a day or two" PhilipC says, "does this sound reasonable?" Lunadyne says, "Philip, it's a good paper so far. Not much to complain about." PhilipC says, "I open the floor to discussion" Lunadyne says, "I would like to see a bit more focus on what humans bring to the equation off-planet. Our flexibility in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Our ability to improvise. We fix machines. We can ensure mission success long after robots have crapped out." Lunadyne says, "These are unique to human capability. We also have to stop just throwing assets into the void." PhilipC says, "My new revised draft incorporates that recommendation" Lunadyne says, "Fireworks are starting. Ken is AFK. BRB" PhilipC says, "i focused on research design " Strangelv-3 says, "Is the new draft emailed?" PhilipC says, "If I email it, then only about half of it shows new content" Rose/Miros says, "the new draft is under construction" Rose/Miros says, "and we're using this issue to test the online collaboration provided by Drupal books and comments" PhilipC says, "Alan, I managed to track down my references " PhilipC says, "I explained acronyms in the footnotes" Rose/Miros says, "good, i was getting bogged down" PhilipC says, "I think I might have also found a reference to STEM education" Rose/Miros will be right back. PhilipC says, "Since I'm writing this article for the NRC, and given what's at stake, I'm including a lot of jargon that may make it a little unreadable. But I would like to write a simpler version that we can use for general distribution among our members" AlanSteinberg says, "glad to hear it" AlanSteinberg says, "i'm happy to read/edit/comment again tomorrow" PhilipC says, "I'm going to be too busy tomorrow. I'm behind on yard work and I have to throw a party at 4" PhilipC says, "I lost too much time today hopping libraries for specific books" PhilipC says, "I took Alan's advice in collapsing the realist/idealist break in my original draft" PhilipC says, "I kept the big picture view of how space colonization relates to society but put into context" PhilipC says, "I also included a section on the different ways that scientists make discoveries" PhilipC says, "such as those driven by hypotheses, those that come from unexpected results from the first type of experiments, and by accidents" PhilipC says, "i argue that we have a lot of fundamental discoveries that came through pure accidents" Rose/Miros says, "might want to throw in we've had 2 near misses with asteroids already this year" Rose/Miros says, "and something about the sword of damocles" Strangelv-3 says, "We had an inderect HIT withone this year" Strangelv-3 says, "The problem is that the specialists are still pretending that the risk is costnant" Strangelv-3 says, "instead of occasionally evelated" Strangelv-3 says, "and we don't have the degrees or specialization to combat them withitn their specialization. We might be able to mention that the recent increase might be a call to question that judgebent, though" Rose/Miros wants dino jammies to dance around in during meetings dcarson says, "sometimes coins come up heads 10 times in a row, doesn't mean elevated odds, just thats what ramndom means" Rose/Miros offers dcarson some dino jammies too Strangelv-3 says, "More often than not if it's 10 times in a row and not the other way around there might be a basis, though" Rose/Miros says, "bias, not bhasis" Strangelv-3 says, "ie if die keeps colling 34s and 4s it's not random chance. The other numbers aren't 'due' or equally likely, they've proven to be less likely" Rose/Miros says, "but then you get 1s and 6s for a while" Strangelv-3 says, "But not as many as 3 and 4s" Rose/Miros says, "then 1 2 3 4 5 6 in a line" Strangelv-3 says, "This is a die that is not giving an even set of results" PhilipC says, "I don't know if using asteroidal risk is the way to go since this paper is supposed to be about human spaceflight" AlanSteinberg says, "ok... can we move on from this?" Scottyg-2 says, "Off topic: The "Fetch My Data" problem in the registration system is fixed." Strangelv-3 claps. Rose/Miros says, "ty scotty, i don't have to assign it to you now" Rose/Miros grins. PhilipC says, "are there any other points we'd all like to see in the paper?" Strangelv-3 says, "point about it being off-topic. We can bring that up in detail rater" PhilipC says, "If not, I'd like to suggest that we give the final approval to a steering committee" PhilipC says, "Perhaps it can include myself, Alan, Ken, and I'd suggest that 2 others join" Strangelv-3 says, "When do we have to turn it in by again?" PhilipC says, "July 9" Rose/Miros says, "so we need to hustle" PhilipC says, "yep" Strangelv-3 says, "I might be able to give some feedbacrk but don't count on it. I'm still trying to pic kup the pieuces of things I was neglecting for half a year" Rose/Miros says, "i told ya to fix whump, but you kept on with other stuff" PhilipC says, "If no one else is willing to step up to the plate, would the three of us be acceptable" Rose/Miros says, "i'll do grammar nits" PhilipC says, "I welcome it" dcarson says, "if I could write english I might not have become a programmer :-)" PhilipC says, "I only pretend to write well" PhilipC says, "As I'm sure Rose and Alan can attest" Rose/Miros says, "wasn't bad. just had nits" dcarson says, "well do you do a good job of pretending" Rose/Miros will be right back. PhilipC says, "If this sounds like a reasonable plan, I need a motion to give this steering committee the authority to have the final approval on this paper, and if it has unanimous approval, that we submit this article as authored by myself on behalf of the Moon Society" ChardZ [Guest] says, "motions" PhilipC says, "Thank you. Any second?" bnault says, "second" Strangelv-3 says, "WHUMP can't deal with 100+ attacks a minute. That required something more drastic" PhilipC says, "Out of order" Strangelv-3 says, "What is the text of the motion?" ChardZ [Guest] says, "the text immediately preceding the motion" PhilipC says, "That a steering committee consisting of Philip Crume, Ken Murphy, and Alan Steinberg will review the final draft of the Moon Society article for the NRC HSF call for comments, and with unanimous approval by this committee will this article be submitted" pjbanyai says, "Current existing Outreach Subcomittee is supposed to handle this. It is used by the Moon Society for discussion of planning, development, and execution of Moon Society efforts to increase its membership. This includes mailings, conferences and conventions, literature, and anything else that can be used to get more members in Moon Society. " PhilipC says, "I call the question. All in favor say aye. All opposed say nay." PhilipC says, "I will abstain" ChardZ [Guest] says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" AlanSteinberg says, "Paul, this isn't designed for the purposes of increasing membership so it's not in the perview of the outreach subcommittee" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Strangelv-3 attempts to piece the text together since no one is going to do that for him Rose/Miros wants this handled by someone, right people or not Rose/Miros says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "Then shouldn't fall under the perview of the Communication Committee itself? " bnault says, "aye" AlanSteinberg says, "though I have no problem with outreach subcommittee members being part of this, just saying it doesn't have to be restricted to that group" Strangelv-3: "moved to create a steering committee the authority with final approval on the NRC HSF paper"? PhilipC says, "that works" Rose/Miros says, "yep, thayt's it" PhilipC says, "love the simplicity" PhilipC says, "so far, we have 5 votes in favor" Strangelv-3 loks at Jason and Dana who moved and seconded to see if this matches their expectations PhilipC says, "1 abstention" Lunadyne says, "I'm back. What are we voting in favor of?" Strangelv-3 says, "That's what I've been trying to get gclarified" PhilipC says, "that me, you, and alan will form a steering committee to give the final approval of the NRC HSF paper" ChardZ [Guest] says, "so Phillip can finish his paper" PhilipC says, "yes" Lunadyne says, "Okay, aye." Strangelv-3 says, "aye" PhilipC says, "the vote is unanimous -1 abstention" PhilipC says, "thank you" PhilipC says, "Now for the last item on the agenda." PhilipC says, "I will try to finish this quickly" AlanSteinberg says, "basically approval is just allowing Philip to sign the paper with "on behalf of the Moon Society" at the bottom, since as a private citizen he could submitt the same paper anyways." PhilipC says, "Before I talk about this, can someone verify for me that the next board meeting and the annual membership meeting will take place in mid august?" PhilipC says, "or will it take place in the first meeting of august?" bnault says, "But I would still like to read the final version before it is sent out..." PhilipC says, "sure" pjbanyai says, "The nex board meeting is technically after the Annual Meeting. It is supposed to be the first board meeting appoving the election results." pjbanyai says, "The next board meeting is technically after the Annual Meeting. It is supposed to be the first board meeting approving the election results." PhilipC says, "But when are these meetings supposed to be held?" PhilipC says, "The reason I ask is because we only have 1 or 2 MC meetings left in this term" bnault says, "in 2012, the BM was held 2nd meeting of Aug - Aug 15 to be exact" pjbanyai says, "August 7: MC Meeting, August 14: Annual Meeting and August 21: Board meeting." PhilipC says, "So if this meeting is to be held the first week of August, then we only have one remaining meeting" Rose/Miros says, "don't we have another july meeting? or am i confused?" PhilipC says, "So Paul, am I to understand that we will have an MC meeting before the annual meeting?" bnault says, "there will be 2 MC meetings before the BM" PhilipC says, "What I'd like for us to do is to cover a range of issues that allows us to avoid the problems we had at the beginning of this term" PhilipC says, "Such as continuity of leadership" PhilipC says, "possibly revising the bylaws" PhilipC says, "of course the issues that Peter brings up " PhilipC says, "on chapters and how to bring back expired members" PhilipC says, "It's getting late and we're almost 15 minutes past. Let's discuss this in email." Rose/Miros says, "website" Rose/Miros says, "not email" pjbanyai says, "We have two MC meetings July 17 and August 7." Rose/Miros says, "you wanted online collab, you got it" PhilipC says, "sorry, slowly getting used to it" Rose/Miros says, "peter's issues are tucked into old business, and i promise to beat them like de3ad horses" PhilipC says, "My hope is that we can fix the structural problems we had earlier and make this a more enjoyable experience for future leaders" Strangelv-3 says, "What was our final item and discussion? Was that chapters being resumed?" PhilipC says, "this is the final agenda item" Strangelv-3 finally finds it. Discusison of -ubsequeent meeting agendas PhilipC says, "I will get the ball rolling on this discussion on the website and I'd appreciate any comments or feedback on what we can do with the next/last two meetings of this term" PhilipC says, "I think that wraps it up for now." PhilipC says, "Does anyone have any announcements before we adjourn?" Lunadyne says, "Yes" bnault says, "yes here too" PhilipC says, "Ken then Ben" Lunadyne says, "Go ahead Ben." PhilipC says, "Ben" bnault says, "Peter emailed me earlier today: apparently he goofed on sending the ballot out. Sent it to all members - past and present. This might complicate vote counting a bit." bnault says, "but might also be interesting in reviving interest in some lapsed members." ChardZ [Guest] grins. AlanSteinberg says, "just a quick thing, but we might want to consider to a easier to read balot, it wasn't clear to me if there are 2 or three people running for BOD" PhilipC says, "Or we can send an email to them to tell them that we've received their vote but to make it count, they need to renew their membership. Let's make lemonade out of lemons." Rose/Miros says, "works for me" Strangelv-3 says, "That sounds good" dcarson says, "part of the election secratary job is verifing membership" dcarson says, "and most never vote anyway" bnault says, "my access to HelpDir seems limited at this time" PhilipC says, "Ken, you also had an announcement..." Lunadyne says, "First, I've been in discussions with a documentarian from October Films who is pitching a series to a cable channel on settling the Moon. She is thinking about having me as host. This would be good exposure for TMS." Rose/Miros says, "i'll look at it tomorrow, give me a poke" ChardZ [Guest] says, "cool" PhilipC says, "Very nice!" pjbanyai says, "By the way "The Secretary shall provide notice and an agenda for the annual meeting at least 30 days in advance of the meeting by posting same in a prominent location on the Society's web site and by emailing a copy to all members who have provided a valid email address. "" Lunadyne says, "Second, I've been working with Michael Laine of LiftPort on a weekly radio program that we be syndicated to small stations around the country that need content. This would be a tech focused show, and again, I would be host. More good exposure for TMS." PhilipC says, "That reminds me that the FCC has granted a very rare window of opportunity for people interested in setting up nonprofit radio stations. I'll send you the link if you're interested" Lunadyne says, "Third, Moon Day is coming up in Dallas. Our exhibit will have the Solar Power Satellite exhibit and the Lunar Lava Tube exhibit." Lunadyne says, "Some membership brochures would be good." PhilipC says, "Let's work on it" Lunadyne says, "I'll be talking with the media, and have a presentation on Cislunar Space." Strangelv-3 says, "So what is on our agenda that I'm needing to post befare I make something up at the last minute?" Lunadyne says, "Fourth, tomorrow I will be at the Mensa Annual Gathering talking about Cislunar space." Rose/Miros says, "anything needing discussion, please make a page in the leaders area of the website" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else?" pjbanyai says, "Usually the President creates an annual state of the Society paper which is the basis for the Annual meeting's agenda." Lunadyne says, "Item #2,429 on my current agenda." Lunadyne says, "What's the due date?" PhilipC says, "August 14" PhilipC says, "Is the annual membership meeting the final address for the president or his first address?" PhilipC says, "Please answer that in a sec." Rose/Miros says, "night" PhilipC says, "We are now 30 minutes past our scheduled closing time" Lunadyne says, "This would be my final one unless I get re-elected." PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to adjourn?" Rose/Miros wanders away Scottyg-2 says, "The annual report is given by the President for the previous year." PhilipC says, "thank you" Rose/Miros says, "moved" bnault says, "motion to adjourn" PhilipC says, "Any second?" dcarson says, "second" PhilipC says, "This meeting is now adjourned." ChardZ [Guest] says, "night" PhilipC says, "Thank you for coming and see you July 17" Scottyg-2 says, "G'nite all!" -- End log: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 11:31:24 pm ASI Meeting Server time --