-- Start log: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:12:19 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "is the recorder on?" PhilipC says, "there we go" Rose/Miros has arrived. PhilipC says, "Welcome to the 2013 July 17 Management Committee meeting" PhilipC says, "I'd like to thank everyone for being here. We have a lot to cover and this and the next meeting will be very important for the future of the society. " PhilipC says, "We seem to have enough members present for a quorum" PhilipC says, "For the purpose of taking attendance, please state your name and your position" PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" bnault says, "Ben Nault, Director" Scottyg says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Treasurer" Rose/Miros says, "Rosalie Dieteman board member and webmaster" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Strangelv-3 says, "James Ghols-ton, Secretary" Lunadyne has arrived. Lunadyne says, "howdy everyone!" PhilipC says, "Perfect timing" PhilipC says, "We're taking attendance, please state your name and position" Lunadyne says, "Name: Ken Murphy. Position: President" PhilipC says, "As of now, we have 7 management committee members present. Alan Steinberg and Jason Tuttle are currently absent." PhilipC says, "As I mentioned before, we will have a lot to cover this meeting. " PhilipC says, "Before we discuss the content of the agenda, I wish to note that our Secretary, James, has distributed the minutes of the last meeting via email. I'd like to ask all of you to quickly peruse its contents. " PhilipC says, "I will then need an MC member to make a motion for approving the agenda and another member to second." Strangelv-3 says, "Is therea copy of the agoenda?" PhilipC says, "No, it will primarily be discussion, but a very important one." bnault says, "motion to approve the minutes as emailed earlier today" PhilipC says, "We have a motion. Do I have a second?" Rose/Miros says, "second" PhilipC says, "The motion is for the approval of the 2013 July 3 Management Committee Meeting. I call the question. Please vote aye or nay." bnault says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" Strangelv-3 abstains dcarson says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" PhilipC says, "aye" PhilipC says, "That is 6 ayes and 1 abstention. The motion carries." PhilipC says, "Now for the agenda." PhilipC says, "As I mentioned earlier, we only have 2 meetings left this term. I made the recommendation before that it would be wise of us if we get all of the boring organizational stuff out of the way so that the next management committee class can hit the ground running and focus on creating value for TMS" PhilipC says, "I'd like to make a recommendation that we suspend discussion of any reports, have a quick business meeting, and then spend the rest of the time discussing strategy and the future of TMS" PhilipC says, "I open the floor for discussion on this agenda. " PhilipC says, "Let's try to wrap up discussion of the agenda in 5 minutes" dcarson says, "sounds good to me" PhilipC says, "Does this sound reasonable to everyone?" Strangelv-3 still does'tnt know what the agenda specificalyl is Rose/Miros says, "not sure if this rises to the level of an agenda items, but can we start posting the secretary's notes on the website in the Leaders' area?" Rose/Miros says, "and the agenda?" PhilipC says, "The topic of discussion that I'd like to have will revolve around a five year plan, our growth strategy, our value proposition to our members, and TMS' mission" Lunadyne says, "I've been reflecting lately that a lot of initiatives that I've tried to institute have stalled out." PhilipC says, "and revising the bylaws so that we can more easily scale up as an organization" PhilipC says, "Basically, big picture stuff with the purpose of providing a blueprint for diving into the details" PhilipC says, "lots of organizational and administrative structure that we can streamline to make life easier for future management committees" PhilipC says, "I'm not getting a lot of feedback and so I assume that no one has any problem with this" Rose/Miros says, "we also have 2 old business items, the joint chapter thing and a special offer for previous members" Strangelv-3 didn't exactly have much time to think about this in advance given the short notice PhilipC says, "tonight will be a brainstorm session" Strangelv-3 wonders what Ken is thinking in terms of Strangelv-3 says, "A brainstorming session I could go with" PhilipC says, "Five minutes are up. I will now close any further discussion on the agenda." PhilipC says, "Tonight's agenda will consist of:" Strangelv-3 says, "Point of order: So reports, onld business, nhen a brainstorming session" Strangelv-3 says, "Or rathe,r point of information" PhilipC says, "1) Reports" PhilipC says, "A) Membership" PhilipC says, "B) Treasury" PhilipC says, "C) Website (if any)" PhilipC says, "2) Old Business" PhilipC says, "A) Joint chapters" PhilipC says, "B) Membership fees" PhilipC says, "3) Brainstorm session " Rose/Miros says, "2c) recruiting previous members" PhilipC says, "4) Announcements." Strangelv-3 might have an item to add: could we put Mike under the same special exception that we put Randall Severy under a few years ago? PhilipC says, "Recruiting previous members will come up in the brainstorm session" PhilipC says, "We'll cover that in membership fees" PhilipC says, "Without further ado, let's get started" bnault says, "Guys, as stated at the beginning of the meeting, I need to run...my apologies." bnault has disconnected. PhilipC says, "Before we get started, is there any objection to suspending discussion of the reports (for the purpose of gaining as much time for the brainstorming session as possible)" dcarson says, "sounds good to me" Rose/Miros says, "works for me" Strangelv-3 does not object PhilipC says, "Point of order: Ben Nault has left the meeting. We now have 6 voting members with 3 absent. We still have quorum." Lunadyne says, "Fine" PhilipC says, "I need one more person to affirm suspension" Rose/Miros says, "affirm" PhilipC says, "Thank you. I remind you all that discussion is suspending for all reports this meeting." Rose/Miros says, "or did i already agree?" Lunadyne says, "You already agreed." PhilipC says, "James, or Paul, do you concur in suspending discusison?" Strangelv-3 already did PhilipC says, "Yes you did." PhilipC says, "Ken, you have the floor for the membership committee" pjbanyai says, "Organizational structure is difficult to implement when team members do not or can not communicate with each other. I.E. creating a subcommittee or project team with no method for the members to be actively involved. Note Reports can be posted to the leaders list." Lunadyne says, "Membership is steady at 159 current members." Lunadyne says, "Facebook likes continue to grow at a much greater pace than the membership rolls." The housekeeper arrives to cart bnault off to bed. Lunadyne says, "We're doing something right in being a source of Moon information, but something wrong in getting people to actually join." Lunadyne says, "Discussion:" PhilipC says, "Discussion is suspended" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else to add?" Lunadyne says, "Not at this time." PhilipC says, "Note, we can cover discussion of our membership levels during the brainstorming session to take place later" PhilipC says, "Dana, you have the floor for the treasurer's report." dcarson says, "no major events in treasurer, couple of moderate reimbursement checks to send out" Scottyg says, "Bank balance as of June 30 was $31,408.17, up by about $70 from prior month." dcarson says, "Scotty, latest total?" dcarson says, "done" PhilipC says, "Thank you" PhilipC says, "Now onto old business" PhilipC says, "Joint chapter" PhilipC goes South. Strangelv-3 looks south Scottyg says, "LOL" PhilipC has arrived. PhilipC says, "sorry, I typed in s and left the room" Lunadyne says, "Hi Philip!" Scottyg says, "Don't think I've ever done that one." Lunadyne says, "lol" PhilipC says, "lol" dcarson says, "webiste, after a communication mixup I'm workig on a new SSL cert, secure.moonsociety.org for 3 years will fall into the amount authorized" dcarson says, "will order it" PhilipC says, "Oh sorry, forgot about the website " Rose/Miros says, "dana and scotty are working together to get the certificate" Rose/Miros says, "end of report" PhilipC says, "Are there any actionable items regarding the website" PhilipC says, "Anything we need to vote on?" Rose/Miros says, "other than People should put the minutes and the agenda on there" Rose/Miros rolls her eyes Scottyg says, "When the new cert arrives, I'll switch the domain names around." PhilipC says, "Rebuke accepted" PhilipC says, "Hearing no actionable items regarding the website, let's move on to old business" PhilipC says, "The issue of the joint chapters brought up by Peter Kokh, our chapters chair" pjbanyai says, "The original plan for NSS under Greg was to link the NSS teamdir account with ours. Also is it possible to link facebook accounts to our Drupal free account registration or setup someway of directly joining thru facebook?" Rose/Miros says, "i think we need the new cert first, right scotty?" Strangelv-3 wonders if anyone has had a chance to look at what bylaws language changes we need where Scottyg says, "Yes. And I think Facebook could provide a Join link but not the actual registration pages." PhilipC says, "This is a topic we can discuss during the brainstorm" Lunadyne says, "On Facebook I'd like a Join button and a Tip Jar." PhilipC says, "I reiterate myself" PhilipC says, "Let's contain the topic at hand to joint chapters" Rose/Miros says, "peter sent me a bunch of info that is currently in a comment on the agenda page" Rose/Miros says, "http://www2.moonsociety.org/agenda" pjbanyai says, "Has anyone learned anything from Randall about his original plan for joint chapters in teamdir?" Rose/Miros says, "can we deligate that to dana or scotty, who have the best chance of getting an answer in my experience" PhilipC says, "Since this agenda item seems to require some discussion, let's limit discussino for five minutes. If we do not have an actionable item after this time, let's table it for the next meeting." PhilipC says, "I open the floor for discussion" Lunadyne says, "I thought we were trying to move away from the TeamDir structure." Rose/Miros says, "from teamdir directly controlling access to areas on the server" Rose/Miros [to drupal]: using teamdir login info to assign roles at the time of login, which drills into drupal's access control PhilipC says, "I also think that a robust communications program can address the chapter size issue. We can probably develop a chapter-tier similar to what we have now that allows nonprofits to claim affiliation with us and/or NSS" Strangelv-3 looks at http://www.moonsociety.org/organizing-documents/bylaws.html ARTICLE IV - CHAPTERS Lunadyne says, "I'm generally in favor of joint chapters, as a form of mutual support society between ourselves and NSS. I would prefer to keep the administrivia to a minimum to prevent discouragement." Rose/Miros says, "peter thought this was the relevant bit: http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/chapterRules.html" PhilipC says, "So if the Green Bay Cheesehead Space Society was to be affiliated as a chapter of sorts with us and NSS, I don't have a problem with that" PhilipC says, "We probably just need to be clearer on what those tiers are" PhilipC says, "The issue imho are membership fees" pjbanyai says, "Teamdir is our basic community content management system. We have not looked into alternate yet." PhilipC says, "Perhaps we can work with NSS to offer a discounted joint-membership (but still higher than regular memberships)" dcarson says, "worth asking" Lunadyne says, "My counsel would be to minimize involvement with NSS will maximizing association with them." Lunadyne says, "while maximizing" Strangelv-3 says, "We probably need to note that chapters may have their own structure and rules forl replacement of their officers. We should not have blanket power to rearrange them when they have morking mechanisms to do so themselwves and don't want us to rearrange them externally" Strangelv-3 is reading the part that says Strangelv-3 says, "nevermind, I lost my place" Lunadyne says, "I would prefer that we minimize entaglements with NSS leadership for the time being while they get their act together. They have a tendency to over-structure things, to the detriment of the initiative we're trying to encourage." PhilipC says, "I wish to note that the five minutes for discussion is up. We can cover these issues during the brainstorming session" PhilipC says, "I need to close discussion on this agenda item. Can I have a motion to table this issue again until the next management committee meeting? " PhilipC says, "We WILL resolve this issue. But what we can discuss next will go a long way in setting the table so we can do so." Strangelv-3 says, "Why not just move on to the next item? Also, postponing would be better than tabling" Rose/Miros says, "i think we need to discuss it on the website or in email or something and get it resolved, not perpetually tabling" PhilipC says, "They're the same thing" Strangelv-3 says, "Tabling requires a vote to remove from the table" Rose/Miros says, "yes, everything tabled gets looked at every damn time" Rose/Miros says, "nah, we just pick it up and yack about it" Rose/Miros says, "and table again" Strangelv-3 says, "I move to postpone, not table" PhilipC says, "They're the same thing. But moving on to the next agenda item" Strangelv-3 has seen votes to remove things from teh table fail PhilipC says, "The issue of membership fees" Rose/Miros promises to ignore the vote and pick it up AGAIN PhilipC says, "Before we discuss this item, I wish to remind everyone once again that we will be covering this during the brainstorm session" Rose/Miros says, "it's not so much the issue of fees, it's the issue of getting people to rejoin" PhilipC says, "I wish to limit discussion for five minutes. We need an actionable item or we move on." PhilipC says, "I open the fllor" PhilipC says, "floor" Strangelv-3 says, "Does anyone remember the rule we created to give Randall membership when he could not afforld to do so? Our listmaster has had authorizations removed just weeks after we confermed his willingness to continue because he can't pay his membership fees" PhilipC says, "Point of order" PhilipC says, "Please define listmaster" Rose/Miros says, "mike delaney, tweeks the mailing lists" dcarson says, "manager all the email lists" Lunadyne says, "I'm in favor of a special deal for prior members who rejoin. Be it a 2-for-1 special, a lower rate the first year, or whatever." Rose/Miros says, "can't go too low, or people will lapse to try to get the lower rate" Strangelv-3 wants a higher level membership for people who can afford to pay more Lunadyne says, "Agreed" Lunadyne says, "Not just the lifetime level." Strangelv-3 says, "Maybe moer than just one higher level" dcarson says, "we had taht when we first started, other then Life no one used any of them" PhilipC says, "Personally I think our membership dues should be comparable to the Mars Society with discounts made available to those in financial stress, students, or seniors" dcarson says, "need a real incentive for people to use them" Strangelv-3 says, "Which is something for the brainstorm session" PhilipC says, "We're getting close to an action item. Would someone like to make a motion?" Strangelv-3 says, "I move to grant Mike Delaney a one year membership effective 17 July 2013" Scottyg says, "We currently offer a buy 2, get one free deal. How about a 1/3 off price for renewing? Amounts to the same money in our pocket." Strangelv-3 can't remember the specifics oof how we did this last time and throws that out as a starting point PhilipC says, "We have a motion on the floor, is there a second?" Lunadyne says, "Second" dcarson says, "second, Mike does a needed job" pjbanyai says, "By the way our registration intro page still says that if a member signs up for 20 years they are automatically updated to lifetime membership. This is a carryover from ASI. Does this still work or not?" PhilipC says, "All in favor of said motion, please say aye. All opposed nay." Rose/Miros says, "aye" Strangelv-3 says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" PhilipC says, "I abstain. " dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "the ayes have it" PhilipC says, "Mike Delaney will be updated on TeamDirector as a member for 1 year" PhilipC says, "Is there any other old business we need to discuss?" Rose/Miros gives Strangelv her proxy, fixing food for hubby Scottyg says, "Paul, the 20 years provision still applies. However, Team Director doesn't handle life memberships and someone has to manually push out their expiration dates. Since we only have 3 or 4 life members, its not a burden currently worth fixing." Strangelv-3 doesn't believe we have proxy voting, but can try to think of what Rose might say on various discussion topics PhilipC says, "Hearing no other old business, let's move on to the brainstorming session" PhilipC says, "I'd like to start by asking all of you to go to: http://www.moonsociety.org/about/vision_mission.html" pjbanyai says, "Proxy by mail is valid." PhilipC says, "Please continue any off-topic discussion in whisper mode or via email" PhilipC says, "If you've all gone to the vision-mission page" PhilipC says, "part of what I'd like for us to discuss today is whether or not this mission is still valid, or if we should update it" PhilipC says, "possibly revise it" Strangelv-3 can't answer that question in a sufficiently short span of time PhilipC says, "So let me ask the first question here, are we still pursuing this mission or have we already exceeded it?" PhilipC says, "I open the floor for discussion" Lunadyne says, "I feel I should summarise it as TL:DR" PhilipC says, "That's a problem. " PhilipC says, "Mission statements should be at the heart of every organization's identity" Lunadyne says, "It's why I digest it down to "Humans living and working on the Moon"" PhilipC says, "I interpret our mission as getting started on the Moon and using it to launch a space civilization" Strangelv-3 says, "We've had a fundamental problem since about 2002, and this looks like yet another band-aid. One of the better ones, but still a band-aid. We were designed to be an umbrella organization. In recent months a solution has come up, but I have yet to hear of what it's going to cost us. if this idea is acted upon it should make it naticeabyl easier to get the rocket scientests of ASI back on board" Strangelv-3 says, "This being to buy The Lunar Resources Company and restart ASI under our control" Lunadyne says, "I would be willing to offer $1 as a token amount. It seems to me that much of what TMS has now is stuff that TMS built." Strangelv-3 says, "If we can get an amount and if it's more than the management committee wants to spend, we might be able to try to raise the money" PhilipC says, "After a few more questions, I will be addressing this issue" Lunadyne says, "What exactly is it that we would be buying?" Strangelv-3 is not the best person to try to answer that question, especially given hat he's sleepier than he wants to admit to being right now Strangelv-3 looks at Dana and Scotty Strangelv-3 says, "One thing we would vely likely gain is people who dropped out after ASI went comatose" dcarson says, "a for profit corp, with a bit of a bank account and contol of appointing the ASI board" PhilipC says, "before we discuss any of that, i need to ask what are the different roles TMS and ASI play?" Strangelv-3 says, "Even today we get peopleq looking for ASI" dcarson says, "just getting ASI transfered to us would be useful and as a TLRC shareholder I'd vote for that" Strangelv-3 says, "TMS is a 501(c)(3) and is restrained" pjbanyai says, "The Official purpose recognized by Texas and IRS is:The corporation is organized exclusively to conduct educational, scientific, legal, and financial activities related to exploration and settlement of the Moon, outer space, and other celestial bodies including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Any change in this must be resubmitted. We also have stated Activities and Operational Information in our IRS Application for Recognition of Exemption k1023." PhilipC says, "Yes, and how is this different from ASI?" Strangelv-3 says, "ASI is basically a trade association. It can get its hands dirtier" Lunadyne says, "If it's something where the profits are funneled into TMS that might be doable." Lunadyne says, "All profits." Strangelv-3 says, "The profits of TLRC are by intent foluced on bending metal and landing hardware" PhilipC says, "Ken, no nonprofit may receive more than 25-30% of its income from for-profit activities" Rose/Miros says, "back, i had to feed the hub" Strangelv-3 says, "As we would have control, we would have a bit of a say in what they do, and would gain the bragging rights for its acchievements" Lunadyne says, "We wouldn't be conducting the for-profit activities. We would be 100% shareholder in the entity that is for=profit." Rose/Miros says, "um, tlrc was in the charge by the kilobyte webhosting business at one time" PhilipC says, "I'm pretty sure the IRS won't let us do that" Rose/Miros points to the SimsHost Founding Site sign floating over her head Scottyg says, "ASI is actually a non-profit organized and registered under the laws of Alabama. But it never filed for IRS recognition." pjbanyai says, "It is not uncommon for Non-profits to gain control of for profit companies and othe non-profits which are defined as more active arms of the parent company. I had some bookmarks for links about this. After the meeting I will find them and post in the leaders section of website" Strangelv-3 says, "SimsHost was kind of a detour off of the MoonSims project. Is there an angrle off of that that we'd want to continue to look into, Rose?" Rose/Miros says, "thank you pj, someone else is finally posting on the website" Lunadyne says, "Was there ever a commercial Moon-themed Sims thingee?" Rose/Miros says, "not really, moonsims was a free sims site" Strangelv-3 says, "Ideally, projects like that should have been done by a joint venture member, such as CyberTeams" Scottyg says, "Just a group of people doing Sims and interested in the Moon." Rose/Miros says, "and if we put stuff up that was lunar related, we got a "living luna" graphic" Strangelv-3 says, "Although not CyberTeams specifically" Strangelv-3 says, "A new company formed and added to the Artemis Project" Scottyg says, "The commercial Sims activity was done by The Lunar Resources Company." Strangelv-3 says, "If it can be brought back to life, we'd also gain a joint venture" Rose/Miros says, " http://www.asi.org/moonsims/updates/index.html this is the free site" Rose/Miros says, "there's not much left of simshost" Scottyg says, "Nope. although I have all of the code that made it run." Strangelv-3 says, "There are also organizations such as IslandOne that were absorbed into ASI that might be resumable" PhilipC says, "Personally I think if we try own a for profit company, we'd be limiting our options" Strangelv-3 says, "We could change the ownership and possibly sel part of the ownership once things are running again=" Scottyg says, "I agree, but we can control a for profit if we wish." PhilipC says, "I can see using a nonprofit to provide an incubation environment for for-profit companies" Lunadyne says, "We would have to tread carefully." Strangelv-3 says, "That's one thing the Artemis Project definitely was: an incubator" Lunadyne says, "I.e. using ASI to lobby politically would be no good." PhilipC says, "Heck we could individually own our own respective for-profit companies but work together to build a nascent industry" Strangelv-3 says, "Just note that this is the purpose The Moon Society was created for. The work was doen before we were created -- wve just need to find or remember or reconstruct" PhilipC says, "The issue of using the Moon Society as an incubator is what I'd like for us to focus on" Strangelv-3 says, "Examples of companies that were incubated from the Artemis Project that had at least some success: TransOrbital, Village Networking Limited, and CyberTeams" PhilipC says, "That, and I'd like to see us implement a SMART management strategy" PhilipC says, "SMART = Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Trackable" Strangelv-3 says, "_we_ are a 501(c)(3) -- it's easier for us to do these things itdirectly" Rose/Miros says, "my phillip sez A is agressive" PhilipC says, "With being specific, I think it is entirely possible for us to have a physical presence on the Moon in 10 years" Strangelv-3 says, "Also, there was a lot of overlap in membership between these structures. It was normal for people to show up every Wednesday and never keep track of which entity was meeting that day -- they were on all three." PhilipC says, "12-15 at the latest" PhilipC says, "I have a whole laundry list of what I think we can measure" PhilipC says, "And again, inside 12-15 years is very attainable" PhilipC says, "and realistic" Lunadyne says, "The fundamental metric is membership numbers." Strangelv-3 says, "And less wokr than it was in 1994 when this all started" PhilipC says, "precisely" PhilipC says, "which brings us to the next topic for this brainstorm" PhilipC says, "And this is the heart of our future as a society" PhilipC says, "What is our value proposition to our members?" Strangelv-3 says, "ASI's was easy: We're going back to stay; you can come to" PhilipC says, "Why should someone join, other than because we spin a good yarn about our dreams?" PhilipC says, "We can we offer members right now that will allow them to feel they're involved?" Rose/Miros says, "i make a motion that the secretary post both the agenda and the minutes on the website, then send an email saying LOOK AT THE WEBSITE" PhilipC says, "the agenda is my responsibility" PhilipC says, "the minutes only in hindsight" Strangelv-3 says, "The bylaws say the annual meeting agenda is mine and I still don't know what should be on it" Rose/Miros says, "hub sez it's the secretary's responsibility to post the agenda" PhilipC says, "that's to be discussed between you and the president prior to the meeting." PhilipC says, "But let's focus here" Strangelv-3 has seen it go both ways; tries to find it in the bylaws PhilipC says, "This is VERY important" PhilipC says, "What do we want to offer our members to make them want to stay?" Scottyg says, "Or to Join?" PhilipC says, "That too" Strangelv-3 says, "If we have ASI back up and running, a chance to participate in an effort to return to the moon" PhilipC says, "And I'll add another weight to that question" PhilipC says, "What can we offer members at different scales?" Lunadyne says, "I've called for members to get involved with MMM. I've called for members to get involved with our science projects. I've called for members to do outreach in their communities. I've asked for membership input on the Lunar Laboratories. I've called for members to help with the website." PhilipC says, "Will it be enough to attract 1000 members? How about 10,000? 100,000? 500,000?" Strangelv-3 says, "Incentives? For awhile, we had copies of From the Earth to the Moon that we were handing out. We could have handed them out at a higher membership level" Strangelv-3 says, "But not on that scale" PhilipC says, "If there's nothing else on the table, let's me put something on there" pjbanyai says, "Note, we may not be able to use Artemis Magazine and possibly even the Artemis Project as trademarks anymore. We are either a 509(a)1 or 509(a)2 public charity which means we can have a 509(a)(3) Supporting organization." Scottyg says, "James, that sort of thing is noise level. We're trying to get the big picture here." PhilipC says, "How about if we offer a lunar development simulation game" PhilipC says, "Not just a single scenario but all possible development scenarios" PhilipC says, "The more controversy and the stronger the personalities behind each scenario path, the better" Strangelv-3 says, "Is how we'd do it outside of our present scope?" PhilipC says, "We can use this simulation game to settle the question of what is truly the best path for developing space" Lunadyne says, "Where would we get this product?" PhilipC says, "Instead of us trying to settle through backroom debates what's the best path, and possibly tear the society in half, we simulate it" PhilipC says, "We develop the game ourselves, using multiple servers" PhilipC says, "If we have a problem putting enough warm seats at the programming table, then we shouldn't be afraid to consider outsourcing programmers from India" Scottyg says, "I think the big question is: How do you insure that the rules built into the simulation accurately model the real world? And of course where do we get the resources to build such a simulation?" PhilipC says, "But with a game like this, I think it is entirely within the realm of possiblity for us to attract 10,000+ members within 2 years" PhilipC says, "I would envision a two-tiered membership level. Those who only want to play the game and those who are actively involved in the Society itself" pjbanyai says, "Original NASA mmo plan is at http://www.moonsociety.org/simulations/LunarExplorerMMOG.html. This was supposed to give NSS and us a fairly large role in the game." Strangelv-3 says, "Experience comes witha price tag item: forcing peoplqe to pay to contribute does not help with contributions of time and effort" PhilipC says, "Those who are actively involved would form "scenario factions" that would challenge one another with obstacles that could undermine the other scenario" PhilipC says, "the best thinking on computer gaming nowadays is somewhat reviled but it looks a lot like farmville or WoW" PhilipC says, "we could charge a "small" monthly fee for the gamers... say at $5 a mo." Lunadyne says, "Existing Moon-development games: Lunar Command, Outpost, Moon Tycoon,." PhilipC says, "but if we have 10k gamers... that really adds up" PhilipC says, "unlike other games, the best scenario would be rewarded with a real world analog" Lunadyne says, "It does sound like a great ASI incubation project." Strangelv-3 says, "Something for the Artemis Project" Lunadyne says, "A real world analog scenario?" Rose/Miros says, "btw, a while ago, when bill clawson was unemployed for a couple weeks, Dimensionality, one of the companies being incubated, did some of the ground work on a farmville type lunar game" Rose/Miros says, "this is the president" Rose/Miros pokes at Strangelv-3. Strangelv-3 says, "ow" Lunadyne says, "Moonville?" PhilipC says, "and unlike other games, people would be encouraged to start up their own companies, patent new inventions, and use them as foundational technologies in the game... technologies that could see real VC funding" Rose/Miros says, "no, we're not zynga" Rose/Miros says, "most of zynga's worst abuses are specifically forbidden" Strangelv-3 says, "I was'nt in charge of that specific project, thoug,h and Rose and Mike know a lot more about the specifics tahn I do -- but not as much as bill Clawson -- a former Moon Society director, BTW -- knows of the specifics. I can try to find the wii page tnhough -- which I can try to paste form" PhilipC says, "I won't pretend to be like zynga" Rose/Miros says, "i do believe the zwinky tool bar is expressly forbidden" Strangelv-3 has never played a Zynga game and hasn't heard anything that would motivate him to do so Rose/Miros says, "they completely missed the sweet spot" PhilipC says, "but unlike any other game, this is one where the general public has an opportunity to shape the future of space policy as we know it" Rose/Miros says, "the place where people will throw in a few real world dollars to complete a goal" Rose/Miros says, "so the goals can't be too easy and also can't be too numerous or too complex leading to a very high cost to finish them with dollars" Strangelv-3 points Rose to http://andurin.dementionality.com/wiki/index.php?title=Surveyor and will brb PhilipC says, "the main problem with this type of game are positive externalities... namely people stealing each others ideas. hence why we recommend players to form real companies with real patented technology" PhilipC says, "i would envision the game to start with a questionaire of how a player thinks we ought to develop the moon" Strangelv-3 says, "Positive externalities are one of the main goals of Lunarpedia. Parto f why it's public domain" Rose/Miros says, "the speed of zynga breaking a game is increasing, they could probably break Surveyor in a week, so people would be back playing our game quickly" PhilipC says, "after a series of steering questions, they'd be directed to an appropriate scenario that would allow them to prove their beliefs would work" dcarson says, "a patent usually costs 6-10K to get" PhilipC says, "the game wouldn't give all technology details, just enough to describe its function, and who owns what" Rose/Miros says, "the game can be handwavy enough that you don't need a patent" dcarson says, "I'd hope so, a patent needs detailed plans" PhilipC says, "but it may also allow us to develop an industrial ecosystem that we can transplant into a realworld lunar simulator" pjbanyai says, "The original NASA MMO program would have incorporated the LunarExplorer program which currently has a special version for the Lunar Embassy linking lunar properties to the program. This meant that the MMO would be similar to Secondlife with land linked to real money. If other land deeds were also linked such as those at the Lunar Registry then a competion could be setup with the best developed lands having better transportation links from the official [main] hubs and possibly winning other incentives." PhilipC says, "the main purpose of this game, as I see it, is to develop a proof of concept for investment purposes" PhilipC says, "eventually i think we could develop or manage a real lunar environmental simulation facility" PhilipC says, "the best thing of all, is that such a game would by far be scalable" PhilipC says, "it would work for a small 500 member organization or even a 500k organization" PhilipC says, "how does this sound to everyone so far?" Lunadyne says, "It's ambitious, no question." Strangelv-3 says, "back" PhilipC says, "hey where do we want to go again?" Rose/Miros says, "we want to make money and attract paying members" Rose/Miros says, "that's step 1" Rose/Miros says, "step n, we want to go to the moon for real" PhilipC says, "bingo" Rose/Miros says, "inbetween, we want to have fun and make money" PhilipC says, "let no one ever accuse of us of not being ambitious" pjbanyai says, "By the way www.lunarexplorer.com has been suspended." PhilipC says, "lol" Lunadyne says, "I wonder what Manny's up to." PhilipC says, "unlike sci-fi, this takes place in the extreme near-term future" Strangelv-3 says, "Just note that not all ideas we try work. Scotty is the one tho rant on that topic, not me, though, and something I pushed throught in 2006 is one of the things in the pile of things we didn't deliver on" PhilipC says, "we'll be asking people to model a variety of lunar development scenarios that take place 10 years from today" Lunadyne says, "As I noted earlier, I've been feeling that initiatives have been stalled. Initiatives that we have made a lot of progress on, but need to get over the finish line." Strangelv-3 says, "What's our short list of low-hanging fruits?" dcarson says, "I might recomend looking at the GURPS Transhuman Space rpg books for a gameable hardish near future SF" Lunadyne says, "When are we going to start selling Theme issues of MMM on Amazon?" Strangelv-3 looks at Ken Lunadyne says, "When are we going to get new marketing materials?" PhilipC says, "We need to get this big picture stuff out of the way" PhilipC says, "So that we have a direction to go to" PhilipC says, "I think that if we have a game in place, one that leads to the development of a real world lunar simulation facility, we can attract a very large membership base." Strangelv-3 says, "We used to have a big picture. Peter helped a lot in papering over it, but the hole is still there. Ken, could you document our low-hansging fruits somewhere for reference?" Rose/Miros says, "like on the website?" Strangelv-3 says, "We need to get back to those" Strangelv-3 says, "Probably the video series from 7 years ago is one of them" Rose/Miros says, "where SOMEONE wanted a collaboration area and doesn't use" PhilipC says, "I think we can hit 10k members in 2 years" Lunadyne says, "I'll do that. Not immediately, as I have Moon Day coming up this weekend." PhilipC says, "Of the low hanging fruit, we can create an educational series" Strangelv-3 says, "Oh yes something I keep forgetting: We need a new update for our web site. " Lunadyne says, "Which reminds me - has anyone heard from Dave or Al about the ISDC tracks?" Strangelv-3 hasn1't heard from either for awhile, and not about any videos or similar Lunadyne says, "I need to follow up with them...after Moon Day." Lunadyne says, "Oh, and I may be hearing about a "settling the Moon" TV (documentary) series in the next couple of days." Strangelv-3 notes that high definition video should be less expensive to make than the footage we took in 2007 Strangelv-3 says, "That sounds interesting" Strangelv-3 hopes for the best Lunadyne says, "I never did see my footage from 2007. I must have been really hung over." Strangelv-3 says, "We need to get new copies from Chip" PhilipC says, "So let me get us back on point here" Strangelv-3 says, "I've misplaced my discs, they were the low lesorlution time stamp footage, and I've misplaced my discs" Strangelv-3 looks at Philip PhilipC says, "Do you think our existing structure is capable of managing a large influx of members?" Strangelv-3 says, "That depends on how many" Rose/Miros says, "scotty's the person to ask, he processes payments and puts people in teamdir" Lunadyne says, "No." PhilipC says, "If we develop a scenario engine-game that draws in 10k members in 2 years, do you think we can handle that" PhilipC says, "I would note that probably at around 5k members, we should start to think about hiring staff" Strangelv-3 says, "Here might be a reference number: whot is the size of the NSS chapter memberships?" PhilipC says, "about 5k" Lunadyne says, "I question whether we (TMS) can develop that. If we had pieces to start from I'd be more comfortable, but from scratch I'm having a hard time selling myself on it." PhilipC says, "but the NSS has become a policy wonk and has lost sight of the prize, developing a space civilization" Scottyg says, "I think we would have to have paid staff. But it depends a lot on how fast it ramps up." Lunadyne says, "Chapter membership #S are unknown." Strangelv-3 says, "MAybe lower, depending on what we can get. An executive director who's sufficiently motivated can work wonders. if we find the right one we might be able to get one to leap before looking, unsure if they can raise enough money to pay for themselwes" Strangelv-3 says, "The thing about an executive dirlecotr is money -- and if it gets too low the director doesn't get paid. That's the way the other organization I'm with does it, and after coasting for a year and a half we finally hired a new one." PhilipC says, "Handling a large influx of members is what I'd like us to focus on at the next meeting. What kind of management structures would we need to have in place for managing a 1k, 5k, 10k, or 25k> member organization" Strangelv-3 says, "What is the best know guess for the aggregate size of NSS's chapter memberships? I'd be happy with slightly less than a single digit of precision" Lunadyne says, "EDs tend to get $100K+ per year." PhilipC says, "I think we can agree that after about 3-5k members, we'll need to hire an ED" Strangelv-3 says, "That depends on who we hire" Strangelv-3 says, "I'm thinking of an activist, not a professional manager" Strangelv-3 says, "Someone with management experience, but will wokr for less to work for us" PhilipC says, "Also note that we don't have to hire an ED right out the gate, we can hire program managers who will later be promoted into the position" Strangelv-3 says, "Or we could do it the other wayf around" PhilipC says, "I worked with another nonprofit that did just that" Strangelv-3 says, "The most important role of an executive director that I've seen is it's someone who's paid to not have to worry about a day job" Strangelv-3 says, "Someone with time to look for the low-hanging fruits the volunteers are unable to keep up on and do them" PhilipC says, "it also has to deal with amount of responsibilities" Lunadyne says, "Like fundraising to pay their salary." PhilipC says, "as we grow, we can draw in more money, and therefore pay them better" PhilipC says, "exactly" Strangelv-3 tries to remember twhat HEather's job is. She was hired by the previous executive director and is still working for the party, albeit part time Scottyg says, "With our current tools, it takes me about 30 minutes per week to do membership processing for about 150 members per year so that's something like 6 per hour. But because the numbers are rather low, I probably spend mor time than is needed." PhilipC says, "we would also need staff to run a more professional media production capability" Lunadyne says, "Presumably at the higher membership levels we would have a membership team." Strangelv-3 says, "Her current title is membership coordinator" PhilipC says, "It's this process of scalability that will make all the difference. " Scottyg says, "But in any case, for 500 per year we would need near 100 man-hours to handle the load. That's about half time for one person." PhilipC says, "Growing too fast can be just as bad a curse as not growing at all" Rose/Miros says, "selfish question, how long are we going? i'm sleepy" Scottyg says, "Oops, 5000 per year." Lunadyne says, "Yeah, I need to load the car with heavy boxes to take to the museum." PhilipC says, "I think we've had a good brainstorming session for now" Strangelv-3 says, "Can any one think of any motions we need?" Strangelv-3 jots something down again ________________________________________ | | | We need a new item/update/announcement | Strangelv-3 holds up a BIG sign: | on our web site | |________________________________________| PhilipC says, "Let's use the next meeting to think about scaling upwards and then developing a proposal for the next management committee class" Strangelv-3 says, "Oh -- ash here's something ielse that's important" PhilipC says, "With that said, does anyone have any announcements they'd like to make?" Lunadyne says, "Got it - will do. I was procrastinating to have a good Moon Day update." Strangelv-3 says, "Are the ballots we've sent out void, or has one of the director candidates dropped out?" Strangelv-3 says, "We onl/y list two of the three people identified as candidates on the ballot" Strangelv-3 says, "Rose noticed this" PhilipC says, "When are the ballots due" Lunadyne says, "How many have we gotten?" Strangelv-3 doesn't have that answer Strangelv-3 doesn't have that answer either Lunadyne says, "July 31 IIRC" pjbanyai says, "I have setup Moon.Society.International@gmail.com account so we can probably have a Moon.Society.International or MoonSocietyInternational youtube channel, however these are a liitle long. While we can try to regain other names, what does eveyone think would be a good channel name if we can't have simply Moonsociety or TheMoonsociety?" Lunadyne says, "FutureMoon. NextStepMoon. " Lunadyne says, "Objective: Moon." Lunadyne says, "MakeMineMoon" PhilipC says, "We need to wrap this up, are there any announcements?" Strangelv-3 says, "Lunar..." Lunadyne says, "Lunar Legacy" Strangelv-3 says, "Just another question of what are we doing at our annual meetingc" Lunadyne says, "Another one? Didn't we just do one?" PhilipC says, "James and Ken, I trust you can coordinate via email outside this meeting. " Strangelv-3 says, "that was a town hall" Strangelv-3 says, "This is the one we're required to haev by statute" Rose/Miros says, "WEBSITE NOT EMAIL" ___________________ | | Rose/Miros holds up a BIG sign: | WEBSITE NOT EMAIL | |___________________| PhilipC says, "It seems that there are no announcements. Can I have a motion to adjourn?" Rose/Miros says, "moved" Strangelv-3 says, "second" PhilipC says, "Rose, they can post the agenda on the website. But itmakes sense to coordinate via email" PhilipC says, "We are now adjourned" PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming" PhilipC says, "I look forward to seeing you in 2 weeks" -- End log: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 11:30:06 pm ASI Meeting Server time --