-- Start log: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 9:02:57 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "The 2013-10-02 Management Committee Meeting is now called to order. Thank all of you for coming." PhilipC says, "Let's start off by taking attendance. Will all who are present please state your name and position." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" AlanSteinberg says, "Alan Steinberg, Director" bnault says, "Ben Nault, Director" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Treasurer" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy - President" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice-President" Strangelv-4 says, "James Gholston, secretary" Scottyg has arrived. PhilipC says, "As far as I know, that leaves Rose and Jim " PhilipC says, "Scotty, we're currently taking attendance" Scottyg says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" PhilipC says, "Thank you." PhilipC says, "Let the record show that we have quorum for this meeting. Rose might show later. Any word yet on Jim Keravala?" Lunadyne says, "Negatory. He's been travelling a bit for Shackleton." PhilipC says, "We can discuss this later." Strangelv-3 has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Strangelv-3. PhilipC says, "Since we have quorum I'd like to direct all of you to the email James, our secretary, sent to us today regarding the minutes of the September 16 meeting." PhilipC says, "Please peruse the minutes for any corrections. " PhilipC says, "Can I please have a motion to approve the minutes?" AlanSteinberg says, "Move to approve the minutes from Sept 16" PhilipC says, "Any second?" bnault says, "motion to approve the minutes for the Sept 18 meeting" dcarson says, "second" PhilipC says, "I'll give Ben Nault the second." Strangelv-4 says, "I would like to note one difference between the email and the URL" PhilipC says, "Any discussion?" Strangelv-4 says, "There was an incorrect automated correction I didn't stop in time" Strangelv-4 says, "The correct wversion is th one on the website" Strangelv-4 says, "My machine's dictionary didn't have teh word teleoperated" PhilipC says, "Any other corrections?" PhilipC says, "Let's call the question. All in favor of approving the minutes, please say aye. All opposed nay." Rose/Miros has arrived. Lunadyne says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" bnault says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that Rose has arrived." PhilipC says, "We are voting on the minutes." pjbanyai says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" PhilipC says, "That's six ayes. James, if you abstain, please say so" Rose/Miros pokes at Strangelv-4. PhilipC says, "As chair, I don't get a vote unless it's a tie-breaker." PhilipC says, "The motion carries. I'll mark down James as an abstention" Strangelv-4 says, "abstain" Rose/Miros says, "does it matter? worst result is 6-2" PhilipC says, "I'd like to open the floor for five minutes to give all of us an opportunity to discuss the agenda." Strangelv-4 says, "IT may be safe to presume I've fallen back asleep if I become nonresponsive" PhilipC says, "Is there anything in particular you'd all like to discuss tonight?" Lunadyne says, "I can give an update on the ad." Lunadyne says, "InOMN" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else?" Lunadyne says, "Dave Dunlop forwarded a suggested schedule for our ISDC 2014 Lunar track." pjbanyai says, "I think I may have found out our problem with Paypal. There is another site called http://www.paypalgivingfund.org/ which also needs to be setup. It requires the 501(c)(3) letter or other proof of tax-deductibility and a voided organization check." PhilipC says, "I think we also need to talk about Jim Keravala, This is now the 5th meeting he's missed." dcarson says, "ah, good" PhilipC says, "So far we have:" Strangelv-4 says, "Can we phone him?" PhilipC says, "InOMN ad" pjbanyai says, "The Bylaws only count missed Board meetings and not Management meetings." PhilipC says, "ISDC 2014 Lunar track" Lunadyne says, "InOMN and the ad in Last Breath are different items." Strangelv-4 says, "We already need to vote to re-add him when he appears" PhilipC says, "Paypal" PhilipC says, "and Jim Keravala" Strangelv-4 looks at Paul Strangelv-4 hmms. PhilipC says, "That's more than five minutes" PhilipC says, "Time to close discussion" PhilipC says, "Let's start with our reports." PhilipC says, "Ken, do you have a membership report?" Lunadyne says, "Membership stands at 153, which IIRC is down four from my last report a month ago." Lunadyne says, "My last message from Jim notes: 'Im attending a summit meeting in Hawaii week after next associated with PISCES. Is there anything from the moon society that youd like me to put up on a table? Im in Beijing this week but we could discuss on Monday so I can fill you in further.'" Lunadyne says, "So he's busy in Hawaii at the moment." Scottyg says, "And we have one unprocessed membership in the registration system" PhilipC says, "We can discuss Jim later in the agenda. Let's focus on membership " pjbanyai says, "ARTICLE V-Section 4: The failure of a Director to attend two or more successive meetings of the Board without reasonable cause shall result in automatic removal of the Director." PhilipC says, "Please refrain from any discussion related to Jim, it's out of order. Let's stick with the agenda" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else related to membership?" Rose/Miros says, "is the unprocessed membership the guy who wants 6 years for the price of 4?" Scottyg says, "No" Scottyg says, "The 6 for 4 is a done deal." pjbanyai says, "Sorry, I seem to have a somewhat slow connection to the MOO. The text feed is suffering from lag." PhilipC says, "The meeting does seem to be moving along more slowly than usual" PhilipC says, "Ken do you have anything else to report?" Lunadyne says, "Not for membership, no." PhilipC says, "Thank you" PhilipC says, "Moving on to the treasurer" PhilipC says, "Dana, you have the floor" dcarson says, "OK" Scottyg says, "Bank balance as of Aug 31 was 32,166.27" dcarson says, "LRS sent a email tha they were getting short on funds" Strangelv-4 says, "How much do we owe them?" dcarson says, "so I totaled up this years invoices for MMM and sent them a chack for $1289.90" dcarson says, "we still don't have the full total but that gets a easy to remeber time done and gives them some cash" dcarson says, "will keep up withj the new ones and see if I have all the numbers for last year and if so do that one as well" PhilipC says, "For the purpose of posterity, can you please elaborate on what LRS is and why we owe them money" dcarson says, "Lunar Reclamation Society and this is to pay for out Moon Miners Manifestos" dcarson says, "our" Lunadyne says, "As I understand it, LRS owns MMM." dcarson says, "yes it started ad their newsleter I think and then added many other NSS chapters and when we wanted a eswleter we were added as well" dcarson says, "no other news this meeting, any more questions?" PhilipC says, "So how is the MMM incurring a cost? " Rose/Miros says, "printing, mailing of paper copies" PhilipC says, "That's all from me. Does anyone else have any questions?" Lunadyne says, "Part of it is that we need to distribute a certain number to take advantage of bulk mailing rates." dcarson says, "with the drop in members I get several copies" dcarson says, "if anyone wants extras we can have you get them" PhilipC says, "But as stated previously, this is also going to a few NSS chapters" PhilipC says, "Dana, one last question regarding the treasurer's report, I noted that the amount in our bank account went up a little" PhilipC says, "Where is that money from?"" dcarson says, "cost is $.95 US, $1.95 Canad, $2.95 world, $.25 electronic" dcarson says, "Scotty did we gat anything other then the usual memvbership payments?" pjbanyai says, "Would it be possible to automatically send spare editions of MMM to select libraries." PhilipC says, "Great idea!" Lunadyne says, "I approve." dcarson says, "probably but they only have extras to get to the mailing permit minimum when membership is lower then that amount" dcarson says, "hopefully we can fix that" Strangelv-4 says, "Note that university libraries like to binh things by year/volume, so they might appreciate it quiet a bit better if we could firmyl get them a year's worth at a time instead of randomly" PhilipC says, "Perhaps we can have Peter send extras to universities with SEDS chapters" PhilipC says, "It might mean printing off an extra one or two hundred but it would be worth it" Lunadyne says, "There aren't that many SEDS chapters." dcarson says, "well a years subscription our cost is $12 so comitting to that if the numbers go p isn't wxpwnsive" dcarson says, "I'll ask LRS" PhilipC says, "We might also consider universities with astronomy or planetary science majors" dcarson says, "and lets ask if a university will actually keep them and not trash as unwanted" Scottyg says, "Nothing much out of the ordinary on revenue." Lunadyne says, "Too bad no one has a Lunar Studies dept." PhilipC says, "But there is a growing number of universities with space systems engineering and space studies" PhilipC says, "Ken, didn't you go to ISU for the MSM program?" dcarson says, "and Space Law" PhilipC says, "does the ISU library collect journals of space advocacy organizations?" PhilipC says, "I almost went there myself" Lunadyne says, "Technically it was Master of Space Studies, which has equivalencied as an MSc." Lunadyne says, "They do have a Library. Don't know that they "collect" advocacy journals, but couldn't hurt to send them copies." PhilipC says, "The hope is that students that browse through the journals might come across the MMM and become interested" PhilipC says, "If Peter is reading this meeting log, hopefully he'll send out a few emails when he gets back from his cabin retreat" PhilipC says, "Let's move on " Strangelv-4 says, "If it's with the academic journals don't xe surprised if we get cited in someone's research" Lunadyne says, "That would be nice..." pjbanyai says, "UCSB had the Planetary Society Newsletter and I think they may have also had the Mars Society's." PhilipC says, "Ken, you have the floor for the InoMN ad" Lunadyne says, "Again, two different items, I'll start with the advertisement in the Last Breath comic." PhilipC says, "Sorry" PhilipC says, "I stand corrected" Lunadyne says, "They have received payment. The original deadline of fin-October remains, although they said they're still working up pages." Lunadyne says, "I have been in touch with Ray Cassell, the illustrator who prepared the "Descent into Darkness" image for NSS. He has altered the image to my specifications. If we had a decent e-mail service I would circulate it to everybody." Lunadyne says, "So we're on track to have that done, and I hope it will be some good exposure for us." Lunadyne says, "I'd like us to stay flexible so that we can take advantage of these kinds of opportunities in the future." Lunadyne says, "Any questions?" Rose/Miros says, "how big is the file? can you upload it to the website?" Lunadyne says, "It's not too large. That was going to be my next step, though I want to keep it firewalled for the moment so that just Leadership can see it." Rose/Miros says, "so make a page in the leadership book. attachments are under "attachments"" Rose/Miros says, "when you scroll down" Strangelv-4 tries to remember the name of the book Lunadyne says, "Working on it..." PhilipC says, "Are they expecting us to develop the ad?" Lunadyne says, "Not seeing a way to attach a file. Just a text editor." Strangelv-4 says, "We may need to look for a module to make this easier" Rose/Miros says, "scroll DOWN" Rose/Miros says, "not in the text editor, the whole page" PhilipC says, "Let's focus on this issue some other time. We should be moving on" Lunadyne says, "How far down? I'm at the bottom of the page." Lunadyne says, "Where it says Save and Preview" Lunadyne says, "In regards to InOMN." pjbanyai says, "It seems a little strange that a similarly themed movie called Gravity is also coming out in a few days. The difference simply being where in Space it takes place. Maybe our united apathy about the risk of sending people into space is finally coming under attack:/)" Lunadyne says, "That's coming up on Saturday, October 12th. It will be a nice 1st Quarter Moon. I make mention of it in my President's Rant." Strangelv-4 . o O ( Last Gap? Last Breath? ) PhilipC says, "That deserves an entire meeting unto itself" Strangelv-4 says, "Any chance of posting that rant to our web site?" Lunadyne says, "I really wish we had a calendar." PhilipC says, "Ideally a thread on a discussion board" PhilipC says, "But again, we need to move on" Lunadyne says, "I will be at UTA Planetarium giving a talk." Rose/Miros says, "hang on, this is weird.........." Lunadyne says, "Sorry, I guess that's it on InOMN." Strangelv-4 says, "Calendar... need a checklist fdor the things we need to add still" PhilipC says, "Yes, please move on to InOMN" Strangelv-4 is in no shapoe to create the page with the checklist Lunadyne says, "Philip, I've been talking about InOMN. Sat. Oct 12th. 1st Qtr Moon. Will be at UTA." Lunadyne says, "I will be at UTA." Lunadyne says, "Giving my Moon U. talk." PhilipC says, "InOMN = International Observe the Moon Night" Lunadyne says, "everyone should try to get out and do something in their community, as I note in my President's rant for MMM." dcarson says, "http://observethemoonnight.org/" Lunadyne says, "Fix what?" Rose/Miros says, "my site allowed attachments by default, i need to figure out why they aren't allowed on test.moonsociety.org" Lunadyne says, "A Ha! I knew I wasn't crazy! Everyone called me crazy, heh heh, but I knew I wasn't..." Rose/Miros says, "my new neighbors are all batshit crazy, does that count?" Lunadyne says, "I chose Leader's Area, parent item Kickstarter Project" Rose/Miros says, "yep,that's right" Strangelv-4 neds a devices with a big obvious button to threaten trick-or-treaters with Rose/Miros says, "if you keep giving out cold treatments, they'll know not to come back next year" Lunadyne says, "However I don't have any mechanism for attachments as far as I can see on that input page." PhilipC says, "They're batshit crazy and we're lunatics " Rose/Miros sure wouldn't go back to a house giving out cold treatments Rose/Miros says, "yep, me neither" Lunadyne says, "Ken might..." Rose/Miros says, "and i'm tje admin!" PhilipC says, "Ken, is that all regarding InOMN?" Lunadyne says, "Any other questions on InOMN?" dcarson says, "do we have materials to hand out if we go to an event?" Rose/Miros says, "announcement: i lost 65 lbs" Rose/Miros says, "did anyone find it?" Rose/Miros says, "i have fat clothes that don't fit anymore, the person who found the 65lbs can have them if they want" Lunadyne says, "Dang, I could use some fliers for FenCon this weekend, where I'll be talking on a panel entitled "The Moon be Domed!"" Strangelv-4 sends Peter and Charles to talk to Ken about domes Lunadyne says, "Well, it's on the general topic of Lunar Settlements. They wanted a catchy title, which I provided, then they put a NASA asteroid guy as chair of the panel." Lunadyne says, "Though with the shutdown, I may get to take over..." Strangelv-4 says, "And Greg and Richard and..." Lunadyne says, "Don't worry,I know how silly and unworkable domes are." Strangelv-4 says, "So I can send you to talk to Bill" Rose/Miros says, "i think bill knows, i'm the inventor of the envirodome as a SHORT TERM solution" Rose/Miros says, "we have to have SOMETHING as a starter" PhilipC says, "Shall we move on?" AlanSteinberg says, "please" Rose/Miros says, "sure]" PhilipC says, "Ok, Paul, you have the floor, regarding paypal" pjbanyai says, "I don't know all the details about how far we got on setting up a Paypal account. However, a Non-profit account is must also be setup through the page I mentioned earlier." dcarson says, "I'll look into it" Lunadyne says, "I've been thinking about this. We seem to be spending a lot of time trying to recover old stuff. Would it make sense to just set up new accounts in the name of "The Moon Society"?" Scottyg says, "We actually have some money in our account." dcarson says, "quite possibly, but paypal will close an account if it is for the same person/group as one they closed" Lunadyne says, "How much is in there, and how soon can we set up a tip jar on the homepage?" Strangelv-4 is testing Pirex with anonher organization dcarson says, "so I'd say use some other entinty then paypal if we ecidr to just forget the old account" Scottyg says, "I don't remember the amount. I think on the order of $1K." Strangelv-4 says, "Piryx, too, allso now known as Rally" Rose/Miros says, "the society had that much money? i know tlrc had a bunch" Rose/Miros says, "i'm sorry, i need to go to bed early, important stuff in the morning" Rose/Miros waves Rose/Miros has disconnected. pjbanyai says, "Paypal uses that site for charity. It confirms that someone is a charity with Guidstar. I have setup a tipjar on facebook with Razoo. It is also possible to place an api tipjar on a website." Lunadyne says, "Let's make that a priority. I think folks who may not want to join would still be willing to contribute." PhilipC says, "An effective way of raising money is to ask people to donate their time" PhilipC says, "Busy people, the kind that buy their kids things in lieu of actual affection, does this all the time " dcarson says, "so maybe set up a tip jar with someone other then paypal and continue working on recovering the paypal miney" The housekeeper arrives to cart Rose/Miros off to bed. PhilipC says, "A paypal charitable account would work well" Lunadyne says, "If we can get PayPal fixed I'd rather go that route for the name recognition." PhilipC says, "agreed" PhilipC says, "We have about 15 minutes left" PhilipC says, "Left move on" PhilipC says, "Onto the topic of Jim Keravala." PhilipC says, "Paul, you cited earlier a portion of the bylaws regarding missing meetings" PhilipC says, "But you said that it only applies to board meetings, not management committee meetings" PhilipC says, "It's mainly for that reason that I feel compelled to bring up this topic" Strangelv-4 looks at Scotty, who is hopefulyl more awake and better able to remember the details PhilipC says, "He missed both August and both September meetings and now this first October meeting" Strangelv-4 is about 2-3 hours from time to wake up and has had about 90 minutes of sleep PhilipC says, "That's five meetings" Strangelv-4 says, "We really do need attendance" PhilipC says, "I mentioned before that I would be willing to go from a bi-monthly calendar to a monthly calendar, with a heavier reliance on delegating work to committees" Lunadyne says, "Have you reached out to him, Philip?" bnault says, "maybe he is unaware of his responsibilities - his election is recent after all" Lunadyne says, "I've tried, but our schedules keep conflicting." pjbanyai says, "Management meetings are not mandatory. The only requirement is that a majority of the members be voting or non-voting members of the Board. Only Board meetings are mandatory for Directors to attend." pjbanyai says, "Elected voting Directors to attend." AlanSteinberg says, "I'm very much for monthly meetings, it seems that very little we do couldn't be handled once a month rather than every two weeks." PhilipC says, "I haven't tried contacting him yet. Ken, I figured that you were already doing that" Strangelv-4 says, "Which means we may have written it when we were still thinking in terms of the board and the leadership committee, back when all real decisions were made by the boarld. And then the boarld never had quorum..." PhilipC says, "I think if someone is going through the trouble to run in one of our elections, they must want to be a leader" pjbanyai says, "Some of this is based on Texas state law code." PhilipC says, "Understandably, part of that means taking on responsibilities. the most basic of which is to show up" Strangelv-4 says, "The attendance requirement stuff we created. The source reference was the SLEC, whose automatic drop is a bit less forgiving than ours" PhilipC says, "I think Jim would make a valuable contribution to our activities, especially as we're beginning to mull over teleoperations in lunar simulated environments" Strangelv-4 says, "Then again, it has people driving hundreds of miles or paying airfare to attend a physical meeting that only happens once a quarter." Strangelv-4 says, "I would consider what Pail is desccibing as a bug in opur bylaws, though" Lunadyne says, "My recommendation would be for the Chairman of the BoD to drop Jim a line and see if he has any questions." PhilipC says, "Of course I'll contact him" PhilipC says, "Things never get done when we don't nail down who's accountable for what" Strangelv-4 . o O ( Do we have additional business? ) dcarson says, "a missing leadership member is usually not a problem, quarom isn't hard to reach" dcarson says, "a missing BOD member is harder and we can't just invite someone to replace them" PhilipC says, "I could understand not making quorum because of burnout. I admit that we meet pretty frequently" PhilipC says, "We could extend an invitation back to Jason, but I sense that with him going into law enforcement, he's going to be pretty busy" PhilipC says, "Again, I'd like Jim Keravala to get involved. But it's up to him to do so" PhilipC says, "As for additional business, there are two other optional topics we can discuss. While otherwise anyone who wants to go should feel free to do so" pjbanyai says, "Our bylaws wording on the Management Committee was based on a flawed understanding of a confusing law code which was corrected in 2010. We have unfortunatley not been checking annual updates to the Texas code and updating our bylaws accordingly with minor ammendments. As long a majority of Committee members are members of the Board we can still have other voting members of the MC." PhilipC says, "The first item is to take a poll on keeping the bi-monthly schedule or switching over to a monthly schedule?" dcarson says, "monthly with email reminders of to do items so things don't get forgotten" PhilipC says, "Alan and I favor monthly. Is there anyone else who feels the same?" Strangelv-4 wanders off on the assumption that there will not be any motions PhilipC says, "Before you go James, what do you think?" Strangelv-4 says, "It would certianly make things easier for me, but my thoughts aren't exactly objective at the moment" Lunadyne says, "Ambivalent. It does seem like every time I turn around I have a Wednesday night meeting..." bnault says, "monthly for me also." Strangelv-4 says, "Could someone please note the time of adjoirnment?" PhilipC says, "Sure" Strangelv-4 says, "danke" Strangelv-4 waves at AlanSteinberg, Lunadyne, PhilipC, pjbanyai, dcarson, bnault, and Scottyg. pjbanyai says, "Officially the Leadership Subcommittee advises the Management Committee. We could have a Leadership meeting at the beginning of the month with decisions from these meetings becoming agenda items for the MC meeting later in the month." PhilipC says, "If we go to a monthly schedule, it would make sense for me to send out agenda notices 10 days ahead of time and to try to lock it in the week before" PhilipC says, "The Leadership Council is a standing committee" AlanSteinberg says, "which would also help with the general streamlining of meetings" PhilipC says, "That means a quroum of management committee members would make decisions on behalf of the organization in between meetings, with limited authority" PhilipC says, "We could also delegate more work to existing teams and committees to do things in between meetings, and by not meeting so often, we'll avoid meeting fatigue" PhilipC says, "Would you all like to try it just for one month?" Lunadyne says, "Meaning...next meeting is early November?" PhilipC says, "I only ask that we keep the 3rd Wednesday of the month since I have another organization I attend, whose meetings take place on the 1st Wed of the month, but that finishes at 9 pm " PhilipC says, "So we'd meet again in 2 weeks but afterwards 4 weeks later" Lunadyne says, "I'm game to try it out." dcarson says, "sounds good" PhilipC says, "How does everyone else feel?" AlanSteinberg says, "sure, but can we make sure to not get all the notifications for the meeting we arn't having?" AlanSteinberg says, "it seems that I get 2-5 e-mails about meetings each round" PhilipC says, "Paul, are you the one handling the Google account?" pjbanyai says, "I can adjust the notifications. I am using my limited moonsociety.info google account for notifications." PhilipC says, "Paul, how do you feel about going to a monthly schedule?" bnault says, "really need to go. Got work work to finish and two early meetings tomorrow...sorry..." Lunadyne says, "Ditto." bnault has disconnected. dcarson says, "move we adjourn" PhilipC says, "Remembers that Paul's connection is lagging" PhilipC says, "Any second?" AlanSteinberg says, "second" PhilipC says, "Any objections to adjourning at this time?" PhilipC says, "Hearing none, we are now adjourned" PhilipC says, "The time is 11:12 pm. " PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming!" AlanSteinberg has disconnected. pjbanyai says, "To setup the official moonsociety.org account I need to be able to add google dns info for Google to recognize the domain." -- End log: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 11:12:31 pm ASI Meeting Server time --