-- Start log: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:03:42 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Scottyg has arrived. Scottyg says, "Hi all!" PhilipC says, "Welcome Scotty" Scottyg says, "I have news - Randall has promised to join us tonight." Rose/Miros says, "woot" Scottyg says, "And I think the web-team mail list is working now." MikeD arrives. Scottyg says, "woot?" Rose/Miros says, "cheering" Rose/Miros cheers loudly. Rose/Miros says, "i forge t i can do tha t here" Scottyg says, "Oooook." Rose/Miros says, "just a warning, i had far too many carbs today, so i may make unannounced trips to the bathroom. if i don't answer, wait 2 minutes and poke me" MikeD says, "then there's her quota shortage thanks to all the recordings" Scottyg says, "I have to bail out about 9:45 CDT but I'm good till then." Rose/Miros says, "this is only the 3rd one" PhilipC says, "it looks like most of us are here" PhilipC says, "shall we start?" Rose/Miros says, "dana and james" PhilipC says, "is there any way to get their attention?" Rose/Miros says, "i just paged them" Scottyg says, "They show as inactive for about 1/2 hour." PhilipC says, "yeah i'm reading it too" Rose/Miros says, "ok, they can join in if t hey wake up" PhilipC says, "Ok then, then let's begin." PhilipC says, "I call the Web Committee meeting to order." PhilipC says, "A quick roll call of current members are: " PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chair of Committee" PhilipC hands Rose/Miros a beautiful yellow @}-->----- PhilipC says, "Scotty Gammenthaler" Scottyg says, "Scotty Gammenthaler here." Rose/Miros says, "rose dieteman here" PhilipC says, "Mike Delaney" PhilipC says, "Apologies, Rose Dieteman" MikeD says, "thats me" PhilipC says, "and I think that's everyone who is present." Scottyg says, "Philip, try starting the recorder with "start recorder"" Rose/Miros says, "i started it" Rose/Miros says, "i think" Rose/Miros says, "2audit me" PhilipC says, "Not authorized" Scottyg says, "Oh, ok I guess that was before I got here." PhilipC says, "Continuing..." Rose/Miros says, "hmm, the log esists, but it's not in t he recorder?" PhilipC says, "On October 17, the Mgmt. Committee authorized this committee. Afterwards, we briefly met and announced our agenda for tonight" PhilipC says, "Namely, that we agreed that we would attempt to track down all web assets and discuss them tonight.." PhilipC says, "The agenda thus far is:" Rose/Miros says, "let me stop the recorder and restart" -- End log: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:14:14 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- -- Start log: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:14:38 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "The agenda for this meeting is:" MikeD says, "the recorder was already on when I came in" PhilipC says, "1) Discuss web assets" PhilipC says, "2) Plan the next meeting at which we will discuss all of the most up-to-date substitutes for those assets (whether can afford them or not)" PhilipC says, "Does this sound like a reasonable plan?" Rose/Miros says, "yes" Scottyg says, "Yes, I think so. Can you repeat where the current list is stored?" PhilipC says, "My plan of attack wrt the web transfer is to track down what we have, identify the most up to date substitutes or superior replacements, identify which ones we want to utilize, submit our proposal to the Mgmt. Committee" PhilipC says, "and with their green light develop a strategy for the transfer" PhilipC says, "Does this sound reasonable to you?" Rose/Miros says, "there will also be a lot of grunt work, copy, paste, tidy format, fix links, etc" Scottyg says, "I would add list the resources needed to accomplish the transfer." PhilipC says, "http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/Assets" MikeD says, "has anyone given any thought to doing the paperwork to get free hosting from Dreamhost?" PhilipC says, "let's put that on hold for now. it's definitely on the list" PhilipC says, "ideally we should compare the pros and cons between free vs. paid" Rose/Miros says, "ithought we had to get thebooks audit ed firs t" Rose/Miros says, "the guidestar thing" PhilipC says, "For now, do we have any other list of web assets beyond the link I just provided?" dcarson has arrived. dcarson says, "sorry distracted by company" Rose/Miros says, "won't open for me" dcarson says, "what won't open?" Rose/Miros says, "does that list include the domains currently registered to james gholston?" MikeD says, "probably not a member of leaders team" Rose/Miros says, "Esclignac" Rose/Miros hmms. Rose/Miros says, " http://www.moonsociety.org/private/leaders/Assets" PhilipC says, "A quick reading:" PhilipC says, "Amazon" PhilipC says, "moonsociety info - google apps" PhilipC says, "Cafe press - Apollo Moon Party" PhilipC says, "Causes - Partner Center" PhilipC says, "causes - MoonSociety Cause" PhilipC says, "Causes - Lunarpedia Cause" PhilipC says, "chartingimpact.org" PhilipC says, "guidestar.org" PhilipC says, "linkedin.com" PhilipC says, " myspace.com" PhilipC says, "twitter" PhilipC says, "DREAMHOST ACCTS:" PhilipC says, "mysql.exodictionary.org" PhilipC says, "mysql.lunarpedia.org" PhilipC says, "mysql.marspedia.org" PhilipC says, "mysql.moonsociety.info" PhilipC says, "mysql.scientifiction.org" PhilipC says, "mysql.exoplatz.org" PhilipC says, "ftp.exodictionary.org" Strangelv-1 arrives. PhilipC says, " ftp.lunarpedia.org" PhilipC says, "ftp.marspedia.org" Strangelv-1 says, "Sorry. I forgot all about it" PhilipC says, "ftp.moonsociety.info" PhilipC says, "ftp.scientifiction.org" MikeD says, "those ftp addresses shouldn't exist" PhilipC says, "ftp.exoplatz.org" PhilipC says, "And that's all that's listed in that file" Strangelv-1: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/ Strangelv-1 says, "exoproject.*" Strangelv-1 says, "exofiction.*" Strangelv-1 says, "Standby forl the exact TLDs" Rose/Miros says, "good enough" PhilipC says, "For the record, Dana Carson and James Gholston have arrived." PhilipC says, "Continuing...." Rose/Miros says, "moon.lunarpedia.org, the mockup site" Scottyg says, "So - These are all external assets. s there any migration involved?" Rose/Miros says, "we'd like to transfer some of the domain names away from james" Scottyg says, "Ok, and we also need to tak over the associated costs." Rose/Miros says, "so the trasurer can pay for them directly instead of james paying and dana paying him back" PhilipC says, "Before we get diverted into a discussion on migration.... are there ANY other assets we need to know about?" MikeD says, "and lunarpedia.org needs to be taken over from me" dcarson says, "I have pairnic logins for asi.org, moonsociety and projectleto" Rose/Miros says, "i set up an aol email for the mockup site" Scottyg says, "Yes Mike." dcarson says, "network solutions for lunarsociety.org" dcarson says, "the IRS login for 990 forms" PhilipC says, "Is the membership database stored in any one of these assets? " MikeD says, "best to get it from me while I'm still of sound mind and body (sort of)" Strangelv-1 now has a list of domain names he's been paying for that are society assets. He waits for a good moment to paste the list Rose/Miros says, "tha t's in https://www.moonsociety.org, isn't it?" PhilipC says, "Dana mentioned on Oct. 17 that we have different systems handling different components of the Society" Scottyg says, "There are certain logins associated with our business arrangements. Bank, merchanc account and such. I prefer those not be included on a readily accessible list." PhilipC says, "We can note they exist without going into details" Strangelv-1 says, "Have an entry that they exist and who has access to that infocrmation?" Rose/Miros says, "p.o. box" PhilipC says, "So long as their existence and the controlling authorities are known" Scottyg says, "So we can add Compass Bank and PayPal merchant account. I have those logins." PhilipC says, "good" Strangelv-1's arms are getting tired Strangelv-1: SCIENTIFICTION.INFO 3/9/2013 Strangelv-1: SCIENTIFICTION.ORG 3/9/2013 Strangelv-1: EXODICTIONARY.COM 3/23/2013 Strangelv-1: EXODICTIONARY.INFO 3/24/2013 Strangelv-1: EXODICTIONARY.ORG 3/24/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPLATZ.COM 5/19/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPLATZ.INFO 5/19/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPLATZ.NET 5/19/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPLATZ.ORG 5/19/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOFICTION.BIZ 9/20/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPROJECT.BIZ 9/20/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOFICTION.COM 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOFICTION.INFO 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOFICTION.NET 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOFICTION.ORG 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPROJECT.COM 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPROJECT.INFO 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPROJECT.NET 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1: EXOPROJECT.ORG 9/21/2013 Strangelv-1 says, "The dates on the right are when they need to be renewed by and may change once transferred." Scottyg says, "Philip, I can help list our internal assets when you're ready." PhilipC says, "please proceed" Rose/Miros says, "is there a plan for someone else to gain access to those assets if scotty is sick/injured/etc?" dcarson says, "I have the logins also" Scottyg says, "Ok, we have http://www.moonsociety.org and moonsociety.org. Both hosted on Randall's server." Scottyg says, "We are running both http and https on that server." Rose/Miros says, "well, xisp, under randall's control" Scottyg says, "Randall and to a lesser degree Dana have admin capability. I have a user-level login." Scottyg says, "We also have ftp and other protocols available. No Telnet but have SSH." Scottyg says, "We have full control over content within our domain." Scottyg says, "We have the MOO although it doesn't actually belong to us - its an ASI asset and I would assume it will remain regardless of what we do." Scottyg says, "We have WSD for content management." Scottyg says, "And Team Director contains our membership database and team memberships. By creating Apache basic auth files, it manages access to restricted areas of the web site." Scottyg says, "Help Director provides tools for communication with members but is not much used." Scottyg says, "majordomo is used to manage mail lists." Scottyg says, "Dana, have I left out any important pieces?" Scottyg says, "Philip, to your question about the membership database, it only exists in Team Director in the form of MySql databases." PhilipC says, "Good, that's precisely what I wanted to know. That's the ideal format to store that information." PhilipC says, "Most important is that it's scalable." Scottyg says, "I have scripts available that can access the database directly but I only use that to get information out. All information going in goes through Team Director so it can implement our business rules." Rose/Miros says, "scalable to any reasonable degree. mysql breaks down when you have millions of records" Rose/Miros grins. PhilipC says, "We can hope!" Scottyg says, "We are nowhere near that problem." A crack of thunder announces the arrival of Severy dcarson says, "helo" Severy says, "Sorry, folks, I didn't see the reminder about the meeting until just now :-(" Scottyg says, "Welcome Randall! Long time no see!" PhilipC says, "hello" Rose/Miros says, "hi randall" Severy says, "Hello everyone!" Scottyg says, "For those who may not know Randall, introduce yourselves." PhilipC says, "I am Philip Crume, one of the newest Directors and the Chair of this newly formed Web Committee." PhilipC says, "We're currently listing all Moon Society information assets." Severy says, "Nice to meet you, Philip" Rose/Miros says, "and i'm the webmaster" Rose/Miros says, "on top of the other jobs you know of" Severy says, "I was wondering who got stuck with that duty :-)" Scottyg says, "Philip, can you explain what's afoot in a big picture sense to Randall?" PhilipC says, "Sure." Rose/Miros says, "in a moment of insanity, i volunteered" PhilipC says, "Randall, we're currently discussing a major upgrade of the Moon Society website." PhilipC says, "This would involve the full treatment" PhilipC says, "Converting to Web 2.0" PhilipC says, "Making it more cross-platform friendly" PhilipC says, "And just upgrading as many systems as we can across the board." Strangelv-1 says, "Technically, I believe we're already Web 2.0 and have been since before the term was coined. " Rose/Miros says, "we're already web 2.0, it was just formatted by web 1.0 mentalities" Strangelv-1 says, "Yes" Strangelv-1 says, "The downside of being an earyl mover" PhilipC [to prepare]: for that process, this is really the first step where we're simply taking stock of what we have. PhilipC says, "to prepare for that process, this is really the first step where we're simply taking stock of what we have."" Rose/Miros says, "and we're considering various hosting options, including Cyberteams" Severy says, "Sounds like a good plan" PhilipC says, "the majoirty of this meeting has so far been doing just that" Rose/Miros says, "whsiper "wanna ask about the outage and responsibilit y for?" to scotty" Rose/Miros says, "grr" MikeD says, "lol" Strangelv-1: @autosay off Rose/Miros says, "ok, since my whisper was more of a stage whisper..." Rose/Miros says, "the recent outage... " MikeD says, "no, I wanna sleep, it's 3AM" PhilipC says, "Hopefully once we've done that, the next step in the process is to match up what we have with the latest technologies that offer similar capabilities." Severy chuckles Rose/Miros says, "how much was xisp's fault, and how much was slow restore from back up?" MikeD says, "I want to ask about James and Rose remembering all the things I can't think of while I'm asleep" PhilipC says, "The next step might take some time of course, but it should enable us to get a better picture of the universe of capabilities available to us." Rose/Miros says, "you can read the log" Severy says, "There actually wasn't any restore from a backup, the recovery process involved restoring the operating system and RAID setup" Severy says, "And all of that was done by XISP" Severy says, "The hard drive containing the CyberTeams server was untouched by the outage, it just was inaccessible until the infrastructure was brought back up" Rose/Miros says, "so it was all xisp........." Strangelv-1 says, "With hindsight, what would have been a better solution for us?" MikeD says, "what failed? cpu? board? ram?" PhilipC says, "Once we know the full extent of what our capabilities CAN be, then we will need to review the Mission and Vision Statements to come up with a series of recommendations for the Management Committee." MikeD says, "it would have been nice to have some default bespoke pages to redirect to so people wouldn't think we forgot to renew" PhilipC says, "Whatever decision they make, afterwards we'll start developing a plan of attaack in how to transfer our capabilities to a new system." Severy says, "Here is the official post-mortem explanation from Gary Barnhard:" Severy says, "There was a catastrophic hardware failure of the virtual host server due to what amounts to being an "act of ghod" condition that took down the virtual server (server.cyberteams.com) which hosts the NSS website www.nss.org and the NSS mail server mail.nss.org." Severy says, "The hardware was tested and the root cause of the failure was established (a power cable had a wire that was inadvertently put in tension which broke free from it's molded plastic shell and caused a short on contact with a processor heat sink mount). The failed elements were replaced with emergency spares, and the virtual host server was rebooted in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, the map between the physical world of the Hard Disk/RAID array controller, the physical hard disks, the virtual disks, and the virtual servers was lost due to an additional undiagnosed failed hardware. Once the additional failure was discovered the drive systems had to be recabled, the hard drives relocated, the previously mentioned map recreated manually, and each virtual disk recovered. This recovery process was both tedious and time consuming due in part to the size (1TB to 3 TB) and quantity of the hard disks (13+) involved. The drive recovery process took days." Severy says, "That was the explanation he sent to the NSS board" MikeD says, "Ouch!" MikeD says, "all that hassle over a loose wire" Scottyg says, "Might have been easier to rebuild from backup." Strangelv-1 says, "or even have a static set of sites based on backup?" Strangelv-1 says, "as a plceholder" Scottyg says, "Ok, thanks for that explanation Randall." MikeD says, "would be very worthwhile being able to temporarily host from a single drive copy of the backup" Scottyg says, "Is there anything we could do to help prevent such an extended downtime in the future?" Rose/Miros says, "or at least get a "temporary site outage" screen up?" dcarson says, "secondary DNS and a redirect to a static page would help at least" dcarson says, "all our DNS is/was apparently via xisp machines" Severy says, "Any redundant or high-availability backup setup has additional costs and labor involved, so it's a matter of how much effort to put into avoiding such a rare combination of bad luck" Scottyg says, "Apparently on our server, DNS queries would not resolve." MikeD says, "dns is always a single failure point" Rose/Miros will be right back. Severy says, "At the time of the outage it was believed that everything would be recovered shortly, by the time it was determined to be more involved than believed enough time had been invested that it would have taken away from the recovery effort to try to bring up an alternate setup" MikeD says, "we should be able to do something almost at the flick of a switch" MikeD says, "possibly not the full site, but enough" Rose/Miros says, "so what do we need to be able to "flick a switch" for at least the public accessible areas?" Scottyg says, "It would require another server on "hot standby" and then either redirecting DNS or reassigning IP addresses." Scottyg says, "That would depend somewhat on whether XISP provides the hot standby or not." MikeD says, "an alternative dns basically, and use the dreamhost server for secondary hosting, or vice versa" Rose/Miros says, "what if we set up asubdomain on a domain name hosted elsewhere, and if primary hosting goes down, we can at least get up the equivalent of a custom 404 page" PhilipC says, "Excuse me guys, but if there's nothing else to discuss regarding the agenda. We have just one more item to discuss before we need to adjourn." Scottyg says, "Ok, Philip, go ahead." PhilipC says, "Assuming that we've collected all available assets, the next step is to match up those capabilities with the latest technologies on the market." MikeD says, "why?" PhilipC says, "For example, we're currently using WSD but we know that Drupal is available." Rose/Miros says, "which means a database backed cms system of some flavor" MikeD says, "I mean why the latest?" dcarson says, "next to latest, bleeding edge is calle dthat for a reason" MikeD says, "a bit back from the latest so people older machines and slower connections don't tear their hair out" Rose/Miros says, "so as it ages, it will stay current for some time,before becoming ancient/obsolete" Scottyg says, "Randall, would installing Drupal on your server give any indigestion?" Strangelv-1 says, "Drupal 7 works fairly well and has had time to mature. RLight now bleeding edge would be trying to run something on the development fork (8)" PhilipC says, "By exploring the full range of capabilities offered to us, we should be able to devleop a clearer picture of what we can do, and hopefully we can pair up the larger objectives of what the Moon Society wants to do with what technologies allows us to do." Strangelv-1 says, "Drupal 6 is basicalyl depreciated" Rose/Miros says, "access controll is actually easier on 6" Severy says, "Depends on the traffic volume, one of the disadvantages of dynamic database-driven CMSes like Drupal is the heavy load from all of the ongoing database processing" Scottyg says, "That's why I asked." PhilipC says, "I used Drupal as an example. What other CMS are out there? How do they compare with WSD? " Rose/Miros says, "wsd doesn't use a database, which is its strength and weakness" MikeD says, "most are dynamic and use php" PhilipC says, "It's this type of question that we need to ask ourselves wrt to all of our assets" Severy says, "The most common are WordPress (charitably called a CMS), Drupal, and Joomla" Strangelv-1 says, "...and what would be the terms for running WSD, TamDir, et c. on a different host?" MikeD says, "WSD generates html" Severy says, "All suffer from heavy CPU load and slow response unless you throw a lot of hardware at them" PhilipC says, "I hope this task isn't too broad. " Rose/Miros says, "one of the alans said his wordpress was broken by an update, and he hasn't managed to fix it for months" MikeD says, "Randall, do we have enough traffic for that to be an issue?" Strangelv-1 says, "I remember Ken wanting something by a very short term deadline. If we would be to attend to thatc, that would need to be a separate project as there's absolutely no way we'd get through this long term major effort before the SEDS event" Rose/Miros says, "ken's deadline is next spring" MikeD says, "wordpress sucks, people just keep adding to infinitely long pages of drivel" Severy says, "I did a comparison between WordPress and WSD a while back, but I haven't bothered with Drupal or Joomla. WSD has generally kept pace featurewise with all three, but these days it's mostly a matter of personal preference and what you're used to working with" dcarson says, " wordpress is an unauthenticated remote shell that, as a useful side feature, also contains a blog" Strangelv-1 says, "Okay, nhat's a lot further down the load than I believed he'd said" Rose/Miros says, "ihave the impression that he knows seds is not feasible" PhilipC says, "But guys, we're getting distracted here." Severy says, "I don't imagine that moonsociety.org has enough traffic where load would be a big issue, but you can always hope it becomes a problem :-)" PhilipC says, "Evaluating capabilities is what we should do AFTER we've listed the full universe of capabilities." MikeD says, "in which case we could afford more oomf" Rose/Miros says, "drupal has throttling abilities, so if it becomes an issue, you can restrict certain things" Strangelv-1 says, "Are any of the *Forge CMSs still being maintained?" Scottyg says, "I just wanted to point out possible problems while Randall is available." Severy says, "Rose, WSD actually uses a database for a lot of things, just not for storing static content, which is not really a good place for static content" PhilipC says, "The last question I have is: do you think think this request of asking for what other options are available for handling our assets is unreasonable or unrealistic?" MikeD says, "have you managed to do anything to make WSD more ClarisWorks proof?" Severy says, "In what way, Mike?" Rose/Miros says, "which as i said, is its strength and weakness... people can clobber pages by working on them outside the wsd editor" MikeD says, "Claris used to beak pages by inserting tags" Severy says, "Philip, no question is unreasonable or unrealistic :-)" PhilipC says, "Well! In that case, I COULD use a ticket to the Moon. How about this Friday? " Rose/Miros says, "and/or removing the comments that indicate what is content" MikeD says, "there were a couple of other ones, bit Claris was the worst" Scottyg says, "The possibilities bracket our choices. I think it is perfectly reasonable ti research those before any decision." Severy says, "Oh, that issue, Mike, I suspect that's ancient history by now. The WYSIWYG editors in WSD (which happen to be the same ones used by WordPress, Drupal, etc.) all clean up any invalid tags when editing the content" Severy says, "The question isn't unreasonable or unrealistic, but the ANSWER may definitely be one or both :-)" MikeD says, "that was about my only issue with WSD, it required the user to display a modicum of common sense" Severy says, "If you saw what a WSD user in Colorado tries to do, you would know that common sense is no longer a requirement :-)" MikeD says, "lol" dcarson says, "that narrows your user base a lot" Severy says, "I don't normally speak ill of customers, but the phrase "dumb as a box of rocks" is mentioned from time to time in the office ;-)" PhilipC says, "At this point, I don't care about the details or what problems the options have. We can focus on that later. What I DO care about are what options are available regardless of their utility or economic cost." MikeD says, "be careful, he might be a secret shopper" PhilipC says, "Randall, sometimes you have to ask the client if they turned on the computer...." Scottyg says, "Ok, we're getting to levels of detail that should probably be handled one-on-one. Philip, get back to your agenda." PhilipC says, "Any way." PhilipC says, "As I said, let's accumulate as many options as we can. " PhilipC says, "That should be the ideal topic of the next meeting's agenda." PhilipC says, "The meeting AFTER that is the one in which we can go into details." PhilipC says, "Those details are likely to eat up a substantial portion of our time and we may need to break it up over several meetings." Severy says, "James, you asked about running WSD et al on another server, I don't see any problem with doing that, as long as the server provides the minimum operational requirements for those systems, which are fairly generic." MikeD says, "does it qualify as a persistant process?" Strangelv-1 says, "Actually we were wondering how much you would be charging us for it" Severy says, "There hasn't been a charge and I don't anticipate that there ever would be" Severy says, "No, Mike, all of the CyberTeams products are CGI-based, so they only run when a user asks them to do something, they are not persistent" Scottyg says, "And Philip, that IS an important component of listing our options." MikeD says, "so they probably could be installed on Dreamhost if required" Strangelv-1 says, "Could we get the newest version to install on Dreamhost or similar?" Strangelv-1 says, "or newest stable" Severy says, "Yes, the basic requirements are CGI support, MySQL databases, and PHP support (for WSD addons)" Rose/Miros says, "andwe'vegot the manwith the answers HERE NOW, giving us the info i've been looking for for 6 weeks or so" Scottyg says, "Gentlemen, I need to leave in about 10 minutes. If there's anything I'm needed for, get on with it." Rose/Miros says, "thank you for getting randall here" Severy says, "Sorry, Rose, I know you've been trying to find me, it's been a ridiculously crazy past several months" Strangelv-1 is too asleep to think of what he needs to bug Scotty and Randall about at the same time Rose/Miros has actually lost her original questions for randall, but thinks we've manage to hit the high points Severy says, "70-80 hour work weeks and a one-year-old son don't leave much time for anything anymore" PhilipC says, "Congratulations on your boy" Scottyg says, "No they don't. We reaqlly appreciate you taking time to have this discussion." Severy says, "Thanks, he's a handful but mostly in a good way :-)" MikeD says, "you can _not_ keep doing 70-80 hour work weeks, they will kill you" dcarson says, "and you've had heart surgery once already" Severy says, "I know, that's what my wife keeps telling me, and I keep saying it's only temporary :-(" MikeD says, "heed her" Severy says, "And she says I've been saying that for five years now, and she's right" Rose/Miros says, "yes, we've hit the high points, i found my list" PhilipC says, "Priorities." PhilipC says, "Unfortunately time is a scarce resource." MikeD says, "only for mortals" Scottyg says, "Take time to enjoy your son while you can They grow up amazingly fast." Severy says, "Yes, they sure do, I've been spending as much time as I can with him" MikeD says, "and he'd sooner have you with a little less money than not at all" Rose/Miros says, "we could use magellan's astrolabe,but it apparently makes the user insane and only gives you a one day do-over" PhilipC says, "If there's nothing else with this meeting, I leave with one parting thought...." Rose/Miros says, "congratulations for your efforts at herding cats" MikeD says, "wild cats" PhilipC says, "I think we can probably parse out who has what areas to research later via e-mail." Strangelv-1 puts Magellan's Astrolabe on top of the Necronomicon with the place for summoning Azathoth bookmarked with FEC Form 3X and placed it all in a hyperbolic stasis cube PhilipC says, "With that, I move to adjourn." Scottyg says, "second" PhilipC says, "So moved. We are now adjourned." MikeD says, "don't forget I don't do email" PhilipC says, "I just need someone with the authority to do so to make a copy of the log available to everyone here." -- End log: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:42:25 pm ASI Meeting Server time --